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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 4, 2023 2:25am-3:10am MSK

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a novel, of three components, of three pillars, of politics, mysticism and eroticism, yes, it seems to me that the erotic line is the weakest line of master margarita, i think because he writes it is more love than erotic, there are erotic scenes, i think he writes , well, i don’t mean erotica as erotica, there as something sensual, but as an eternal literary term, rather, he writes, alive, of course, to elena sergeevna, who is producing this novel, frankly speaking, yes, even for a moment his writing. this is about unfinished relationships it’s very difficult to write about love affairs, yes, the pen is out of tune and cautious, that’s why the master’s line is margaristan in time to analyze, it seems to me the weakest in the novel, but nevertheless the idea itself, in itself, this homunku twisted, yes, this, this is interesting , it’s interesting that everything is carried by a woman, that is, margarit is a very powerful image, it triggers the movement of the plot, the plot and so on, the master is such a bit of an added
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character who appears so unhappy some object of love and margarita , in general, as he appeared, he disappears, nothing interesting to us for the authors of the gospel of pilate, yes, but in this gospel the main pilate is also there, that is, there, in fact, jesus yeshua in the novel appears completely conditionally, he has literally a couple of lines and mostly it’s pilate and. internal external life, that is, pilate , as you say, the image of a ruler, yes, yes, the image of, well, let’s say, comrade stalin, who is still powerless in the face of some external stories, i’m listening to you, me, i actually felt it all differently, that is, i have a complete feeling, well, such a simple esoteric picture of everything and yeshua and pilate and why it’s all so, and what this novel calls for, and i don’t
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see in this stalin, i see depth in this, but if we are talking about jesus, this is an attempt, well , like woland’s gang, yes, how they give people the choice of the opportunity to somehow behave, whether to be a bastard or not, because it is always a choice, people are given a choice, no one will ever do anything for us, depending on choice and we get some kind of result, well , like cat or paradise, but you can be a bad person, you can be a good person, pontius pilate also has a choice, he makes it. therefore, cowards are the most terrible human threshold, which then torments him, and this is about forgiveness, because christ, because god will forgive a person in any case, and this is about choice and this is about repentance, when we slightly disagree with each other, this is absolutely okay, stalin is there, if you at least take the context of the era, well, in any in case it is present there, although for the younger generation it may not be important, in fact, it’s good, it’s good, we always
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cling to the context, well, for us it means a lot for our generation, but for them everything is fine, no thank god , don’t burden me, no, i’m just saying that it’s not that he ’s not there, but that woland wasn’t written from him, that’s what it’s not, well, no, maybe there are paint features there, but it’s not the fact that this is a completely and completely conveyed image for , well, of course, of course, of course he doesn’t paint portraits, i agree with that, of course. start, now it’s stopped again, the condition is stable, serious, valeria, direct cardiac massage in these conditions, it won’t get worse, this is her last chance, that she’s completely asleep or already, he’s drunk, tom, take him away, but this is already a crime, what are you doing, come on, what are you doing , i came to this city to correct a mistake, instead i made new ones. ask the nurse, tomorrow
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after the program it’s time to spit on the past, you’re alive, your arms are intact, your legs are intact, and memory, why i don’t care to you, everything that i have in life, everything that is the joy of every day, everything that i remember as mine. i love my country, premiere, on saturday on the first, you can’t love your homeland and not know the culture, geography, history, it’s impossible, hello everyone, my name is nastya zadorzhnaya, i love dogs very much, come here, i decided to change my life. instead of becoming an actress, i
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chose volunteering. she is incredibly helpful in raising my kids. what we had without dogs. and what has become now is two different lives, since i have a dog, i feel more strongly that i am a person, well, this is a wonderful dog, which already has two saved human lives, this is not just a pet, this is the creature that accompanies you everywhere , dogs love us, dogs change us, dogs teach us, dogs, dogs are a whole world, a world in which there is one important rule, always be there, premiere, be there, from december 10 to the first, this is
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a must-read podcast , i'm aglaya batnikova, today we are discussing mikhail's novel afanasvich bulgakov, master margarita, visiting. i have sonya igorova, an esotericist, and alexey kolobrodov, a writer and literary critic, a specialist on bulgakov, let ’s discuss this, there is, uh, such a sign that you can’t film the master margarita, you can’t stage, uh, all sorts of bad things start happening, someone dies, the picture goes on the shelf, some kind of fire happens, what do you think, maybe, why shouldn’t this information reach the masses? bortko shot the series, but he ’s an absolute atheist, he shot it like a novel great, without any esoteric coloring , well, i watched the series, i didn’t, but for me it’s not, no, me, it’s not that, but firstly, why, secondly, how, because it’s
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impossible to show, since this is written, by the way, i agree, it either must be, well , just some crazy budgets for this to be real. margarita, how to play it, who she is, because this is a collective image of those, that’s who, what kind of woman can become margarita, you could be, i’m not sure, thank you, of course, there are two russian film adaptations, the famous yuri kara, who it lay on the shelf for 17 years, not because of any censorship, but because of disagreements between the producers, well, again, there was this time that you started talking about, it seems to me that this is absolutely the same film, calmly moving from one to another, there’s also absolutely nothing special to talk about there. that’s why, as it were, there is mythology in many ways , by the way, elena sergeevna, for all her merits, she was very fond of some mythological plots, so she invented it in many ways, and the director naumov, duets, who filmed the completely legendary film adaptation
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bek, and according to pichakova, was in contact with elena serge a year before her death, and he also somehow got infected from her, because he said that she came to him... at night after her death, at night in a dream , well, sonya will say that it really happened, in general , we won’t find anything to infect, she said that someone was going to film, someone was going to film, she says, volodya, calm down, there will be no film adaptation, in general, from there it reminds me of the story about costaneda, he didn’t want his work to be filmed, even filini approached him approached with this proposal, but every time costaneda staged some kind of hoax, smeared some room with blood or sent some... relatively speaking, a witch from his retinue, in general, everything, because costaneda did not want to see anyone on the screen -the actor who portrays himself, perhaps elena sergeevna did not want margarita to be portrayed , some kind of jealousy was at work in her, because any
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baugakovsky material, well, flies into the cinema magnificently, it just simply becomes an immortal classic, ivan vasilyevich gaidaya, and by the way, the whole country is watching the new year, this ivan vasilyevich is changing his profession and it doesn’t even mean that this is a play, unfortunately, but there are very serious meanings there, just because there is, there is a play of bliss, from which ivan vasilyevich grew up simply, which he wrote for the theater of satire, and was almost staged by ivan vasilyevich, this is like evidence of the very imperial turn that comrade stalin began to make in thirty-four, this idea that the criminal miloslavsky ... with a greater statesman than the soviet house manager bunsha, yes, it was such a sharp idea for those times, yes, please tell me, there was a buzzer in the newspaper, ilf and petrov were there, there were kataev, that is, in this buzzer it was concentrated, one might say, the whole intellectual and literary thought,
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why is bulgakov, who worked together with ilf and petrov, credited with 12 chairs and the golden calf, you know, now, when i re-read the master margarita, i was surprised. i saw that this phrase that there is no second freshness of asetrine, i was i’m always sure that it’s from a golden calf or twelve chairs, but it turned out to be master margarita, i thought, well, it ’s just a copy of the same thing, there’s such a story, moreover, we, well, we know two fundamental myths for russian literature, yes, that yesenin did not commit suicide, someone killed him, and that shovukhov was not written by a quiet don, but a variety of comrades wrote there, and the third most important is bulgakov, the author of twelve chairs and the golden calf, well, such a more or less literate lady, literature veda irina omlinsky, wrote a whole book, one way or another differently reasoned, and the more famous character dmitry galkovsky, a writer, philosopher, in general, wrote at one time... quite a lot in defense of this idea, what do you think?
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i think that in general, you need to understand a little bit of the context , there are two points here, the first is that it was one company, the second, when bulgakov began writing the master margarita, i told you, 29, the year i met ilyan sergeevna, by the way, 12 have already been released and have been a huge commercial success, it is already a bestseller, in twelve chairs already this moscow appears, izvoshchicha, house manager, yes, izvoshchicha, house manager, loudspeakers, colsons, sunflower oil, everything, all this is already in twelve chairs. baukakov, well, he, he is not just an artist, who, he is also a writer who wants to make a bestseller, he reads the anti-trazskie motives in twelve chairs, very relevant at that time, he reads what kind of humor comes in, how to make fun of this soviet man in the street, zoshchenko is super polar, yes, who also yes, yes, yes, so he writes these recipes according to these moscow chapters of master margarita, that is , you think that this is a recipe, i think that
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no, it’s nothing, it cannot be called, and god forbid it should be called plagiarism, it’s just a common not a common company, a common recipe, sonya, you would like to see the master and margarita someday, the way you imagine on the screen, it seems to me that it would be right for every person who reads and re-reads this novel for these characters that really exist to appear before his eyes as he feels, because what is it like multifaceted, that how to play ogot, this is a demon, how to play him, how to play satan, how to play margarita, why, yes, these are all things that are very difficult to implement, but in the material, thank you guys for the interesting conversation, we have already had enough we talked about the novel and its, let’s say, secret paths and some hidden meanings, you are a very interesting interlocutor for this particular topic, so i thank sonya for your attention,
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and lesh, thank you for your literary knowledge about this, thank you, i hope it was useful, thank you for very interesting, very interesting look, this was a must- read podcast, i’m glad to hear from batnikov, today we discussed the novel by mikhail bulgakov, master margarita, my guests were sonya egorova, esotericist, and alexey kolobrodov, literary. critic, writer. hello, this is a psychics podcast, where i, journalist natalya losyeva and candidate of psychological sciences, clinical psychologist mikhail khors, continue to analyze the most interesting, most complex stories of our heroes. hello, dear friends. our hero today, vadim, arrived in moscow
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after divorce. his ex-wife and his children remain in his hometown, and vadim is looking for his new love. but he doesn't do well because whoever he finds in this new big city, they all resemble his wife, or he compares these women to his ex-wife, whom he can't let go of. what's up with this? whether it’s good or bad, and what flashbacks like this really mean, we’ll figure it out today, hello, vadim, hello, well, that means you left your wife, it was you, it was a mutual decision, but after all, she was the initiator of the divorce, why? but the fact is that we lived in marriage for 8 years, got married in 2014 and divorced in the past, in the beginning everything was for love, great, we have two children, a six-year-old girl and a 3-year-old son, we thought that having children was only will unite, strengthen the family and
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give some new round to the relationship, in fact, we have already begun to understand that we are completely different people, or rather, initially - we saw and realized this, but as they say, opposites attract, we were fine, but in some moment uh, i'm human more active, i can’t sit still straight, as they say, she’s just so calm, economical, that seems to be... a plus, but for me it’s too possible, passive in some ways, for example, children, yes, happiness , great, but sometimes you need to make time for each other too, we were able to. i wanted to leave them with my grandmothers and grandfathers and i wanted to have some interesting, active time, go somewhere in nature for a few days, hiking, snowboarding, let’s say, at that time she preferred a quiet holiday, lying on the sofa, tv series , they couldn't yes, you are absolutely right, and as a result, i left, we spent time separately, did not return
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home, because, again, i wanted something interesting, new, that is, what does it mean not to return home? like, honey, i’ll be there at 9 , and then, excuse me, i’m not sleeping at home tonight , no, that was no longer entirely true, uh, i didn’t say that i would come, i said it as it is, that i was leaving, but her naturally, this didn’t suit her very much, but the children stayed with her, and dad was on tour, roughly speaking, it was like that, so why was the initiator she, because at some point she was no longer satisfied with this, these outings of mine, i don’t boast about it. how often did these attacks take place? well, every, every day you are there? yes no, no, it happened periodically on weekends, let’s say i wanted something extreme, well, how many weekends a month was that, weekends, every other weekend, let it be like this quite often, well, that is , twice a month you went away overnight , to some kind of extreme, but it was already closer to the end of our relationship, when before that it
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was less common, yes yes, before that it was much less common, i somehow they still held themselves, they held themselves, yes, probably, but at some... moment i realized that, well, no, i can’t do that, if only, i would be glad if she were with me, in these pastimes, but she was not interested in it, but you could watch kinso with her, no, sometimes they watched it, but for her it was commonplace and it was absolutely uninteresting to somehow diversify it, that is, she could alternate with me, that’s where her hobby is , my hobbies, but she wasn’t confused about mine, that ’s how the children were in this whole story, when dad went there, mom went to tv series, and the children went with grandma. with grandfather or whatever, or as a result, they stayed with their wife, because again , grandparents themselves even suggested, let’s sit with them, you’ll spend the weekend together, well, she says, i don’t want anything, so she watched tv series, well, children were at home, but they didn’t take the eldest girl with them to some kind of extreme sport, after all, they flew for so many 6 years, well, it was possible for my dad to drag me around the taiga at the age of 4, of course, i understood you, but
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no, apparently not yet , i don’t know, i just didn’t have such an idea, maybe it seems to me that i it’s still early, but at least your example. you went to the hill with him to ride with them , that is , well, you still had such a small extreme, yes the hill, yes, my three-year-old son rode the hill, yes, she could be on bicycles , there on scooters you rode with them, on a bicycle, she’s still just learning from me how to ride a scooter, and we had walks, well, that is, the children were partners in your outings, of course, but again, i can give you another example, that’s what you mean yes, let me down too, i often walked with my wife didn’t come with us as children, well , this is also an absolutely family pastime, we just went to the park, had a picnic, took a blanket, scooters, she says: well, you know, i don’t like all these walks, i’ve come to the conclusion that she’s too domestic, it might not sound like something, but yeah, but she ’s like someone else, or she’s like that on her own, listen, well, her mother is exactly the same, and my ex-mother-in-law, they say, look at mother-in-law,
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if you want to see what it’s like so far, by the way, i communicate very well with my former mother-in-law, hello to her, vadim, tell me, how did you , as a man, as a father, as a family man, i mean , there, well, provide for your family, right? yes , i’m an entrepreneur, i deal in building materials, i have an average income , i worked for you, my wife started working only a year ago, before that she worked exclusively while you lived together, your wife didn’t work, she started working towards the end of her family life, yes, well , that is, you provided for your family, you are so energetic, you entertain the children, and it turns out that your wife was such an anchor for you, and what you liked, so you say, we we we immediately saw that we were so different , but at the same time we enjoyed it, what does this mean, then at the beginning of your relationship, well, firstly, it was some kind of crazy love, on our part, at least at least, i’ll say, i got married at the age of 26 and until that age i didn’t love so much,
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it’s hard to describe, but i met her, yes, well, that’s exactly the passion we had in the nightlife, so to speak, at first she accepted me, this is also an important point, she is with me, as it turned out, not even though apparently, because she too she loved it very much, we went out to visit somewhere , she, so you understand, even in terms of guests, it’s not special to receive guests at home, it’s a pleasure, table, yes, let guests come to us, but not us, but i’ll repeat myself, but i want to get out, i can’t sit at home, although i have a comfortable apartment in yekaterinburg, you can, you can, you just sat at home. you can’t sit at home all the time , it’s probably true, because you spent time at home, of course, you say that, i can’t sit at home, immediately people get the feeling that you’re such a jumper, you’ve just left your family. because you are at home, no, you were sitting at home , you can, well, just not all the time, weekdays , work, home, of course, 100%, children in the evenings, walks, weekends, yes,
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something is just rattling in my head begins, let's move on to the point with which they came to us, in the end you developed, and you left for moscow, that's right, and now you have girls, and you are looking for your ex-wife in each of them, as it turned out, as this is happening, we got divorced, decided... no further relationship, i’m already happy with everything too, i’m actually having a very hard time i left, but that’s a different story, i moved here, i’ve only been living here for a month and a half, you could say the group ran away from my ex -wife, although there are children there, and it’s very hard for me here without them, but i understood that i couldn’t be with her, why didn’t the feelings cool down, despite everything i’m telling you, we couldn’t be together anymore, we had conflicts, very serious ones, but it didn’t cool down , it sits somewhere in the subconscious and i, you know, seem to be looking for a replacement, i want to fall in love , i want to be loved, sincerely, but every time i meet girls, when i communicate
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a subconscious comparison begins , a beautiful, young girl, we communicate great , i recognize her, i don’t like to cook, it’s all in my head, i don’t want one like that, yes, i don’t want one, that is , i’m not an ordinary wife at this moment, i think, i just understand, that i need a girl who knows how to cook, just? because for 8 years i got used to exactly this, and you really thought it was important, and i thought it was important, now you think it’s very important to have a wife who or your girlfriend who can feed you delicious food, and it is necessary, why is it necessary, explain, and delivery from a restaurant, listen, the answer to the question why in words, because i ’m so used to it, this is a small answer, well, it doesn’t seem to imply critical thinking, you never know what you’re used to, why for... because the forms are dammed, woman, girl, why is this bad, because i have qualities in
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the head of my ex-wife, which must definitely be in the current one, that is , you should be welcomed at home with delicious food, it was like that in the family, probably yours, your mother, probably mom also cooked very tasty food and yes, i lived there with my parents for a long time until i was 24 years old , i was such a mommy, you know, every time girls came to us with a problem... i can’t find a man, every time they write to me and natalya on social networks, there’s something like : give the phone to the girl, i’m sure that now after this program they’ll overwhelm us, don’t take guzeeva’s bread, what are you going to overwhelm there, i know how to cook, give vadim’s phone number , why not, well, actually, girls who know how cook a million, what’s the problem, well, choose one that knows how to cook, what else? you want, what else do you compare with, besides what? i gave an example, in fact , i didn’t tell her everything, goodbye, we continued to communicate, but somehow i didn’t like her anymore, i really liked her, a great, cool
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girl, your phrase about crazy love, crazy love, yes ? you have already gotten yourself into a relationship with a person whose values ​​are far from yours, and of course, with such a person it is much more difficult... to maintain this wonderful unit of society, and in the modern world, if it were it was 100 years ago, we would have lived wonderfully, everything would have been fine, well, it’s just different now, now make your love smart, smart, not crazy, what are you getting into again, the same thing, why do you need this passion again, this is a loss of control , this means, when you don’t see in a person something that doesn’t suit you, why, well, start now, you’re already 34 years old, not 26 anymore, go. you can try to take a more rational approach in a different way, right? i absolutely agree with you, but these are words that are important, well, apparently i’m acting on
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some emotions and feelings and, well , it seems to me that even as if her appearance, i am striving for something similar, but i repeat to you, absolutely, i don’t know how this happens, i probably came with this request, no, well, you can strive for, you have a certain psychotype that causes... often ex-wives are similar to the current ones , but everything seems to be nothing so bad, where is the problem, well, find one similar to yours with the same psychotype, the same type of visual, but still knows how to cook, what’s the problem, and i know what the problem is, tell me, it seems to me that you just love your wife, maybe now from a distance you realized that, well, you could, for example, try to build your life in such a way that... you agree that sometimes you need these tours around forests, through valleys, then the children will grow up, the boy will grow up, you will
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jump with him to return to this one of yours. who keeps the house, comfort, cooks, well, there ’s always a question of defining what love is, yes, and i’m kind of in favor of us understanding love as accepting a person as such, what he is, acceptance of what , that what doesn’t suit us, we still accept it, like, well, yes, love, it can be developed, you can accept more over time, and so on, and there’s another question, because here there is not only love, but life together, we don’t know how the spouse is, yes, who there were conflicts, because well, if a person can negotiate as much as you like, but if you arrive after a day off, and they throw an ax at you, conditionally yes , then here is the second story, i have a desire to agree with natalya too, that is, this is a big a rarity, you mean, and a great achievement, so look, what an interesting thing, now most likely you have two models of everything in your head, the first model is with her and without her, but here i am... my
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wife’s husband, i it seems like he got divorced, yes, maybe you even had some thoughts about returning to her, and like the second model without her, but there is a third scenario, which is that you can do it with her, but you don’t have to start a family again, with your wife, you are not obliged to live there, which means you can live with your wife in a family, with all these paraphernalia, to some extent you can continue your relationship with your wife as a man and a woman. and maybe i have such an assumption, based on my professional experience, this will light you up in a new way, both you and her, this is also possible, you see, please provide us with a loan and we will return your money. ukrainian propaganda, represented, of course, by vladimir zelsky, spreads a promise to return all the money for weapons loans, of course, he will not give anything back, he
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buys yachts, pitchforks in italy, real estate. he started asking for a loan, he will start soon steal. fedorov tells us: there is a personnel crisis in the territories, because everyone is afraid, the threat of explosion, liquidation is extremely high, he directly says that they are threatening to kill everyone who works in the liberated territories. antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. the coronavirus vaccine has disappeared in russia. perhaps this is a conspiracy. what's better. khat or raisins, we go to the market. the power of iron, we read the blood test. the program is doing great and will help everyone. tomorrow on the first. this place looks like a fairyland. the rivers are hot, the landscape resembles another planet, there is one bear for every three local residents. i’m on iturup, friends, the largest island of the kuril chain. kuril style eggs.
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we take a little bit of caviar, well, now naturally, i noticed that absolutely all tourists feed the leaf, this is very bad, she stops hunting, they don’t see any other food, she ’s a beauty, you can smell the smell, well, crush the little crust, the aroma will be on all of ivanovskaya, how much more vitamin c does it contain than oranges, finally it happened that we we waited so long, we saw a live bear, smoking. in all its glory, the life of his own, the premiere, next sunday on the first, here is his real passport, in his name arnold deitch. he used this passport to travel to the uk. an operative of the highest class, he attracted a number of disinterested assistants and sources of invaluable secret information to cooperate with soviet foreign intelligence. who philby
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recommended donald maclean as a friend of his, whom he knew shared communist ideology, 17 or 20 agents, this is an outstanding achievement, but the most important thing is the cambridge five. aline dalis assesses that the cambridge five are the most effective, most powerful group of intelligence officers of the second world war. recruitment is the sharpest weapon of an intelligence officer, but it is double-edged and here you can... cut short on any person, dach walked on the brink in england, it was clear that, in general, they were following the tracks. during those 4 years in london, he had already done his job, he sowed this field with seeds that sprouted already in the forties. premiere, names illegal intelligence, arnold deitch. next sunday is on first. this is a psychic podcast in
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our studio, the hero vadim, who left his hometown, leaving his wife and two children there, but is still looking for the image of his wife, and mo can i have you? of course, do you dream about her? yes, i don't think i think about her, but a few days ago, i swear to you, i had a dream that she was getting married and i was trying to break up this marriage, just god, oh god, oh god, what were you doing to you him, she tells me, i met yesterday a man, and today we are already getting married, i ’m at this ceremony, the man doesn’t mean anything at all, i’m sorry, but... and i’m somehow trying to disrupt this wedding, so that, like, you have no reason to disrupt this wedding? there was no understanding, but i couldn’t get over the fact that she would get married, and after this dream, i just submitted a request to
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participate in this program, what would the old men freud, jung and adler tell us about this? i don’t know, it seems to me a big mistake to think that dreams are possible. it's normal, no, he's not just dreaming, he's not jealous of you, he protests, lord , years were spent with this woman, children are from her, everything is fine, you may dream about her, that is, this is again a request, yes, do not give this dream over-meaning, well, you are used to thinking about her, the brain does not turn off at night and he also continues to think about her, nothing terrible and nothing special... well, that is, he agrees with what that means, most likely, he thinks about her all the time, we see it now, but you are always about her you think, in fact, vadim wrote this to us in his description, yes, another question, what to do, and either you then admit that
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you don’t love this woman, because you deny her for who she is, and she doesn’t suit you in her values, in her behavior, in her life, everything, then you perceive those the feelings that you now experience for her, precisely as a painful connection that should be broken off, or you still take a position, i accept it to some extent, that is, i have some kind of love for her, then maybe you will agree to this intermediate one, it is also naturally an option, but not necessary be a family, but you can meet, you know, because again, it’s like you’re in a family, you had some opinions. most likely, that since we are in a family, we should spend time together, since we have a stamp in our passport, it means we should have common values, in fact this is not so, firstly, you lived like that and it was also possible, just conflicts, but you had to work with them in a timely manner, here’s the second thing, now you don’t have a stamp,
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it doesn’t limit you, maybe then you ’ll have less importance for these joint pastimes, but if a person is really dear to you, if? you still love, accept and appreciate someone in him, maybe at least at some level you can try to maintain this relationship, the same can be done, because you don’t have to go back to your family, yes, of course, for children it’s it will look especially strange, vadim , we may not know, by the way, what it will look like for your children, because they may even be happy, i just thought about it a lot, mikhail, but maybe this is not even a feeling of love at all, but just a feeling possessiveness, 8 years of marriage, and well, i just can’t let go, because this. mine, well, i’ll put it roughly, and it’s precisely this moment that can hold me? once again, it is important to understand that this sense of ownership , yes, this is also the norm of life, most likely it also exists, the question is only this, or is there something
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else, i understand everything, and you know how to understand, is it only this, or there is something else, no, i don’t know how to imagine and work through these feelings when you understand that that’s it, your wife got married, yeah. what will they be feel? what if your wife gets married? well , it seems to me that sol was showing what it would feel like? yes, i wanted to answer the same thing, but mikhail says, what is the emotion? emotion, at this very moment, it will still be hard for me to accept, no, it’s hard to understand, but what is anger, guilt, what is here, like emotions, it has a name, it will hurt me, it will hurt, but what it will hurt, it will be a loss, yes, i can’t use emotions, it’s hard for me. that it will hurt, that someone puts on your slippers, he goes to bed with her, someone is just pain loss, the pain of loss, most likely, but then
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tell me, why do people feel pain when they lose something or someone, because they have become attached, because not but loss is a severance of this connection, but pain, but why? because we... forbid ourselves to lose, but when a person lives an adult life, of course it won’t work out completely, but he goes towards it, and allows himself to lose. and realizes loss as a norm of life, that’s when he stops believing that loss is something definitely bad, that’s when he develops as a person, that’s here he can already understand, but besides this pain, loss in general, what else do i have to do with this person, besides this selfishness, selfishness is the norm in relationships, besides this selfishness, what do i have, well, again, you are an entrepreneur , have you really never lost any money, opportunities there, lost by the way, perhaps in some way... i was experiencing feelings, i now understand what you
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’re saying, yes, yes, well, that’s how you lived it, and at some point you finally realized that entrepreneurship is not only about gaining, it’s also about losing, right, but for some reason there it’s easier to worry about all this, it’s easier there because the significance is less, yes, here the significance is greater, but if after our meeting today you realize that losses are possible in your personal life, you will calm down a little, that’s when you’re a little... calm down a little, and this pain, it won’t go away completely, it just won’t... become from the realization that your ex-wife may marry someone else , then you will understand whether you appreciate something in her or not , or is it just selfishness from mine, i understand, but it’s valuable for you let's go back a little earlier, but do you remember any such moments of absolute happiness in your life with your wife? of course, but the very first place is the birth of children , well, i’ll probably say that especially the first daughter, because this is the first child on the ultrasound, i find out
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that it’s a girl, i have tears in my eyes, and i have some kind of stereotypical thinking, boy , boy, there i am a ural man, girl, everything is great, happiness, in general i just wanted two children and the birth of children, i was present at both partner births, this this is something unforgettable, supported, these were probably the main moments, well, the time we spent the first time, i’m now telling you about the end... from our life together, she accepted, perhaps i also accepted somewhere more calm leisure, but then each of us just felt that it was not on the way, we can’t get over ourselves anymore, and well, i need this, she needs this, so they decided that this was bad, but can i ask you, mikhail , what if then, when they felt that they were accumulating this mutual irritation, not to please, then they came to a psychologist, it was possible , what do you think, and that’s why i said yes, that it was important to work with this conflict earlier, so if they really
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came to a valuable specialist, the likelihood is that you this conflict, and this conflict , once again, it is based only essentially on one basic statement that spouses should have the same values ​​and that if they don’t, then it’s bad, you know, if only you would work with this statement and understand, that it is not necessary to always have it in everything the same values, maybe the value of delicious food there is already enough to live on, everything should be, why everything must be, now if you then and she sort of realized this, you would have a much greater chance of staying together, but here , to be honest, i would look at your wife separately, because i now see you as a whole as a fairly healthy person, and the fact that natalya tried to leave her wife there, and show you as some kind of deviant male, no, not so, i gave him the opportunity
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to show him that he is completely different, on the contrary revealed, that means, accordingly , you can talk to your wife there, perhaps, and also about some kind of deep-seated depression, because if a person sits like that in tv series, he loses a lot of time on this, i don’t know, yes, i i don’t even ask, he’s getting fat , he’s not getting fat, that’s all there, no, okay, but this is one of the... signs that a person has a stressful or depressive state, one of the signs, not the fact that it’s yes, but if i were in her place, if she sees and hears now, yes, actually too i noticed whether she was running away from some kind of pain in these series, because this happens quite often, when you broke up, it was now happening violently, emotionally, or somehow calmly, you are already at the point of no return, these are very loud conflicts,
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in which children became participants, involuntarily , that is, two small children hear all this perfectly well, when we calmed down, we were very sorry, we promised each other it would not happen again, children should not hear this, but it repeated itself again, at some point we realized, well, this can’t go on, that’s it the extreme point was precisely the conflicts that naturally came from what i was talking about. and they flared up right out of the blue, literally, or there was always some reason for this, yes, again , absolutely to the point, they just clung to each other, apparently they understood that this couldn’t happen even in family life. and what we definitely decided is that people live for the sake of their children, they continue to exist together there, i’ll call it that, but we decided to separate for the sake of the children, because this could not continue as we did they thought, mikhail, this is a stormy, violent reaction, a stormy conflict, what are they talking about, that the relationship is really already irretrievably destroyed, or vice versa, that they
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are not indifferent to each other, and it just screams some kind of pain, there some kind of thing , well, they’re confused, what are they talking about? generally speaking, there are two types of conflicts, there are constructive conflicts and there are emotional ones, a constructive conflict is when we go out, that means, well, with someone, and we try with the help of conflict, for example, by raising our voices and swearing, but staying internally a fairly calm person, we are achieving something, a constructive conflict, yes, indeed, most conflicts in this world are not constructive, but emotional. therefore, the conflict itself is neutral, the question is what emotion led to it, yes, you can work with these emotions, you can, realizing that the cause of emotions is not the behavior of another person, but is our beliefs that this behavior is bad, that
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such behavior should not exist and that i, i am so wonderful and beautiful, am not worthy of such behavior, these beliefs. does not correspond, since you have such a spouse, it means that this is exactly what you deserve , at this point in your life, you want to change something, change it, this behavior may be, it is normal statistically, it is not good, not bad, yes, that’s it if we look realistically at the behavior of other people, we are not captured by negative emotions, they cease to control us, because we begin to control them, here we have the opportunity to either enter into conflict, if we think that it will be better this way, then it is constructive , or not to enter it, yes, but not because i’m afraid of conflicts, but because i thought it was better this way, wisely, rationally, what i ’m telling you about now, just for you to read for the future, is called cbt cognitive behavioral therapy, books on there are a million of them, it is now very widespread, because
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it is evidence-based, very rational, without any esotorism, cards, as now some psychologists like to lay out and so on this... nonsense, some pseudo-psychologists, well, people who call ourselves as psychologists, but this is the story, so even if you don’t grow together, first of all, give yourself time, because well, you just broke away a month and a half ago, give yourself a year, but for you it’s an achievement, i’m still having a blast, that means i now have to find myself a woman, no, in fact, even if it’s just according to the usual textbook and grief loss, there are several... live it, you immediately jump somewhere into some new relationship, you understand that i want to, but give yourself time, there are questions that have no answer, but there are others, to which accurate and direct answers will be given, you can ask your question
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now by calling 8 800 200 4040 via sms to number 04040 or through the websites and moskvadefis putinu.rf. all details are on the websites. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. this is a psychic podcast. in our studio, the hero vadim, who left his hometown, leaving his wife and two children there, but is still looking for the image of his wife, what would you say to your ex- wife now, this is a very difficult question, we are now, let's call her.


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