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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 3, 2023 4:10am-4:56am MSK

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they need to start a family, a third grandson was born while i was here, two were leaving, i’ll come now, insha’allah, there will be a third. when leaving for the front, he said nothing to anyone except his wife and children. of course, we are waiting for him to hurry home. this is my father’s office, i’m used to seeing him here every day, but i know that he defends his homeland and without him it’s empty. when he said that he had to leave, i was sad. at first i didn't understand the type. why did he go there, but then i realized. the son of murad kamillovich, together with other children, often collects parcels for the front. here, many fathers also voluntarily went to fight. parcels from children, which they bring along with humanitarian aid, where it is written, come back to the children’s handwriting, you are our hero. this is completely different, i’m here, we’ve seen what brutal men we have here, i haven’t seen anyone who didn’t have tears in their eyes after reading these letters. murat. says:
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he will definitely write a book about our fighters as soon as everything is over, but for now the history teacher continues to teach a lesson on courage, man born in order to protect the homeland and mother, the word homeland and mother, as i always said and tell my students, they are inseparable, mother and homeland, you love your mother, protect, in the same way you need to love your homeland, it also needs to be protected, protect, valentina solovyova, ilya repnin, islan ustarkhanov, ramzan kirimov, grigory emelyanov, first channel orekhovskoe direction. and about our defenders, corporal ivan andreev discovered the saboteurs, destroyed their machine-gun crews, some of the militants, the rest retreated. captain evgeniy volodin distinguished himself not in battle, but the system of patrolling military facilities he organized made it possible to prevent a single case of infiltration by saboteurs. around the event. the quality of roads, the state
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of housing and communal services and medicine are some of the main topics of the direct line with the president. this year it will be held in conjunction with a large press conference, a new format summing up the year with vladimir putin. twice as much time is allocated for collecting calls and messages. you can ask about your concerns by phone, leaving an sms, or on the website, app, or social networks. how to take and systematize all the information, saw anatoly lazarev. hello, to the editorial office of the year-end program with vladimir putin, your call is toll-free operator nikita, please state your last name. every call here starts the same, so each caller has his own story. people from all over the country are asking questions related to housing and communal services, healthcare, social benefits, there are requests from our new regions, mainly they are related to various social benefits, paperwork, and pensions. those problems that
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there are people who have lost their documents or lost their homes and property. the number of calls is growing, the pause between calls is becoming shorter. if the first day of receiving questions to the president yesterday took the russians to build up, then today the pace has increased sharply. today is our second day , appeals flow like a river, we pass through ourselves the history of each person, but this is really necessary, because in this way vladimir vladimirovich will learn the true points that can be... corrected, is there a certain number of signs in which should fit the question? yes, 4,000 characters, all the best, this is enough, sometimes not, but the main thing is the essence, so some things can be shortened. the call center operates around the clock, with operators taking calls in several shifts. it all depends on what question a person is asking about, it can take about 5 minutes, it can take about an hour, the main areas are education, housing and communal services. the topic
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related to svo is also touched upon, our operator is very experienced, they try to ask some leading questions to make it easier for the person formulate your thought. in any case, regardless of how the person formulated his question, we will give him the necessary attention, and we will definitely get to the bottom of the problem, and if necessary, we will make another clarifying call. this year , not 7 days, but 2 weeks were allocated for receiving applications in order to give more people the opportunity to speak out. a lot of people contacted the previous direct line with requests to the president, these requests were fulfilled, this is the best indicator that is happening and why we are all working and trying, this house in the city of dry lock was declared unsafe in 2012, but its resettlement was pushed back and pushed back, in the end it was pushed back already in the twenty-fifth year , there is no heating, no water supply, no sewerage in the house, the residents wrote a complaint during... it was not heard, but it became
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known not only to local officials, because even those issues that do not reach the president directly never go unattended . to our president, the popular front helped us, thank you very much for we have done such a great job, and now we live in such a wonderful apartment, you can ask the president a question by calling the toll-free number 8800-20040-40 or sending an sms to the number 04040, another option is through the form on the website, you can also contact us through social networks, vkontakte or odnoklassniki, you can also ask the president a video question, there is a special form on the website, everything is very simple, just one button. it is better to formulate the text in advance; it asks you to do it in one minute. anatoly lazarev, alexey labushkin, zulfiya khakimova, kiril loginov. first channel. results of the year with vladimir putin december 14, channel one,
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live broadcast, exactly at noon moscow time. the verdict in the case of storming the capitol for a world-famous athlete. in america , he was convicted twice. champion swimmer klitt keller. in january 2021, he was spotted in a crowd of trump supporters who did not agree that biden had won the presidential election. his face was not hidden by a mask, his olympic team jacket was visible, but he behaved calmly. fights did not interact with the police. and still, 3 years probation, one and a half years under house arrest and 360 hours of community service. this is still mild if we remember that the most severe punishment of 22 years in prison was assigned to the person whom they insisted. the lawyers were not in washington at all at the time of the assault. another theme in the states is the legacy of henry kissinger, secretary of state and national security adviser to presidents nixon and ford, died on thursday. mikhail leont with the author's commentary, then we will return with news. however, hello
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goodbye. old friend. this is how the chinese press celebrated henry kissinger at the age of 100, having almost lived to see the collapse of almost everything he had tried to build. henry kissinger is a jewish refugee from nazi germany who managed to fight in the orders and caught the gestapo in american counterintelligence. harvard professor, adviser to the democratic kennedy administration, national security adviser and most influential secretary of state, nixon and ford administrations, nobel peace prize winner for the 1973 paris agreements, a failed attempt to achieve peace in vietnam, the creator of the famous shuttle diplomacy between israel and egypt and syria, which in the same
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year prevented the yom kippur war from escalating into a clash between the ussr and the usa. one of the architects of the détente system of strategic arms limitation, which before his eyes... died, played an outstanding role in the rapprochement of the united states with communist china, which became one of the basic prerequisites for the us victory in the cold war, until the last days, one of the most authoritative influential in the political world consultants. left-wing liberals call kissinger a warmonger and slander him for supporting bloody dictators, from chile and argentina to cambodia, laos, and pakistan. - this is about politics, about the essence of politics , such as it is, they say kisinger was an enemy of russia, the soviet union, an enemy, a friend, such concepts did not exist in kisinger’s world, there were american interests, an understanding of the unattainability and meaninglessness of unipolar hegemony, his
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the world is a game of centers of power, a game between these centers of power, where america must play and win. we must always be enough. strong, in order to withstand any pressure, we must always be ready to defend our vital interests, as they appear to us, we must clearly understand what our vital interests are and not go beyond them, not go beyond them, in this russian picture of the world and even the soviet union was necessary and interesting for kissinger, as were china, europe, and india. i believe that the collapse of the soviet union was not predetermined. i expected the collapse of the soviet bloc, the global soviet system, otherwise i did not consider it predetermined that the country collapsed. kissinger is a consummate pragmatist and cynic, and kisinger is a successful example showing that the alternative to cynicism in politics is, as a rule, not idealism, but hypocrisy, when political
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goals are so base that they are forced to hide behind moralistic demagogy, in our country this is called the policy of double standards . met quite often over the years, given his venerable age. recently , kissinger has been studying the problem of leadership in great detail, writing books about outstanding leaders, and considered one of america's main problems to be an acute shortage of such leadership. without leadership, institutions drift, nations become increasingly irrelevant and ultimately lead to disaster. we have already been through this, perhaps kisinjr was lucky that he disappeared in time. farewell, old man, neither friend nor enemy. however, goodbye. this was
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the author's commentary by mikhail leontyev. we continue. and now the forum is an exhibition in russia. navdh is the achievement and beauty of the entire country and every corner of it. the new year's mood is set from the very first steps by the christmas trees, decorated in traditions of each region, and bright illumination. festival on weekends. every time they are different, today from tatarstan, at the exhibition it is a big day of the republic, svetlana kostina has everything that this generous land is famous for, it is with this song that the acquaintance with tatarstan begins, the sounds of a tatar song about their native language immediately immerse visitors in the world of tatarstan, about the traditions and achievements of our great. at the exhibition russia is told every day, regions show what they live and are proud of, tatarstan centuries-old friendship with religion on
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one land, next to the temple there is a kulsharif mosque, we can see the old believer temple and the catholic church and this will not surprise anyone, that is, for tatarstan, this is natural and normal, it is very important for people to find cooperation, cooperation, to look for more common ground, to communicate, alone of the main guests at the bottom of tatarstan are the newlyweds , twenty-year-old samat and syumbel zeiddinovo from the baltasinsky district of the tatarstan district. 14 of us came, we are from large families, we have five children, there are three of us, let's introduce us, here is dad, my sister, my sister’s husband, my younger brother, my other relatives have arrived, they live in moscow, they came to see our wedding, their large family, which in 2020 was awarded the order of parental glory, today stage, observing all the ancient customs, the dance of the bride and groom, ancient jewelry that the mother gives to her daughter and honey and butter for the newlyweds, so that family life is sweet and turns out like clockwork. this is not a fake wedding, this is an exemplary
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semyasinsky district. the newlyweds will celebrate their wedding in their native village at the end of december, but you could try at least some of the holiday treats today, from honey chakchak to rich shurpa. a total of 4,000 portions were prepared for exhibition guests today. wow, pan. the largest saucepan in the world. we cooked 20 pieces of goose shurpa. very tasty, very tasty, thank you, thank you to tatarstan, thank you, they drink real tatar tea only from a samovar, yes, why does it have oregano with herbs, the smell is gorgeous, there are still dry herbs over there, dry herbs, tatarstan is not only delicious cuisine, but also the most modern technologies and advanced projects ; in february, international fidget games will be held in kazan, where two worlds , virtual and real, will intersect, and in december the new m12 highway will open, this is an epoch-making event when... moscow, kazan , yekaterinburg, tyumen and the route to vladivostok
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will connect our entire huge country, and this route is called russia, this is a large world-class project that was built in , well, at least twice as fast as the planned period, so we are proud that such projects are being implemented federally on the territory of our republic. about 7 hours of failure 3.5 hours. you can travel around russia not only by plane, but by car, see for yourself the ancient bolgar or the island of the city of sviyarsk, there are four unesco heritage sites in tatarstan, you can go on a trip right now at the russian exhibition. every visitor to the exhibition has the opportunity to see kazan with his own eyes. we get on a bike, put on virtual reality glasses, and ride along kaban lake, looking around at the beautiful surroundings. and here you can also feel yourself as a real queen of the kazan khanate and
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try on an ancient costume. advanced technologies for tatarstan lifestyle. the republic is testing unmanned taxis and heavy trucks. very soon, new domestic tu-214 airliners, which are assembled in kazan , will transport passengers. republican clinics were among the first in the country to receive certificates for safe medical care and introduced quality certificates. today at vdnkh the second national health congress ended, where the winners were awarded. competition for doctors with higher non-medical education, the russia exhibition is an opportunity for them to get acquainted with the practice of leading colleagues. many stands present the latest medical technologies, which allows you to recognize them... the latest innovations, because we understand that medicine is the most rapidly developing field of activity, and accordingly we must constantly learn new technologies and this is very wonderful, the russian exhibition is not just a presentation of the country , this is a real chance to go on a trip, today at vdh in the pavilion of the russian ministry of energy congratulated the two millionth visitor, he was morat sabitov from kazan, he was given
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the opportunity to see the most powerful power plant in the country, sayanno-shushinskaya gas. i was graduating from the energy university and this is my topic, i probably just dreamed about it, i just heard a lot about it. marat sabitov came to the exhibition with his wife, to explore their native expanses with the whole family, it has already become a tradition here, the volosatov family from ryazan has many children, the eldest is 17, the youngest is four. today they won a year's supply bashkir honey 50 kg. this is truly fantastic , very unexpected, very pleasant , especially since i am not lying one bit when i say that yes, our whole family loves honey, meeting famous people is an integral part of the program. exhibition, a conversation with roman kostamarov is complex and at the same time inspiring; there is not a single empty seat in the hall; people ask their favorite athlete how to live on when it seems that it is impossible, and how to believe in yourself when you think that everything is lost? i don’t feel the ice as much as i felt it, and little else it works for me, but in any case i understand that from training to training,
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of course, there will be something better, but well, i already like it. the fact that i can feel the slide a little feel the speed, this cold wind in the face, i can still skate even in my difficult situation, i can overcome this barrier if i motivate someone, who is an example for someone, there is some kind of development, don’t give up, go forward, continue to study, in the conditions in which you can do it now, then i i’m very happy about this, bogomolov, alexey uchitel, sergei polunin, another unique opportunity, at the closing of the film knowledge festival, the winning films were announced today, 20 documentaries that tell about the multifaceted russian culture took part in the competition. the program is really very strong, it seems to me that it is very important that the festival develops and that these films are seen by as many people as possible, because this is
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a huge continent, russian documentary cinema, today, which. for many is not yet open, and this continent is rich, diverse, complex, and there are a lot of talented people there, and meanwhile the alleys of the dnh are also turning into the scenery from the film new year's mood and santa claus on an automatic sleigh. i came from sunny tatarstan, my name is kyshbai, i came here to visit you, and today we celebrate my birthday, the birthday of santa claus, the guests of the exhibition receive gifts as a reminder, russia is huge and diverse, which means there are miracles in everyone there is plenty in the region, and there will be enough for everyone. svetlana kostina, vladimir grinevich, vyacheslav manikh, mikhail simakov, ilya zhuravlev and victor overin, channel one. the lawyer of the year award was presented in moscow today. the award is timed to coincide with the professional holiday of industry workers, which is celebrated on december 3.
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vladimir putin sent congratulations to specialists in the field of law. the highest legal award was established by presidential decree 14 years ago. i have never in my life, never in my life regretted that i received a legal specialty while working as the head of the city, it would seem that it was just a chore, but taking into account enough complex legal conflict, which is huge in our state. the number of regulations, any of your movements, any of your decisions must comply with the norms of law, and of course, there is a legal specialty here, it is also not superfluous, i wholeheartedly congratulate the laureates of this prestigious award, representatives of our profession are always and in everything guided by their own feelings
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law, justice, being engaged - in my profession and in politics, in business, in law enforcement, in the social sphere, well, in almost all industries, achieve fair resolution of disputes and conflicts, protect the interests of millions of people. on the occasion of the day of the unknown soldier, the ministry of defense declassified archival documents that helped recreate the history of the feat of soviet pilots. the remains of the mbr-2 amphibious aircraft, also called the sea gull, which in 1941 carried out a special mission, were discovered 82 years later by search engines in the novgorod region. and now the names of the members who were listed as missing, and their further fate, have been established. and at. 82 years old, she's not knew practically nothing about the fate of her father, he disappeared without trace, so holding back tears, inna
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samuilovna takes from the hands of the search engines the last photograph of her father, samuil golberg, taken in the polish camp of captured pilots, a few hours before his death, how he smiles in the eyes of death, he already knew that he is going from there and will not return. samuil golberg was the chief of staff. from there, our planes made their first raids on berlin back in august 1941. the operation of the bombers was provided by mbr-2 amphibious aircraft. it is on them from the island, which found itself deep in the rear of the germans, but heroically defended itself for several months, the personnel were evacuated. samuel golberg was on one of the planes. in february, the car was discovered by searchers of the nakhodka detachment in the novgorod lake dekhina. we are one of... after our report, the son of lieutenant anatoly murashov was found, who was flying with golberg, that day he described in his
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memoirs a flight was scheduled for the fifteenth aviation squadron, to a new airfield already, this is new ladoga near leningrad, all the way over the territory occupied by the germans, after the plane was shot down, it splashed down on the lake, taken out from sarema on board. secret documents of the squadron, i saw how goberg tied all the documents to one of the pistols and threw them into the water, then the shootout of anatoly murashov’s caburu, which was on him that day, the family keeps as a relic, anatoly covered samuil golberg and four other comrades, the forces were not equal, then i heard golberg’s command not to shoot, but the firefight was still going on, at that time i believed gobert was dead. three, including murashov, were taken prisoner. he managed to escape the third time. he ended the war in a partisan detachment and returned from the front with numerous awards. then senior lieutenant
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reppin, the chief of staff of the fifteenth squadron, and senior lieutenant novoselov, the pilot of the aircraft, managed to escape from the encirclement ; he advanced through the occupied territory towards ours at night. and the family of samuil golberg did not believe in his death until the very end, they prayed and searched. when i was a little girl, i walked down the street. i peer into people’s faces to meet my dad, can you imagine, and i didn’t find anything. samuil golberg fell in love with inna samuilovna’s mother at first sight , they got married a few days later, in a letter that was destined to be the last, great love and fortitude, he knew exactly for whom and what he was fighting the enemy. i would like to quickly put an end to the boastful but cowardly german warriors, i kiss everyone warmly. through german archives. samuel golberg ended up in the stalaklu-2 concentration camp in the polish city of lodz. more than a thousand tortured and the executed soviet pilots still
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rest in the local doly cemetery. before the execution of samuel, they were not too lazy to write a profile. captain golberg in general represents the type of smart, balanced intellectual. i didn't live my life in vain. i have lived to see this moment. yes, my father returned to me, as the search engines say, another sea gull was flying along with golberg’s plane, so the pilots nicknamed the plane amphibian mbr-2 for its silver color, it was raised back in the late nineties not far from lake dekhina, the fate of the crew members, thanks to the opening of german archives, will also be established. valery kuznetsov, ksenia ugarova, lyubov filippova, roman serebrennikov, denis torobchinov, channel one. unprecedented. in the philippines, in less than 2 hours, there were 22 earthquakes at once, the most powerful with a magnitude of up to 7.7. residents of the south coast are advised to evacuate immediately. seismologists
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have warned of a tsunami threat in the coming hours. similar warnings have been issued in indonesia, malaysia, as well as in japan, where the waves will reach according to calculations in the next nights. new heavy snowfall is coming to moscow from europe. according to weather forecasters, it may fall up to the third monthly norm, plus what has already settled down, this has not happened in the region for more than 70 years, this is what it did, a cyclone that left the capital to the east, many kilometers of traffic jams on the m5 ural highway, this is footage from chelyabinsk region and bashkiria, rescuers have set up heating points for truckers, passengers, buses, local drivers who did not manage to get home, and near samara the roads are like a skating rink, in the syzra area the traffic of large vehicles is not closed cargo, also done in the ulyanovsk region, returning to moscow, after the snowfall the frosts will begin to get stronger to -200 at night. today marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great
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maria callos. and this opera singer became a legend during her lifetime, and her magical voice is still admired by millions of fans. kostadyva, kostadi.
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hello dear friends. before us is satya casanova, but this is not what you thought, dear friends, you know the wonderful group fabrika, led by igor matvienko, this is a melodist, you know what fame looks like, success, but you don’t know what sati casanova’s inner world looks like today, so today there will be an amazing musical, i ’ll tell you, a surprise picture, but it will also be amazing, dramatic. collision, you have never seen such a casanova, welcome to the amazing inner world, and i will sit there, so as not to disturb anyone in the corner, and quietly listen with you.
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yes, it’s interesting what the million-strong army of our tv viewers are thinking now, satik shows us that comrade, let’s be ready for unexpected turns. what there was a plan when you assembled this fantastic cast. the composition is fantastic,
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the project is called sati ethnika. it all started with this guy eldar geridari, then we searched, we had an acoustic sound, i remember the first concert was in a lutheran cathedral. ivayla blagoev, lord , you have some kind of international, good come , bros, well, these two, so you understand, have disputes, so i settle them all the time, these disputes, both are in love with you and, as always , unrequitedly, not in this is the case, if not this, one one for the acoustic sound. i don't know this is the fruit of our intelligence , well, you have a clarinet, and sergei, sergei
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is brilliant, you know, when sergei plays, i understand that a musician without a high, sharp intellect cannot be truly talented, and of course, no one ever won’t say anything good about the drummer when the main thing he gets is the girls’ kisses , these text messages are all for the guitarist and the poor plowman is of course the drummer, he’s the first one and uses more muscle than the others, well, pasha lance is actually the plowman pasha, so you say kiss the girl, pasha twice became a father recently, so it’s quiet, quiet but powerful, it’s very cool, listen, but you just sang a song in the circassian language. circassian, kabardian, this is one language group, in particular, it’s in the kabardian language, there was an old song guasha mafa, you see, after all , you’re not i might not have sung what i heard since childhood, after all, you see it, it showed up,
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factory girls, what kind of things happen, well , you know, today we rehearsed at the matvienka base before coming here, because we haven’t gathered for a long time, exactly and you kindly, we stayed with igor, yes, of course, and we were at the rehearsal base, it was igor matvienko, i think, it’s necessary, like igor matvienko, he became the beginning of my ethnic path, in fact, the songs, factory girls, there one way or another otherwise, there is this ethno-folk motif, and igor always told me that if you’re going to sing, if you ’re going out alone, then it’s in an ethnic style, which means, please tell me, you’ll be there now... it’s indian, right? yes, tell us about it? perhaps this path found me, not that i was looking for it, one beautiful morning i woke up, i think i have everything, but i have nothing, emptiness, as jean-paul sarter said, a hole in my chest
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the size of god and everyone plugs it up as best they can. for some reason i knew that i needed a mentor, a direct spiritual mentor, who would give me answers to certain questions, and you know, existential questions, who am i, suddenly i meet... a mentor and come over and over again to ashrams, and i i listen to this music endlessly, and the ashram is not somewhere in india, but interestingly, it’s in germany, and i’ve heard enough mantras, bajens, kirtons, and all sorts of things, it’s all praising god in sanskrit or different dialects, hindi, gujarati and so on, that i just absorbed it, first i started singing for myself, i wasn’t even going to take it out to the public. then small yoga clubs, i didn’t need fame or anything, then, when, when this guy got me, just got me, he says, come on, come on, please, and i remember there was the first concert, there were already about 100 people there , already
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some kind of success, we must, dear friends, say that in orthodoxy, well, in general in christianity there is the concept of ecumenism, it began with the fact that people would like to unite different directions of christianity, because we, for example, are orthodox, but there are catholics, and there are protestants, so it would be possible to unite, but today the word ecumenism, we are already calling it a movement to unite everything, and it seems to me that what satik and his colleagues are doing now is musical ecumenism, there is no god but god, please, just don’t be immediately indignant, what kind of paganism, let’s better listen to what they are playing ? let's think about how much there is paganism here, but how much service to the high is there?
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kaliki, jagadambiki
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, yes, well, maybe no one knows, if the south , i’m afraid this is the very era where we live now, and the devil takes us with the help of money, you see, he also tried to take our satya with the help money, but he didn’t take it, well, he took it, then tell me about this diagnostician, well, well, well, how can i say it, it’s not like i just refused the money, you see, i’m all dressed up in
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jewelry, a beautiful dress, and so on, then everything, you know, bhavat gita, i’m sure you’ve read this wonderful scripture, it says that well, you don’t need to give up, but you need not to get attached, not to become a slave to what you have, this is how you understood it, not immediately and not yet completely, this is the way, i think. well done, we never tire of surprising you, dear friends, as part of the anthropology podcast , for example, can you imagine that this is your old, kind, beloved, friend sati casanova in such a new form, tell me, this is complex music, who arranges it for you ? oh, this, this is such a vinaigrette, in a wonderful sense, it all started with eldar, of course, then
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also, in my opinion, ival was not with us when eldar was first on the guitar, because he was fond of flommet. then on the hanga and in general we heard this mantra in asharam, this mantra, this is bajjan, rather, not even a mantra, because bajjan differs from a mantra in that a mantra is one phrase, constantly repeated, one, but here, uh, let's say, compilations of them, and maybe in different languages, so we heard in ashrami, we fell in love, and sort of tried it, then, when ivaylo came to us, this arrangement, this one rock element, that's all. by the way, you have meseva, it’s not anything, let’s take a premo girl, she ’ll sit down at this mandra like this and come on, but she’s more static, and you have constant changes in mood, yes, yes, yes, very interesting, okay, now what we are going to hear is also
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dedicated to the female aspect of the divine, kali, if anyone doesn’t know, this is a rather fierce form of the divine mother of the hindu pantheon. this is the same durga, the same parvati, but in such a very menacing and ferocious mood, and now the mantra of a very gentle mood, come on, let's go,
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mata, oh mata, mata, mata, mata.


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