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tv   Pravdivaya istoriya  1TV  December 3, 2023 3:00pm-5:03pm MSK

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german newspaper, i have a clipping where, uh, tamara baratus, it is written, and a photograph of this, this rotation, but who remembers who pays attention to the figure skater taking twentieth place, no one, but the coach, this denis bielman, he saw then this element, and when denis grew up she became - she was also very flexible, because her mother was a gymnast, he said, i remember one russian girl who did such a bend, come on. so, as she began to do, she became the first champion, well, of course, the champion everyone in europe paid attention, and that’s how this element came to be called bielmann, i have no regrets, because what
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elements we came up with, and let it be the property of the whole world, thank you for this element in any case, i think that every the single skater is now ready to thank you for this, we have restored justice, historical, historical, which was more difficult, skating yourself or being a coach, these are completely different things, absolutely, these are two different, two different actions, when you... skate yourself, then you collect from everyone sources, everything that helps you skate, and when you become a coach, you need to go down and find out how the athlete standing in front of you, with all his pros, cons, talents,
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shortcomings, some circumstances that help or hinder , to make a high-level athlete when you, and you are a coach , you are a leader, but you need to stand so low or so high to see what you need to do, somewhere to smile, somewhere to grin, somewhere, well, not to shout and work, work, work for this to make a person great, and to step back to see everything that he does, what is good, what is bad, what is needed to elevate this person and develop him, these are completely different specialties.
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i usually advertise here in our program all my knowledge in pair skating, so let’s try to have me name all your olympic champions, yes, this is valova vasiliev, 1984, yes, then artur dmitriev with artur dmitriev with natalya mishkutenok, artur dmitriev with oksana kozakova, berezhnaya sikharuliza, but that’s it that's all, probably, and a bronze medalist. only a team tournament, but i also had , i think this is also an achievement, when at the olympic games, and in 1992 in albertville, mishkutenok dmitriev won gold and bechka petrov won silver, i mean, i’m bragging now, of course, but uh because it was an achievement. it was with
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kazakov and dmitriev and then, yes , the next one, cossacks dmitriev and uh, and kazakov dmitriev and berezhnaya sihuliza in 1992, these are practically the two strongest couples in the world, and the olympic games, if i look from the outside, i think so, these are the results, this is the first second, the strongest in the world at the olympics in two, and when... i think to myself, it was i who trained these, well, it was an ordinary job, we were going towards this, we planned it and thought, this couple with such programs, and this one with these elements can win, this couple with these elements can you, and this couple with such, this one lacks conditional endurance, and this one lacks composure, here’s how to do it, prepare these in this way, and prepare these in this way, on
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the same ice, in the same city or on the same, they participated, then there were competitions, they were practically at the same ones, here’s how to do this, at the same time... so that it was friendly, so that it was convenient, it’s interesting for me to work and for them to work, and also to beat the whole world, athletes , they each also have a feeling, feelings positive, negative, somewhere they are, uh, and they should still be friends with each other as a couple, the couple is a partner with a partner, that is, there is a lot of... psychological work, and when you ’re doing this, preparing athletes for competitions, you don’t think about it anymore, it’s significant, it doesn’t matter, you do the usual work in all directions, with each pair separately, but all the time thinking,
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how can this pair win against this pair, against my pair, which i train, but what about this pair? can win against this pair, and this is in terms of music, in terms of elements, in terms of programs , in terms of behavior, in terms of costumes, in terms of warm-ups before competitions, in terms of rest, in terms of new elements, that is, in your head, in your head, there is two things, two: goals concerning different people, a coach needs to be able to do this get distracted when you are preparing this pair, think only about how to make it strong, that
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pair is not there, jumped to another pair, you think, how to make this pair so that it wins over those, over that pair, over those who say, this is a game of the mind, the most interesting thing, honestly, is that each couple goes from zero to pedistalt, to a medal, and after that they go into other areas, and the coach goes where, down, work begins again with new students, what programs, what elements, how to do it better, how to do it faster, how to bring it to... became, they are at their best, performance indicators , tours, fame, television, and the coach , where, down again, again, well, not quite from scratch,
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but a new ascent begins again, sometimes you get bored, you think, well, as long as you can, you seem to be already at was high, but when... you don’t have students, then the coach is just a coach, and if you have good students, then you are the coach of good students, so unfortunately, we are nothing without students, this is your philosopher’s stone, the secret of your such longevity, and very successful longevity, i love it when i somehow have several several options, what is one stone? and this and that, if it doesn’t work out, you have to do it, if you go this way, that is, you have a choice , you always have to look, look for different ways, because there is no one way up, it’s always, even if you’re preparing, students,
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they still take different paths, based on the circumstances, their characters, their preparedness, capabilities. different situations develop, so all this is necessary with each generation from generation to generation has the generation somehow changed the psychology and motivation of athletes? generally speaking, no, athletes, they want to be better, they want, they strive to learn how to do something better than others, to be ahead, to improve, but what about now... athletes for whom parents often decide what so you’ll be a figure skater, and they take you to training , sometimes they force you to train them, i don’t think that the same thing didn’t happen before, before, anyway , more people did what they love,
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no, they used to be there too, there were parents who they wanted their children to study, but there were just children who came by chance to , say, a skating rink or... then there were selections for schools and so on, so it’s the same, just now due to the fact that in our country and all over the world, as there are a lot of... skating rinks, a lot of skating rinks, it ’s all shown on television, it’s a famous sport, attractive, that’s why more, more parents send their children to engage in a field other than study, and i i’m wondering how you are after finishing your sports career with alexey nikolaevich was cut short in russian figure skating, why did alexey nikolaevich return to singles, and you started? it’s very simple to train a couple and both have achieved
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incredible results, it’s very simple, alexey nikolaevich is a man, and he has a wife who cooks, who looks after the children , who runs the house, yeah, in our family with igor borisovich, igor borivich a man, and i was worried about us having children, a family, a dacha, and friends. going to the theater and so on, so i chose pair skating, because at that time in single skating you also had to do these mandatory exercises, for which you had to go to the skating rink at 6 am, that is, mandatory exercises, then in single skating there are 150 students, in pairs there will be, well, 2.5 pairs. that’s it, there’s less work, that’s a simple trick , pragmatism, not a trick, pragmatism,
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that’s all, so further, but the medals are the same, by the way, about medals, there are many, many disputes about team and individual medals at the olympics, how do you treat this, the team medal, it’s still the same for you, that’s how for a coach a gold medal or a personal one is more expensive, well, actually a personal one... of course more expensive, but each medal is valuable, teams need to have a team in which each of the participants, each of the participants is strong, but we have this now team competitions are held between countries, which means that each country must have strong singles athletes, doubles, dancers, balance, and i think that this also means that... each country is working correctly so that
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all kinds of them were developed, there is gold gold, like your current champions, anastasia mishina and alexander galamov, are generally experiencing this moment, that firstly, these gold medals were not awarded in the team tournament in beijing, and in general this suspension, they are, well, the flagship of the world... doubles skating, and cannot perform on the international stage, how do you manage to motivate them, these are two questions, what do they feel, you need to ask them what they feel, but since we still have a single team, then we are nothing we don't feel it, we're just waiting for this situation to happen will be resolved, we wait, without wasting any mental or psychological strength on it. the decision will be made, we will know the result,
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first, second, how we motivate, we motivate the guys, in this situation, when they do not participate in international competitions, and we have the same motivation that we had before, we need to prepare new elements, prepare new programs, so that they skate them flawlessly, try to ensure that there are demonstration performances, and the audience enjoys them, so we make them stronger, more interesting, more complex, more varied, so that they perform well at competitions held in our country, there will be an opportunity to compete at international competitions. they must be prepared for us to be stronger than those competitors. thank
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you very much, tamara nikolaevna, thank you for coming, it was a wonderful, interesting conversation, we will meet now at competitions, compete, shake hands, a separate thank you from me for the careful khakharulidze, because if they weren’t there, they wouldn’t be if it weren’t for me, our club wouldn’t exist, tamara moskvyana, yes, thank you very much, our guest was the honored coach of russia, the great, eternal, tamara nikolaevna moskvina. there are questions that have no answer. but there are others that will be answered accurately and directly. you can ask your question now by calling 8 800 200 4040 via sms to 04040 or through the websites and moskvadefisputinu.rf.
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all details are on the websites. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, i am gevorg vartanyan, and my wife is gogar. we are married 64 years, always lived in harmony, love, respect. we have been working in intelligence for 70 years. were in many countries of the world, but today we will tell you long-standing events that happened in 1943 in tehran, when there was a conference of chelcher, roosevelt and stalin, and hitler wanted to destroy them.
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it was the fourth year of the bloodiest war in human history, the leaders of the three countries of the anti-hitler coalition, joseph stalin, franklin roosevelt and winston churchill, agreed to meet in the capital of iran, tehran. this meeting was to be the turning point of world war ii. upon learning of the tehran conference, hitler decided to behead the soviet union, the united states and great britain in one blow. he gave the order to carry out an operation to eliminate the big three, but a very young man, gegor vartonyan, intervened in hitler’s plans.
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our family emigrated from the soviet union in 1930. tehran, my father bought a confectionery factory there and was a successful businessman, later i found out that he was closely connected with soviet intelligence, so i sometimes carried out his assignments, and later i also had a dream of becoming a soviet scout. divor, come here, quickly, what? listen carefully, take this package, you see, take it to abkhaz, he will be where he always is, i understand, and you keep an eye on the gun for now, okay, i remember, yes,
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sit down, i remember well. yes, put them in the same sequence, time has passed, i’ll try, like this, right, well done, where is the zhora? well, no zhora, but where is he? running somewhere?
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where are you going, you don’t see people, right?
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hello, i knew your father well, back in the soviet union, then one day in 1940 i met the famous intelligence officer ivan ivanovich ogoyants, he was the chief resident in tehran. from now on your name will be amir. clear? okay, gather your friends, your team. 5-6 people, no less, you will have a lot of work, we will work against the nazis, there are about 2000 of them in iran now, half are here
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in tigeran, these are bastards. have you even noticed how many germans have arrived? the first fighter in my squad was my closest friend aganes, he knew from books about secret intelligence and never asked who i was meeting and from whom i received the task, well
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, hello ashot, the second was a street fighter from obiyaka ashu. kasha kazanfar believed that if he did not stick a knife into the target 25 times in a row, then his life was lived in vain, he adored knives, he had a whole collection of them, he dreamed of becoming the prime minister of iran and absorbed history books like water. hello, gegord, great, kazanfar, ikas was fifth, he alone
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could beat an entire team in football, he hit the ball like a god. the sixth was the miracle yudo saragor, he was a street actor, dreamed of writing plays and growing up to become shakespeare. a liar. die, let this night live, delay it for a day, resist, only half an hour, no, it’s too late, it’s decided, one more minute, let me pray, it’s too late, it’s too late, this is yaga , guar, all my friends were recruited by me on an ideological basis, they all loved their homeland and
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would all be ready to know that sooner or later one of the fronts would pass through iran, and none of us ever even thought about receiving any reward from our intelligence, the game began, it seemed to us like a game, but in fact it was a game with a formidable real enemy, here are german agents. they are in the city, look for them, look for those iranians with with whom they meet, this is very serious, you will learn intelligence on the go, in the city you should know every nook and cranny, okay, while you drive, watch each other, learn surveillance. girl, what is this for you, and what should i
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do with him, and do what you want? ganes, saragon, hold him, yeah, what do you want, why did you come here? when are you going home? i don't know, leave me alone, is this your sister?
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guys, try your mother’s pies, they are very tasty. give it a try. our big commander, and we are his lungs. thank you, how interesting, i also want to join the cavalry, i’m terribly easy, okay.
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the activities of german agents in iran have sharply intensified in recent months, we believe that this is due to the preparation of a german attack on the soviet union. but we have a non-attack pact with germany; for hitler the treaty means nothing. the activities of german agents in iran have intensified over the past year. i believe that this is connected with the preparation of a german attack on the soviet union. well, we have a pact with germany. attacks, for hitler, treaties mean nothing, ika, calm down. german intelligence uses for cover legal establishment. these are mainly trade and industrial representative offices. in tigeran, under the guise of freight forwarding offices , spy centers are being created. there are german specialists at iranian military enterprises. the iranian gendarmerie and police have german instructors. be sure to do some psychological and physical preparation with your group. physically, this is understandable.
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psychological - how is it? can you figure it out? we need to learn to laugh. why do we need this? what do you mean why? and if we get caught, should we pretend to be idiots? let's try. this knife and it should be your best friend wherever you go because. he will protect you from any danger, the more you give him attention and love as a brother, the more he will protect you, ashur, it’s hard, i say, quit smoking, you’ll choke, to give him more strength, you have to lick him, just like that , come on, and this is a must, i love doing it, if you don’t want to, don’t do it. do you know the street that leads
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to the kanibobat quarter? i know there is a dilapidated house at the end of the street. elder. of the surviving wall, at a height of 30 meters, you will find a stone, there's a cache inside, there's a note for you, it's encrypted, here's the key, study it carefully , if your stomach hurts, know, destroy it, food needs to be chewed, wash your hands before eating, and wash your feet at night, why cry, well, let's say they caught you and you're crying during interrogation, you pretend to be... so that they believe, well , you can cry, we look carefully at the target, don’t
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breathe, come on, guys, keep it straight, you can hold your hand straight, so quietly, where are you going, well, what are we not we know how to cry, but we know how to laugh, one shell fire, shot! modern combat - it’s like a chess game , you can never lose your mind here, two tanks, five armored vehicles, and we have one there, alyosha, there’s a lie behind this forest clearing, our guys went to about that area
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, get out, get out, let’s hurry, hurry, hurry , faster, we hook it up, we hook it up, we’ll take the equipment now, we’ll restore it, rum, give us the installation , a little up, come on, more, more, more, just look how huge it is. the unit, the heart of the tank, so guys, it's ready, that's it, let 's start running it in, let's go, time has chosen us, it shouldn't be every man for himself here, here one for all all for one, charging, premiere, special report, living heart of the tank, rum castro product of stellar group, please provide us with credit and we
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will return your money. ukrainian propaganda, represented, of course, by vladimir zelsky , is spreading a promise to return all the money for weapons loans. of course, he won’t give anything away, he buys yachts, pitchforks in italy, real estate in africa. they stopped giving, he started asking for a loan, soon he will start stealing. fedorov tells us: there is a personnel crisis in the territories, because everyone afraid. the threat of explosion and liquidation is extremely high. he directly says that they threaten to kill everyone who works in the liberated territories. antifake. premiere, tomorrow on the first. this place looks like a fairyland, the rivers are hot, the landscape resembles another planet, there is one for every three local residents. to the bear, i’m on eturup, friends, the largest island of the kuril ridge, kuril-style eggs, take a small one and the crusts, but now naturally, i noticed that absolutely all tourists feed foxes, this
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it’s very bad, she stops hunting , they don’t see any other food , she’s a beauty, you feel the smell, well, crush the bug, the aroma will be all over ivanovskaya, how much vitamin c is in it, more than in a boat. finally, what we had been waiting for so long happened, we saw a live bear, the kuril islands in all its glory, the life of our own. premiere next sunday on the first. the offensive of the german armies against moscow developed successfully. at that time, many in the world believed that the defeat of the soviet union was close, another the triumph of nazi germany is inevitable. german pressure on... for the ussr, a new threat of war arose not only on two fronts with germany and japan, but from the south, from iran, this is from dad,
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thank you. this man, a little more than a month ago , arrived in tigiran, we know that he is a german intelligence officer, not a small one, they won’t send people like that for little things thousands of kilometers away, we gave him a nickname, a pharmacist, he
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walks around the mountain, does nothing, nothing doesn't meet anyone, doesn't date anyone, no contacts, basically nothing, yours the task, the blood of wear, is to solve this riddle. but under no circumstances should you be scared off.
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for two weeks we followed the pharmacist from morning to evening, did not let him out of sight for a minute, he did not meet with anyone, was not checked, as if he did not think that he could be followed, it was surprising and incomprehensible.
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scatter some oranges, try to get to know him, i’ll try, how much do you ask? worth it, of course. give this one for one real, he wants two reals for it, so give it for half the price, come on, take it, take it, how awkward i am, i have today
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terrible day, okay, here you go, i won’t take it, well, whatever you want, but the shock is good, where do you live, near the mosque, let me take you, no, just imagine, for some rag two reals, okay, what is it there? he sits alone, like a finger, like a finger, you say, okay, i need to leave for 20 minutes, come on, don’t stay late, yeah, asha.
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i prati più regali. can i come to you? of course, chess, as you can see, shall we play? i’m left here alone, my friend left, we’ll play, but only another game, your friend
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loses this, okay , i think i’ve seen you somewhere, i’m sure i it’s been here for two hours already, no less, no, earlier, it seems. in the center, perhaps, the other day i was in the center, the book center, well, i was walking around the market in the square, you are a book lover, oh, worse than a book eater, that ’s interesting, chess was invented in such a way that the king is the most important figure on the board, the most helpless, in life is not like that, hitler
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cannot be called helpless, he overthrew the whole of europe in 3 months, only stalin can stop him, stalin will soon end. people say that in the summer, by the beginning of summer, germany will strike russia and within three months, everything will be over, i don’t believe it, russia is not europe, hitler, what he’s a fool, just a very smart one, everyone hates the bolsheviks, both the americans and the british, they will immediately unite with germany against stalin, yeah, as long as there is russia, there will be no peace. i closed, let's go, we need to go back to the restaurant, ashur is tending the pharmacist there, well, sit on the frame, and mom washed the frame, i
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wiped it myself, it's clean. really, take it, this is for you, for me, yeah, so dear. i also did an engraving there, thank you.
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what's happened? he didn't recognize me. when i heard from gguar that the pharmacist did not recognize her, the thought flashed through my mind that these were two different person. this does not happen with an experienced intelligence officer. and then we decided to watch the windows of his house. come on, come on, although it was. shackled, well, what's new? nothing yet, so we don’t need a light bulb.
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well, come on, come up with a long story. gevorg, today it’s your turn to tell, there lived, there was, an old man and an old woman, and they had neither children nor grandchildren, but there was only one hen, byaba, once this hen laid an egg, and not a simple one, but a golden egg ...
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when i saw gemini, i immediately understood everything, one of them is leading the surveillance, the second meets with agents, good morning, then i learned that these were several hindu-sikhs from the security of the english embassy, ​​they are twins, kuar, you won’t believe it, we figured out the pharmacist. one of them takes away external surveillance, and the other meets with agents, well, can i kiss you? season premiere: binge the star,
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watch after the evening news. here is a product from stelar group. unusual. experts in the winter series of games, watch the time after the program, hello everyone, my name is nastya zadorozhnaya, and i really love dogs, i i decided to change my life, instead of being an actress i chose volunteering, she incredibly helps me raise my kids, what would we have without dogs? and what has become now are two different lives, since i have a dog, i feel more strongly that i am a person, well, this is a wonderful dog, about
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which she has already saved two human lives, this is not just a pet, this that creature that accompanies you everywhere, dogs love us, dogs change us, dogs teach us, dogs save us. dogs are the whole world a world in which there is one important rule. always be there. premiere, be there, from december 10, on the first.
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morning, without presenting any claims to the soviet union, without declaring war, german troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our
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cities from their planes, zhitomir, kiev, sevastopol, kaunas, this is unheard of the attack on our country is a treachery unparalleled in the history of civilized peoples, our cause is that the enemy will be defeated. victory will be ours. get up, country huge, stand up for mortal combat, fascist force, dark, cursed. with a request to send us to the front, but he sharply refused us, saying that here on the invisible front, we
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bring much more benefit to our homeland. once upon a time germany. their fascist residency there began to operate very openly, all sorts of provocations and murders of iranians who sympathized with the soviet union became more frequent, so that in the next 2 days neither you nor your cavalry would be at the bazaar. yes, no questions, free, kolya, he’s here, we saw him yesterday in a restaurant deville at the market, last week his people massacred two of our families in the qum, he needs to
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be removed as soon as possible. to remove it in plain sight so that not only in tigeran, but throughout the country they talk about it, are there any questions? olya, there are no questions yet.
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and after that i was suddenly arrested, wait, wait. you stole a bicycle, it’s a mistake , mr. policeman, don’t move , it’s a mistake, but what’s here, food, what food, finally, when i was allowed to visit georgi andrevic in prison, i was very pleased, and when i got there, i saw him, i so i was happy, but didn’t even notice that
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the atmosphere around was eerie, during this time i managed to convey to him that our comrades were no longer in danger and he could stick to his legend, but during this time i quickly managed to give him the pies that i brought him. arrtanyan, have they come to see you?
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thanks, how are you? father, he is seeking your release through the newspapers. there will be a lot of noise, but i’m happy that i’m in prison, why? i have never seen such eyes, such a face on you, it’s probably out of fear, are you sure? no,
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then why? okay, we learned from you laugh, right? come on, naz, two, three, one, two, three, margareta, that margaret, come here, ours have arrived, yes, today soviet troops crossed the border of iran in the north. and quickly moving towards tehran, finally, finally, in the face of defeats on the eastern
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front, the soviet government was forced to make a very difficult decision. in connection with the real threat of iran entering the war on the side of germany, on august 25 , 1941, soviet troops were brought into iran from the north and troops from the south. the joint operation, codenamed consent, was carried out in order to prevent the threat of iran entering the war on the side of nazi germany, to deprive germany of access to iranian oil fields and to protect the transport corridors along which supplies to the ussr were carried out through land lease. it must be said that the soviet union sent in its troops in accordance with the agreement concluded with iran in 21. threat that could arise for the ussr from the territory of iran. the result of the operation was the overthrow of the shah of iran. by august 30, iran
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was already completely under the control of the allied forces. later, troops entered iran united states of america. sorry, mr. vartanyan, this is a mistake, but we have a good prison, no one escaped, okay, georg, hello, son, finally, let's go home, one day a guy came up to his father and said, father, i want to get married, you know, what his father told him, he told him, okay, take the arrow and shoot.
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i won’t, you went to prison, you put everything in jeopardy , only because of yourself, the guy shot, and the arrow hit next to the slick, oh what the hell, why were you looming before his eyes, that’s the only reason he recognized you, that you are his eyes callous, reconnaissance is a minimum... of unnecessary risk, a maximum of caution and cunning, i wanted to make sure that he was not convinced, and not to attract attention to himself, goar, that dad, your brother aganes, is a fool. he thinks you're a disgrace to the family. why? you know why. hello, uncle levon. guar, the givork was calling you. she will not come,
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she will help her mother. stop running around the streets, you'll end up in jail too. you. what, why are you hurting your daughter? when you and i first kissed, do you remember, huh? yes, of course, in 1997, at the very end of june, 43 years ago, you were 19, only 18. starting from forty-one, stalin demanded that us president franklin roosevelt and british prime minister winston and churchill open a second front in europe, but the west ignored these demands.
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there they waited to see whether the red army would be able to withstand the initial stage of the war. so far , the allies have agreed to help the soviet union only with arms supplies. there was no talk of sending our soldiers to europe. by the fall of forty-three the situation had changed, the soviet victories near moscow were already behind us, at stalingrad, the catastrophic failure of the germans at kursk. now the west asked stalin for a meeting to agree on the opening of a second front and the final defeat of germany. rooseville and churchill suggested different places for the meeting. but now it was not they, but stalin who was the master of the situation. stalin chose tehran and insisted on his choice.
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the neocolonial system has ceased to exist, thank you for coming, for not forgetting us, there is lasting interfaith peace in the country. fundamental changes in terms of the goals that we set ourselves at the beginning of the operation, today it didn’t happen, it’s important to hear your opinion, we need to start getting to know each other better, we’re praying for you, cool, god. you
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probably know better than me, no, hello, my grandfather is a peasant, he lived in a village nearby in the tver province, thank you, results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. in early september , troops of the southern and southwestern fronts recaptured the donetsk basin from the germans and returned the most important coal and industrial basin to our homeland. region of the country. on this day, the sky of moscow was decorated with the lights of victory for the first time.
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where have you been? arma, i wonder what they are saying? they say that the american government believes that they must immediately open a second front. further, further, i ask, what else do they say, comrade stalin, i cannot repeat this, i ask for the third time, comrade pavlov, what else do they say? journalist? reminds everyone of the words of
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senator truman, an ally of the us president. truman spoke very badly about you, but in the end he said that hitler is now after all much worse, so we must win this war together with the russians. really. you'll have to fight, stop, go back, wherever it's taking you, come on, come on, come on, come on, faster, lavrint, tormu, lavri! what are we going
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to do, hitler? we are doing everything to destroy them. well done, lavrinty, right. we bend over backwards, kill them, and thereby change the course of the war throughout world history. we cannot allow sabotage. although the life of citizen stalin is not more expensive, say, the life of citizen ivanov, the life of the supreme commander-in-chief marshal is. stalin and others foreign participants of the conference, is still important for the victory over germany throughout world history. good morning, mr.
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prime minister. good morning, anthony. what do you have there? roosevelt reports. this evening, that is, yesterday, i received news that uncle joe will arrive in tigeran. i immediately wired him that i could come to tigiran for a short meeting with him. give me a robe. of course, the cunning fox wants to land in europe as soon as possible. he does not understand that hitler is able to crush.
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as you know, 2 months ago, we received the opportunity to read the correspondence, unfortunately not all, between washington and london. today we have the text of two telegrams sent by the us president to the british prime minister. may i read it out? very interesting, read it. that i was ready to come to tehran for a meeting, i told him that i would be extremely glad to meet him in tehran? why in
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tehran? is it good that it is in tigeran? they also demand that we disembark as soon as possible. they don't like that we are fighting the germans in africa, which is too far from germany. i see, you you think so too. if i were stalin, you would have long ago been an enemy of the people, that is, mine. but i have to reckon not only with the english people, but even with you. well , okay, god bless us, damn it. the telegram from moscow finally decided
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the question of the meeting, and i think that now you and i will only be able to meet with him between november 27 and 30. miss the possibility that we are misinformed, this is impossible, we can avoid the opening of a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow, tehran within reach, and as i heard, there are a lot of our people there, kaltenbruner, in 72 hours i’m expecting an operation plan, the british, our allies, opened an intelligence school here in tigeran, to send their agents to the soviet union, you should be there, don’t be surprised, it’s now they
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need us to defeat hitler, and tomorrow they will hate us more than ever. you must become for them not just one of their own, but the best, you will fiercely hate the soviet union, just don’t overplay your hand, i received the task from ivan ivanovich ogoyants to infiltrate the english intelligence school, the english intelligence school existed under the guise of a radio workshop, i started taking radios there. for repairs and thus i gradually made acquaintance with the owner of this workshop, i infiltrated his trust, since i was the son of a manufacturer, he had no doubt about me... 'there was no doubt one fine day, he invited me to be
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a listener of this english intelligence conference, i gave my consent and continued to work there very successfully, you called me, dare you dare, i heard you are from russia, you overheard me with having spoken russian with friends for a long time, about 13 years . why did you leave? yes, nep was covered, you know nep? ah, something like a new capitalism. come tomorrow to where you brought the receivers to be repaired. for what? they'll tell you there. hello, i'm visiting mr. leslie,
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go up to the second floor, you will find there, thank you, he is very gifted, calm, observant, phenomenal memory, physical fitness, extremely promising, don't you have a feeling? that he exposed himself under a willow tree, he is very young, it is unlikely that anyone had time to work with him, but he is already in at this age, when the desire for revenge awakens, he hates stalin for his savagery, he considers russia a country of slaves, by nature, a typical westerner, he will be ours, come in, here he is. hello, we are waiting for you, i, leslie, and this is
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katie, it’s very nice, my direct supervisor katie, an elderly woman, about fifty, the school has about 20 students, classes are two people in a group, there is no better way to transmit information over long distances than work on a key, morse code in encoded form, not yet invented, this is used by: all intelligence services world, write: the first letter of the alphabet a sounds like this: training in subsequent disciplines: english, radio engineering, key work, encryption, decryption, setting and making microdots, avoiding observation, behavior during interrogations, well, what can i tell you? study well. become a good english intelligence officer and don’t forget about us
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too, i learned a lot from the british, and then, when all my classmates were arrested in the soviet union, agayans confronted the british with the fact that we knew everything about the school, immediately after that the school was closed. the effectiveness of the operation depends entirely on two factors. does the operation have a name? not yet, my fuhrer. i suggest the name long jump, long jump. beautiful, in my opinion, just like otto, precise and at the same time
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romantic. so, long jump. we assume that meetings will be held alternately at each embassy, ​​but we cannot spread our forces across three sites. one thing we know for sure. all three, stalin, churchill and roosevelt, will gather for at least 2 hours on churchill's birthday on november 30th. the meeting is unlikely to start before five will end. will not be? we think the risk is minimal. churchill is a big showman and will not miss the opportunity to celebrate his birthday in the company of stalin and roosevelt, at his british embassy. if he had the opportunity, he would invite you, as a souvenir for posterity. please, scherenberg, we
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are planning to attack the british embassy from several directions. first: a diversionary strike that is doomed to failure. from the side of the cemetery through the underground passage that leads to the english embassy, ​​everyone knows about it. it is carefully guarded. we we will arrange a grandiose fireworks display there, which will distract significant british security forces. second: to serve the embassy, ​​the british use restaurants known to us. whose owners we have approaches to. at least 25 waiters will be used at the reception, six of them will be replaced by our people, they will shoot poisoned bullets. third: there are several dozen indians guarding the british embassy, ​​who, according to the british, are loyal to them, but they are somewhat mistaken,
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some are loyal, but some are not. we we began to train pilots, we have several hidden runways at flying distance from tehran, we will fly three planes there, each of which will contain 500 kg of explosives, at the moment when stalin raises a glass to churchill’s health. it remains only to find out when this will happen. we have used all our resources to find out the hour of celebration. we will know about this at least two days in advance. a group of our radio operators will arrive in tehran in advance. and from them we will receive all the necessary information, including
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including the most important one. personally lead this historic operation, which in the end will inevitably lead us to victory. god is with us. in 1943 , fascist propaganda trumpeted its existence throughout the world. skarzeny, he was hitler’s favorite, his famous terrorist, who participated in very sensitive cases. but his most notorious case was the abduction of muusulini from obrutsa, partisan captivity. please give us credit and we will refund your money. ukrainian propaganda, represented, of course, by
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vladimir zelsky, spreads the promise return all money for weapons loans. of course he won't give anything away. he buys yachts, pitchforks in italy, real estate in africa, when they stopped giving him money, he started asking for a loan, soon he will start stealing. fedorov tells us: there is a personnel crisis in the territories. because everyone is afraid, the threat of explosion, liquidation, it is extremely high, it directly says that they are threatening to kill everyone who works in the liberated territories. antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. cognac, i feel good, i don’t need anything, well, you gave me clients, i struggled for 6 hours , katyusha, do you think the heroic surgeon deserves a cup of coffee, he has a new nurse there for surgery, so he won’t
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miss his chance, the mood is zero, hello, strong alcohol, i ’ve been through a lot of nurses , well, i'm for it... what else did you notice? there is tough competition in medicine, get used to it, i brought a lot of women here, huh? in batches, you like me, and you like me too, i don’t want to see you next to him anymore, i don’t like contact with my lovers, you mean? some guy asked you how he was looked like? why are you yelling at me? ask the nurse: tomorrow. first, why are you acting like a stupid nurse? am i acting in accordance with my position? yes, what happened yesterday, where did you go? here is his real passport, his name is arnold deitch. he used this passport to travel to the uk. an operative of the highest class, he attracted
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a number of disinterested assistants to cooperate with soviet foreign intelligence. sources of invaluable secret information. kim philby recommended donald maclean as his a friend whom he knew shared communist ideology. 17 or 20 agents is a remarkable achievement, but the most important thing is the cambridge five. kalin dalis estimates that the cambridge five are the most effective, most powerful group of intelligence officers of the second world war. recruitment is the intelligence officer's sharpest weapon, but it is double-edged and can be cut on any person. dach was on the edge in england, it was clear that. in general, they follow the tracks. during those 4 years in london he had already done his job, he i sowed this field with seeds that sprouted already in the forties. premiere, names of illegal
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intelligence, arnold deitch. next sunday on the first. do you know how to use it? let's learn. german, dear, probably, here is zhura, german and dear, i need high-quality photographs of their faces. it's clear. there 's money here, enough for film and chemicals. and remember, the most important thing is your safety. clearly, revyans.
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i’ve finished everything, so soldiers, who knows the antique store on fridaus, well, we know, i know, in any case, and the owner farid too i’ve known for a long time, i go there twice a week , but what do you want, okay, we are informed that some officers of the iranian general staff have fallen in love with antiquity in recent months, they often go there, perhaps there is a hiding place for transmitting messages, we are asked to find out.
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ليت نفسي الله فدا انا في
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عرض المماعه امتععه محمد رسول الله الله اكب
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ر الله listen, just don’t... laugh, i have one monologue from hamlet, especially for you, come on, to be or not to be, that is the question, worthy is it possible to endure the blow of fate without a murmur, or must we resist, rebel, arm ourselves, win, or perish, die,
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fall asleep? and to know that by doing this you break the chain of mental torment and thousands of doubts inherent in the body, well, as you like, to be or not to be, okay, i'm off.
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my heart was pounding so hard that it was ready to jump out of my chest. i was very afraid that from the next room the general could hear the quiet clicks of the camera shutter. this would have been the end, but my nose was bleeding and i had to re-shoot the german text the general received in the mosque. this general told us disinformation, learned to look at the world through the eyes of an intelligence officer, during... fascist agents. the day came when arrests of fascist agents began throughout tehran. the arrests took place without our participation.
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mrs. nora, good afternoon, day, can i see, mr. general, of course, now , they have come to you, you will come out, and hello, dangerous person, i need to take the jacket, please, okay, it’s okay, go, i’ll be there now, carefully. how's the family, mr. general? okay, great, good. mister general, you are under arrest, is this a joke? no, it’s not a joke, why, cooperation with german intelligence, i gave information to the soviet station, information, rather
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misinformation, so now you will make an appointment with the colonel, urgently, you will behave reasonably, you will get a chance. what happened, what's going on, what?
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many are known to you from operation oak, we are working on the main direction, penetration into the british embassy, ​​to celebrate churchill’s birthday, they were explained what they were doing, they accepted the task with enthusiasm and are eager to carry out the fuhrer’s order. right hand behind with your back on your palm, open, under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist, in your left hand there is a tray bent at the elbow, on which there are glasses, between your hand and the tray there is a napkin with a rack, you should be professional waiters, holding a gun and a tray
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with ten glasses of champagne with your left hand , begin.
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what's the news from lavrenti? from our reliable source it became known that the germans are preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran, although this source cannot... a meeting of the heads of the three powers about a conference, this is out of the question, sit down, comrades, what is the source, allow me, comrade stalin, sit, listen to you, source, code name colonist, an absolutely proven, reliable person, he previously told us about the germans preparing an offensive near kursk, i heard about your colonist, i remember, comrade stalin. we have no reason not to trust the information received from him. or maybe you know any details of the german operation? no way, no way, comrade
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stalin. we assume that the germans can deploy significant forces, how many? 200-300 people? not less. and what kind? we have forces in tehran. all around tehran has about 40,000 people stationed in the city itself. we have studied the city well. all approaches and entrances to our and the british embassy will be reliably covered by tanks, artillery, machine guns and motorized infantry, and several rings of security. from an attack from the air, the embassy covers all possible approach corridors of german aircraft with fighter aircraft. air defense means, we rely on you, comrade vasilevsky, but what do you think? comrade stalin, here we are. a few suggestions, please suggest if there are several, firstly, we
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we propose to hold all meetings on the territory of the soviet embassy, ​​thus keeping cooperation to a minimum, i think roosevelt will be against it, it is dangerous for him, and it is difficult to move far, we are not talking about churchill, who will also insist... on his own, we propose along the line foreign ministry to inform mr. roosevelt and the british prime minister that the germans are preparing a very serious assassination attempt with the aim of destroying the heads of three states and inviting mr. roosevelt to settle on the territory of our embassy. okay, very good idea.
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allow me, mr. president, sit down, harry, tell me, please open the blinds. are they serious, how did they know? molotov writes that the source of information is trusted by stalin himself, and we are obliged to assume that the germans are preparing an assassination attempt on us. and for some reason we thank mr.
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there will be a meeting of comrade stalin, churchill and god with us at the end of november in tehran roosevelt. the main issue is the opening of a second front. we know for sure that an assassination attempt is being prepared on them. how ottys kortsini received the task, have you heard of this? no, comrade stalin, that’s how things are. ogoyans gave us the task to indicate that it is possible that kortsena will also be entrusted with the liquidation or kidnapping of the tehran troika of stalin, roosevelt and churchill, so he gave us the task to identify possible assistants. you enter the doors one
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after another, the last one gives a sign to the others, drops the tray , the glasses break with a crash, at that moment you open fire, shooting is done in the head, you two, the object is red stalin, you are the object green churchill, you object blue roosevelt. two officers fired at least two simultaneous shots at each facility. you have one, maximum one and a half seconds at your disposal. got it, let's go. just 15 seconds, well, let's get up, don't relax, back to the starting line, ivan ivanovich, here is everyone who our group has tracked down over the past two weeks, we will continue, work, be
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extremely careful, moscow reported that within 3-4 weeks, we must expect the landing of saboteurs, there will be aces there. now look, here is tehran, hundreds of roads lead to it, asphalt, dirt, you can’t cover everything through sand, your sector is the same and the radius is 50 km, yeah, telegraph. can i use it? i agree, just use code words. clear. take it, could you help me? we rushed to our friends in the city of qom and its environs. we said that we were looking for a group of german paratroopers from six to 18 people. we were asked to report any suspicious people to us immediately. hello ayat. finally, here you go, as agreed,
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i’m interested in the caravans coming from the godfather, okay, georg, i’ll do it, thank you, this is for you, thank you, be careful, calm down, i’ll do everything, hand it over as agreed , i’ll pay, that’s what you’ve earned , thank you, thank you, well, i found out that objects can move, so when you enter a room, they can be anywhere, shooting must be done to hit the head. six shots at the sign of the latter at the same time, you two, the object is red stalin, you are the object green churchill, you are the object blue roosevelt. this time the targets will be moving, are you ready? went.
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machen sie weiter. gehort? that they stood up on original, one shell , fire, shot, modern battle is like a chess game, you can never lose your mind here, two tanks, five armored vehicles, and we have one there, alyosha, there is a lie behind this forest regiment, ours went to about that area guys,
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get out, get out, let's quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, let's catch, catch, let's take the equipment now and restore it. rum, give me the montage , go up a little, come on, more, more, more, more, just look at what a huge unit, the heart of the tank, so guys, it's ready, that's it , let's start it for testing, let's go, time chose us, here it shouldn’t be every man for himself, here it’s one for all, all for one, gun, loading, era, special report, the living heart of the tank, today on the first. birrsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group.
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the coronavirus vaccine has disappeared in russia, perhaps this is a conspiracy. which is better, grapes or raisins? let's go to the market. the power of iron, we read the blood test, the program to live well will help everyone, tomorrow is the first one. this place looks like a fairyland, the rivers are hot, the landscape resembles another planet, on three local residents have one bear each, i’m on eturup, friends, the largest island of the kuril ridge, kuril eggs, we take a little one and chickens, but now... i noticed that absolutely all tourists feed the leaf, this is very bad, she stops hunting , and they no longer see any other food, here she is a beauty, you can smell the smell, well, crush the little bottle, the aroma will be all over ivana, how much vitamin c is in it, more than in oranges, finally
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it happened that we we waited a long time, we saw a live bear, the kuril islands in all its glory, their lives. the premiere is next sunday on the first. over the next two weeks , we checked all the caravans that came from that direction. it was hell of a job. aganes, that caravan, no? i don't know, i can't understand.
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and then one day i received a telegram, dear gevorg. all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s pastry shop are ready, i’ll go by the nearest caravan, wait, you’ll have to pay a little extra, uncle akhmet. six umbrellas meant six paratroopers. look, free yourself to punish. just me i wanted to take it off, yes, i stopped the caravan for a trivial reason, one or two minutes and it
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would start moving, during this time i had to calculate whether it was germans or not, then i saw an army boot, they don’t wear those in iran, then another one, and it was also a team, can you find a smoke? he clearly didn’t understand me, take the whole pack, yes, it’s them, the germans. thank you, please, what’s there, well
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, what’s there, well, what’s there, the givorg took off his scarf, these are the germans , we’re leading them all the way to the city, yes, yes, kolya, rise, we pilled them, they made contact with that very pitchfork, to which amir’s group pointed out, there are six germans there, those same paratroopers, you should have them all, do you hear, every single one of them, find them. not amira, i need to talk to him, okay,
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take me to the operation , i wanted to shoot, yes, yeah, i hope we won’t shoot, ivan ivanovich, i’ve been working for four years now, during this time i haven’t told you anything asked, we didn’t make a single mistake, we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them, drink some water, but i don’t want to, it won’t be someone else, but popov who will take them. popovkodav, special capture group nkvd. knitting spies, his activities. and you’re a scout
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, i’ll make you illegal in moscow, you know what it is, not very well, you’ll find out, kill it on your nose, where the weapons begin, reconnaissance ends, you wanted to shoot, you went to the shooting range, you calmed down, that’s it. and remember, a scout with a weapon is only in the movies, so that the viewer does not get bored, roaring, quietly, roaring, quietly. and then there was a meeting that shocked
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me, who are you? and who are you? i, i help our people, and i’m a scout, there are people here. i was at the front, behind the front lines, with the germans, how was it? it's scary there.
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there are two options: the first is to start a radio game with the germans, using captured radio operators, destroy the main group and capture the remaining ones. and the second option is not to start the game. ratom, we have no right to risk the lives of the heads... of the three great powers, and if we allow a landing, even knowing about the location and numbers, we still risk it, the prisoners cannot know about all of hitler’s plans, and he probably assumed that we could take this first group, we suggest that the german
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birth doctor before working under control, everything failed, then we have a chance to avoid the landing of the main landing group, all other options for attacking our embassy have already been reduced to zero. i agree, don't play the game. well, what kind of encryption is there? here, let me light a cigarette, i have the last one, give me a cigarette, don’t be greedy, and shuck, we are working under control, the russians
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know everything about the assassination attempt. the operation failed, we are working under control. you are conspiring, you are sabotaging all my orders, you are behaving like traitors, trying to take victory away from me from germany. i alone fight for you all. you mediocre charlatans allowed this disabled person, a mustachioed sadist and a fat drunkard to conspire among themselves. i was right, you just had to bomb this whole gang, send 200, 300 planes. hello, hello , i need a hairstyle, and which one do you like,
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like this, like this, uh-huh, well... the tehran conference - the first meeting of the big three leaders of the countries of the anti-hitler coalition joseph stalin, franklin, roosevelt and winston churchill, began on november 28, 1943 of the year. at the conference it was necessary to develop the final strategy for fighting against germany and its allies. the main issue was discovery. second front in western europe. where's guar? she's gone. well , it’s okay, gevorg, then you’ll tell her all this in private. asha. in general, as i understand it, there is a complete mess there because of this churchill. comrade stalin and roosevelt are pushing this ass, but he is resisting. he is afraid and does not want to fight.
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they say he even decided to appease him and gave him a sword. in a gold scabbard with diamonds in honor of the victory at stalingrad. is the hint clear? we defeated the germans at stalingrad, we won at moscow, at kursk, we won and without any second front. here comrade stalin drops his sword on the floor so that the allies understand that a second front must be opened, saying that you will not be able to enter germany on our hump. he won’t be able to cling to victory. on the eve of churchill's birthday, he was told not to trust his hindu guards. comrade stalin insisted that all adjacent premises be searched in the reception hall. agents searched the embassy for 3 hours, they say they even found an explosive device weighing 40 kg, but i can’t vouch for that, in retaliation churchill decided to boast, he said that
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before the conference, the british identified 12 german saboteurs, comrade stalin grinned , six germans were brought into the hall, whom we found, hurray, oops, oops, hold on, america, europe , long live the russian armenian soviet intelligence, come on, what does love do to a normal person? boys, let's go for a walk around the neighborhood, let's leave. these are miracles, which is not good, they say, there is such a mess there because of this man, am i really
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not good, goarts, but it seems to me that you could have small braids better, how good, how great, i’m so glad that it wasn’t all in vain, you understand, comrade stalin and comrade roosevelt are there, they want to open a second front and are not putting pressure on churchill, etc. at a meeting in tehran in 1943 , the leader of the soviet union, generalissimo joseph
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stalin, the president of the united states of america, franklin roosevelt and the british prime minister winston churchill, formulated and approved plans for the destruction of the german armed forces and hitler's germany, as stated in the signed declaration, we we're really leaving here. friends in spirit and purpose, signed in tehran on december 1, 1943, roosevelt, stalin, churchill. as a result of the agreements reached, in june 1944 , the western allies opened a second front in europe. this made the defeat of nazi germany inevitable. in 1946, i got married in an armenian church with... during a wedding , the priest usually asks: do you agree to take the bride as your wife, georg andrevich was asked when he said yes, but very quietly,
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he says, say it louder, i can’t hear, then he said: “yes, i agree, take gohar to wives." and everyone started laughing, laughing, it was fun, then we had to travel a lot for work around the countries to work and had to change passports and data, i left...


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