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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  December 5, 2023 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live, we are immediately transported to the front, andrei vitalievich marochko comes to us directly. andrey vitalievich, hello, how is the situation in your direction? i wish you health ruslan, olesya, but first of all i want to start by congratulating all our volunteers, supporting the popular front, because today is their professional holiday, they are doing a huge, colossal job, and you know about it, for our guys, well now how they say, to the line of combat contact, let's start, probably traditionally, from the kupa direction, our troops have had a number of successes here, but first of all, in this direction, the enemy has lost several key strongholds, in the area of ​​​​the settlement of svinkovka, the armed forces of the russian federation knocked out ukrainian militants from their positions, which they occupied for quite a long time, this fact... in principle
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, significantly aggravated the position of the ukrainian armed formations in this area, reduced - their defensive capabilities, now , by the way, in this direction our guys are working not only from the north, but also pressing from the territory of the lugansk people 's republic, the enemy is naturally resisting, trying to do all sorts of training, in particular - in the les popov section, now it has been revealed that the enemy... is carrying out engineering work, trying to carry out camouflage measures, and it is typical that they have now begun to use all sorts of heat-insulating films in order to - hide, let's say, heating points are in the infrared spectrum, which are very good to detect now, i want to remind you that the temperature has dropped and ukrainian militants and their heating points are glowing, as the guys tell me, like on
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a new year's tree, well, this is both figuratively and literally i mean , there’s a coniferous plantation there, it’s very easy to detect them now, so they ’re trying to somehow level it all out, they’re trying to build false positions, but as they say, you can’t fool us, we have a number of, say, instruments that, well, can reveal and naturally, then we apply precise strikes, a little lower in the krasno-liman direction noted... ukraine has slightly reduced the intensity of artillery shelling, this is precisely due to unfavorable weather conditions, because it is very difficult to go to firing lines and positions now, since the equipment gets stuck, despite the fact that , that we have a minus plus, all this has a very , let’s say, detrimental effect on nato technology, it is very capricious, now ukrainian militants are fighting, as they say... against the muddy roads
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with our climate, well, in the donetsk direction the armed formations of ukraine continue measures to make up for losses - in this area, in particular in the chasovyar , regular deliveries are noted, and equipment and personnel arrive in order to then go to artyomovsk, here the situation for them is very, very deplorable, here again, if a little let's return to the statistics, then over the past week in this, well, in our three directions, these are kupinskaya, krasnolimansk and donetsk direction, the enemy lost about 3,000 ukrainian fighters, and if we we are talking about the month of november, then in three sectors the enemy lost more than 12,000 ukrainian military personnel, with most of them remaining in the donetsk direction, well, we are working, the guys continue to carry out their tasks.
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with us in direct communication, in america they decided, well, what to do, let’s give zelsky one more chance, and at the same time we’ll give it to ourselves, the american invited him to speak in the format of a video message at a closed briefing, it is expected that this speech will take place today. i would like to announce that the us administration has invited the president zelsky to speak to senators via video link as part of our closed briefing so that we can hear directly from him exactly what is at stake in this vote. i ask all senators to attend this important briefing. well , here it should be noted that this briefing will take place on the eve of a very important vote for ukraine, which. whether congress
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will allocate the money that joseph biden requested for independence or not. in general, from zelsky, from his words, from his approach today very, very much depends, but... while some senators still want to let zelsky take advantage of this chance and are waiting for some words from him, others have already given up on him , they believe that it is time for kiev to come to terms with the fact that russia cannot be defeated, it is necessary to sit down at the negotiating table as soon as possible, that's what one of the united states senators, rune johnson, said. putin will not lose this war, they have the resources, russia has nuclear weapons, so russia will not lose this war. you have to admit. this reality i don't like this reality, but it's true, the only way to end this is through negotiations, i don't like it all, only more ukrainians are dying, the sooner they reach an agreement and come to an agreement, the better, this has to end, we won't like the result, but every day we will like him less and less. sergei
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vladimovich, what to expect from this video message from zelsky, well, a very remarkable statement by ron johnson, which shows how the mood in the senate is changing, you know, i really ask myself the question of what we are talking about a chance, if in fact they started talking about a certain chance, and it seems to me that since everything is learned by comparison, we must understand how this video conference address will differ in general from the previous ones - addresses and communications of president zelensky and his predecessors with the congress, because traditionally, it is no secret, the congress of capital hill was the main citadel, the main stronghold of kiev. since the time of the first maidan, but look how strikingly different everything is, if, let’s say, the first president, and the first maidan, yushchenko came personally to congress, there they applauded him, he talked about the ukrainian success story, after that there was poroshenko, who also came and looked at this as an opportunity as
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a political springboard and zelensky is the same, but now the format is completely different, no one is waiting for him, it is no longer the entire congress, which consists of two chambers, who communicate via video conference. the house of representatives of the senate, only the upper house, and it asks additionally, please come, it will be important, yes, yes, yes, here is the upper house of 100 senators, and most importantly, a chance for whom that, here is the most interesting thing, the fundamental difference is that if earlier in this communication with congress we observed a demonstration of, let’s say, a success story of the ukrainian project, now, when the sword of domocles’ defeat is already hovering over ukraine, now a completely different scenario entails other tasks. how, on the eve of the presidential elections in the united states, can we package this coming without five or without 10 minutes of defeat, let’s say, into some kind of new theory that
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in fact this is not a defeat at all, and we and we are not abandoning ukraine at all , we will give it something else, we will make even new statements that we are not abandoning it, but what is the reality, you saw on the eve of this... video communications, which was announced in kiev secretary of defense austin, we need what 17 or 18 million shells, this is some kind of figure that is simply utter, and austin said so confusedly, there is no such quantity in nature, then the amount was named to reach the borders of the ninety-first year, in my opinion 350 -400 billion dollars, what are the borders of the ninety-first year, what there are 400 billion why not a trillion dollars? that is, you understand, the ukrainian leadership is increasingly disconnected from reality, but reality on the battlefield is making these adjustments, now we are seeing a critical mass of statements not only in the senate, at the level of the expert community, at the media level, look at what a
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detailed investigation there was in the washington post about why, strictly speaking, all this did not work, and of course, in the course of this, on the planned video message... all this will create a cumulative effect, which will not allow us to communicate in the same way as before, just give it to us , we need how much, history will write everything off, that ’s all that is, let’s do it, this, this story ends, i see it as some kind of auction, to which zelsky was invited so that he could very well advertise the lot called ukraine, vlad, will they give money or are they already dividing ukraine into regions? no, they will definitely give you money, you have to understand. i wanted to say, we must understand that the concession, which was collected at one time under butchering of the russian bear, where they brought in a bunch of countries and leaders, who very cheerfully shared the skin, she still invested very powerfully, and it’s just
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impossible to throw it away and run away, especially since the main concession holder remains - this is the usa, it’s obvious that it’s just to give up everything means, well, to lose everything, to lose all of ukraine is even more impossible. this just means a deafening geopolitical defeat, which will be, well, very close, i don’t even know, they didn’t have such defeats, so the task now is to wage the war to such a level, on which it is possible... it will be possible to somehow find some kind of acceptable compromise with the russians, so that, as they say, we can sell it to our own people, how simply we worked, we could do everything that turned out, we did a lot, but at the same time get rid of this whole thing, therefore , they will give just enough money so that ukraine can at least fight, at least so that its leadership is absolutely loyal to the west and drives ukrainians to slaughter. but at the same time , it is absolutely obvious to everyone that the geopolitical project of the destruction of russia itself, it
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failed, that is, now this , you know, life after death begins, that is, we need to pump it up until we can sell it all for organs, that’s roughly the situation, the only question is who will buy these organs , will these organs remain at all in general, this is the main point for them, you know, the main point for them is that uh, i note that i spoke about this several times in the summer and fall. in many ways, and our problem often lies in the fact that we constantly voice american and european plans as those plans that the only thing worth voicing, but you and i saw how all these plans are worthless, because our fighters nullify them, in july, when the offensive was in full swing, we then asked the question, what will happen if it is nothing at all? will end, because it is already clear that nothing is working out, then they said, give me another 5 weeks, we will do everything, we will get it, that is, everything happened. it turned out that the american plans, which are heard all over the world through thousands of media, actually
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tend not to come true at all; a completely alternative one arises the universe, you know, this means that while a council of surgeons is gathering in america, it means that in europe, i believe, pathologists are already gathering, perhaps they are all going to somehow discuss what to do with this patient, a political corpse called ukraine , zelsky, the old world, on the eve of the eu summit, is going to talk about whether it is worth accepting such a problematic neighbor as ukraine into its ranks, or whether this will remain for ukraine some kind of guiding star and dream, that’s what it reports raeyers agency. envoys from 27 eu member states will meet on tuesday to discuss opening negotiations over ukraine's membership, with hungary threatening to block the decision. other countries to put forward additional conditions. the summit of european union leaders will be held on december 14-15 and should make
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a decision on the prospects for the integration of ukraine, moldova, georgia and bosnia. no final decisions are expected on tuesday, but the initial exchange of views will give an idea of ​​what the likelihood is that the summit will give ukraine the green light. meanwhile, many european countries are plunging into real depression, they understand perfectly well that in addition to words, they need to... also prove their support in ukraine in deeds, on the other hand, the desire for this is less and less, because this support comes at a price pay out of your own pocket, but the austrian ministry of defense called ukraine a miserable purgatory. ukraine may lose the war if the west does not provide it with the necessary support, this is a war of attrition, and it will be decided it will be primarily resources rather than morale, but there is a certain despondency in european capitals. they thought that the supply of weapons would be enough, but this is not the case, the situation is very serious,
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currently this miserable purgatory is only bringing more deaths, but not producing any results. sergey vladilenovich, against the backdrop of these statements that are heard more and more often in the west, we gave the example of austria, but this is just one example, and there are many of them, the european parliament is considering the issue of ukraine’s accession to the eu, why? i would add what the european parliament is considering. the question of ukraine joining the eu on the eve of its own re-election, in fact, why not do this, this parliament has nothing left to live, i think there are elections in march, but we have, and you know, what do you want to say, after all, in fact, europe, a united europe, the european union now finds itself in a similar position with the united states, which vlad mentioned in passing, the question is how to jump off, so the austrian minister says that and says that, what is more important, to have spirit or to have weapons, of course, it is important to have both spirit and weapons, but
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both are already diminishing, and there are fewer and fewer weapons, less and less spirit and desire to resist, less and less understanding of why all this is what the european union faces the question is how to really formalize this upcoming defeat in such a way that it does not look like a defeat, how to crawl away quietly, making it appear that no one is abandoning ukraine, that ukraine... is still considered as a potential member of the european union , but let's remember what there was a surge of interest in this topic last summer, when they talked about the need... to speed up ukraine’s admission to the european union, what vigorous activity president macron developed then, more than a year has passed since it all collapsed, now, and literally in a couple of in a few weeks, even less, there will be a summit of the european union, where again something will need to be done about this topic, and indeed, in addition to ukraine, there is also
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georgia, there is also moldova, they too , actually. have their own ambitions, they are waiting in this dressing room of the european union, therefore, but the fundamental difference is that there are at least formed countries, but here it is not clear which country will accept what, so that in the current state, because anyone can say what will happen to ukraine in a month, in two, in three, yes, if we accept it, and then why, again , it is very important for them this big political season, which i spoke about, the re-election of the european parliament, the re-election of the european leadership of the european commission, and we may have a new head of european diplomacy, to show that the guys , we actually didn’t fail anything, we held on with dignity, we didn’t abandon ukraine , we didn’t close
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this visible window to europe until the last moment, we still don’t close it, but at the same time we don’t give anything, that is such... a game of thimble, uh-huh, simply, you know, a game of thimble , geopolitical, it seems yes, but no, very often yes, it’s veiled, no, this is exactly what will happen, it’s very sad, this is very cynical, because this was just recently the decade of euromaidan, this another such sad tragic epilogue or afterword to this project of european choice, look at what this chance has come for... it’s true, you say, they have just a little left, so they’ll take it and accept it, and let the rest continue to be raked, after all, ukraine they won’t accept this, if poland , of course, takes leo, then maybe part of ukraine will somehow end up, no, they won’t accept ukraine and you know, let’s then we can also remember the general record for standing in the dressing room, turkey beat us, yeah like that
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let 's say, it came up there in the last century, by the way, after... the presidential elections, which erdogan won, erdogan said that let's revive this process, and that they resuscitated it, why did it come, so ukraine will join the eu, the latter, perhaps, sooner the eu will cease to exist, the eu will cease to exist, than ukraine will join the eu, let's move to the zone of the palestinian-israeli conflict, the idf uses an artificial intelligence system to strike hamas, about what what is it system that called loudly, the gospel, discussed in the stream of the popular front, israel boasts that they have used the artificial intelligence system gospel, and now the artificial intelligence will control the bombings, that is, in this gospel system there are collected about 30-400 addresses of hamas militants, at
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which they plan to strike, it turns out that the future is already... beer, that is , as they showed us in the films that hollywood produced, about how these drones - with facial recognition, recognize people, that is they will scan faces to destroy hamas militants , the general director of the national robotics company nikita kulyakov contacts us directly , as we are now actively developing technologies, the main thing that needs to be done is to come up with a beautiful name, so biting, ringing, so that it sounds, and further... how it works, with what error, this is not so important, but in this case, the general principle is clear, in moscow, for example, this is how the facial recognition system works, in my opinion, for about four years exactly, there is a certain database, there are some identikit images from which this system, with varying degrees of accuracy, can find, well, the subject of the search, as far as i remember, there were
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several situations when another person was mistaken for one person... similar to him simply because if, plus, they don’t look like twins, then the system sets some of its own trigger points for itself and can , well, say the common features, more there is a certain percentage, and this may be enough for it , respectively, if the sensitivity is lowered then she can say that there is an 80% match and 70 is enough for her to increase , respectively, she will look no less than there for the quantity that we would like to ask her , by and large, this is nothing more than a huge database, which, thanks to these drones that film there, in the absence of cameras inside the perimeter, but transmit this information, a picture from which the system somehow recognizes a face. from the point of view of how this camera is, how well and clearly it must shoot and transmit the image in order the system then recognized it, and then they found some matches in it, by the way, i learned about
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this system of artificial intelligence , the gospel that the army uses, from viewers of the popular front stream, sometimes our viewers understand military issues much more, and for such active viewers who want to ask their questions , talk about something, ask ours. there is a telegram channel stream people's front qr code on your screen, be sure to subscribe and ask your questions, we have the best questions we are showing it on channel one, now there is a short advertisement. in western ukraine, the sbu and the national police conducted a top-secret training, according to the plan, ukrainians would be infected with the tichen flu, and then russia would be blamed for everything ; philip lentzes, the snake of death, was appointed as the curator of the provocation. i will begin by considering the likelihood of russia using biological weapons in ukraine. this is what it sounds like between the lines, that if you go to liberate ukraine, we
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will launch bioweapons that will destroy everyone there indiscriminately. it's not just about impact on humans, but impacts on agriculture. the ukrainian military is the main source of research. 70% mortality rate. they suddenly became victims of an incomprehensible... a disease in which internal organs melt, public opinion is preparing for more serious military action against russia, philippa lentzes, a woman drawing death, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, bourbon steersman, a product of the stellar group . he is the softest of all in the family, this is when i need to turn on the commander’s commands here back don’t run, there will be an order, we’ll leave, we’re not
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going to put you all down, we need you, the bullet entered and hit my head, sometimes it hurts, but he knows how to agree, whistle, i’m proud that my student, the youngest commander, is the main secret in the lpr this is all, all, all , this is when you are constantly watching, sitting at home, playing on the computer, not being bothered by anything, and then, when the boys from the neighborhood are already in our yard, someone died, someone was injured, and a lot of guys went to the service, so we also went, the gap, south 20, south 20, right next to each other. heroes of the fatherland: men's work on saturday on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller
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group. hello everyone, my name is nastya zadorzhnaya, and i really love dogs. come here, here. i decided to change my life. instead of being an actress, i... she incredibly helps me raise my kids, what we had without dogs and what we have now are two different lives, since i have a dog, i feel more strongly that i man, well, this is a wonderful dog whose score already saved two human lives, this is not just a pet, this is the creature that accompanies you everywhere. dogs love us, dogs change us, dogs teach us, dogs save
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us, dogs are a whole world, a world in which there is one important rule, always be there, premiere, be there, on sunday on the first. here is his real passport, his name is arnold dejic. using this passport he went to great britain, an operative of the highest class, he attracted a number of people to cooperate with soviet foreign intelligence selfless helpers, sources, priceless, secret information. kim philby recommended donald maclean as a friend whom he knew shared communist ideology. but the most important thing is the cambridge five. dalis assesses that the cambridge five is the most
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effective, the most powerful. intelligence officers of the second world war. recruitment is the intelligence officer's sharpest weapon, but it is both sharp; here you can cut short on any person. for the first time , the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation declassified documents. before us is a map on which the exact place of death is marked. yes , he was no longer alive, but as they say, his work, it lived, won. premiere. names of illegal intelligence, arnold deitch. on sunday on the first. last august , our colleague maryana naumova visited the village of borovskaya, lugansk people's republic. then, immediately after the liberation, the film crew of the project we live did a report there. more than a year has passed , the village has been transformed, it is being restored. there
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there are shops, a pharmacy, a school, great help is provided by chefs from the perm region, and simply caring people, let's look at the report from the modern village of borovskaya lugansk people's republic. hello, hello, hello, how did we get there, it was hard, on the road, we got there on the road, i was especially pleased with the navigator, it always leads to the ukrainian side, well, there is such a moment, there is one, it didn’t seem to us, yes, no, it didn’t seem like it, the guys stopped
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at the entrance to severo-donetsk, of course, for... every time i will give a direction, deviating from this direction is dangerous, the first landmark, there is the last pillar, go, go, first professor. now try, one after the other, as if on another planet, it’s a little difficult for a muscovite
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, and for us too. well, in general, to see for the first time, it was difficult, difficult , tears just poured into my eyes, because after all the troops had already left and we stopped by to see, well, okay, let’s not talk about the war, this time we came with a kind of good idea, we called out in our company, and the guys they dragged from houses, from dachas, like a bunch, a bunch of books, we had in this car, we, unfortunately, are the third point, yes, we first stopped at the cultural center, then the library. i know that we’ll go to school, you guys are great, yes, this is bribabah, which young people seem to love very much now, of course, taking into account that electricity is probably not always available, yes, it can be charged once for 24 hours , the sound is amazing, here we are
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dancing... we gave it to the cultural center, the girls just said, that’s it, we’ll take it right away, and this is so that you can film what what will happen to this music, wonderful, cool, here’s the hardest thing for you, thank you, the most beautiful one, that’s it, i gave the boy away, bring the boxes. very beautiful books, friends ’ children will report back, yes, it’s god in general, the children are reading now, the elders at least they should read what is assigned in lessons, very large volumes, we received a lot of interesting literature, you know, here, for example, we received five copies each , here... copies, but there are
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such rare authors that, for example , five copies of them are not enough, we have of course, under ukraine, our fund was depleted, and the russian-russian one. yes, we received almost nothing new, now for this period of time, i’m saying, thank you to the sponsors, thank you to the volunteers, thank you very much to the perm region and thank you very much to the president of russia for not forgetting about us, for our schools , i remember that all your forests were strewn with mines. a poster has been prepared and the rules are indicated for the actual shell mines, what
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it all looks like, well, it seems to me that in this format, of course, children remember what it’s like it looks visually, especially in the lower grades, well, in your conditions near the front this is very important, look, there is color, yes there is water, but how is the heating? there is heating, it’s super new and they’re installing a new boiler room for us , this is the region of pirma, that is, our assistants, they’re installing a new boiler room and they’ll supply us with heat, oh, well, it’s already obvious that at least this, something is being put in order, who’s restoring it? our mayor is being restored by the city council, yuriy yuevich, so the vultures are like, let's go, let's go see
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what's going on with you, beauty, super, i'm just i remember what you had here after the fighting. they are here, when they came here, they immediately occupied our house, instantly, get out of here, we quickly got ready, moved to borovskaya, well, to another one, to my sister, so in the morning i come to pick up my household, this inside a rat, yes, they ate it, it wasn’t there, there were chickens here, the floor was chopped up, well, a lot , i say, guys, what are you doing, i say, well , i have five children , my child is disabled, my mother-in-law was in bed at that time , i say what are you doing, and he, well, if you come here, i ’ll shoot you, he says, just, oh, well, in general, you ’re creating some beauty here,
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mom, we have something for you. what clothes , tracksuits, there are new cool ones, i think there’s enough for all of you, your big family, we have a box over there with shoes too, thank you, i’m talking about everything you do for us, you help, the first channel, you, maryash, dad, here are the guys who brought it, i don’t know what their names are, thank you very much, yes, our volunteers, our deminers are clearing mines, well, better demining than at.
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hello, hello, we were there a year ago and everything was very destroyed then, this is where it fell in our yard, a shell was still in my house, it would have flown from there. there was their position, here it is in the house, this is all of us , this is another part we removed, you see, these ones, they’re sticking out, there’s a shell, you see under the sofa , which i’m showing you, here it is under the sofa, now i’m looking, right you have shops there, pharmacies, post offices, some kind of transport , and the school is even open, it’s amazing that life is being revived like this, no, well, here in our village , thank god, there are a lot of people, a lot of people, and a lot of young people, it’s as if everyone has returned , it’s the village, it’s like a little bit alive, the city, of course, we ’re there, somehow, well we actually have an apartment there, we’re kind of in a village here , we moved from severodonetsk, there was an opportunity to move here, because it was
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a little quieter here, you know that you have a special boy, yes, son, son, yes, sasha, what’s wrong it’s like that, well , he, we suffered during childbirth, we got hepoxia , we got cerebral palsy, in the end, you’ll get to know each other. son hi to my friends, sasha, hello, my name is. jaana, we came to visit you today, to visit you, so i’m passing on help from elena to my mother, i think you will need this, thank you, we probably need rehabilitation, if it’s somehow possible for us, then we rehabilitation is of course, hands, feet, in general, fortunately, there are organizations that organize such trips to moscow, to some other centers, if there is an opportunity, i think they will write to us and contact us.
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well, pavel, how are the impressions in general, the impressions are strong, you know, i always he comes to such an allegory, it’s like a person, when he lives an everyday life, it’s as if he’s growing scabby, it’s all like dirt sticks, sticks, in such layers, constantly hardens, you come here, see it with your own eyes, communicate with people, it’s as if you know, holy water , or something, the dirt washes away you, it falls right off in pieces , with such a crash, and you feel, you begin to feel their pain, what is happening to the skin with your heart and this feeling, as if of belonging, that you can at least give them something help, help is no longer about war, about suffering, about death, but to help with something that can bring them back to life, a book that you can leaf through, i don’t know, there are heroes, it’s all about... about heroes, about honor, about valor , about love
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, in the end, the girls, maybe , will remember how, that you need to wait or the prussian, they will definitely come, you just have to wait for them, the boys, maybe they will find something in books that what you need to become, how it's great that good always triumphs over evil, always. you must agree, you always restore what’s yours, and destroy what’s not yours without pity, you burn it, you level it to the ground , which is what ukraine has been doing for many years with donbass, and with the residents of donbass as well, they generally say: beware of your obsessive desires, they can destroy, so we see this happening to ukraine, ukraine dreamed so to get to the west, thinking... the west will become salvation, and the west has become
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destruction for her. news on channel one. we have made significant steps in developing our relations. and this is causing genuine interest in the world. the neocolonial system ceased to exist. thank you for coming, for not forgetting us, in a country of strong interfaith peace, fundamental changes in terms of the goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the operation did not happen today, it is important to hear your opinion, we need to start getting to know each other, we are for you
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, we pray, cool, to god, you probably know better , you know me better, no, hello, my grandfather is a peasant, he lived in a village, in the terek province, right next door, we bow down, thank you, results of the year with vladimir putin december 14 at 12 :00 moscow time. hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one, in the maxim shrafudnov studio. and at the beginning, this specialization was a stronghold of the militants under the solidarity. the strike hit the target
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exactly, judging by the explosion, they hit the ammunition intended for cannon artillery, but near artyomovsky, enemy positions were attacked using fpv drones, the operator controlled the drone, used special glasses, his assistant adjusted the fire at this time, as a result, the targets were hit , at krasnolimansk... bsu, and also destroyed an ammunition warehouse and a mortar crew. but these are frames from social networks, as reported from the kupinsky direction, another destroyed american-made enemy armored personnel carrier, all that was left of the vehicle were piles of twisted metal. orekhovskaya remains one of the hottest destinations. the armed forces daily makes attempts to break through our defenses, but to no avail, the area is under the constant control of the reconnaissance squad of the 503rd guards motorized rifle regiment, our military correspondent valentina solovyova saw the soldiers in action. well, like this
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along the forest belt. we've got about 100,000. at a fast pace, somewhere in dashes, we need to get there, we get to the positions of our infantry, 503rd regiment, somehow there’s not much shelter here, it’s not visible, straight, orekhovsky direction, we go to the first line of defense, you have the ninth company, yes, famous, here. the famous one and andryukha answers because the sensor is working, the canthidron sensor is working, it’s better to go faster, portions report that they spotted a drone flying in our direction, where are we going? come into your dugout, come in, the forward positions of the ninth company, 800 m to
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the enemy, as soon as the enemy drone moves away, combat work begins, at this moment our reconnaissance copter hovers over the ukrainian... positions, we watch the enemy, we don’t let him breathe, we know where their observation post is, how many people are standing there, when they almost change, raven , raven, chemist, at the reception, first landmark, left one hundred, approximately, two pencils, yes , accepted, fucking physicist, i'm a raven, first landmark, left 100, short fire, raven, i'm a physicist, accepted, this is what the forest belt looks like, which is controlled by the enemy, the trench is well targeted... they made a mistake repeatedly, including from large-caliber artillery, but the enemy continues to persistently send manpower there. for us they work with small arms with automatic tank grenades and also with ordinary anti-tank grenades, everyone seems to be holding up well, tightly, that is, well, a close-knit
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team, so everyone stands for each other, namely in fighting spirit and the famous 9th roto 503rd regiment, many of the fighters who came here as volunteers already have... more than one state award for stopping all the enemy’s attempts to break through on their own station, commander roto with the call sign raven, a suvorov medal and a medal for courage, practiced against enemy snipers using western technology, a reconnaissance chemist received medals for courage for bravery, he himself was wounded in the body during the battle, there are still fragments, but how as soon as he got to his feet, he immediately returned to the front line, you didn’t have to come back, how to abandon the boys, a machine gunner with the call sign caliber st. george’s cross, he’s a volunteer for... what do we have? by the way, this is from the northeast, the enemy’s hail is working, we have forest stands on the right and left, they are trying, five to seven people, to break through these forest regiments to us. in
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these footage, one of those who tried to break through is pyotr shelotka, a shooter from the 117th brigade of the armed forces, the only one from his group who survived. our drone took him prisoner, literally , he saw the drone above me, well, i started somehow making signs for him to go ahead, which simply didn’t kill me, well, the drone started there, well , waving, showing, as if the way, i reeled in machine gun, opricoplasts, opened the machine gun, well, i went for the drone, well, i came across your guys, this shooter managed to fight everything... over corpses, i don’t know who is there and what, but he didn’t want to fight me anymore, valentina solovyova, ilya repnin, islan ustarkhanov, khristina ivanova, channel one, orekhovskoe
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direction, about measures to support our fighters and their families, the speech was at a meeting of the council for the development of civil society and human rights, a meeting for more than one hour, pressing issues and specific solutions, so the head of state instructed to work closely with the defenders of the fatherland foundation, created by presidential decree. branches are open in all regions, they provide comprehensive targeted assistance to svo participants and their loved ones. there is a measure of support that applies to them if they return from the front to their children, this is, of course, free higher education, this is the opportunity to receive a special education. free of charge, it seems important to us that if a fighter gave his life, so that this measure would also apply to his wife, a complete... full-fledged system of such support measures should certainly be developed, you know what i would like to draw attention to, this is necessary carefully,
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of course, so that there are no abuses here, but certainly think about the topic of supporting those women who lived in a civil marriage with their husbands, the method provided by law for establishing the fact of residence... other topics were also touched upon at the meeting, including amnesty for certain categories of women who are in prison, the situation with migrants, social policy, this was the proposal, and the president agreed with it, the status of large families should become all-russian, not regional, and also the head states were asked to take additional measures to protect the interests of russians who live in unfriendly countries and face infringement of their rights there, such as in latvia, where those who did not... pass the latvian language exam and did not fill out a special form face deportation. in latvia, in my opinion, 40% were
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russian-speaking population. surely there will be a lot now if they pursue such a policy in relation to people who wanted to live in this or that country, worked there, created some benefits for this country they will be treated like pigs, in the end they themselves will face such disgusting within their countries, payments to military personnel for road conditions, assistance to young specialists, medicine in the regions, foreign policy. already on december 14 , live, the president will answer the question that worries russians: results of the year with vladimir putin, a combined format of a press conference and a direct line: you can send your appeal to the head of state in any convenient way, call number 8 800 20040-40 for sms 0, 4040. you can ask a question via social networks and form on the website, there are also instructions on how to download the application for
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a smartphone. the reception and processing center is in full swing, people are calling from all over the country, even those questions that will not be broadcast live will not go unanswered. the main topic, of course, is social policy, pensions and everything connected with this, benefits, followed by healthcare, housing, and then housing and communal services. so, the results of the year. with vladimir putin watch live on channel one on december 14 at exactly noon moscow time. now the middle east and the situation in the sector gas, the israel defense forces announce the encirclement of a refugee camp in the city of jebaliya. it is in the north of the enclave that key hamas positions are reported to have been taken under control, and several militant targets have been destroyed at once. in the south, according to media reports, there are already battles on the approaches to khan yunis. in addition, the village of jinin on the western bank of the river was stormed at night. meanwhile, the american newspaper woll street journal, citing sources in the white house administration, reports: israel is considering the possibility of flooding
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hamas underground network of tunnels, a decision has not yet been made, but pumps for pumping water have already been installed in the gas near the refugee camp. meanwhile, another 120 russian citizens and members of their families, 30 of them children, were evacuated to moscow by special flight, this is already the ninth cargo flight. in total, rescuers transported almost 900 people to russia. the aggravation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, one of the topics of international negotiations in moscow, the meeting of the foreign ministers of the caspian five, in addition to our country, this is also azerbaijan, iran, kazakhstan and turkmenistan. the agenda is extensive, including discussions of priority areas of cooperation, as noted by our foreign minister sergei lavrov , the creation of the caspian routes council could give additional impetus to the format. i would like to note the enormous development potential of our region in trade, economic, environmental, scientific, and humanitarian fields. from the point of view of creating
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the international north-south transport corridor that is so urgent today. deepening practical cooperation between the state is relevant in more broadly, meaning in the context of the formation of a multipolar world order, strengthening the positions of new centers of world development. the joint work of the caspian countries makes a significant contribution to ensuring security, stability and sustainable development in the space of the eurasian continent. on the sidelines of the negotiations, sergei lavrov held a separate meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of azerbaijan jeyhun bayramov, they talked about normalizing relations between baku and yerevan. in russia today is volunteer day, the young holiday is celebrated with 2017, covers more than 21 million residents of our country, that’s how many volunteers we have, people who are distinguished by such noble qualities as kindness,
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dedication, fearlessness and in some ways even... from those to whom today we once again say, thank you, 90 vests have already gone there to the guys, if you take into account that alfiya yutkina knits one vest from naberezhnye chelny for 4 days, it turns out that nine dozen of our soldiers have been warmed, she has not parted with her knitting needles for almost a year, and a pensioner from chelyabinsk svetlana eremina, to save someone's life, transferred all her savings to buy bulletproof vests. thank you very much, this will save us. be alive , be alive, yes we will be alive, now we simply have to, as you can see, i now live in a rented apartment, but i could have my own, but denis spent the entire amount raised to buy an apartment on quadcopters and thermal imagers, which he personally took equipment for the front line worth 2 million rubles, firstly, i wouldn’t forgive myself, because i didn’t do everything to save our guys, well, in the end, if
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what will happen is that these banderaites will come to us and i won’t need an apartment either, now everyone, every person living in russia and considering themselves a patriot must do everything to help our guys, in the rostov region the entire village of maisky is weaving camouflage nets, as you know , there are never many of them at the front, the people live here are simple, miners, they are used to working a lot, finishing one, they immediately start another, if everyone stays at home, well, what is this, we need to help the army ours, there are our guys, ours sons, our grandchildren, and those who selflessly give others their time, strength, resources, in general, themselves, vladimir putin said the day before. in our country, a quarter of our citizens, 25% of the country's citizens, are united in organizations, and there are over 100,000 of them, which work as volunteers and volunteers. this is not
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accidental, after all, in... traditions in the culture of the peoples of the russian federation, a sense of belonging, the desire to help those in need, is always present throughout the history of our country, passed on from generation to generation, i especially want to thank you for what you are doing to help our fighters who are on the front line of the fight for our country, for russia. these words refer to female residents. in the big city of valuika, they prepare dry rations for the front, into which you just add boiling water and you get a home-made lunch. what is the advantage of dry borscht, a soldier in a trench can heat up just water on a trench candle, no need to boil, no need to cook. by the way, trench candles are made in boxes by employees of the cosmonaut training center in the moscow region, the same example when people united not only by professional
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interests, but also in a common desire to help those who are having a hard time right now. they opened a sewing shop here, they are collecting field first aid kits for soldiers and medical bags for military doctors, they recently purchased expensive equipment - a repeater for walkie-talkies and thermal imaging optics, all this will be sent to the next flights, and they themselves will get back to work, there are no days off at the front, so we too they are not there, we are following the guys, they are ahead, and we are behind them, you are not getting tired, we don’t have time, we don’t have time, we don’t have yet it’s too early to get tired, this was the last material in our issue, follow the news, and the broadcast on the first will continue, the program, time will tell, the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, the program, time will tell, we are working live, we are immediately transferred to the zaporozhye direction, war correspondent arti vladislav is in direct contact with us, hello, how is the situation? yes,
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hello, thank god we are here in the zaporozhye direction, it should be noted that this is the last week, since the start of this storm of the century, as it was called , the weather is very bad, we have disgusting, absolutely weather, that is, it rains every day for 2-3 hours a day, it freezes at night, so no roads, that is, no wheeled vehicles can pull these roads, only exclusively with tracked vehicles. then in some emergency cases, if it concerns the delivery of fighters to the corresponding line of combat contact and back, if it is necessary to evacuate someone heavy in the 300th, we can say the same about our enemy, now they they land far beyond the gray zones , but on armored personnel carriers they mainly do their rotation, so they are forced to land additional work and for about 5-6 kilometers along the disgusting one you just walk
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there knee-deep above the knee in the literal sense, i’m not making this up, i’m not embellishing, in the literal sense words, in the literal sense of the word, dirt, well , as a matter of fact, the thirty-third mechanized brigade, once again the guys are talking in the direction of verbovoy, from there our paratroopers talked yesterday - with the commanders of the seventy-sixth unit our guards division, they say about the rod, the pond is a rod, here we are sitting on a commanding height, the willow plant is still entirely ours, completely ours, under our control, there we even managed to communicate with the local residents who live there, they did not want to leave theirs, they didn’t want to leave their homes, so they actually go and go, go and go, losses are heavy by the way, the guys say that now 149-200, volga, they are involved quite often, here are two or three people, but this is in general - not bad from the direction somewhere a day - give up, go out
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to our communication, when they assume, well , they believe that they cannot do anything, they go to this radio station, to be clear, they give up, i can also say something else about this direction, apparently after aggressive steps of mobilization, but in the ukrainian armed forces, here... 20 years over the past two weeks, they often directly interrogate our guys , they are afraid, listen, don’t be afraid, tell me everything as it is , but what can i tell you? i left the house, i turned 18 a week ago, i left the house to go to the store, hello, i ended up here there are no professional military personnel left there at all because you are not the first to emphasize the fact that on the front line there are mobilized, and freshly mobilized, who a month ago were civilians, this is the situation on the entire zaporozhye front, well, let’s say, in the active phase of the counter-offensive the forty-seventh
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brigade they had here was a corps of a half-corps of magur, which have now moved to the artyomovsk direction, the eighty-second division, which was, is probably still the reserve of the main department laid down a little... a little less often now than it was before, let's say, there is august-september, actually speaking, regarding the same equipment, the lack of equipment, we already talked about it the previous time, our abrams fighters are waiting, but so far there are also those that were spotted on our copters, our guys flew around old tanks from the sixties, which were recently used in the parade, thank you very much, thank you, war correspondent... from the zaporozhye direction, well, that’s what concerns weather, which we were talking about here, it is always excellent at the vdd, at the international forum of the russia exhibition, in addition to excellent weather, there is a good atmosphere, this
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will be confirmed by our colleagues, anatoly kuzichev, ekaterina shugaeva, they are in the cosmos pavilion, in the cosmos pavilion the popular front studio is located, anatoly aleksandrovich, over to you, yes, thank you very much, our atmosphere is truly amazing, businesslike, interesting, that ’s the mood, we have a lot of topics to talk about, i’ll introduce our guests, igor kimakovsky, alexander kazakov , you know them well, that’s where we’ll start , it’s an interesting story, it means he came to kiev, well, they all go to kiev all the time, well , this time the head of the pentagon, lloyd osin, came and met with zaluzhny, this is not our fantasy, this is at least the ukrainians, the ukrainian side writes about this, here’s the zaluzhny, i don’t even know how to put it more delicately. zaluzhny turned to loyd austin and said: i have a small request. loyding says, which one, he says, we need 17 million shells,
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and money 400 billion. let's listen, though. according to the calculations of the general staff of ukraine, in order to fulfill the president’s task of liberating the entire territory of the country, forces of funds worth 350-400 billion dollars are required. the general staff shared some planning ideas with pentagon chief lloyd austin during his last visit to kiev. austin was told of the need for 17 million shells. to put it mildly, he was surprised, because it’s impossible to collect so many shells in the whole world , one of the ukrainian officials said anonymously. colleagues say it’s possible with us ask, well, even we won’t be able to remember you, you know, i remembered everything, i won’t bore you for long, it’s just that when i was a child i had a book, i think i’m yakov isedorovich perelman. interesting mathematics and there was a legend about a chessboard, i’m going over it in a nutshell, it means that a man there invented chess, i say, i’m very so to speak, i came to some idiot , he says, here’s chess, he says, awesome, ask for
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a reward , mm, he says, can i have a grain of rice for the first square, two for the second, but then four, then eight, then 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, 512, he says, listen, that’s it, i understand, give him the bag of rice, moron, he says, i was ready, that’s it, in the morning... their mathematicians, that means mathematics speaks, while we are counting, he says, i mean, he says , well, it’s not just on earth until now, yes, that means, in short, for a week they were counting, counting, here i am , why am i doing this. this is my favorite moment, for a week the gray-haired mathematicians approach this subishah, he says: well, what are you doing, you counted that there are two bags there, or what? says you know he says, you’ve done the math, say the number , he says come on, 18 quintillion, 446 quadrillion, and so on, and shak says , and that’s a lot, he says, well, if you sow the whole earth and the moon, we can theoretically say so, for several million years, this was my favorite moment, of course, in this whole story, is zaluzhny suitable?
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we need 17 million shells, anatoly, you just didn’t tell this story to the end, what they did with this inventor of chess, this is important, isn’t history silent, and what happened to him, but we play chess, we play chess we play, but but in, well, let’s say the inventor, he didn’t get this rice like, if the zaluzhny asked, he didn’t ask for it himself, someone wrote it in for him somewhere, you know, they allowed it. well, this is the united states of america, this is also not a homogeneous mass, but a fairly large number of different lobbies, and a certain lobby puts certain words in its mouth, but we understand that ukraine has long been not a subject, it is an object of control, and there are several centers there , in the end they say, here’s the zaluzhny, do this so that zelsky can it’s bad for him to act according to our rules, then too.
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companies, despite the fact that on their part the intensity was always less, in my opinion, only once we were equal, and in the summer of last year, that is, if they have 6,000 shells a day, then we have at least 20,000 shells a day, and so on every day, that is, they counted all this in order to align with us, yes, that is, every day 20,000 shells, then day after day, the speed of their liberation from the point of view of the territory is approximately the same as with which we did it, otherwise there is this is such pure arithmetic, well, how
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do they need to bring down, that is, now there is a global company going on, but at the funeral of the ukrainian offensive, and they need to crawl onto a new media agenda, that ukraine is going into intensive defense, it’s not so simple. because, well, kiev is really being cut off by the legs of this information company, we read this every day in everything, well , we need to justify ourselves, then why didn’t we win? that is, who, who is to blame for the fact that the offensive did not work out, and the shells, colleagues are to blame, but don’t you think, honestly ghibli, i understood, please forgive me, just, well , look, because it is important, and it doesn’t seem to you that in the opposite direction, that nato will open this manual into action to open the second one. they needed
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someone in sweden to announce the figure for which they would start the factories? what do you think, well, wait, what do you think, that they decide to open factories or not, wait, waiting for zaluzhny’s words? no reason is needed, they, they have long ago formulated a reason for themselves, we will support ukraine as long as necessary, yes the last ukrainian, now they cannot supply a million shells , well, you don’t have to be einstein, yes, officially, they said, we can’t do that, but there is no million, you don’t have to be einstein to understand, in order to supply such a million, then more than 17, we need to build something, that’s right, they didn’t need zaluzhny’s words, by the way, i calculated that if we really fire 2000 shells a day, then 17 million shells will be used up in 2
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months, that is, this is this, i don’t know, math, math, this is what it looks like, ok, why is the figure of 350-400 billion so not accidental, this is the amount that we froze, no, look at the same thing here, i deservedly made, i deservedly made one mistake when he became an economist last summer, no, in the spring, in the spring, when he said, give us so many tanks, so much stuff , so much and we will go to the performance, but they gave him almost that much, they screwed up, it was his mistake, now he thought differently, which means we need tanks, again, they know approximately how much of this we have, there are more of us, planes, tanks , armored personnel carriers, artillery, we have... most of all they are the first prerequisite: we must catch up with the russians, now i’ll tell you right away why all this is complete bullshit, we must have airplanes, like they have 2,000 combat ones aircraft, you know, one plane, they added it all up, 350, 400 billion is normal, now we will buy everything,
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where it will be purchased is unclear, because no one is ready to sell to them, but it doesn’t matter, that’s all, this is all a game, because that when they tell the same secretary of defense of the united states all these layouts. they will say, here are tanks , planes, and in response he will ask one single question: do you have people for this, but no people, oh, he counted the money, he counted the shells, but he didn’t count the people, well, that is, look, that is, well, as it is customary to be ironic, you see , we even started, i still think that it was very useful to remind this wonderful legend, well, that is, we ironize everything, it is inadequate, look, if you think about it, it comes from, well, for example, he just said in other words that he says, if you want, for us to have a 2, 2.5 year war, we need based on the calculation of 120,000 shells per day, we need 17 million, that is, this is no longer something out of the blue, but even more interesting, when he says money, you can have 350 -400 billion, this is also not random, remember, 350 billion doesn’t remind you of anything, 35 billion, well, our money, which
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is our money, which they froze, that is, these are both numbers, no matter how funny, they are not random, not idiotic and this is not about trolling, but about something else, after all, what else am i saying, that there is a certain lie. who invests in zaluzhny , taking into account the fact that he is more adequate, much more adequate than zelensky, but they invest in him, that is , they allow him to voice certain narratives, that is, certain numbers, don’t you think that he could do this to us at all, well, this is a message to us, like listen, russia, you see, this is your money, this is your, well, conditionally, the number of shells, this is our negotiating position, yes, yes, this is different, i think, if in our direction, then guys, you understand, we are already with you. again, this is addressing the european union, that is, they are preparing some perhaps negotiating positions, but they cannot understand that, by and large, even from the point of view of our elites and, it seems to me, from the point of view of our supreme commander-in-chief,
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that is, when the question was that our money could be frozen, yes, it seems to me for some reason it seems to me, yes, that we were ready for this and even today we already understand in many ways in which it exists today, with its call for independence, so that it does not exist and for us, by and large, this is how it is, well, we men are sitting here, the three of us yes, by and large, we can lose a lot, we can lose a lot, but we can fight to the end for our idea, we women can also do a lot , but we will fight to the end for our idea, i can say, i completely agree, with my colleague, on february 25 last year, putin knew everything , what will the west do in relation to us in terms of both swift being turned off, and about the money that we needed this time in order to prepare for what, for this, for
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the collapse, that is, in fact, we, you directly quote mine book, i have it written there that in 2002 putin saw the american president war, then the soul , this is war, i realized that we need time, and he gave us 20 years, in fact, and this is stalypin, give russia 20 years, and you won’t know, stalypin couldn’t, but putin could 20 give us years, and stalin had only 10 , by the way, we see this now, we probably see it every day, i see it at the exhibition of regions, this is a different russia, let’s excuse us, let ’s go back half a step, it’s just interesting, we’re like that igor said, yes, it ’s wrong to say states, to mean some kind of monolith. and no matter what it is in the place of ukraine, this conglomerate is also quite complex
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; there is, say, zelensky, and there is, on the contrary , zaluzhny, and there is one who was not released abroad. who was the first, by the way, we are all also used to laughing at klitschko, how funny haha ​​not einstein, in general, he was the first to catch the trend, i think that the most uh, the most accurate, and began to drown him for the loser , says he is right and this one is wrong, klitschko, let's try to understand firstly, on what basis, so to speak , does zaluzhny talk to lloyd austin? well, he’s not a parangum, absolutely, loyd osin should communicate with umerov, but zaluzhny does. with the head of the united states committee, so the minister of defense visiting zaluzhny is already a signal, bravo, biden is working with
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zelensky, loyden is working with umerov, the minister of defense, the head of the joint staff committee is working with the commander, of course, that is, the one in kiev, and he endures and is silent, but what can he do, the king is naked, what can he do, you remember, you remember, you will remember, i want you to remember everything, didn’t give it away, that is, didn’t shake it, but didn’t give it away, that is, didn’t shake his hand, he extended his hand, they didn’t shake his hand, and you could see this tension that was the entire form, the inauguration of zelensky, yes, when even some military leaders did not shake his hand during the inauguration, it was clear, this tension was visible, and this tension only. is increasing because thanks to, let’s say, the failure of this offensive, the
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counter-offensive in ukraine, and the fact that they two expeditionary forces were buried, this is all thanks to zelensky, and the armed formation of ukraine led by zaluzhny, they understand this, who is behind zaluzhny today, by and large, the army, the army, no, wait, well, behind zelensky there is kolomoisky, and behind zaluzhny except, who, who? he is sitting in good conditions, he was saved, who is in favor, and we have already named all the names, and we have named all the names, those former politicians before pre-war ukraine, yes, whom we all knew, poroshenko there, klitschko, there, here boyko got out, i asked if i could leave the russian language, lobby, lobby, lobby, no, these politicians, these politicians make their lime their own . these politicians, because poroshenko is unelectable, klyuchko, it’s very doubtful, they
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make zaluzhny their headliner, they stand behind him, and each of them has a great story, please, but how can you generalize that they are some kind of political formula, and these are people who want to end the war, and these are people who want to end the war, well, zelensky also wants to end, which... by the way, there is a very interesting option, it’s in they discussed in kiev, zelensky cannot stop this war under any circumstances, because he will be killed the next day, and who can, well, we are not talking about us now, we are talking about them, that they are discussing this, commander-in-chief, zaluzhny... maybe sign with your hand a document about a ceasefire with the shaigu, for example, because putin
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does not see kiev and will never see, uh, who thinks so, they think so, they talked about it even about six months ago, and when did it start choke on the offensive, they're talking about it they said, excuse me, there was a shaigu in istanbul, there was someone who signed the black sea food initiative, we forgot about that too, minister. trade, no, our minister of defense signed it, kuzhuge , all the same, there are people behind the pledge, it turns out that people are not those who want to surrender to russia and live in peace, but those who want us again somehow, who want to end the war, how exactly there is another, probably another question, but nevertheless, they also have, as it were , an old military elite, there are uzhenkos, that’s all, starting from the fourteenth year, which it was screwed up even then, but they produced an unlimited number of generals. they are, in principle, with zelensky, because zelensky is guaranteed a job, salary, there, access to
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flows, and the zaluzhny hall relies on middle- aged and junior officers at the front, and this is a completely different story, i even want to say that a special military operation , when it started, and by and large who began to resist, the middle link, the middle link that was recruited by the westerners, look, for the sake of completeness, let’s just want to. i want to let you listen to this just two words, literally, a girl with the amazing name scow, well, i knew that you would joke about this topic, about odessa, i wanted to say, well, let us listen to the scow, american scow, we don’t have a magic pot with finances, to cope with this situation, we have run out of money, almost run out of time, i say, for completeness, for the general feeling of the picture, here is a complete chalando. yes, that means this, that means the money has run out, time is almost running out, mullets, this is not this,
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no mullet, empty scow, it just so happens that we have a call, thank you, friends, for responding to our calls, so to speak. you call and call, please, who is it? this is probably roman, hello, yes , my name is roman, i’m from kazan, i have a question, this time i came across the news that 44% of ukrainians are in favor of compromise negotiations with russia, i’m wondering what compromises they are counting on , will russia agree to any compromises, excellent, to negotiations or they call negotiations, let’s deceive through naminsky, well, i’m just wondering how roman is, what do you think, no, i have personal assumptions that this may have been done to delay, so to speak, time, for regrouping and so on, that is, i admit this moment, but at the same time time, well , ours, our brotherly people too, must sooner
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or later sober up, do you believe, no, only on the tenth. everything is a novel, in any case , the question is excellent, thank you very much, believe it or not, let’s put it that way, like scientists approach with slide rules, you can believe there, i believe, but i don’t believe there anyway further, look, there is a sociological survey , i understand this, it’s interesting , as i understand it, roman was talking about exactly this, and he seemed to be quoting him, leave it, let it hang, and i ’ll comment, so, look, we have the first point , 48%, when asked what ukrainians think is realistic... will end the war, 48% refuse negotiations and fight until all territories are liberated, 48%. 44%, look for a compromise solution in negotiations with the involvement of other countries, apparently, this is what roman had in mind, yes 44%. yes, let’s deceive vatnikov, 7% are undecided, answer, 1% will agree to most
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of russia’s demands, this is a research group , in general it’s interesting, this is the same 1%, this is ours. here is 1%, and 44 say , we’ll deceive the quilted jackets, no, let’s, let’s, let’s be honest, of course, all these polls in ukraine are absolutely fake and unpresentational, for one simple reason, where they conduct them in europe, or maybe in donetsk and lugansk, sasha, i’m sorry, please, i’m not going to argue with this there, no, of course, they’re fake, but if a fake poll is published, it is published, like, i only see two, wait, two. options, as if there were two plots : the first is for inspiration, 99% are ready to lay down their bellies, so to speak, tomorrow is there, it ’s clear why this is necessary, or in order , so to speak, to hint to someone, sorry, look, we’re in in general, on the whole, 48 , 44, well, like, you understand, for what purpose, if they answer the question of who, who controls the group rating, they belong
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exactly to the group that we were just talking about they said that behind lies there are all these poroshenkos, nicknames and others, and it’s beneficial for them to show that you have 48 who want to fight, and as many as 44 for that, plus or minus, that is, half, yes, they want compromises , negotiations, well, that’s it, they they are working on it, of course, i would like to add here , look, at the beginning of the program we talk about the formation of such information messages, preparations for supposedly future negotiations with russia, look, that ’s all, through all the topics that we are talking about today. but it’s clear, that is, it’s clear there, you’ve put together an information campaign in fact, there are so many facts that speak exactly about this, the only thing is that it is of course aimed at us, also at, say , our so-called elites, but i don’t like it, but all sorts of things, not only not only, but this is
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a certain pressure, but inside this company, i follow it very carefully, every day, it won’t be there, svo won’t stop, and lavrov got to the point that thanks to him for that, he also said the conditions for possible negotiations, but it was cool in the end your very performance, you should come to us, yeah, nowhere, you to call us, we’ll say: so be it, come in, you come to us, then like blinkin at bin salman’s, sit for 6 hours, receptionist, receptionist, and we will receive you, and then we will listen to your proposals, this is the beginning, and his , it is almost impossible, who is this, we are talking specifically about the americans, even they europeans are not interesting, they don’t decide anything,
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putin said, we will talk to those who make the decisions, that means with washington, this is washington, yes, yes crawls on all fours to moscow and... vladimir vladimirovich, we can talk, believe me? i i don’t believe it either, therefore, as regards, by the way, responding to roman, the position of our country. the supreme commander-in-chief said, the foreign minister said, ours. position , we have no one to talk to and nothing to talk about, svo will not stop and another very wonderful moment for me is that there is such a concept as a garden that grows on its own, yes, now we are understanding, yes, understanding what nazism is , what is denazification, we already have it in donetsk, we already have it, we already had a forum in donetsk, therefore, which was organized by under the supervision of movichalin , where it was expressed, that is, what nazism is, how to fight it and where we should stop, yes, modern nazism, i am now flying to a forum in yakutia, which will also be
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dedicated to anti-fascism and modern nazism, that is, we have today in the country, it is finally beginning, as you said, that we must approach everything scientifically, and already have scientific contours, because our donetsk state university has already formed the concept that was proposed. situations when you say a word there some kind of handbrake and so on, we publish any sociological surveys, it’s clear that these are some kind of stuffing, this is some kind of message, not
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messages and so on, but somehow behind the scenes , everything is clear, and political technologies and so on, but somehow we still have people behind the scenes, some of them, well, probably, let’s assume, participated, but some percentage really, well, there’s some... then the percentage that thinks this way or that way, it’s clear that now we’ll find out, so to speak, well, almost impossible. but we can afford to talk to people who understand this, who communicate and who have at least some general idea of ​​the mood. vladimir skachko comes into direct contact with us, journalist and historian, hello, vladimir sergeevich, thank you very much for being with us, yes, hello, welcome, friends, now it was wonderful, hello, vladimir sergeevich, here you are of course you saw this survey, you probably agree with ours, yes with ours. what is it called with our guests, with ours, yes, with our comments regarding the fact that all of this is some kind of stuffing and manipulation attempt. but really, okay, let’s really try to know what
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they think in ukraine, what they’re tired of, what they want, what they’re ready for, what they’re not? eh, well, you know, best of all, this poll, which 48 for war 44 for negotiations, a possible compromise, is characterized by a very chic meme. shows that in ukraine, in ukraine , those who hold enormous power view the war exclusively as a source of not only... their stay at the trough, but enrichment, only during the war in ukraine, ukrainian leaders were given huge amounts of money
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, they continue to give, and what’s most interesting, they are going to give, today you probably know that today there will be a closed briefing via skype, zelsky will be invited to speak to the senators so that he can personally tell why he demands money and what is at stake for ukraine, this is exactly the phrase: at stake for both ukraine and the united states, the allocation or non-allocation of money, and this suggests that in the west, even if they are now in this iron stupor, when, which shows that the military-industrial complex cannot cope, that ukraine, russia is ready and ready to defeat them, they still have hope, as much as possible. strengthen ukraine’s position in these possible negotiations, and it can only be strengthened by inflicting a strategic defeat on russia,
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well, if not strategic, then at least fight, well, at least recapture something, at least stake out something, you know, with one hand they they seem to be talking about freezing, but with the other hand they are torturing, they are stuffing this regime, stuffing this regime, it’s understandable, after all answer my question, after all, here are the people, well, how can you probably imagine the mood, i understand that it’s like they don’t decide much, but it’s interesting, uh, then, i periodically i communicate with people, and of course, people are tired of the war, but unfortunately, it seems to me that people are against it - against the fact that people are killed in war, but unfortunately, people are not against war as a means of solving many problems, in ukraine, all the people are still against russia for the war, but they don’t want to die, no, no, no, no, no, no, those people who are shown there as 1%, this is of course not enough.
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who are ready or ready to believe in russia, expect something from russia, they are simply crammed there, they can end up in the dock at any moment, and you say there are about 30% of them, but there is more than one, maybe even more, unfortunately , anti-war, i repeat, anti-war movements. but they don’t oppose war as a means of solution, war as a certain method, it still remains in the heads of these ukrainians, and it seems to me, well, you know, i’m sitting in moscow, it seems to me that destroy, turn anti-war protests
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into a maidan number, will blow this clique to hell, only even more decisive victories of russia in russia can be achieved, as soon as it is connected, as soon as russia strikes, as soon as the front crumbles, as soon as it becomes clear that the war is hopeless for ukraine , for the stupidest, then the people will wake up, but unfortunately, this is a feature of the nazi regimes, remember the years of forty-five , which we always appeal to, the germans fought: they fought to the end, until the end of april of forty-five only in june it turned out that there are practically no people in germany who supported hitler, and in june it turned out that they were all anti-fascists, yes, yes, it’s true, when will we, wait, this is a question about 30 30 30, this is now 30, and it will be 97, but only when we are in kiev, absolutely, me. in ukraine everyone
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has gone crazy, only one of the pack has common sense, but this is insulting the ukrainian people, insulting their feelings, insulting our entire history, a huge number of people there are intimidated, even more people fooled, and also, well, there are fanatics, there are people who make money, make money, the mother is dear, for whom war is the mother, they are pushing this agenda, thank you very much, vladimir skachko was with us, we have 2 minutes, just briefly , give me a comment, i raised a very important topic, that over the period from the thirteenth year in ukraine in the united states of america, a whole galaxy of politicians was formed, all who are preyers around the war, yes we are now yes, who live they cannot live differently and
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know how they will hold on to the last for this rug, for this blanket, we need to definitely destroy them, at least in ukraine, and this falls under denazification, yes, absolutely, yes i agree, and even with percentages, this is when i conduct my streams with therapeutic ones, i get comments from nikolaev, from kiev, from lviv, from zhitomir, everyone writes that that is, everyone. yes, don’t be afraid that we are waiting for you, there really are quite a lot of such people, but there are not more of them, on the contrary, fewer, time is working, the pressure is terrible on people, that is, on the one hand it is a gesta of force, on the other hand there is information pressure, we need to go faster, yes, yes, unfortunately, we need to go, go, normally , correctly, not faster, not slower, what
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is it.. well, i don’t think there’s a little paradox in this, it seems to me, well, it’s really a strange story, yes, and it’s also strange, and i’ll also tell you that as soon as the front crumbles , as vladimir sergeevich said there, it ’ll crumble here- then, and then they will come to us and say, listen, people of the world for a minute
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stand up, so to speak, and so on we must conclude, yes, minsk-1, minsk-2, it is at this moment that they will talk to us about minsk-3, only then, just then, americans, of course, thank you friends for your attention, thank you for company, see you soon in e. belov, are you a maniac? no, i just want to correct the bad impression of our city, i brought a lot of women here, in batches, my daughter is waiting for me at home, ask the nurse, watch the time after the program, faith, leave there, immediately, can you hear me, wait, where is my child, where my child. let's get married, premiere , today on the first day, so, my cats are lazy , everyone should love, everyone should get married, gin snob, a product
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of the stellar group, and i'll run, come on, come on, oh, he's the softest of all in the family, this is when it's necessary , my commander’s command is activated, there’s no running back, there will be an order, we’ll retreat, we’re not going to. the bullet entered and hit my head, sometimes it hurts, but i agree, whistle, i’m proud, my student, the youngest company commander in the lpr, the main secret of this, everything, everything, is when you continuously watch, i sat at home, played on the computer, was not preoccupied with anything, and then, when the boys had already left... from our yard, someone died, someone was injured, a lot of guys went to serve, so we went too , along the gap, south 20, south 20 along the gap,
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next to each other, for the day of heroes of the fatherland, men's work on saturday on the first. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. if they told me that it was my last day, what would i do, i would go, take a walk, go to church and sit down , say a prayer, repent, apologize in front of those whom i have offended, you cannot support people who suffer and stand on the sidelines somewhere, it was generally, of course, her choice, her will, her desire, we are descending into. the bombs went off, they saw that this was an attractive, charming girl who could take off, who could, they knocked her out at the start, this is martyrdom, you know, this is martyrdom, because in principle she did not fight, she did not curse, turning to her , we see the light, we see happiness, we
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see victory, we see that ideality that she embodied in herself, but at the same time, the tragedy remains and the pain remains, on the day of heroes of the fatherland, on saturday on the first. i just wanted to say something that may not be enough, and not as often as it should be, but i had to tell her, dashenka, i love you very much, everything that i have in life, everything that is joy every day, everything that i call my destiny is connected. only with you, i love my country, premiere, on saturday, on the first, you can’t love your homeland and not know the culture, geography, history, it’s impossible, this place is like
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a fairy -tale country, hot rivers, the landscape resembles another planet , there is one bear per inhabitant of three people, a yanarupa, friends, the biggest one, rows of eggs in the kuril style, we take a little caviar, but now of course, i noticed that absolutely all tourists feed leaf, this is very bad, she stops hunting , they don’t see any other food , she’s a beauty, you can smell the smell, well, crush the bug, the aroma will be all over ivanovo , how much vitamin c do i need, more than in oranges, it finally happened that we so an hour under the spotlights, here plus 40 , no less, it itches, there was no need
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to put it on a naked body, we are royal or imperial, attention, question, be unfriendly, colleague, engine, camera , the crowd went, more fun, keep the penguin gait, attention , the proguns got ready, they started , they finally died, but our life is a game, the extraordinary adventures of experts, in the winter series of games, on sunday on the first. the opportunity to hear and be heard is equally important for everyone. vladimir putin will answer citizens' questions live. and journalists, you can ask your question
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now by calling 800 2004040 via sms to number 04040 or through the websites and moskvadefisputinu.rf. all details are on the websites. we will try to make sure that no question goes unnoticed. results of the year. with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, on the air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. we start with the specialization zone and the work of our military. operators of fpv drones operate near arrtemovsk and use special ones. war glasses, they allow you to see the whole picture on the battlefield and
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hit the target accurately at apu targets. in the donetsk direction in the solidar region, tula paratroopers are successfully performing their tasks. they move into the enemy concentration area on all-terrain vehicles, and then launch missiles from the fagot portable complex. the task came, we left with two bassoons, arrived there, unloaded the missiles, began to look for positions, chose positions, some stayed on the edge, some went to the end from the forest clearing. they were shooting, there was an indication of what was sitting there, a dry land with zhivelin, our tanks were leaving, our the task was to provide cover, they did their job, and this is footage of the combat work of russian units in the ugledar direction, mobile groups armed with grenades provide fire support to our assault troops, on the front lines they destroy enemy equipment, clearing the way for their fighters. russian support. their own and their families, the interests of our citizens who live in
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unfriendly countries, the situation with migrants, these are just some of the topics that were the focus of vladimir putin’s attention during the meeting of the presidential council on human rights. the meeting lasted more than two hours and ended late the night before. please also touch on the issue of amnesty for certain categories of women who are in prison. the head of state noted that it is necessary to prepare and make an appropriate decision. dmitry kochetkov has details. at the annual meeting of the president with members of the human rights council, the most important and pressing issues are usually raised; human rights activists not only identify the problem, but also propose ways to solve it. hrc members regularly are in new regions and areas of special military operations. one of the main issues that the council deals with is the activities and support of our fighters, our guys at the forefront of our heroes here. and members of the council who have visited
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the special military operation zone more than once. at the last meeting, you raised the problems of targeted support for special operation participants and their family members. this year , the defenders of the fatherland foundation was created, which operates in every region. we need to work closely with him. now it's of course supply problems, problems of the disabled, postal problems, we raised this topic. field mail, yes, there are some improvements, but nevertheless, this letter in a triangular envelope is still not available everywhere, a soldier can receive it or send it, we must ensure that, after all, this connection was , was well almost every day. the president urged not to make any special distinctions between the new remaining regions, as putin said, the new region is part of greater russia. in novorossiya in the donbass, adjacent regions, here you need to
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be treated in the most serious manner, and this requires professionalism and perseverance. you are well acquainted with the situation in new regions with issues related to svo. she heads the fatherland warrior families committee. there is a measure of support that applies to them if they return from the front, to children, this is, of course, free higher education, this is the opportunity to receive special education for free. it seems important to us that if a fighter gave his life, this measure should also apply to him. spouse. of course, you must... a complete, full-fledged system of such support measures should be developed, you know, what i would like to draw attention to, you need to be careful, of course, so that there are no abuses here, but certainly think about the topic of supporting those women who lived in
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a civil marriage with their husbands, established by law. journalist and council member kiril vyshnsky asked the head of state to take additional measures to protect the interests of russians who live in unfriendly countries there are faced with infringement of rights, for example, in latvia, russians who do not pass the latvian knowledge exam and do not fill out a special form are threatened with deportation. in latvia, in my opinion, there were 40% of the russian-speaking population, probably now there are quite a lot if they carry out... a policy towards people who wanted to live in this or that country, worked there, created some benefits for this country, they will be treated like such a pig, then in the end they themselves will face such disgust within their countries, such a situation of people,
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as non-citizens, this is generally a strange invention of those who claim to be considered democratic countries, it is certainly ugly and is now acquiring new qualities and a new scope. our country has withdrawn from some international human rights organizations because of their russophobic position, despite this, according to the president, moscow does not refuse to follow the principles of the universal declaration of human rights. the ihr has always paid special attention to the problems of prisoners and the situation in places of deprivation of liberty, you should have mercy on all women, who have minor children who are suspected or have already been convicted of minor crimes, i think that it is necessary to prepare and make an appropriate
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decision, including amnesty for certain categories of women who are in prison. for non-violent crimes are controversial, we talked about one of the most tragic pages in the history of our country, mass repressions, when we talk about victims of political repressions, we mean a variety of people, these are those who he really was an opponent of the soviet system, and his supporters, who ended up behind bars for various internal political reasons, were completely accidental. people , all this is important, but for us something else is more important, for us it is more important that nothing like this should be repeated in the history of our country, because all this as a whole has caused enormous, difficult-to-repair damage for our people and for our state, we discussed the situation with migrants , hrc has been dealing with this topic for a long time, putin said that russia needs migrants who
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meet the interests of the economy, they should to comply with our laws, to respect cultural traditions, teachers are forced to use cards in lessons to explain the meaning of russian words, and this infringes on the rights of those children who study in classes in their native russian language initially, of course we need to think about a solution all these issues, children must learn, but this process should not be accompanied by deterioration of conditions, for the education of our children in school, the children of our citizens, we cannot pretend that this problem does not exist, it is also necessary i will give the corresponding instructions to prepare a proposal, i hope you will take part in the development of these decisions, there were many questions about social policy,
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putin agreed that the status of large families should become all-russian, not regional, another topic is benefits for caring for the disabled the president believes that working citizens should also receive it. the meeting lasted 2 and 2 hours, concluding with putin thanking the human rights council for his concern and firmness in defending it. rights of citizens and urged not to slow down. dmitriy kochitkov, olegkov and maria mortanova. first channel. social payments, pensions, benefits, housing and communal services, medicine. the number of requests for a direct line with the president, which will be held on december 14 in conjunction with a large press conference, is constantly growing. results of the year with vladimir putin. you can ask about your concerns by calling the toll-free number 800-20040-40, sending an sms to 04040, also on the website. ru to the application through the social networks vkontakte, vkontakte and odnoklassniki. the call center is open
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24 hours a day, so no one will be left without attention. the operators listen carefully to every question and, if necessary, help formulate it; many relate to special operations. we will definitely listen first, then at the end we will clarify, let ’s formulate your question together with you, we are already writing down from his words, a father contacted us from the tver region, his son has been serving for a year now, but has never been on vacation. the father is looking forward to his child coming home. and a large group of issues concerns gasification. ask the president your question too. there's still time. live broadcast on channel one on december 14, starts at noon moscow time. now the middle east. the israeli army is expanding the scale of military operations in the gaza strip. palestinian country. reports that almost 350 people have died over the past 2 days. explosions were heard in jabaliya that night. the next stage of the ground offensive
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in the direction of khanyunis has been completed. in addition, tsahal stormed the city of jinin on the west bank of the jordan river. in israel, an air raid alert sounded in the city of baersheva in areas adjacent to the enclave. and now tel aviv, according to the wall street journal, is considering the possibility of flooding hamas' underground tunnel systems with seawater. the decision has not been made yet, but the pumps are for transfer. water installed near a refugee camp in the north. meanwhile, that night another il-76 plane of the russian ministry of emergency situations landed at the moscow airport, on board which 120 russians and members of their families were evacuated from the gas sector, including 30 children. this is already the ninth flight; in total, almost 900 people have been brought to our country since the beginning of the humanitarian mission. cooperation in the caspian sea has reached a high level, but more is needed efforts to improve the quality of five-party mutual. the creation of the caspian council will help in this regard. this was stated by foreign minister lavrov at a meeting with the heads of foreign affairs of azerbaijan, iran, kazakhstan and
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turkmenistan. according to the head of our foreign policy department, work within the framework of the caspian theme allows us to find key solutions to the problems of regional interaction. the caspian issue is a priority for all of us. it is regularly discussed by the presidents and heads of government of the caspian five, i would like to note the enormous potential for the development of our region in the trade, economic, environmental, scientific, humanitarian, transport and transit spheres, and it is, of course, of strategic importance from the point of view of creating the international transport corridor, north-south, which is so urgent now. deepening practical cooperation between the caspian states is relevant in a broader sense, bearing in mind in the context... the formation of a multipolar world order, strengthening the positions of new centers of world development, in this context, the joint work of the caspian countries
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makes a significant contribution to ensuring security, stability and sustainable development in the space of the eurasian continent. current issues of law enforcement cooperation between china and russia are in the spotlight today at the negotiations in beijing, the head of the ministry of internal affairs arrived there on a visit. he met with his colleague, the minister of public security, and exchanged views and experiences on the most important topics. in a difficult international situation, ties between our countries are strengthening, for the russian federation strengthening these ties is a priority in foreign policy, and strengthening the rule of law is the most important condition for the development of these relations. comprehensive partnership and entering a new era, meets the fundamental interests of the peoples of our countries, i am very pleased to meet
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with you in beijing, first of all, from the ministry of public security of china, let me welcome you and the members of your delegation, and although this is our first face-to-face meeting, but we have known each other for a long time through the work of our ministries; key exchange information, the day of military glory of russia, exactly 82 years ago the contour offensive began. troops near moscow. this battle has a special place in history: days and nights of difficult battles, in the end, at the cost of incredible efforts, soviet soldiers managed to push back the fascist invaders, and most importantly, it was then that the myth of the invincibility of the german army was dispelled. today, on the occasion of the memorable date, the museum of modern history showed a unique picture and summed up the results of the project of the immortal regiment of russia, my grandfather fought for moscow. people from all over the country sent stories about their relatives who were bringing victory closer. based on twenty of the best stories, the artist alexey kryukov wrote this pano, a generalized image of the defenders of the capital.
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i will call on you to help those who need it most. heart, without demanding anything in return. today is volunteer day in russia. another opportunity to thank warm words to sympathetic people who spare neither time nor effort for the sake of others. good deeds are the meaning of life for them. and there are millions of them in our country. many are now supporting the fighters and their families. the holiday date was established by presidential decree in 2017. but of course, our volunteer movement has a long history. a large-scale international forum, we are together, is being held to coincide with volunteer day. it's happening these days. dnh, over 10,000 people from more than 40 countries participate, sharing experiences, plans and ideas with each other. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the big game program. good afternoon, there is a big game on air. today is the day of military glory of russia, the anniversary of the beginning of the counter-offensive of soviet troops in the forty-first year in the battle
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for moscow. this was the first really big one. the victory of our country in the great patriotic war. as a result of this counter-offensive and further offensive , the fascist german troops were thrown back 100-250 km from moscow, and hitler’s barbarossa plan for the rapid defeat of the soviet union was finally buried. and the war turned into a protracted battle between the economies of germany and the anti-hitler coalition. at the same time, the soviet union was able to completely complete the evacuation of industry to the east and very quickly deploy it there. which largely predetermined final victory. today is a very active day for russian diplomacy. sergei lavrov is holding a meeting in moscow with the so-called caspian five, and accordingly is receiving the foreign ministers of iran, azerbaijan, kazakhstan and turkmenistan. and opening it, the russian minister said, i quote, that the joint work of the caspian countries makes a significant contribution to ensuring security, stability and sustainable
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development in the eurasian continent, which is also very important. for the formation of a multipolar world. and vladimir the night before, putin accepted credentials from twenty-one newly arrived ambassadors of foreign states, and at the corresponding ceremony, it seems to me, made a very important statement about the development of the world, about russian foreign policy. let's listen. the world is in a state of turbulence and undergoing a radical transformation. but the main trend is that the former unipolar one is changing. a new, fairer, multipolar world order is coming to the system, i believe that this has already become absolutely obvious to everyone, naturally, such a fundamental the process is not without difficulties, but it is objective, and i want to emphasize this, irreversible. as for russia,
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we have pursued and are pursuing an independent, consistent and... principled foreign policy course, open to constructive partnership with all countries without exception, and bloc confrontation and any steps that run counter to the un charter are unacceptable. our country has no biased , let alone hostile intentions towards anyone, and of course, we expect that all international partners in their relations with us will adhere to the principles of equality and mutual consideration of interests. well: it also became known that the influential american magazine tym included vladimir putin on the short list of candidates for the title of person of the year, this year, the chairman of china sijin ping was also there, and zelsky, who was declared the person of the year last year, in this one is not on this list, and naturally, this is the result of a failed ukrainian counter-offensive. let me remind you that the main direction was the zaporozhye direction, that now
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is happening on the special operation fronts in the zaporozhye region, a story for us... yes, good afternoon, dmitry vyacheslavich, well , the counter-offensive really failed, this is obvious to everyone, and even the ukrainian leadership admits this, i have to admit, under pressure from their western partners, who have long they are already talking about this publicly, but if you concentrate on the work on the recruiting line, then there, well, also about your counter-offensive, but this is no longer difficult, to work on these... these small groups and on armored vehicles, moreover, our fighters are improving their positions, that small, literally, small advance, there is about 4 km, which
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the ukrainian nazis managed to break through at the cost of heavy losses, and now we are returning back to the western, novopokopovka, we have moved forward a little, on the right wing... of this line on the novofedrovka verbovoye line, our paratroopers advanced another 600 m, and on the shoulders of the literally fleeing ukranazis they entered their trenches and occupied several more positions, so the initiative there completely belongs to our forces and we fully own situation, and the controlled situation there is improving every day, thank you very much, military observer, what is the overall situation on the spec operation fronts by this hour? and you know, exactly the same thing, hello
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, practically everywhere, but not practically, our troops attack everywhere, and they attack successfully, both in the donetsk direction, and in arrtemovsky, in kremenny, in svatovsky, in kupinsky, and even in chersonsky , this is the bridgehead, here our guys also took the 104th division. the first street of the village of krynki, entrenched on it, that is, the enemy was everywhere they are putting pressure, and it is obvious that it will only get worse, and they have less and less ammunition, less and less personnel, this despite the fact that the russian armed forces are constantly strengthening, both technically and numerically, and it is for this reason that the west is so desperate trying - trying, not even to persuade, but to draw russia into negotiations, so i read western analysts, they say, we are making all the signs for russia so that we enter into negotiations about russia. pretends that these signs don’t see me, well, it’s obvious that they we are not yet ready to sign the surrender, well, except for the essence of the surrender, which was declared as the main tasks of the defense forces, which our president vladimir putin announced at the very
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beginning of the special operation, of course, nothing else will suit us, and promotion in some places, primarily on in the artyomovsky direction, in the kremeny direction, in the kupinsky direction, it already has operational tactical significance and the enemy obviously does not have enough reserves to stop this. thanks a lot. yuri ivanovich, i completely agree with you, but for russia, of course those negotiations that the westerners could hypothetically offer us now are unacceptable and unprofitable, because it seems to me that the westerners are making a fundamental mistake, they have convinced themselves that the main thing for russia is the territories, and what if we agree with russia’s actual control over the liberated territories, then russia will forget about everything else, they stubbornly refuse to notice that the main thing for russia is not only territories, but also security, and security... presupposes the refusal of ukraine to join nato, demilitarization, denazification of ukraine and so on, of course, they cannot agree to these conditions, so most likely everything will lead to the complete defeat of ukraine. thank you very much, yuri
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ivanovich, keep us informed, and indeed, the west is already summing up the failure of the ukrainian counter-offensive, on which the main bet was made this year, on which the collective west spent over 100 billion dollars in total, and now the day before, the american washington post published two huge , simple articles, very detailed, and which are based on interviews with about thirty ukrainian american officials, which analyze in detail, firstly, how the ukrainian counter-offensive was planned, and secondly, how it was carried out, why everything went wrong, yes, everything really went wrong, let's begin with the washington post's analysis of the current situation on... and its prospects, listen, the year began with western resolve at its peak, ukrainian troops confident in their abilities, and president vladimir zelensky promising a decisive victory, but now
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uncertainty reigns on all fronts, morale in the ranks of the vsu is weakening, the attention of the world community has switched to the middle east, even among supporters of ukraine there is a growing political reluctance to further invest in an unreliable business. on almost every sector of the front , the results do not live up to expectations. ukraine switched to a foot offensive, during which it was possible to recapture only insignificant portions of the territory. the first months of the company turned out to be ineffective and disappointing, leaving western kiev supporters are facing sobering questions about what will happen next. meanwhile, zelsky vows to fight until ukraine restores the borders fixed in 1991, when it gained independence from the soviet union, this will take years, a lot of blood will be shed, if this is even possible, is ukraine ready for this? will affect human resources, what will be the economic consequences, what will we achieve with western support, said one of the british military officials, well, that says that plan a' failed plan
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b, the west apparently has no plans for the further development of the conflict, they will probably do what the americans call kicking a tin can in front of them before the presidential elections in the united states, but now let's look at the main provisions of the first articles from the washington post about how this counter-offensive was planned, here are the main points displayed on the screen, which means eight large command-line exercises were held, the usa, great britain, ukraine, even then the americans, sharply disagreed about strategies, tactics and timing of counterattack. the us wanted the counter-offensive to begin in mid- april, but the ukrainians delayed and delayed because they believed they did not have enough military equipment. further, the americans were sure, this is very important, it seems to me, yes, since this raises even bigger questions about how tough the american army is in general, and so the americans were sure that without air superiority... the ukrainian armed forces are capable of
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carrying out a frontal mechanized attack on russian positions with available forces, according to according to american military planners, the ukrainians should have reached the sea of ​​azov in 60, maximum 90 days, and there were also disagreements that the americans insisted that all forces should be thrown into one southern zaporozhye direction, and the ukrainians insisted on to disperse them into three directions, including also berdeansk and artyomovsk, but now let's look at the main provisions of the second article about how this counterattack developed. so, firstly, the washington post writes that 70% of military personnel, one of the brigades that led this counter-offensive and were equipped with the latest western weapons entered the battle without military experience. further, ukraine’s failures on the battlefield led to very serious disagreements with the united states over how best to break through russian defenses, and the commander of american troops... in europe, general
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chris kawole at the beginning of the campaign for several weeks could not get through to the ukrainian military commander zaluzhny, who stupidly did not pick up the phone from general kovoli because he knew that he would scold him and ask difficult questions, so to speak questions. further, each country accused and continues to accuse the other of miscalculations; the americans accused the ukrainians of not having worked out basic military tactics, including the use of ground reconnaissance to determine the density of minefields, let me remind you. that minefields have become a very serious obstacle. the ukrainians accused the americans of not understanding how attack drones and other technologies have changed the battlefield. this is the main content of the article, we will discuss it now, but there is also a very interesting nuance in this article. so, according to one of the insiders , who, the words quoted by the washington post, he reproduces the words allegedly spoken by the former, chief of the joint chiefs of staff, where the americans and
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germans trained ukrainian special forces, so listen to what words are attributed in this article to marc millet, he supposedly said them back then, look, there shouldn't be a single russian who goes to bed without wondering if his throat is going to be cut in the middle of the night, you should go back there create a company in the rear? if you believe this washington post source, mark milley openly called for mass terror of the russian civilian population on the territory of the russian federation, by the ukrainian special services, called for mass terror of russians, it seems to me that the russian prosecutor general’s office has something to think about, alexander germanovich, your assessment, well, here you go these supposed words of mili, i say again that this is not a direct quote from him, this is what is attributed to him, and in general ... the general results that
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the washington post sums up, you know, i have this a kindred smile on the lips, because it doesn’t surprise me at all, such a position on the part of the americans, who actually declared russia to be an existential enemy, according to the word existiu, i exist, as such our existence, from their point of view denies their existence, on the contrary, well, as they say, we’ll see whose existence will continue and whose will stop or cease, in particular mr. mili himself, a man already... elderly for sure, who knows, but as for terror, this is really a tactic not only, unfortunately, the ssso, the usa, even rather, in the uk, i remind you that patrick sanders, the head of the british agent staff, focused on terror, declaring the need to destroy the crimean bridge, and other companies that were preparing to exhibit the drg landing, in fact, on the peaceful beaches of crimea, in this regard, naturally , if there were deaths among the civilian population,
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they agreed to this, because we already intercepted these friends, in this regard, what can be said, given the fact that we are now analyzing a very large array of data, the americans are really completely... failed this campaign together with the british, i think that the palm here belongs to the british, who persistently tried to continue the conflict, according to orakhami, according to burns, who spoke with postulates from salvan to stop the offensive, even the ukrainian pseudo-offensive, a year ago , it was in december last year, bernz, the director of the cia, jack sullivan, the security adviser, so exactly, we remember very well that zelsky then, already in bali in september last year, did not heed such recommendations and shouted from the white at home, in fact, continued to push , well, again, according to the arakhs , it was the british line, which is probably why sant is now going to retire early, and somewhat prematurely without waiting for the end of the three-year mandate, usual for british commanders of the general staff, as far as
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initiatives are concerned, which they are trying to demonstrate at the fronts, but firstly, it must be said that people have really gone crazy, remembering the ancient russian expression, because now london thinks, as far as we know, about the purchase of old turkish tanks from the era of the fifties, something of the m60 class, even one of our colleagues correctly called, so to speak, this is this initiative, which seems to be confirmed, only old men go into battle, because after challenger 2, and after leopards the first generation, which burn like candles, after the a4 leopards, which also burn, abrams, which cannot really reach the battlefield, which uses kerosene, which has mini-rollers, openwork caterpillars. not adapted at all for dirt, not counting, and not even mentioning the fact that bradley weighs three times more than our bmp, on average, so to speak, but nevertheless, now the turks are already driving in order to continue until probably , the last ukrainian, plus i would note that the attempt to revive the yatsenyuk line
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is already 2,000 km long, because it is no longer 1,200 front, it is 2000, provided that the us congress has just heard a revelation from the people. about the death of almost millions of ukrainians on the fronts, 960,000 with kopecks, which caused, i would say, a shock among the congressmen, who are not at all in favor of the russian federation, so much so that they even seem to have forbidden the bitten zelsky to lower the draft bar, there simply won’t be any people left from whom it would be possible to grow new wasted meat, so based on everything of this, one can understand the despair of the ukrainians, and indeed somewhere close, i at least hope, maybe even capitulation will change, in view of the fact that fpvs have now flown en masse.
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the united states was absolutely sure that these military plans were supposed to allow the ukrainians to reach the dozo sea in a maximum of 90 days, raises very serious questions. in western ukraine, the sbu and the national police conducted top-secret training, according to the plan , the ukrainians would be infected with the flu, and then russia would be blamed for everything, appointed as the curator of provocations. snake of death. if you go to liberate ukraine, we will launch bioweapons that will destroy everyone there indiscriminately . we are talking not only about the impact on humans, but also about the impact on
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agriculture. ukrainian military is the main research source. 70% mortality rate. they suddenly became victims of an unknown disease in which melting occurs. public opinion is preparing for more serious military action against russia. philippa lentzes, woman painting death, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. premiere, i love my country. on saturday, on the first. rum, castra, product of stelar group. if they told me that my day was my last, what would i do, i would go, take a walk, go to church and sit down and read a prayer, repent, apologize in front of those whom i offended, it is impossible to support people who suffer and stand on the sidelines somewhere, it was generally,
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of course, her choice, her will, her desire, we go down into the catacombs, they stood up, they saw that she was attractive, a charming girl who can take off, who... maybe they knocked her out at the start, this is martyrdom, you know, this is martyrdom, because in principle she didn’t fight, she didn’t curse, turning to her, we see the light, we see happiness , we see victory, we see this one, for the day of heroes of the fatherland on saturday first, i just wanted to say something that may not be enough, and not as often as it should have been, i had to tell her: dashenka, i love you very much, hello everyone, my name is nastya zadorzhnaya, i love dogs very much. here here, i decided to change my life, instead of becoming an actress, i chose
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volunteering, she incredibly helps me raise my kids, what we had without dogs, and what we have now are two different lives, since i have a dog, i feel more strongly that i am a person, well, this a beautiful dog , who has already saved two people, it’s not just a pet, it’s the creature that accompanies you everywhere, dogs love us, dogs change us, dogs teach us, dogs save us, dogs are a whole world, a world in which there is one important thing, the rules are always to be close, the premiere, close on sunday on the first. here is his real
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passport, his name is arnold deitch. he used this passport to travel to the uk. an operative of the highest class, he attracted cooperation with soviet foreign intelligence a number of selfless helpers, sources of invaluable secret information. whom philby recommended. to maclean, as a friend of his, whom he knew shared the communist ideology, 17 or 20 agents is a remarkable achievement, but the most important thing is the cambridge five. kalin dalis assesses that the cambrech five is the most effective, most powerful group of intelligence officers of the second world war. recruitment is the intelligence officer's sharpest weapon, but it is both edged and you can take shortcuts here. on any man, for the first time the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation declassified documents:
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we have a map on which the exact place of death is marked, and he was no longer alive, but as they say, his business, it lived won , the premiere, the names of illegal intelligence, arnold deitch, on sunday on the first, managed to start it, now it stops again, the condition is stable, serious, valeria, direct cardiac massage in these conditions, it won’t get any worse, this is her last chance, that she’s completely asleep or already, is he drunk, tom, take him away , yes it already criminal , what are you doing, come on, what are you doing, tom, i came to this city to correct a mistake, instead i made new ones, ask, sister, watch the time after the program, maybe spit on
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the past, you are alive, hands intact, the legs are intact, and the memory, why don’t you care, there’s a big game on the air, the situation in ukraine will become even worse. if by the end of this year congress does not approve a new package of financial and military assistance for ukraine, the biden administration is simply in hysterics, just the day before the head of the budget department bely at home, shalanda young wrote a letter to the leaders of the democrats and republicans in both houses of congress, saying that the money is running out, and accordingly, by the end of the year, the biden administration will lose the opportunity to provide ukraine with new military and economic... assistance, and after which, according to shalanda young ukraine will simply suffer a military defeat, and russia
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will accordingly win. this night, a statement no less alarming for the kiev regime was made by the national security advisor of the united states, jake sullivan. let's let's listen. congress must decide whether to continue to support ukraine's liberation struggle as part of the 50-nation coalition created by president biden, or whether it will ignore the lessons that history teaches us... it's very simple, but it is a very serious choice. congress must begin now to consider the president's request for additional funding that is in the best interests of our own national security and helps. partner represented by ukraine to fight the russian aggression. congress must provide funding, otherwise the united states will not be able to continue supporting ukraine. tomorrow chchak schumer, the leader of the democratic majority in the senate, wants to hold a vote in the senate on the budget request of the same biden administration for 106 billion dollars, where 60 for ukraine, 14 for
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israel, a little more for the us-mexico border, today already. for senators on how bad the situation in ukraine is, vladimir zelensky will personally speak at this secret briefing, secretary of defense austin, secretary of state salevan and some other representatives of the white house are also expected, but republicans in the senate and especially in the house of representatives are still against it. republicans in the senate, as hill writes, are still firmly insisting on linking ukrainian money to the us-mexico border. house speaker michael johnson reacted to yesterday's letter from shollanda young as follows, let 's listen, the biden administration was unable to respond in essence to either to one of the justified republican concerns about the lack of a clear strategy for dealing with ukraine, a path to resolving the conflict
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, or a plan to ensure proper accountability for the aid provided by american taxpayers, while the administration continues to ignore the disaster on our border. house republicans have decided that any additional national security package must start at their own border. we believe that both issues can be reconciled if senate democrats and the white house will negotiate intelligently with us. sergei sergeevich, your assessment of the situation, in general, what is the point of the senate voting for something that is guaranteed not to pass the house of representatives. dmitrievich, certain scenarios are being worked out here. and they are scenarios, first of all, from the vote collectors as much as needed, look at how mr. johnson today, the speaker of the lower house is categorical, he states, very simply, you want 106 billion, there won’t be any, there will be a new bill, and there won’t be there will be unaccountable money, and yes, what does unaccountable money mean? it’s been a year and a half since a commission has been created, which is supposed to receive
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reports from mr. zelsky, how the money was spent, what it was spent on, and most importantly, how far it will go. strategy, the strategy of the white house was very simple, when i read that they basically wanted to justify, we should invest huge amounts of money in ukraine and not ask why, that is, it was like, i’m fighting because i’m fighting, and the ultimate goal, the ultimate goal is to weaken russia with our money, for which there was a very reasonable proposal from the current speaker , he says, please tell me, are you sure that america has begun to earn very well, or our spending has decreased, we have no problems with the national debt, you must understand one simple thing that if you want to allocate that kind of money, you must first of all guarantee security within the country, and these are borders, this is migration, these are jobs, this is the agenda that is interesting within the country, and you are selling someone else’s agenda, i completely agree with you, these are not the best news for ukraine is also coming from europe;
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today the ambassadors of the european union countries are beginning to discuss the results of what was planned. on december 15, there will be a summit of the european union, which , by and large, must make two main decisions. the first is the beginning of negotiations on ukraine’s accession to the european union, the commission recommended starting these negotiations, the second is the allocation of $50 billion to ukraine for a period of 4 years, this is macro-financial, not military, but economic assistance, which means they want to include it in the general budget of the european union for the coming some years. there is no agreement on this matter. firstly, hungary, recently charles michel , the head of the european council, flew to budapest, held negotiations with viktor orbad, it did not help, the day before viktor orban wrote a second letter to charles michel, where he again stated that it is unacceptable to start negotiations on hungary’s entry into the european union, because this would simply be a mockery of the norms, values ​​of the european union, and secondly,
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it is unacceptable to include these 50 billion dollars, i’m sorry, 4 euros is according to orbán, is unfounded, unbalanced, unrealistic and generally in no way correlated with the financial and political realities in the member countries. moreover, the financial times wrote the day before that the matter turns out not only to be orban himself, but also olaf scholz, the head, federal chancellor of germany, is also against the allocation of these 50 billion euros to ukraine, he himself has a 60 billion euro hole. and at one of the recent meetings, as quoted by the financial times, olaf scholz called this european commission proposal for 50 billion euros for ukraine. orban knows very well that if
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you travel in the last carriage, then in a situation when the train turns around, you will find yourself in the first, he is now playing this card wonderfully, brilliantly, because it is clear that ukraine, in fact, god forbid, reaches an agreement on the first issue, for france as a large agricultural country, that is, ukraine is not needed as an agricultural producer in the european union, in general, for these countries it is much easier to put an end to it without even starting negotiations, because then there will also be leverage, but it will be possible menchego, it’s easier not to pass through this threshold, so on the first question, the general consensus would be that this should be delayed, there is no need to do it, on the second question everything is also clear, yes , that is, on the one hand, it is necessary to support with money, on the other hand it is absolutely obvious , that in a situation where the united states can withdraw itself , europe will put on the handbrake, and orban,
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feco, others are politically impossible, by the way, when they are told, well, you see what problems we have, yes, the german constitutional court banned scholz accordingly spend this money, you see , orban is speaking out, well, we can’t agree on all this, and it turns out that, in general, that insignificant minority who until now... have always been successfully broken, that is, orban, when necessary, without problems, broke over the knee, found a common language, there is no doubt that the other two would have been broken too, but here they find themselves on the high horse, and they are declared to be the reason why consensus cannot be reached on this issue until the situation is determined in the usa, well, in general, the year is ending very unfavorably for the kiev regime, and also, since both europe and the united states... are less and less able to supply the kiev regime with weapons and from their warehouses and their military-industrial complex has not ignited and it is not clear when
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it will ignite; they also produce in insufficient quantities, then increasingly and to a greater extent in the west they are starting to say that let ukraine itself produce weapons with the support of the west on its territory. here is the former commander-in-chief of nato's combined armed forces in europe, general hodges, the one who promised... that the kiev regime will take crimea this summer, which means that it is one of the leading lobbyists for ukraine in america, it usually praises it, the us scolds it, it usually praises ukraine, so listen to what bensch hodgers said about ukraine, let’s be honest , ukraine has been doing since 2014, there should already be mountains of artillery ammunition, one can be disappointed that the west does not provide more, and what has ukraine done after 2014 to increase its own... ammunition production. ukraine has been for decades the heart of the defense industry of the soviet union. therefore, i believe that ukraine should do everything possible to increase production. tomorrow
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the first ukrainian-american conference on the production of military equipment on ukrainian territory opens in washington. the new minister of defense of ukraine, umerov, will be there, ermak will be there, and representatives of the united states will be there. alexander genrivich, your assessment of the prospects. just action, so to speak. well, dmitry vaslavich, i would say that of course, initially ukroboronprom naturally inherited a certain wealth of knowledge from the soviet defense industry. and where can you get away from this, take the same anti-ship missile neptune, which of course is a continuation of the rainbow battery line, the x series of our missiles, the whole family from x101, x-303 and so on, but the fact is that sooner or later , firstly , any rich thing ends, especially when there is... a brain drain, people are not ready to sit in this mode, there are 19 million left from 50, there is nothing to devote to, now let's let’s remember that a year ago the ukrainians promised, and
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a german magazine confirmed that they are already building the mriya, it’s 30% ready, it’s one of the largest aircraft, so to speak, in principle, the largest military transport aircraft relative to the hercules, it’s just a goliah like that and so on say the antonov bureau, including talking about the fact that they will already be producing... up to thousands of shells, almost a day, and some nazi tyra signed on the first shell and said, we are already producing, they were going to produce, i remember reznikov, the former minister of defense of ukraine, including twenty-millimeter mines for mortars, let’s see, there ’s nothing there, it’s not being produced, for some reason the german plans to build a plant in ukraine under the fire of our drones and missiles, naturally died for a long time, the germans are not crazy and it turns out, but the idea is that they will build a spaceship and fly from a cannon to the moon, that i don’t see anything real in the plans yet, well, really, it’s very strange to try to produce, establish new production of weapons and military equipment in
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the conditions of military operations, well, the flag in hand, as they say, it just brings our victory closer, now a little advertising, then we will continue. kolya, you could shoot at 8 km. we specially ordered this part to be machined, there is a magnet on the bottom, we place it in any place in order to have time to film the battle from different points, our film crew is usually divided, for example, the operator films the observation post, where the commander controls the battle from the drone, here we crawl . sound engineer, he also has a camera, he can film reloading, departure of equipment , we are working at full capacity, everything, and i can move between points, what is now, what is the plan, the regime for now, at all, everyone is alive, 3 m arrival, brother, into the forest, maybe not on the road, and to the police, there may be mines, straight wheels, straight wheels, they fixed the camera on the strap of the body armor, the fighter with the call sign eagle, the enemy
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is very close. polka will have to do this, for the fighters, through whose eyes we see the battle, we, of course, worry every time, as if for our own people, forward, forward, forward, and people, even hundreds of kilometers from the line front can feel the strength of spirit of our soldiers, oh well done, arrivals, this is for us kolyan, yes, maybe we are retreating, no, no, now we will finish the work, for the day of heroes of the fatherland, a man’s work, on saturday. on the first fantasy the next level on friday on the first vodka veda product of the stellar group, listen, my conscience is bothering me, i wanted to apologize for the way we parted, have you already arrived, not yet, i’ll be late here, are you an officer? the fortress
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brings a lot of russians, but they don’t live there for long, what task are you thrown into bodober, finally, before you get to us, we need to capture the base and organize an escape. your operation, i won’t let you unleash the third world war, but where is the group, for people to die every day, i need you, alive, for the day of heroes, the fatherland, the badaber fortress, on saturday on the first, i can’t explain everything to you now, but the main thing is,
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i love you, you hear, you’re sorry. this place looks like a fairyland, the rivers are hot, the landscape resembles another planet, there is one bear for every three local residents, i’m on eturup, friends, on the largest island kuril ridge, kuril style eggs, take a little caviar, well, now of course, i noticed that absolutely all the tourists feed the leaf, it’s very bad, it stops... they don’t see any other food, now she’s a beauty, you can smell it , well , crush the bottle, the aroma will be all over ivanovka, how much vitamin c does it contain? more than in oranges, finally what we had been waiting for so long happened, we saw a live bear, the kuril islands in all its glory, the lives of our own, the premiere, on sunday on the first, the extraordinary adventures of experts in
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winter... series of games on sunday on the first. in western ukraine, the sbu and the national police conducted top-secret training. according to the plan, ukrainians will be infected with the tik flu, and then russia will be blamed for everything. appointed as the curator of the provocation, philippa lentzes, the snake of death. i will begin by considering the likelihood of russia using biological weapons in ukraine. that's what it sounds like between the lines. that if you go to liberate ukraine, we will launch biological weapons that will destroy everyone there indiscriminately. we are talking not only about influencing a person, but also about striking on agriculture. ukrainian military is the main source of research, 70% mortality rate. they unexpectedly became victims of an incomprehensible disease in which internal organs melt, public opinion is preparing for more serious military action in russia, philippa
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lentzes, a woman who paints death, dolls of the heir tutti, is on the first today. there's a big game on the air, yesterday, at the ceremony of presenting credentials to foreign ambassadors, vladimir putin made, it seems to me, a very important statement about relations with germany, let's listen, with the federal republic of germany, we have been able to develop pragmatic business for more than half a century. cooperation, it brought benefits to both states, and perhaps not only to us, but to the entire european continent, and energy has always been an attractive area of ​​bilateral interaction, and this
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cooperation was literally undermined, including by sabotage on the nordic streams. the current frozen state of relations with russia, and... not according to our initiative, i want to emphasize this, is not beneficial , but it is not beneficial either to us or to you, but first of all, in my opinion, germany, russia, i emphasize, has always advocated and advocates today for building russian and german relations on the principles of equality and mutual benefit , respect for each other’s interests, i repeat, such relations are important not only for the two countries, but for the whole of europe. this seems to me very important. a signal of russia’s readiness, in principle, to normalize relations with germany, to restore cooperation, including in the energy sector, if berlin will be ready for this. the new german ambassador to moscow, who just presented his credentials to putin yesterday, is alexander graflamsdor, i
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know him personally, he is a representative of a very ancient, old german family of baltic germans, they lived in the baltic states from the 16th century, in the 18th century. in the 19th centuries, the lamsdorffs worked for the russian empire, one of the representatives of this family was even a general of the russian empire under alexander ii, they worked in the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian empire, alexander ramsdorff's uncle otto graf lamsdorff was twice a federal minister, back during the cold war in the seventies and eighties in germany, but alexander himself, alas, and i’m not saying this by hearsay, i know him personally, he has absolutely atlantic views, he belongs to the free democratic party germany, this is one of the most pro-american parties, in 2011 he criticized the government of angela merkel for germany’s refusal to join in the destruction of libya, and in principle he wanted to be ambassador to the united states, but
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they sent him to russia. kirillo evgenievich, how are you? do you think that with the new one , relations with germany can somehow be improved? dmitriylovich, such ambassadors are appointed so that, god forbid , improvement does not occur. that is, scholz actually plays the role of a german chubois, we don’t know whether he has a personal interest in the deindustrialization of germany or not, but we can assume that most likely there is, that most likely it is extremely important for him to complete the process of transplanting germany to american energy resources , the destruction of connections with russia and those people who, in general, soberly admit that in fact the entire well-being of germany in the post-soviet period was built on russian gas, and... the german miracle is worth very little, but this is somehow very uncomfortable to admit, yes, especially since it is clear that this will be recognized , but most likely when it’s too late, when germany is aggrandized, when germany actually becomes such
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a semi-industrial country, without high-tech industries, when everything moves to the united states, so here’s lonzorv so that there is no improvement now, so that no agreement is reached, so that common sense does not prevail. who is trying to make his way in germany, but they don’t give him the real deal, so i think that , unfortunately, today germany is somewhere in the russian, early nineties . i agree with you, indeed, with the current generation of german elites, unfortunately, alexander graflamsdorf belongs to the same generation, there can be no serious improvement in relations, the main reason is because the current generation german elites defend german interests, they defend. they simply cannot imagine germany without this subordinate position in relation to the united states, alas, but that’s what i’m interested in, the united states has successfully
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truly deindustrialized germany , successfully destroyed german-russian cooperation, and successfully directed german foreign policy for itself in that direction side that is not beneficial to germany. the united states, apparently, cannot influence israel in any way, the united states was against in order for israel to resume its military campaign in gaza, it resumed it. the united states was against israel. moved the company to the southern part of gaza, as france agency writes today, israel is already conducting military operations in the southern part of gaza, and the wall street journal even writes that israel is ready to flood the underground hamas tunnels with sea water from the mediterranean sea, which will lead not only to a humanitarian, but also to an environmental disaster, if it happens, it will be carried out. the united states somehow vaguely says that it wants during the operation... in the southern part of gaza, the number of victims was less than during
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the operation in the northern part of gaza, that’s how completely incomprehensible, in addition, the united states, as politics writes today, and this was actually seen in the example of the statement of blinken’s visits , they want the power in gaza to be headed by a renewed, incomprehensible palestinian national authority, after the military operation; israel is categorically against it. sergei sergeevich, in general, can the united states somehow influence israel? it's working out for me feeling that. israel and the united states of america have a completely different concept of victory. the fact is that just for israel, victory is probably a complete total victory, when 2 million people cross into egyptian territory, the border is closed behind them, and the territory that remains after will be a kind of gray zone that can allow them to maintain their status security buffer for israel. but this scenario, which is impossible in modern times, we live in a different world, not in a world where everyone can do everything. very powerful
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a fist with full-cycle production , with self-sufficiency, and now we see that the united states of america, of course, is trying to scold, but in no case point out, the fact is that if we acted according to the law, israel would have already received a huge number of sanctions and embargoes, now israeli athletes would no longer be able to compete under their flag at the olympics, because this is normal, the fact is that when 5,500 children are just killed... in the northern part the pentagon tells us, well, listen, well slightly less kill in the south, this means that 5,000 will kill children in the south, and this will be normal, so this new normal leads to the fact that the united states of america is losing its authority greatly, they are told, recall your satellite, but the onics do not hear us , and lloyd austin is already declaring for everyone to hear, but we have no options to put gentle pressure on israel, so i am surprised by the lack of strategic thought in israel, because israel is relatively
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safe as long as the americans support colossal military power, two aviation groups , many military bases and so on, while the united states still lays claim to the remnants of its hegemony, but this will not last forever, this is what will happen, what kind of policy will the arab countries and iran begin to pursue towards israel when american hegemony is inevitable will weaken. now we turn over to the news, the big game returns at 17:00. there are questions to which there is no answer, but there are others to which accurate and direct answers will be given, you can ask your question now by calling 800,200 4040, via sms to number 04040 or through moscow defi websites. all details are on the websites.
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results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, there is a news release on channel one. in the maximfood studio. at the beginning there is a fresh report from our ministry of defense on the progress of the special operation. our military shot down two ukrainian mi-29 aircraft and a mi-8 helicopter. in addition, a weapons depot near the city of kherson, as well as manpower and military personnel, were hit.


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