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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 8, 2023 12:55am-1:40am MSK

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like a drop in the ocean, let’s assume , like this, and he really didn’t like people, for which there is a lot of evidence, it’s rare, of course, when a person, being one hundred percent german, doesn’t like germans, but nevertheless he didn’t like, so one day he the historian began to inquire who was the father of his ancestor paul i, because there was talk about the character of catherine and the court historian frankly told him: the father of paul i could have been, in general, knowing the character of catherine , anyone, even a coachman, but most likely it’s still solttykov, solttykov’s favorite, to which alexander ii. i sighed so joyfully with relief, well, thank god, i have at least a little russian blood in me. and ekaterina
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, just ekaterina, well, she too, she knew perfectly well that she had come, so to speak, she was german, and some conversations still took place behind her back, although she was loved in general, and then one day, when doctors, well, a common practice in those days, were doing bloodletting on her, she looked into the basin with blood and said, well, finally the last german... the blood was removed from my veins, so yes, this question, in general , really worried me a lot, and as for who was the first foreign to sit on the throne, well, of course, it’s catherine i, the story is like that, you can call it muddy, you can call it mysterious, well, in general, really it is unclear whether her origin is real, there are different versions, but most of all they say that she is march. with kavronskaya from the baltic states, there
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are also lithuania, estonia, different so to speak, there are also options, that’s who she was in her first marriage, it’s also not very clear, there are also different versions, having arrived in russia, she became ekaterina alekseevna mikhailova, well , the patronymic of tsarevich alexei, and mikhailov, the surname he took, he often took when he wanted. not incognito, he took mikhail’s surname. well, in general, this is an interesting fact, the first russian empress does not have a generally clear origin. the version about the skovronskys, it is actually confirmed, indirectly confirmed by the fact that catherine, when she became empress, she would give the brothers karl and friedrich in january 27 the title of count, brothers and sisters transported to russia, the will of catherine i. the skovronskys are named by close relatives of her own surname. and later
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the official version became that these are her sisters and brothers, yes, these are catherine’s own sisters and brothers, the children of samuil skavronsky, but there is a version that skavronsky is her sister’s cousins, this situation is actually so typical for russia the beginning of the 16th century, we don’t know for sure, but absolutely exactly, who are the ancestors, what is the genealogy of the first russian empress? well, the only thing we know is more or less less precisely, that in fact... the future empress of march vronskaya was first captured during the northern war by philimarchal shremet, he made her a housewife and mistress, then she was taken away from the field marshal by the influential minshikov, and from minshikova she was taken away by the even more influential peter ii. this is how she first became a mistress, and then with the wife of peter the great. the biography is simply fantastic, of course, she was a woman... and what i
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really like, with a great sense of self-irony, she was not shy about the past, and even sometimes he jokingly called himself a partomoy , that is, a laundress who washes trousers, here she is, well, she’s a beauty, i haven’t seen anyone somewhere calling her, so to speak, remembering a beauty, but apparently she had some kind of fantastic such charisma because she was attractive. men, why did catherine ascend the throne after the death of peter the great? well, it is known that peter did not die without naming an heir, so uh, and the situation was, so to speak, vague, so to speak, generally around the throne, so at that moment it gathered such a peculiar society, there is a children 's rhyme, on the golden porch sat the tsar tsarevich, the king shoemaker and tailor,
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this is approximately the situation, because there were people near the throne, so to speak, and there were people raised by the reforms and mr. chance to the top, well, sort of less than that, yes, here or the same catherine, yes, here are a bunch of foreigners, also with very large titles, but just as dubious as those of many russians, well, the most serene prince of the menshiks, an illiterate person, was illiterate before his death, coma something that turned out to be russia without a named heir to the throne, but these forces, somehow their interests converged in favor of catherine the widow, that is, they preferred some of their privileges or desires
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to continue reforms, and there a lot of things came together in contrast to genealogy, which was still revered at that time, because that in the end there was a grandson... of peter the great, who later became peter, yes, well, i don’t know, of course, i’m not peter the great, although i am peter romanov, but let’s say, peter the great would have decided to appoint his wife as his successor , who cheated on him not long before his death, well, at least at least, he thought that she had cheated, no, well, she, he thought so, thank god, he didn’t just think so, he punished this unfortunate mons, well, in general, he was angry, before his death he was still angry. it is true that there are mentions somewhere that he supposedly raised her before his death, nevertheless he was angry, history likes to joke that after the era of the great, that is, peter, his work
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was continued by the ancestor of the party and the illiterate prince, of course, there is an irony of fate in this, well , i must say that catherine’s accession to the throne was still... not entirely peaceful, and this was essentially a palace coup, the first palace coup, when these representatives of the petrine nobility discussed in the senate, you already know, both people from the old aristocracy and new representatives of the petrine nobility, discussed who , in fact, in accordance with the guessed peter's will, needs to be called to the throne, to the meetings of the senate, having demolished the door, the officers of the guard, the preobrazhensky regiment, simply entered , standing in the courtyard...
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not a stupid woman, she did not have excessive some claims, but power ambitions , power ambitions, yes, she had, as if before her eyes, an example of a real ruler, a state one,
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it’s impossible, she and catherine, to the best of her abilities, and the menshevik to the best of her abilities, continued this policy , if we talk about wives, then the tradition of taking german women, it generally continued after catherine, the first wife of paul ii, the german augusta hesson
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of darmstatt, died in childbirth, and her story is, in general, quite an important story, because she added, this story , quite a serious portion of coins in the piggy bank. hate paul ii towards his mother, because paul i blamed his first wife for the death, that i did not provide assistance, proper assistance, but she was raised in europe, just like catherine, in the spirit of enlightenment, she even advocated the liberation of christians, she was a strong-willed woman, quite tough, pavel loved her, in general she could pose serious competition, add serious competition in relation to pavel and his mother, so her death to a certain extent was of course it’s profitable, although there is no evidence, of course, that she ordered something to someone , well, the secrets of the madrid court, they are everywhere. russians are more likely rumors, because in the russian tradition it was also believed that representatives of the upper class, and
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in fact, first of all, rulers do not die by their own death, well, yes, well, the second wife of paul ii, again, that means german, sophia of wurtenber, then maria fedorovna , she of course was the opposite, she was like that, she wrote in her diary that the emperor’s wife should not be with... too in general, an educated person should take care of the household, children, home, and so on , that is, such a housewife, she absolutely did not interfere in any matters, tolerated her husband’s infidelities, gave birth while she could give birth, and so on, and by the way, she is the mother of alexander ii and nicholas ii, two russian emperors, only now at a very old age, a widow. it is known that during the napoleonic wars, she
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somehow tried to influence the sovereigns on her son so that he would assist her german relatives, and then simply decisively opposed napoleon 's matchmaking, because there is a known fact in history that napoleon, well, for political reasons, of course, there was no one there in love, he seized alexander ii's sister, helen, but... only through her corpse for such a monster for the karsikan monster, she won’t give up her daughter, well, that’s probably all of her influence, and besides, it must be said that by this moment the russian policy of alexander ii had already moved from the era of the telzid peace to confrontation, so please. son satisfied, well, there was a strong anti-french party, there is a version among
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some historians that maria feodorovna had certain political ambitions at the time of paul’s death, but this is a debatable issue, but an interesting fact is that she was educated in terms of the ability to use her hands, she knew how to use lathe, she turned cameos, by the way, they were preserved in museums, she painted well, she was even a member of the academy of arts, though not ours, but the german one, she participated in philanthropic projects of various kinds, she was also named paul i in in 1797, he appointed the chief superintendent of educational homes, and through her efforts a moscow vocational school was created, from which, many years later , the bauman school grew, but i didn’t know bauman’s name, very interesting, the bauman school comes from maria fedon. let's continue the conversation, this is a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history, then
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alexander pervo's wife, elizaveta alekseevna, nee louise badynskaya, well, unlike maria feodorovna, she was very educated, very beautiful, by the way speaking, she very quickly began to speak russian without the slightest accent, which in general is not such a common thing. ekaterina dashkova, the famous and head of the academy, spoke about her. about alexander’s wife, i was attracted to her by her intelligence, modesty, friendliness and so combined with caution, which is unusual for such a young woman, she already spoke russian correctly without the slightest foreign accent, in general a high characteristic, in the mouth of dashkova, who studied russian , very very, by the way, the letter e is her. a gift to us, well, this marriage of alexander ii, it was so divided into such parts,
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at first there was a very stormy period of love, they got along very well with each other, so, and then a cooling began, unfortunately this happens in marriages, connections appeared with her, with him, she gave birth to two daughters, not from alexander, although alexander... the first accepted these daughters as his own, the first romance, as far as i remember, was with a friend of the emperor, adam from cherttary, the second i don’t remember now with whom it was.
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a very difficult period for alexander ii, here she supported him, for which she was later showered with fame, so to speak, and love, of the russian people, so, therefore, well, what can we say, if she had an influence on the emperor and her husband, then she was purely positive and prayed for the russian army, so a german woman is not german , well, this is absolutely fair, in general, if we go into politics, then alexander i continued the policy of an alliance with the german states, and here, probably, the wife’s role was certain, well, maybe it was minimal , but above all it was political will, yes, to oppose strong france, yes, german states, to preserve prussia in
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due time, in which the efforts of alexander’s mother and his wife, respectively, were combined, because. as napoleon once said, i saved prussia only out of a good disposition towards your imperial majesty, said alexander, yes, yes, yes, yes, what was the truth, absolute, no, i would say that there was complete truth in this these words, because what was prussia at that time, what was it, it was defeated in one day, napoleo in two battles, yes, so that it can be said that alexander’s women , to a certain extent, contributed to the preservation of prussia on the political map, albeit some exaggeration, it is interesting to remember that the wife of alexander ii was also from the house of hesson, because all marriages were concluded, so to speak, after long negotiations, political ones were included there, economic and other considerations, therefore, well, if you were lucky, then for love, if you were unlucky, then, well, this is the only case, it seems, when the heir to the throne fell in love for real,
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he was shown a whole series of brides, and he rejected, but he fell in love with this princess and defended his choice to his parents, because there were certain rough edges, so to speak, because there was such a spot in the pedigree, she was illegitimate, there was a suspicion, yes there was such a suspicion, but she was accepted , so to speak, everything was officially normal, but there was a speck, and nevertheless alexander ii defended his decision. then the heir, and he wrote to his mother, literally, that i don’t care about the secrets of princess mary, i love her, i’d rather give up the throne than her, i’m getting married, only on it, that’s my decision, what’s the ultimatum? well, yes, yes, ultimam , the parents reconciled, the parents reconciled, and then fell in love with her, by the way, she was, in general, adored by very many, she was afraid of her with such modesty, she was natural, which
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does not happen so often with princesses, she was very natural, so she did a lot. i liked her, in general, yes, she charmed the entire royal family, as for her activities, she spent huge amounts of money on charity, then a red cross appeared in the building, she headed it and worked very active, i must say that this is here, uh, we can, perhaps, talk a little about some political disagreements, or maybe even, the fact is that this was the era... of the next balkan wars in the balkans, and public opinion strongly pushed alexander ii to enter the war in this theater. alexander ii was against it because it interfered with his great reforms. maria was a passionate supporter of the slavs there, and even against
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her husband’s recommendations, she began to supply medical supplies there. nurses, since she was in charge red cross, then she could have done it, that’s what concerns her future fate, well, maria patiently endured all the betrayals, quite liberal, in such a husband in terms of marital relations, it is known, alexander ii in this sense was not exemplary, to put it mildly , i put it mildly. so she endured it all, but then, nevertheless, the breakup became final, especially this finally happened after her son nikolai, the eldest, died, right? the eldest son, who should have ascended the throne, ascended instead, so to say, here alexander already, it must be said that alexander ii, in fact, during the life of his
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wife, started a second family in the winter palace, as it were, and as soon as his wife died, maria alexandrovna, then after some time he married in a marganatic marriage princess yurievskaya, who received this title, the most serene princess yurievskaya, and there is even ... reasonable information that he was going to recognize the children from her, they had imperial, imperial powers, that is, include them in the family, but the attempt on the rorovolites did not allow this to be done, here in this i mean, this example, such infidelity of the father , this whole generally unpleasant situation, indeed, with a living wife, to have a second family on the floor above, just above his own chambers, all this led to alexander ii, the future alexander. heir to the throne to a completely different idea of ​​family life than that of his father. yes, probably alexander ii. - this is the most exemplary family man,
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the most, we usually have, so nicholas ii, a family man, good, without weeds, good seed, but the most solid, so consistent, alexander ii was, of course, a convinced and family man, faithful until his last breath. and you are right, so to speak, you wanted to behave differently and acted really differently, he was simply traumatized by this situation, human, it’s just understandable, yes, it’s understandable, and you are fighting to such music, yes, some people just say: it’s great there , i say, great, guys, like, do you know who i am, i don’t know, i say, i’m your brigade commander, commander, war is war? you just have to work, relatives are fighting, brother, father, all the tank crews, the former commander of the ortho killed me and immediately put me, give me to the right
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early, that’s good, give me more to the right, shot , oh-oh-oh, well, how can i learn, the war forced me, i like tanks in themselves, 45 tons, you shoot with such a colossus. how many kilometers did he shoot 200? the handsome guys filled up the tank, they say that you are already legendary there, on the day of heroes of the fatherland, men's work on saturday at the first bloodhound, new series, lady's search, tah-tak, it's not work that has arrived, to establish a personal life, but that we have this since monday. on the first, this is a historical podcast russia and the west on in the swing of history, today we are talking about the foreign wives of russian emperors, as for
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the wife of alexander ii, it’s even somehow awkward for me to remember her in this series, well, a wife, a husband’s wife, that’s what didn’t happen, that didn’t happen, marya fedorovna’s figure in itself is so significant in our history, you know, firstly, this is the first danish woman after the germans, just the first non-german, yes, just the first non-german, so to speak, caused great indignation among the germans, because they believed that the wedding bed of kings, it is intended exclusively for a little, in this period begins, so to speak, a period of such cooling between russia and germany, and vice versa, an outbreak of passionate sympathy, love and hostility towards germany, in general, maria fedorovna had the same, probably, as alexander ii, if not more, probably even more, more, i think, even more. denmark suffered, no, it did not hide
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its hatred of the germans, when the war began, it simply stated that i had been hiding my feelings for so many years, decades, but now i can openly declare my hatred of to the germans, well, in reality, of course, she didn’t hide it very much. not very successful, so the germans knew about it very well, then, when there was an episode when marya fedorovna had to return from copenhagen to russia through germany, a crowd of germans gathered around her carriages, the carriage, they scolded her, insulted her, called her a little maybe a monkey and so on, because the hatred was mutual, well, i must say that, by chance or not... it served as the beginning
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of the emergence of the entente, the future, yes, so it seems, well, a german or a dotish woman, yes, no, it turns out that this could have a serious impact, maria feodorovna was active, not only in this sense, she was quite active in domestic politics, especially after the death of her husband, and by the way there is one version that she tried to prevent her husband from drinking, because one of alexander ii's vices were excessive consumption of the russian national drink. but at the same time she supported the nominees of alexander ii , sometimes in contradiction with her son, she supported sergei yulievich vitta, and partly under her influence, he held the post of minister of finance until 1903, but despite the growing hostility towards him from nicholas ii, maria fedorovna actively advocated signing the same form and manifesto on october 17 during the first russian revolution, believing that this could save the monarchy , what
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nikolai resisted. but gradually she was increasingly pushed aside by another wife of the emperor, already the last russian emperor, the last empress alexandra feodorovna, this was the confrontation between the court of maria feodorovna, it had its own court, its own entourage , its own intrigues, of course, and the court of alexandra feodorovna, this is such a rather noticeable phenomenon of russian domestic politics at that time, at the very top, yes, in general , this woman’s fate, of course, was tragic, well , imagine, you can just so recalculate. well, first she lost her fiancé nikolai, yes, the elder brother of alexander ii, she loved him, by the way, then she also fell in love with alexander, and alexander fell in love with her, although it seems like an inherited bride, then, moreover, when she arrived in russia, a tragedy immediately occurred: the terrorist
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alexander ii was killed with her father-in-law. then death, that means the death of nicholas, the death of alexander ii, then the death of her brother, the tsar, sergei, this grand duke, sergei alexandrovich, then they killed her brother, the greek king george, and then, and later, that means the death of her husband and the entire royal family, can you imagine, she uh until the last, she sailed from crimea on the last passage, she hoped until the last that someone might survive, she wanted to see him, a difficult fate, she gave so many wise advice to his son, and he used this advice so disgracefully, but he simply didn’t follow it, he just didn’t follow it, that’s
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why, well, what can i say? she was truly a courageous, strong woman, and an intelligent woman, a wise woman, from my point of view, the wisest foreign woman, who was next to the russian tsar, well, if, again, you take catherine the second out of the bracket, naturally, well , ekaterina, you see, i don’t perceive ekaterina as a wife, well, it’s quite strange to perceive as a wife, the fate of her husband, about this is the point, this is... a separate song, in the end, we have two great ones, these are peter the russian and catherine nemko, which in no way cancels the greatness of the second, but with the fate of the last russian empress alexandra feodorovna, everything is in general with exactly the opposite, one might say, here is victoria, alice, elena, louise, beatrice gessan of darmstatt,
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nicholas’s wife. here, which, unfortunately, played rather a negative role in history, and not that rather, but simply a negative role in the history of russia, although it emphasized her love for russia, but , as it seems to me, she did not torture real love for russia, it was somewhat illusory, for her the russian people were a kind of fiction, which she judged by such characters as rasputin, yes, and other such to the preyers who were trying, including hers, of her own free will, and to the royal throne, she was sure that the husband must be a tyrant, so she wrote: dear, be firm, show a powerful hand, that’s what the russians need, that is russian is such a redneck, yes, who needs a fist, but give them now to feel, sometimes your fist , that’s what she wrote, they themselves ask for it , how many have recently said, we need a whip, she writes all this, it’s strange, but such is the slavic nature, the greatest hardness, cruelty and even at the same time hot love, i know too well how
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they behave... when you are close, they are still afraid of you, they should be afraid of you even more, so that no matter where you are, they are covered by the same trembling. in general, such advice is known in russia at the beginning of the 20th century. where they were leading when she spoke, be firm, like be ivan the terrible, be peter ii, this led russia to disaster, and it cannot be said that nicholas ii did not hear these tips at all, he heard, in general they played in favor of his ego. i would like to remind our viewers that the historical podcast about nicholas ii and other episodes of the podcast russia and the west on the swing of history can be viewed on the website of the first channel not really an excuse, just a clarification for some who consider it. the blood is so directly german, of course a lot of things are mixed there, but in she had blood and maria stewart, and she lived in great britain, she was more likely an englishwoman by upbringing, she was more of an englishwoman by upbringing, this version from the first
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world war about the betrayal of alexander feodorovna is also, in my opinion, of course an absolute myth, nothing intentional there there was, there is only one such speck. thank god, at that moment no one found out about this, this is a later excavation, then it would have been a scandal, not the greatest, she really helped her relatives in germany, but because they they complained that he had been too expensive, that’s why she helped them, through some channels, but at the expense of her own funds, so she definitely didn’t get into the russian treasury, she wished him victory, it’s just that her real practical actions led to the exact opposite, of course , well, here is her attitude, when she again wrote that in the duma everyone is fools,
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inserts, that is, the command of the russian army is completely idiots, the synod is full of animals, the ministers are scoundrels, our diplomats need to be hanged, disperse everyone, i ask you, my friend, make it soon, great recipe in order for the dynasty to be ended , for... to happen, yes, although it is not her fault, let’s emphasize that we talked about this in the program about nicholas, a whole large complex of factors has developed here, but its own, so to speak, she certainly contributed to the fall of the monarchy, well, in general, we can only say one thing in conclusion, of course, fate gifted russia in the person of the emperors’ wives with foreigners, these were very different gifts, everyone was different, some were smarter, some not so smart, someone did more for russia, someone less or even caused some harm, i can only say one thing that, uh, none of them will intentionally
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cause any harm to russia, the main thing is that the wives of russian emperors, with rare exceptions , have some kind of big political role , these are the ones we talked about, but they didn’t play, and if they played some political games, then in full accordance with the current historical moment with the national historical tradition. it was a historical podcast, russia-west on the swing of history, i was with you pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov, study history with us. hello, i'm still dmitry bak, i still host a literary podcast called let them not talk, let them read. there are so many debates now about the classics, whether they are relevant or whether they are forever outdated,
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of course, there are very different writers, but dostoevsky, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, among the classics, russian and world, occupies a very special place, i think so, let’s see how... my guests think, today our guest is a director, people’s artist russia, vladimir ivanovich khotinenko , hello, vladimir ivanovich, thank you for coming to us, theater actor, lenkom mark zakharova, anton shagin, and we will talk about dostoevsky for a reason, this year marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of a separate edition of roman bes, and taking advantage of this opportunity, we will... talk about the novel demons, about dostoevsky, about creativity, and most importantly, about today. vladimir ivanovich, how did dostoevsky appear in your creative destiny, because you filmed the dostoevsky series in the eleventh year, well then demons, partly
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to blame for this, this is the architectural institute, which i graduated from at one time, that’s because we had a completely safe place in the architectural institute of that period, these groups, rock groups and mozart, and wagner, and literature got along completely well high, whatever you want, then, in general, i became interested in nabokov’s lectures, lectures on russian literature, yes, nabokov is a professor, and so am i. i was surprised to read that nabokov was extremely disrespectful towards fyodor mikhailovich, he considered him a c student, strictly speaking, for the language , for that, for that, the tenth, this intrigued me, and this was perhaps the first seed sown, and then fate turned out in such a way that i was offered to make a series about dostoevsky, and i suddenly got the impression, i re-read, first of all, i remembered, naturally, constantly, or rather i didn’t remember, i thought. nabokov in this internal debate
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, but nabokov did not convince you, you seem to now think that he is not, no, nabokov, i believe that he is completely wrong, that is, he is right in his own way, which, well, for this you need to know nabokov, he himself was a little thing, nabokov highlighted it to me, because you know, sometimes it’s very important to highlight it with some unusual light, through an enemy, through an opponent, and that means i agreed, almost without hesitation to film it, i understood , what a risk... i had a rather tough discussion with dostoevsky scholars that the bag was not worn at executions, they were not put on the head, but there is a wonderful quote, he says that artistic truth is much more important than historical truth, so bertolucci said, i say historical truth, i prefer the truth of art, because historical truth begins with truth and ends with lies, and truth, art ends with lies, ends with truth, and eternity is the main thing, yes, so i understood that i was taking a risk, but
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it was so important to me, i was not afraid at all, that is, this there was a personal plot, absolutely , absolutely, that seed sprouted once sown at the architectural institute, it just sprouted, and i dived into it, i reveled in dostoevsky, life, nuances, his character, a difficult character, even harmful, not everyone, i imagined how i could meet him, for example, he was with a fat man, they missed each other, thank god, i told myself, they were at the same lecture. and how tolstoy, after the death of dostoevsky, swore at him that tolstoy and dostoevsky did not know each other, this is generally space, yes, can you imagine that i think this is correct, you know, i’ll say a paradoxical thing, this is correct, and it was not necessary , they had enough of their own, but after the opening of the monument in 1980 , dostoevsky wanted to go to tolstoy in clear clearing and they dissuaded him, but dostoevsky
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on this one, well, he is susceptible to such messages, yes , he really wanted to get to know him, he also letters , in case i now, for example, i am now , for example, in horror, suddenly imagining that fate would not give me such a gift, because that today i am without fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, this is not a nice word for the occasion, this is not a figure of speech, i cannot imagine my life. that’s why i have a heavenly reference book, brothers, i can do it like this, i enjoy constantly polemicizing, like the gold of a calf before they read, they opened it, they read it, i read it like that , bro, i open it and i revel in it, but i have a style, ideas and style, and style, and contrary to absolutely, the thing is this, what i had in common with nabokov, i also studied entymology with butterflies , yes, this is news,
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from these details, from these little things, it would seem, suddenly there emerged something that is now the only thing that cannot be put on life, uh-huh. then i was swimming in life records in these, in everything, i was just swimming, forgive me anton for wearing clothes, i listen to you with pleasure and am happy i’m surprised how much your eyes light up when you talk about fyodor mikhailovich, how much he really embraces you, and you still can’t get enough of him, well, is it really possible to get enough of him, i also tell students, infinity. there are volumes with notes for novels, for teenagers, for example, this
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is in no way less interesting than the novel as a teenager, but there was no internet, a person wrote everything he thought, and this treasure was once found in st. petersburg in the bukinist , dostoevsky’s notebooks, which he prepared for the novel by an idiot, pre-revolutionary publication, became interested, found it somewhere at the very bottom, moreover, an uncut book, more than once... these credit books, well, this can be said to be a separate work, only in the eighth notebook... he writes the word prince in dostoevsky's calligraphic handwriting at the beginning of the page from this word, everything begins to take shape for him, and this mechanism begins to twist everything around him, because he transfers those traits that were stolen to myshkin, to the traits that myshkin had, he transfers to rozhin,
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this is the mechanism that he himself launches from a single word, this is an incredibly enchanting read. anton, i wanted to ask you a little about something else , but do you feel more organic, in what images, within what characters, you play both modern people and, naturally, classical characters of russian literature, what is easier, what is more organic, what can be more productive , nothing is easier, and here , more interestingly, i can say, well, for me the main criterion is, perhaps, yes, so to speak, the volume of this or that character who would not just live his life, yes, but be with her in a dialogue in a collision , then it turns out to be polyphony, then it turns out
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to be interesting to perform, interesting, of course , to observe, as for the historical or modern, the main thing here is that there is a core, this flaming vertical , in which you want to dissolve, immerse, and then unfasten it from yourself , because so that it does not migrate to other roles, when you begin to encounter dostoevsky, and i played him in the theater, in cinema, when you begin to encounter his text, it is so energetic highly charged that it’s impossible to learn it right away, let’s say my daughter, for example, he... begins to put pressure on you, he sits down on you all and you, as a performer, can completely dissolve in a tongue-tied and repetitive manner, such a genius for its non-turgeniyev disharmony , an amazing text precisely for its disharmony , which, but at the same time thinks extremely strong and does not get lost, dostoevsky is so strong, it is a lump of meanings and thoughts, well
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, i really love not a single turgenev, well, a wonderful russian writer, but imagine the cost... the sun was setting, well, it’s simply impossible , the stoves began to sing, a landscape, although, although he wrote for money, as it were, yes, that is, his, well, no, his main idea was not for money, yes, but he always needed money extremely , so i could have, well, he says, to fat turgenem, they have money, but i need to finish, what am i saying, to the fact that he could, as it were, sit on these rails, and describe nature there for 20 pages, but him this... no, he, he goes to the grain, he breaks through to meaning, although of course it’s difficult to read him, i’m vladimir ivanovich, forgive me, anton, i’m enjoying the conversation so much that i just want to stop and give you the floor to talk to each other, but it’s very important for me to ask you, everything that was in my head, that’s
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when you read the novel demons, and did you know what was connected with it in soviet times, you did, or it was just somehow behind the scenes. the fact is that i once read it in the school curriculum, that’s how the plot was, i read it as a plot, no, well, it wasn’t in the school curriculum, no, i mean, when i was at school, i don’t care i read it i’ve already read demons, but according to which edition , this is a grotto - in the agrarian-petrine academy, now it’s the temeryaz agricultural academy, yes, where the student ivanov was killed, the prototype of which was, i wanted to say, it looks like we have a grotto in the film, there is, where they kill, the fact is that i read, but i read and yes, but i, i’m telling you, i was such a reader, i just read at a loss, ruined my eyesight and lost my dream of becoming an astronaut, you see, that’s why, but that’s all as if.


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