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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 9, 2023 4:20am-5:01am MSK

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no matter what, despite all the difficulties and difficulties that exist today in the zone of special military operation, they happily fulfill their duty. several stormtroopers received awards for fighting to the limit of human capabilities in shooting battles. the group of major yaroslav yakubov knocked the enemy out of position, despite the fact that he himself was wounded, but refused to evacuate and continued to lead his comrades forward. my rifle just took all the shrapnel, i just got a concussion and... backtrauma, as it were, but that’s how it was it’s okay , i broke away and went on to carry out the task, well, you’re telling it so legally, but i imagine it as a person with a wound, being here, first of all, i’m a commander and my subordinates take examples from me, if i had been young, tried to return, and didn’t complete the task , this would seem to have an impact on my subordinates and so on, so you can’t just retreat forward, the price of a feat, unfortunately, often becomes life, but no matter what, the soldiers say, we need to continue the work of our fallen comrades. want
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to say thank you for such a high award, this is an appreciation not only of my work, but of our entire unit, i want to convey to you the words from the guys who are now on the front line: we believe in our victory, we will not retreat anywhere and will stand until the end. modern heroes and those who support them in the rear are confident in their just cause. millions of russian citizens are determined to stand with the country and do what they should in the face of challenges. fair, i know, i see it at meetings with our people, i feel them mood, their desire for solidarity , today are inextricable and nourish, support each other, military feat, labor valor, strength of character of our people, the unity of the entire russian society, we are all united by sincere, heartfelt love for russia, it helps to move forward, makes...
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even more overcome any obstacles, i am sure that together we will definitely achieve all our goals, we will be able to tell our children and grandchildren: we, our comrades in arms , tried hard for you, we lived, worked, fought for your future, and they will be proud of us with happy holiday, happy heroes day. fatherland. later we will learn the details of the exploits that so far many fighters do not want to tell in front of television cameras. i think it's better to keep it a secret. the homeland sees everything, and actually for this, for the fact that the homeland sees everything, they received an award. we see that our heroes are people of few words, but they speak their minds on the battlefield. and the works they
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do speak for them. congratulations, guys, on your awards, on the well-deserved titles of hero of russia, convey your kindest words to your comrades in honor, the country is not only today is the day of the awards, every day he looks after you, hopes for you and congratulates you on today’s awards. garnostaev, channel one. and new examples of courage and military skill of those who are now on the front line. captain alexey vedyashchev, su-35 fighter pilot. in air battles, our az destroyed three enemy aircraft and a helicopter. in addition, he has a ground radar station to his credit. lieutenant colonel yuri kovalev received information that the enemy was planning an offensive, equipped positions, and correctly placed machine gun and mortar calculations. the battalion successfully repelled attacks by the ukrainian armed forces and militants for 2 weeks. retreated, suffering
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losses. and the main course of the special operation in a week. the russian army carried out 30 group strikes on the airfield infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine, also on the list of targets hit were arsenals, fuel and ammunition storage facilities, and deployment points for fsu militants and mercenaries. our air defense investigations shot down five ukrainian combat aircraft, three mig-29 fighters and two su-25 attack aircraft. and also eight helicopters and more than two hundred drones. the russian military has improved the situation along the front line on... in two directions, kupinsky and krasnolimansky. the enemy lost almost 5.00 militants in a week, most of all in the donetsk sector of the front. in the donetsk direction, the southern group of troops inflicted fire damage on enemy personnel and equipment in the areas of the settlements of marinenka, kurdyumovka, bogdanovka, andreevka and kleshcheevka of the donetsk people's republic. over the past week, russian units in this direction repelled 18 enemy attacks.
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the total losses of the ukrainian armed forces in this direction amounted to more than 1,560 military service, 12 armored fighting vehicles, 17 vehicles. and 22 field artillery guns, as the president instructed his time, the state fund defenders of the fatherland takes care of the participants of the special operation and their families. the head of the fund, anna tseveleva, checked how this work is going in the krasnoyarsk territory. she met with the mothers of widows of fallen soldiers. the organization does everything to make front-line soldiers feel, remember, and be proud of them. in just over six months of the fund’s operation, almost half a million requests have been processed throughout the country, 80% resolved. to a greater extent to a certain extent, this appeal is related to legal assistance, legal support, obtaining a certificate of a combat veteran , obtaining a certificate of a disabled war veteran, there is an appeal for help placing children
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in kindergarten, in schools, such appeals are processed instantly, there are appeals that are related to receiving medical care, rehabilitation , less than a week until the big one...
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and then it will be the turn of very intense work, but structured, systematic work of the all-russian popular front, here they just told me that they have stable connections with all the governors, with the heads of regions, as a result, every citizen receives an answer to his question, even if it is not personally
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through the mouth of the president, well, it is simply physically impossible, but everyone receives an answer. indexation of pensions, support for large families, road repairs, housing and communal services problems - these are traditionally the most frequently discussed topics.
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a year after appealing to the president, they helped her with treatment for a serious illness, now she herself wants to help the fighters in the northern military district zone. mom and girl contact again, they want to thank the president for everyone who took part in helping, they want to support our fighters in the northern military district, the girl is very talented, she sings, she sings in seven languages, and she performs in hospitals, she really wants to get to new regions in order to support our fighters there -wounded, because, really. this is very important support. the work schedule of operators, as they say here, is twice two: 2 hours at the computer and the same amount for rest, shift, 12 hours. there are several such centers for receiving applications in the country. in the distance in the east, in siberia, in the urals, if the operator is busy and does not answer the call immediately, the call will be recorded automatically.
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there are 22 operators working in this room at the same time and no one sits idle. on average, it takes from 5 to 10 minutes to process one message, but there have been cases when the operator talked to the subscriber for 50 minutes, after all. the number of calls is not limited, the main thing is that the message is formulated correctly. you can contact the head of state in any convenient way, call the toll-free number 800 200 4040, send an sms. on number 04040 for those who believe that in the age of digital technology and the dominance of the internet, dictating a question over the phone is old-fashioned, you can use the social networks vkontakte and odnoklassniki or the website the question can be asked using a special smartphone application. there is less than a week left for a big conversation with the president. olek shishkin, sergey kuznetsov, andrey stoyko, olga gerosimenko, olek smalkov - channel one. so, december 14, exactly at noon moscow time. results of the year with vladimir putin live on the first channel. after a humanitarian pause, israel, with
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the active support of the united states, began a new, even bloodier phase of the operation in the gaza strip. this was stated today by the first deputy permanent representative of russia to the un, dmitry polyansky, at a meeting of the un security council on the situation in the middle east. he also noted: russia is disappointed that in 2 months the un security council has not demanded to stop the violence. under pressure from washington, all harsh formulations were softened.
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her cannibalistic logic is simple: make life in gaza unbearable, even impossible, leaving the civilian population with one choice: to leave their native lands or be killed. in the gaza strip , 104 mosques and three christian churches were destroyed in 2 months. hamas representatives announced this today. over the past 24 hours alone , the idf attacked almost 500 targets. strikes continue to be made against... large-scale corruption is the reason why ukraine cannot become a member of the european union, this was once again stated by hungarian prime minister viktor orban. in his opinion, there are serious doubts that data about kiev’s fulfillment of preconditions for negotiations on accession to the eu are generally true. the hungarian prime minister is confident that the ukrainian authorities are not fighting corruption in order to join. firstly, they are not ready for
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negotiations, and secondly, we, europeans, are not ready to accept them as full members. hungary is ukraine’s neighbor, no matter what people in paris, brussels and the hague think, we know exactly what is happening there. the european commission's report that four of the seven preconditions have already been met, is simply a lie. ukraine is considered one of the most corrupt countries in the world. this is funny. we cannot accept re'. about biden and his family. the beginning of the negotiation process on its membership. in addition to the problems with the ukrainian corrupt government that viktor orban talks about, the american establishment is torn apart by scandal after scandal. and one of the main providers of such news, the president himself . well-known tv presenter tucker carlson, based on a conversation with a popular blogger, claims that if voters saw democratic leaders at home would hardly vote for him, his behavior is so strange. demonstrates. also , according to tucker, at a closed meeting in the senate regarding the allocation of money to ukraine,
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the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, threatened the participants with the murder of their children, meaning that they would be sent to fight in ukraine. in this situation, it would be more correct to say not the head of the pentagon, but the leader of the pentagon. but why does congress not want to allocate money even under threats? about this report by mikhail okinchenko. refusal of republican senators to even talk to the administration. president biden on the topic of allocating the next package of financial assistance to ukraine caused disappointment close to despondency in the white house; there, of course, they still do not want to abandon the kiev regime, but there is also nothing to reassure it. we are in no position to promise ukraine support given the situation in congress. few people are inspired by useless patriotic slogans about the need to defend freedom and democracy in a distant country, so persuasion, as the famous american journalist tucker carlson reports, in the biden administration. the biden administration is openly threatening americans on the ukrainian issue.
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during a classified briefing on the house floor, defense secretary lloyd austin told participants that if they don't approve the money for zelensky, then we will send your uncles, cousins ​​and sons to fight russia. pay the oligarchs, or we will kill your children. did he really say that? indeed, confirmed. billionaire elon musk's amazement is understandable can. the question is getting louder in america. and what about the united states with this ukraine, the benefits are doubtful, the harm is obvious. from the very beginning of hostilities in ukraine, we were told that our support would help ukraine. to keep russia from invading europe, or something like that. however, almost 2 years later, none of this has been confirmed. ukraine will not defeat russia. the only one that has been defeated is the united states. the us has become significantly weaker due to this support for the war in ukraine. feeling hopeless, the newspaper writes washington post, is acutely felt thousands of kilometers from the american capital. a large
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editorial, this time describing in detail what lengths ukrainian men of military age go to in order to avoid being sent to the front. flight across the border, bribes, games of hide and seek with military commanders, the authors of the article casually claim that tens of thousands of volunteers are still eager to fight, but then they refute themselves. conversations with ukrainians of military age suggest that many of them are not eager to fight for the government, they are mired of corruption and incompetence. americans are already making similar claims to their government; food for thought was provided yesterday by the ministry of justice, which published new evidence of financial fraud in which... the son of us president hunter biden was involved. the department of justice believes that hunter biden ran a tax evasion scheme for four years from 2016 to 2019, which resulted in him underpaying the federal budget by at least $1.4000. in addition, he is accused of issuing a fake tax deduction in 2018.
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he is believed to have siphoned off millions of dollars from his company accounts that were intended to... pay taxes. hunter is accused of wasting millions of dollars on a quote: extravagant lifestyle instead of paying taxes. among these extravagant entertainments, according to the woman, the son of the american president spent almost 700,000 dollars on them and about 200 thousand more on adult entertainment, perhaps we are talking about buying drugs, the younger biden himself has more than once admitted his addiction in total, in all criminal cases, as the american media report, hunter faces up to 17 years behind bars, but... perhaps the main questions are addressed to his dad. many are sure that without his participation these financial schemes simply could not work. this is a criminal family selling out the national interests of the united states. every day we learn something new and so much evidence has already accumulated against the president that sane people
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cannot help but say: we finally want to find out what is happening. and now i'm wondering how many democrats are there in congress? squeezed out of his mind, he has been walking around all these 2 and a half years, and the further it goes, the worse , he walks naked around the white house at night, not realizing who he is or where he is, they are forced to pump him full of drugs, amphetamines right from the morning, and then at night, when he needs to go somewhere in the evening, this is a problem, he is definitely on drugs, i confirm this, this is not any guesswork, but i personally know a person who saw him
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taking amphetamines, and this was during the 2020 election campaign, and how it in general, and we’re not joking here, the fact that biden also has a nuclear briefcase in his hands makes the situation not funny at all, while the current head of the white house continues to claim that he does not intend to refuse to participate in next year’s presidential elections , his main competitor donald trump, however, considers it quite likely that the situation may soon change, he hinted about this in a telephone conversation with american journalist jonathan karl, answering a question about plans to occupy the oval office. you recently stated that this will happen.
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according to the number of bronze orpheus received in the category of entertainment broadcasting of the series, and today, informational socio-political programs, the award has already been received by our military correspondent dmitry kulko, whose report you saw at the beginning of the program. olga pautova knows who else is honored with tefé. there are 21 nominations in the category of information and socio-political broadcasting. the competition is even more intense than the day before. it’s not for nothing that our favorite athletes became the hosts of this evening. rivalry is what they each live by day. they know how much effort it takes to remain first. olympic champion maxim tronkov now intends to become a champion in the interview genre. on our channel he hosts a free program podcast. any profession.
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and the answer is simple: television is a competition for the ratings of viewers and media stars, and the tefi award is a real television olympics. the awards began with nominations dedicated to news, the genre most reminiscent of. a race where every second counts in order to get ahead of your competitor. the best evening information academicians recognized the program as leading. winner in the category reporter, correspondent for channel one. thank you very much colleagues for this assessment. of course, not only my work, despite the fact that this is an individual nomination, of course, the reporter always works with the film crew, we always have reliable guys, we have already spent more than a year in the zone of a special military operation, i want to say a big thank you to pasha likholetov. to the operator, ilya maryan, he is now near the video camera, thank you, ilya repnin, also a cameraman, guys reliable, like a kalashnikov assault rifle, in general, i would like to express recognition to all our
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correspondents who are now working in the northern military district zone at these moments, and in general , the way channel one shows combat operations today, no one has ever done this before in the world, multi-camera filming of heavy battles is everything. this is in order to show closer what our guys, our fighters on the front line are facing today, they have already worked here, there is still time to destroy the militants, as in the career of an athlete, you cannot run a distance and come running to some warm place place, you are in the race every day, you , as they say, are worth exactly as much as your good was, as much as your last report was good, so you need to fight every day, compete every day, and this is such a whole life race, and today we come first . the best interviewer is fyodor bondarchuk, as
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a director, of course, he knows that it is better to ask the actors of the film program in detail, in the documentary film category, the prize went to our channel for the film lyubov arkus, who won you, no one. this is the story of a great life alla demidova, shown against the backdrop of the era, the title refers to the work of khiminguy the old man. i won’t act like in a feature film, i won’t, i don’t have the strength or time for this, the main thing is desire, thank you very much for talking to you, but not agreeing, i have a choice, i don’t know how much one can evaluate these so much different genres of television work, but i think you did it, thanks again. the olympic
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champion is undoubtedly one of the main heroes of this year. roman kostamarov is perhaps the most inspiring moment of the evening, life is beautiful, yes, sometimes it brings very cruel trials, but at school we remain here, and under no circumstances should we give up, only move forward. therefore, i wish everyone only to move forward with good, good health. thank you! during the ceremony, of course, we couldn’t help but remember those who are no longer with us. the memory of departed colleagues is almost a leaf. the announcement of nominations dedicated to live broadcasts is ahead and the most honorable category is the special television event of the year. our channel provides a broadcast of the start and landing space film crew, which. shot the world's first film in orbit, challenge, let's see if competitors can accept it: khristina ivanova and sergey nashchekin, channel one. and the news that just arrived,
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tefé received a project from our channel, showing the main naval parade in st. petersburg, in the live broadcast category. the most complex program from a technical point of view, thanks to which you, our viewers, found yourself in the center of a grandiose holiday and were able to feel the fullness of its atmosphere. roman karmanov, elena kiper, we have guests.
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the fat workers shed a man's tear , because we, because when you see such talent, you just, well, it touches you, you know, when our athlete brazakovsky won the olympic games, i think in 2004, when he overtook everyone, so to speak, all the people in the world, at that time the best, then there is also such pride, and from this pride you always have such tears of joy, as the hero said, so, that’s the same thing we saw oleg , we both have such a tear, and then, of course, the musician who sings, knows great music, the history of music , plays classics, plays jazz, knows folk songs, sings in all the languages ​​of the world, so it’s impossible to imagine him, that’s not the way i imagine him, that’s what it means you’ve met, i just can come to you , to meet the living legend of jazz, is it possible, is it possible, is this me for those who for those who still want
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to come up? well, this is an appeal to talented people because , by and large, since we are talking about the creative industry, you need to be proactive and not be afraid of the fact that you are not they will see, they will not understand, if you are talented , then they will notice you, it’s the same thing, we have such a side that our talents are noticed mainly, if you are doing, so to speak, something, doing a creative kind of activity, so to speak, then you, firstly, you will understand that you love, if you love, you want to pass this love on to other people, and how to pass it on... say, if you need to meet a person and you want, you must tell him, i you i love how a person knows how to convey this emotion, energy, well, here we are when let me meet you, but i got to know you, when he played, i was not, well, kind of familiar with him, casually many years ago, suddenly a musician plays, a musician who i have not heard in america, whom i have not heard anywhere in other countries, a musician, which is every second of him, this is not just something learned, this is every second creative, oleg, tell me,
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uh, at the age of 14-15 we went to the club, then igor rostov saw the stage, and if this had not happened in general, you now have a good idea of ​​russian jazz, the music industry in general, that’s what it would be like further, if this meeting had not happened, you are somehow so-so, well, to be honest, i didn’t even ask myself this question, what would have happened to me if i had not participated with igor, and if i had not played , i’m in his moscow jazz orchestra, that is, now i performed like a cricket. well, igor is just a very good person, because i love him, i respect him very well, i with great pleasure want to communicate with him all the time, play, play, play, constantly and work in his team, igor, here in yours team, whoever you take, when you imagine, this is the winner of all possible competitions, and on this side, on the other side of the ocean, in general, the americans, when they hear.
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they are crying, many are crying like children, everyone is on the same stage under your leadership, so, and there is another such group, where they are also gathered, there are also the best, probably, or you already have them all, well, in our country , no, well, not all the best, unfortunately, i can’t combine all the best, because the orchestra requires 18 people, i i would gladly invite you, but if it was some new show where you can do anything, then i would invite you, you’re a producer, when you...
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they play and make their own lineups, which either don’t play for me, but there would be something to do in the next century of jazz, because we will do it, but i am sure that young, very talented guys are coming to replace me. shift , why so immediately, someone should take the baton and continue to do it, because it is clear that such work, it bears fruit, it gives pleasure to people who come to concerts, this is a new talent revealing itself, they could have gone into classical music, they could have gone to become an artist, anywhere, but they went into the music that i loved, we made it so that these talents like oleg akuratov, there is evgeny pobozhiy, anton chikkurov, eduard zezak, well, all the musicians who work with me and...
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human, as for the creative industries, again, so that people understand, these are creative industries where everything is absolutely possible, and you have a sequel the celebration of the centenary of jazz accommodates 50 regions, there can be so much more experimentation, where young musicians can throw in some new completely unexpected solutions, we are absolutely looking for them, we are open very, very open and , moreover, not only me, i’m all of me i can’t do everything, yeah.
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who can say unequivocally what such an interesting time is now, when the russian music industry is small, i mean popular, popular, 10-15
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years ago it was still possible to give an answer, there were some projects that brought together the best popartists, now the situation is a little bit not very obvious. there is an opinion , very, it seems to me, already widespread, that a new russian music industry should arise, which will be based precisely on our best examples of national music, but the question is who should do it, where should it come from, who should based on yakut music to make music that the whole of russia will listen to, who will be based on tuvan music will also make sure that we start these national motives in music in use yours, right?
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just as, in principle, in the world, jazz occupies a very small percentage from the point of view of the general family of show business, including classical music, but many people still don’t remember before, but before there weren’t even professional jazz groups before 1976, although there were jazz musicians people. they played in restaurants, some clubs appeared, but they were all conditional non-professionals, they played well, but not professionals, then the soviet union did not exist, many musicians left because they didn’t there was work, there weren’t those philharmonic connections there, now in 30 years
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a lot of great musicians have appeared, a lot of professional festivals have appeared, but why did these festivals appear, because there was interest, why there was interest, because besides ... our guests, who come from magnificent musicians from america, from europe, from asia , where our magnificent musicians came from , that is, we now have to look not at what to play, what to play, yes, but... how to play, how to make sure that our performance , recording, every moment is very, very important in the entire chain of a musical work, many, of course, follow the path of least resistance, and this is accepted by us, and what does least resistance mean, that is, what about well, let’s let's see, well, let's, well , look at our, our popular music, and even not popular music, this type of music, like chanson, for example, is not very good there.
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if this music is popular, then it is popular music, if the music is not popular, then it is unpopular music, but we ’ll see how much it’s possible with a simple guitar to have an original song like that, it’s also a wonderful form of art and also ours, yes, of course, kys, an original song, it’s all original, yes, well, any original song, i’m like i’m telling you the president of the russian authors’ society. so, but now we are talking about quality , about the quality of performance, recording, the whole production, this is what we strive for, no matter how we play, yakut music can be great, it is wonderful, but it needs to be made with such a cover, you know , brushed past notes, when they started, who were the rolling stones, and not even the totls, too, the betls also smeared, and remember how - the quin group, they combined and mixed so many genres in one
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song with their bagen work, that’s how we do it right, absolutely i mean it, that’s how i this is what i’m leading to, this is what i’m leading to, this shouldn’t be, if it’s a bad song in a good wrapper, it’s bad, it should be a good song, we need to do this , we need to learn to write further, continue to study, we have great hits, who don’t either, we have everything, understand me wrong, but then too... look, why do we have bad songs, the same lyuba, or even all the popular songs that all our stars sing, from small to great, well, good songs, of course, how do we need to do this, so that these songs have their influence even on the rest of the, so to speak, honest world, this is how we do it, break the patterns, and this is right, and this is how to break them if you don’t know how to play, you know, some say, i i play, say, modern avant-garde music, i don’t...
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there are three outstanding people here in studio, which means that the producer , who once already broke the mold, generally had something to do with the tattoo that broke the whole world, and igor mikhailovich butman, the great, undoubtedly brought the whole world back together, a new generation, so to speak, you can, here i actually have a question as a person who is not a musical person about... what are
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we going to tear up the world with in the future? yes, that is, korea is tearing up k-pop, for example, no matter how it sounds, korean, korean popular music is tearing up the world, that is, it is now the most popular, well, it was the first, then start, of course, i know this, this is the first one, i haven’t listened to this music much, but i know. we take an example, we look, we find people , we teach, look again, we can study this, we invite them to write in a similar manner, using, let’s say, you just need all this education, this is all well, i studied, so to speak, in foreign music school, there is a conservatory, they tell us about how
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he wrote music, we study:


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