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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  December 5, 2023 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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ivan karlovich, what about tikhomira, what ’s wrong with her, well, you wanted to raise the question of her suitability for her position, but what do you care about her position, you don’t seem to be competitors? you, i’m just going to the kostelyanskaya to bring you a new one, because of every stain i have to change my robes, the budget is not enough,
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but how did you convince the myaki to remain silent? about something? i didn't even talk to him? yes, but then what is the fool playing with and pretending to be? is it you who became him? yes, but do you want to know why? it doesn't matter anymore. katya, no one convinced anyone of anything. ivan karlovich is sick. him dementia, if you watch, you will notice , forgetfulness, changes in behavior , indecisiveness, sloppiness, this is some kind of nonsense, there was no conspiracy, meki just forgot about me, take it, alcohol poisoning, during transportation i lost consciousness several times, that’s because of the blood pain syndrome for perforation... pulse 90
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, pressure 100 over 60, come on, get ready for endoscopy, the skin is pale, cold to the touch, so lie down on the tank, let's try, try, i won't swallow this rubbish, we have to do an endoscopy to understand where is it bleeding from, yes it’s blowing, i have the right, my friend’s silver wedding, i’m thirsty. you can’t drink now, we need to do an endoscopy, identify the source, the bleeding, stop it, pump him up with something, i already understand, we’ll start hemostatics, intravenous drips , what are you using for pain relief, holi, don’t push arkasha, brake, listen, if you don’t care about yourself, at least think about us, you barely got by last time, you are doctors, you are obliged, but i don’t owe anyone anything, why are we even bothering with you? i’ll do anything, but
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they don’t appreciate what you tell me, but you have people like that here the doctors are attentive nurses, i was lying in an injury, so little sister tanya brought me supplements every day. food, not like in our almshouse, oh, i wish i could lie here for another week, tomorrow there’s an operation, what an operation, i have a fractured femur, it’s strange, why are you coming to us, they say your numbers have dropped, baby, baby, come here, take it. where
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i have no one with you, we don’t take anything from patients, did i take it out on you? i’m sorry, i also apologize to you, what i wanted to say, you should have given up on this matter, i drank it too, what are you you think, just before one incident, i came in with a stink, i worked it out, it was so bad , i think, just to work it off, but i worked it off, i gave the child an adult dose, of course they didn’t
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cover up their own, but i stopped, without any coding. you don’t look happy , i’m doing my job, and if i were you, i would give myself a heavy dose of the strongest anesthesia, uh-huh, well, yes, and if you know what i did, i would also cut out your gallbladder on top of everything else. ay-ay, val, well, she’s a young woman, not sixty, and she’s already so unstuck, what are you talking about, a double fracture, so we live, i just want to say, how are you doing,
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nadya, the old woman just whistled, and i think who are you talking to, your neighbor and mother-in-law, we had a good talk, right? so the pills , oh, it’s time for lunch, oh, thank you, baby, but i can’t, there’s surgery tomorrow, there won’t be any surgery, the cardiologist canceled it, how is it , don’t worry, nadazhny, don’t worry, no, not without surgery, no way, no need get up, i ’m telling you that i can’t do it without surgery, come on, call whoever’s in charge here, quickly, hopefully. call someone who is here with you nadezhda egorovna, what about the bucket? paroxysmal tachycardia, and you f bear it, so, hold
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your breath. we need to do vaginal tests and vera , for goodness sake, maybe we’ll wait for the doctor, we can handle it ourselves, well, what are you waiting for, she won’t withstand anesthesia, you saw her cardiogram, i saw it, and i also saw a nursing home, the person lying there is dying. kiril vladimirov, if i offended you with something yesterday, what did you imagine? what does this have to do with it? there is an objective reason, a recusal from the operation, i don’t
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understand at all why i have to explain this to you, why am i reporting to you, quietly, it’s hard to say where you’re taking me, because it’s me, nothing is known yet. oh, where should i go, back to the department, the operation, there will be no operation, oh , so, calm, calm, nadezhda egorovna i don’t advise, oh, so that they give the go-ahead, the heart should work like a motor, and here you are, attack after attack, i’m going nowhere i’m not moving from here, grandma, stop making a fuss, you’ll twist me , old lady, and dima. i refuse to take medicine and i won’t eat, i’ll die here, what is this? shakdra fracture, get it back department, no, what department, she needs
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to be operated on, so i’m also in favor of surgery, and kirillo vladimirovich, kiril vladimirovich himself, belov’s surgery in intensive care urgently, the risk of complications with conservative treatment is much greater, muscle atrophy, pneumonia, thrombosis, i don’t need to retell the textbook fourth year, everything that i have just listed is a death sentence for an elderly person, someone’s teeth erupted with yes, i just simply demand optimal treatment for the patient, and i just don’t want to kill her, i need to show her again a cardiogram, god, yes, with such indications you can operate, no, you’re just afraid of ruining your statistics, what’s quiet,
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quiet, what do you allow yourself, what? don’t worry, our luminary is not in a good mood today, he’s right, i wanted to impress you. you succeeded, yeah, lera, can i call you that if it’s convenient for you, i was always looking for an opportunity to tell you, i think i understand why you’re helping me, dmitry, your mother, it doesn’t matter to me what she thinks, and i don’t care that you’re older than me, it doesn’t bother me, wait. hopeful.
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even over the head of your immediate superiors, since you are in the know, i am in the know, i am always in the know, then tell him that an operation is necessary, what kind of operation, chulkova , and i remember, i am also against it, that’s enough, i work here more than you do in the world you live, guys, well, you can’t do this, tests, glue, then cards, what kind of person are you? handsome, little, well, tired, mom, m, well, well, well, maybe
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that’s enough already, but what is it, why are you cackling at me all the time, here no one takes me seriously anyway, that’s why this doesn’t take it, she’s an excellent doctor, no worse than katya, don’t talk about katya, okay, well, enough of the phonendosque comparison, well, just don’t give in to her, too much, she understands, it’s katya, who’s the fuck? no one, of course, it seemed, they brought a girl there with burns, where is the gratitude? for what? for not cleaning up your department.
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what happened? i took off the kettle, it ended up at my feet, i didn’t have time to understand anything, what are you treating with? yes, i use ointment for burns, ointment after boiling water, the ointment delays the heat and increases the damage, i should have used cold, i i didn’t know, i i didn’t know, today i just... something was wrong, when did this happen? yesterday, and today i unwound the bandage, she had blisters under it and i called an ambulance and then she lost consciousness, consciousness, yes, she is in a coma, well, well, we put it down carefully, everything will be fine, after 20% damage, burn shock, yeah. they react to the light, all tests are urgent, dexsomitosone
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and taking the solution, you need to replenish the loss of fluid, valeria, gastric umbrella and catheter sword bladder, navocaine solution, come on, come on, belly, come on, the pressure is dropping, colitis dopamine well done, well done,
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bon appetit, thank you, katyusha, sit down with us, thank you,
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bon appetit everyone, do you have separate meals? yes , i have my mother’s cutlets and no chemicals, no chemicals, if you don’t want them, give them to me, please, but when i fall in love, it’s not at all , once i fell in love so much that i lost 5 kg, and i, i read something like that in on the internet, it seems that only the gentleman has it. albino panda was born in the berlin zoo, an outcast panda, well, that is , others from this panda pride, she was expelled, but there was one panda who i brought her food, out of love, aren’t you afraid that katerina will find out all your thoughts now,
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there is such a sign if you eat from someone else’s plate, but why does she need my thoughts? come on, are you bringing us together, or what? lord, this is funny, the first stage of acceptance is denial, sorry, bon appetit, does anyone have headphones, i really need them, take mine, yeah. shirata of the soul, the best male quality, and where were you looking, where were you looking, you were fumbling with your phone again, you ’re a fool, no, i’m only for a second
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, fuck you, you think it’s funny, you think, this, this funny, you think, stop immediately , i'll call the security, you saw her face, it's not allowed to cut it, you can treat your husband, young man, sit down, please, i can talk to you, okay, yes, sit here, i 'll bring water, don’t go, go ahead, yeah, okay, okay, close your eyes, stick out your tongue, it’s called the tongue of a chameleon.
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perhaps the reasons for your clumsiness in illness are that you diagnosed me, that you googled it, or what? yes, of course, i’ll call the doctor now, and if you’re still there, don’t go anywhere. muscles they move involuntarily, receiving a false signal from the brain, well, you saw it, well, if it seems that you made a mistake, the balls will kill me , if you are afraid, i will go to dima, no, i will do everything, there may be several reasons: a brain tumor, genentingtor choria , konovalov's syndrome, well, stress could have triggered
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an exacerbation, she needs to be hospitalized urgently, but oh well. send her to neuralgia, here she has nothing to do in any case, there is a woman in the toilet feeling bad, but you lost consciousness, perhaps a concussion , we also suspect you have serious illness, thank you, serious, possibly a tumor. my daughter is only 1 year old. valeria, why are you standing there, you see, we need a gurney? please, gordon's reflex,
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this is typical for low-rheumatic chorea, which means it is not oncology, chorea can be a sign of infection, tonsillitis, or. coriotic teeth, i missed one trip to my dentist during pregnancy, because i was very afraid of harm, and after my daughter was born, i just didn’t care, well, that didn’t explain a lot, i can directly now do the tests,
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you can, right? then give it to the attending physician, of course, like that, uh-huh, well, the heart is already fine, and what about this operation, i’ll lie here, smoke the sky, as if you have no one else to save, is the girl’s cardiogram ready? sonya took it to the nurse’s room, you know what it
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’s called, a sneaky one, and i’m going for it, for your sake, don’t let me down. if you watch, you will notice forgetfulness, changes in behavior, indecisiveness, sloppiness, ivan karlovich is sick, he has dementia.
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kolya, you could shoot at 8 km, on purpose we ordered this part
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to be machined, there is a magnet on the bottom, we place it in any place in order to have time to film the battle from different points, our film crew is usually divided, for example, the operator films the observation post, where the commander controls the battle from the drone, the sound engineer is crawling up he also has a camera, he can film reloading, the departure of equipment, we work on the volume of everything, and i can move between points, what is now, what is the plan, the mode for now, what is not quite, everyone is alive 3rd month of arrival, brother, in the forest, maybe , not on the road, and to the police, there may be mines, straight wheels, straight wheels, they attached a camera to the strap of the body armor of a fighter with the call sign eagle, the enemy is very close, we’ll have to do it in polish, for the fighters through whose eyes we see the battle, we, of course, every time. .. we worry as if we were our own people, forward, forward, forward, and people, even hundreds of kilometers from the front line, can feel the strength of spirit of our soldiers. oh, well done, oh, kolyan, arrivals, this is
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for us, kolyan, yes. maybe we should leave? no, no, we’ll start earning money now, for fatherland heroes day, men’s work on saturday first. wow, the cardiogram is like a baby’s, how old is she, 7.9, everyone has such a will to live, okay. let's operate on your granny, really, yeah, if you are not subordinate, i would kiss you now, subordination, subordination is for weaklings, there you are, i have to look for you all over the hospital.
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that’s why he was wearing a worn-out robe, he stupidly forgot that his shift was over, we have to report everything to management, katya, let’s talk to meki ourselves, and that he will quit, or what? i promise, but let him do it of his own free will, by the way, why did you pawn it there? i was jealous , kirilla vladimirovich, it seemed, yes, katya , of course, this is the only reason why i came here from moscow, retrained as a nurse in order to have an affair with a local surgeon, katya, why
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am i not up to this now? if you knew, guren?
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how long did the operation take? an hour and a half, we’ll definitely pull it out, there are no such bad days.
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welcome back,
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how is it now? yura, how are you talking? on the trains, now the decision is made, you’re still eating, but i
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’ll have to, like topics. where are they found it somewhere, but where? does she have a husband? maybe already in a nursing home, i’ll call them now, so the phone, yeah,
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an experiment. it didn’t work out, what an experiment , but yes, our unknown woman, i noticed a difference between her hands, the pads on the left are rougher, she plays some kind of stringed instrument, and professionally, well , she turned on the vivaldi, i thought, maybe it would affect some... then the centers of the brain, as a result, goodbye phone, other people's headphones, what
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happened here? where are you going, can’t you hear, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, freely, i know, everything, everything, everything, that's it, that's it, girls. everything is my good , that's it, that's it, don't cry, don't cry, girls, let's go, calm down, calm down, everything will be fine with my child, i think, yes, i want to talk about your wife, he is none of your business, but well, wait, i’ll tell you when you can leave, yes, yes, now you are returning to the department, go into the ward and ask your wife for forgiveness, i forgive you, you
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have children, yes, yes, she is, for her absent-mindedness, a little, this is not absent-mindedness, this is a disease that lana started, she’s not bad, mother, rather, on the contrary, we have started treatment, but when your wife leaves the hospital, please try to take some of the load off her, okay, okay, excuse me, please, i can, no, this is unnecessary, although you don’t remember, there is flower shop, i'll find it. go, thank you very much, thank you,
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i died in my sleep, my heart stopped, i didn’t even feel anything. your phone. yes, thanks, no what?
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oli antarsen.
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it’s not your fault, no, it’s my fault, i changed the cardiogram, she didn’t die because of the heart, the thrombus intervened, it’s not after the surgical trump came from the pelvic vein, the ultrasound doctor examined it before the operation. we will still deal with him, and dima yours was right, the imbal blood clot occurred due to movement, you need to call, then he shot to tell my husband, i called, there is no husband, he died 4 years ago, calm down, it’s not your
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fault, look at me. this is lyrichok, i know.
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oh my god. what's happened? this is what i want to ask you, have you
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not been answering calls all day? yes, i’m swamped with work here, well, i can write, i’m worried, by the way, you’re worried, well you, what’s on your head, got disheveled, okay, i found a decent cafe, your favorite ones. thank you! no, no, no, no, i vouch for my doctors, you know what a transient ischemic attack is, i am inclined to trust the opinion of my employee, and not the patient with altered consciousness, i will call you back,
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valeria tekhomirova, doctor, the secretion works illegally . yes, katya, you don’t need to control me, i said that i would solve this issue. is this an ultimatum? and i don't see any other way out. your actions are illegal. and your?
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it looks like we have a draw. looks like what's next? you understand? you are risking the lives of your patients, i have everything under control, it seems so to you, you are incompetent, you have insanity, maybe i will turn out to be weak-minded to some, but i will be able to distinguish a good doctor from a green nurse, we are both needed for the department, you are right, you’re right, sit down, let’s just say this, i’m silent about you, and you are silent about me, and also, i’ll be there all the time and won’t let you make a mistake.
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i agree, that’s good, write, take a pen and write under my dictation, do not fire tikhomirova, under any circumstances. finished the game, you had to help my son with work, as a result, he was appointed for mischief, he fell in love with you, and you know it, so i don’t want to see you next to her anymore, our deal is over if you
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do it at ease, thank you, dear tv viewers , for celebrating this wonderful new day with us, with channel one and of course with polina tsvetkova, and evgeny pokrovsky, on our calendar we have december 5, tuesday, so wake up soon, we have a busy time ahead morning, the main thing is that it is good, very interesting. you and i will look at the international exhibition forum of russia and plunge into the world of high technology, we will also choose a new year's garland, everything is very necessary and important, and we will also remember what respiratory etiquette is, we will not forget about safety and how you can resist telephone scammers, well, of course, we’ll cook something delicious, well, let’s start , as always, with a warm-up. good. morning, a soft
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sliding step is the basis of the roller, in order to move like this, the joints must be in excellent shape, we will show you how to take care about foot health. we bring the right one behind the left one and place it diagonally like this. feet on the same line, knees slightly bent. the back is straight, we turn the waist to the left, we spread our arms to the sides. we shift our body weight to our right leg and lift our left heel off the floor. we stretch our right hand as far as possible, smoothly shift the weight to the left leg, straighten the right one and place it on the toe, gently smoothly move forward and backward , keep the body at the same level all the time, do not fall over, change the position of the legs, perform
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the exercise in the other direction, now we we stretch our leg joints, back muscles and work on our posture, one exercise, but how much benefit? and in moscow, meanwhile, novdh continues its work in russia, if you have not been there yet, we wholeheartedly recommend it to you, because you can just literally touch our entire country, come there, sail, fly, come running, and well then, of course, be sure to come a second or third time, because there really is something to admire here, there is something to see, but including, by the way, high technologies are also clearly represented there. 10 minutes the portrait is ready, the russia exhibition surprises with technical developments, one robot is an artist, the other is a grape artist , calculates pests, determines the ripeness of berries and suggests the best moment for harvesting, artificial intelligence, here he even
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composes music himself, some kind of cosmic feeling, perhaps, it seems to me that it’s more popular, you can even dance, from rock to hip-hop, under each dome there is its own musical direction, and the melodies are never repeated, programs for the home are more than predictable, designed to make our lives easier, control, of course, from the phone, you can, for example, remotely pour food to your pet if you were left alone at home, or solve an issue with windows, very useful for residents of the first second floor, i press the button, freedom, you are no one can’t see, a special film that connects to the network is controlled remotely, and the regions are trying to keep up, many have stands with full immersion, that is, we are not in moscow, but 2,000 km from here we are flying over the chelyabinsk region, this is a monument to kurchatov in the city chelyabinsk is a south ural state university. lake turgayak, the stone river nataganai and of course, the ai cliffs, where there are the same swings, from them on a bicycle, pedal and admire the embankments
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of the cities of the ivanovo region, sergei the artist appreciated, there is always its own zest, it is in nature, in the landscape, in people, first of all, and for guests of the rostov region stand there is a computer game on the big screen, even adults are interested in, you need to overtake your opponent, collect as much crop as possible in 3 minutes, but at the same time... you can prepare some maneuvers or set up traps for your opponent. there are also 3d screens here, some of the most impressive in the kemerovo region. kinetic technologies were used at the kuzbas stand, they allow you to change the configuration of the screens depending on what 3d content we see in real time. from the era of dinosaurs to the present day, the entire history of the mining region. pride in our open spaces, these 3d technology allows. we need to immerse ourselves in this breadth, understand the depth, it seems that artificial intelligence is also inspired, it produces poems on any topic, let
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’s come up with a quatrain about good morning, the result is instant, but the neural networks still need to work on the rhymes, maxim petrenko, sergey folendysh, alexander aleksenko, anna ryabova channel one. it’s already december 5th on the calendar, there are 27 days left until the new year. zhenya, i’m amazed now, 27 days, can you imagine, until the morning, yes, magical. such a beloved family and warm holiday, which is actually very symbolic, because a new stage begins life, and how great it is that there are people who give a holiday to those who do not have a family, sometimes such a new year becomes the beginning of a new life, why is this not a new year’s miracle, getting into a family for the new year is the dream of a pupil of any orphanage, maxim lucky, we have guests ready for us, the kids are already waiting for you, artemi is there in general, oh, max will come, it’s a thrill, the family says: from the bataysk rostov region, six adopted children already invited a girl to the new year last year, after the holidays they could not leave. in general, i often take children with
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our help center, even if i don’t want to take them into custody, but nevertheless i will just spend a holiday with them, give the children a holiday. this is not the first time maxim has come, but this new one is preparing surprises. maybe maxim will make such a wish that for a family... every child wants a family, maybe this year in the twenty-fourth this wish will come true. vika, vitya and kolya also wanted to find a family, we filmed them last year, this is how they were sitting in an orphanage in ryazan and planning the new year in kuban, with a family buglakovs. ready to go home? yes, and we are waiting for you to get to us. the guys will remember that new year all their lives. mom called and said that she was already in our city, i jumped with happiness. i even remember when i ran to her on the street, they’ve been living in this family for a year now, decorating the house and their rooms and
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having fun, this year they made plans to go to the mountains and sledding. the wish will definitely come true, and mom and dad also have a dream. if there is such an opportunity, of course, then definitely, definitely more children will appear in our family, children should not live in orphanages, they should live in a family with mom and dad. to love everyone as one’s own is an innate gift, yulia and alexey polonnikov, crimeans, also could not resist. we have two adult sons, our own , well, these are our own children, they are already adults, my husband and i decided... to take two girls, we had plans, why can’t i give birth myself, i have constant health is not working out, one day they called from the orphanage, they said there was a brother and sister, yulia and her husband immediately left, so they came in, they they sit with these little eyes, looking at us , everything, i immediately felt, this is ours, now the whole world revolves around three-year-old yaroslav and four-year-old sofia, such kids are often taken away, which cannot be said about adults, they want for
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any child from a boarding school to be in the circle of a family, for the holidays, a real new year's miracle, knowing that you are not alone, you are loved and awaited more than any gift. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia zavidova, channel one. our good, cheerful morning continues and it’s time to find out what got into our network the main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky. we have new heroes and wonderful emotions for you. our little video parade opens, a cat, early in the morning, they climbed into the apartment of the author of this video, sat down in front of the bed and began to demand breakfast, so brazenly, it is unknown whether their request was granted, but we can say for sure, that the video has already earned 3 million likes. our next hero is a thief dog, he, as you can see, stole a huge piece of pizza right from under his nose, no one would i wouldn’t have noticed this if the incident
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hadn’t accidentally been caught on video, judging by how it’s not the first time he’s been enjoying himself like this, what a cutie, what a cute thief. but in melbourne, australia , kuala looked into one of the city's pharmacies, she sat for a while at the entrance, then went inside, wandered around for 10-15 minutes and walked away, but 15 million users of the world wide web appreciated it and are now wondering what kaala even wanted in the pharmacy buy. and finally about art, meet the artist. mark tsor, he became famous on the internet for the fact that all his he creates his works with the help of adhesive tape and a scalpel, each such work sometimes takes a week, you see the result for yourself, it seems to me that it deserves our likes, well done, and you sing to such music?
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yes, some people just say: oh, great, there , i say, great, guys, like, you know who i am, no, like, i don’t know, i say, brigade commander, commander, war is war, you just have to work, relatives are fighting, brother, father, all the tankers, they killed the previous company commander and immediately put me in position, give me a right early, that’s good, give me more to the right, shot , oh-oh-oh, i learned, the war forced me, i like tanks in themselves, 45 tons, you shoot with such a colossus, and how many kilometers did you shoot, yes all 200, handsome guys, the tank was destroyed , they say that you are already legendary there, on the day of heroes of the fatherland, men’s work, on saturday on the first, if they told me that my day was
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the last, what would i do, i would go about how you can’t support people who suffer and somewhere to be on the sidelines, it was generally, of course, her choice, her will, her desire, we we go down into the catacombs , they stood up, they saw that this was an attractive, charming girl who could take off, who could, they knocked her out at the start, this is martyrdom, you know, this is martyrdom, because in principle. she didn’t fight, she didn’t curse, turning to her, we see the light, we see happiness, we see victory, we see the ideality that she embodied in herself, but at the same time the tragedy remains, the pain remains, on the day of heroes fatherland, on saturday on the first, i wanted to say, simply that it may not be enough, and not so often, as it should have been, i had to
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tell her, “dasha, i love you very much...” i love you very much. honey is the most amazing, most natural, most ancient sweetness that man knows. they began to mine it, according to some sources, 15,000 years ago, that is. by the way, it’s 300 years old, that is, it’s amazingly profitable, deliciously healthy, gorgeous , all sorts of modern options, there’s also soufflé honey, cream honey, my wife loves it, and there’s a mixture of honey with nuts, our correspondent nikolai lesnikov tried to figure it all out, and of course medha i tried it too, it was delicious after all, additives for honey mixtures in production can be crushed or not, it depends on the recipe, then they are mixed with the main product, the whole mass is heated after putting the product in a jar , we sterilize the products in a high-pressure autoclave in order to slightly stabilize the product so that it is more stable, but here it is important not to overheat; if the temperature is too high, honey
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loses its beneficial properties, although we can’t check this in the store, we can only hope for the conscientiousness of those who made a product, we have a state standard for honey, honey mixtures are produced according to technical conditions, there is no state standard ... for honey mixtures , that is, every manufacturer, before producing any new type of product, he develops technical conditions, then manufactures the product and tests it for safety indicators, so beekeeper and apitechnologist andrey krasnov will help you figure out what to look for when choosing honey mixtures. he advises first assessing visually. the packaging is whole, the product itself is without separation of foreign impurities. then we study the composition, we read on the label what it is, that the dessert is based on honey, that is , the manufacturers immediately say that the base is honey, and then something is done with it, here is crushed lemon, there is ginger, here is the main
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rule , the closer the ingredient is to the beginning of the list, the more of it there is, that is, honey should ideally be the first in the composition. another thing you need to pay attention to is the energy value, right? the energy value of natural honey is 360-390 calories. can understand, calculate how much natural honey there is. if the color is higher, there is a possibility that the manufacturer has added sugar, with the exception of the mixture with nuts, which themselves are very high in calories; if less, there is little honey. price can also serve as a guide. here we have honey soufflé with kiwi, and a 250 g jar cost 300 rubles. what can we say about this? we can understand that the price for the finished product is more than 1,000 rubles per kilogram. this cost is an additional guarantee that there really is something in the mixture. honey hints at this too pop-up lids are nuts, berries or dried fruits, they are lighter in weight, but when in a jar, soufflé or cream honey, the
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life hack will no longer work. is also becoming smaller, so nutrition experts and beekeepers are still in favor of those mixtures based on natural honey in the classic form. nikolai lesnikov, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, vladimir popov, elena savina. and vladimir saromotin, channel one. up next episode news. i'll see you in a few minutes. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. the meeting that vladimir putin held the night before with members of the council for the development of civil society and human rights under the president of russia continued for 2.5 hours. the meeting was held via videoconference, there were many questions about social policy, in particular, the head of state agreed that the status of large families should become all-russian, not regional, and also extend
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benefits for caring for disabled people to people of any age. age, the president believes that recipients of such payments should not be deprived of them if they want to work at the same time ; the rights of the child, related issues of school education and high workload were discussed separately at the council; half of them do not speak russian at all, which affects the general educational process , this is not a simple topic, everything you said, that’s all, i just wrote it down almost verbatim, we need, of course, to think about solving all these issues, children must learn, but this process... must be accompanied by a deterioration in conditions for education of our children in school, children , our citizens, we cannot pretend that this problem does not exist, i will also definitely give
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the corresponding instructions to prepare a proposal, i hope you will take part in the development of these decisions, one of the main tasks of the human rights council, vladimir putin called support for the fighters located in the special operation zone, as well as members of their families. in addition, they talked about ensuring the rights of residents of new regions of russia, about violations against the russian-speaking population in unfriendly countries. vladimir putin especially pointed out that moscow, despite withdrawing from some international human rights organizations, because of their russophobic position, does not refuse to follow the principles of the universal declaration of human rights. the reception of appeals from russian residents to the president continues, to which the head of state will respond on december 14. next thursday there will be a big press conference direct line. this time they will be combined into a new format for the year's results with vladimir putin. you can ask your question by phone now. or send sms, the numbers you
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you see on the screens, or through the form on the moscow to putin website. there are also links to download special applications for sending requests. in addition, it is possible to ask a question to the head of state through social networks, vkontakte and odnoklassniki. the communication itself will take place in a specially built studio, where both russian journalists and foreign ones accredited in moscow will gather. popular front activists will work with all the appeals that are received even after the end. by which it is determined and to in the news of the specialization zone in the kupinsky direction, rszo-grad crews defeated camouflaged positions in the ssu. the vehicle, even if not on a mission, is always ready for battle. full package charged. it is capable of covering an entire fortified area and even hitting an enemy pickup truck from 20 km away. this is essentially sniper work that the military can also do when there is an experienced drone operator nearby. we work most often with
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sighting using a drone for an accurate hit, to inflict the greatest destruction on the enemy. we leave at any time of the day or night, always ready. sami drones are also highly accurate and effective weapons; near artyomovsk, our paratroopers , using an fpv drone, destroyed a large group of ukrainian militants. having identified the target, the operator first targeted two ukrainian armed forces fighters and then eliminated the remaining group. today is volunteer day, celebrating those who help society for free. in russia, this movement has acquired new strength in recent years, and after the start of the special operation, new meanings. many people across the country are sewing camouflage nets and deception for our fighters, collecting first aid kits and dry rations. many personally deliver the essentials to the front line. the desire to help those who need it is present in the history of our country. constantly and
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is passed on from generation to generation , there are no days off at the front, so we don’t have them either, we follow the guys, they go ahead, and we follow them , you don’t get tired, it’s not time for us, it’s not time for us, it ’s too early for us to get tired, today in russia the day of military glory is also celebrated, it is associated with the beginning of the counter-offensive of soviet troops in the battle of moscow, it became the second stage of a grandiose battle, a turning point in the course of... great patriotic war. hitler associated the decisive success in defeating the entire soviet union with the capture of moscow. the typhoon plan, developed in september 1941 by the german command, provided for the capture of our capital, but already in december, on its way to moscow, the vaunted hitlerite army rolled across europe in 2 years, for the first time once suffered a serious defeat. as a result, the enemy was thrown back to the west, in some areas by 400 km. many people were liberated from the moscow and tula regions. smolensk and kalinin, today
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tver regions, and germany suffered its first major defeat in the second world war. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to broadcast the program, good morning. good morning, dear tv viewers, welcome this morning with us in our warm embrace, in our warm company, polina svetova is with you. and evgeny pokrovsky. and by the way, december 5 is already on the calendar. today is the day of military glory. russia: the day of the start of the counter-offensive of soviet troops against the nazi invaders in the battle near moscow. on december 5, 1941, one of the largest and turning point battles of the great patriotic war began. in september 1941, the nazis rose with enthusiasm. 8 days of belitzkrieg. moscow is in front of them. the date for the march on red square on november 7 has already been set. invitations to the podium are ready for high authorities, even.
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the enemies know their ceremonial uniforms; they have a numerical advantage. there were almost 2 million people here, we opposed them, but there were only 1,200,000 of our troops. we had only 700 tanks , mostly from old designers, and the germans almost 2,000 tanks, they had double superiority over aviation. on september 30 , 1941, the nazis begin operation typhoon. the plan is to encircle the forces of our army in the area of ​​blayansk and vyazma. and then go around moscow from the north and south and take it in a tick. on november 23, wedge was captured, followed by solnechnogorsk, then yakhroma was taken. there is a state of siege in moscow , factories have been evacuated, the metro has been mined, the center is camouflaged beyond recognition , look closely, there are painted windows on the walls of the kremlin, markings on the square, imitation of glare from roofs, this helps, but partly the germans will go capital daily. here our youth played a huge role, the women
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who were on duty in the attics, on the roofs of houses, in order to extinguish these lighters that the germans were dropping, on november 30 the enemy was only 25 km from the kremlin. the task of the soviet command is to hold on to the last reinforcements on the way from the militia, the reserve and fresh far eastern regiments, by the end of november there are severe frosts, the enemy knows that his army is not ready for this, he goes for a decisive assault and meets fresh forces, his reconnaissance overslept their transfer. our troops entering battle, our fresh divisions, siberian divisions included, they threw the germans out of position, the germans, they didn’t know that we... had accumulated forces, their reconnaissance worked very poorly then, that is, the morale of the germans, it was strong fell heavily, the first day of december, our units repelled tank attacks under the frontal line. on december 5, the soviet counter-offensive hit the kalinin
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front first, followed by the western front, this is our first victory over the hitler regime. many of those events were filmed; in february 1942 they were shown in cinemas. movie the defeat of german troops near moscow, queues lined up for screenings, and in forty-three the film even won an oscar overseas. oleks soshin, margarita larkina, alexander ostaraukhov, channel one. we continue, now a topic that, unfortunately, does not lose its relevance to this day, telephone scammers, well, someone, someone probably thought now, tired of it, yes, we already know everything about them, everything, well, as it happens, yes not everything, because they really come up with something new, develop, so to speak. in your not very good business, so be careful, please, dear tv viewers. deception in three steps: the first call is supposedly from a central bank employee, here are the documents. step two - screenshot from the cctv camera. they showed me that people were taking money from me.
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step three - reward: if you help catch the villains, we will increase the rate of your deposits. there are two requirements: do not secretly tell anyone about the investigation; urgently take out a loan and repay it immediately so that the scammers do not get it. i did not want. they take credit very hard, but they intimidate with the safety of relatives and criminal liability. loan more than 3 million irina she cashed it out as requested and transferred it to a certain account, they convinced her that this was how she returned the money to the bank, but they were completely unaware of it. you took out a loan, pay, that ’s it, you didn’t pay, your property was seized, the trial has been going on for a year, and sergei from crimea was so fooled that he bypassed five banks, highlighted... technical support, well, i picked up the phone, they introduced themselves as bank employees, your name, someone wants to reissue your card, the scheme is the same, to get ahead of the criminals, you need to take out a loan and return it to a safe account, and so on five times, in the end i owe more than 4 million, now i’m filing
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for bankruptcy, these are the documents that provided that i have no debt with banks, and this is for almost all five banks, it really is very good, what i need understanding bank... forms, like our data , is not a problem for attackers , there are a lot of documents on the internet, any graphic editor and knowledge in general of how it is, allows you to forge any document, now a lot of emphasis is placed on additional pictures signed with an electronic digital signature with all details and so on. why are calls via messenger more difficult to track? many gray sim cards have already been taken out of circulation, it is becoming more and more difficult to receive them, so that the call is not somehow disconnected by the operator. which cannot be blocked, the account where the money goes, formally an accomplice, for some money they offer to open this account, then for a very small percentage, they actually offer to withdraw this money or transfer it abroad,
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why then are russian numbers rented from gray companies? on the territory of nizhny novgorod, a citizen was detained from whom more than a thousand different sim cards were confiscated. a huge amount of what to do, at least check unfamiliar numbers through a search engine; the number should actually be registered in the republic of dagestan , registered there, although the central bank and moscow seem to us a reason to think about it and it’s better not to talk to strangers, the central bank does not communicate with ordinary people , its clients are banks, employees law enforcement agencies are invited to a conversation by subpoena. dmitry kuzmin, dmitry parfenov, channel one. couperosis is a problem that both men and women can face, well, these are the same stars or cobwebs, yes, that appear on the cheeks, on the nose, on the chin. and now cuperosis... specialists know how to effectively fight it, ksenia samodelkina will tell you how to do it. a constant blush on
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the face is not a sign of health. cosmetologists are struggling with this problem, it is called cuperosis. this is a network of dilated capillaries that usually covers the nose and cheeks. it can be removed using a procedure called phototherapy. first, the specialist applies a protective gel against burns to the skin. then, using photoflashes, the dilated vessels are glued together; after the procedure, they do not disappear instantly, but dissolve in about a week. what you need to do so that you no longer need phototherapy. to prevent the appearance of new spider veins, we freeze chamomile at home and apply
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ice cubes to problem areas in the morning. massage your face to disperse the lymph, due to the cold, the capillaries reflexively expand and then narrow. this training makes them strong and elastic. also for rosacea ... we prepare a mask based on herbs, mix pharmaceutical chamomile, horse chestnut calendula flowers in equal proportions , pour a tablespoon of the mixture with half a glass of boiling water, cool to room temperature, filter, soak a dry fabric mask with the infusion, a folded one in four is also suitable a piece of gauze, cover your face with a mask and rest for half an hour. horse chestnut will strengthen the walls blood vessels, chamomile will relieve inflammation, calendula
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will improve microcirculation in tissues. and to moisturize and nourish the skin, choose a cream with vitamins p, k, a, e, and c. it will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and narrow dilated capillaries. and most importantly, to prevent exacerbation of rosacea during the cold season, we protect. skin from wind and hypothermia, we also give up smoking, spicy foods and alcohol, beauty is worth it, global handwashing week, what plain water will protect you from, why red fish is getting cheaper, our expertise, a ray of light in dark kingdom, laser against blindness, the program helps and enlightens one’s life... today on the first! gin сnop
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is a product of the stellar group, you need to capture the base and organize an escape, group, i raised people to death. for the day of heroes of the fatherland, badober fortress, on saturday on the first. i can't explain everything to you now. the main thing is, i love you, you hear, you forgive me, everything that i have in life, everything that is the joy of every day, everything that i call my destiny is connected , connected, only with you, i love my country, it’s impossible love your homeland and not know culture, geography, history, this is impossible,
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but it’s not customary for the kazakhs to speak badly when visiting, but they can sing, but they can sing, a song about why all russians go on vacation to svetlogors, there’s nowhere to go, uh, it’s lithuania, guys. music festival singing kevin on saturday on the first. unfortunately, the singer iowa won’t perform for me today, she’s not feeling well. on the calendar, let me remind you, on december 5, on this very day in the ovstuk family estate, oryol province, in an old noble family, little fedya tyushchev was born, who later became big, great russian. poets, translators, diplomats and publicists. of course, we are sure that you are familiar with his
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work, because fyodor ivanov tyuchev is an amazing poet, we are sure that many people know these lines: you cannot understand russia with your mind. you can’t measure the general with an arshin; you can only believe in what makes her special in russia. i met you, all the past, i can’t understand russia with my mind. the lines are familiar from school, the author himself is a complete mystery. as a poet, tyuchev wrote little, and if we discard his translations, then his legacy can be contained in a small volume, but this the volume as he wrote, others are much heavier, in the summer and early spring, in the summer autumn, it was ustuk, but... but it was moscow, it was such a warm, family atmosphere in which everyone loved each other, like a home boy from the bryansk district became essentially the third man of the empire, translated garatia at 12, graduated from university a year ahead of schedule, capable and amorous, the inscription on the family icon was made by a servant in germany, young
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tyuchev served there as a secretary at our embassy. january nineteenth 1825, fyodor ivanovich had to remember that happened in minchen because of his immodesty and what was the danger, the danger was that it didn’t take place, it’s true that tyuchev’s duel with his rival, he was in love with omalia lorchenfeld, she was married off to someone else, when they saw again at the end of his life, he wrote the immortal, i met you, although it’s a mystery, they adored the witty tyutchev, maybe it’s quatilda botmer, the sister of tyuchev’s first wife eleon, maybe some other lady, it’s known that tyutchev was a man... he was small in stature with an open heart, ample-shouldered like a man was, of course, completely not alen, that’s it, but nevertheless, the most beautiful women in europe loved him. 22 years abroad would have been enough for an adventurous romance, eleonovara’s first wife tried to stab herself with a dagger, having learned about her husband’s affair on the side, he vowed to leave the other, but eleonovara died at 37, having caught a cold after a fire at the steamboat while saving
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her daughters, we know about this from young ivan turgeniev, he was on the same ship, she died literally in... a couple of weeks, it is known that tyuchev sat at her coffin all night, the next morning, when he came out, the relatives saw that this man the thirty-five-year-old stayed in prison for a while longer. ernestine's second wife, the same one, from a noble german family, will be with him to the end, for his sake she learned russian, paid for the move to st. petersburg, after his resignation the husband was eager to return to his homeland, there is still a hotel at car wash 40. tyuchev paid 13 rubles in silver for a week, paid for two rooms, of course, expensive. his career took off again, leo of the season and his nickname at social events on nevsky 42, there were already 14 rooms. you and i are climbing the stairs that fyodor ivanovich tyuchev climbed for 19 years. and when fyodor ivanovich fell ill, his beloved elena aleksandrovna denisva looked after him. she was 23 years younger than fyodor ivanovich.
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on the day their illegitimate daughter was born, on the first page tyuchev encrypted: look, poems are a continuation of life, he didn’t like to talk about them, the first collection was published by friends when he was 50, 1854, yes, he was not an armchair poet, his mind was russia you can’t understand, it’s generally written down in pencil on a piece of paper, again the loss of denisyev died from a slipper, followed by their two children, tyutchev devoted himself to politics, built image of the country abroad, headed the committee of foreign censorship, his views were shared by alexander ii, this portrait at the world exhibition in paris next to the royals, three strokes, despite the fact that he was immobile, he demanded that newspaper clippings be read to him every day , news, without which he could not live a day, tyuchev was a man of politics, of course, tyuchev ’s descendants brought things to muranov’s estate in the moscow region, where the poet himself had not been, now there is a museum full of love, poetry and secrets. dmitry kuzmin, ilya kuvaldin, mikhail
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karasov, channel one. we continue, we work especially for you this morning. so that you are in a good mood, here’s a question: how long have you been going through your medicine cabinet, and dear women, when was the last time you examined the contents of your cosmetic bag? no, no, no, what kind of lipstick or cream you have there, of course you know better, that’s how long ago you bought them, you remember, right? well, if not, perhaps you should carefully study the labels, because medicines and cosmetics have their own expiration dates. is there a popular way to check if the tablets are still good? stand on a chair and throw it, it doesn’t fly apart, you can drink it, but doctors don’t believe in this method, they believe the expiration dates, they determine them by the active substance, samples are taken at different times, say, after 5 months, 7 months, after a year, and the concentration is checked active substance
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, the most important thing is that it can have a therapeutic effect, that is , it is often overdue, it is not... a working drug is a dummy, at best, at worst, poisonous products of the decomposition of drugs, look, this is fresh acetylslicylic acid, professor vladimir chuborev adds a reagent to it, what was the reagent like? so it remained in color, let's take expired solicylic acid, some kind of sediment appeared, the color became pinkish, which means that acityyl solicylic acid has broken down into a dangerous solicylic acid ulcer, irritating the stomach and intestines. moreover, if such an expired drug is used by a pregnant woman, the result may be the development of reye's syndrome in the child, well, in simple words, the brain will suffer very seriously and in addition... and moreover, fatty tissue may appear degeneration of the liver , so it’s better to keep an eye on the dates on the packages, as in the case of
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cosmetics, although it seems like there’s something they can do harm with. for an answer, contact bauman moscow state technical university teacher nikolai kuznetsov, we have three creams, the first one has an expiration date until the twenty- fifth years, everything is fine with it, the size of the emulsion is up to 5 micrometers, particles of droplets, they are all homogeneous. this has a shelf life of another 3 months. here we see air bubbles. most likely due to the fact that it has been sitting for a long time, the emulsion has begun to separate. but it’s not critical yet, and this cream has been expired for a year. on in fact, the drug is also of high quality, the only changes began to appear. this is most likely water, there are more risks that it will flow. hydrogen bridges are being destroyed, so to speak, organic compounds begin to disintegrate and rearrange over time. that's why old lipstick creases. mascara falls off, the shelf life of cosmetics is partly how long these same hydrogen bridges can last, and they are also destroyed by bacteria that are in
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the air right now. pseudomonas aeruginosa and the most voracious for organic matter are mushrooms, molds mushrooms, that is, the healthy stuff has been eaten, in the same cream there are waste products of microorganisms, you don’t want this on your face, perhaps it’s time to sort out your cosmetics, and at the same time your medicine. h is not the same as pz. those who have a screwdriver probably understood what evgeniy means now, but if not, then look at our next story. when you insert the bit into the head of the screw, there should be no play, so it is important that they match each other. the most common ones are these black phosphated self-tapping screws, a bit fits them with ph marking, it is applied to the nozzle itself. for these... self-tapping screws with a large head and additional notches on the slot at an angle of 45°, bits of another pz standard are suitable. the ph and pz bits are not interchangeable; if
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you twist the fastener with something other than your own, it will quickly fail. the durability of a bat depends on the material from which it is made. a cheap steel bit lasts much less than bits made from an alloy of chrome and vanadium, for example. the most durable on... the landings are like this, golden, it's chrome vonadium coated with titanium nitride. also , screwdriver bits come in different lengths; these are the ones that are immediately inserted into the tool chuck. and when you need different sizes and standards, short bits come in handy. it’s easier to change them by inserting them into an extension cord like this. in this rig, the bits are held in place only by a magnet. a long and heavy self-tapping screw can pull the bat out of it. you will have to hold the fastener together with the bat with your hand. oh, but this is unsafe, so i recommend using these holders, in addition to the magnet, there is an extension cord inside the glass additional fastener made of wire, we
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insert the bit and the wire firmly fixes it, so there is no need to hold the structure, if you choose the right bit extension and screws, working with a screwdriver will be easy and convenient. the cold season is slowly but surely gaining momentum , so as not to fall down with a fever before the new year, you need to observe respiratory etiquette, what kind of etiquette is it, and what are its rules, how to cough, sneeze correctly, at what distance you need to be from a person, now that’s all we'll find out for you how you sneeze, loudly, if i sneeze at the dacha, then you can hear it three houses away, lena will be great to talk to me, no matter how, the main thing is to sneeze - doctors say, because this is an unconditional of ... a protective reflex, a sneeze removes dust and mucus from the upper respiratory tract , restrains sneezing or forced exhalation, pinching your nose like this is simply dangerous. this can
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lead to rupture of the capillaries of the eye, rupture of the capillaries of the nose, also damage to the eardrums and can even cause anovism of the brain vessels. now let's imagine confetim - these are microbes, the slightest sneeze, they are already on the floor, on the furniture around on the camera lens, scattered from... up to 130 km/h. at a distance of 2-3 m. this is very dangerous for others, because people around inhale particles of saliva, mucus that are present in this air, up to 100,000 microbes fly into the air, can spread up to 8 m. so what to do? i close it and sneeze into my palms, let’s do another experiment: a spray bottle of gouache and ink. if you cover your mouth with your hand while sneezing, particles of your saliva mucus remain on your hands, and then on the tap, wall, etc. switch, door handle.
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a person follows, he touches this handle, the entire infection remains on his hands, if you couldn’t resist and sneezed into your palm, it’s better to wash your hands immediately, for 15-20 seconds, first your palms, then the back of one hand, the back of the other hand, salon surface of one and the other hand, between the nails and fingertips, if there is no soap, then an antiseptic, 3-5 ml for... hand treatment for 15-20 seconds, the ideal option is a disposable paper tissue, if you sneezed, throw it away immediately, you don’t have time to get it him, then this is an option, i sneeze unexpectedly, so i have to sneeze into my elbows like this, such a winter gesture of politeness, hope is true andrei ivanov, channel one.
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there is a contact for the results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. supporting fighters in the special operations zone is one of the main tasks dealt with by the council for the development of civil society and human rights under the president of russia. vladimir stated this putin at the annual meeting with members of this council. the meeting was held via video conference. the head of state called for working closely with the defenders of the fatherland foundation, created this year in each
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region. who gave their lives in his zone , vladimir putin paid special attention to ensuring human rights in new regions, the president called on not to make distinctions between them and other subjects, because they are part of greater russia, people in novorusia in the donbass, adjacent regions, this must be addressed here . who doesn't benefit from it they prefer not to notice any problems here at all, but we know that they exist, so we definitely need to work on this. in addition, the question was raised about protecting the interests of russians who live in unfriendly countries, for example, in latvia; according to vladimir putin, the existence of non-citizen status, which applies to a large
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share of the population there, is strange. consider themselves democratic. moscow, at the same time, despite its withdrawal from some international human rights organizations because of their russophobic position, does not refuse following the principle of the universal declaration of human rights, the president noted. on a number of issues raised during the council, vladimir putin expressed his intention to formulate instructions. this form, the head of state said, allows the control department and the presidential administration as a whole to be involved in the work. and this is positive. no one will be left unattended. there is a 24-hour reception for the upcoming big press conference and a direct line with the president. on december 14, they will be combined into a new format. results of the year with vladimir putin. you can ask questions by phone or send an sms number to see on your screens or through a form on the moscow website
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to putin. these appeals can also be made through social networks, vkontakte and odnoklassniki; russian journalists, as well as foreign ones who are accredited in moscow, will gather directly during the communication in the studio. popular front activists will work with all appeals received even after the end of the broadcast until the issue is completely resolved. now the latest data on the progress of the special operation. our artillery destroyed some positions of ukrainian formations in the donetsk direction. adjustment. the targeting was carried out by drone operators; they monitor the progress of battles in real time and not only track the movements of militants, but, if necessary, they themselves can destroy enemy targets. using fpv drones, which are operated by birds, as the operators call them, are equally effective both during the day and at night, thanks to thermal imaging and high-resolution cameras. the bird sees any movement clearly, especially at night due to thermal
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signatures, birds rise, artillery starts working, it corrects them. in solidarity, our paratroopers eliminated a group of ten ukrainian militants who were hiding in a checkpoint not far from the positions of russian troops. one of the main tasks was to get close to the enemy as quickly and quietly as possible. in this case , paratroopers usually use atvs equipped with the fagot anti-tank system. a few salvos were enough to completely destroy the enemy fortifications. one of the shells hit the artillery ammunition and the entire fortification, along with the militants, was blown into the air. that night, the israeli army began an assault on the palestinian city of jenin on the west bank of the jordan river. arab tv channels report. according to them , about fifty pieces of equipment are involved, including bulldozers. snipers are stationed on the roofs of the building. one of the targets of the idf unit was a government hospital and a local refugee camp. the electricity is turned off there, the media note. in
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the center of jenin there is a clash between israeli soldiers and palestinians. meanwhile, the shiite hezbollah movement in levvan announced the resumption of intensive shelling of israeli territory. during the day they hit 12 military positions. in turn, reports retaliatory strikes against shiite locations. in the evening in israel, air raid signals sounded throughout almost the entire territory between settlements near the gaza strip and the border with lebanon. meanwhile , another plane carrying russian citizens and their relatives evacuated from the gas sector arrived in moscow. this is 120 people, a quarter of whom are children. they were delivered by plane of the ministry of emergency situations from cairo airport to domodedovo. arrivals are provided with the necessary medical psychological support. and basic necessities. this flight was the first in december; in total, during the russian humanitarian mission, more than 880 of our compatriots were rescued who were able to cross the rafah checkpoint. according to the latest data,
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another 133 russian citizens and their family members passed through it, and they will also soon be delivered to moscow. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning, our dear tv viewers, thank you very much for celebrating the new day of your life in our company, in the company of channel one, with you evgeniy pokrovsky and polina tsvetkova. and today is december 5th, and this is volunteer day. we sincerely congratulate and thank all caring, kind and sympathetic people who are always ready to help, not for money, but for the callings of their hearts. at first he refuses. stage, almost all professional actors rehearse in their free time, and perform in libraries for free. our idea is to make the theater accessible, free for completely different audiences, mainly
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our elderly, children, schoolchildren, how to become a volunteer if they also want, we are determining how we can help, ideally, if you have professional skills, be it doctors or be it graphic... designers or journalists and their free help is required, these are pro-bono volunteers, such corporate volunteers, one might say, the services of such people are often needed by non-profit organizations and individual social vulnerable people, you can find them on specialized sample hubs, so we recruit in a search engine, there are no special skills, you can help with your time, attention or free hands, from walking animals in zoo shelters to delivering food to people with limited mobility, such volunteers are usually looked for at large resource ports. main thing, what you need to remember, agree to help, be prepared to bear responsibility, understanding that you are not going to play with toys, but you are going to help homeless animals, within the shelter they will always advise, teach, support, somewhere
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they will insure, gender or age do not matter for volunteering, mostly teenagers today become volunteers, starting from the age of 14, today the oldest volunteer in moscow is over 87 years old, we repeat, there are many areas of volunteering , environmental, social, sports, cultural, events are especially popular, the russian forum at vdh alone gathered 8,000 volunteers, the world youth festival will be held in sochi in february, not everyone is hired for such large projects, there will be interviews. more than 43,000 applications have been accepted participation in the volunteer corps, and only 5,000 volunteers will be selected, 9-10 people per place. olga eremieva passed the casting, knows the english plan... is responsible for the movement of guests, there will be foreigners, there will be our compatriots, so communication between them is a very important point. and your communication skills definitely improve, especially when you start volunteering in school. who... finds new friends through this, someone
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expresses themselves this way or simply, this is a different way to relax, spend time in company very good people, anyone, even a novice volunteer, has a personal book, here are all the events in which the person participated, it will be useful not only at the next interview, some universities take into account the hours spent on social work and convert them into points. maxim petrenko, mikhail karasev, ilya saedzh, elizaveta stativchenko, channel one. good morning to everyone who joined us, let this be the same. your morning will be cheerful, bright, eventful, early in the morning we charge ourselves with energy, do a warm-up, because health is the most important thing, we strengthen the body and spirit. good morning, soft sliding step is the basis of the drum. in order to move like this, the joints must be in excellent shape, we will show you how to take care. about foot health. we bring the right one behind the left one and place it
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diagonally like this. feet on the same line. knees slightly bent. the back is straight, we turn the waist to the left, we spread our arms to the sides. we shift our body weight to our right leg and lift our left heel off the floor. we stretch our right hand as far as possible. smoothly shift the weight to the left leg. straighten the right one and place it on the toe. we move gently and smoothly. forward, backward, keep the body at the same level all the time, do not fall over, change the position of the legs, perform exercises in the other direction, now we are stretching the joints of the legs, back muscles and working on posture, one exercise, but how much benefit? today is the fifth... of december, which means that there are only 27 days left until the new year,
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but there’s so much more to do, zhen, you managed to do everything, i didn’t, i have a wife for this, great, if that’s an option no, everything lies on your shoulders, then it’s time to start preparing, yes, yesterday, if you remember, we found out what the correct street garland should be, and today let’s figure out the garland for the interior decoration of a house, or apartment, yesterday the bobeyka family was choosing an outdoor garland for the porch of our house, we found a safe one, the wire material is made of rubber, is not afraid of frost and bends well, the degree of protection from dust and moisture is ip-65, the power supply has a silicone layer so that it does not short out from snow or rain. our heroes moved recently, they need and safe home garlands, elena has accumulated a lot of them, the inspection is carried out by electrician andrei vorotintsev, if for an outdoor one you need a degree of protection from dust and moisture ip-65, then for a home, if the tree is artificial, ip2 is enough. that is, a garland on the tree, that is, you cannot spray it, some people
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use spraying there to maintain it, that is, you cannot do this, if you still want to support the tree, then it is better to use at least 44 ip. for home insulation materials, you can choose simpler ones; regular pvc is ideal. not in the apartment temperatures are low, so it doesn’t dull, it’s also cheaper. the service life of the garland is up to 10 years, so that it does not break earlier, the wire must be multi-core, twisted, firstly, it is softer. there are garlands on a single wire on a manifold, but it has one small drawback, that is, it can break due to frequent bending. now the bulbs are definitely led, there are many advantages, they work for about 2,000 hours, incandescent bulbs about 100, and led bulbs do not heat up and consume 10 times less electricity. if we have children, a dog, she comes up, bites this light bulb, what happens? nothing will happen, these garlands are safer in the sense that they
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are powered by low voltage, that is, there can be no electrical injuries. and lastly, when purchasing, it is important to pay attention to whether the light bulbs fit tightly; wiring often comes off from them; despite the low voltage of the garlands, it is still better to be on the safe side. well, the garland has been chosen, designer alena alexandrova will help decorate the christmas tree. by the way, so that its length is definitely enough, the advice is to choose a garland twice, or better yet, 2 and a half times for not eaten, it’s the year of the dragon, that’s why it is so powerful in itself, this sign, this year the trend is warm colors, garlands are closer to gold, yellow, the twenty- fourth year of the wooden dragon, so there’s a trend on the light bulb, designer's advice to choose garlands with leaves or cones, for example, they can be hung both on the christmas tree and in the room, anastasia kremeshny, konstantin struchkov, channel one, as you know, engine of trade, including , by the way, street, well, we are generally against
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of course, we don’t have anything advertising, but so that only this advertising was not so intrusive, aggressive, but can you imagine , it also happens that advertising is in the literal sense of the word... convenience stores, it would seem, are an undeniable plus for residents, if advertising does not interfere, you give or rent an apartment , we offer sofas from 12,750 rubles. so, the whole working day, a janitor is required for work, inquiries by phone 67.60 and no matter what is not loud, the law on advertising, according to it, megaphones on poles, trees, roofs, walls of buildings for several years. prohibited, speakers near stores too interfere, you can complain to the police or the local police officer, but you can do this with a loudspeaker in your hands. attention , attention, dear ladies and gentlemen, i wish you all a good day, a great mood, it’s too loud, perhaps sanitary standards for noise levels have been violated, you can’t detect your hearing , it’s disturbing, you can ask the store to advertise more quietly,
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it often meets halfway, if not, we write to rospotrebnadzor, specialists will come, take measurements, the decibels are off the charts, the giver will receive a fine and an order to keep it quiet, and in the evening after closing the store's loudspeaker turns off, dmitry babov's advertising banner turns on, it shines from the neighboring roof directly into the window. i’m not afraid of someone like that, i protect myself more, yes , i protect myself with a mask, i have to put it on my eyes, because the light is constantly on, yes, this is what it looks like, this is how you sleep like on an airplane, a banner on a residential building, which means the majority of owners agreed to install it, isn’t it so difficult, the management company must have all the documents, signatures of residents, minutes of the meeting, permission from the local authorities, in moscow, for example, from the department of architecture and construction, plus an agreement with the advertiser, if there are such permits, then there are no violations in the installation, while the owner of the advertising structure must
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also comply with technical requirements, requirements for acceptable light standards, which range from 100 to 500 shackle per square. if it’s more, the advertiser’s banner will be forced to be removed altogether. it is impossible to determine the brightness by eye; dmitry varanchuk, a measurement expert, shows that even a lux meter is powerless at a distance. if i'm at least a meter they will raise it by two, i will say: yes, there is an excess or there is no excess. and from here we measure, we are at 100 m, of course, i can’t say anything. window illumination levels are measured in kontels, the permissible limits vary depending on where the windows face in the quiet area. this means that advertising should be no brighter than seven kandelas, and if windows on an illuminated highway are allowed to be 20 kansti, everywhere there are different standards, violations can only be identified with the help of an examination after reporting the problem to the relevant department of the city or village administration. anna obrosmova, dmitry roshkov, channel one.
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let's get married, premiere, today on the first day. so, my cats are lazy to love everyone. everyone to marry montechoca cognac, a product of stetel group. in western ukraine, the sbu and the national police conducted top-secret training. according to the plan, ukrainians will be infected with the tik flu, and then russia will be blamed for everything. appointed as the curator of the provocation, philippa lentzes, the snake of death. i will begin by considering the likelihood of russia using biological weapons in ukraine. that's what it sounds like between the lines, what if you if you go to liberate ukraine, we will launch bioweapons that will destroy everyone there indiscriminately. we are talking not only about the impact on humans, but also about the impact on agriculture. the ukrainian military is the main source of research, 70%
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of the mortality rate, they unexpectedly became victims of an incomprehensible disease in which internal organs melt, public opinion is being prepared for more serious ones. military actions against russia, philippa lentzes, a woman drawing death, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, extraordinary adventures of experts in the winter series of games, on sunday at the first, and now... a round of the russian championship with a review of the best goals, our colleague, sports journalist of channel one, maria rumyantseva. the main event of the next round of the russian football championship was lokomotiv's second victory of the season over zenit. the outcome of this meeting was decided by the spectacular goals
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scored by the railway workers in the second half. anton miranchuk, who came out on duty, crossed from a free kick and maxim glushenkov sent the ball into the far corner. consolidate the advantage the locomotive succeeded in the end, again without meranchuk. the red-green midfielder delivered the ball to artyom with an elegant throw. zubet, an experienced striker, passed the ball to nair teknyazyan, and he put an end to the attack, which became the highlight of the game. krasnodar took advantage of zenit's defeat and regained its leadership in the standings. the becks brought victory in the home match against orenburg with a cool goal from ilzat akhmetov. on the eve of the match , the krasnodar midfielder was injured and was not included in the starting lineup, but in the second half, coming on as a substitute, he distinguished himself by skillfully finishing the cross. i have never scored with a header in
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a premier league match; perhaps even the midfielder of the samara team himself did not expect that the first goal would turn out so beautiful. in a match against the sochi football club, ezhov shot from a considerable distance (15 m) after a pass from glen bale, and the ball dived into the corner in an intricate arc. this goal also became the winning one. for the samarans who have gained momentum. in the next round, wing of the soviets will have a match against spartak, which needs to come to himself after failure in the game with akhmat. the team from grozny opened the scoring thanks to a cool pass from bernardo birishi; he brought hamid agallarov one-on-one with the goalkeeper with the outside of his foot. what happened next was a matter of technique for striker akhmat. spartak responded with a precise shot from anton zenkovsky, who hit the far corner of the opponent's goal. but then they missed it again. svyatoslav kovochekh literally hammered the ball into the net and brought akhmat his first victory in
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the premier league in three months. on the calendar, december 5, our ancestors laid winter roads on this day for sleighs. well, at the same time they repaired and put in order those same sleighs. of course, we hope, dear car owners, that your cars and sleds are also in order and ready for the real winter. and also what is being prepared for us today. december 5: twenty-second lunar day, twentieth solar day, like yesterday, powerful, active, and what is called breakthrough, when you can bring to life not the most daring projects and even turn failure into success. this day is very good for craftsmen and professionals in their field. leaders will have the opportunity to improve optimize work processes in our teams, and this day will also add prudence to us and the ability to think rationally. of course, he also has a minus, he can sometimes be a little boring and pedantic, on such days we can’t stand it well when something or someone interferes with our plans, and this is
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quite possible for evil. aries, be prepared for this and don’t get angry if colleagues or family members distract you from something important at the wrong time, otherwise the day is very productive, it will help you establish something, improve it, protect some of your interests, and in the evening get ready for a pleasant meeting. and taurus is having a good day, only with new acquaintances, as for business, your patience and perseverance will be very useful, if you need someone’s help, you will receive it, but you understand, mutually. gemini will be thinking about something, figuring something out, solving some problem, here it is important to be sure that you have all the necessary information, and the evening will make you forget about all this, and maybe it will pull you out somewhere. by the way, how about going to the skating rink. a good day for crayfish, when everything works out . the main thing is not to do something.
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will revolve around money, some of the lions may be accused of greed and pettiness, but decide for yourself, the lionesses are not too keen on bright cosmetics and aggressive perfume, today everything is at work and here the promise of success is shining, things will go great for engineers and it specialists for everyone who works with equipment, the girls' leaders will have a chance... to resolve personnel issues, but on the personal front the girls are still quiet. libra is just wonderful day, some everyday little things or overlays may indeed try to spoil the mood, but all this is nonsense, but money loves you, and in the evening a pleasant date is not excluded. and scorpios will not be offended for this day, especially since he clearly has something interesting in store, as far as business is concerned, don’t expect easy success, but then you will have something to be proud of. scorpio ladies, you simply charmed me today. someone can infuriate sagittarians and even try to provoke a scandal, and jealousy does not sleep, in general, the stars encourage you not
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get angry and not sort things out, be careful with caustic chemicals. the stars hint to capricorns that rather than carrying grievances, it is better to have a calm and honest heart-to-heart talk, you see, everything is to blame. capricorn ladies, remember that so-called girlfriends sometimes really like to gossip, be careful while driving, especially on a snowy road, a small blunder is possible at work, and family members can cause trouble, some kind of trip on other people’s business is not excluded, but the evening is all yours , and he definitely won’t disappoint you, he’ll get the opportunity fix something, make peace with someone or strengthen relationships that have somehow begun to fade, be careful with money and with all sorts of high-tech gadgets, too, well, good luck to you. today in moscow there will be a ceremony to present the annual national literary prize, a big book, with 15 works on the shortlist. all the details are in our next story. detectives, fantasy,
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historical novels and memoirs, shortlisted. the country's literary prize is a big book, 15 works in total. some books are thematically similar, some are similar in characters are similar, some touch on the same topics, are modern, interesting to the reader, and it turns out that you have to choose among them so that there are no identical books on the list. the award experts had to choose from 322 books, 4 months of work, the task was not easy. literature is an area of ​​uncertainty. this is not an exact science and there are no strict criteria, everyone has their own ideas about what is good and what is bad in literature, and at the intersection of these opinions, these tastes, we form our collective decision, this is difficult work, really difficult. dmitriy for the first time, danilov heads the expert council of the awards, a big book, he himself was shortlisted three times, he believes that
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it is easier to be a participant, you just wait for the results, but here it depends on you... what will become a literary trend this year? because the reader will read the very short list, he will read, this is what has already been selected for him and therefore i want him to, as it were, immediately embrace the whole big picture, of our literature, and skim off the very cream. we stopped by to visit the youngest finalist, alexandra shalashova, fireworks on the other side is her third book, children are cut off on the island in a sanatorium for the visually impaired, and on the other side there is a war. i lived in samara and looked at the volga every day, came up with a sanatorium, a river, connected it, it turns out some autobiographical moments and moments of real observation of life. the names of the winners of the eighteenth season of the award will be announced this evening. the award ceremony will traditionally take place in pashkov’s house. ligia belyanskaya, dmitry likhachev, konstantin leonov and maxim tkachenko, channel one. honey is the most amazing,
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most natural, most ancient sweetness, which... people know, they began to extract it, according to some sources, 15,000 years ago, that is, in the stone age, and honey, by the way, is stored for 300 years, that is, it is amazingly profitable, tasty, healthy, chic, there are still all sorts of modern options, honey, soufflé, cream honey, my wife loves it, and there are honey mixtures with nuts, our correspondent nikolai lesnikov tried to figure it all out, and of course, i also tried medha, but it’s delicious, additives for honey mixtures in production can be crushed or. .. it depends on the recipe, then they are mixed with the main product and the whole mass is heated. after placing the product in a jar, we sterilize the product in a high-pressure autoclave to slightly stabilize the product so that it is more durable. but here it is important not to overheat, honey loses its beneficial properties at too high temperatures, although we can’t check this in the store, we can only hope for the integrity of those who made
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the product. we have a state standard for honey, honey mixtures are produced according to technical specifications, there are no state standards for honey mixtures, that is, everyone a manufacturer, before producing any new type of product, he develops technical specifications, then manufactures the product and tests it for safety indicators, so what to pay attention to when choosing honey mixtures, a beekeeper and apitechnologist, andrey krasnov, will help you figure it out, he advises to first evaluate visually, the packaging is solid, the product itself is without stratification of foreign impurities, then we study the composition. we read on the labels what this dessert is based on honey, that is , the manufacturer immediately says that this is the base honey, and then something is done with this, here is crushed lemon, there is ginger, the main rule here is that the closer the ingredient is to the beginning of the list, the more of it, that is, honey
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should ideally be the first in the composition, what else should you pay attention to please note that the energy value of natural honey is 360-390 calories, so we can calculate how much natural honey there is. if the color is higher, there is a possibility that the manufacturer has added sugar, with the exception of the mixture with nuts, which themselves are very high in calories; if less, there is little honey. can serve as a guide and price. here we have kiwi souffle honey, and 250 g in a jar cost 300 rubles. what can we say about this? we can understand that the price is for the finished product. more than 1,000 rubles per kilogram. this cost is an additional guarantee that the mixture really contains honey; pop-up lids, nuts, berries or dried fruits also hint at this; they are lighter in weight. but when you put it into jars, soufflé or cream honey, the life hack will no longer work; in order to get the required consistency, the raw materials are whipped, in the process it is saturated with air, oxidizes and changes its characteristics, which also benefits is becoming smaller, so
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nutrition experts and beekeepers are still in favor of those mixtures based on natural honey in its classic form. nikolay lesnikov, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, vladimir popov, elena savina and vladimir soromotin, channel one. we will see you in just a few minutes, now we will find out what events are happening. passed in the country in the world, by this hour, a news broadcast was broadcast on channel one. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. the meeting lasted 2.5 hours, which vladimir putin spent the night before with members of the council for the development of civil society and human rights under the president of russia. the meeting was held via video conference. there were many questions about social policy, in particular, the head of state agreed that the status of large families should become all-russian, not regional. another topic is the distribution of benefits for caring for disabled people. the president believes that the recipient of
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such payments should not be deprived of them if they want to work in parallel. now they are faced with a choice. separately at the council discussed human and child rights, related issues of school education and the high workload of teachers. especially, they told. the head of state in connection with the influx of children moving to russia from neighboring countries to educational institutions , and half of them do not speak russian at all, which affects the general educational process? this is not an easy topic, everything you said, that’s all, i just wrote it down almost verbatim, you need to think about solving all these issues, of course , children must learn, but this process is not must be accompanied by... deterioration of the conditions for the education of our children in school, the children of our citizens. it cannot be done, he sees that this problem does not exist, i will definitely also
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give the corresponding instructions to prepare proposals, i hope you will take part in the development of these solutions. vladimir putin named one of the main tasks of the human rights council to support fighters located in the special operations zone, as well as members of their families. in addition, they talked about ensuring the rights of residents of new regions of russia about violations against russian-speaking population in unfriendly countries. vladimir putin especially pointed out that moscow, despite withdrawing from some international human rights organizations, because of their russophobic position, does not refuse to follow the principle of the universal declaration of human rights. the people of russia continue to directly appeal to the president, to which the head of state will respond on december 14. the big one will take place next thursday. straight line, this time they will be combined into a new format, results of the year with vladimir putin. set yours you can now ask questions by phone or send an sms. you see the numbers on the screens,
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or through the form on the moscow putin website. there are also links to download special applications for sending requests. in addition, it is possible to ask a question to the head of state through the social networks vkontakte and odnoklassniki. the communication itself will take place in a specially built studio, where both russian journalists and foreign ones accredited in moscow will gather. activists of the popular front will work with all the appeals that are received even after the end of the broadcast until the issue is completely resolved. the latest data from the special operation zone, russian motorized rifles disrupted the rotation of the armed forces unit in the southern donetsk direction, and the pilots hit a concentration of manpower and equipment in the shelter area, the total enemy losses amounted to almost 100 people, in the krasno-liman direction they distinguished themselves... tankers, they also disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces and destroyed an ammunition depot and a mortar crew position. the crews of t-80 tanks, the central group of troops, worked. fighters
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the motorized rifle regiment of the southern military district launched an attack on ukrainian militants in the orekhovsk direction in the zaporozhye region, and near kherson, a crew of the grad multiple launch rocket system hit enemy targets on the right bank of the dnieper. an american m700 artillery mount was hit. 77 and the ukrainian landing force, which tried to move to the left bank, was eliminated. we work most often with sighting using a drone, for an accurate hit, to inflict maximum damage on the enemy, we leave at any time of the day or night, always in readiness. the drones themselves are also highly accurate and effective weapons; near artyomovsky, our paratroopers, using an fpv drone, destroyed a group of ukrainian militants. having identified the targets, the operator first hit two vso fighters in cover, and then eliminated the remaining group. today is volunteer day, a holiday of those who help society for free. this movement
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has acquired new strength in recent years, and after the start of the special operation, new meanings. many people across the country buy camouflage nets, outfits, and collect first aid kits and dry rations. many personally deliver the essentials to the front lines. the desire to help those who need it is constantly present in the history of our country and is passed on from generation to generation. there are no days off at the front, so we don’t have them either. we follow the guys, they go ahead, and we follow them, you don’t get tired, it’s not time for us, it’s not time for us, it’s too early for us to get tired. abnormally cold weather, with temperatures below the climate norm by almost 14°, will come today to several central regions at once. in ivanovskaya, kaludzhka, in the kostroma, tver and yaroslavl regions they promise about -200 this night. residents are asked not to stay outside for long periods of time, avoid hypothermia, and also limit travel by personal transport as much as possible,
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especially over long distances. meanwhile , in the magadan region, due to a sharp cold snap, schoolchildren were officially allowed to skip classes. there, now it’s -40 outside, in the near future the thermometers may drop even lower to - 55°. channel one will continue to broadcast the program, good morning. and in moscow, meanwhile, novdkh the exhibition forum of russia continues its work. if you haven't been there yet, we are. we recommend it to you with all our hearts, because you can just literally touch our entire country , come there, sail, fly, come running, and then, of course, be sure to come a second or third time, because there really is something to admire here, there is something look, well , by the way, high technologies are also clearly represented there. 10 minutes the portrait is ready, the russian exhibition surprises with technical developments, one robot is an artist, the other is grape expert, identifies pests,
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berries and suggests the best moment to harvest. the artificial intelligence here even composes its own music. some kind of cosmic feeling, perhaps. it seems to me that it is more popular, you can even dance. from rock to hip-hop, each dome has its own musical direction, and the melodies are never the same. home programs are more than predictable, designed to make our lives easier. control, of course, from your phone. you can, for example, remotely pour food to a pet who is left alone at home, or resolve a question. very useful for residents of the first second floor, i press the button: no one sees you, a special film that connects to the network is controlled remotely, and the regions are trying to keep up, many have stands with full immersion, that is, we are not in moscow, but for 2,000 km from here we fly over the chelyabinsk region, this is a monument to kurchatov in the city of chelyabinsk, this is the south ural state university, lake turgayak, a stone river and... aiskie cliffs, where there are the same
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swings, from which you pedal on a bicycle and admire the embankments of the cities of the ivanovo region. sergei the artist appreciated it. there 's always something special there. it is in nature, in the landscape, in people, above all. and for guests of the rostov region stand there will be a computer game on the big screen, interesting even for adults. you need to overtake your opponent , collect as much crop as possible in 3 minutes, but at the same time you can prepare some... set up traps for your opponent, there are also 3d screens, one of the most impressive in the kemerovo region, kusbas’ stand uses kinetic technologies, they allow change screen configuration depending on what 3d content we see in real time. from the era of dinosaurs to the present day, the entire history of the mining region. pride in our vastness, this 3d technology allows us to immerse ourselves in this breadth and understand. it seems that
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artificial intelligence is also inspired, producing poems on any topic. let's come up with a quatrain about good morning. the result is immediate, but rhymes and neural networks still need to be worked on. maxim petrenko, sergey folendysh, alexander aleksenko, anna ryabova channel one. our good, cheerful morning continues and the time has come to find out what got into the networks of our main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky. we have new heroes and wonderful emotions for you. our little video camera opens with three charming cats , early in the morning they climbed into the apartment of the author of this video, sat down in front of the bed and began to demand breakfast, so brazenly, it is unknown whether their request was granted, but we can say for sure that video already earned 3 million likes. our next hero is a thief dog, as you can see, he stole a huge piece of pizza right from under his nose, no one would have noticed this, if the incident had not accidentally
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been caught on video, judging by how carefully and delicately the dog does this, apparently not the first if he treats himself like that, what a sweetheart, what a cute thief. but in melbourne, australia, kuala dropped in from the city pharmacies, she sat for a while at the entrance, then went inside, wandered around for 10-15 minutes, walked away, but 1.5 million users of the worldwide the webs appreciated this and are now wondering what kaala even wanted to buy at the pharmacy. and finally about art, meet the artist mark zorn, he became famous on the internet for the fact that he creates all his works using adhesive tape and a scalpel, each such... work sometimes takes a week, you see the result for yourself, it seems to me, deserves our likes, well done, it’s already december 5th on the calendar, there are 27 days left until the new year, zhenya, i’m amazed now, 27 days, can you imagine, until the very morning, yes
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, magical, beloved, such family warmth holiday, which is actually very symbolic, because a new stage of life begins, and how great it is that there are people who give a holiday to those who do not have a family. sometimes such a new year becomes the beginning of a new life. what is this new year's miracle? getting into a family for the new year is the dream of any orphanage student. maxim was lucky. are you ready to visit us? the kids have already been waiting for you artemmi there in general. oh, max is coming, great. the gritsenko family from the batayskaya rostov region already has six adopted children; last year they invited a girl to the new year, after holidays could not leave. actually, i take it quite often. children from our help center, even if i don’t want to take them into custody, but nevertheless i will just spend a holiday with them, give the children a holiday. this is not the first time maxim has come, but this new year is clearly preparing surprises, maybe maxim will make such
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a wish that every child wants to join a family, maybe this year, in the twenty- fourth, this wish of his will come true. vika, vitya and kolya also wanted to find a family, we filmed them last year, this is how they were sitting in an orphanage in ryazan and planned the new year in kuban, in the buglakov family. we’re ready to go home, and we’re waiting for you to get us, the guys will remember that new year all their lives. mom called and said that she was already in our city, i jumped with happiness, i even remember when i ran to her on the street. it’s been a year since they’ve been living in this family, decorating the house and their rooms and having fun, this year they made a wish to go to the mountains for sledding, the wish will definitely come true, and mom and dad also have a dream, if there is such an opportunity, of course, it is necessary , definitely that more children will appear in our family, children should not live in orphanages, they should live in a family with mom and dad, love everyone as their own
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innate gift yulia and alexey polonnikov , the crimeans also could not resist, we are adults two sons, well, these are our own children, they are already adults. once they called from the orphanage, they said there was a brother and sister, yulia and her husband immediately left, they came in, they were sitting with these little eyes, looking at us, that’s it, i immediately felt that this was ours, now the whole world revolves around three-year-old yaroslava and four-year-old sofia, such kids are often taken away, which cannot be said about adults, although for... a miracle, knowing that you are not alone, you are loved and waited for, is more valuable than any gift. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia zavidova , channel one, the heart was able to start for a long time,
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now it’s stopped again, the condition is stable, serious, valeria, direct cardiac massage in these conditions, it won’t get any worse, this is her last chance. is he completely asleep or is he already drunk ? tom, take him away, this is already a crime, what are you talking about? come on, i came to this city to correct a mistake, instead i made new ones, ask the nurse, look at the time after the program, maybe spit on the past, you are alive, your arms are intact, your legs are intact, and your memory. why do you care about romca, a product of the stellar group. kolya, you are the god of shooting
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at 8 km, we specially ordered this detail to be machined, there is a magnet on the bottom, we put it in any place in order to have time to film the battle from different points, our film crew, like... is divided, for example, the cameraman is filming an observation point, where the commander controls the battle from a drone, a sound engineer crawls up, crawls up, he also has a camera, he can film reloading, the departure of equipment, we work in full, everything. and i can move between points, what is the plan now, the regime for now, not quite everyone is alive 3rd month, my brother will arrive in the forest, maybe not along the road, but along the police, there could be mines, right wheels, they fixed the camera on the strap of the soldier’s bulletproof vest with the call sign eagle, the enemy is very close, we will have to do it in half, for the fighters through whose eyes we see the battle, of course we every time we feel like... our own people, forward, forward, forward, and people even hundreds of kilometers from the front line can feel the strength of spirit of our soldiers, oh
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well done, oh, kolyan, arrivals, this is for us, kolyan, yes, maybe we’re leaving , no, no, now it’s working, for the day of heroes of the fatherland, men ’s work, on saturday at first, this place looks like a fairyland, rivers... the landscape resembles another planet, there is one bear for every three local residents, i’m on iturupe, friends, the largest island of the kuril chain, let's take kuril eggs a little bit and crusts, well, now naturally , i noticed that absolutely all the tourists feed the leaf, this is very bad, she stops hunting, they don’t see any other food, here she is a beauty, you feel the smell, well, crush it. copovochka , the aroma will be all over ivanovskaya, how much vitamin c is in it, more than in oranges,
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finally what we have been waiting for so long happened, we saw a live bear, smoked in all its glory, the life of our own, premiere, on sunday on the first, we continue, now a topic that unfortunately does not lose its topicalities to this day, telephone calls, scammers, well, who, someone must have thought now, tired of them, yes, we already know about them... because we know everything, everything, well, as it happens, but not everything, because they really will come up with something something new, they are developing, so to speak, in their not very good business, so be vigilant, please, dear tv viewers, a three -step deception, the first call is supposedly from a central bank employee, here are the documents, the second step is a screenshot from a cctv camera, this is for me showed that people were withdrawing money from me, step three, reward: if you help catch the villains, we will increase the rate of your deposits, requirement two, don’t tell anyone... the secret investigation and urgently take out a loan and immediately return it so that the scammers don’t get it. i didn’t
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really want to take out this loan, but they are intimidating me about the safety of my relatives and criminal liability. the loan was more than 3 million. irina cashed it out as requested and transferred it to a certain account. she was convinced that this was how she returned the money to the bank, but they were completely unaware of it. you took out a loan, you pay , that’s it, you didn’t pay, your property was seized, trial. it's been a year now, and sergei from crimea was so fooled that he bypassed five banks, technical support was displayed, well, i picked up the phone, introduced themselves as bank employees, someone wants to re-issue your card in your name, the scheme is the same, to get ahead of the attackers, you need take out a loan and return it to a safe account, and so on five times, in the end i owe more than 4 million, now i am filing for bankruptcy, these are the documents that provided that i have no debt from banks. and this is for almost all five banks, it really is very good, you need
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to understand, bank forms, like our data , are not a problem for attackers , there are a lot of documents on the internet, any graphic editor and knowledge in general of how it is, allows you to forge any document, now a lot of emphasis is placed on additional pictures are signed with an electronic digital signature with all the details and so on, why are calls through the messenger more difficult to track, many gray sim cards have already been withdrawn. obtaining them is becoming increasingly difficult in order to somehow the call was not disconnected by the telecom operator, the scammers carry out the interaction for the longest time through instant messengers, which cannot be blocked, an account where the money goes formally from an accomplice? for some money, they offer to open this account, then for a very small percentage, they actually offer to withdraw this money or transfer it abroad, why then are russian numbers rented from gray companies? on the territory of nizhny novgorod. a citizen was detained from whom more than a thousand sim cards of various types were confiscated
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telecom operators and technical devices simboxes, a huge number of what to do, at least check unfamiliar numbers through a search engine, this number should actually be registered in the republic of dagestan and registered there, although it seems to us that the central bank and moscow are a reason to think and better don’t talk to strangers, the central bank doesn’t communicate with ordinary people, its clients , banks, employees... of authorities are invited to a conversation with a subpoena. dmitry kuzmin, dmitry parfenov, channel one. cuperosis - a problem that both men and women can face, well, this is... those same stars or cobwebs, yes, that appear on the cheeks, on the nose, on the chin. and now specialists know how to effectively combat cuperosis, how to do it, ksenia samodelkina will tell you. a constant blush on the face is not a sign of health. cosmetologists are struggling with this problem, it is called cuperosis. this is a network of dilated capillaries that
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usually covers the nose and cheeks. you can remove it using a procedure called. phototherapy. first, the specialist applies a protective gel against burns to the skin, then uses photo flashes to glue the dilated blood vessels together. after the procedure, they do not disappear instantly, but dissolve in about a week. what to do to have phototherapy. you no longer needed, to prevent the appearance of new spider veins, we freeze chamomile at home, inject ice cubes into problem areas in the morning, massage the face to disperse the lymph, because of the cold, the capillaries reflexively expand, and then
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narrow. this training makes them strong and even for rosacea, prepare a mask based on herbs, mix pharmaceutical chamomile and horse chestnut calendula flowers in equal proportions , pour half a glass of boiling water into a tablespoon of the mixture, cool to room temperature, filter, soak a dry fabric mask with the infusion, it will do also a piece of mass folded into four. cover your face with a mask and rest for half an hour, horse chestnut will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, chamomile will relieve inflammation, collendula will improve microcirculation in tissues, and for moisturizing and nourish the skin, choose a cream with vitamins p, k,
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a, and, it will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and narrow dilated ones. and most importantly, to prevent the exacerbation of rosacea in the cold season , we protect the skin from wind and hypothermia , we also give up smoking, spicy foods and alcohol, the beauty is worth it, bon appetit to everyone who is already having breakfast, and to those who are racking their brains to for example, for lunch, our chef igor molodkin suggests making turkey steak with grilled vegetables. not only is it very it’s delicious, and nutritionists also say that it’s useful. when there’s little time to cook, i cook my signature dish, turkey steak. mexican steaks from indilight for meat lovers with a bright rich taste, tender turkey fillet, natural seasoning and marinade. indilai - in favor of happiness. grease a grill pan with oil and fry the steak for 3 minutes on each side until golden
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brown. there is no need to cook longer, otherwise the meat will dry out. the steak is ready, cover with foil, let it rest, and in the meantime i'll make side dish, cut zucchini, tomato , bell pepper into triangles, for the moridado i mix: soy sauce, dried garlic, provençal herbs, vegetable oil and balsamic vinegar, mix, put the vegetables in a bag, pour in the marinade. i shake so that the sauce is evenly distributed and leave for 10 minutes so that the vegetables are saturated with the marinade. i put them in a greased hot frying pan, add a crushed clove of garlic and a sprig of rosemary for a bright aroma, and fry the vegetables until golden brown stripes appear. lunch is ready.
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it turned out quickly, healthy and very tasty. your family will ask for more supplements. on the calendar, let me remind you, on december 5, on this very day, in the ovstuk family estate, oryol province , in an old noble family , little fedya tyuyuchev was born, who later became a big, great russian poet, translator, diplomat and publicist. of course, we are sure that you are familiar with his work, because fyodor ivanov tyuchev is an amazing poet, we are sure that many people know such lines. you can’t understand russia with your mind, you can’t measure it with an arshin. she has you can only become special in russia. i met you all the past with my mind, russia cannot understand the lines familiar from school, the author himself is a complete mystery. as a poet, tyuchev wrote little, to put it aside. his translations, then his legacy can be contained in a small volume, but this volume is like a volume, others are much heavier, in the summer and early spring, in the summer in
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the fall it was ustuk, and in the winter it was moscow, it was such a warm, family atmosphere in which everything loved each other, how a home boy from the bryansk district became essentially the third a man of the empire, at 12 he translated garatia, he graduated from the university a year ahead of schedule, the capable amorous inscription on the family icon was made by a servant in germany, young tyutchev served there as a secretary at our embassy. january 19, 1825, fyodor ivanovich should have remembered what happened in munich due to his immodesty and what was the danger? the danger is the failed duel between tyuchiv and his opponent. he was in love with omalia löchenfeld. she was married off to someone else when they saw each other again at the end of their lives. he wrote the immortal: i met you, although it’s a mystery , they adored the witty tyutchev, maybe it was clatilda botmer , the sister of tyuchev’s first wife elenora, maybe
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some other lady, it is known that tyuchev was an open-hearted man of small stature, a man of astronomy, like a man, of course, not allendolon at all, that’s it, but nevertheless, the most beautiful women in europe loved him, twenty-two years abroad would have been enough for an adventurous romance, eleonovar’s first wife tried to stab herself with a dagger when she learned about her husband’s affair. on the side, he vowed to leave the other, but elenora died at 37, caught a cold after a fire on a ship while saving her daughters. we know about this from young ivan turgenev, he was on the same ship. she died out in just a couple of weeks, it is known that tyuchev sat at her coffin all night, the next morning, when he came out, the relatives saw that this thirty-five-year-old man had still sat there. ernestine's second wife, the same one from a noble german family, will be with him to the end. for his sake, i learned russian and paid for it. yes st. petersburg, after retirement my husband was eager to return to his homeland, there is still a hotel at car wash 40. tyuchev paid 13 rubles in silver for a week, paid
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for two rooms, of course expensive. my career took off again. leo of the season and his nickname at social events. on nevsky there were already 42 rooms, there were already 14. you and i are climbing the stairs that fyodor ivanovich tyuchev climbed for 19 years. and when fyodor ivanovich fell ill, she looked after him. his beloved elena aleksandrovna denisyeva. she was 23 years younger than fyodor ivanovich. on the day their illegitimate daughter was born, tyuchev encrypted on the first sheet: “look, elena with her newborn.” poems as a continuation life, didn’t like to talk about them, the first collection was published by friends when he was 50, 1854, he was not an armchair poet, he couldn’t understand russia with his mind, it was generally written down in pencil on a piece of paper. and again a loss. nisyeva died of czech fever, followed by their two children. tyuchev devoted himself to politics, built the country's image abroad, headed the foreign censorship committee, his views were shared by
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alexander ii. this portrait was at the world exhibition in paris next to the royal persons. three strokes, despite the fact that his body was motionless, he demanded that every every day they read newspaper clippings, news, without which he could not live a day. tyuchev was a man of politics, of course. tyuchev's belongings were transported by descendants to muranova's estate. in the moscow region, where the poet himself has not been, now there is a museum full of love, poetry and secrets. dmitry kuzmin, ilya kuvaldin, mikhail karasov, channel one, the opportunity to hear and be heard is equally important for everyone. vladimir will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. you can ask your question now by calling 8 800 200 4040 via sms to 04040 or via websites
7:30 am and moskvadefisputinu.rf. all details are on the websites. we will try to make sure that no question goes unnoticed. results of the year with vladimir putin. december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, on air news in the studio sergei tugushev. supporting fighters in the special operations zone is one of the main tasks dealt with by the council for the development of civil society and human rights under the president of russia. this was stated by vladimir putin at the annual meeting with members of this.
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vladimir putin paid special attention to ensuring human rights in new regions, the president called not to make distinctions between them and other entities, because they are part of greater russia, human rights in novorossiya , donbass, adjacent regions, here we need to take this very seriously , and this requires. it will also require professionalism and persistence, because those who do not benefit from this prefer not to notice any problems here at all, but we know that they exist, so we certainly need to work on this, in addition, the question was raised about protecting the interests of russians who live in unfriendly countries, for example, in latvia. according to vladimir putin, the presence of non-citizen status, which applies there to a large proportion of the population, is a strange invention for
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a state that considers itself self-sufficient. moscow, at the same time, despite its withdrawal from some international human rights organizations because of their russophobic position, does not refuse to follow the principles of the universal declaration of human rights, the president noted, on a number of issues raised during the council, vladimir putin expressed his intention to formulate an instruction. this form, the head of state said, allows the control department and the presidential administration as a whole to be involved in the work. this will have a positive impact on the quality of work, since there are presidential instructions. response time, every issue is important, not a single one will be left unattended, 24/7 reception is ongoing for the upcoming big press conference and direct line with the president, on december 14 they will be combined into a new format, results of the year with vladimir putin. you can ask questions by phone or send sms. you see the numbers on your screens or through the form on the moscow putin website. you can also send an appeal through social networks, vkontakte and odnoklassniki. during
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the conversation, russian journalists, as well as foreign ones who are accredited in moscow, will gather in the studio. activists of the popular front will work with all appeals that are received even after the end of the broadcast, until the issue is completely resolved. now the latest information on the progress of the special operation. our artillery defeated some positions of ukrainian formations in the donetsk direction. the aiming adjustments were made by drone operators. they are watching the progress of the battle. in real time, and not only track the movement of militants, but if necessary, they themselves can destroy enemy objects using fpv drones, and the birds, as the operators call them, work equally effectively both during the day and at night, thanks to thermal imaging and high-resolution cameras . the bird sees any movement clearly, especially at night due to thermal
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signatures are raised. in solidarity, our paratroopers eliminated a group of ten ukrainian militants who were hiding in a strong point, not far from the positions of russian troops. one of the main tasks was to get close to the enemy as quickly as possible, while unnoticed. in this case , paratroopers usually use atvs equipped with the fagot anti-tank system; several salvos were enough to completely defeat enemy fortifications. one of the shells hit the artillery ammunition and the entire fortification, along with the militants, flew up to the ground. air. this night, the israeli army began an assault on the palestinian city of jenin, on the western jordan river, arab television channels reported. according to them, about fifty pieces of equipment are involved, including bulldozers. snipers are stationed on the roofs of the building. one of the targets of the idf unit was a government hospital and a local refugee camp. there is no electricity there, the media note. in the center of jenin there is
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a clash between israeli soldiers and, meanwhile, the shiite hezbollah movement in lebanon announced the resumption of intense shelling of israeli territory. during the day they hit 12 military positions. tsahal, in turn, reports retaliatory strikes on shiite locations. in the evening in israel , air raid signals sounded throughout almost the entire territory between settlements near the gaza strip and the border with lebanon. meanwhile , another plane arrived in moscow with evacuees from russia and their relatives, these are 120 people, a quarter of whom are children, they were transported by the ministry of emergency situations plane from cairo airport to domodedovo, the arrivals are provided with the necessary medical psychological assistance, providing warm clothing and basic necessities. this flight was the first in december; in total, during the russian humanitarian mission, more than 880 of our compatriots were rescued who were able
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to cross the rafah checkpoint. another 133 russian citizens and members of their families passed through it, and they will also soon be taken to moscow. that 's all for now. stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning, dear tv viewers, welcome this morning with us in our warm embrace, in our warm company, polina svetova is with you. and evgeny pokrovsky. and by the way, december 5 is already on the calendar. today is the day of military glory of russia, the day of the beginning of the counter-offensive of soviet troops against the nazi invaders in the battle of moscow. on december 5 , 1941, one of the largest and turning-point battles, the great, began. in september of the forty-first, the nazis were inspired by the 8 days of bleitskrieg, moscow was in front of them, the date of the march along red square on november 7 had already been set, invitations to
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the stands were ready for high authorities, even the ceremonial uniforms are gone. on september 30 , 1941, the nazis begin operation typhoon. the plan is to encircle the forces of our army in the region of bryansk and vyazma, and then bypass moscow from the north and south. take her in a pincer. on november 23, the wedge was captured, followed by solnechnogorsk, then yakhrona was taken. and in moscow there is a state of siege, factories have been evacuated, the subway has been mined, the center is camouflaged beyond recognition. take a closer look, there are painted windows on the walls of the kremlin, markings on the square imitate the glare of the roofs, this helps, but partly, the germans will destroy the capital every day. there is a huge role here played by our youth, who were on duty in the attics, on the roofs of houses, in order to extinguish these lighters that the germans were throwing away. on november 30, the enemy at lobne is only 25 km from the kremlin. the task of the soviet command is to hold out to the last, on the way
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to reinforce the rebels, reserves of the fresh far eastern regiment, by the end of november there will be severe frosts. the enemy knows that his army is not ready for this, he goes for a decisive assault and meets fresh forces, his reconnaissance overslept them. overload. our troops, entering the battle, our fresh divisions, including siberian divisions, they threw the germans into positions, that is, the germans, they did not know that we had accumulated forces, their reconnaissance worked very poorly then, that is, the morale of the germans, it fell greatly. the first day of december, our unit repels tank attacks near the front. on december 5, already the soviet counter-offensive, kalinichesk was the first to strike. the front, followed by the western, is our first victory over the hitler regime. many of those events were filmed. on february 1942 , cinemas showed a documentary about the defeat of german troops near moscow. for the session queues formed. in 1943, the film
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even won an oscar overseas. oleks oshen, margarita larkina, alexander ostaroukhov, channel one. we continue to work specifically for you this morning so that you are in a good mood. and here’s the question: how long have you been... looking through your first aid kit, and dear women, when was the last time you examined the contents of your cosmetic bag? no, no, no, what kind of lipstick or cream do you have, of course you know better, that’s how long ago you bought them, you remember, right? well, if not , it might be worth taking a closer look labels, because medicines and cosmetics have their own expiration dates. there is a popular way to check whether the pills are still good: stand up and quit. it hasn’t scattered, you can drink it, but doctors don’t trust this method, they trust the expiration dates. they are determined by their active substance. samples are taken at different times, say, after 5 months, 7
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months, after a year, and the concentration of the active substance is checked, the most important thing is that it can have a therapeutic effect. that is, delay is often a non-working the drug is a dud, poisonous at best and at worst. and the decomposition products of drugs , look, this is fresh acetylslicylic acid, professor vladimir chuborev adds a reagent to it, as there was a reagent, it remained in color, let’s take expired solicylic acid, some kind of sediment appeared, the color became so pinkish, which means acetyl solicylic acid has disintegrated into dangerous solicylic acid gastrointestinal irritation of the stomach and intestines. moreover, if such an expired drug is used... the child may develop rye syndrome, well, in simple words, the brain will suffer very seriously, in addition , fatty degeneration of the liver may also appear, so it is better to keep an eye on the dates on the packages, as in
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the case of cosmetics, although it seems like they can cause harm; for an answer, contact a teacher at the moscow state technical university named after bauman to nikolay kuznetsov , we have three creams, the first has an expiration date of up to... with this one , the size of the emulsion is up to 5 micrometers of droplet particles, they are all homogeneous, this one has a shelf life of another 3 months, air bubbles, most likely due to that's a long time ago it’s lying there, the emulsion has begun to separate , but it’s not critical yet, and this cream has been expired for a year, in fact the drug is also of high quality, the only changes began to appear, it’s most likely water, there are more risks that it will leak, hydrogen bridges are being destroyed, let’s say, organic compounds over time, they begin to disintegrate and rebuild, so old lipstick creases, mascara falls off, the expiration date of cosmetics is desperate. how long these same hydrogen bridges can last, but they destroy them in
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including bacteria that are in the air right now. pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the most voracious for organic matter, are mushrooms, mold fungi, that is, the useful stuff has been eaten up, in the same cream there are waste products of microorganisms, you don’t want this on your face, perhaps it’s time to sort out cosmetics, and at the same time medicine. today is december 5th, which means there are only 27 days. left until the new year, but how much still needs to be done, zhen, did you manage to do everything? i, no, i have a wife for this, great, if that’s an option no, everything lies on your shoulders, then it’s time to start preparing. yes, yesterday, if you remember, we found out what the correct street garland should be, and today let's figure out the garland for the interior decoration of a house, or apartment. yesterday the babeyka family was choosing an outdoor garland for the porch of their house; they found a safe wire material made from rubber that is frost-resistant and bends well. the degree of protection against dust and moisture is ip-65,
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the power supply has a silicone layer so that it does not short out due to snow or rain. our heroes recently moved, they also need safe home garlands. elena has a lot of them. the inspection is carried out by electrician andrey vorotyntsev. if for outdoor use you need a degree of protection from dust and moisture ip-65, then for home, if the christmas tree is artificial, ip-20 is sufficient. that is, is there a garland on the tree, that is, it is not allowed. spray, some use spraying to maintain it, that is, you cannot do this, if you still want to support the tree, then it is better to use at least 44 ip. for home insulation materials, you can choose simpler ones; regular pvc is ideal. in the apartment doesn’t have low temperatures, so it doesn’t get dull, it’s also cheaper. the service life of the garland is up to 10 years, so that it does not break earlier, the wire must be multi-core, twisted, firstly, it is softer. there are garlands on... a single wire on the manifold, but it has one small
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drawback, that is, it can break due to frequent bending, now the bulbs are definitely led, there are many advantages, they work for about 20,000 hours, incandescent lamps are about a hundred, and leds are not heat up consume 10 times less electricity. if we have children, a dog, it comes up and bites this light bulb, what will happen? nothing will happen, these garlands are also safer in the sense that they are powered by low voltage, that is, there can be no electrical injuries. and lastly, when purchasing, it is important to pay attention to whether the light bulbs fit tightly; wiring often comes off from them; despite the low voltage of the garlands, it is still better to be on the safe side. well, the garland has been chosen, designer alena alexandrova will help decorate the christmas tree. by the way, so that its length is definitely enough, the advice is to choose a garland two, or better yet, two and a half times longer, barely. year of the dragon, therefore. it is such a powerful sign in itself,
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this year the trend is the warm colors of the garlands - it is closer to gold, yellow. this is the twenty-fourth year of the wooden dragon, so there is a trend for light bulbs, the designer’s advice is to choose garlands with leaves or cones, for example, they can be hung either on the christmas tree or in the room. anastasia kremesna, konstantin struchkov, channel one. as you know, advertising is the engine of trade, including, by the way, street advertising. well, we are generally against it of course, we don’t have any advertising, but just so that this advertising is not so intrusive, aggressive, but can you imagine, it also happens that advertising, in the literal sense of the word, interferes with sleep. shops within walking distance, it would seem, are an undeniable plus for residents, if advertising does not interfere, you give or rent an apartment, we offer sofas from 12,750 rubles. so, all day long, a janitor's certificate is required for work. telephone 67:60 and it doesn’t matter that it’s not
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loud, the law on advertising, according to it, megaphones on poles, trees, roofs, walls of buildings are already it’s been banned for several years, speakers near stores also get in the way, you can complain to the police or the local police officer, but you can do this with a loudspeaker in your hands. attention, attention, dear ladies and gentlemen , i wish you all a good day, a great mood, it’s too loud, perhaps sanitary standards for noise levels have been violated, you can’t detect your hearing , it’s disturbing, you can ask the store to advertise more quietly, it often meets halfway, if not , we write to rospotrebnadzor, specialists will come, take measurements, the advertiser will be fined in decibels and keep the order quiet. and in the evening, after the store closes, the loudspeaker turns off, dmitry babov’s advertising banner turns on, and it shines from the neighboring roof directly into the window. i’m not afraid of someone like that, i protect myself more, yes , i protect myself with a mask, i have to put it on my eyes, because the light is constantly on, yes, this is what it looks like, this is how you sleep,
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like on an airplane, a banner on a residential building, that means most of the owners agreed to its installation, is it not difficult to find out, the management company should have everyone... documents, signatures of residents , minutes of the meeting, permission from local authorities, in moscow, for example, from the department of architecture and construction, plus an agreement with the advertiser, if there are such permissions, then there are no violations in the installation, while the owner of the advertising structure must also comply with technical requirements, requirements for permissible light standards, which range from 100 to 500 kandals per square meter, if more than an advertisement banner . determining brightness by eye is unrealistic, dmitry voronchuk, a measurement expert, even shows the luxmeter device is powerless at a distance. if they raise me at least two meters there, i will say, yes, there is an excess or there is no excess, but from here we measure, we are at 100 m. of course, i cannot say anything. window illumination levels are measured in kontels,
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the permissible limits are different depending on where the windows face into a quiet alley, which means advertising should not be brighter. seven kondelas, and if the windows are on an illuminated highway, 20 kondelas of brightness are allowed, everywhere there are different standards, a violation can only be detected with with the help of an examination after reporting a problem to the relevant department of the city or town administration. anna brosimova, dmitry roshkov, channel one. premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on the first. veda vodka product. during world handwashing week, what can plain water protect against? why is red fish getting cheaper? our expertise. a ray of light in the dark kingdom, a laser against blindness. the living program helps a lot and enlightens. today is the first one.
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hello everyone, my name is nastya zadorzhnaya. i love dogs so much. i decided to change mine life, instead of being an actress, i chose volunteering, it incredibly helps me raise my kids, what we had without dogs and what we have now are two different lives, since i have a dog, i feel more strongly , that i am a person, well, this is a wonderful dog, which has already... saved a human life, this is not just a pet, this is the creature that accompanies you everywhere, dogs love us, dogs change us, dogs teach us, dogs save us dogs are a whole world, a world in which
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there is one important rule, always be there, prime minister, be there on sunday first. here is his real passport, his name is arnold dejic. he used this passport to travel to the uk. an operative of the highest class, he attracted a number of disinterested assistants and sources of invaluable secret information to cooperate with soviet foreign intelligence. who philby recommended donald maclean as a friend of his, whom he knew shared communist ideology, 17 or 20 agents, these are outstanding achievements, but the most the main thing is the cambridge five. kalin dalis estimates that the cambridge five are the most effective, most powerful group of intelligence officers of the second world war. recruitment
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is the sharpest weapon of an intelligence officer, but it is double-edged and here you can... for the first time, the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation has declassified documents. before us is a map on which the exact place of death is marked. yes , he was no longer alive, but as they say, his work, it lived, won. premiere, names of illegal intelligence, arnold deitch. in sunday on the first. the cold season is slowly but surely gaining momentum, so in order not to have a fever before the new year, you need to follow respiratory etiquette. what kind of etiquette is this and what are the rules, how to cough correctly, sneeze at what distance you need to be from a person, now
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we will find out everything for you, but how do you sneeze, loudly, if i sneeze in the country, then three houses away, i can hear they say lena will be great, no matter how, the main thing is to sneeze - the doctors say, because this is an unconditional protective reflex, a sneeze removes dust from the upper respiratory tract mucus, holding back a sneeze or forced exhalation, like that, behind... the nose is simply dangerous. this can lead to rupture of the capillaries of the eye, rupture of the capillaries of the nose, also damage to the eardrums and can even cause anovism of the brain vessels. now let’s imagine, confetim is microbes, the slightest sneeze, they are already on the floor, on the furniture around the camera lens, scattered at a speed of up to 130 km/h. at a distance of 2-3 m. this is very dangerous for others, because people around them inhale. particles of saliva, mucus, which are present in this air , up to 100,000 microbes fly into the air, they can
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spread up to 8 m. so what to do? i close my hand and sneeze. let's do another experiment: gouache spray and ink. if you cover your mouth with your hand while sneezing, particles of your mucus and saliva will remain on your hands. and then on the tap. the wall, in the switch, the door handle , a person follows, he touches this handle and the entire infection remains on his hands, if you couldn’t resist and sneezed into your palm, it’s better to wash your hands immediately, for 15-20 seconds, first palms, then the back of one hand, the back of the other hand, from the palmar surface of one and the other hand, between the nails and fingertips, if not... 3:5 ml for complete treatment of hands 15-20 seconds
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ideal disposable paper handkerchief, if you sneezed, you immediately threw it away, you don’t have time to get it out, then this is an option, i sneeze unexpectedly, so i have to sneeze into my elbow like that, such a winter gesture of politeness. nadezhda pravdina, andrey ivanov, channel one. honey is the most amazing, most natural, most ancient sweetness, which people know , according to some sources, they began to extract it 15,000 years ago, that is, in the stone age, and honey, by the way, is stored for 300 years, that is, it is amazingly profitable, tasty and healthy, gorgeous, there are all sorts of modern options, honey, soufflé, cream honey, my wife loves it, and there are honey mixtures with nuts, our correspondent nikolai lesnikov tried to figure it all out, and of course he also tried medha. additives for honey mixtures in production can be crushed or not, it depends on the recipe, then they mix
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with the main product, the whole mass is heated, after placing the product in a jar , we sterilize the product in a high-pressure autoclave in order to slightly stabilize the product so that it is more stable, but here it is important not to overheat, honey loses its beneficial properties from too high temperatures, but check this in we can't do it in the store. here we can only hope for the good faith of those who made the product, we have a state standard for honey, honey mixtures are produced according to technical conditions, there are no state standards for honey mixtures, then every manufacturer, before producing any new type of product, develops technical specifications, then manufactures the product and tests it for safety indicators, so what should you pay attention to? when choosing honey mixtures , beekeeper apitechnologist andrey krasnov will help you figure it out. he advises first assessing visually. the packaging is solid, the product itself is without
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layers of foreign impurities, then we study the composition. we read on the label that this is a dessert based on honey, that is, the manufacturer immediately says that this is the base honey, and then something was done with it. here's a crushed lemon, there's ginger. the main rule here is that the closer the ingredient is to the beginning of the list, the more of it there is. that is, honey should ideally be the first ingredient in the composition. another thing you need to pay attention to is the energy value, right? the energy value of natural honey is 360-390 calories, so we can understand and calculate how much natural honey there is. if the color is higher, there is a possibility that the manufacturer has added sugar, with the exception of the mixture with nuts, which themselves are very high in calories. if less, there is not enough honey. price can also serve as a guide. here we have honey soufflé with kiwi, and 250 g'. in the bank it cost 300 rubles. what can we say about this, we can understand that the price for the finished product is more than 1,000 rubles per kilogram, this cost
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is an additional guarantee that there is really honey in the mixture - hints: these are also pop-up nuts, berries or dried fruits, they are lighter in weight, but when the jar contains soufflé or cream honey, the life hack will no longer work to obtain the necessary consistency, raw materials beat, in the process it is saturated with air, oxidizes and changes its characteristics, the benefits also become less, so nutrition experts beekeepers are still in favor of those mixtures based on natural honey in the classic form. nikolay lesnikov, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, vladimir popov, elena savina and vladimir. first channel. well, now we invite all football fans to the screens. the seventeenth round of the russian championship has ended with a review of the best goals by our colleague, channel one sports journalist maria rumyantseva. the main event of the next round of the russian football championship was lokomotiv's second victory over zenit this season. the outcome of this meeting was decided by the spectacular goals scored by the railway workers in the second half;
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substitute anton miranchuk took a free kick and maxim glushenkov famously sent the ball into the far corner. the locomotive managed to consolidate its advantage in the end, again without meranchuk. the red-green midfielder delivered the ball to artyom dzyubel with an elegant throw. the experienced striker passed the ball to nair teknyazyan, who put an end to the attack, which became the highlight of the game. krasnodar took advantage of zenit's defeat and regained its leadership in the standings. victory. in the home match against orenburg, bc got a great goal from ilzat akhmetov. on the eve of the match, the krasnodar midfielder was injured and did not make it into the starting lineup, but in the second half, coming on as a substitute, he distinguished himself like this by skillfully finishing off a cross from the paraguayan junor alonso, who plays for the wings of the soviets, roman yezhov had never scored a header in a premier match before this round. leagues. perhaps even the midfielder himself
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the samara team did not expect that the first goal would turn out so beautiful. in a match against the sochi football club, ezhov shot from a considerable distance (15 m) after a serve from glen bale and the ball dived in an intricate arc right into the corner. this goal also became the winning goal for the samartsev who had gained momentum. in the next round , krylia sovetov will have a match against spartak, who need to recover after the failure in the game with akhmat. the team from grozny opened the scoring thanks to a cool pass from bern. birishi, he brought hamid agallarov one on one with the outside of his foot goalkeeper, the rest was a matter of technique for striker akhmat. spartak responded with an accurate shot from anton zenkovsky, who hit the far corner of the opponent's goal, but then missed again. svyatoslav kovochev literally hammered the ball into the net and brought akhmat his first victory in
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the premier league in three months. next up is the newscast. a few minutes, hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. the meeting that vladimir putin held the night before with members of the council for the development of civil society and rights lasted 2.5 hours person under the president of russia. the meeting was held via videoconference; there were many questions about social policy, in particular. families should become all-russian, and did not agree that the status of large families should be regional. moreover, the distribution of benefits for the care of disabled people. the president believes that recipients of such payments should not be deprived of them if they want to work in parallel; now they are faced with a choice. separately, the council discussed the rights of the child, related issues of school education and the high workload of teachers.
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they especially told the head of state in connection with the influx of children into educational institutions. this is a difficult topic, everything you said, that ’s all, i just wrote it down almost verbatim, we need, of course, to think about solving all these issues, children must learn, but this process should not be accompanied by a deterioration in the conditions for learning. our children at school, the children of our citizens, we cannot pretend that this problem does not exist, i will definitely give the corresponding instructions to prepare a proposal, i hope you will take part in the development of these decisions. vladimir putin named one of the main tasks of the human rights council to support fighters located in the special operation zone, as well as members of their families. in
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addition, they talked about ensuring the rights of residents of new regions of russia. does not refuse to follow the principles of the universal declaration of human rights. the reception of appeals from russian residents to the president continues, to which the head of state will respond on december 14. next thursday there will be a big press conference direct line. this time they will be combined into a new format. results of the year with vladimir putin. you can ask your question now by phone or send an sms. you see the numbers on the screens, or through the form on the moscow putin website. there are also links to download special applications for sending requests. in addition, it is possible to ask a question to the head of state through the social networks vkontakte and odnoklassniki. the communication itself will take place in
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a specially built studio, where both russian and foreign journalists accredited in moscow will gather. with all the appeals that activists receive people's front will continue to work after the end of the broadcast, until the issue is completely resolved. data from the special operation zone, russian motorized rifles disrupted the rotation of the ukrainian armed forces unit in the southern donetsk direction. and the pilots hit concentrations of manpower and equipment in the shelter area. the total enemy losses were almost 100 people. our tankers distinguished themselves in the red-lebanese direction. they also disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces and destroyed an ammunition depot and a mortar crew position. tank crews worked t-80 of the central group of troops. soldiers of the yuzhny motorized rifle regiment. the military district stopped the attack of ukrainian militants in the orekhovsk direction in the zaporozhye region, and near kherson, the crew of the multiple launch rocket system hail hit enemy targets on the right bank of the dnieper.
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the american m-77 artillery mount was destroyed and the ukrainian landing force, which was trying to move to the left bank, was eliminated. we work most often with sighting using a drone, for an accurate hit. to inflict maximum damage on the enemy, we leave at any time of the day or night, always ready. the drones themselves are also very effective weapons near artyomovsk; our paratroopers, using an fpv drone, destroyed a group of ukrainian militants. having identified the targets, the operator first hit two fighters in the ssu in cover, and then eliminated the remaining group. today is volunteer day, a holiday of those who help society for free. in russia, this movement has acquired new strength in recent years, and after the start of the special operation, new meanings. many people across the country sew for our soldiers camouflage nets, equipment, collect first aid kits and dry rations. many personally deliver
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the essentials to the front line. the desire to help those who need it is constantly present in the history of our country and is passed on from generation to generation. there are no days off at the front, so we don’t have them either. we follow the guys, they go ahead, and we follow them, you don’t get tired, it’s not time for us, it’s not time for us, it’s too early for us to get tired. abnormally cold weather, with temperatures below the climate norm by almost 14°, will arrive today in several central regions. in the ivanovo, kaluga, kostroma, tver and yaroslavl regions the upcoming nights are predicted to be around -20. residents are asked not to stay outside for a long time, avoid hypothermia, and also limit travel by personal transport as much as possible, especially over long distances. meanwhile , in the magadan region, due to a sharp cold snap , schoolchildren were officially allowed to skip classes; it is already -40 outside, and in the near future the thermometers may
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drop even lower to -5. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning, our dear tv viewers, thank you very much for celebrating the new day of your life in our company, in the company of channel one. evgeniy is with you. pokrovsky and polina tsvetkova. and today is december 5th, and this is volunteer day. we sincerely congratulate and thank all caring, kind and sympathetic people who are always ready to help, not for money, but at the call of their hearts. first you refuse, the second time you run away. almost all of the actors on stage are professional actors, they rehearse in their free time and perform in libraries. free of charge. our idea is to make the theater accessible, free, for completely different audiences, mainly our elderly, children, schoolchildren, how to become a volunteer if you also want, we are determining how we can help, ideally, if you have
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professional skills, be it doctors, or be it graphic designers or journalists, and their free help is required, these are pro-bono volunteers, such corporate volunteers, one might say, the services of such people are often needed by non-profit organizations and individual socially vulnerable... people, you can find these on specialized sample hubs, so we type in a search engine. there are no special skills, you can help with your time, attention or free hands, from walking animals in zoo shelters to delivering... food to people with limited mobility, such volunteers are usually looked for on large resource portals, the main thing to remember is, agree to help, be prepared to bear responsibility , understanding that you are not going to play with toys, but you are going to help homeless animals, within the shelter they will always advise, teach, support, and somewhere they will insure, gender or age do not matter for volunteering, mostly teenagers today become volunteers, starting from the age of 14 years, today the oldest
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volunteer in moscow is more than 87 years old. let us repeat , there are many areas of volunteering , environmental, social, sports, cultural, especially popular, event-based, the russian forum at vdnkh alone brought together 8,000 volunteers, the world youth festival will be held in sochi in february, not everyone is hired for such large projects, there will be interviews. more than 43,000 applications have been accepted participation in the volunteer corps, and only 5,000 volunteers will be selected. 9, 10 people per place, olga eremeeva passed the casting, knows english, plans to be responsible for the movement of guests. there will be foreigners, there will also be our compatriots, so communication between them is a very important point. and communication skills definitely improve, especially when you start volunteering in school, some people find new friends through this, some gain so much self-esteem, or it’s just another way to relax, spend time in company very good people. anyone, even a novice volunteer, has a personal book, here are all the events in which
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the person participated, it will be useful not only at the next interview, some universities take into account the hours spent on social work and convert them into points. maxim petrenko, mikhail karasev, ilya saesh, elizaveta stativchenko, channel one. today in moscow there will be a ceremony to present the annual national literary prize, a big book, with 15 works on the shortlist. all the details are in our next story. detectives, fantasy, historical novels and memoirs. the main one is on the shortlist. the country's prize is a big book, 15 works in total. some books are thematically similar, some are similar in characters, some touch on the same topics, are modern, interesting to the reader, and it turns out that you have to choose among them so that there are no identical books on the list. the award experts had to choose from 322 books, 4 months of work, the task was not easy. literature is an area of ​​uncertainty.
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this is not an exact science and there are no strict criteria, everyone has their own ideas about what is good and what is bad in literature, and at the intersection of these opinions, these tastes, we form our collective decision, this is difficult work, really difficult. for the first time, dmitry danilov heads the expert council of the awards, a big book, he himself was shortlisted three times, he believes that it is easier to be a participant, you just wait for the results, here it depends on you, this year it will become a literary trend, because the reader will read the most e, well the short list will read it what has already been taken away from him, so i want him to, as it were, embrace the whole big picture at once - the picture of our literature, and skim off the very cream. we stopped by to visit the youngest finalist, alexandra shalashova, fireworks on the other side are her third book, children are cut off on the island in a sanatorium for the visually impaired,
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there is a war on the other side. i lived in samara and looked at the volga every day, came up with a sanatorium, a river, connected it, it turns out some autobiographical moments and moments of real observation of life. names of the winners of the eighteenth season of the award will be known this evening. the award ceremony will traditionally take place in pashkov’s house. legia belyanskaya, dmitry likhachev, konstantin leonov and maxim tkachenko. first channel. we can’t get out of bedabir, we’ll break through. on the day of heroes of the fatherland, badaber fortress, on saturday at the first, i need you, alive, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, in western ukraine, the sbu and the national police conducted a top-secret training, according to the plan , they will infect ukrainians with tivine flu, and then blame russia for everything , snake of death. i'll start by
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considering the likelihood of russian use biological weapons in ukraine. this is what it sounds like between the lines, that if you go to liberate ukraine, we will launch bioweapons that will destroy everyone there indiscriminately . we are talking not only about the impact on humans, but also about the impact on agriculture. the ukrainian military is the main source. unexpectedly, victims of an incomprehensible disease in which internal meltdown occurs and public opinion for more serious military personnel occurs. and against russia, philippa lentzes, woman painting death, dolls, heir tutti, today on the first, if they told me that my day was the last, what would i do, i would go, take a walk, go to church and sit down, read a prayer,
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repent, apologize to those whom i offended, it’s impossible to support people who are suffering and to be somewhere on the sidelines, it was generally, of course, her choice, her will, her desire, we went down into the catacombs and stood up, they saw that this was an attractive, charming girl who could take off, who maybe they knocked her out at the start, that's martyrdom, you know, this is martyrdom , because in principle she did not fight, she did not curse, turning to her, we see the light, we see happiness, we see victory, we see the ideality that she embodied in herself, but with in this case, the tragedy remains and the pain remains. on the day of heroes of the fatherland, on saturday on the first. i just wanted to say that it may not be enough, and not as often as it should be, but i had to tell her, dashenka, i love you very much, why such torment, already 3 hours under
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the spotlights, here + 40, no less, as it itches, there was no need to put it on a naked body, are we royal or imperial? mania question: get excited, colleagues, motor, camera , the crowd has gone, more fun, keep the penguin gait , attention, let's go, got ready, started , finally, let's go, our life, game, extraordinary adventures of experts in the winter series of games, on sunday on first, on the calendar on december 5, our ancestors on this day laid winter roads for sleighs, and the day, at the same time, they repaired and put in order those same sleighs. of course, we hope, dear car owners, that your car is also fine , ready for a real winter, and our astrologers will also tell you what they are preparing for us today. december 5, the twenty-second lunar
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twentieth solar, like yesterday, powerful and active, and what is called breakthrough, when you can bring to life the most daring... projects and even turn failure into success. this day is very good for craftsmen and professionals in their field. bosses will have the opportunity to improve the optimization of work processes in their teams, and also this day will add prudence to us and the ability to think rationally. of course, he also has his downsides; he can sometimes be a little boring and pedantic. on days like these, we can’t stand it well when something or someone interferes with our plans, and something like this out of spite is quite possible. aries, be prepared for this and don’t be angry if... colleagues or family members distract you from something important at the wrong time, but the day is very productive, it will help you establish something, improve it, protect some of your interests, and closer get ready for a pleasant evening meeting. and taurus is having a good day, only with new acquaintances, be careful when it comes to business, your patience and perseverance will be very useful.
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if you need someone's help, you will receive it, but you understand, in a mutual way. gemini will think about something, figure something out, solve some problem. and here it is important to be sure that you have all the necessary information, and the evening will make you forget about all this, and maybe it will pull you out somewhere. by the way, how about going to the skating rink? a good day for crayfish when everything goes well it turns out that the main thing is not to do something impulsive, not to get involved in some kind of adventure, not to say too much, and be careful with impulsive purchases. for leos, a lot will revolve around money, some of the leos may be accused of greed and pettiness, but here it is. make up your mind, lionesses , don’t get too carried away with bright cosmetics and aggressive perfumes, today virgos are all about work, and here the promise of success is shining, things will go great for engineers, it specialists, everyone who works with equipment, business leaders will have a chance to resolve personnel issues, here on personal
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there is still a calm on the front for the girls. libra is just having a wonderful day; they may indeed try to spoil the mood with some household little things or extras, but all this is nonsense, but money loves you. and in the evening a pleasant date is possible. and scorpios will not be offended this day, especially since he clearly has something interesting in store. as for business, don’t expect easy success, but then you’ll have something to be proud of. scorpio ladies, you are simply charming today. someone can infuriate sagittarians and even try to provoke a scandal, and jealousy does not sleep. all in all, the stars urges you not to get angry and not sort things out. and be careful with caustic chemicals. coser. the stars are hinting that rather than carrying grievances, it’s better to have a calm and honest heart-to-heart talk, you see, everything will work out, capricorn ladies, remember that so-called girlfriends sometimes really like to gossip while driving, it’s a very active day for aquarius, a little ovral is possible at work, and
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your family can cause trouble, some trip on other people’s business is not excluded, but the evening is all yours, and it definitely won’t disappoint you, fish will have the opportunity to fix something, make peace with someone or strengthen relationships that have somehow begun to fade, be careful with money and with all sorts of high-tech gadgets, too, well, good luck to you. couperosis is a problem that both men and women can face, well, these are the same stars or cobwebs, yes, that appear on the cheeks, on the nose, on the chin. and now specialists know how to effectively fight rosacea and how to do this, ksenia samodelkina will tell you. a constant blush on the face is not a sign of health. with this problem cosmetologists are fighting, it’s called rosacea. this is a network of dilated capillaries that... usually covers the nose and cheeks, it can be removed using a procedure called phototherapy. first, the specialist
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applies a protective gel against burns to the skin, then uses photo flashes to glue the dilated blood vessels together. after the procedure they disappear instantly. and they dissolve in about a week, what should you do so that you no longer need phototherapy? to prevent the appearance of new spider veins, we freeze chamomile at home, in the morning we inject ice cubes into problem areas, massage the face to disperse the lymph; due to the cold, the capillaries reflexively expand and... then narrow. this training makes them strong and elastic.
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even for rosacea, we prepare a mask based on herbs, mix pruned chamomile and horse chestnut calendula flowers in equal proportions. pour half a glass of boiling water into a tablespoon of the mixture, cool to room temperature, and strain. soak it up. we take a dry fabric mask, a piece of gauze folded into four will also work, cover face mask and rest for half an hour, horse chestnut will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, chamomile will relieve inflammation, collendula will improve microcirculation in tissues, and to moisturize and nourish the skin, choose a cream with vitamins p, k, a, e, and c; it will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and narrow dilated capillaries, and most importantly
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, to prevent the exacerbation of rosacea in the cold season, we protect the skin from wind and hypothermia, we also refuse to smoke spicy foods and alcohol, the beauty is worth it, we continue, now a topic that, unfortunately, does not lose its relevance to this day day, telephone scammers, well, who and some people probably thought now - i’m tired, yes, we already know everything about them, everything, well, as it happens, but not everything, because they really come up with something new, develop, so to say, in your not very good business , so be vigilant, please, dear tv viewers, a deception in three steps, the first call is supposedly from a central bank employee, here are the documents, the second step is a screenshot from a cctv camera, they showed me what people are filming from me money, step three reward, if you help catch the villains, we'll raise the rate. your deposits. requirement two: do not secretly tell anyone about the investigation, take out a loan urgently and pay it back immediately so that the scammers do not
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get it. i didn’t really want to take out this loan, but they are intimidating me about the safety of my relatives and criminal liability. irina cashed out a loan of more than 3 million, as requested, and transferred it to a certain account. they convinced her that this was how she returned the money to the bank, but they were completely unaware of it. you took out a loan , pay back, that’s it. they didn't pay. property they were arrested , the trial has been going on for a year, and sergei from crimea was so fooled that he bypassed five banks, technical support was displayed, well, i picked up the phone, they introduced themselves as bank employees, someone wants to re-issue your card in your name, the scheme is the same so that to get ahead of the criminals, you need to take out a loan and return it to a safe account, and so on five times, in the end i owe more than 4 million, now i am filing for bankruptcy, these are the documents that provided that i have no debt from banks, and this is for almost all five banks, but it really exists, it’s not very good, what
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you need to understand, bank forms, like our data, is not a problem for attackers, there are a lot of documents on the internet, any graphic editor and knowledge in general of how it is, allows you to forge any document, nowadays, a lot of emphasis is placed on additional pictures, signed with an electronic digital signature with all the details, and so on, why are calls through the messenger more difficult to track, many gray sim cards have already been taken out of circulation , it is becoming more and more difficult to receive them, in order somehow the call was not disconnected by the telecom operator, the scammers carry out the interaction for the longest time through messages that cannot be blocked, the account where the money goes is registered to an accomplice, they offer to open this account for some money, and then for a very small percentage, they really offer to withdraw this money or transfer it abroad, why then are russian numbers rented from gray companies ? a citizen was detained on the territory of nizhny novgorod, from whom
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more than a thousand sim cards of various types were confiscated there are a huge number of telecom operators and technical devices, sim boxes. what should i do, at least check unfamiliar numbers through a search engine? this number should actually be registered in the republic of dagestan and registered there, although the central bank and the moscow one seem to us to be a reason to think and it’s better not to talk to strangers, the central bank does not communicate with ordinary people, its clients, banks, law enforcement officers on conversation is invited by subpoena. dmitry kuzmin, dmitry parfenov, channel one. bon appetit to everyone who is already having breakfast, and to those who are scratching their heads. to prepare edekovo, for example, for lunch, our chef, igor molodkin, suggests making turkey steak with grilled vegetables. not only is it very tasty, but nutritionists also say that it is healthy. when i have little time to cook, i cook my signature dish, turkey steak. mexican steaks from indylight, for lovers of meat with a bright rich taste, tender turkey fillet,
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natural seasonings and marinade. indylay - in favor of happiness. i lubricate with oil from the family grill, fry the steak for 3 minutes on each side until golden brown, there is no need to cook longer, otherwise the meat will dry out. the steak is ready, cover with foil , let it rest, and in the meantime i’ll make a side dish, cut zucchini, tomato, bell pepper into triangles, for the marinade i’ll mix soy sauce, dried garlic, herbes de provence , vegetable oil and balsamic vinegar. i stir, put the vegetables in a bag, pour in the marinade, shake so that the sauce is evenly distributed, and leave for 10 minutes so that the vegetables are soaked in the marinade. i put them in a greased hot frying pan to heat, adding a crushed clove
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of garlic and a sprig of rosemary for a bright aroma. i fry the vegetables. for the appearance of ruddy stripes. lunch is ready. it turned out quickly, healthy and very tasty. your family will ask for more. it’s already december 5th on the calendar, there are 27 days left until the new year. zhenya, i am now amazed for 27 days, can you imagine, until the very morning, yes, a magical, beloved family and warm holiday, in fact, very symbolic, because a new stage begins life. and how great it is that there are people who give a holiday to those. for those who don’t have a family, sometimes such a new year becomes the beginning of a new life, why isn’t this a new year’s miracle? getting into a family for the new year is the dream of a pupil of any orphanage, maxim is lucky, he’s ready to visit us, the kids have already waited for you, artemy is there in general, oh, max is coming, it’s a thrill. in the gritsenko family from the bataysk rostov region, six adopted children already
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invited a girl for the new year last year, after the holidays they could not leave, in general i... often take children from our help center, and even if i don’t want to adopt them, i’ll just spend a holiday with them, give the children a holiday. this is not the first time maxim has come, but this new year is clearly preparing surprises. maybe maxim will make such a wish that every child wants to join a family, maybe this year, in the twenty-fourth, this wish will come true. vika, vitya and kolya also make wishes. find a family, we filmed them last year, this is how they were sitting in an orphanage in ryazan, planning the new year for kuban, in the buglakov family, we are ready to go home, and we are waiting for you to get us , the guys will remember that new year all their lives, my mother called and said that she was already in our city, i jumped with happiness, i even remember, when i ran to her on the street,
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they’ve been living in this family for a year now, decorating the house and their rooms and... it’s fun, this year they made a wish to go to the mountains, sledding, the wish will definitely come true, and so will mom and dad have a dream. if there is such an opportunity, of course, then definitely, definitely. more children will appear, children should not live in orphanages, they must live in a family with mom and dad, love everyone as their own innate gift, yulia and alexey polonnikov , crimeans, also could not resist, we have two adult sons, well, these are our own children, they are already adults, we my husband and i decided to take two girls, we had plans, why can’t i give birth myself, i’m not in good health , one day they called from the orphanage, they said, there is a brother and sister, yulia and my husband and i immediately left, then we came in, they were sitting with these little eyes, looking at us, that’s it, i i immediately felt that this was ours, now
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the whole world revolves around three-year-old yaroslav and four-year-old sofia, such children are often taken away, which cannot be said about adults, although for any child from a boarding school to be in the circle of a family, at least for the holidays, is a real new year's miracle, to know, that you are not alone, you are loved and awaited more than any gift. sergey abramov sotnik, envious. channel one, there are questions to which there is no answer, but there are others to which accurate and direct answers will be given. you can ask your question already now by phone 800, 200 4040, via sms to number 04040 or through the websites: and moskvadefisputinu.rf. all details are on the websites. results of the year with
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vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, the news is live in the studio. sergey tugushev. supporting fighters located in the special operations zone is one of the main tasks that the council for the development of civil society deals with relatives of fighters who gave their lives in the north military district zone. vladimir putin paid special attention to ensuring human rights in the new regions. the president urged not to make any distinction between them and other subjects, because they are part of the greater russia. human rights in novorossiya, donbass, and adjacent regions, this needs to be addressed here. in the most serious way, and this requires , will require professionalism, perseverance , because those who do not benefit from this prefer not to notice any problems here at all, but
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we know that they exist, so we certainly need to work on this, in addition, it was raised the issue of protecting the interests of russians who live in unfriendly countries, for example, in latvia, according to vladimir, the presence of non-citizen status, which applies there to a large proportion of the population, is a strange invention for states that consider themselves democratic. moscow, at the same time, despite its withdrawal from some international human rights organizations because of their russophobic position, does not refuse to follow the principles of the universal declaration of human rights, the president noted. on a number of issues raised during the council, vladimir putin expressed his intention to formulate instructions. this form, said the head state allows you to connect the control department to the work. every question is important, not a single one will be left unattended.
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there is a 24-hour reception for the upcoming big press conference and a direct line with the president. on december 14, they will be combined into a new format. results of the year with vladimir putin. you can ask questions by phone or send sms. you see the numbers on your screens, or through the form on the moscow website. putin. you can also send an appeal through social networks, vkontakte and odnoklassniki. directly during russian journalists, as well as foreign ones who are accredited in moscow, will gather in the studio for communication. popular front activists will work with all appeals received even after the end of the broadcast, until the issue is completely resolved. now the latest information on the progress of the special operation. our artillery destroyed some positions of ukrainian formations in the donetsk direction. adjustment. the tip was introduced by drone operators, they monitor the progress of the battle in real time, not only track the movement of militants, but also if necessary, they themselves can destroy
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enemy objects using fpv drones, and the birds, as the operators call them, work equally effectively both during the day and at night, thanks to thermal imagers and high-resolution cameras. the bird sees any movement clearly, especially at night due to heat. nature, the bird rises , the artillery begins to work, it corrects them, according to the solidarity, our paratroopers eliminated a group of ten ukrainian militants who were hiding in a strong point nearby. from the position of russian troops, one of the main the task was to get close to the enemy as quickly as possible and at the same time unnoticed. in this case, paratroopers usually use atvs equipped with the fagot anti-tank system. a few salvos were enough to completely destroy the enemy fortifications. one of the shells hit the artillery ammunition and the entire fortification, along with the militants, was blown into the air. this night, the israeli army began an assault on the palestinian city of jenin, on the west
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bank of the jordan river, reports. arabic tv channels. according to them, it is involved with fifty pieces of equipment, including bulldozers. snipers are stationed on the roofs of the building. one of the targets of the idf unit was a government hospital and a local refugee camp. the electricity is turned off there, the media note. in the center of jenin , clashes occur between israeli soldiers and palestinians. meanwhile, the shiite hezbollah movement in lebanon announced the resumption of intensive shelling of israeli territory. during the day they hit 12 military positions. tsahal. in turn reports retaliatory strikes against shiite locations, in the evening in israel air raid signals sounded throughout almost the entire territory between settlements near the gaza strip to the border with lebanon. meanwhile , another plane arrived in moscow with evacuees from the gas sector, russian citizens and their relatives, that’s 120 people, a quarter of whom are children. they were transported by the ministry of emergency situations plane from cairo airport to domodedovo.
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arrivals are provided with the necessary medical care. clothing and basic necessities. this flight was the first in december; in total, during the russian humanitarian mission, to withdraw more than 880 of our compatriots who were able to cross the rafah checkpoint. according to the latest data, another 133 russian citizens and members of their families passed through it, and they will also soon be taken to moscow. that 's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. and in moscow, meanwhile, the exhibition forum of russia continues its work. if you haven’t been there yet, we wholeheartedly recommend it to you, because you can literally just touch our entire country. come there, sail, fly, come running, well, well then, of course, be sure to come a second and third time, because there really is something to admire, there is something to see, but, by the way, high technology is also clearly represented there. 10
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minutes the portrait is ready, the russia exhibition surprises with technical developments, one robot is an artist, the other is an expert on grapes, calculates pests, determines the ripeness of berries and suggests the best moment for harvesting, artificial intelligence here even composes music itself, some kind of cosmic feeling, perhaps, it seems to me more popular, you can even dance, from rock to hip-hop, under each dome there is a different musical direction, and the melodies are never repeated, programs for the home are more than... designed to make our lives easier, control, of course, from the phone, you can, for example , remotely pour food to a pet who is left at home alone, or solve an issue with windows, it is very useful for residents of the first second floor, i press the button, howling, no one sees you, a special film that connects to the network is controlled remotely, and the regions try not to to lag behind, many have stands with full immersion, that is, we are not in moscow, but
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2,000 km from here. chelyabinsk region, this is a monument to kurchatov in the city of chelyabinsk, this is the south ural state university. lake turgayak, the stone river on taganay and , of course, the ai cliffs, where there are the same swings, from which you can pedal your bike and admire the embankments of the cities of the ivanovo region, sergei the artist appreciated: there is always its own zest, it is in nature, in the landscape in people, first of all. and for guests of the rostov region stand on the big screen. need to overtake your opponent , collect as much crop as possible in 3 minutes, but at the same time you can prepare some maneuvers or set up traps for your opponent, there are also 3d screens, one of the most impressive in the kemerovo region, kusbas’ stand uses kinetic technologies, they allow you to change the configuration screens depending on what 3d content we see in real time, starting from the era of dinosaurs and...
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today: the whole history of the mining region. pride in our open spaces, these 3d technology allows us to immerse ourselves in this breadth, understand the depth. inspired, it seems, and the artificial intelligence produces poems on any topic. let's come up with a quatrain about good morning. the result is immediate, but the neural networks still need to work on rhymes. maxim petrenko, sergey falendysh, alexander aleksenka anna rryabova, channel one. as you know, advertising is the engine of trade. including, by the way, street advertising, well, in general , of course, we have nothing against advertising, but just so that this advertising is not so intrusive, aggressive, but can you imagine, it also happens that advertising in literally interferes with sleep. shops within walking distance, it would seem, are an undeniable plus for residents, if advertising does not interfere, you give or rent an apartment, we offer sofas from 12,750 rubles. so, the whole
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working day, a janitor is required for work, inquiries by phone 67:60 and no matter what is not loud, the law on advertising, according to it, megaphones on poles, trees, roofs and walls of buildings have been banned for several years, speakers have... they also interfere, you can complain to the police or the district police officer, but like this with a loudspeaker in hands is possible. attention, attention, dear ladies and gentlemen, i wish you all a good day and a great mood. it’s too loud, it’s possible that sanitary standards for noise levels have been violated, you can’t determine your hearing, it’s disturbing , you can ask the store to advertise more quietly , it often meets halfway, if not, we write to rospotrebnadzor, specialists will come, take measurements, the decibels will be off the charts for the advertiser , and the fine will go off the charts. .. quieter, and in the evening after the store closes the loudspeaker turns off, dmitry babov’s advertising banner turns on, it shines from the neighboring roof directly into the window, i’m not afraid of this, i protect myself more, yes, i protect myself with a mask, i have to
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put it on my eyes, because the light is constantly on, yes, this is what it looks like, this is how you sleep, as in an airplane, a banner on a residential building, which means that the majority of the owners agreed to its installation, is it not difficult to find out from the manager. the company must have all the documents, signatures of residents, minutes of the meeting, permission from local authorities, in moscow, for example, from the department of architecture and construction, plus an agreement with advertiser. if there are such permissions, then there is no violation in the installation. at the same time , the owner of the advertising structure must also comply with technical requirements, requirements for permissible light standards, which range from 100 to 500 kandals per square meter. if. the advertiser's banner will be forced to be removed altogether. it is impossible to determine brightness by eye. dmitry voronchuk is an expert in measurements; even a lux meter shows at a distance and is powerless. if they lift me up there at least two meters, i will say, yes, there is there is no overshoot or excess. and
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from here we measure, we are at 100 m, of course, i can’t say anything. window illumination levels are measured in candelas ; permissible limits vary depending on where the windows face into a quiet alley, which means advertising. should be no brighter than seven shackles, and if the windows are on an illuminated highway, 20 kondels of brightness are allowed, each has its own standards, a violation can only be identified with the help of an examination after reporting the problem to the relevant department of the city or village administration. anna obrosimova, dmitry roshkov first channel. on the calendar, let me remind you, on december 5, on this very day , on the ovstuk family estate, oryol province , a small fedik was born into an old noble family. of course, we are sure that you are familiar with his work, because fyodor ivanov tyuchev is an amazing poet, we are sure that many people know such lines, russia cannot be understood with the mind,
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cannot be measured with a yardstick, its specialness in russia can only be believed. i met you, all the past, with my mind, i can’t understand russia. the lines are familiar from school, the author himself is a complete mystery. like a poet. wrote a little and if we discard his translations, then his legacy can be contained in a small volume, but this volume, as fet wrote, is much heavier than others, in the summer and early spring, in the summer in autumn - it was ustuk, and in winter - it was moscow, it was so warm, a family environment in which everyone loved each other, how a home boy from the bryansk district became essentially the third man of the empire, translated horace at 12, graduated a year ahead of schedule, capable and amorous, the inscription on the family icon was made by a servant in germany, young tyuchev served there as a secretary at our embassy. january 19, 1825,
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fyodor ivanovich had to remember what happened in munich due to his immodesty and what the danger was, the danger was the failed duel of tyuchev with his rival, he was in love with omalia lorchenfeld, she was married off to someone else when they saw again at the end of his life, he wrote the immortal, i met you, although it was a mystery to her, they adored the witty tyutchev, maybe it was klatilda bothmer, the sister of tyuchev’s first wife eleon, maybe some other lady, it is known that tyuchev was a man with an open heart, short in stature, strong-shouldered, as a man he was, of course, not allendoon at all , that’s it, but nevertheless the most beautiful women in europe loved him. 22 years abroad would have been enough for an adventurous romance, the first wife elenora tortured... because of a well with a dagger , having learned about her husband’s affair on the side, he vowed to leave the other, but eleonova died at 37 , caught a cold after a fire on a gunpowder, saving her daughters, we know about this from the young ivan turgenev, he was on... she literally faded away for a couple of weeks, it is known that tyuchev sat
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with her rudely all night; the next morning, when he came out, the relatives saw that this thirty-five-year-old man had still sat there. ernestine's second wife, the same one from a noble german family, will be with him to the end. for his sake, i learned russian, paid for the move to st. petersburg, after retirement, my husband was eager to return to his homeland, there is still a hotel at car wash 40. tyuchev paid 13 rubles in silver for a week, for two rooms, of course expensive, his career took off again, the lion of the season, his nickname at social events on nevsky 42, there were already 14 rooms, you and i are climbing the stairs that fyodor ivanovich tyuchev climbed for 19 years. and when fyodor ivanovich fell ill, his beloved elena aleksandrovna denisyeva looked after him. she was 23 years younger than fyodor ivanovich. on the day their illegitimate daughter was born, in the first page, a failure, look, helena with a newborn, poems as a continuation of life,
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did not like to talk about them, the first collection was published by friends when he was 50, 1854, yes, he was not an armchair poet, i won’t wash russia understand, it was generally written down in pencil on a piece of paper, again the loss of denisyev died of a warlock, followed by their two children, tyutchev gave himself to politics, built the image of the country abroad, headed the committee of foreign censorship, his views... were butchered by alexander ii. this portrait was at the world exhibition in paris next to the royal persons. three strokes, despite the fact that he was immobile, he demanded that newspaper clippings and news be read to him every day, without which he could not live a day. tyuchev was a man politicians. tyutchev's descendants moved his belongings to muranov's estate in the moscow region, where the poet himself had not been. now there is a museum full of love, poetry and secrets. dmitry kuzmin, ilya kuvaldin, mikhail karasev, channel one. during world handwashing week, what can
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plain water protect against? why red fish is getting cheaper, our expertise. a ray of light in the dark kingdom, lazar against blindness, a program to live healthy, helps and enlightens. today is the first one. bourbon beersma. product of the stellar group, and it is not customary for kazakhs to speak badly when visiting, and sing, but you can sing, a song about why all russians go on holiday to svetlogor, there’s nowhere to go, uh, there’s lithuania, boys, a music festival screaming kivin, on saturday at... the first, unfortunately, a singer,
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i’m shota iowa , will not perform today, she is not in good health, good morning, dear tv viewers, welcome this morning with us in our warm embrace in our warm company, with you polina svetova, evgeny pokrovsky, by the way, december 5 is already on the calendar. today is the day of military glory of russia, the day the counter-offensive of soviet troops began against the nazi invaders in the battle of moscow. on december 5, 1941, one of the largest and turning point battles of the great patriotic war began. in september '41, there was inspiration in the nazi camp. 8 days of blitzkrieg, before them moscow. the date for the march on red square on november 7 has already been set. invitations are ready. to the stands for high authorities, even the ceremonial uniforms
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are wider, the enemies know they have a numerical advantage. there were almost 2 million people here, we opposed them, then there were only 1,200,000 of our troops, we had only 700 tanks, mostly from old designers, and the germans had almost 2,000 tanks; they had double superiority over aviation. on september 30 , 1941, the nazis began operation typhoon, a plan to encircle forces on... our army in the glyansk-vyazma area, and then bypass moscow from the north and south to take it in a pincer movement. on november 23, the wedge was captured, followed by solnechnogorsk, then they took the yakhrona. and in moscow there is a state of siege, factories have been evacuated, the subway has been mined. the center camouflages beyond recognition. take a closer look at the paintings on the walls of the kremlin the windows, markings on the square imitate the glare of the roofs, this helps, but partly, the germans are attacking the capital every day. here our youth played a huge role, the women
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who were on duty in the attics, on the roofs of houses, in order to extinguish these lighters that the germans were dropping, on november 30 the enemy was at lobne, the kremlin is only 25 km away. the task of the soviet command is to hold out until the last reinforcement of the militia on the way, a fresh reserve of the far eastern regiment. by the end of november there are severe frosts. the enemy knows that his army is not ready for this, he is going for a decisive assault and meets fresh forces, his reconnaissance overslept their transfer. our troops entering the battle , our fresh divisions, siberian divisions included, they threw the germans out of position, the germans, they did not know that we had accumulated forces, their reconnaissance worked very poorly then, that is, the morale of the germans, it fell a lot, the first day of december, our units repelled tank attacks near the front, on december 5 there was a soviet counter-offensive, the kalinin
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front was the first to hit, followed by the western, this is our first victory over the nazi regime, many of those the events were filmed in february... forty-two, cinemas showed a documentary about the defeat of german troops near moscow, people lined up for screenings, and in forty-third the film even won an oscar overseas. olek soshin, margarta larkina, alexander ostaraukhov, channel one. we continue to work specifically for you this morning so that you are in a good mood. and here’s the question: how long have you been going through your first aid kit? and dear women, when was the last time you examined the contents of your cosmetic bag? no, no, no, what... lipstick or cream, of course you know better, that’s how long ago you bought them, you remember, right? well, if not, perhaps you should carefully study the labels, because medicines and cosmetics have their own expiration dates. there is a popular way to check whether the pills are still good, stand up and throw them away, they haven’t
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scattered, you can drink them, but doctors don’t trust this method, they trust the expiration dates. they are determined by the active substance, samples are taken at different times, say, after 5 months, 7 months, after a year, and the concentration of the active substance is checked substances, the most important thing is that it can have a therapeutic effect, that is , an expired drug is often a non-working drug, a dummy, at best, at worst, toxic products of the decomposition of drugs, look, this is fresh acetyl-slicylic acid, professor vladimir chuborev adds to it reagent, like a reagent, so it remained in color, let’s take expired salicylic acid, some kind of sediment appeared, the color became pinkish, which means solicylic acetyl, disintegrated to dangerous solicylic acid, purple ulcers, irritation of the stomach and intestines. moreover, if such an expired drug
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is used by a pregnant woman, the result may be the development of rye syndrome in the child, well, in simple words, the brain will suffer very seriously, and in addition, fatty degeneration of the liver may appear, so it is better to keep an eye on the dates on the packages , as in the case of cosmetics, although it seems like how they can harm, for an answer, go to bauman moscow state technical university teacher nikolai kuznetsov, we have three creams, the first one has a shelf life of up to twenty-fifth year, with it order, the size of the emulsion is up to 5 micrometers , particles of droplets, they are homogeneous, this has a shelf life of another 3 months, here we see air bubbles, most likely due to the fact that it has been lying around for a long time, the emulsion has begun to separate, but not yet critical, and this cream has been expired for a year. in fact, the drug is also of high quality, the only changes began to appear, it is most likely water,
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there are more risks that it will flow, hydrogen bridges are being destroyed, let’s say, organic compounds begin to disintegrate and rearrange over time, so the old lipstick rolls off, mascara falls off. the shelf life of cosmetics is partly how long these same hydrogen bridges can last, and they are destroyed, including by bacteria, which are in the air right now. pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most voracious for organic matter, these are mushrooms, mold fungi, that is, the useful stuff is eaten up, in the same cream there are waste products of microorganisms, you don’t want that on your face. perhaps it’s time to sort through cosmetics, and at the same time medicine. today is december 5, which means that there are only 27 days left until the new year, but how many there’s still everything you need to do, zhen , you managed to do everything, i didn’t, i have a wife for this, great, if there’s no such option, everything rests on your shoulders, then it’s time to start preparing, yes, yesterday, if you remember, we found out, what the right outdoor garland should be, and
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today let's figure out a garland for the interior decoration of a house, or apartment, yesterday the bobeyka family chose an outdoor garland for... their home, they found a safe one, the wire material is made of rubber, is not afraid of frost and bends well, degree of protection against dust and moisture - ip-65, the power supply has a silicone layer so as not to short-circuit... from snow or rain. our heroes recently moved, and they need safe home garlands. elena has a lot of them. the inspection is carried out by electrician andrey vorotyntsev. if for outdoor use you need a degree of protection from dust and moisture ip-65, then for home, if the christmas tree is artificial, ip-20 is sufficient. that is, if the garland is on the tree, that is, you cannot spray it, some people use spraying to maintain it, that is, you cannot do this. if you still want to maintain the christmas tree, it is better to use at least 40. for the house, insulation materials can be chosen simpler, ordinary pvc is ideal, there are no low temperatures in the apartment, so it does not
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tan, it is also cheaper. the service life of the garland is up to 10 years, so that it does not break earlier, the wire must be multi-core, twisted, firstly, it is softer. there are garlands on a single wire on the manila, but it has one small drawback, that is , it can break from frequent bending. now the bulbs are definitely led, there are many advantages, they work for about 20,000 hours, incandescent lamps last about 100, and led lamps do not heat up and consume 10 times less electricity. if we have children, a dog, it comes and bites this light bulb, what will happen? nothing will happen, these garlands are also safer in the sense that they are powered by low voltage, that is, there can be no electrical injuries. and lastly, when purchasing, it is important to pay attention to whether the light bulbs fit tightly; wiring often comes off from them; despite the low voltage of the garlands, it is still better to be on the safe side. well
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so, the garland has been chosen, designer alena alexandrova will help decorate the tree, by the way, so that its length is exactly enough, advice, choose a garland twice, or better yet, two and a half times longer than the spruce? the year of the dragon, which is why it is so powerful in itself, this is a sign, this year the trend is warm colors, garlands are closer. golden, yellow color, the twenty -fourth year of the wooden dragon, so there is a trend on light bulbs, the designer’s advice is to choose garlands with leaves or cones, for example, they can be hung on christmas tree, so in the room, anastasia kremeshna, konstantin struchkov, channel one. our morning broadcast is ending, we were glad to start this day with you, may you have a productive and happy day. yes, our broadcast has just ended, but your day continues, let it be the best , only good things for you. goodbye, we
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have made significant steps in the development of our relations in the world, this is of genuine interest, the neocolonial system has ceased to exist, thank you for coming, for not forgetting us. strong in the country interfaith peace, fundamental changes in terms of the goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the operation have not happened today, it is important to hear your opinion, we need to start getting to know each other better, we are praying for you. cool, by god, you
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probably know better than me, my grandfather was a peasant, he lived in a village, i live nearby, thank you, results. with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio of maxim sherafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. targeted support
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svo participants and their families, the rights of russian-speaking citizens in unfriendly countries, social policy and more , the annual meeting of the president with the council for the development of civil society and human rights ended late in the evening. the first line of defense in the orekhovsky direction, through the eyes of our military commander. the antitronic sensor is working. it’s better to go faster, what happens at a position that equipment can only reach at night using instruments? the assault on the city of jenin strikes. throughout the gas sector. israel continues to expand the scale of the military operation in russia, in the meantime it was possible to evacuate a new group of compatriots from the battle zone. and the desire to help at the genetic level. today is volunteer day in russia. the number of volunteers in our country is only growing every year. work closely with the defenders of the fatherland foundation and
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actively engage in issues of supporting the participants in the special operation and their families, including. in the widows of fighters, vladimir putin spoke about this at the annual meeting of the council for the development of civil society and human rights. meeting.


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