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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 4, 2023 12:10am-12:56am MSK

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there was a case and the case was called the kinchev case , which means, as i said, he was arrested three times, released three times, the case ended, only at the end of the eighty- eighth year, the newspaper smena published a refutation, uh, apologized to konstantin, because, as i already noted, i managed to get hold of the audio recording of the concert, listened to it in its entirety, exactly in the performance of the musical number about which it was written that this very thing was said there, hai hitler, something else was said there. konstantin later released an entire album, which was called article 206, part 2, that is, this is the norm under which he was charged, and naturally, this very seriously imprinted both the musician himself and his team and his
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fans, the so-called alice army, during these showdown with this matter, he broke up with anya golubeva, with his first wife, and met sasha amanova, sasha omanova, she was married to my colleague, a photographer for the moscow komsomol newspaper, so she left her husband, left her wife and formed new couple, there are questions that are not answered, but there are others that will be answered accurately and directly. you can ask your question now by calling 800, 200 40-40, via sms to 04040 or through the websites:
12:12 am and moskvadefisputinu. rf. all details are on the websites. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. montechoca cognac is a product of stellar group. please. give us credit and we'll give you your money back. ukrainian propaganda, represented, of course, by vladimir zelsky spreads a promise to return all the money for weapons loans. of course, he won’t give anything back, he buys yachts, villas in italy, real estate in africa, when they stopped giving him money, he started asking for a loan, soon he will start stealing. fedorov tells us: there is a personnel crisis in the territories, because everyone is afraid, the threat of explosion, liquidation is extremely high. he directly says that they are threatening to kill. for those who work
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in liberated territories. antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. this place looks like to a fairyland, the rivers are hot, the landscape resembles another planet, there is one bear for every three local residents. yanarupa, friends, is the largest island of the kuril chain. eggs in kuril style, we take the little one and the crusts, well, now of course , i noticed, all the tourists feed it very poorly, she stops hunting, they don’t see any other food, now she ’s a beauty, you can smell the smell, well, crush the little crumb, the aroma will be throughout ivanovskaya, how much more vitamin c does it contain than oranges, finally what we had been waiting for so long happened, we saw a live bear, the kuril islands in all its glory, the life of our own, the premiere, next sunday on the first. so, this is
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a podcast chronicling the end of times, and today we are talking about the case of kinchev, who divided the career of a rock musician into before and after. this was quite a serious matter, because before that, in 1984, for example , alexei romanov, the leaders of the resurrection group were simply sentenced to several years in prison. and konstantin also reached the age of 5. uh, conclusion, not to mention the fact that he would have been given the status of a convicted person, would not have been able to travel there, and the person would generally have been blocked from going to all sorts of russian concerts and so on, which was essential for a musician, that is, he would have been doomed to underground , to stay underground, and well, they really could have been imprisoned, because musicians, rock musicians were imprisoned, on tour, but already the eighty-seventh year of the fourth year was radically
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very different, because in the eighty- third year, and by order of the then general secretary of the communist party of the soviet union were all cases are animated, including the case of alexei romanov, and he was imprisoned in 1984, in 1987 gorbachev was already in power for 2 years, there was already perestroika, glasnost blah blah blah, the end of those same times had come, and they managed to recapture the bones, also because so many of my journalist colleagues were harnessed, i am naturally not... the only journalist who wrote about this case, somehow, not about this case, but about kostya, but as i already drew your attention to the fact that all publications about konstantin kinchev are in tour, they were getting things done, the people
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who were dealing with the materials, they had a general picture that this was really a very serious musician who was changing the landscape there to a large extent. soviet rock culture, i can’t help but remember another episode here, in the same year of eighty-seven, as a reaction to this story, konstantin wrote a so-called common song, it was all called rock roll, there was a common song written by chris kelme, recorded which was attended by musicians from the previous wave, in general all sorts of honored, rock figures, this... it’s like musicians of the new st. petersburg wave, this song was recorded by sukachev, galalanin, alexander sklyar, dzhanana stingray, i did everything possible to attract such rock people to perform this song.
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veterans, i introduced kostya kinchev, by the way, well , i invited his comrade alexander borisovich gradsky home, and in order for them to recognize each other, here is a photo that i took on the floor, here is alexander borisovich, on the far left, on the far right is olga semyonovna, his wife, in fact, kostya with sasha omanova, with his new muse, the showdown with this matter continued throughout 1988, and in the summer of 1988, konstantin was on tour... in the crimea, and here, by the way, there is also a very interesting detail that shows the fact that in the system, in general, somehow these cogs somehow worked with a knock, and the system as a whole was falling apart, because he was under
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a written agreement not to leave, nevertheless, he went on tour, went on tour during recordings , i was also in crimea at that moment, my a comrade, a promising scientist , konstantin ersny, were relaxing in a boarding house for academicians vaskhnila, it was such a very special place, there were only 10-12 rooms, in my opinion, exclusively for academicians, when in this place, konstantin showed up with his... his wife and her companion staged a concert on the balcony at night, well, let’s just say, this was discussed, as far as i know, at the academy, that is, this concert
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had resonance for a very small number of spectators, and there, too, during this visit, konstantin and alexandra . a number of ideas were born in particular, the idea was born to shoot the first video of the alisa group, which was supposed to indirectly tell about this story itself, and konstantin lvovich, ernst came up with an interesting concept, it was the year eighty-eight, i ’ll remind you where such a small movie was actually filmed . in monochrome, very stylish , after which there was a musical aerobics number, that is, the whole thing lasted about five minutes, so the entire public, the rock public, was informed that the program included a look, in the episode in which i was invited
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co-host, will be presented, for the first time, a clip of alice’s group will be presented , alice’s group had no clips before, in my opinion, none of... these so-called st. petersburg musicians, but from the rock club there were no clips like this at all , but generally speaking, the appearance of some character in the program. group, this fundamentally changed the status of the invitee, for example, after i recorded an interview there with kgb general oleg kolugin, he became a deputy there, no one knew that he was then that he was american agent, and that he is a traitor, by the way , among other things, if we are talking about the rock club, i... oleg kolugin told me then, this , of course, was not broadcast, but he told me that the st. petersburg rock club, the so-called rock club,
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leningradsky, a pro-club, it was actually created by the state security committee, since there were such a huge number of these musical groups in st. petersburg, and it was decided to simply gather them all in one place, so that they would once hang out together and post them very very compactly with much smaller human resource, that is, this is... a kgb idea, it worked, but the song is not at all about that, not, not about the rock club, so the appearance, of course, there, kinichevo or any other team in the program look, which is there, well this is recorded in the book, it was the highest-rated product in the history of television in general, because the audience there was almost 200 million. in general, this has never happened before or since, that is , people, people made a career, there a person
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was invited on the air, he talked for 15 minutes with one of the presenters, that’s it, he’s already there deputy and political heavyweight, the same thing with musical numbers, that is, teams could become popular and scratch there after literally three or four minutes of appearing on the air of the program, so i repeat, the entire rock community and not... only leningrad, but also moscow i was aware that there would be such a movie, that they made a movie about kostya kinchev, so before the orbit, i must explain that the viewer first saw the release of the so-called orbit in the far east, because there at 2:00 pm we were meeting in the studio , it was right there at midnight, let’s say in the far east they went live. and then there were repeats in different time zones and closer to midnight, we returned to
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the studio again and went straight to moscow, to the european part of the soviet union, so we are before orbit, that is, there somewhere at one o'clock in the afternoon, i i look at the layout and see that there is a musical number, uh, 3 minutes, and what’s more, the film that was shot by uh konstantin was six minutes long, relatively speaking, and the main one, as it were, was the eminence grise of the whole the director's movement of the look was ivan ivanovich dimitrov, vanya, and the hosts of that episode were alexander mikhailovich lyubimov and your humble sulula, as they say, so i ask demidov, vanya, what kind of musical number is this for 2 minutes, he says, well... the alice group, i say , well, i remember there, like five-something minutes,
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he says, you know, i looked there, i just put a mark on the first chord and cut everything off, i’m asking , and kostya knows, uh, who looked at me, uh, vanya was so priceless, like, well, who is the director here, me, or erest, that was the encrypted message, in short, they didn’t see the movie. there was just a musical number, there was a cut of some soviet chronicle , it was filmed with love, and this whole thing here - there is such a good russian word message, the whole message, the kinchevsky system, where he stands up there, goes to the mirror, there is something outside the window - the apparatus is being prepared, he is spitting into this broken mirror, that’s all everything that was invented then, in the nikitsky garden midnight, that’s all, that whole picture, the audience didn’t see
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it, the disappointment of the rock public was unimaginable, everyone felt deceived, but on television this, this happens, but in any case, why am i telling this, that the story with this case , kinchevo had a very strong impact on alisa’s work, not to mention the fact that there is a whole... it was named after the norm in the criminal code, but in particular the first clip, which you can , of course, now find online and watch. well , you have to keep in mind that this is eighty the eighth year , that is, in the eighty-seventh year, this business began, in the eighty-eighth year, it ended, but it was all invented, in the summer of the eighty-eighth year in the nikitsky botanical garden in the crimea, the new nurse’s name is valeria, vanka
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vstanka syndrome, the guy all the time spinning on the bed, this is a sure sign inside the abdominal... bleeding, oh, and we have a diagnosis of nugget, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, now i'm an ordinary obedient nurse, the doctor knows poland, end of shift home , well, hello, petrozavodsk, mom, this is personal, you wrote where we are, gave a post , immediately, went crazy, or what, no, you shouldn’t write to anyone, where we are, to anyone, ask the nurse, tomorrow, on the first day, are you from someone? if i tell you now, your career will be in jeopardy. romca is a product of the stellar group. everything that i have in life, everything that brings joy to every day, everything that i
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call mine. i love my country premieres on saturday on the first. you can’t love your homeland and not know the culture, geography, history, it’s impossible, what kind of festival is this, fedya, lyusya, pilogena, did they give you names during the mowing? what do you do? we keep the lithuanian fleet at bay. the students' jobs were taken away. got the joke. music festival singing kiwin. on saturday on the first. have you melted the amber? hello everyone, my name is nastya
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zadorzhnaya, and i really love dogs. i decided to change my life, instead of becoming an actress, i chose volunteering, she incredibly helps me raise my kids, what we had without dogs and what we have now are two different lives, since i have a dog, i i feel more strongly that i man, well, this is a wonderful dog, which has already saved a human life, this is not just a pet, this is the creature that accompanies you everywhere. dogs love us, dogs change us, dogs teach us , dogs save us, dogs are a whole world, a world in which there is one important rule,
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to always be close, to be close on december 10th on the first. so, this is a podcast chronicling the end of times, and today we are talking about the case of kinchev, who divided the career of a rock musician into before and after. journalist kokosov apologized to bones and in front of the command. but it remains unclear whether this was a pure order or just a journalist, as they would say now , hyped up, then naturally this term did not exist, but of course there was this concept, hype, it existed in full force then, i must confess i’m the only one once
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i tried to hype, i wanted to make a tattoo magazine, on the cover, an issue of this magazine, which was called tattoo, this was before the appearance of the tattoo group and had nothing to do with it, sergey gorbunov, a photographer, of my new look, that was the newspaper, took a picture of how once konstantin and alexandra, here was the cover, with sasha and kostya, here is kostya’s tattoo, in fact, that’s why there was a tattoo, in general there was a session. but you know, not everything always goes according to plan, that is, i once published a magazine, but as soon as it came out, it left, so it didn’t work out, but i really... love this photo shoot and i love this photo, and i also like to think that it was i who introduced sasha amanova to kostya kincheva, although now no one will remember how
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it really happened, so, well, of course, it is impossible not to note that after the failure of this insinuation, after the attempt, with the help of newspapermen, to deal with... kostya, this was told to me, i repeat, in plain text, by very knowledgeable people from the central committee of the lenin komsomol, that this case was simply entirely, in general, initially invented, by the leningrad policemen, who had a grudge against kostya against alice’s group, after, in general, it failed with disgrace, all this was actually a provocation that frayed not only family members there konstantin kinchev, but also to other musicians there, because there were complaints in the whole
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group, and the group was forbidden to perform, somewhere, in general, they lagged behind rock musicians, that is, it means that this kinchev case put an end to this line there were no persecutions of rock musicians, not even for political reasons. what was charged to konstantin, what he said there from the stage, hai hitler, sounded like a political matter, but people were just settling scores, because, well, he probably didn’t he was, of course, the most comfortable person for interacting with the security forces, well, like any rock musician, it’s simply written by definition as a rock musician, to be rebels and not to be friends with the system, so to speak, to protest, but failed, unfortunately , for me, i think that this idea failed, this idea with a common song did not work
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, although garik sukachev performed this song, and many other musicians, but it did not become the anthem of this new rock wave, i don’t even i know why it didn’t work out that way, because there with from a musical point of view, it seems to me that this is normal, such a blues story is very interesting, but - they really , in general, all on the tour, in general, all the musicians were like-minded, that is, they all quite unanimously perceived the administrative-command system, and understood that we need to break through this... this wall of prohibitions, i remember there, such a film was shot by the british, they came here, the title of this film was, translated into russian, as the beatles
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brought down the kremlin, and the concept was like this, that there are bans on rock music, they push young people away from the system, they push them away from the state, there’s the same city guy, sasha, he... with whom the interview was recorded for this film, he said that first the kremlin, well, there’s apparently the party leadership lost its youth, people who loved listening to rock music, and then they lost the country as a whole, and indeed, the bans themselves, they largely neutralized the advantages of the system that existed and which cannot be denied there because, of course, there in the soviet union there were... a lot of positive moments in education and in the structure in general, but the bans were completely meaningless, firstly, because
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, of course, there were no so-called internets yet, but there were already these so-called voices, then there are people who listened to the bbc, seva novgorod , they listened to the voice of america, and they listened in order to get some news from there, because this was for many, especially... in the provinces, and a source of musical novelties, that is, since yes on television there were melodies, rhythms of foreign variety shows, where you could listen to charles aznav there, or miria mathieu, but neither the beatles nor the rolling stones could be heard there , that’s why these bans were needed, well, they were absolutely stupid, unmotivated and - irritated people , that’s why, in fact , the kinchevo case, it showed, among other things , the weakness of the administrative command system,
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and to a certain extent i will repeat once again the lines that vyacheslav butuzov sang, the country was dying with a new virus in the cells, in general, these viruses were, to a certain extent, those the very seven notes, which simply folded into completely different configurations and not into those that people at the conservatory or like are used to listening to. the musical production that was broadcast on central soviet television. even from the reader ’s response to my publication in the smena magazine, one could conclude that the situation, including the situation in musical culture, is viewed completely differently by consumers of products, that is, relatively speaking, young people, and those people who formed an official discourse for young people, that is, people working
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there in various centers. that is, it was obvious that this system was unviable , that the end of times was coming, and it was not clear how to get out of this situation at all, well, how we got out, you all know, this can be assessed in different ways, are rock musicians the beneficiaries of this ending , yes, of course, they have acquired a different status, whether they are journalists. naturally, yes, is the country as a whole a beneficiary of these changes? this is a separate conversation, not for today episode of the end times podcast. we will see you again and again. thank you, it was evgeny dodolev.
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hello, this is the podcast schrödinger's cat, and i am its host, the chief editor of a popular science magazine, which is also called schrödinger's cat. and we are talking about science and how it affects our lives. today our guest is vladimir speredinov, professor, doctor of psychological sciences, head of the laboratory. hello, hello, vladimir, and egor plotnikov, artist. hello, don't be alarmed, this is specially such a composition of two seemingly opposite people, a scientist and an artist. because today we will talk about cognitive distortions. vladimir, why is it so important to study human mistakes, our irrationality. it turns out that in
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real life you and i behave because yes, we are neither super logicians, nor super statisticians, nor super thinkers, we are ordinary living people with a mindset that, in order to work well, is forced to make mistakes, which is why it is very useful to understand how it is it actually works because it allows, on the one hand, to understand how people make decisions, on the other hand, it allows us to give at least some recommendations in order to avoid very difficult mistakes. well, let's start with a few examples to make it clearer what we are talking about, here is my favorite cognitive error , and i think scientists too, this is the so-called fundamental error of causal attribution, i specifically say it in full so that you understand that psychologists too , scientists, they also have terms, for example, an employee brought a report from something clearly on time at the wrong time, why lazy, unpunctual, i didn’t
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do something on time, each of us doesn’t do something on time, that’s how the circumstances developed, it didn’t hurt, the dog was sick, it didn’t work electricity, and in general the task was greater than i thought, yes, yes, yes, very often we quarrel because we attribute to some actions of a person an explanation of his qualities, someone said a rude word, he is a khan, right , someone answered at the wrong time, he... look, well, we’re good, we wonderful, don’t you think that in general the desire to be good is such a powerful source of all kinds of cognitive errors, such one of the basic human needs, it can be described in different ways, it is connected with the fact that we want to maintain authority and self-respect, to look good in his own eyes, well, in the eyes of those around him, of course, too, and this leads to a large
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measure of such cognitive error or irrational behavior, which in my opinion is often called a foot in the door, when a person agrees to something small at first, he more willingly, then makes some big concessions or big compromises, well, in my opinion, the first experiment was when people were offered to put up a very ugly, very ugly poster in their yard, follow the traffic rules, some were offered to do this right away, and there , in my opinion, 80% refused, others were asked to first sign a petition for safe traffic, people signed, and the number of those who agreed to put up this ugly poster increased several times, four times there, if i’m not mistaken, this often works,
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well, actually, as a way of fighting for safe traffic, it’s not very often, like all sorts of manipulative techniques in sales, for example, regularly. that is, accordingly , the sales manager is trying to hook you on some little thing, on something that will not cost you anything special, but this will allow you to take the next step, i’m just not sure that the fact that we are describing this under the heading cognitive distortion is entirely true, yes, there is a lot of stuff going on here, it turns out that cognitive distortion is a real thing, if the word cognitive translated into russian, cognitive, these are errors in the cognitive sphere, in the sphere of cognition, in the sphere of our memory, attention, thinking. perception and so on, although there in general we still need to narrow it down, but in general, the general thesis that i would defend is very trivial, in general not mine, the human psyche, it is a very unreliable thing, it is very prone to errors, very different , that
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is, in this regard, a century in psychology is filled with studies that show how often, how varied, how foolishly we we make mistakes in different situations, and we make mistakes consistently, these are not random things, that is, the thesis that i formulated has a downside, that we make mistakes precisely because our psyche works normally. it's time for our second guest to join in. egor, you had an exhibition called cognitive distortion. yes, what is cognitive distortion in art? now one of your works has appeared on the screen, why is there a white line? oh, well, first of all, i would like to say that we really are living in a time when we overloaded with information, wildly overloaded, and... at a time when we are immersed in the screens of gadgets, our mentality works like a clip, that’s when we suddenly move or, on the contrary, find ourselves in extreme isolation for many, and this is
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of course reflected in the works , here, for example, we see such a white stripe, and in many of my other such landscapes, very natural, yes, in the classical manner, oil on canvas, yes, we also see such subtractions, as i call them, these are so white, canvas fragments, circles, uh, squares, stripes and so on, which seem to take away part of the image, it disappears, this is the image of our memory, which precisely preserves parts of the whole, yes, it loses this panorama, it only retains some fragments, and at the same time these disappeared parts , they provoke the viewer to... complement, replenish, remember this landscape, as if to appropriate it for themselves, remember from the baggage of some of their memories, complete it, perhaps, yes, try to imagine what is there, so to become such a collaborator of the artist, at the same time, in general, this one
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a call to the viewer to look more carefully at the work of art, at the space around oneself, as if to return to this, to this panoramic view of our vision. look, we have a typical scene , a rural road, some kind of woodland, a person , and a cut out rectangle, that’s when we make a decision to assess the situation, how much information we use, that ’s the one in the picture or much less, that’s a little depends on what situation you are in, but really uh, well, the general eye, now in science, explains this kind of situation, through a model where two systems work, a fast, intuitive system, and a slow, reasoning system, respectively, if the situation requires a very quick solution, then the system works almost instantly, uses a minimum of information, some then reference points of support,
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some similarities with other situations, and accordingly a very quick decision-making, if a more complex system is turned on, it turns on in cases where the first one... something is wrong, something accordingly, it causes misunderstandings or , accordingly, some possible serious consequences, something like this, everything is not always clear there, then, accordingly , the second system. will intervene and , let’s say, record that the situation is very strange, yes, there is an obvious hole in the image, that it is not clear in the hole, accordingly, is this the artist’s intention, or is it a lacuna in perception or something else, yes, that is, in in this regard, here is the reasoning system, system 2, it works slowly, requires much more information, but makes informed and generally largely informed decisions, more so than the intuitive system. the only thing i would sharply object to is the term clip
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thinking, this is an absolute invention of journalists, there is nothing like it in reality, it is an obvious invention. i would add to the common myths that we live in a situation of information overload ; in fact, the peasant of the century received the same huge amount of information as the geese behaved, and he had a hundred geese there, as was given a cow, like a flower, where it became, but i ’ll ask. still, this picture, look, here we have a situation, a rural road, dirt, beaten by tires, heavy cars, there is a person standing, i can’t even determine his gender, is it a man or a woman, well, judging by the boots, probably villager, we have a task, for example, to decide to turn right or left, there is a fork here, and for the first system, it is enough for us to see his boots and that he is some kind of local, and ask me to go to the stop right or
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left, right, we minimum analysis required information of these tires, his clothes, facial expressions, we make a decision, if, accordingly, the problematic situation is precisely to find the way to the stop, then i think that most of what you listed will generally fall out of consideration, it simply is - it seems a safe character, who is probably local, who probably knows the way, you can ask, something like that? but if suddenly we asked him for directions, and he says: i won’t tell you, and this situation repeats itself, the second system probably comes into play, what is happening, what is happening, something unexpected happened, and, accordingly, something that does not fit into the usual scenarios and, accordingly, here you need to think a little, or at least analyze more of some sources of information, perhaps the situation not so simple, perhaps there are some hints of danger or something... that is playing tricks on you or something else that just requires that
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very system 2, which, well, will think about what is happening, that is, desire save on information processing is generally such a basic feature of our brain, the word brain, i would consider it, let’s consider it, well , neuron, i mean our thinking, you can certainly, yes, accordingly, our cognitive system is lazy, a standard metaphor, it diligently avoids large volumes of work, where it can be handled relying on some directly accessible, easily processed and local signs, pieces of information, it will do exactly that, give some other example of how cognitive errors arise due to our desire to save, not the desire, the need to probably save, respectively, american colleagues did a very nice test called an idea for cognitive reflection... very simple, they give you problems where you can make a very quick decision, find
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a quick the answer is usually wrong, or you have time to catch yourself by the tail and that means thinking and answering correctly, but much longer, well, let’s say , respectively, a stick and a puck cost 1 ruble 10 kopecks, respectively, a stick costs a whole ruble more expensive than a puck, how much does a stick and a puck cost, well, a ruble and 10, they answer? yes, this is the wrong answer, this is exactly the system that worked, you need to have time to catch yourself by the tail to understand that five rubles is one thing, 5 kopecks another, the numbers are conditional, well, accordingly , this kind of problem allows you to record how much you manage to cope with your there is only one system, yes, how much you have time to slow it down and accordingly make more informed decisions, alas, these kinds of tests, they usually interpret them as tests. rationality human thinking, they show that
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we are not very rational. how often does this fail us, in your opinion, is it still some kind of exotic thing, is it for large economic transactions or impulsive purchases, or is it still everywhere? i have the impression that not just everywhere, but absolutely, absolutely everywhere, somehow i don’t even know how to say this, that is, this is how life works, please give us a loan and we will return your money. ukrainian propaganda, represented, of course... to return all the money for loans for weapons, of course, he will not give anything back, he buys yachts, pitchforks in italy, real estate in africa, when they stopped giving him, he began to ask. soon he will start stealing. fedorov tells us: there is a personnel crisis in the territories. because everyone is afraid, the threat of explosion, liquidation, it is extremely high. he directly says that they threaten to kill everyone who works in the liberated territories. antifake. premiere, tomorrow on the first. the
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coronavirus vaccine has disappeared in russia. perhaps this is a conspiracy. which is better, grapes or raisins? let's go to market? the power of iron, we read the blood test, the program to live well will help everyone, tomorrow is the first one. this place looks like a fairy tale country, the rivers are hot, the landscape resembles another planet, for every three local residents there is one bear, yanarupa, friends, the largest island of the kuril ridge, kuril-style eggs, we take small crusts, well... now it’s natural, i noticed that absolutely all tourists feed the leaf, this is very bad, she stops hunting, they don’t see any other food, she’s a beauty, you feel the smell, well, crush the krokovochka, the aroma will be all over ivanovskaya, there is more vitamin c in it than in batels, finally
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what we have been waiting for so long has happened, we saw a live bear, smoking in all its glory, the life of our own. the premiere is next sunday on the first. here is his real passport, his name is arnold deitch. he used this passport to travel to the uk. an operative of the highest class, he attracted to cooperation with soviet foreign intelligence a number of disinterested assistants, sources of invaluable, secret information. kim philby recommended donald maclean as a friend of his, whom he knew shared the communist ideology, 17 or 20 agents is an outstanding achievement, but the most important thing is the cambridge five. allen dalis assesses that the cambridge five are the most effective and most powerful intelligence group of the second world war. recruitment
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is the intelligence officer's sharpest weapon, but it is double-edged and can be cut on any person. walked on the edge in england, it was clear that in general they were following the tracks. for those 4 years in london, he had already done his job, he sowed this field with seeds that sprouted already in the forties. premiere, names of illegal intelligence, arnold deitch. next sunday on the first. schrödinger's cat podcast is with you today. we are talking about cognitive distortions, i would like to return to one of the main, well, at least in my opinion, source of cognitive errors, this is the desire to appear good in your own eyes in the eyes of observers, consistent , integral, as far as the person who sees your pictures wants to be good? interesting
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question, well, let me give you an example , look, here’s a person who grew up in an intelligent, somewhat educated family, and he thinks that it’s good to be good, you have to appreciate modern art, and he sees a painting that he might like somewhere and he would not like another situation, but he wants to maintain the consistency of his beliefs, and he begins to experience emotion, i like this picture, this is possible, yes , of course, this is possible, this reaction can be instantaneous, and there are people who really have a flair for art, as if to understand, say, painting, yes, or there, people, people who acutely feel somehow a plastic solution, but there are people who ask questions and are embarrassed to ask the artist and or there are embarrassed, afraid of seeming ignorant, yes, in art, and they make some kind of judgments, as if conditional, yes,


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