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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 6, 2023 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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the problem lies in the level of economic development of the country. the richer and more developed the country, the higher the level of aspirations. accordingly, parents today have a huge responsibility, they want to give their child the whole world, the concept of responsible parenting is very popular today, where we must first achieve success in our careers, earn a certain capital, provide our family with decent living conditions, and only then we will think about children. 70% of russians spend from 20 to 40% of their income on children, directly, in general, for children , respectively, in each region, each person has a different family income, and accordingly, the share of finances that is spent and devoted to children, it also varies, but nevertheless the structure of these expenses is plus or minus the same , because first of all it is clothing, the second big line of expenses is...
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the child’s education, and food, from 30 to 25% is distributed between medicine, toys and high-quality equipment, the child does not need expensive toys, he does not need expensive railways, he doesn’t need any super-details, you take elementary ones glued together from beads, from reels, from some boxes, some kind of construction set, i don’t know, and playing with him, we show how you can play it, and the child is happy and he gets emotions precisely in movement and activity, and rather than you giving him some expensive electronic machine, but he lost 2 minutes with it, i forgot, now the current passion of young people for gadgets, i think that this is a flaw pure parents, because when we talk, well so they are buried, they do not socialize and so on, nothing like that, if you devote time, in my opinion, the most valuable capital that parents can give to a child is their own time, because if you devote time.
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it turns out, you, or rather, you give the child certain patterns of behavior, because he has nowhere else to get them except from his parents, and he is happy to join in his game; it may not be so expensive, here - it’s good that you switched to numbers here i would add that here the state first of all needs to educate not the material component of the child, but how much it costs to have a child, how much it costs to raise and train him, but how much you are willing to spend. your strengths, your emotions , well, your time, in the end, at children, sociologists do not look at the situation from this point of view, your child is certainly lucky if you have time to come up with interesting games, to engage him in the process such joint activity, joint play, because today the concept the kind of parenting that is most popular and the image of a family is a dad who earns money, especially if we are talking about moscow, for example, and a mother who...
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is more able to devote her time to children, it is not necessary that she should not work be there on maternity leave and so on, she may have a flexible schedule and be able to spend more time with her children, but nevertheless , the burden on a woman today is quite large, so she does not always have time in a quality way in the game, in particular , to spend time with children, because you need to think about what he will eat, what he will wear, and where he needs to clean, all of this takes time, of course, there are studies of time budgets that show this differentiation between men and women, there is a figure, you can open it on rustat, look, of course there is, but in reality fathers do not spend very much time, there it turns out to be about several hours a week, there from 15 to 2.5 hours daily , this is a good deal if children and parents, in particular fathers, meet there after work, the government as consultants
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to those who are responsible for some kind of material incentive programs, you give this emphasis, what is worth, perhaps, instead of huge benefits, this is also important, maybe it is worth carrying out some - ideological work with parents and future parents, and raising children already in schools in such a way that the most important thing is not material investments in the child, precisely those temporary human ones, there is no such thing, there is no such tendency, let’s say, i understand what you mean say, in fact, today we cannot talk... mutually exclusive, either this or that, we are talking about the material component, we have it today with the level of benefits that we have, essentially speaking, well, to be honest, it is social politics, because when a child is born , the average per capita income of a family, it somehow decreases, yes, taking into account the fact that women most often spend at least a year and a half on maternity leave, respectively , a single-income family remains, plus additional expenses for the child, single-income what is the term, single-income,
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it turns out that you need to choose between work and a child and combine this, well, that is, i ’m really getting to the point that you know, like friendship, like love. also, raising children is a very big job, hard and serious, in fact, if the parents are not ready for this, yes, if the children are random, and if the children are created for the sake of benefits, how much, by the way, this is also probably an interesting question , as far as parents have become, perhaps, point out when studies, during surveys, that they had a child for the sake of child support for secondary capital for a second one or have not yet stooped to that level, listen, well, this is actually a really interesting question, no one will answer it directly for you, respondents, yes, i ’m talking about them, our level of benefits is so low that no one dares to get such benefits, well, what kind of benefits are there now? 500 for the first child, well, we are talking about
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maternity capital, it played its part when it was introduced in 2006, and we give birth here increased, but it increased by several factors, but also provided support. but scientific researchers, when they developed this concept, in particular representatives of the familistic school, under the leadership of anatoly ivanovich antonov, they have been dealing with this issue since the seventies, they said that at the starting point, maternal capital, family capital, as it should have been to name it, it should have been about 10,000 dollars, from this figure what remains is what remains today, we have maternity capital for the first child 589 in my opinion, thousands of rubles, well, approximately yes , for the second one a little more, if you received for the first, then it is reduced, then i mean, i don’t get it, the figure is about 780, that is , i, if i received for the first, then for the second i get not 780, but a delta, but 189, it seems so,
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well, the delta yes, significantly, significantly less, let’s say, but in general, essentially speaking, stimulating the first child was not very effective, because one way or another, our level family values ​​in our country, it is quite high, and the vast majority will give birth to their first child, the question is at what age they will do this, it remains open, such incentive measures, they do not work on the desire to have more children, on the desire to speed up this process, but what is the average age now, according to the study, when couples in russia it gets, well, i don’t know, i understand, the average age for the birth of a first child, the birth of a first child, yes, is about 29 years old. in moscow it is slightly higher, and previously the most active reproductive cohort was from 20 to 25, now from 25 to 29 and we are moving along smoothly in the direction of increase, because our way of life is changing , additional opportunities are opening up, i’m not saying
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that this is bad or good, it’s just that the order of realizing a certain level of values, it changes a little, it didn’t take long for the heart to start, now it’s stopped again. the condition is stable and serious. valeria, direct cardiac massage in these conditions will not get worse, this is her last chance, is she completely asleep or already? is he drunk? tom, take him away. yes, this is already a crime, what are you saying? come on, come on! tom, i came to this city to correct a mistake, but instead made new ones. ask the nurse tomorrow. after the program, time , maybe, spit on the past , you are alive, your arms are intact, your legs are intact, and your memory, why don’t you care, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group,
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if you are the god of shooting at 8 km, we specially ordered this part, there is a magnet on the bottom, we place it in any place in order to have time to film the battle from different points; our film crew, as a rule, is divided, for example, the operator films the observation post, where the commander controls the battle from a drone , he creeps up, crawls up, the sound engineer also has a camera, he can film reloading, the departure of equipment, we work in full, everything, and i can move between points, what is now, what is the plan, the mode for now, absolutely . alive 3 m arrival brother in the forest may not be on the road reach there may be mines right there wheels right wheels fixed the camera on the strap of the body armor of a fighter with the call sign eagle the enemy is close very much you will have to do this in polish for the fighters through whose eyes we see the battle
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we of course worry every time both dear people forward forward forward and people even hundreds of kilometers from the front line can feel the strength of spirit of our fighters oh well done oh halyana arrivals, this is for us kolyan, yes, maybe we are retreating, no, no, no, now we’ll finalize it, for the day of heroes of the fatherland , men's. work on saturday at first. you are watching the easy money podcast, i am its host, mikhail khanov. today we are discussing such a complex, diverse, multifaceted topic as giving birth and raising a child, how much it costs in our country, how much it should cost, how much it will cost, how much it costs to raise one, two and even three children, sociologists are not afraid of this shift in the time of birth of the first child... not to mention the second, that is, up to what age in general, in principle, now on average according to statistics women
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give birth, even if they have a second child, well , in fact, the reproductive age of a woman is, well, formally from 15 to 49 years, it is clear that in the overwhelming majority of cases, by the age of 40 , the most complete realization occurs, after 40 there is already a high level of pathology, and women, and more often than not, they say that this is what is stopping you from having a child after this age, they say that he is no longer the same. because this is fraught with health problems both for a child and for a woman, and what happens is, excuse me, such a fork, that is, you first delay it because you want to realize yourself, earn capital, and then it turns out to be above the limit - this is 40 years, that is, it turns out to be very small the period of the most active ages for having children, that’s right, the results show that from 18 to 24 years 40% survey respondents say that it’s too early, and after 35 to... it’s too late, unfortunately, it’s too late, and how to solve this problem, and how to solve this
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problem, we have the appropriate institutions that should be involved in development and, most importantly, implementation of effective measures of family and demographic policy, not just which we take - out of the blue to ban something, allow something , and so on, here are scientifically based ones, which are based on experience, on world, all-russian, on the experience of regional and federal studies, here this to us unfortunately, there is not enough to make correct, correct decisions, respondents talk about giving us more children, please increase our salaries, and increase family income, in fact, the numbers are quite real, in general, here’s to acquiring more with one child, the respondents say that they need 58,000 rubles, that is, in fact, plus 58, besides, to what is, to what is +58 per month, yes. and then they will give birth to another child, no matter how many
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they have children, and every tenth person only needs 15. so, if we are talking about the fact that we now have a demographic problem, the total fertility rate is 1.4, which, well, just karau for us and two wholes , let’s explain for our audience, the rate the total fertility rate or the so-called fertility rate, this is the coefficient that, yes, well , a woman should have children during the period of her own... her own age , suitable years of birth from 18 to 49 years, if for the reproduction of the nation, now at planet earth, this coefficient is 2.1, that is, relatively speaking, 10 women, if they give birth to a total of 20, 21 children, then we are talking about the fact that the population of a specific country, yes, it is reproducing, the population is not decreasing, here again in russia this is the coefficient... in america, in my opinion, the figure of 1.6
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is also not far away, here are interesting figures in northern europe, this figure is 1.1, that is, all those who worry about what having eighty will lead to same sex when filling out the application for british citizenship, this will lead to the fact that all these 80, one sex will die out, only two will remain, as it was. from time immemorial on planet earth, but another figure is characteristic: the fertility rate of immigrants, refugees, from the countries of the middle east, is 6.2, these are the problems in russia whether they exist or not, and what are the numbers for our country, and not for good, i understand , well, for western europe, i would mention the experience of france, by the way, they have the highest, or rather the highest, one of the highest birth rates in europe, due to - i wouldn’t say france, they have a fairly effective seed-demographic policy
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, including, but let’s talk about our country, you said that we potentially have such a problem, in fact, i recently literally looked at the statistics by nationality, what is the contribution every nationality in our country has an impact on fertility, in fact, data was carried out there up to 40 years of age, these are rosstat data, when, well, the reproductive age... such an active age ends and women, well, they realized what they managed to do in russian women give birth to 1.4, yes, that is, one or two children, mostly, but... representatives of the migrant community, as you said, we have a certain high contribution from tajikistan, uzbekistan and kazakhstan, well, what is the relative share of women in our country, there are less than 1% of them, and the share of children they give birth to is, plus or minus, one child more, that is , this is not such a pressing problem as in europe, that is, if we are talking about our
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nationalities, which are widespread among us , not migrants, these are... northern caucasus, gypsies give birth to more than three children in our country, ingush, chechens, avars and so on, but here i am proud, as the father of four children, to list myself, even higher than gypsies, well, this is a great experience when we talk about this here is a line of 2.1 children, we are talking about the fact that the population of a particular country does not increase, each woman should give birth to two children, at the same level, does not decrease or increase, but statically 2.1, we must talk about the fact that a woman must replace herself, her husband and one more potential child, because for every population there are about 4% of childless people, we also now have social childlessness gaining momentum, childfree, which are popularized every year,
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by the way, here is the level of childfree people, it decreases with age, and if young people , are more susceptible to these values, then with the onset of a certain age there , after 25, they reconsider their attitudes, confirm your words, because i observe this right here in my house, a picture, well, i i don’t know, fortunately, unfortunately , well, unfortunately, of course, i still haven’t become a grandfather, my older girls give birth, as i joke, mostly cats and dogs, but all my hope is for the younger ones, well, they too, well then we are looking at the situation, but for now maybe... there is a son there, who is only 15 years old, maybe he will give his dad grandchildren, so i will just feel like a grandfather, not now, yes, now i feel still young father, here, but this is really consciousness, i can confirm to you that consciousness is changing, and i already, if i used to argue with the first ones there, how can that be, but here we are, what about you, now i don’t argue, i say, yes, yes, yes, they are starting
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to tell me these stories about child free, about body positivity , about something else, i say, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, of course, of course, of course. yes, i don’t even say this, why, why troll like that, that is, as i express it in the language of my younger children, but i say, yes, yes, okay, yes, that is, a person must come to this himself, this is never, this is all is being done, well , i repeat once again, that if we want raise our children so that they look after us there, serve us, like this parable, and a glass of water, when dying, yes, then we ourselves need to show them an example in this, because this is the only pattern that children read, the behavior of their parents, and here, uh, it’s really very pleasing that you said that research shows that consciousness and attitudes towards the process are changing, returning to the topic of money, let’s fix it again, that is, there are some minimum numbers, so we’re talking about that our audience can listen to us and say, well, you’re sitting there, philosophizing , yes, these are actually the numbers, yes, what are the numbers in order to really support, well, let’s say, at least filling out
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the lower level of comrade maslovo’s pyramid, yes , safety, food, physical... safety and, in fact, relatively speaking, where to live , we will return to this topic now, here are some figures per month, on average by region, well, or if you take it there, not take moscow and st. petersburg, and take some large cities there, there are some numbers, here how much money is needed to support those same two children with dignity, so that they don’t feel discriminated against in school due to their clothes, yes, so that they eat normally, not fast food and hot dogs, this one... well , in fact, there is a huge amount in the economy the number of indicators that make it possible to measure this, in particular, i think that everyone knows the cost of living per capita, it is also calculated per child per capita, per child per capita per capita of an elderly person, and, which is typical, per share of working age accounts for 109% of this subsistence minimum,
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97 for children, 86 for the elderly, and absolute figures, absolute figures, for this particular indicator, a little more than 14,000 rubles. 14,000 rubles is, in principle, enough to live, well, i can’t say, to consume everything there - the delights of life, but at least not to profess the theory that is now accepted in the west for secondary use, and not to climb through garbage dumps, persuading yourself that this is a help to mother nature, and in the consumption there is full of what a person processes, even to even think, into i don’t want to do this, we are talking about the numbers that are established by law, so i voiced it, yes, if the state, excuse me, please, i’m interrupting again, if the state is concerned that, well, capital, just increase it, yes, then what - first of all, you yourself named us, but this is money and , accordingly, money, this is the figure
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worthy of 25, 30, there is movement in this direction, well, look, most families spend from 10 to 2000 per month on one child a month, yes, with the average salary there i think we have about 60. it is a little less, well, nominally listed in moscow, respectively, 110,000, but it is clear that this is all very diverse from representatives of this or that profession there. there has been an investigation into sabotage on the nord stream for more than a year, but the culprits have not been found, but maybe they don’t want to look for them, who is behind the bombing of nord stream 2, to be honest, i thought it was you, technically, ukraine could have been the perpetrator of this , it’s just funny, the prosecutor’s office is conducting an investigation. i talked to my russian colleagues they say that you do not allow them to investigate mrs. jefferson, because
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this did not happen in norway, he called our african politician mrs. jefferson, that is, he has already started confusing the names, sweden was broken, i won’t be surprised that we find out what’s behind this americans stand, the beginning of shock therapy on the part of american globalists in relation to europe. feared that germany would lift sanctions and again purchase gas from russia. this is sabotage in order to deprive russia of income and strip germany. into this loop europe has driven itself. show vavan and lexus, tomorrow on the first. everything that i have in life, everything that brings joy to every day, everything that i treasure. with my destiny , connected, connected, only with you, i love my country , premiere, on saturday on the first, you cannot love
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your homeland and not know the culture, geography, history, this is impossible, premiere of the season, you are by appointment and we are out of turn, colonel ushnir, right? in search, well, well, i didn’t come to work, but to improve my personal life, so we will help, and guys, you are tough nuts, prone to dedication, however , people around you don’t always like it, that’s for sure, that is what it is , how does it happen, alexander ivanovna, but where you are, there is always a corpse, and what is this with us , call the cathedral, come on, leave from there, men, they look like just rock, soft wax inside, why are you hitting on me, anyway? i’m looking after you, you still don’t want to be the star of the investigation, thanks for the compliment, well, i’m ready, depending on what, so, alexandra ivanovna sensed a new
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prey, bloodhound, new episodes, from december 11, on the first, don’t die out, the main thing , not overdo it, this is an easy podcast. money, i am its presenter mikhail khanov , today we are discussing a burning topic, how much does it cost in our country to give birth, raise and educate one or even several children, you and i understand that the larger the commune, family, community, the easier to live, that is, you don’t spend 20,000 on each child, if you have three children, then it’s much easier , relatively speaking, well, just simply cook a pot of soup, and it will be easier to cook a pot of soup for the whole family, for several. spending in in principle, they do not decrease, they do not grow with a geometric progression at least, we
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were just now conducting research among families with many children as part of a grant from the russian science foundation, we asked parents of many children whether it was expensive for a large family, this question puzzled them, i was like, wait , a family with children, this is expensive, and then, when you move from a small family with one, one or two children, in a family with three children, four children and further, we don’t feel the difference, because the clothes remain from the older children, now it’s huge the number of points where moms and dads can exchange, and yes, the speed at which they are growing , but in my practice, when i realized this for myself, that is, when i was born, the first girl was born, then i remember, i calculated the temperature in tens of fractions bathroom , there are some thermometers, almost there is a mineral content of salts, here... the second child, which means i already dipped my elbow in the bath, well, it’s not hot there, but the third one, when they bathed him every day, just with his hand
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you drink the stream, but the water is not cold. you can wash it normally, that's the main thing that you you wash it every day, everything is fine , that is, here in this regard you are more relaxed, that is, you don’t run around, it’s always noticeable in schools when it’s an only child, that is, you come to a parent meeting and there this cackling starts there wow there vasechka, you come, you think, well, when will this end, but there you know a certain level of your children, and you are completely calm about it, this is certainly there, so once again addressing our audience, do not be afraid to give birth to children, now it will affect you what will support them, believe that this is the very incentive that will stimulate you, earn more, move more, look for opportunities to earn money, believe that if you are a conscious parent, then you will find a way to earn this money, and let us now let's talk about the housing problem, here i have such a i don't know, cognitive dissonance perception of the situation, on the one hand we are talking about
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what we want... families to give birth to more and have more children, on the other hand , all the construction that is going on, now there are actually apartments there, there are almost 15 km each, but separate, yes, why is there such a discrepancy in how, well, relatively speaking , it should be, in my opinion, this would stimulate just the creation, here there is this kind of construction and development of cities, rather than what is happening now, this is the concentration of cash flows, and, as a consequence, the concentration of housing in these... and small-sized apartments, but their own, where is the way out? well, professor antonov often says that we have no problems overpopulation in the world, we have problems of concentration, yes, accordingly in agglomerations, in large cities, the population is clustered, because key financial flows are concentrated here, there is an opportunity to earn money and so on, but in general, when we talk about a family with children, then their need for their own home sharply increases , indeed, not just apartments with a separate
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room for children, at least to accommodate two children in this separate apartment, so to speak, in fact, we asked as part of the study how many you want square meters for each family member so that you feel as comfortable as possible, and the spouses, both the man and the woman answered that this is 28 km, that is, this is three times more, yes, than we have established today, yes we have - for me , it should be 11 and a half, there is a living space per person, they need 28 square meters so that they have somewhere to turn around, to have a place to play, to organize space for studying , among other things, because this is also really significant, and i have a sister yes, they just bought a small apartment one-room, as you say , small-sized, her first thought when she became pregnant was that, my god, will they take my child away from me, because my regulatory conditions do not meet the requirements that
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have been established. ok, this is really a very important and significant problem, they talk about it, and research shows that the most effective measures of family and demographic policy is the full repayment of mortgages for families with many children, 3, 4, five children, and there are corresponding programs that have been developed, but for some reason they - well, they seem to be bypassed, so we seem to be talking about credit holidays for families with children, but essentially speaking, these credit holidays are limited to what... what you can not to pay the principal amount , and you are obliged to pay interest, but we are talking about families with children, these are most often the initial stages of the mortgage, and well, the lion's share of this monthly payment is interest, so essentially speaking, this is just nominal support, you take into account in your research on the difference in age, when you talk about how much you need to spend , well, or rather, how much is the minimum you need to spend on
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one child, how much... families spend, that is, 5 years, 10, 15, where the age of a child is considered to be up to age of majority, up to eighteen, well, yes , i understand, there are different criteria, here is one of the studies, exactly, the higher school of economics, they systematized data from open statistics, conducted their own survey, they showed that it takes 2.1.3 to educate children rub, this is 46% of total funding states, that is... the population helps the state co-finance the education of their current children, are they investing? they involve children in extracurricular activities, these are music schools, additional clubs and additional education, buying those same notorious curtains for the classroom, right? well, by the way, not entirely true, this is a small share, but if we are talking about clubs that are outside of school, it is about 400 billion. the same amount
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is spent on related products per year, these are school uniforms, textbooks, workbooks and so on, then there are tutors, another age of the child is from 15 years and older, because there the need to attract additional teachers increases, and accordingly the costs for this increase, such a question, well , i have a practical answer to it, due to the fact that two girls there have already passed this age before graduating from university, the youngest has just entered, i understand very well what you say, that the maximum... uh, the amount of expenses for a child is from 15 to 18 years old, just about the approach, interesting, here's your point view as a scientist who deals with this systematically has a large amount of data, and where is the line after which, probably,
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correctly, this is more of a sociological question, not a material one, that’s where the line is where the parent should gently, gradually move away, well, or sharply, i don’t know, well, in general today the concept of independence is very relevant and they are trying to teach children from diapers to it, but if we are talking about material support, then in our country it is customary to provide the child with the conditions for receiving an education, secondary specialized or higher education, so this is the limit after which they tell you that, well, now you are going into free swimming, but we are kind of close, if something happens we will insure you, this is 24 years old, just the age of completing a bachelor’s degree, well you know, what you said, i won’t even add anything directly, it coincides verbatim with my position, that is, i tell them all that my mother and i are giving you the best education we can, yes, it’s clear that there are still a huge number of opportunities for international schools and recognized institutions, i say, here we are, the maximum
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of what we can, we give you and be prepared for the fact that you go further on your own, yes, of course, we will not deny you a taste of bread, not exactly, as you said, yes, but be prepared for the fact that our task, our...' is for you, we will try to understand and support you, but now you go out into life, now you have received an education, and then you determine your own destiny, yes, here i'm absolutely completely, i really like this concept, returning to the topic of housing again, that's how you do you think how many years will it take for the state so that, judging by what is happening, maybe there are some changes in the regions already, so that decentralization begins, and you and i will already become, well, you definitely will, and i would also like to witness the lifetime of this process, when we are talking specifically about
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houses, and about the house as a support, as the basis for a family, and not about this small room, albeit separate from its own, but i understood, well, above you talked about the level in general life in moscow really exceeds the standard of living not only in our regions, but including in european capitals, if we talk about the popularity of this low-rise building, it certainly exists now, the higher the income level of a citizen, the lower the number of storeys he prefers, well, in fact, demographic processes, they are quite inert and ours actions today will in fact be reflected in 15, or even 30 years, when there is a generation change, so awareness is happening, but unfortunately, this all happens very slowly, and we need to act today, because returning to the dynamics of the total fertility rate, today we have a huge problem associated with the low
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birth rate, with the limited number of women and men of reproductive age due to the situation there in the nineties and so on, so we need to take appropriate measures, scientists, researchers are very ...they often and loudly try to declare this, they hear you, that ’s actually my final question, that’s my question, where should i shout so that they’ll hear it and start implementing it, now we’re at first channel, let's shout loudly , come on, friends, we need to take effective measures to support families with children, increase financial benefits significantly, provide families with truly well-thought-out homes, conduct appropriate research on harmonious planning for families with several children, they focus on small-sized apartments , i really want to see the opportunity to purchase and live in apartments that are intended for families with three or more children, well, i can only i should add that where they didn’t listen to the advice of scientists, there is such a wonderful
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country, south korea, and there are five marriages per thousand people, but it shouldn’t be difficult to count 500, and it’s possible, i have friends who went to 1 -2 days , he says, i have never seen a child under 10 years old there, that is, there are no children, no children on the streets, and it would seem a prosperous country with the highest level of technology, but not concerned with the ideological... education of their nation in the sense that children - this is the future of the country, first of all, and the people who actually live in it, this is what it will come to, despite all the technology, all the development and industrial potential, so let’s hope that our program will help somehow reach you, as scientists who are working on this wonderful problem and conveying their data to those in power, to those who make... decisions, thank you very much for your expertise
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, i was very glad to see you as a guest in our program, thank you, it was very interesting, hello, this is a podcast of precious stories and i am the host... the director of the all-russian museum of alexander sergeevich pushkin, sergei nikrasov. today we will talk about the tsarskoye selo lyceum. most recently, support was confirmed at the highest level for ideas to revive an educational institution in tsarskoe selo for training civil servants. of course, we will not talk about what kind of educational institution it will be, what its programs will be. and we will focus on the history of the lyceum on how this
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educational institution differed from many others. the lyceum arose at the very beginning of the 19th century. when emperor alexander ii ascended the throne in 1801, he proposed a program to transform the country. but it turned out that , in general, there was no one to implement this program; there were no trained specialists, of a high state level, who could, with energy and knowledge of the matter, implement the reforms that the tsar was going to propose; serious reforms were planned, especially that the emperor’s main assistant in this matter was mikhail mikhailovich spiransky, an outstanding russian... reformer , an outstanding statesman of our fatherland,
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it was precisely he, spiransky, who came up with the idea to create a special educational institution, the main task of which, as he believed, was to be the education of youth, especially destined for important parts state service, he thought about what it should be: firstly, next to the royal palace, so that he could be guided by all the changes that were taking place in state policy directly, and the choice fell on the royal village, in 1808, spiransky submitted his new project to emperor alexander ii. educational institution. of course, the king did not react
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immediately. he needed to familiarize himself with this document, listen to the opinions of those dignitaries who were authoritative for him. he gave this, of course, into the hands of count alexei kirillovich razumovsky, then minister of public education. and for a year and a half, the charter was discussed. future educational institution, and i could not resist the temptation to take from the auxiliary fund of our museum, a copy of this charter , which we are now leafing through, but since this is still at least an auxiliary, but museum fund, we must first of all put on gloves and only then turn to this charter, the charter appears: a beautiful work of art, the artist novoselov placed here
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is not only the text that spiransky offered him, but also various kinds of allegorical paintings made using the watercolor technique, and the charter represents, of course, such a work of art. here is a list of those items that should accompany. and in the list of these subjects, first of all , moral sciences. the original foundation of the law of god and moral philosophy, the original. logic, there are mathematical and physical sciences, arithmetic, geometry, algebra, there are historical sciences, russian history, foreign history , geography, chronology, there are the initial foundations of elegant writing, selected passages from
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the best writers, with an analysis of the horse rules of rhetoric, penmanship, drawing, dancing, fencing, horse riding swimming. the charter was signed by emperor alexander ii. and the minister of public education, count alexei kirillovich razumovsky. the charter was signed on august 12 , 1810. in the kamenostrovsky palace. and then the emperor set off in his best clothes. in petergov's state of mind for the holiday, he instructed the postgraduate student to take a close look at the lyceum's affairs. it took a year and a half to select a staff of teachers. and it must be said that in 1808, when
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spiransky first proposed the charter of the lyceum to emperor alexander ii. 12 best graduates of the st. petersburg pedagogical institute were sent on an internship to continue their education, as they put it on a tour to foreign lands, to france, to germany, where for 3 years they received this additional education and returned as people, not only educated, but and people familiar with all the trends, science, free-thinking of european, they were relatively young people, because we are hypnotized by this phrase, the professor of the imperial tsarskoye selo lyceum, and the professors were 28-30 years old, all that they were able to understand over these years of study, they
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tried to pretend all this in their teaching practice. the first director of the lyceum was vasily fedrovich malinovsky. a wonderful person, an outstanding figure of russian education, an author known in stupid times, and even a treatise on eternal peace that was somewhat sensational in the tour, everything was already ready for the very day when the lyceum was supposed to open, however, first it was necessary to determine the composition students, at the beginning of january 1811 an advertisement appeared in moscow and st. petersburg newspapers about the creation of a new educational institution for representatives of the young russian nobility and young men aged 11-12 years old who would like
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to study at the lyceum were invited to take exams, and it turns out that the minister of public education, who was involved in all the details from the lyceum building, organized these tests directly at home, on tour, count alexey kirillovich razumovsky, had a beautiful palace and park ensemble on the banks of the fontanka, this is literally opposite the today's building of the great drama theater, from the fontanka to suburban avenue, it was a luxurious building, where they went. applicants for this high title of lyceum student. the exams were really serious, a good half of these tests failed, but still 30 people were selected for the first year, for
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the first graduation, receiving -


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