tv Imena nelegalnoi razvedki 1TV December 10, 2023 5:00pm-5:56pm MSK
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which was provided by the austrian police, here is a photograph of samvel grigoryan ’s teeth taken by the lotus dental clinic, your honor, these photographs do not match, the card was changed, yes, that’s exactly what i wanted to say, and i ask you to invite the owner of the lotus clinic to testify, this is such a shame.
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civil procedural code of the russian federation, the court decided to satisfy the application of grigoryan zhulyuvern ambartsumovich. to establish the fact of family relations between grigoryan zhulvern ambratsumovich born in 1970, a native of lenin kan who died in moscow, grigoryan samvel. artsumovich, born in 1983, a native of lenin kan, recognizing that the applicant grigoryan-zholvern ambartsumovich is the brother of the deceased grigoryan samvel ambartsumovich. the petition of grigoriyan zhelverny bartsumovich to change the account in the unified state register of civil status records is satisfied.
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reshooting, but in our situation there will be no reshooting. this is really the last shot that we shot with sergei buskipales, with our seryozha. guys, i think this is some kind of mistake. well, since i am a vascular surgeon, i want to tell you that blood clots need to be dissolved, we are already shouting, we are already telling them at all our conferences.
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the result of his work is hundreds of thousands of lives saved. an operative of the highest. class, he attracted to cooperation with soviet foreign intelligence a number of disinterested assistants, sources of invaluable secret information, he is called a brilliant recruiter, he knew no failures in his business, an ideal intelligence officer, it was he who relied on the acquisition of promising agents. recruitment is the intelligence officer’s sharpest weapon, but it is both sharp, and you can take advantage of any person. the agents he recruited influenced the course of world history. 17 or 20
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agents, that is, this is an absolutely outstanding achievement, but the most important thing is cambridge five. this folder contains personal matters. soviet intelligence legend arnold deitch. this is his main passport, issued in the name of arnold deitch. some documents will be made public for the first time. he had a large number of reserve passports in the name of emil hoenberg, in the name of joseph kraft and in the name of victor gurdler. arnold deitch had many names, but not a single award, and after his death there was not even a grave left. before us is a map on which the exact place of death is marked. who is he?
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who worked in great britain in the mid -thirties, right under your nose. archer asks employees to bring up all the data on deitch, immediately. eden writes in his autobiography: kryvitsky knew that we were working in london with young people, so intelligence must assume the worst. if krivitsky reveals his cards, british counterintelligence may expose the soviets agents in london. many of them were recruited by arch. will this interrogation backfire on the intelligence services? the ussr was the loudest failure in history. winter 1934. soviet stations throughout europe receive instructions from the center. start looking for new agents. for
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this purpose, arnold deitch is sent to london. and he is perfectly suited for this dangerous work. dech. he was the first of all the soviet intelligence people working in london to understand that it was very difficult to recruit someone in great britain. that he occupies a high position, he may be extradited, deitch decides to raise agents behind enemy lines, why not, the soviet intelligence officer was looking closely at the scions of the british elite, representatives of the aristocracy and the middle class, he tried to penetrate this environment, he understood that it was in this environment that invaluable assistants could be found... it was impossible to imagine that british golden youth will begin to sympathize with the ideas
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of communism, but after hitler came to power, the threat of fascism in the early thirties, the understanding that the soviet union is the only powerful force that can resist fascism, among the descendants there are those in the british elite for whom communism is more than just a hobby, but... how to approach them? deitch is not from their circle, he is modestly dressed, he does not waste money, although this is exactly what works for the legend for the british intelligence services. he is a native of austria, allegedly came to london for a second higher education. before us are passports and documents that the intelligence officer used at different times and periods. here is his real passport, in his name, arnold deitch. according to this passport. he went to great britain, a pleasant gentleman from
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austria is fascinated by the queen of the english detective story, the legendary agatha christie. they are neighbors and live in the same house. yes, he loved people, so to speak, well, after meeting them, he very quickly, so to speak, captured their attention, although, well, outwardly he didn’t show off much with his appearance. a rented apartment in a good area is the only help that arnold accepted from his successful english cousin, the industrialist cinema owner oscar deitch, and only because arnold’s wife josephine will soon arrive from moscow, too an agent of soviet intelligence, everything was conveyed to moscow by the name fina, she also has a lot of pseudonyms there, a lot.
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university of london, studying psychology, often visits the reading room of the british museum. his library card is preserved in the archives of the foreign intelligence service. this is not just a unique document that we are showing for the first time, it is a pass to one of those places where deitch worked, looked after students from other universities, and oxford. arnold dech wrote in one of his messages to the center that 80% of people from cambridge and oxford get jobs the state apparatus and the country's elite were mainly formed from graduates of these two universities. one such promising cambridge student is kim philby, the son of st john philby, a renowned arabist intelligence officer from the british colonial office. kim philby, operational pseudonym sönchen, occupied one of the leading
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positions in british intelligence, mi 6. among other things, he transmitted information about the operation planned by the wehrmacht on the kursk bulge, thanks to which the red army regrouped its forces and was the first to strike the enemy position, depriving him of his advantage. dach watches philby from the side and checks through his channels. it seems to him that kim is the one he needs. the young aristocrat who hates nazism and hitler is close to the ideals of communism. people simply stand in front of such a rubicon, or you go there to the black line, which was fascist or like the soviet union. philby decides to join the communist party. this forces dece to act urgently. he meets with kim personally to recruit and dissuade him from a rash step. young man, if you are now join the communist party
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, everything is limited to the fact that you can distribute the morning star on the streets, participate in strikes, strikes and so on, but there is a more effective way to fight for the cause of communism, this is to penetrate into such organizations that make decisions in this western world, but for this he explains to the lady, you need to graduate from cambridge... is building for a good position and no comptia, otherwise the risk of exposure for philby as an agent will increase significantly. arnold knows what he's talking about, at the same age as... himself joined the party in his native austria. dach at one time, he actively participated in demonstrations without any conspiracy. this was a very dangerous story for his future career, because he sometimes ended up in police stations, and it is clear that there were fingerprints, and photographs, and some
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kind of file on him was kept in austria. get caught by the british police and find out about his past. moreover, he entered the uk using his real passport, so caution is paramount. at the first meeting with kim philby, he doesn't say the real thing. through the austrians it will not be difficult, so the name appears as otto. the meeting itself takes place in regent's park, where there are few police officers and many shady places. tim philby himself writes about this in his book, that is, he forced him into regent's park. on the grass , he sat on a bench, and as if there was no dialogue, people were resting, one was lying on the grass, the other was sitting on a bench, nevertheless, the most important conversation was taking place between them. years later, in her memoirs, philbina writes about deitch this way: the first thing that attracted attention was these are his eyes, he looked at you as if
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they wanted to get to him somehow, apparently, both sides, recruited and recruiting , treated this matter, but with some kind of irony, the center informs about the first meeting with philby, deitch noted, kim rosshift wrote the entire list of all his friends, acquaintances with whom he communicates.
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at the uk department of foreign affairs and international development. in the forties, he transmitted secret data via us nuclear program and anglo-american relations. there are questions that cannot be answered, but there are others that will... be answered accurately and directly. you can ask your question now by calling 8 800 20040-40 via sms to number 040-40 or through the websites and moskvadefisputinu.rf. all details are on the
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websites. results of the year with vladimir putin. december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. big box, back on first. one of the most striking principled confrontations in history boxing match of the best boxing schools in the world. five furious fights, a tough test for everyone, betting league, night of champions, russia, usa.
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estimates that this is the cambridge five - this is the most effective, most powerful group of intelligence officers of the second world war. well , it happens that you come across brilliant people. to be honest, i think this is just an exceptional case of luck, but this is luck. who was working for the soviets, located somewhere, somewhere in spain, and i think this man,
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i think, was a special correspondent for some english british newspaper. walter krevitsky knows only the operational pseudonym of this recruited by arnold deitchem, kim philby. it was kim who until recently worked as a correspondent for the times newspaper, covering the spanish civil war, and pretending to have deep sympathy for the spanish dictator franco, an opponent of the communists. kim philby was simply not exposed, as it seems to me, due to the negligence of british counterintelligence. years later, british intelligence agencies would search unsuccessfully for answers. why mi5 officer jane. archer did not request details of all british correspondents who had previously worked in spain, so how is it that the most important clue given by krivitsky went
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unnoticed. he didn’t pass the cambridge a, and daech said he knew that we were working with young people, but walter krivitsky’s questions jane archer would be fired from mi5 due to a scandal with management, but in a new job in british intelligence mi6, she will have a new, suave, caring boss, kim philby. by then he will begin his career ascent in the british. intelligence services will do everything to prevent archer from identifying the agents of the cambridge five, and the name deitch remains simply mention in the interrogation records. for decades, employees of various intelligence services have been asking the question, who is arnold deitch? where did he come from and why did he start working for the ussr? in my car
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, before the beatings from my father, this is how to make me like myself, the decisive conflicts arose because of my political activities, which aroused anger and hatred in him. and he, by the way, had two brothers, younger brothers, who together with him, from a young age, as they say, began to engage in politics, entered communist party, participated in
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even before the soviet intelligence service , he used his, let’s say, charisma along with his knowledge of human psychology, and maybe, maybe, this helped him find a way to the souls, i emphasize, of people who came across his path, to help people find the same glances and come to the same red side where arnold deitch was able to convince anyone, but not his own father. after another scandal, they stopped communicating. years later, the connection between father and son will resume. heinrich deutsch will finally understand what arnold is fighting so desperately for. true, it will be too late. in 1938 , nazi-german jews, including heinrich deutsch, would become victims of the holocaust.
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well, radically changing my life. arnold never turned away from the path of revolutionary struggle. after graduating from the university of vienna with a dissertation in chemistry, he joined the communist party. he worked for 3 months at a chemical plant in his specialty in austria, and then he wanted to continue this fight. and as he himself points out, a number of him acquaintances, they were very serious and of a high level. yes, he was familiar. with the head
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the twenty-eight-year-old communist repents to his comintern comrades for the fact that in his letters to josephine he mentions working issues that could put his comrades at risk. i confess. what he wrote to his wife about the activities of the apparatus of the international relations department in vienna, about the comrades who worked there, about himself. i admit that i violated the principles of conspiracy known to me; the police could have used them. in the same explanatory note, dech undertakes to never complain, either verbally or in writing, about the nature of the work and the tasks assigned to me. however, he and his wife understood each other without words. the wife was from the same circles that were passionate about these left-wing ideas, so the wife was aware
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of who she married, and he was in full confidence that he would not be betrayed. in 1932 , dechi was recommended to the foreign department of the gpu. nothing unusual. soviet intelligence periodically recruits camentern's best agents to work for them. arnold and his wife receive passports filled out by arnold dech in his own hand. just below attributed to stefan lang. under this name he worked at komentern. after he received citizenship of the soviet union, he took stefan lang as his main name. the intelligence officer is given the patronymic name grigorievich, and from that moment on it is customary to address his wife as josephine pavlovna. they work together, josephine, a photographer and birth attendant, will keep in touch with the center. at
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the very beginning of the thirties, he sent the couple to paris, prepared passage points there in case of war to other european countries from france, recruited there, tried to recruit fishermen with a purpose. the placement of a radio station from the paris period in deitch's work is a kind of preparation for the london period. in 1934, a scout was sent to britain. there, deitch not only manages to study at the university and conduct active recruiting work, he creates useful inventions for agents. this is it. this is the transportation of information using silver
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coins, there are also several recipes for use in foreign intelligence work, sympathetic ink for use in secret writing, and labels on perfume bottles, according to it is believed that they can serve as a place for application. a simple performer, but constantly strived to improve its forms and methods, to introduce something new in order to obtain greater results and advancement.
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honor to him and praise to him, yes, because this of course, this is in intelligence, this is the most , most important thing, safety, first of all, kim philbia at first could not understand why experienced dyche see risk in every simple action, isn’t it too he is fixated on security, he thought that this might be some kind of blunder, you know, but then he realized that it was a conspiracy - this is the main thing, and many historians who... studied philby’s biography in detail believed
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that he was generally obsessed with conspiracy. already at an advanced age, philby, remembering how many times he was on the verge of exposure, paid tribute, even in his memoirs. i am deeply grateful to him. he was literally obsessed with the ideas of security and conspiracy. this is largely why i managed to survive. but there is a situation. they cannot help, for example, if your old acquaintance goes over to the enemy’s side. september 1937, the doorbell rings, dach opens it, when neither the methods of work nor the experiments of conspiracy are on the doorstep of a policeman, he sees his last name, the policeman has documents in his hands, when you leave england, your visa expires, you are here...
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becoming a victim of repression. for this, apparently, he was liquidated by nkvd agents. what did he have time to tell? whether he had time to talk about deutsch, whom he knew, no one could have guessed, here on the soviet side. not only did reis know dach and many other soviet agents very well, he also openly switched to the side of the personal - this is a world revolution. stalin is... building socialism in one single country. acquaintance with reis, who dared to betray stalin upon returning to moscow, could have turned into a death sentence for deitch, but it was impossible to stay in london, perhaps he had already been exposed. dach would have been on the brink in england if he had not left, quite definitely, representatives of the english counterintelligence. leave london, dach was not afraid for himself. almost
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two dozen agents with his disappearance will find themselves without communication and support. how he will be met in the ussr, the intelligence officer prefers not to think. skurt of people was shot, that is, against the backdrop of all this tragic slaughter, moskvych has no complaints, no suspicions related to the defector, none. on the contrary, his work in britain is highly appreciated. upon his return, arnold dech received a fantastic description: an ideal person, an ideal recruiter. ideal workers and so on and so forth, the word ideal was everywhere, but the joy of returning to moscow quickly fades away, almost everyone with whom deitch once worked, or was arrested or shot, the hardest thing to take is the news of what happened to his supervisor, theodore malley. with him, deitch
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supervised the cambridge five from 1936 and recruited new agents from oxford. a few weeks before arnold returned to the ussr. smile at the weightlessness of the water and surrender, my half, my half, how i miss you, level with the road, tova, get drunk, my tenderness is not lost on the earth and the winds
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of inexchange, no, you are not for me. like a butterfly of fire, the whole universe was busy, leading toya, drink the star, finale, watch after the evening news, gin сnop product of the stellar group, look. turn colonel kushnir, tomorrow after the program time. neo, if you pick up the phone, you will find yourself in another place, but don’t worry, they are now sending it out through government services. kvn, major league, first semi-final, on saturday at
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the first. well, this is katyukha, she got herself a very patriotic tattoo, she’s trying to prove herself to the leadership. soviet intelligence told him that he needed to return to london, at least for a couple of weeks. everyone understands that this is suicide, dach. is actually exposed, but permission to leave is still given, because the future of two dozen agents is more important, they maintain contact with the center only through deitch, only he can warn them about the threat of exposure and the need to hide for a while. he understood that with his departure the cambridge five. will remain mothballed, without communication, so he writes that these people work with us on an ideological basis, they don’t need any money and they just need to feel a friendly shoulder and some kind of warm word of support. about the details of deitch's trip to london in november 1937
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walter krevitsky is waiting to be called to britain for a new interrogation. mi-5 counterintelligence still has many questions for him. it is clear to the british that last time he did not tell everything. what was characteristic of the work of the defectors? even if they were issued, this list was not there. the interrogation will be conducted by a new british intelligence officer. it is already clear that we will talk about arnold deitch, who by that time has been finding for more than two years.
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the americans investigated krivitsky’s death and it was easier to declare him a suicide than to look for the person he killed. moreover, the americans admit that krivitsky was killed, who wants to cooperate with their intelligence services. after all, they are not able to protect even the most valuable witnesses. arnold deitch is not
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how to feed it from the strategic south of latin america to spain, and then to germany. argentina at that time had one of the largest german diasporas in the world. representative offices of industrial concerns and banks of the third reich operate in the country. probably the task set by intelligence for deutsch is to infiltrate the local nazi community, and his two siblings, who fled here from austria in 1938, can help with this. dach goes to argentina, but after the united states and japan go to war, the journey goes quietly the ocean is closed. arnold turns to the head of foreign intelligence. and this is what he writes to fitin about this. dear comrade. i am addressing you as a comrade boss, for 8 months now i have been on the road with my comrades, but we
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are as far from the goal as at the very beginning, then he states his request, allow me to return to the ussr, go to the front to fulfill the immediate task war work, i can work for you, but i beg you: not in the rear. after 4 months, the center sends deitch on a dangerous northern route through murmansk to iceland, from there to america, there is simply no other way to get to argentina. a soviet tanker called donbass is attacked by a german destroyer. the outcome of the battle is predetermined. the soviet ship on which arnold deitch is located cannot escape. there were also deck guns, well, they could have been against a warship, on the same day the
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donbass tanker disappeared from the air, did anyone manage to survive or? all crew members and passengers, including deitch, and he was on the ship under a different name, were swallowed up by the depths of the sea. arnold deitch's life was heroic, and no less the last days of his life on the donbass tanker were heroic. for the first time , external services are shedding light on the specific circumstances of the tanker’s death. before us is a map on which the place of death is marked, the exact place of death. 15 donbass passengers and its captain vitaly tsilke survived the naval battle. all of them spent the rest of the war in a concentration camp in nazi-occupied norway. it was from here that the nazis
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was in evacuation in novosibirsk. before daughter ninel and elderly mother, we have a letter from josephine lang of deitch's wife from novosibirsk, where she was evacuated. 1943 in this letter asking about the fate of her husband, she only attaches a photo of herself with her mother and daughter to the letter and writes: “i’m dying from internal experiences.” the head of soviet intelligence fittin orders the immediate return of the intelligence officer's family to moscow. in the same letter, josephine also contains the following lines about deitch. i've known him since he was 18, that's 21 years now. he is my only friend, comrade, the father of my only child. if he alive, then he lives as a communist. if he died, then he died as a communist. after the war, having learned about the death of her husband, josephine politely refuses all offers of further work for soviet intelligence and leaves with her elderly mother and
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ten-year-old daughter for austria. as soon as josephine appeared in austria, the british intelligence services initiated an investigation into her, which they conducted in an attempt to intimidate her, but it didn’t work out, josephine knows how to take a blow, and in the end the woman was forced to release, although representatives of the british.
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