tv PODKAST 1TV December 3, 2023 5:30am-6:01am MSK
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it was the state that should have given this impetus and should have launched these gigantic transformations, you are absolutely right that the abolition of serfdom is only the first, huge, but the first step, then it was necessary to reform the entire edifice of the russian empire, which happens during the great reforms , the extraordinary adventures of experts in the winter series of games, tomorrow, after the program time, then speak badly at a party? and sing? but you can sing, a song about why all russians go on vacation to svetlodors, there is nowhere to go, it’s lithuania, guys, the vocal kivin music festival, next saturday, on the first. unfortunately, the singer, shota iowa
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to me, will not perform, she is not in good health, this is a historical podcast of russia the west is on the swing of history, today we are dealing with serfdom with the process of its abolition, i just thought of something, there is such a parallel with peter the great, because that peter’s reforms were a forced matter, he created armies, and this led to other reforms, the reforms of alexander ii were also forced, and one thing also leads to another, because well, the building, so to speak, without piles, it cannot collapse, only from this side it can be loaded or unloaded, and at the same time, an interesting point is that, well, in any case, here i am, if peter’s reforms, i perceive as some kind of greatness, a matter... great, and the reforms of alexander ii
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, although in scale, so to speak , are quite comparable, and the reforms of alexander ii, i somehow look at them, well, how can i say, with regret that they were partial, although the reforms of peter the great were also partial, i i think the difference is that peter the great. firstly, the reforms began, they were of course forced for the country, but it was peter’s desire, alexey mikhailovich could also have started these reforms, either fyodor alekseevich, or fyodor alekseevich, but peter started, he wanted it, alexander ii, as you said, didn’t want to, finally, peter was catching up with the west, alexander ii fled from the revolution. there
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is a huge difference between catching up and running, i would still say that he fled rather from a possible external defeat, since during the crimean war the english admiralty was already making plans for the dismemberment of russia, and there was also a story that the british wanted to move the fighting after crimea further into russian territory, the french said no, you know, we already went deep once in 12, so it’s without us, and the british don’t fight without an ally on the continent, so here... it didn’t work out, there’s an interesting point that the people who abolished serfdom were people who were formed in the nicholas era, including in these very secret committees who looked at all this, who did not occupy the highest posts, but just when the old nikolaev public was demolished by the very first resignations of alexander ii, it was no longer possible to work with these people, they were removed, another generation appeared, an interesting episode, one of the leaders of the editorial commissions. who
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developed the project for the abolition of serfdom was yakov rostovtsev, a man who betrayed the decembrists to nicholas i, but who, apparently, was tormented by his conscience all his life, and who was considered a conservative, and when he took up his post, he began to conduct business in time for more radical abolition of reforms, and also some historians believe that his relatively early death, he did not live to see the abolition of serfdom, led to the fact that they were abolished in a more conservative way than, for example, milyutin and than, accordingly, yakov rostovki, assumed, then this is his way of atoning for his guilt. for betrayal by realizing what the decembrists wanted to do. well, this is an interesting question, these reforms, this is the influence of the west, if we are talking about the west, or is this an example of the west, i found it here, the opinion of one analyst from the nineties, there was such a comrade, and he wrote the following: if you don’t go too deep into history and don’t bother the shadow of peter the great, what are you and me... the beginning
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of our westernization is associated with the reforms of alexander ii, well, this is some kind of very radical point of view, because well, in the nineties, serfdom was abolished, but let’s remember these conditions, the conditions caused massive discontent among the christians, and when they announced a decree on getting rid of serfdom, an imperial decree, the troops in the russian empire were put on alert because they expected riots and chaos followed, for the christians. for us, this is like freedom without air, the russian peasant does not think of this, but the peasant received the land for a ransom, and the ransom was determined, here is a very interesting scheme, not according to the market value of the land, but according to the amount of the quitrent that the peasant paid to the landowner before abolition serfdom, the quitrent had to be
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capitalized based on 6% per annum, that is , one quitrent, you can draw a formula like this, yes, the annual quitrent is 6% of redemption, respectively, if the quitrent was , for example, 10 rubles, then the peasant must pay 166 rubles 67 kopecks. christiane didn't have that kind of money anymore. therefore, the ransom that the peasants had to pay was paid for them by the state. the peasant contributed only 20%. the rest was paid for by the state, and to the state, now many viewers will probably remember about the mortgage, right? for 49 years, the peasants had to pay, well, from generation to generation, the state at a percentage, again the same, to pay. and if they even have... there was no, they remained temporarily obliged, only after the liquidation of the temporarily obliged state in 1881, they finally became free, if the peasant had a desire to immediately free himself, he could take a couple
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of acres, leave the rest of the land to the landowner, then, as he called it, he received this chicken plot is free, many peasants did this, why, because they believed that this was not a real, royal will, and then there will be a real royal will, they will give all the land, so now agree to a ransom there is no need for an operation, and that’s not all , the peasants in the yard were not given land, almost how many there were, there were 5-6% of them, remember, firsa, in the cherry orchard, who said that there was thunder and lightning flashing before a big disaster, before what, the interlocutor asks him, firs answers, before the will, for him the will is a problem, why, because he is a servant, the landowner simply throws the peasants into the street. they had to beg, and the best part of the land, one last detail, sections in the provinces, especially black earth ones determined the maximum land that the peasants could receive, this maximum is less than the land that the peasants had previously cultivated, and the fact that the excess was cut off from 20
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to 25% of the peasant lands, of course, they were unhappy with the christening, i, uh, found it here, i want just - read something, this is from a letter addressed to alexander, prince boratynsky, this is 1871, and he wrote that the last word of reform will be said when the complete liberation of the russian people reaches the individual, encourage the private property of the peasants, and you strangle the birth of communism, strengthen family morality, and lead the country along the path of progress. there are no stronger guarantees for legal advancement as property and personal freedom, so alexander saw this letter and responded through count shuvalov, he writes to the prince: i am happy that i can from now on predict the serious
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future of the great, useful idea for the exercise of the second slavery, perhaps worse than serfdom, communal use of land. i have no doubt that it is significant. the majority will express your views, then the case will be won in spite of all the st. petersburg reds, who in this case will inevitably give a big battle, since all their future hopes will perish with the destruction of this social and socialist ulcer, it is interesting that already at this time we are talking about the reds, about socialist ideas, communal communism exists, that is, the authorities understood, but , but did nothing, but did not do what they decided to do, they only preserved the community, on the contrary , including why it is easier to collect fiscal interests, taxes from the community, and before the community
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only stalypin will reach, in the sense of attempting to cancel it, when from my point of view it will be largely too late, and according to the analysis of a number of western specialists they just wrote that, in general, everything is going well, and through several. in a sense, he won the battle, he lost the war, but he lost the war to the god chronus. today we are dealing with the issue of the abolition of serfdom, this is a historical podcast, russia-west on the swing of history. is that serfdom was abolished, but a whole series, as was customary to say, and
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indeed, this is a completely appropriate term, the remnants of serfdom were preserved, they were like such weights on the legs, strengthened the stratification in russian society, the problem was that they really, well, looked at all these issues completely differently, so to speak, even the most advanced, as they say now, personalities, i found here, there was such a moment, the magazine “landowner”, defended the interests of the nobility, insisted that everything should be left as it is. the economic index magazine recommended to the authorities follow western experience, that is, stood on the side of personal land ownership; influential contemporary magazines and russian conversation advocated communal land ownership. but for completely different reasons, a contemporary saw in the russian community something like a western
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commune, which would perhaps allow russia to jump into socialism, bypassing the phase of wild capitalism, slavophiles from russian conversation saw in the community a kind of sacred umbilical cord that connects the russian people with its ancient slavic past, therefore, to satisfy all of this... you can turn to economics , look at the results, indeed, at first there will be some decline associated with the restructuring of economic life, but subsequently russia is picking up the pace of economic growth thanks to the abolition of serfdom, having adopted capitalist realities , free labor appears, by the way, it is important to add here that very cheap workers hands, the russian worker received the least in europe, but thanks to this, thanks to these reforms, thanks to the subsequent financial and economic... which formalized development of capitalism, russia at the end of the 19th century came to third place in the world
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in terms of economic growth, second only to the usa and germany, and sometimes even going head to head with germany, nevertheless, the mine existed, lenin wrote in his time, yes it is possible refer to the authority of vladimir ilyevich, that 1861 gave birth to 905, that he meant that they demand christie in 905, the abolition of sections, landowners, because the peasant continued to believe that no one’s land, god’s land, and god ’s means christian, the earth must belong only to the one who works on it, that's what these very annoying things of the peasants remained, these segments, these redemption payments, canceled only as a result of the first russian revolution, until this moment the peasants continued to pay and overpay, by the way, for higher market value of land, all this led to the radicalization of russian peasantry, and led to the radicalization of peasant youth, but russia then at the end of the 11th, beginning of the 20th century... demographic fact, it is a very young country, average, average russian - who is this? this is a young peasant,
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17-19 years old, who understands that in the current situation, in general, he has no special prospects for life. after the abolition of serfdom, such a thing began, well, i already said that alexander ii began to flee from the revolution, radical forces in russia began to flee to the revolution. such a race for survival began to a large extent, because after the abolition of serfdom in connection with the discontent that you are talking about, populists, they were waiting for, so to speak, a peasant socialist revolution, that now, on the wave of discontent, the peasants will begin to speak out, the peasants, despite all their discontent, were nevertheless not ready to overthrow the father of the tsar at that moment, faith in the good tsar did not go away, did not go away, so they called him one of those,
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an idea arose, this, these firewood, which themselves did not want to flare up, to be set on fire with the help of terror, in fact, from there, from those times, the story begins about attempts to shake things up using the most radical methods. i don’t quite agree here, because after all, the reaction of terror appeared as a reaction to the very brutal suppression of going to the people, the process of 1993, yes, when there were some people there who were acquitted as a result. simultaneous, as a matter of fact, this , to a large extent , was in the nature of some kind of revenge, of course, and this too, the end of the reformer is known to us, as a result, grenevitsky’s bomb, yes, several attempts, unsuccessful, and then, yes, successful attempt, this period, or something, i
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would put an end here, because further begins, the outright frosts of alexander ii, this is a separate song, to a large extent, this is a continuation and a separate song, and the unsuccessful reign of the last russian emperor. pobedonostsev extended his owl 's wings over russia after the year 1981, so we understand that without the abolition of serfdom , russia simply might not have existed. because the corresponding plans, as we have already said, there were plans for division and the lag was becoming disastrous, but what next is the agrarian question, the main question of russia, because the bulk of the population is a village , it is a peasantry, they tried not to touch it, they tried to freeze it in every possible way, this played a role, of course, we have already talked about this, but it is very important to emphasize again, it subsequently played a disastrous
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role, because this main question remains in the first russian revolution. and even in the seventeenth year, too, that is, it lasts until the seventeenth year, this is a problem with the agrarian question, of course, of course, i think that the topic of serfdom, it lasts until, as you said, it lasts until the seventeenth year, it to a huge extent predetermined the entire future path of russia and played its role. negative in general completely before the abolition and negative due to half-measures, half-liberation , which contributed to the radicalization , so to speak, in principle of russian society, which, first of all, as you correctly noted, consisted of peasants, so yes,
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this is a very important point and yes, if if russia had not abolished serfdom, it had a chance to collapse altogether. but these half-measures ultimately largely detonated in 1917. this historical podcast russia and the west on the swing of history. today we tried to deal with the issue of the abolition of serfdom . pyotr romanov was with you. and sergei solovyov, study history with us. all episodes of the historical podcast of russia west on the swing of history can be viewed on the website of the first channel
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hello, i'm a pilot. cosmonaut anton shkaplerov is a space stories podcast. on november 15, 1988, the orbital soviet spacecraft buran was launched. launches from baikanur on energia launch vehicles. flight lasted 205 minutes and was fully automatic. this was a real triumph of soviet cosmonautics. today my guest is a test pilot, cosmonaut, hero of russia. valery ivanovichokev. valery ivanovich, hello, hello, let's first tell our tv viewers what this project was and why it was created in general? of course, this project was not only a scientific or technological program, one of the main tasks, it was
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a response to our potential opponents at that time, a response to star wars, to this time, the united states of america, a shuttle, a ship, yes, the united states of america had already successfully, for several years , operated a space program, which was called the space shuttle, and when they reported, in fact, to dmitry fodorovich ustinov, who was the minister of defense , this is a decision to create a similar project, although we had the groundwork in the soviet union, they were the groundwork for spaceships that were used for aircraft. in the mikayan design bureau, and then, from this
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spiral others already grew, there, well, in particular, this is the same shuttle, only reduced, the shuttle actually launches from a ground table, and the launch is vertical, and the spiral is an aircraft -type aircraft, an aircraft-type spacecraft... but which launches with a suspended tank from a carrier, just like the spiral, it was a carrier , in fact , there was only a supersonic carrier, and mriya was a subsonic one, which was created in the soviet union, well, on the eve of the collapse, several flight samples were flying, why was mriya specially created, yes , absolutely, the largest ever created aircraft in the world, yes, it was created as a carrier for this space system. air launch , which was also developed, well, at a later stage than buran, in fact, buran began to work, and then they came to the conclusion that it is necessary and
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there are such technical capabilities, and there are people who, in general, are ready to implement this, and the soviet union had the technical capabilities, the flight of buran itself in automatic mode, although i am not a supporter of this flight, but this is my personal opinion, it’s just that there is a return flow there, but the risk is completely unjustified, what a person can do more successfully than an automatic machine must be trusted by a person, i think that many will agree with this, i even read the testers, and the cosmonauts who participated in this program, they even wrote a special letter so that they developed a manual landing system, that is, at the beginning it was really only created to fly automatically, but we understand that sooner or later the technology... fails, i don’t even know it, duplicate it 100 times, this is technology, this hardware, computers make mistakes, and there was a manual mode, there should have been, and you know anton, you and i, we docked in manual
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mode and we know that a person who is quite easily trained can cope with the flight, and with the docking, and with the landing of the plane, as they say, this is history proved that , well, this integral, yes, we still take it in our heads much... more reliably than this machine calculates it, well, let’s say, those same americans, there on the deck when they fly, they sit there as a reserve, if the pilot will be completely lost, that is, his psychophysiological state will be this is what it means, then it turns on the machine in automatic mode, sits on the deck, but in real life it is never used, that is, it is a backup option, well , in principle, this should be the case here, and we know from the specialshat program, all the main landings were all done manually, no, they didn’t have them from the first flight, what was the triumph? was, that it was precisely without a crew
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that he sat down himself, i ’m expressing my opinion now, but i can probably afford it now, then we wouldn’t be doing this now they would have boasted, at that time, i think it was a big breakthrough, at that time, yes, when in the soviet union we had one large electronic computer there, what was it, the sixth or something, here it is. with titanic efforts, they fit into this there several tons instead of the payload of this huge device with the capabilities that this large electronic computer included, but of domestic production, it solved this problem, yes, but why invent a bicycle, one asks, and even take such a risk, when a person decides this the task is much... it’s easier to help a person , to help an operator, yes, that’s right, well, we’re having a discussion now, well, yes , the union is now connected in a machine, you and i were just getting involved when the machine failed,
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yes, but it happens, right, well, i also agree that it should be, well, it’s better to let it be done by an automatic machine, robots, it’s easier, but now look, in 2013 , the aviation association in the united states of america , which we looked up to for a long time. they even issued a federal law in 1913, obliging airlines to test the crews of commercial ships, which can land automatically and land reliably, and fly in manual mode, because when they unlearn, when they get used to the fact that the mentality changes, this is one, the responsibility goes away, this is two, and the third, well the person relaxes, well, the machine works and works for himself. here a stressful situation comes when this automatic system fails, usually at the wrong moment, then it ends, by the way, it’s very bad for us.
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what was the difference between buran spey the shuttle, and of course, what buran was better at, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, just like we say that this is the kind of spacesuit there, i apologize, we have - a diagram of yes, uh, exactly two ships, the shuttle and burana, we see, but the dimensions are the same , like twin brothers, yes, yes, that is, anyone can see it, here... look, in terms of weight and linear dimensions they are almost the same, our 105, american 100, output system, again same, the main engines the main engines on the shuttle are located carrier, on the one hand, this makes the structure heavier, complicates the design, but on the other hand this is not lost, the americans have two solid-fuel accelerators, eh
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. they come back, well, naturally , because they don’t get lost, because they come back on the shuttle, that is, they are reusable, that is, the shuttle was intended, each copy for 100 flights, and we know that there were only five of them in operation, in total they planned a resource of 100 flights for each shuttle, which means this is a plus, because the engines as a complex system remain for... ship, the sides are returned, these are solid fuel ones, not so expensive and are returned, the outboard tank is completely lost, with its heat-protective coating, which played a cruel joke, in fact, in the event of a catastrophe, and thus the tasks that are performed by both ships are identical, only a 30 ton system can be launched in the cargo compartment,
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a 30 ton buran system, but from orbit due to the fact that our buran ship does not have main engines, and well, more volume and less weight can accommodate 20 tons, on the american ship return, these are official data, 15 tons, that is, here we win, what else do we have, what, what other advantages, this system is designed only for launching this space. and no other, other payload, you can launch, you can’t launch, this is a system, a system with an external tank, with sidewalls, it is specifically only for launching into orbit this space shuttle, this payload of a hundred, well, that is, completely excretion system, yes, it’s a system, in combination it’s 200, here in combination it’s 2,000, what called, but another payload
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, say another ship or a huge satellite, we could only launch in the cargo compartment, it is certainly not small, it is 18 m and 6 m in diameter, the cargo compartment is large enough, but nothing else, the ability to hear and being heard is equally important for everyone. vladimir putin will answer questions from citizens and journalists live; you can ask your question now by calling 8 800 200 4040 via sms to 04040 or through the websites moskvadefisputinu.r and moskvadefisputinu.rf. all details on
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websites. we will try to make sure that no question goes unnoticed. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, at the beginning of the issue we will briefly talk about the main topics: thousands of requests on the most exciting topics for russians, everyone is important, we continue to accept questions on the results of the year with vladimir putin, operators work around the clock. our fighters are attacking the earth from the air using the carnet missile system,
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