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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  December 11, 2023 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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journalists. all i will comment on is that we killed russians and will continue to kill russians anywhere in the world until the complete victory of ukraine. they have been trying to accuse me of terrorism since 2016. but i want to start by saying that what they call terrorism, we call liberation. the bloodthirstiness of mr. budanov was disputed, except in the recent past by the official representative of the territorial defense of the armed forces of ukraine, the american transgender chirilla. the world will see the kremlin's favorite propagandists pay for their crimes. we will hunt for all russians. the dismissal from office that followed this statement , however, does not speak of anything other than the desire of the ukrainian special services to keep such revelations for themselves, because it is not the job of varangians in wigs to intercept the terrorist agenda, especially since the western allies clearly encourage the methods; it is not worth paying attention to the routine words . ukraine says: we are using every opportunity to strike the crimean bridge. the west says: no, this is impossible. do, russia is painful for this
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refers, this will escalate the conflict , this cannot be done, they immediately supply missiles that can hit the crimean bridge, and ukraine immediately takes advantage of this, they immediately supply naval drones, teach them how to use them, help carry out an operation to strike the crimean bridge, but they they know perfectly well what is happening, they know perfectly well what ukraine is doing, they encourage it, and encouragement, according to all the laws of training, is closely related to the result, and the more obvious the failure of the ukrainian offensive contour becomes for...
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and ukraine with its own kind of statehood is a new level, and although it is generally accepted that terrorism has neither religion nor nationality, but now there certainly are very specific ukrainian names and official positions in a country that still considers itself part of decent europe . kirill branin, natalya litovskaya, alexander gusev, channel one. olaf scholz breaks records of unpopularity. for all the troubles, the federal chancellor blames anyone but himself. the main culprit, of course. same russia,
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our country, according to scholz, left germany starving for energy , for no apparent reason. why does the head of the german government come to stoop to outright lies stitched together with white thread ? our correspondent ivan blagoev knows the answer. olaf scholz and olaf scholz are a social democrat, he is the chancellor, he has powers. in fact, he is expected to step up and become a leader. the budget crisis and the recession in german television are washing the bones of chancellor scholz, under whom a prosperous germany has reached like this. at some point, unfortunately, this becomes funny, because you understand that this is all wrong, he doesn’t say anything, doesn’t explain anything, at some point you get the feeling that you’re looking at a ventriloquist dummy who they forgot to put their hand inside, those present in the studio cannot hide their smile, olaf scholz is now not only unpopular in the country, he sets records for unpopularity, only 20% of german residents are satisfied with his work.
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words about russian energy resources were reprinted almost without comment: it would be it’s smarter and cheaper to get energy directly from russia, this is the key to solving many problems, this is the key to ensuring that industry gets back on its feet and does not move production out of the country. at the end of the week, a congress of the social democratic party took place, who edited the advertising video that preceded scholz’s speech, it is unclear, but here you can’t help but suspect information sabotage: a child reaches for a radiator, then a woman with a gaunt face and the fergay flag. also chancellor, he smiles at
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meetings with biden and zelensky, almost 10 times more, somewhere even more than 10 times, suddenly there was a market price to get energy, and russia, yes. it was russia that cut off energy supplies to europe. 2022, fifth package of sanctions. eu embargo on russian coal. germany, for political reasons , refuses russian oil, supplied through the druzhba pipeline for more than half a century. it is common knowledge why scholz says all this. it was the president of russia who stopped gas supplies through a gas pipeline that was still intact. germany's ally canada refused to hand over to russia after repairs siems turbine pumping gas due to sanctions. there were deliveries. expropriated by a former subsidiary of gazprom. as a result, as bloomberg reports, germany now has problems with india. the reason was disrupted supplies of russian liquefied
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natural gas under a long-term contract. indians don't care about problems. the amount of the claim is almost $2 billion. the issue will be decided by the london international arbitration court, the consequences of the decisions of the german government. but. schols stood nearby and not only was not indignant, but hastened to assure his american friends that english perhaps it is a good idea to tell our american friends: we will be united, we will act together and take all the necessary steps. and we will take all the necessary steps together. what are
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the steps? pulzer winner seymour hirsch cites a cia source. there they thought scholz was aware of american plans to undermine the northern streams. by the way, even now russia may well begin direct gas supplies to germany. vladimir. putin directly made it clear on october 5, one branch of nord stream 2 is being preserved, it is not damaged, it can supply 27.5 billion cubic meters of gas to europe. this is only a decision of the government of the federal republic of germany. do not need anything else. today is the decision, tomorrow we turn the valve, and the gas starts flowing. but they don't do this.
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wants to do us a favor, let him raise the question of trust in himself. the fame of comedian oliver kolkov about the chancellor resembling a ventriloquist doll into which they forgot to put their hand attracted such attention that a focus publication decided to write about the incident in the studio. links to the article so far search engines give out, but when you go to it you see an error message, either a technical problem, or the words hit the target. ivan blagoev, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva and evgenia stefanchuk, channel one. how stable can a business operate in a country like this? the german government, which seems to care not about the interests of its entrepreneurs, but about the benefits of overseas partners, is a rhetorical question. against this background, the desires of investors, of course, those who can decide for themselves what to do and work in russia, are understandable. this is exactly what drew attention to vladimir putin, speaking at the vtb forum. you can make
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loud slogans and threats against us as much as you like, but in the end, this is the work of some western politicians who intend to cancel russia, but all this... the hype is not able to cancel the immutable fact , it was profitable to work with russia in russia, it was profitable, now it will be profitable, and this fact has been confirmed by centuries of experience of generations of merchants, entrepreneurs, businessmen around the world. from the beginning of march 2022 to november of this year year, the number of foreign companies in russia, i would like to draw your attention to this. despite all the pressure from the political elites of the west, the number of foreign structures , business structures operating in russia has not decreased, can you imagine, i myself was surprised to discover when i looked at the materials, it has increased, and so on march 1, 2022
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, it was registered in russia 24,100 foreign organizations, as of november 1 of this year their... contacts between russia and the countries of asia, the middle east, southern eurasia, latin america, africa, opens up additional opportunities for our economy and for almost any business. results of the year with vladimir putin, a big conversation between the president and the country on thursday, december 14. live broadcast at exactly noon moscow time. this year it was decided to combine two formats: a press conference of the head of state, a direct line. anyone can ask a question, the number for... ru or mobile applications,
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another way is through social networks, vkontakte and odnoklassniki, as practice shows, the closer the date, the more active people are asking about everything: social issues, a special military operation, health care, not only problems are shared, ideas and proposals are received , all requests, including those that will not be broadcast, will be answered: either local authorities or popular front activists will respond, question: why is a father with many children not being considered, why is he not able to retire earlier, is it possible at the federal level to oblige mobile operators to block, punish, fine citizens who call without subscriber consent, results of the year, results of the year. with vladimir putin watch on december 14 at noon moscow time. live broadcast on channel one. heroes of the fatherland day
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was celebrated in russia on saturday; on the eve of the holiday, the supreme commander-in-chief in the kremlin awarded gold stars to particularly distinguished fighters. communicating with our defenders, vladimir putin especially noted the inextricable connection between the current generation of warriors and their heroic ancestors. these very young men completely dispelled the myth of the invincibility of the western military machine. on ceremonies. our military correspondent dmitry kulko visited, his report contains the story of people whom the country should know. the commander of an anti-tank battery of the airborne forces with the call sign taimir , together with his crew, goes directly to the vodka, the risk is colossal. an accurate rocket fired at militant positions. the hand did not tremble. taimyr always fights shoulder to shoulder with the rank and file and together they repelled the attack of an enemy who outnumbered them tens of times. to our strong point.
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takes a hidden position on the front line to hit the ukrainian attack aircraft even before how he will try to hit our troops.
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at this moment, the hot dryer crashed into the field, then the lieutenant knocked out the second side, the pilot, who after ejection was captured. when you shoot down an attack aircraft, what does it feel like? well, these feelings are indescribable, to be honest, i don’t even know how to describe them, but i feel proud of my country and want to continue. continues to work for the benefit of his homeland. love for your country through personal courage. over the three decades of existence, the hero awards in russia there were just over 1,200 people. this is still a rare and unique title, although the list of those awarded during the special operation has, of course, grown. motorized riflemen, artillerymen, pilots who accomplished an absolute feat. tank commander ruslan kurbanov, call sign aressa, knows how to energize his crew even in the toughest battles. for one of them he... everything was fine, he withstood everything, my
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crew at that time had a driver mechanic who was 19 years old, a gunner operator who was 21 years old, so i couldn’t give up any slack to show, we were able to get out of the encirclement, move forward and were one of the first to make our way by land, it turns out at gastomenskaya antonov airport, the hero-tanker keeps his awards at home on the ceremonial black uniform of the marine corps in... he dreamed of serving since childhood, his parents say, in the sixth class, when i was studying, i took this picture, and after that, this is how this wish came true in my homeland. in the tabasaran region of dagestan, ruslan became a legend, a people's hero of the republic and an honorary resident of the region. fellow countrymen even made a film about the brave commander cartoon call sign ares. car forward! gratitude and pride of the country. perhaps this is the highest award. and the day of heroes of the fatherland is an opportunity to say thank you to those who selflessly defended their homeland. a whole
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holiday delegation came to visit the participant of the great patriotic war, pavel grigorievich letov. he lives in a remote village in the arkhangelsk region. i greeted the victory well, a victory is a victory. where did you celebrate the victory? and victory in germany. in the museum complex on poklonnaya gora it is clearly visible continuity of generations of fatherland defenders. the names of almost 12 thousand heroes who were awarded this title for feats accomplished during the great patriotic war are depicted here, but an entire section is dedicated to the participants of the northern military district. our grandfathers brought us victory, which we at the cost of heroism, unfortunately, often becomes life, but no matter what, the soldiers say, we must continue the work of our fallen comrades. inesa kontsova is the widow of russian guard member maxim kontsov. he left like a hero, without flinching or retreating, covering his comrades to the last, for which
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was posthumously awarded the highest badge of military valor. and i think that we are coping, our children, our future generations will know their hero fathers, will honor the memory and will be the same patriots of the present. russia cherishes the memory of heroic deeds forever. the names of heroes of past eras are carved on every wall of the kremlin's st. george's hall, where 15 participants received the highest military award from the hands of the president. their exploits are truly amazing. the whole country is proud of them, and it is an absolute honor for me to present gold stars to our military personnel today heroes of russia, these are natives of various regions of our country, from karelia to the primorsky territory, representatives of different nationalities, all of them shoulder to shoulder defending a common homeland for all, they
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boldly, bravely acted as part of assault groups, the commanders among them are very young people, by their own example, sometimes , despite the wounds received, they led their units, destroyed tanks, other armored vehicles, artillery installations of the enemy, including western ones, completely dispelled the myth about their invulnerability. the hero star goes to major yaroslav yakubov, whose group knocked the enemy out of position, despite the fact that he himself was wounded, but refused to evacuate and continued to lead the combat comrades forward.
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received by desperately brave people who served in different years, but the concept of heroism does not depend on time, then now, it is the highest virtue, which has become part of the genetic code in russia. the technical side of the issue, of course, is changing, but the human soul remains. russia has always been famous for such people from the times of alexander nevsky, dmitry donskoy, those heroes who were the first to attack, who were the first to board. ship, here is the feat of the crew of the tank alyosha, it seems as if from the books, one against a group of ukrainian armored vehicles, they didn’t think about this act of some kind, the work is just like that. didn’t work, just completing the task , that’s all, it should have been simple, if they had retreated,
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our infantry was sitting there, too, so a medal for the battle, for work from one metal, the legendary nuclear scientist yuri pormakov received a star when he turned 90, that fact that's the work in the present time is equated to military work, to combat labor, this is... a huge thing, i ’ve been working at the same enterprise for 68 years, i’ve gone through, as they say, all the stages, and most importantly, i’ve never regretted it, i’m very lucky, so this is luck, it ended with this result, the attitude towards the heroes, something that remains unchanged throughout the era, today the country supports its defenders, millions of russian citizens are determined to be with the country and in the face of trials to do so? as it should be fair, i know, i see it at meetings with our people, i feel their spirit, their desire for solidarity,
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today they are inseparable and nourish, support each other, the military feat of labor, the strength of character of our people , the unity of the entire russian society, we are all united by a sincere, heartfelt love for russia, it helps to go , go ahead, do even more, overcome any obstacles. i am sure that together we will definitely achieve all our goals, we will be able to tell our children and grandchildren: we, our comrades in arms , tried our best for you. we lived, worked, fought for your future, they will be proud of us, happy holiday. day of heroes of the fatherland. despite the hail of bullets and shrapnel, our soldiers at these moments are leading the infantry forward, riding out in
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tanks and firing artillery guns. everyone who is at the front today are all our heroes. dmitry kulko, dmitry tolmachev, alexey ivanov and marina melnik, channel one. support for participants in a special military operation, their families, the rights of our citizens who live in unfriendly countries. december 10 marks the 75th anniversary of the un adoption of the universal declaration of human rights. to unfortunately, we are celebrating this anniversary in a difficult situation, when the process of degradation of the international system for ensuring the promotion of human rights continues. its institutions, virtually controlled by the west, demonstrate political bias, hypocrisy and open selectivity. so,
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for eight years we have seen their helplessness and direct ignorance of flagrant violations against the residents of donbass. in these structures they not only do not notice, but even encourage the manifestation of russophobia. support those countries that are in a hurry borrow. first places in this shameful competition russophobe. as you know, russia has withdrawn from a number of international human rights organizations. however, this does not mean that we abandon the principles laid down in the declaration. on the contrary, i am ready to cooperate with all interested countries and partners, to find a solution to form an effective, fair, equal system for ensuring human rights for all. civil institutions in force. their flexibility are more adapted to the rapid search for possible solutions in this area, it is necessary we will certainly continue to persistently continue working in this direction. one of the topics
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of the meeting was the situation with migrants. vladimir putin noted that visitors must comply with our laws and respect traditions. everything that happens in this area is primarily dictated by the interests of the economy, there is a shortage of workers, but these people certainly need to be trained.
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i will repeat this again, comply with russian laws, respect our cultural traditions, the traditions of our peoples, and so on. moscow and kazan are getting closer, less than two weeks until the moment when traffic on the m12 east highway will be fully launched. other speeds, a different level of comfort, other opportunities for both business and ordinary people, delivering cargo faster, getting to relatives, or just going on a weekend trip around... a big country, all this is becoming more accessible thanks to new modern highways. our film crew has already driven along the m12 and svetlana kostina talks about the advantages of the road. in 6.5 hours from moscow to kazan by car, in less than 2 weeks, this will become real. the final section of the m12 east highway opens. from moscow to arzamas via vladimir and morom, further from arzamas to kazan via chuvashia. and this is part of a huge
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russian project that will stretch across the entire country. from st. petersburg to vladivostok. the total length of the m12 highway from kazan to moscow is 810 km. at the end of december, the eighth section of seventy kilometers opens. the new m-12 makes the regional centers of moscow, nizhny novgorod, vladimir regions, chuvashia and tatarstan much closer. highway m7, along which all the cars are now traveling on, is heavily loaded, and passes through populated areas. there are frequent traffic jams, speed limits along the entire m-12, highway speeds of 110 km/h and no traffic lights. moz across the volga is the largest overhead structure on the m-12 highway, just imagine, the height of the supports is 14 floors, their creation required 82.00 cubic meters of concrete, which is more than 11 thousand automobile mixers. they built the bridge in a record 2 years, how did you manage to build a bridge of empathy for six months? it became possible due to the fact that the bridge construction work was organized simultaneously from both banks, two technological
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bridges were built on the right and left. banks and, accordingly , sliding, assembly of metal structures was also carried out from both banks simultaneously. the bridge has already been tested by heavy loads, the final touches are left before the opening, the volume of work along the entire route is amazing, the road was laid through forests and fields, the terrain here is uneven. in some areas it was necessary to go deeper by several tens of meters to avoid steep ascents and descents. work has been carried out to develop excavations from the left bank - this is 6 million cubic meters, from the right bank - this is four, 14 million cubic meters. the volume of the entire excavated soil was comparable to the volume of the eight pyramids of chiops. what about the metal on the bridges? when moving the metal structure onto the volga , 44 were spent. by weight, the tower is equal to four eiffels. work at the construction site was carried out around the clock in all seasons. today -30 outside. what temperatures did you have to work at as a builder? the work did not stop. any
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weather conditions, in winter the temperature dropped to 35°, in summer it rose to +35, we worked in the snow, in the rain, and finally, the route is almost ready, all that remains is to hang up the signs, gas stations and rest areas are being completed, about 800 km of them are planned thirty, 20 have already been built, these are not just gas stations with separate pumps for heavy trucks, these are multifunctional complexes, here you can wash clothes or take a shower, eat, refuel an electric car, do... sports, and children can take a break from the road, also on territory there is a prayer room for forgiveness prayer - this is a whole procedure, you have to take ablution, that is, you need to wash, it’s not just that you went to pray and read, but you need to wash your hands , face, feet, yes, do it, that is, cleanse yourself , this cannot be done on the street, the m12 highway , the toll payment system on the site in tatarstan is completely contactless, which
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means that there are no barriers here. at the cash register, cameras read car numbers and automatically calculate the payment. you can pay for travel within 5 days through applications, enter number of your state registration plate, the application shows you whether there is a debt or not. however, you also don’t have to stop at other areas if the car has a transponder, a device with which the system automatically debits money and the barriers open immediately. this is a kind of ticket to the world of the country's highways, because every year the movement of cars in russia becomes faster and more comfortable. the largest roads are the m11 highway from st. petersburg to moscow, m4 don from capital to novorossiysk and now m-12. the total length of high-speed toll highways in the country is already about 3.00 km. svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin and anatoly mineev, first channel tatarstan. family, motherhood and childhood are our values ​​and national priorities. the federation council discussed the demographic situation. in russia, maternal
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mortality is low, and child mortality is lower than. europe, the head of the upper house of parliament reminded. the big problem remains the number of abortions. a balanced approach is needed, emphasized valentin matvienko. the state does not will follow the path of a ban, as was done in some regions, in relation to commercial establishments. which ended with sad consequences, this is an illegal market for services, this is cave quality, this is an increase in female mortality, and so on. in some regions , a decision has already been made, say, to ban abortion in private
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clinics, well, listen, the form of ownership does not matter, both private and public, municipal medical education, they all work according to the same medical standards. but if any private clinics, and i think that not only private ones, commit violations, which means they should simply be deprived of their license, prohibited from doing this, but a woman cannot be indiscriminately deprived of the right to choose if she decides to take such a step. on december 5, those for whom helping others became the meaning of life celebrated their holiday. volunteer day in 2017 was established by his decree of vladimir putin, volunteers, and there are tens of millions of them in russia. lonely old people, children in orphanages, people with disabilities, make the lives of patients better hospitals and hospices, finding homeless animals a home, the volunteer movement in russia has reached a fundamentally new level with the start of a special military operation. without exaggeration, the whole country is helping the front. about real
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people and real deeds yulia pokorilova. the meeting place is a cultural center, time, whatever free time there is, former miners, now pensioners, and also workers in the social sphere, education, in general, all residents of a small village. no, no, after work we come straight here and do what we can, as much strength as we have, we we knit these nets, no , well, what if everyone stays at home, well, what is this, we need to somehow help our army, there are our guys, our sons, our grandchildren, the stove-digger is also the work of local craftsmen, just at the front . cops for the infantry, they’re big, they can’t be big , the stoves, like, yes, there are quadcopters flying, thermal imagers are working, and this is a stove for the soldiers in the trenches, 90 vests have already gone there for the guys,
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for this alfiya yutkina from the embankment shuttles did not leave for almost a year knitting needles, continues to knit warm vests, and a pensioner from chelyabinsk transferred all her savings to the purchase of body armor.
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this is not accidental; after all, in the traditions, in the culture of the peoples of the russian federation, a sense of belonging, the desire to help those in need, is always present
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throughout the history of our country, passed on from generation to generation, i especially want to thank you for what you are doing to help our soldiers who are on the front line of the fight for... our country, for russia, provide, provide assistance to them directly, their families in the rear, their mothers, fathers, their wives, their children, for this, and for us this is one of the most important tasks today, low bow to you, thank you very much, this is exactly the task that evgenia vasilyeva, a fragile woman with a strong character, performs, mother, how many do you have, three , 26.4, it so happened that in the twenty-second year i was fighting an aggressive form of cancer, the third one, i thought that everything started from scratch, and i forgot about everything, where on the front line, to help our guys, we are like that
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ambulance, when our guys go on some kind of assault, we also help peaceful residents of donbass, we help children who have lost their parents, we have a wide range of wounded and missing people, we try to cover everything, we come there, we live 24:7 we are there, that is, we know all the problems, all the difficulties, and god willing, we manage to solve all this, when all this activity is happening here, it’s already been 2 years, i’ve been living there, vsemordeeva, voradeyeva.
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a lot of charitable work and involved
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her whole family there. natalya became volunteer of the year, awarded the winner according to tradition the president. she took the stage surrounded by her main assistants, her four daughters and her husband. of course, a large family means great difficulties, great worries, oh, sometimes problems, but in a large family there is much more support, love and joy from common victories, so i want, on the eve of... the year of the family, that in our country there will be large families more and more, because a strong, strong family is a strong russia. congratulating the winners, i would like to address everyone who has gathered here, everyone who received their prizes and was celebrated during competition for your achievements, and i want to say that the competition is called: we are together, as long as we are together, we are invincible. yulia pogorelova,
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sergey cheputarev, konstantin panyushkin, anastasia kobozeva, anastasia beristenko, and maria mortanova, channel one. we took place together at the volunteer forum at the russian exhibition site, which is running at vdnkh until april 12. the president was shown key expositions right during the gigantic multimedia installation of russia's achievements. then the head of state headed off. let me remind you that all 89 regions are participating. today
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there were thematic days of the chechen republic and one of our new subjects, the lugansk people's republic. report by peter deryagin. from the first lines of this song the whole audience stands up. the popular chechen singer murat baykaev speaks at the russia exhibition with words about the unity of the peoples of our huge country. the banners will rise and as one we will sing the russian anthem. today at the russia exhibition is the day of the chechen republic, and this means the romance of the mountains, vibrant performances of folk groups and dozens of master classes, traditional household items, as well as precious.
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indeed one of the most dynamically developing regions of socio-economic development, building schools, roads, today there was a very good presentation of the chechen republic at the highest level, we just saw it , and it aroused great interest among visitors to the russia pavilion, so of course
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here we are the government of the russian federation and the leadership of the chechen republic will continue to do everything to improve the quality of life of people living here because ... tourists sought to come to visit, not only from all over russia, but also tourists from other countries. the importance of this event is very significant, because our entire country is represented here, for the young, especially for the younger generation, who must integrate, know the customs and traditions of our big country. chechen brands are exhibited at the univer mak site. tradition and modernity intertwine in casual clothing lines. if you have ever been to the chechen republic, you have always heard that everyone wants a suit like the boss’s, but no one knows what this suit looks like. ushef, in fact, the kakkushefa costume is a traditional murite costume , a lot of rules are observed here, this is the number of buttons, these are certain pockets,
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the russia exhibition also celebrates the day of the lugansk people's republic, at the colorful stand here they recalled different historical stages: donbass is the largest industrial center . this is construction, restoration of old enterprises, modernization of production, and of course work, i am sure that we will return the power of productivity. today, at the exhibition russia hosted the final of the popular science competition science-territory of heroes; schoolchildren and students from all over our country were awarded for their solution. the most difficult tasks, and the youngest visitors to the exhibition were able to meet two guests from fairy tales: suok and raidet frost, who was once a dragon, originally from the republic, to odzyt pol, he arrived from the komi republic and delivers gifts only on skis. pyotr deryagin, pavel
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likholetov, olga merkulova, ilya zhuravlev, channel one. good morning everyone, thank you for celebrating the new day with the first. channel, roman budnikov is with you on the calendar december 11, monday, wake up quickly, we have a lot of interesting things ahead, let's talk about new year's traffic jams, queues , how to waste less time in them, choose the right lenten cutlets, discuss a very important topic, why the face gets colder less , than ears and how to generally stay warm in the cold, we’ll find out everything about peach. fluff and, of course, we’ll cook something delicious. the program is intense; we start, as usual, with a warm-up for the brain. good morning! if you work at a computer, fiskult-minutes are easy necessary. i suggest doing breathing
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exercises more often in combination with neurogymnastics. this is called brain exercise. we clamp it. thumb into the right nostril, inhale with the left, at the same time raise the left hand up to the side, press the forearms to the ear, stretch, now pinch the left nostril with the index finger, slowly exhale and at the same time lower the hand, perform the exercise in the other direction. now let’s complicate the warm-up: stretch your arm up and rise onto your tiptoes, stretch as high as possible up, working out the tired ones. the exercise
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saturates the brain with oxygen, increases concentration, and also helps to warm up, you will see that working after neurogymnastics will be easier, good cheerful morning again, friends, have a good working day to you and everyone. who joined us , of course, also, if you have a sedentary job, do not forget to take a break during the day for a physical exercise minute, now there are a lot of small, very small exercise machines on sale, just to give yourself such physical exercise minutes as they come, how effective are they? yuri nesterov will tell you everything. this izhevsk office of a logistics company has both a dumbbell and a back massager, brought by the employees themselves. the head of the department hung up the darts. it's great sometimes. take a break and exercise during the workday. so anastasia likontseva remembered that an exercise bike was gathering dust at the dacha. everyone was very happy,
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they said let’s transport nastya. almost everyone uses it. the girls are just in dresses or skirts, not to the point of breaking a sweat, of course, but just to take a break and warm up a little. you relax your brain for a few minutes, you do physical work because we have a sedentary job. but this is actually rare. for filming, we were looking for similar offices with exercise equipment. and it turned out to be very difficult. many people buy sports equipment for work on a whim, and then abandon it. why? because most often there is simply no initial understanding of exactly what features a particular gadget has. here, for example, are stepper reviews. there are many similar ones on the web. i went out like this for a month, i’ll be honest, it’s such a bore. yes, the process is monotonous. but if this is to be be ready and not wait for some kind of wow effect, then there will be benefits. they are not suitable for full training, they are suitable for recovery. and simply improving the general physical condition, the muscular frame and general physical condition of the lower extremities of our body will be improved. the other
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extreme, a simulator that you definitely won’t get bored with, shows orthopedic doctor marina malygina, the same balancing disc. the muscles of the foot, lower leg, and hips work, while doing poses for which not all colleagues may be mentally prepared; a gymnastic ball also works amateur, although the thing is really useful, especially if used directly instead of a chair. and the shoulder blades straightened and... there is something in the spine, small -sized simulators have their own specifics, put them aside and forgotten, so it’s better to keep them in the most visible place, a wrist expander right next to the computer or keyboard, stretch your fingers, wrist joint, strain your muscles forearms, and gymnastic ribbons are compact, once you put them in your nightstand, you won’t be able to take them out again, we put them on the table and use them, it’s easy to come up with huge number of warm-up exercises, work the arm muscles, back muscles, just stretch those very muscles that become numb when a person sits for a long time at the computer.
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in general , you can arrange physical exercise for a minute at work without additional devices, just stand at the table, move your arms, walk along the corridor, climb the stairs, if you wish. yuri nesterov, konstantin struchkov, channel one. well, it’s winter, everyone needs to dress warmly, because the frost is invigorating, and of course, the main question is, why? some people freeze in the cold, wearing down jackets and hats, and for some even without a hat, it’s completely normal. is it true that hot tea on the street may not warm you up and may have the opposite effect? about everything about this right now. frost, why is it that someone gets cold wearing a hood, but someone doesn’t feel cold without a hat, it’s a matter of muscle mass. muscles, they create contractile thermogenesis, that is, the formation of heat due to the work of muscles , in fact, plus the life experience of a person. whether he was hardened or not, there are more muscles, more blood, the body is warmer, the second nuance - clothes, if you do not cover large
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muscles, the back of the hips, the heat will evaporate faster, let's look at a person in a short jacket, on the thermal imager screen you can see how open legs are burning, this heat comes out, that's why he freezes even in the hood. but the temperature of the head, whether in a hat or without a hat, is practically the same, because here the neck is responsible for heating, and in both of them it is closed, unless... he doesn’t have to wear a hat at all. well, of course, there is a limit to everything; at certain temperatures, anyone who puts on a hat will be right. ears are possible frostbite, and this is not a myth, there are fewer blood vessels there, so they are less heated and freeze more, unlike the face. they also say that if you walk around without a hat , you will get sick, but really, no, illness requires an infection. a cold is not some kind of independent disease, it is always
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an infectious process. for the infectious process to develop, it is necessary. pathogen, but immunity may decrease from hypothermia, and the virus will take over fact, and the worst thing is if your feet freeze, not your head, you won’t believe it, but they are associated with the nose, with hypothermia of the extremities , the work of the cilia of our epithelium, the nasal mucosa, changes, and accordingly they begin to work worse, and the infectious agent penetrates into the blood much faster, and what about the hair, can it fall out from the cold? they calm down, if the hair is strong, it will survive everything, but it’s better to cover the weak ones. our blood capillaries narrow, and accordingly, nutrients and oxygen pass into the bulb more slowly, and accordingly, the bulb begins to gradually die. favorite question: what get warm? everyone knows that strong drinks dilate blood vessels and heat is lost even faster. the same story with hot tea and coffee, at first
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it’s good, but then it only gets worse. we have taken something hot inside, which means we have warmed up, although in fact this can lead to sweating, a person sweating will give off heat, so jumping, running, playing sports in the cold is even good for the figure, calorie consumption doubles, which means excess calories are lost kilograms. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia novokhatnya, andrey ivanov, deniszharov and yulia bykova, channel one. there are only 21 days left until the new year, the festive mood is in full swing. across the country, wait, it’s not with you yet, now we ’ll quickly fix everything, welcome, do you feel the new year is approaching, or are the frosts, snowdrifts and short daylight hours making you sad? ekaterina danilevskaya from volgograd lifted her spirits when she chose jewelry for her workplace. these decorations will be for the kids who sit with me and ride with their mothers, we are installing a child seat
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, they will definitely pay attention to this beauty. and of course... she puts on a snow maiden costume, the clients are delighted, you know, there is such a feeling of such a pre-holiday mood, i immediately want, i don’t know, to return to childhood, if there is a new year’s mood, it must be shared, the entire staff of welsh librarians we designed and made a christmas tree, every year our concepts change, then we decorate ours in bright red and gold, then we decorate ours in blue and silver.
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doesn’t get up from what he saw, it’s actually cool, today there’s a bunny with a christmas tree toy, nikolai aleksandrovich from truetsko-pechersk in the koma republic, molded a whole dragon out of snow, a symbol of the next year, about three or four days, in principle it’s quickly done, especially if there are helpers, the wife helps, there’s still a snowman ahead, santa claus, all this not in your yard, but behind the fence, so that the neighbors can see and also feel inspired by the new year. in astrakhan, on the contrary, neighbors gathered to create a festive atmosphere in their yard; they also have a dragon, only a small one. we practically tried to decorate the entire yard with this themes, so that the children know what year it is, here we have a letter from santa claus in person, so everything is real, the trees are in lights, the table is set according to new year's, and at
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the entrance to the entrance there is a light-up disco scarf, and it doesn’t matter that there is no snow, the main thing is the mood. appeared, we just have to wait for the holiday. victoria shcherbakova, channel one. our good, cheerful morning continues, the time has come to find out what got into the networks of our main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky. meet new internet stars. open our today video parade new internet stars. vocal duet: a cat named goushen, who has perfect hearing, and his owner, who has normal hearing. and the video is rapidly gaining popularity on the world wide web , it already has 10 million views, imagine, and this is just the beginning, the hero of our next video, a dog named shu, maybe also sang something, but, you know, he once, from morning to evening he works in a small shop on the outskirts of tokyo, selling sweet baked potatoes, chips and other goodies, there’s simply no end to buyers, this
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crab has become famous on the world wide web thanks to his good... manners, just look how neatly and elegantly he eats white bread, breaks off a piece, puts himself in his mouth, well, let’s wish him bon appetit. diapers, this is such a cute wedding dress, by the way. 1.5 million subscribers applaud mikari for her original idea, shower her with likes and ask for a pattern, all that remains is to wait for the prince on a white horse. our cheerful, good morning continues. in a number of regions of russia an increase in morbidity has been recorded. children get sick with whooping cough more often, and the disease is more severe in them than in adults. whooping cough is a dangerous bacterial infection; children, especially infants, are more often and more seriously ill with it; they become infected
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through airborne droplets. from the moment of contact to the moment of illness, it can take from 7 to 21 days, this is the incubation period. at the onset of the infection, the infection is masked; early symptoms include low fever and mild malaise. sore throat, runny nose and slight cough. in the midst of illness and cough painful and criminal-like up to 50 times a day. anastasia got sick with cough. two children. it felt as if the child was suffocating, that is, as if the child could not even take a breath. the cough was barking, so to speak, it was tearing, it was straight up tearing my throat. how lush causes a pathogenic microbe of the genus bardetella. this is a small shelf-shaped bacterium. when infected, it penetrates the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and releases a toxin. this causes a severe cough. in some cases with a gag reflex. it is primarily dangerous for young children with such a complication as stopping breathing during coughing. treatment like lyusha is long-term and complex and must be carried out as prescribed by a doctor.
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peak incidence at the beginning of winter. outbreaks of infection have already been recorded in the chelyabinsk, tomsk regions, st. petersburg and tatarstan. at the moment, older groups of kindergartens and primary school students are most often sick. the reason for the decrease in level. collective immunity, more and more parents refuse to vaccinate their children, and according to the experience of doctors, this the only effective method of combating whooping cough, according to the national vaccination calendar , you need to make four vaccines, get four doses, these are 3 months, 4.5 months, 6 months and revaccination for 18 months, this helps to develop lasting immunity for 7-10 years, well, sort of we are trying to vaccinate as much as possible, it is not enough for there to be some kind of outbreak, so that nothing happens. if there is no vaccination, upon contact with the pathogen the risk of infection is almost 100%. and the disease itself becomes more severe. in half of the cases hospitalization is necessary, but is it dangerous? lush for adults? adults, as
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a rule, experience this disease in a milder form and are less susceptible to the pathogen. but if you have a severe cough, see a doctor immediately. without proper treatment, lush may not go away for up to 3 months. residual cough up to six months. yulia shuvalova, sergey falendysh, yulia bykova and victoria sherbakova. first channel. next on the air is a news release, we'll meet in a few minutes, this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, just over 3 days left until the results of the year with vladimir putin, president will let them down this week on thursday , december 14, live broadcast at exactly noon moscow time, this year... united, the closer the date, the more active the people are, the conference of the head of state, the direct line, there are many questions, a topic that worries society, the most various pensions, education, healthcare, special operations, not only questions come,
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many express wishes, share sore points, make suggestions, express yours, you can call and sms, you see the numbers on the screen, and also use the form on the website, mobile applications or through social networks. vkontakte and odnoklassniki, not a single issue will be left unattended, local authorities or popular front activists will respond even to those appeals that do not make it to the airwaves. a crushing blow to the positions of the ukrainian armed formations was dealt by the artillery of the bars-8 volunteer unit in the zaporozhye direction of the northern military district with fire from 152 mm d-20 guns, a camouflaged strong point was destroyed, accuracy there were hits.
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gun, as a result the enemy lost four pieces of equipment, including a vehicle with ammunition, as well as a mortar crew. the frontline artilleryman, sergei karapuzov, repelling the enemy assault, acted calmly and showed courage. courage hit one of the enemy guns along with the crew with the very first shot. winter cold does not leave central russia and the volga region. the temperature is 7-10° below the climatic norm, but the most severe weather is in the urals and southern siberia at 40-45° below zero. in saratovskaya the region's utility networks have failed, repair crews in the regional center are restoring the heat supply to 140 houses. and here's what meteorologists promise in the coming years. another
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day at the beginning of the week in most regions of the central federal district there is abnormally cold weather, including in the moscow region due to the cold night. until the middle of next week, abnormally cold weather will remain in povozhye, warmth will come from the south, spread to the west of european territory, heat will come to siberia from the north, that is, warm air will bend around this island of cold, that is, an anticyclone. russia has become much stronger and this is the main result of the military actions unleashed by the united states at the hands of the kiev regime, this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of our country, sergei lavrov, speaking online at the dahiya forum. the head of diplomacy noted that the americans do not spare their allies in an effort to ensure their hegemony.
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cancellation also with ukraine, everything that happened before february 2022, including the bloody coup d’etat and unconstitutional change of power, including the war against donbass. all it was canceled, and they only say that russia invaded ukraine, they forgot about the minsk agreement, this is a hybrid war that is being waged against russia at the instigation of the united states and nato, based on cancel culture. in the middle east, the israeli army storms cities on the west bank of the jordan river, violently. fighting is taking place in the vicinity of the city
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of ramala, in albir, east of nablus, in the north and south of the gaza strip, the clash is the largest in recent weeks, reports rator. according to al jazeera tv channel, more than twenty palestinians were killed in the attack on the maghazi camp. the humanitarian situation remains catastrophic, with huge queues forming for water, and aid trucks instantly finding themselves surrounded by crowds of people. in the south, israeli troops storm the town of khanyunis, tanks have reached one of the main roads. locality. from the air, it was in this city that refugees have been arriving since the beginning of the conflict, and some of the hostages captured on october 7 may be located here. israel is seeking their release, but the representative hamas abu abeida announced that without negotiations, exchange of prisoners and fulfillment of other demands. israel will not receive them alive. hamas continues to hold more than 100 israelis. truck drivers in hungary are starting a protest on the border with ukraine starting this monday. they believe that
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logistics companies from ukraine have gained an advantage and are ruining everyone who previously transported goods. that's all for now, now a good morning to my colleagues. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with the first channel, with you roman budnikov on the calendar, december 11, monday. the closer to the new year, the... there are more traffic jams on the roads , this is logical, that’s what statistics say, the peak , of course, will be in the last week before the new year, queues will naturally begin to grow by this time, this is not a reason to grumble and get angry, spoil the new year’s mood for yourself and others, we are still we’ll make it in time, the new year will definitely be on time, in december we drive twice as slow, traffic jams. on normal days the roads are busy in the morning up to 90 and in the evening from 5 to 9. at the end of december 6-8 points
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is a common situation, and in the middle of the day the traffic jams are the same as in the evening rush hour, it’s difficult to optimize here, as an option , transfer to public transport, think through the route in advance, it’s not suitable, let's live this time profitably, freight forwarder andrey tasybaev , for example, stretches his hands, i have an expander that i can use on the road, use personal time for myself, gymnastics plus anti-stress, another life hack from a positive driver, smile at neighbors road, that is, i can say that greeting is the most interesting thing for a stranger; there is more chance of a smile in a traffic jam with music. it’s a pity in the bank, you can’t turn on the music, except with headphones? queues in such establishments take us at least 7 hours a year, and we spend 27 hours in store queues. what if we calculate in advance which position to stand in order to reach the finish line first?
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let’s check with time management expert alexander smirnov. i'll go left because i know the left line is always moving faster. interesting misconception, there are other facts. it seems i miscalculated. alexander was the first to reach the finish line. there are a lot of factors more important than left or right. the first main factor is the number of people in line, the second factor is the number of goods in the carts. and the third factor is how quickly and equally the cashier repeats the movement. but often things can go wrong. and now attention, literally in five words the main thing. time saving tip. the easiest way is to do normal things in unusual time. this allows you to expand your horizons so much that you simply cannot imagine. for example, we filmed in the store at 3 pm. zero people, stress-free shopping. here's some advice: make a checklist of new year's tasks.
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the good thing about it is that by ticking each purchase or action you make, you are giving a command to your brain. it's done, you don't have to think about it anymore. we had to stand, we didn’t lose. time, clean the phone, make calls, listen to books, because when the limit is reached, time flies faster. margarita larkina, andrey ivanov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. to warm up or not to warm up the car? even such a simple question causes controversy and discussion on the internet. someone says: modern cars do not need to be heated, others object to them. all the same, you need to warm it up a little, at least for a few minutes, if the thermometer is below -10. these and other winter car myths. we will either confirm or deny right now. should you warm up your car in winter or not? for warming up, auto experts advise in winter after starting the engine to reach at least a minimum operating temperature of 60°. with a cold engine you will increase wear. and
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here you can see very clearly, for example, here on the mirror of zalindra there is a backlog, if you don’t warm it up. this will lead to more intensive wear and a decrease in the service life of our engine. that is, we start it and wait for the arrow to turn. the tachometer will drop to the level of idle speed (700-800 per minute), this is about 5 minutes of time, then you can drive, albeit in such a way as to keep the speed at one and a half to two thousand, that is, slowly, to give the transmission and suspension time to warm up. the second myth from a warm stove can crack the glass. right now the temperature here is -15, when we start to warm up the car, the air comes in cold, so the heating is smooth enough, but what if the glass is frozen? immediately blow air at a temperature of 90°, as we see, everything is intact, however, if the glass already has a crack, constant heating and cooling will provoke it to grow, the water that gets inside the damage either expands or contracts, so it is better
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to repair chips and cracks early stages, we are driving further, we drove into a snowdrift, and there is ice under it, we can’t leave how... it doesn’t work, they say that if you lower the tire pressure by 30-40%, this can be done easily, let’s check, well, as it should be, the pressure is 2.3, we bleed the air to about 1.6, and this is true, the laws of physics work, the larger the contact area with the surface, the better the grip, the main thing is to set the tire pressure to normal as soon as you get out, otherwise you risk ruining the rubber, friend. such an eternal debate: is it possible to park a car with the handbrake in winter? the owner of cars with drum brakes is more likely to say no than yes; water, in good frost , will freeze tightly, but in the disc brakes there is nowhere for the fluid to linger, there should be no problems with the handbrake, that’s what to do with the battery in the cold
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, whether to take it home or not, it dies like any battery in the cold, of course, in the cold the capacity decreases, if you drive every day, of course there is no risk of skidding. a battery is out of the question, but in severe frosts, below thirty, you can bring the battery home, so in the morning there will definitely be no problems with starting the car, by the way, you can’t do this often, due to a blackout, problems may arise with the engine control unit as a whole and with the electrical system. nikolai lesnikov, nikita kulakov, anatoly brikalov, natalya koldaeva, channel one. on the calendar, december 11, hello, winter holiness, according to statistics, it is because of this that almost half of all things happen in winter. tp injuries in pedestrians, so right now we are learning how to walk on ice correctly and, of course, how to fall correctly, what to do, and so that with minimal consequences for health. three rules. comfortable shoes, careful walking and ready to fall at any moment. master
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of sports in samboy judo ilshad yunisov will teach you how to minimize injuries. first we soften the knees, socks are pink. we walk on the penguin. yes, bent legs, neatly. for support , we step on our entire foot, take our hands out of our pockets, and don’t walk arm in arm either. fatal error, of course, because here we go and let's say you accidentally slip, what does it basically do? i can catch you or i’ll play it safe myself, when we fall , we group up, lower the height, sit down as low as possible, fall on our side, more we control the situation , because if you fall back like that, you knock off the internal organs, the head, the pelvis, everything, the hand is closer to the legs so as not to break the collarbone, the chin must be towards the chest, because if i relax and hit my head, the person may lose consciousness, but if you fall unsuccessfully , do not make sudden movements, determine the place where
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it hurts, try to lift the injured leg, it does not rise, as a rule, this indicates an injury in the hip joint, you cannot change position, immediately call an ambulance if your arms and legs are working , to cold to the sore spot, through clothing, even in the cold, even in winter, of course, of course, the cold in this case will reduce swelling, the arm is hurt, we immobilize it with a scythe. or scarf, position 90°. this is a physiological position and has an analgesic effect. when the shoulder is dislocated , the pain will intensify if you press your hand to yourself, making a cushion out of a scarf. you roll up a roller and place it under the victim’s muscle cavity. in this situation, a person can be taken to a tram station. to make a complaint or seek compensation, lawyers recommend immediately taking photos and videos of the crash site. ask witnesses for their phone number to confirm. if you fell on... the territory of your housing complex, then the claim should be sent to your management company or
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whoever serves it, but if you fell on the road or on some roadway, then accordingly, utility services are also provided claims continue to be filed with claims, and the courts are quite good at recovering damages, and shoes with a thick embossed tread, if not, additional rubber pads must be installed in the workshop, where the sole is polished with it...
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in general, i can finish this picture,
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mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. again about money, again about scammers. please , if you receive a call supposedly from the bank asking you to go to an atm and perform some important, necessary transaction with money there, keep in mind that this is a trap, a trap, they are not calling you from the bank , they are calling you from scammers. lawyer maxim will continue the topic. andreev, take care of yourself. i found an interesting video on the internet. you can rate the state of the victim that is being manipulated by the scammer. an elderly woman has been zombified by a criminal; she obediently comes to the atm and is ready to act according to the scammer’s instructions. before this, he clearly introduced himself as a police officer, managed not only to convince the woman that she needed to send money to a secure account, but also somehow intimidated her. it’s good that caring people were next to the pensioner. they are trying to help, can you tell us, explain, just what’s the matter?
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no, i can’t, i’m afraid you can’t tell me. replace the card with another card, yes, but it’s not your card, you know what’s the matter, it’s not your card, it’s his card, pay attention, the scammer persistently calls, even after the victim has left the atm, in the end this particular story ended well, the young men did not allow the woman to be deceived, please remember,
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the police or bank security officers never ask you to go to the atm. and transfer your money somewhere, if they call you and scare you, hang up, look on the back of your plastic card for the number your bank and call there, it will reassure you , you will save money, nerves and health, cutlets, we can say, are our everything, not only meat or fish, popular favorite carrot, beetroot, cabbage or cereals, for example, lentils or... ... you can cook all this yourself, or you can buy a semi-finished product in the store , now let’s do both, college students in the service industry today have cutlets for lunch, but unusual ones made from buckwheat and lentils, the cooking principle is similar, first we cook, and if the first straightaway ready for modeling due to the consistency, then
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the second one is denser, put it in a blender, a classic recipe, cutlets made from lentils, buckwheat and other cereals, and you and i include this main product, and cereals, and you can also add onions, carrots and butter there . in purchased versions, it is important that the composition contains precisely coarsely ground flakes, not quick cooking, ideally without flavorings and preservatives, instead of starch , whole grain flour is best, it usually goes into buckwheat cutlets so that they don’t fall apart, 200 g we are going with you buckwheat, respectively 20. sometimes manufacturers use additional ingredients, for example, mushrooms or zucchini, this is of course not for everybody, but when frying, such cutlets are always a little more capricious than classic ones. you and i must make sure that the required amount of moisture has evaporated during frying; fry them in a frying pan for at least 5-7 minutes. visually, high-quality cutlets
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are immediately visible; they are uniform and hold their shape well. as for the benefits, then... buckwheat contains a lot of fiber and microelements iron, magnesium, plus b vitamins, while lentils - folic acid, 90% of the daily requirement of vitamin b9, and most importantly, high protein content, it is almost equivalent in protein content to meat, so this is an excellent product for our muscles, immune system, another option for lean cutlets made from beets, cabbage, carrots in the correct composition only... the vegetables themselves, spices and semolina, so that they do not fall apart, but you must definitely look, if purchased, then according to the composition, because soy or, again, starch may be introduced there to strengthen this structure, which is also not very good with breading breadcrumbs are always tastier, but also higher in calories , fry or bake until golden brown,
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about three minutes, quick and healthy, vegetable cutlets are rich in fiber and vitamins, cabbage has a lot... carrots and beets contain vitamin a, just what you need to diversify your diet maria nikolaeva, vasily valetov, victor namunka, channel one. it's frosty outside, but warm and dry at home. the skin on your hands doesn't like it. dear women, write down a life hack on hand skin care from international manicure instructor tatyana koshlyaeva. and the wound is covered wrinkles, to prevent aging, cosmetologists give injections with hyaluronic acid, but you can achieve a rejuvenating effect with the help of homemade nourishing masks. i will mix two parts sea buckthorn oil and one part pharmaceutical glycerin. i heat the mixture in a water bath, cool it to body temperature, and
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apply the mixture to my brushes. we put on medical gloves. sea buckthorn oil nourishes the skin with vitamins, and glycerin moisturizes. when the composition is fed, i take off my gloves. i don’t wash off the residue, i remove it with a cotton pad. i blow an oil mask with starch, a glass of warm boiled i dilute it with water with two tablespoons of starch, either potato or corn starch will do; when the mass becomes homogeneous, i squeeze out a couple of vitamin a capsules, mix thoroughly, apply the mixture to my hands, and put on gloves. starch nourishes and smoothes the skin, and vitamin removes dryness and heals small cracks. i wash off the composition, nourishing masks will make the skin firm, elastic and even help remove fine wrinkles. we invite
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figure skating fans to the screens. the first channel figure figure cup ended in kaluga skating among juniors. all the results are in the material of my colleague, sports journalist of channel one igor prudnikov. the first ever channel one figure skating cup. juniors are sincere children's emotions, but at the same time adult rules and responsibility. the bright tournament brought together the rising stars of the most beautiful sport on the nakaluga ice. according to the season rating, the participants were divided into two teams: purple and orange. it fell to sports couples to open the competition. the excitement is colossal, but all participants did a great job with him. and kira damazhirova and ilya vigera touched even the olympic champion anna. shcherbakov, who is very close to the music from their program. i wholeheartedly supported the guys and admired the way they skated, you guys are great. after the first
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look, absolute equality is 17:17. next came the dance duets. their fiery performances gave the audience in the stands truly incredible emotions. but the captain of the purple team, artyom frolov , didn’t stop there. girls, i see you. after two types of program, the score remained equal to 34-34. intrigued fans were looking forward to the girls' ultra c battle. the youngest participant in the tournament, twelve-year-old margarita bazelyuk, performed triple axili two quadruple sheepskin coats, and a worthy response from the orange camp, quadruple lutsa, quadruple sheepskin coat of alisa dvoeglazova. this experience is even cooler than i expected. your teammates, this is also an unforgettable feeling, you sit, shout, oh, come on, come on! 58:55, the purples took the lead before the boys took to the ice, and here
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the audience again saw a virtuoso performance the sweetest programs. lev lazarev landed three quadruple jumps at once, two lutzes and a tulub, in addition to a triple axel. no one managed to surpass this performance, and as a result, the purple team won the coveted cup. our team was very friendly, everyone supported each other very well and we thank them very much for that. i'm proud of my team and i think we absolutely deserved to win. well, very soon, from december 21 to 24 , a grandiose sports festival awaits us: the russian adult championship, where the strongest figure skaters of the country. do not miss! well, here she is, the bloodhound. already today on channel one. the long-awaited continuation of the favorite detective series starts. police colonel alexandra kushnir turns over the old page of her life and opens a new one, but in
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her new life she will have to unravel the most difficult cases, and of course, of course, look for new love, how cool, we open the holiday season at the beginning of winter, we are going to sochi together with the bloodhound, such cakes. well, i'm afraid you won't find evidence in this case in my cleavage, they won't be right away they understand how this is possible , a woman came in all this way, i don’t know the woman there, in a pink skirt in the middle of a crime, i don’t
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understand how to react to this, the new boss is interested in the bloodhound’s personal business, she has a handsome son, lonely. markush, have you seen her in uniform, not yet, mom, katerina pavlovna, i rarely wear our uniform, especially since it’s so hot here during operational work. lady in red, colonel kushmir will go on a date, and at the same time to the crime scene. we urgently need to return from heaven to earth. this is not how the new boyfriend imagined this meeting. v in the mountains, a bloodhound will find the body of a climber, i ’ll probably go, not to disturb something, mom , hello, or maybe he runs away for a reason, the bloodhound will figure it out, she easily finds criminals, and her favorite shoes, no, you were right, in them it would be, to put it mildly, not very convenient here, alexander ivanovna, tell me, have you ever climbed a mountain at all, i can handle it, don’t worry, you’re sure, 3 half-hearted hours to find the killer, a bloodhound is ready to conquer any height, and we are as
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always... an opportunity to hear and be heard equally important for everyone. vladimir putin will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. you can ask your question now by calling 8 800 200 40-40 via sms to 04040 or via websites.
6:30 am and moskvadefisputinu.rf. all details are on the websites. we will try to make sure that no question goes unnoticed. results of the year with vladimir putin. december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. this is news from the first studio, maria vasilyeva. hello. the crews of our attack aircraft dealt a powerful blow to units of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction of the northern military district. the su-25 was hit by unguided aircraft missiles using the so-called cabling technique. forward gunners confirmed the destruction of the enemy stronghold and the enemy's manpower in the krasnolimansk direction , sud-34 vks fighter-bombers are on duty around the clock.
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valor and dedication, as well as mutual assistance, are demonstrated by our military personnel, members of the northern military district, drivers of the mortar battery of the bars detachment, yuri kravchenko, under heavy enemy fire i risk with his life he delivered shells to volunteers on the front line, already in positions during the battle he himself helped bring ammunition to the gun, as a result the enemy lost four pieces of equipment, including a vehicle with ammunition, as well as a mortar crew. artilleryman sergei karapuzov, repelling the enemy assault, acted in cold blood and showed
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courage. courage hit one of the enemy’s guns along with the crew with the very first shot, the militants’ attack fizzled out, and they retreated. hundreds of thousands of questions are coming to the upcoming results of the year with vladimir putin, the president will sum them up this week on thursday, december 14, live broadcast at exactly noon moscow time. this year , the press conference of the head of state will be combined, and the closer the date, the more active people are, a topic that worries society the most. various pensions, education, health care, special operations, not only questions come, many express their wishes, share with the sick, make suggestions, you can express yours by phone and sms, you see the numbers on the screen, and also use the form on the website, mobile applications or through social networks, vkontakte and odnoklassniki, not a single question will be left unattended, local authorities or popular front activists will respond even to those appeals
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that... russia has become much stronger and this is the main result of the military actions unleashed by the united states at the hands of the kiev regime, this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of our country, sergei lavrov, speaking online at the dahiya forum. the head of diplomacy noted that the americans do not spare their allies in their desire to ensure their hegemony, and this is not just about ukraine. already talked about many decades of blockade and unfulfilled promises that the palestinians would get their own state and would exist with israel in security and good neighborly relations, but again this is the same cancel culture, also with ukraine, everything that
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happened before february 2022, including the bloody coup and unconstitutional change of power, including the war against donbass, all this was canceled, and they only say that russia invaded ukraine, they forgot about the minsk agreements, this is...
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october 7. israel is seeking their release, but hamas spokesman abu obeida announced that no negotiations, prisoner exchanges or other demands would be met. israel will not receive them alive. hamas continues to hold more than 100 israelis. drivers and truckers in hungary will begin a protest on the border with ukraine starting this monday; two trucks will be allowed through per hour. carriers throughout eastern europe is dissatisfied with the benefits that the european union has provided to their ukrainian competitors. they believe that logistics companies from ukraine have gained an advantage and are ruining everyone who previously transported goods. in sweden and norway, nobel prizes were awarded among laureates in the field of physics. this year alexey yakimov is a soviet and russian researcher. he is now working in the usa. he was awarded for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots. together with other scientists, he went up to the stage in stockholm, where he met them
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king of sweden, karl wustov. then laureates in the fields of medicine, chemistry, physics, literature and economics spoke at the royal reception. and in norway, the presentation of the peace prize was accompanied by a torchlight procession in support of the activist movement. activists from iran, who advocates for women's rights, nargiz mahamadi, she was awarded an award, she is in prison and the award was given to her children. that's all for now. and now the word to my colleagues, good morning. good morning, friends, thank you for celebrating a new day with the first channel. with you roman budnikov, on the calendar: december 11, monday, only 21 days left until the new year. the festive mood is sweeping across the country, as if...
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customers are delighted, you know, there is such a feeling of such a pre-holiday mood, i immediately want, i don’t know, to return to childhood, if there is a new year’s mood, it must be shared, the welsh librarians have developed the entire composition made a christmas tree. every year our concepts change, sometimes we decorate our christmas trees in bright red and gold, sometimes we decorate our trees in blue and silver, and this tree will be... one of the pearls of our new year's performance, they are also preparing performances for readers, it’s just some kind of epicenter of the holiday. semyon viktorovich from izhevsk gives
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snow cards to children every winter. he works in a republican school and a boarding school, and as soon as it snows, he goes out to draw under the windows of his students. for every holiday, he has a new drawing, and as you look, your mood immediately lifts... and not vice versa, neighbors gathered to create a holiday atmosphere in their yard, they also have a dragon, only a small one. we practically tried to decorate the entire yard with this theme. so that the children know what year it is, here we have a letter from santa claus
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in person, so everything is real, the trees are in lights, the table is set according to new year's, and at the entrance to the entrance there is a light disco scarf and it doesn’t matter that there is no snow, the main mood has appeared, all that remains is to wait for the holiday. victoria shcherbakova, channel one. december 11th on the calendar. on this day, our ancestors were doing a little strange thing. went to the well and listened to the water, if in something clinked in the well, expect profit, if there is silence, don’t expect profit, i don’t know if our astrologers are listening to the water, but the stars have already told them something, the astrologers have translated everything and are ready to tell you. december 11, the turning point of the 27th and 28th lunar days, the twenty-sixth day of the sun , very good, strong, persistent , strong-willed, able to think independently, sees the hidden essence of objects, appearances, and if there is some kind of complex problem, you won’t
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understand which one approach, contact him, he will help, this day is very not bad for putting something in order , getting rid of something unnecessary, including some bad habit, he also has plenty of disadvantages, he stubbornly likes to command, he can lose his temper, things sometimes stall out of the blue on such days , your mood may suddenly deteriorate, just like that for no reason. aries, however, is unlikely to be threatened by this, but will spoil the mood of someone else, they can, without meaning to, simply say something harsh. the hint is clear, then here’s another one for you: swindlers can be very charming, and pleasantly, you are not indifferent to money and opposite sex. taurus is in some way having a day of discovery, it will help to clarify something, reveal the true motives of someone’s actions, and maybe even reveal some secret, so keep your secrets to yourself and take care of your personal data, perhaps a pleasant evening... gemini has a normal
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working monday, direct your energy into a creative direction and you will be surprised how much you can shovel today. just try not to argue with your superiors. unplanned things may fall on crayfish things, most likely of a household nature, are not excluded from unplanned expenses; this often happens before the new year, and this day will also help you make strong friends with someone. leos are at risk of falling in love with someone, this event can. return all your plans, but then decide for yourself, okay, about business, they will go well and quite briskly, just don’t forget about safety precautions. virgos will have to defend their opinion, prove something, perhaps open someone’s eyes to something. let's calm down, without nerves, calmness and logic work better be more careful on the roads. libra will be able to get some burden off their shoulders, finish something, pay off debts and fulfill some promise, and in general everything will go as it should for you. though not too quickly , feel free to make a date for the evening, scorpios
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are having a good day, difficult things will go well, trips and business contacts will be successful, you can get something from your bosses, just be careful with new acquaintances. the latter, by the way, is also relevant for sagittarius, especially for ladies; you need to behave with money very carefully, at a minimum, not to waste them and not to get into debt, otherwise the day is not bad, it seems he has some kind of gift in store for you, and... a great day for capricorns, when everything works out, they will even talk about them, that they are lucky, everything comes to them on its own, a fly in the ointment, if you allow the day to be affected by injuries, so watch your step and dress warmly. aquarius may need help or advice from some professional, you will get it, but it may turn out to be more expensive than expected if you send cargo or a parcel, make sure that all papers are completed properly and without errors, always. today, patience and endurance, this applies to both business and personal relationships
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, otherwise everything should work out well, and the evening looks like it’s going to invite you to some interesting event, pisces ladies, you are simply irresistible today, good luck to you, in all russian schools in on the air of the first channel , a special lesson begins, conversations about important things, today the topic is the main law of the country, our guest is andrei klishes, the chairman of the committee. federation council for constitutional legislation and state building. good morning, andrey aleksandrovich klishis, chairman of the federation council committee on constitutional legislation and state building. what is a constitution and why is it needed? the constitution is the main law of the country. the fundamental law of the state, where the most important social
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relations are regulated, it serves as the basis for the adoption of all legislation in the state. what is constitutional? and also what kind of relationship it is in state and people, the most important part of the organizational system is the concept of sovereignty, yes, independence, the ability to exercise the fullness of state power, and therefore to protect
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the rights and freedoms of our citizens on its territory, therefore the protection of the constitutional system includes the protection of the rights and freedoms of people, who live in ours. how does the constitution affect the daily lives of ordinary citizens? the constitution is the basis for state policy in various fields, in the field of social security, in the field of education, in the field of healthcare, that is, in all issues that come into direct contact with people, in all these issues the constitution establishes some set of basic rules, and the state is guided by these rules when... developing the basis of policy in various spheres, well, social, educational, politics in the field of healthcare, the protection of human rights and freedoms, or in matters related to the relationship between people and government bodies, all this has a constitutional basis. the constitution is still often
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called the main or fundamental law of the state because it is the only law. which contains norms of all branches of law. how have amendments to the constitution affected the development of russia today? firstly, it must be said that the amendments themselves were necessary because the socio-political and economic situation in the russian federation in 1993 was very different in 2020. people saw that the state, society, and economy were already at a completely different level. and this is the other one level of social guarantees, another level of labor guarantees, and the state is obliged and can afford it, this is the first, second, of course, it was very important that people themselves formulate a number of fundamental provisions, for example, such a provision was
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the inadmissibility of alienation of territory, again , because these are not just square kilometers, these are people who live on this... land and it was enshrined at the constitutional level that no trade in the interests of people is unacceptable. what from our constitution is it especially important for schoolchildren to know? it is important for schoolchildren to know that the constitution always guards the interests of a person, so it is important for schoolchildren to know that no matter what is written in the laws, you always.
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state, how does the system of organs of representation work about how society and authorities are structured, what are rights and freedoms, what are their guarantees of these rights and freedoms? the ukrainian media exploded with shocking news, wife.
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what authority of the position does not matter, everyone will be killed there, the budanov family, the snake, the snake, the dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, gin snob, product of stellor group, will you marry me, zhenya. you won’t leave me , what are you doing, promise to get married on a federal channel in a show that is watched by millions of people, then give back, that’s who you have to be, timur
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kvn, major league, first semi-final, on saturday on the first, this is an important moment, you have to to say from a running start, i’m a vampire, it can’t be, here ’s a cross for you, big boxing is on the first again, one of the most striking fundamental confrontations in the history of boxing, a match of the best boxing schools in the world, five furious fights, a tough exam for everyone, betting league, night of champions, russia, usa, live broadcast on saturday on the first. once again, good cheerful morning friends, have a good working day to all of you who have joined us,
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of course, too, if you have a sedentary job, do not forget to take a break during the day for a physical exercise, now there are a lot of very small exercise machines on sale, just for arrange for yourself these physical training minutes, what they are like, how effective they are, yuri nesterov will tell you everything, in this izhevsk office of a logistics company there are dumbbells and a back massager brought by the employees themselves. the head of the department hung up the darts. it's great to get some exercise during the workday as a distraction. so anastasia likontseva remembered that an exercise bike was gathering dust at the dacha. everyone was very happy, let’s transport nastya. almost everyone uses it. girls are in dresses or skirts. not to the point of breaking a sweat, of course, but just to take a break and warm up a little. you relax your brain for a few minutes.
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they are not suitable for full training, they are suitable for recovery and just improving the general physical condition, the muscular frame and the general physical condition of the lower extremities of our body will be improved. the other extreme is a simulator that you definitely won’t get bored with, orthopedic doctor marina malygina shows, the same balancing disc. the muscles of the foot, lower leg, and hips work, in poses for which not all colleagues may be mentally prepared; the gymnastic ball is also not for everyone. although the thing is really useful, especially if used directly instead of a chair. and the shoulder blades have straightened, and there is a deflection in the spine. u
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small exercise machines have their own specifics. they put them aside and forgot about them, so it’s better to keep them in the most visible place. the wrist spandrel is right next to the computer or keyboard. stretch your fingers, wrist joint, strain your forearm muscles. and the gymnastics bands are compact, so once you put them in your nightstand, you won’t be able to take them out again. we put it on... the table, we use it , it’s easy to come up with a huge number of warm-up exercises, work the muscles of the arms, the muscles of the back, how to stretch those very muscles that become numb when a person sits for a long time computer. in general , you can arrange physical exercise for a minute at work without additional devices, just get up from the table, move your arms, walk along the corridor, climb the stairs, if you wish. yuri nesterov, konstantin struchkov, channel one. on the calendar , on december 11, the second quarter or second trimester ends in schools, for some, schoolchildren, of course,
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cannot wait for the holidays, many, frankly, are already tired of studying, how to help the kids survive until the new year without problems and unnecessary stress, i found out maria kuskova. the end of the term, december, which lasts forever for children. i want to relax and start the new year early, i want to go out with friends on some holidays as soon as possible. but there are still 3 weeks of school ahead, so what to do? switch attention, because when children have a good rest, that is , a break between lessons, they switch their attention from one subject to another, this helps them. in krasnogorsk school number 16 , the plan is how to cheer up the students, firstly, to diversify the menu, they asked the children what they wanted, the majority is expected for dumplings, they are
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my favorite, i love to eat them. secondly, activities, dances of the peoples of the world during breaks from a geography teacher, greek, for example, macedonian, dances are quite simple, any person who does not know how to dance, and does not even know how to dance, he comes right during the break, takes another by the hand, we immediately learn the movement and dance to the music. not only children, teachers and parents dance, they also get tired. no less, by the end of the quarter we always accumulate a huge the amount of fatigue, we cease to be concentrated, strong and able to study further, it is very important - this is motor activity, the participants are delighted with such changes, it helps to unload from the dreary work of all this studying, and the brain works again, and i also
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heard this information that a primary school teacher bakes a's, in the form of pies, and we also want that, elena ivanovna motivates children, she not only puts a's in a magazine, she gives them to their hands, they are delicious , the children are very happy, you understand, they have eyes, eyes are burning, elementary school teacher evgenia chernova came up with a magic chest from which, along with good grades, certificates, the surprise is that no one knows which one this time, the only student in a tracksuit. in class, you see, he’s an excellent student, he just won the right not to wear a uniform. i came to my jacket comfortable, and now i want to get a certificate for not getting homework so that i can relax at home. and in some schools, the closer the holidays are, the more freedom there is in the school uniform. all december every friday the usual white and black turns into color, specifically last friday into orange,
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next friday everyone can wear funny hats . with such a mood. and it’s easier to learn, time flies faster. maria kuskova, andrey ivanov, alexander ignatov, lona martynova, channel one. open your own business, set up production, increase sales, bring your product to a wide market. today there are a variety of business support programs, including in the chemical production sector. this area is rapidly developing and modernizing. load measurements, scanning and... motorstop designing an individual 3d model of orthopedic insoles takes specialists about an hour, this file is then generated and we transfer it to a cnc machine, where our project is manufactured with millimeter precision. this is about 300-400 insoles per year. the insoles are made of eva, rubber is added to the material. place the cards, cover and serve.
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only a few years ago, everything thanks to the block will be ready. the company is more than 30 years old, but it has managed to make itself known in the neighboring countries specialists of the regional support center and a certain pressure and after 10 minutes our export. they help us find partners, provided assistance and even financing for participation in the exhibition in moscow. thanks to the national project international cooperation export. last year, exports of chemical goods increased by 20%. in russia, the production of components , including for cosmetics, is expanding; for this enterprise in the khantemansi autonomous okrug, a dispenser, reactors for mixing components and laboratory equipment were purchased equipment. all the equipment that is installed here in our production, almost 95% of it was purchased with subsidies, municipal, district, federal, that is, the state essentially raised us. over the past 4 years, the company
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has doubled in size and produces up to... here we produce shower gels and shampoos, the maximum volume we can produce is 60 liters. now there are about 70 retail outlets throughout russia, selling not only offline, but also online on marketplaces. but it will soon go to the vietnamese market products of a household chemicals company near moscow. our main partner is the republic of belarus, we also actively sell. kazakhstan has currently signed a contract with vietnam, we have no problems producing, we have problems selling, there are certain opportunities for finding these clients, the export center of the moscow region is very... actively helping. the company now produces tablets for dishwashers. there are plans to expand the range of pre-washing powders and laundry capsules. to get help
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support and export center specialists need to go to the my export digital platform. register, click on the service catalog and select the one you need. marina vakharsheva, vasily valetov, victoria shcherbakova, channel one. and now i give the floor to my colleagues from the channel one information service. let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. the news release is on air. i'll see you in a few minutes. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. just over three days left before the end of the year with vladimir putin. the president will let them down this week on thursday. december 14, live broadcast at exactly noon moscow time, this year the press conference of the head of state is a direct line combined, the closer the date, the more active people are, there are many questions, a topic that
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worries society is a variety of pensions , education, healthcare, special operations , not only questions come, many express wishes, share their concerns, make suggestions, express yours, you can by phone and sms, you see the numbers on the screen, and also use the form on... d20 a camouflaged strong point was destroyed, the accuracy of the hits was recorded, the fighters of the drone operators praise their guns, their reliability and accuracy have been tested by time. winter cold does not leave
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central russia and the volga region. the temperature is 7-10° below the climatic norm, but the most severe weather is in the urals and southern siberia at 40-45° below zero. in the saratov region , utility networks and repairs failed. brigades in the regional center are restoring supply of heat to 140 houses, this is what meteorologists promise in the coming days: another day at the beginning of the week in most regions of the central federal district there will be abnormally cold weather, including in the moscow region due to the cold night. abnormally cold weather will persist in povozhye until the middle of next week. heat will come from the south, spread to the west of european territory, and heat will come to siberia from the north, that is, warm air will bend around this island of cold, that is, an anticyclone, so this is an unconventional arrival warm air does not come from the south, but in winter this often
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happens. russia has become much stronger, and this is the main result of the military actions unleashed by the united states at the hands of the kiev regime. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of our country, sergei lavrov, speaking online.
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from the us and nato pitch is based on cancel culture. in the middle east, the israeli army is storming cities on the west bank of the jordan river, fierce fighting is taking place in the vicinity of the city of ramallah, in albir, east of nablus, in the north and south of the gaza strip, the collision is the largest in recent weeks, reports rator. according to al jazeera tv, more than twenty palestinians were killed in the attack on the magazi camp. the humanitarian situation remains catastrophic.
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the city has been inhabited by refugees since the beginning of the conflict, and some of the hostages captured on october 7 may be located here. drivers and truckers in hungary will begin a protest on the border with ukraine starting this monday; two trucks will be allowed through per hour. carriers across eastern europe are unhappy with the incentives that the european union provided them to ukrainian competitors. they believe that logistics companies from ukraine have gained an advantage and are ruining everyone who previously transported goods. and the last on the first big premiere starts the long-awaited continuation of the beloved detective story about the charming investigators alexander kushnir and shcheyk. in the seventh season, the main character played by anna banshchikova will undergo a complete reboot. she will start everything from scratch, move to sochi, leaving her personal life in the past and go to work in the local investigation department ordinary detective. with a new boss, she was brilliantly played by elena valyushkina.
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definitely in the know, the main color of the coming year has been named, attention, this is peach fuzz, whatever that means, by the way, what kind of color is this, why is it so honored, how it can be used, what to combine it with in clothes, dmitry kuzmin will tell you, and the color next year peach fuzz is announced, it’s hard to think of something more scarce on the shelves. snow-covered capital than the color
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of the cannon fruit, which ripens in the south, in june at best, but you can dig it up from chili, they are sweet, tasty, like first love, pleasant, gentle, good, kind, it will be a good year, it’s easier at flower stands, different shades are in use, please tell me what the name of the variety is, it’s called kashchemi, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, yes, katenka salmon is called katenka salmon, in showrooms the entire palette is peach... a common thing, you always want comfort and hugs, a basic color that can be found both in winter and summer, but let’s not forget, we all work in the big field of marketing and sometimes it's just extra an accent that you can pay attention to, well, what to wear it with, this color goes well with all sorts of pastel shades, with a hint of cream.
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then lavender color, very beautiful , heavenly shades, this is when the ocean , sunset, this is all natural history, we try on three options: the first, street, all the coffee and chocolate shades go very well with peach color, for meetings with friends , an option for every day slip dress with sweatshirt, printed flowers in the same shades of peach colors, echoes our combination with a single-color dress, the third image: going out with a cold combination, with asphalt, and here we added decoration, a natural pearl, a separate story is how the ponton institute explains the choice of color. quote: the color should express the desire to love and allow oneself to be oneself, symbolizes the human desire to meet in real life, breaking away from gadgets. who knows, stanislav and natalya found themselves in crimea, they even set up a peach orchard. here during the season there are not enough buckets,
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there were even two taisiks, at the very peak, for for me, it symbolizes the success of luck in any business, everything will be fine in the twenty-fourth year, everyone will have the warmth and comfort of home, everyone will have joy, everyone will have prosperity, the spouses share the surplus of success with guests, so that in winter the peach will warm and give strength of confidence, summer will come. dmitry kuzmin, nikolay krysanov, channel one. our good, cheerful morning continues. the time has come to find out what got into the networks of our main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky. meet new internet stars. open our today video parade, new internet stars, a vocal duet, a cat named goushen, who has perfect hearing, and his owner, who has normal hearing. and the video is rapidly gaining popularity on the world wide web, it already has 10 million views, can you imagine, and this is just the beginning. video of a dog named shu
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, maybe he also sang something, but he , you see, has no time, from morning to evening he works in a small shop on the outskirts of tokyo, selling sweet baked potatoes, chips and... other goodies from customers there’s just no end, this crab has become famous on the world wide web, thanks to his good manners, just look how neatly and elegantly he eats white bread, breaks off a piece, puts himself in his mouth, well, wish you bon appetit, at the end of the fashion breakthrough of the outgoing year, mikara tevers sewed herself out of twenty diapers are so cute, by the way, wedding... subscribers applaud mikari for the original idea, shower her with likes and ask for a pattern, all that remains is to wait for the prince on a white horse. our cheerful, good morning continues, in a number of regions of russia, an increase
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in the incidence of whooping cough has been recorded; children get sick more often, and the disease is more severe in them than in adults. whooping cough is a dangerous bacterial infection. it affects children more often and more severely, especially infants, and is contracted through airborne droplets. between 7 and 21 days may pass between the moment of contact and the moment of illness; this is the incubation period. at the onset of the infection, the infection is masked; early symptoms include low fever, slight malaise, redness of the throat, runny nose and mild cough. in the midst of illness painful and criminal cough up to fifty times a day. anastasia's two children suffered from cough. it felt as if the child was suffocating, that is , as if the child could not even take a breath, the barking cough, so to speak, was tearing right through the throat. like lush is caused by a pathogenic microbe of the genus bardetella, this is a small shelf-shaped bacterium. when infected, it penetrates the mucous membrane of the upper
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respiratory tract and releases a toxin, which causes severe coughing, in some cases with gag reflex. it is dangerous, especially for small children, with such a complication as stopping breathing during coughing. treatment as lyusha lasts. the incidence peaks at the beginning of winter; outbreaks of infection have already been recorded in the chelyabinsk, tomsk regions, st. petersburg and tatarstan. at the moment, older groups of kindergartens and primary school students are most often sick. the reason is a decrease in the level of collective immunity. more and more parents refuse to vaccinate their children, and according to the experience of doctors, this is the only effective method of combating like musk. according to the national calendar. vaccinations you need to do four vaccines, get four doses, these are 3 months, 4.5 months, 6 months and revaccination for 18 months, this helps to develop lasting immunity for 7-10 years, well, we try to do everything possible with vaccinations, something it is not enough
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for there to be some kind of outbreak, for nothing to happen, if there is no vaccination, upon contact with the pathogen the risk of infection is almost 100%, the disease itself is more severe, in half of the cases hospitalization is necessary. but if the cough is severe, immediately consult a doctor, without the correct treatment like lush may not go away for up to 3 months, residual cough up to six months. yulia shuvalova, sergey falendysh, yulia bykova and victoria sherbakova, channel one. the ukrainian media exploded with shocking news: the wife of the head of the gur of ukraine kiril budanov, maria.
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kirei leaves with his guards with the gru guards, drives 500 m, he is thrown out with a bullet in his head, the confrontation of the british british intelligence services on the territory of ukraine, what authority of the position does not matter, everyone will be killed there, the budanov family, snake to snake, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, cognac. monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. will you marry me? zhenya, won't you leave me? what are you doing? promise to get married on a federal channel in a show that is watched by millions of people, then backtrack. this is who you need to be, timur. kvn. major league,
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first semi-final. on saturday, on the first. this is an important point, i must say. i’m a vampire, it can’t be, here’s a cross for you, it’s freezing outside, but at home it’s warm and dry, skin. i don’t like this, dear women, write down a life hack on hand skin care from an international instructor manicure by tatyana koshlyaeva. the skin on the hands is thin and the wound becomes wrinkled. to prevent aging, cosmetologists give injections with hyaluronic acid, but a rejuvenating effect can be achieved with the help of homemade nourishing masks. i mix two parts of sea buckthorn oil and... one of pharmaceutical glycerin, heat the mixture in a water bath
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, cool to body temperature, apply the mixture to the hands, put on medical gloves, sea buckthorn oil nourishes the skin with vitamins, and glycerin moisturizes, when the composition is absorbed, take off the gloves, i don’t wash off the residue, i remove it with a cotton pad, alternating an oil mask with a starch mask, keep the glass warm. i dilute boiled water with two tablespoons of starch , either potato or corn starch will do ; when the mass becomes homogeneous, i squeeze out a couple of vitamin a capsules, mix thoroughly, apply the mixture to my hands, and put on gloves. starch nourishes and smoothes the skin, and vitamin removes dryness and heals small cracks. i wash off the composition and nourishing masks. they will make the skin of your hands firm, elastic and even help remove fine wrinkles. again about
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money, again about scammers. please, if you get a call supposedly from the bank asking you to go to an atm and perform some important, necessary operation with money there, keep in mind that this is a trap, a trap, they are not calling you from the bank, they are calling you from scammers. continuing the topic, lawyer maxim andreev, take care of yourself. i found an interesting video on the internet. you can evaluate the condition of the victim that the scammer is processing. an elderly woman has been zombified by a criminal; she obediently comes to the atm and is ready to act according to the scammer’s instructions. before that, he clearly introduced himself as a police officer, managed not only to convince the woman that she needed to send money to a secure account, but also somehow intimidated her. it’s good that caring people were next to the pensioner. they are trying to help. can you tell us, explain, simply, what’s the matter? “no, i can’t, are you afraid of what
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, i’m afraid you can’t tell me, the pensioner is so scared and confused that now she only believes in swindlers, please leave me alone, don’t be shy, yes i’m not shy, the woman is running from her rescuers , but they continue to try to save her savings, you you know how i know this, because i know that these are scammers, because my loved ones? and my grandfathers were deceived in this way, they transferred their money, i received the money, and now i have to transfer it to this same card, replace the card, yes, but this is not your card, you understand what’s the matter, this is not your card, this is his card, please note, the scammer persistently calls even after the victim left the atm, in the end this particular story ended well, the young people did not give deceive a woman, please remember, police officers or bank security services never require
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you to go to an atm and transfer your money somewhere. if they call you and they scare you, hang up. look on the back of the plastic card for your bank number and call there. it will calm you down, you will save money, nerves and health. noodles are the most popular dish with anything. they don’t make it, but to be honest, i’ve never tried noodles with sauerkraut, it’s interesting, especially potato noodles, in general, we’re preparing a lenten dish according to maria surova’s recipe, today i’m like toshi from girls, i praise the potatoes, in my favorite movie they definitely didn’t call potato noodles with mushrooms sauerkraut, which by the way is lean cabbage, to make a good potato dough, it’s better to take a potato variety with a high starch content. i boil it in a munder until tender, this is about 20 minutes, drain the water and let
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the steam come out, there is no need for excess moisture in the dough , i clean it and knead it into a puree so that there are no lumps, i add flour, starch, it will act as a binder instead of eggs, salt, season with nutmeg and knead the dough, first it will seem dry and falling apart, but you just have to keep kneading, a little... and the dough will be dense and smooth. i divide it into two parts and form sausages about 5 cm thick. i cut them crosswise like this and form them. short rolls of noodles. ready. i won’t cook it yet, i’ll prepare other ingredients. i cut the peeled champignons into slices and fry them in vegetable oil over high heat. place the rosy mushrooms in a deep bowl, pour over soy sauce and leave to marinate for a couple of minutes. i cut the onion into cubes and fry in the same pan,
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adding a little butter, salt and seasoning with caraway seeds. you can cook it. noodles , boiling water and salt, i lower the potato noodles, as soon as it boils, i set it for 6 minutes , i add mushrooms to the frying pan with onions and put the noodles here with a slotted spoon, fry, stirring, until they are browned, at the very end i add squeezed sauerkraut, season with pepper, stew i serve for a minute with plenty of greens. this unusual dish can be made from ordinary products. december 11th on the calendar. on this day our ancestors did little strangely enough, we went up to the well and listened to the water. if there is something clanking in the well, expect profit; if there is silence, do not expect profit. i don’t
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know if our astrologers listen to the water, but the stars have already told them something, the astrologers have translated everything and are ready to tell you. december 11 - the turning point of the 27th and 28th lunar days, the twenty-sixth day of the sun, very good , strong, persistent, strong-willed, knows how to think independently, sees the hidden essence of objects and phenomena, and if there is some kind of complex problem, you won’t understand what kind sides approach, contact him it will help, this day is also a very good day to put something in order, get rid of something unnecessary, including some bad habit, he has a lot of disadvantages... he is stubborn, likes to command, he can lose his temper, on such days, things sometimes stall out of the blue, the mood can suddenly deteriorate, just like that for no reason. aries, however, is unlikely to be threatened by this, but they can spoil the mood of someone else, without meaning to, simply by saying something harsh. the hint is clear, then here’s another one for you: swindlers can be very charming, about pleasant things, to you
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money and the opposite sex are not indifferent. taurus has a day of sorts. discoveries, it will help to clarify something to understand, will reveal the true motives of someone’s actions, and maybe even reveal some secret, so keep your secrets to yourself and take care of your personal data, in the evening you may have a pleasant meeting. gemini has a normal working monday, direct your energy into a creative direction and you will be surprised how much you can shovel today. just try not to argue with your superiors. on crayfish they can unplanned things will happen. but most likely household expenses are not excluded from unplanned expenses, this often happens before the new year, and this day will also help you make strong friends with someone. leos run the risk of falling in love with someone, this event can turn all your plans upside down, but then decide for yourself, okay, about things, they will go well and quite briskly, just don’t forget about safety precautions. virgos will have to
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defend their opinion, prove something, perhaps open someone’s eyes to something. let's take it easy. without nerves calmness and logic work better if you pay more attention on the roads. libra will be able to lift some burden off their shoulders, finish something, pay off debts and fulfill some promise, and in general everything will go as it should for you, though not too quickly, feel free to make a date for the evening. and scorpios are having a good day. difficult things will go well, trips and business contacts will be successful, it will be possible to achieve something from the authorities, just be more careful with new acquaintances. the latter, by the way, is also relevant for sagittarius, especially for ladies, you need to behave very carefully with money, at a minimum, don’t waste it and don’t get into debt, otherwise the day is not bad, it seems he has some kind of gift in store for you. it’s a great day for capricorns, when everything works out, they will even say about them that they are lucky , everything comes to them on its own, a fly in the ointment, if you may, a day full of injuries, so
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watch your step, dress warmly. aquarius may need help or... advice from some professional, you will get them, but it may turn out to be more expensive than it was assumed that if you send cargo or a parcel, make sure that all papers are completed properly and without errors. pisces, your motto today is patience and endurance, this applies to both business and personal relationships, otherwise everything should work out well, the evening seems to be about to invite you to some interesting event. pisces ladies, you are simply irresistible today. good luck to you. well, it’s winter, everyone needs to dress warmly, because the frost is invigorating, and of course, the main question is why some people freeze frost, in down jackets and hats, and for some even without a headdress? is it completely normal , and is it true that hot tea on the street may not warm you up, it may have the opposite effect, about everything about it right now, frost, why someone
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freezes in mittens and a hood, but someone without a hat is not cold, it’s a matter of muscle mass, muscles, they create contractile thermogenesis, that is, the formation of heat due to the work of muscles , in fact, plus the life experience of a person, whether he was hardened or not, there are more muscles, more blood too. the body is warmer, the second nuance - clothes, if you do not cover large muscles, the back of the hips, the heat will evaporate faster, let's look at a person in a short jacket, on the thermal imager screen you can see how his open legs are burning, this heat comes out, that's why he freezes even in the hood. but the temperature of the head, whether in a hat or without a hat, is almost the same, because here the neck is responsible for heating, and in both of them it is closed; if you open it, we will quickly lose heat. if we put on a ball, we protect the vessels of the neck, warm blood enters the brain and the brain warms up from the inside, and it doesn’t have to wearing a hat, well, of course, there is
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a limit to everything, at certain temperatures, any person wearing a hat will be right. ears can get frostbitten, and this is not a myth: there are fewer blood vessels there, so they are less heated and more cold, unlike the face. they also say: if you walk around without a hat, you will get sick, is it real? no, illness requires infection. a cold is not some kind of independent disease, it is always an infectious process; in order for an infectious process to develop, a pathogen is needed, but hypothermia can reduce immunity and the virus will take over, it’s a fact, and the worst thing is if your feet freeze, not your head, you won’t believe it, but they are connected to the nose. when our extremities become hypothermic , the work of the cilia of our epithelium and nasal mucosa changes, and accordingly... they begin to work worse, and the infectious agent penetrates into the blood much faster. what about your hair, can it fall out from the cold? trichologists reassure that if the hair is strong, it
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will survive everything, but it is better to cover the weak ones. our blood capillaries narrow, and, accordingly, oxygen nutrients they pass into the bulb more slowly. accordingly, the bulb begins to gradually die. favorite question: how to keep warm? everyone knows strong drinks. the blood vessels collapse, heat is lost even faster, the same story with hot tea and coffee, at first it’s good, but then it only gets worse, if we take something hot inside, it means we’ve warmed up, although in fact this can lead to sweating, the person has fallen asleep will give off heat, so jumping, running and playing sports in the cold is even good for your figure, calorie consumption doubles, which means excess calories are lost kilograms. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia.
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december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. the crews of our attack aircraft dealt a powerful blow to units of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction of the special operation sud-25 were uncontrollable. aircraft missiles using the so-called pitching technique, forward gunners confirmed the destruction of the enemy strong point and manpower. in the krasnolimansk direction
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they are on duty around the clock. fighters sud-34 bombers of the russian aerospace forces. the pilots worked from a height of 11.00 m. they hit the target. enemy air defense was powerless. and on the ground in the area of ​​the tor ledge, the militants are being crushed by our mortars; they managed to disrupt the rotation of their units. in the kupinsky direction. reconnaissance of the west group of troops successfully used combat drones and destroyed the enemy's temporary deployment point and a weapons warehouse. three attacks by assault groups of ukrainian formations were also repelled there, the enemy lost up to... water infantry. valor, dedication, and also mutual assistance demonstrated by our military personnel, members of the northern military district, the driver of the mortar battery of the bars detachment, yuriy kravchenko, under heavy fire, risking his life, delivered shells to volunteers to the front line, already in positions during the battle, he himself helped bring ammunition to the gun, as a result, the ukrainian formations lost four pieces of equipment, including a vehicle with ammunition, as well as a mortar crew. artilleryman private sergei karapuzov, repelling
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an enemy assault. acted in cold blood, showed courage and bravery, and hit one of the enemy’s guns with his first shot together with the crew, the militants’ attack fizzled out and they retreated. hundreds of thousands of questions are being received for the upcoming results of the year with vladimir putin, the president will sum them up this week on thursday, december 14, live broadcast at exactly noon moscow time. this year the press conference of the head of state direct line will be combined, and the closer the date, the more active people are. topics that concern society are very different, pensions, education, healthcare, special operations, not only questions come, many express wishes, they share painful things, make suggestions, express yours, you can by phone and sms, you see the numbers on the screen, and also use the form on the website, mobile applications or through the social networks vkontakte and odnoklassniki. not a single issue will be left unattended
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by local authorities or popular front activists. responds even to requests that do not make it to air. russia has become much stronger and this is the main result of the military actions unleashed by the united states at the hands of the kiev regime. the minister stated this foreign affairs of our country sergei lavrov, speaking online as part of the dahiya forum in qatra. the head of diplomacy noted: the americans do not spare their allies in an effort to ensure their hegemony. and here we are not talking only about ukraine; the focus of attention, of course, was.
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also with ukraine, everything that happened before february 2022, including a bloody coup d’etat and an unconstitutional change of power, including the war against donbass, all this was canceled, and they only say that russia invaded ukraine, they forgot about the minsk agreements are a hybrid war waged against russia at the instigation of the united states and nato, based on cancel culture. in argentina, president javier miley took office, promising to clear out the political... elite, curb incredible inflation of 140%, restore the economy, but from the first steps it became clear that voters were unlikely to wait for the implementation of his most striking calls, for example, to blow up the central bank, politicians, with dynamite whom he criticized, he took into the government, although he reduced the number of ministries from 19 to 9, at the ceremony inauguration , zelensky stole the whole show, he came to buenes aires, immediately asked for hungarian on camera, argued with
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hungarian prime minister viktor orban, then... the other day he said that negotiations on kiev’s accession to the european union should not be started, since there was no unanimous support will. according to orban, the european commission report is a lie. ukraine has not even fulfilled the mentioned four out of seven preconditions for admission to the eu, and most importantly, has not solved the problem of corruption. it is this reason that prevents zelensky from receiving the next tranche of assistance from u.s.a. he goes to the usa again, asks for money, speaks before senators to try to convince them, but congress. refuses to accept joe biden's bill to support ukraine; last week the document did not pass a preliminary vote. in sweden and norway , alexey yakimov was awarded the nobel prize among this year's physics laureates. this is a soviet russian researcher. he is now working in the usa. he is recognized for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots. together with other scientists he took the stage in stockholm, where the award was presented by the king of sweden, carl gustaf,
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then laureate in the field'. with mahamadi she was awarded an award, she is in prison and the award was given to her children. that's all. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, roman budnikov is with you on the calendar on december 11, monday. the closer to the new year, the more traffic jams there are, this is logical, that’s what statistics say. the peak , of course, will be in the last week before the new year; by this time the queue will naturally begin to grow, this is not a reason to grumble and get angry, spoil yourself and others are in a pre-new year mood, we will still manage to do everything, the new year will definitely be on time. in december we drive twice as slow as
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traffic jams. on normal days, the roads are busy in the morning until 9 and in the evening from 5 to 9, at the end of december 6:8 points is a common situation, and in the middle of the day the traffic jams are the same as the windy rush hour. optimization here is difficult, as an option, transfer to public transport, think over the route in advance, it’s not suitable, let’s live this time profitably, freight forwarder andrei tasybaya, for example, is stretching his hands, i have an expander that i can use on the road, use personal time for myself, gymnastics plus anti-stress, another life hack from a positive driver, smile at neighbors on the road, that is, i can say that a smile and a greeting are the most interesting things for a stranger, chances for a smile, traffic jams are greater with music, it’s a pity that you can’t play music in banks, except with headphones, queues in such institutions take us at least 7 hours a year, and we spend 27 hours in
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store queues. what if you calculate in advance, in which one should i stand in order to be the first to reach the finish line? let's check with time management expert alexander smirnov. i'll go left because i know the line is on the left. always moves faster, an interesting misconception , but there are other factors, it seems i miscalculated , alexander was the first to reach the finish line, there are a lot of factors more important than left or right, the first main factor is the number of people in the queue, the second factor is the number of goods in carts, the third factor is how quickly and uniformly the cashier repeats movement, but often something can... go wrong, and now attention, literally in five words the main advice for saving time. the easiest way is to do ordinary things at unusual times, this allows you to expand your horizons so much that you simply cannot imagine, for example,
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we filmed in a store at 15:00 in the afternoon, there were zero people, shopping was stress-free, here’s some advice , make a checklist of new year's tasks, it is good because you mark each purchase or action made with a tick, thereby moz... we had to stand, we don’t waste time, we clean the phone, call, listen to books, because when it’s at its limit, time flies faster. margarita larkina, andrey ivanov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. on the calendar, december 11, hello , winter ice, according to statistics, it is because of it that almost half of all road accidents and injuries to pedestrians occur in winter, so right now we are learning how to walk correctly on ice and... of course , it is correct to fall, what to do to with minimal health consequences. galolet. three rules: comfortable shoes, walking carefully and being ready to fall at any moment. master of sports in samba judo
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ilshat yunisov will teach you how to minimize injuries. first, soften the knees and point the socks down. yes, bent legs, neatly. for support , we step on our entire foot , take our hands out of our pockets, and not even our hand... a fatal mistake, of course, because here we are walking and let’s say you accidentally slip, which is mostly done behind yourself, and your husband. for support, a man in front, a hand on your shoulder, even if you fall, i can catch you, or i’ll play it safe myself, when i fall , we group up, lower the height, sit down as low as possible, fall on the side, you have more control over the situation, because if you fall on your back like that, you’ll knock off your internal organs, your head. once everything, the hand is closer to the legs , so as not to break the collarbone, the chin must be to the chest, because if i relax, i will hit my head, the person may lose consciousness, but if we fall unsuccessfully, we do not make sudden movements, we determine the place where it hurts, we try raise the injured
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leg, it does not rise, as a rule, this indicates an injury in the hip joint, you cannot change the position, immediately call an ambulance, if your arms and legs are working, there is coldness to the sore spot, through clothing, even in cold weather, yes... already in winter, of course, of course, it is cold in this case it will reduce swelling. the hand is injured, immobilize it with a scarf or scarf, position 90°. this is a physiological position, and it has an effect. analgesic effect, when a shoulder is dislocated , the pain will intensify if you press your hand to yourself, make a roller out of a scarf, you roll it up cushion and place the armpit of the victim, in this position the person can be taken to the emergency room to complain or receive compensation, lawyers recommend immediately taking photos and videos of the fall scene, asking witnesses for a phone number to confirm. if you fell on the territory of your housing complex, then the claim should be sent to your property manager. the company or here who serves it, if you fell on
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the road or on some roadway, then according to the utility services claims are also provided and you can continue to file claims and the courts are pretty good at recovering damages, and shoes with a thick embossed tread, if not, additional rubber pads, we must install them in the workshop, they sand the soles there, you can walk with them indoors, nothing spoil, on the asphalt. chairman of the federation council committee on constitutional legislation and state building. good morning,
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andrey aleksandrovich klishis, chairman of the federation council committee on constitutional legislation and state building. what is a constitution and why is it needed? the constitution is the main law of the country, the fundamental law of the state, where the most important social relations are regulated. it serves as the basis for the adoption of all legislation in the state, what is the constitutional system, why is it so important to protect it? speaking in legal language, it is a system of political, economic, legal relations that are established by the constitution and that are subject to protection, including constitutional protection, the constitutional system is how you... the life of society and the state is structured, in
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what relationships they are with each other, and also in what relationships the state and the individual are. the most important part of the organizational system is the concept of sovereignty, yes, independence, the ability to exercise the fullness of state power, which means to protect the rights and freedoms of our citizens,
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territories, again, because these are not just square kilometers, these are people who live on this land, and it was on it is enshrined at the constitutional level that... no trade in the interests of people is unacceptable; what is it especially important for schoolchildren to know from our constitution? it is important for schoolchildren to know that the constitution always guards the interests of a person, therefore it is important for schoolchildren to know that no matter what is written in the laws,
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you can always rely on the constitution to protect your rights, you, your parents, then this is the tenth eleventh grade already possible have clear, understandable ideas about how society and the state are structured, how the government system works, what rights and freedoms, what are their guarantees of these rights and freedoms? unexpected ways to calm
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anxiety, that's how much copper we have in our bodies, we'll tell you how to replenish its reserves, here... this is the aorta, do you know what happens to your aorta? the live healthy program will answer all your questions. today is the first one. rom castro, a product of the stellar group. big boxing is on first again. one of the most striking principles. a tough exam for everyone, betting league, night of champions, russia, usa, live broadcast on saturday on the first, let's talk about
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money, more precisely about minimum wages, the minimum wage, since january... how it differs from the subsistence level, how it is calculated, what it affects and what this increase means for you and me, evgeniy polyakov will tell you everything. from january 1 , the minimum wage will be higher, 19,242 rubles. the minimum wage, which is established at the federal level, allows us to determine what wages cannot be received in our country.
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mrod. mrod, this is our first step in the wage system. mrod's rise pulls the entire wage system is moving up, but the employer can contrive to increase the second category, third category, or carry out the fourth or fifth at a slower pace. we have such a concept as wage indexation, therefore, indexation is spelled out in the labor code, every employee can wait for indexation. moreover, neither the size nor the frequency of this indexation is prescribed in the labor code; if it does not increase it by 1%, they still comply with the norm of labor law. according to mrod's law, no less than living wage, but it may differ in regions. for example, in the twenty-third year in the nizhny novgorod region it was 13,500, in
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chukotka about 36. the region of the far north has a minimum wage of about 49, in contrast to central russia and prices for the same products are usually higher. in chukotka next year the mrod is set at the level of the federal mrod, it’s just that regional surcharges and coefficients work that are added to the mrod, what does the mrod affect? mrod affects the payment of sick leave and maternity benefits. in the twenty-fourth year of payment for example, the minimum maternity benefits will increase. 74,757 in the twenty- third year. in the twenty-fourth 91 0.60 and 2 and another mrod is considered before taxes 13%, if your salary from january 1 is exactly 19,000,242 rubles. the amount in hand is 16,740. irina materanskaya, evgeny polikov, ilinur valeakhmetov, oleg soshin, channel one.
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cutlets, one might say, are our everything, not only meat or fish, popular, favorite carrot, beetroot, cabbage, or from cereals, for example, lentils or buckwheat, you can cook all this yourself, and you can buy it in the store, semi-finished product. now let's do both. service industry college today for lunch cutlets, but unusual ones made from buckwheat and lentils, the cooking principle is similar, first we cook, and if the first one is immediately ready for modeling due to the consistency, then the second one is denser, put it in a blender, a classic recipe for cutlets made from lentils, buckwheat and others cereals, and we have this main product, and cereals, and you can also add onions, carrots and butter. options , it is important that the composition contains flakes that are coarsely ground, not instant, in ideally without flavorings and preservatives
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, instead of starch, whole grain flour is best, it usually goes into buckwheat cutlets so that they don’t fall apart, we have 200 g of buckwheat, respectively, we put 20 g of flour there, sometimes manufacturers use additional ingredients, for example, mushrooms or zucchini, are of course not for everyone, but when frying, such cutlets are always a little more capricious than classic ones. you and i must make sure that the required amount of moisture has evaporated during frying, at least 5-7 of them fry in a frying pan for minutes. visually , high-quality cutlets are immediately visible, homogeneous, and hold their shape well. as for the benefits, buckwheat contains a lot of fiber and microelements, iron, magnesium, plus b vitamins; lentils contain folic acid, 90% of the daily value. b9 and most importantly, high protein content, it is almost equal in protein content to meat, so it is an excellent product
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for our muscles and immune system. another option for lean cutlets of beets, cabbage, carrots in the correct composition only by yourself vegetables, spices and semolina so as not to fall apart. but you definitely need to look, if purchased, then according to the composition, because soy may be introduced there. or again, starch to strengthen this structure, which is also not very good. breadcrumbs are always tastier, but also higher in calories. fry or bake until golden brown. three minutes, fast and useful. vegetable cutlets are rich in fiber and vitamins. cabbage vegetables contain a lot of ascorbic acid, carrots and beets contain vitamin a. just what you need to diversify your diet maria nikolaeva, vasily valetov, victor namunka, channel one. we invite figure skating fans to the screens. the channel one figure
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skating cup among juniors has ended in kaluga. all the results are in the material of my colleague, sports journalist of channel one igor prudnikov. the first ever cup of the first channel in figure skating among juniors is about sincere children's emotions, but at the same time adults, rules and responsibility. a bright tournament brought together the rising ones on the kaluga ice. stars of the most beautiful sport. according to season rating, the participants were divided into two teams: purple and orange. it fell to sports couples to open the competition. the excitement was colossal, but all participants coped with it perfectly. and kira damazhirova and ilya vigera even touched olympic champion anna shurbakova, who is very close to the music from their program. i wholeheartedly supported the guys and admired the way they skated. after the first event, absolute equality 17:17, then dance duets took to the air, their fiery
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performances gave the audience in the stands truly incredible emotions, and the captain of the purple team artyom frolov did not stop there. girls, i see you. after two types of programs, the score remained equal 34:34. intrigued fans waited impatiently.
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don’t miss this country, well, here she is, a bloodhound, today the long-awaited continuation of her favorite detective series starts on channel one, police colonel alexandra kushnir turns over the old page of her life and opens a new one, but in her new life she will have to unravel the most difficult cases, and of course of course looking for new love, how cool!
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we open the holiday season at the beginning of winter, we go to sochi with a bloodhound. you won't find such cakes in all of sochi. actually, i don't eat. colonel alexandra kushnir begins a new life. gelendzhiki left her family, her team, all her men, in the end. we don’t know ourselves, she behaves somehow like alexandra, she’s such an unpredictable girl. lady in search. sasha arranged it. with a simple opera, subordinates lose their vigilance before our eyes, the river, the mountains, and you, alexander ivanovna, in all your beauty, well, i'm afraid, in my neckline you you definitely won’t find any evidence in this case , they don’t immediately understand how this is possible, a woman came looking like this , i don’t know the woman there, in a pink skirt in the middle of a crime, i don’t understand how to react to this, the new boss is interested in the bloodhound’s personal file , she has
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a cute son, lonely, markush tefou? i haven’t seen it, not yet, mom, katerina pavlovna, i rarely wear our uniform, especially since it’s so hot here at decorative work, the lady in red, colonel kushmir will go on a date, and at the same time to the crime scene, we need urgently return from heaven to earth, this is not how the new suitor imagined this meeting, in the mountains a bloodhound will discover the body of a climber, i’ll probably go to interfere, mom, hello, maybe the bloodhound runs away for a reason. takes it, she easily finds criminals, but her favorite shoes, no. you were right, they would not be very comfortable here, to put it mildly, tell me, have you ever climbed the mountains? i can handle it, don't worry, are you sure? 3 hours half bent? to find the killer, the bloodhound is ready to conquer any height, and as always, we will be happy to watch this. huh, like in the mountains, time
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passes slowly, or is it me who walks slowly, huh? humor and vitamin d in the long-awaited detective story eshcheika. premiere today on channel one. everything is under control, we are preparing. keep me informed. asya ratkevich, channel one. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. a little more than 3 days remain until the results of the year with vladimir putin, the president will sum them up this week on thursday , december 14, live broadcast at exactly noon moscow time. this year press conference of the head of state direct line united, the closer the date, the more active people are, there are many questions, a topic that worries society is a variety of pensions, education, healthcare, special operations. not only questions come,
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many express wishes, share their concerns, and make suggestions. you can express yours by phone and sms numbers you see on the screen, and also use the form on the website, mobile applications or through social networks, vkontakte and odnoklassniki. neither one issue will not be left unattended; local authorities or popular front activists will respond even to those appeals that do not make it to the airwaves. now to the topic of the northern military district, a crushing blow to the locations of the ukrainian armed forces was dealt by the artillerymen of the bars volunteer unit. russia has become much stronger and this is the main result of the military actions unleashed by the united states at the hands of the kiev regime. this was stated by
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the minister of foreign affairs of our country, sergei lavrov, speaking online as part of.
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in the middle east, the israeli army storms cities on the west bank of the jordan river, fierce fighting is taking place in the vicinity of the city of ramala in albir, east. east of nablus, in the north and south of the gaza strip, the clashes are the largest in recent weeks, the raider reports, according to al jazeera tv. more than twenty palestinians were killed in the attack on the maghazi camp. the humanitarian situation remains catastrophic, with huge queues forming for water, and aid trucks instantly finding themselves surrounded by crowds of people. in the south, israeli troops storm city ​​of hanyuninys. the tanks reached one of the main roads, the populated area was bombed from the air, this city first. refugees were staying in the conflict, and some of the hostages captured on october 7 may be located here. drivers and truckers in hungary are starting a protest on the border with
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ukraine from this monday; two trucks will be allowed through per hour; carriers throughout eastern europe are dissatisfied with the benefits that the european union has provided to their ukrainian competitors. they believe that logistics companies are from ukraine gained an advantage and are ruining everyone who previously transported goods. polish... traffic at the vyshny german uzhgorod crossing, after a week-long pause , the ministry of transport tried to come to an agreement with the carriers, but without success. abnormal cold leaves central russia and the volga region, temperatures are 7-10° below the climatic norm, but the most severe weather is in the urals and southern siberia at 40-45°. in the regional center , the heat supply to 140 houses is being restored, this is what meteorologists promise in the coming days. another day at the beginning of the week in most areas
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central federal district abnormally cold weather, including in the moscow region due to the cold night, until the middle of next week the abnormally cold weather will remain in povozhye, warmth will come from the south and spread to the west. european territory, heat will come to siberia from the north, that is, warm air will go around this island of cold, that is, an anticyclone, so this unconventional flow of warm air is not from the south, but in winter this often happens. in sweden and norway , nobel prizes were awarded among laureates in the field physics this year alexey yakimov, a soviet and russian researcher, now working in the usa, he is noted for. discovery and synthesis of quantum dots. together with other scientists, he walked up to the stage in stockholm, where the award was presented by king carl gustav of sweden. then the laureates in the fields of medicine, chemistry, physics, literature and economics spoke at
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the gala reception. about norway the peace prize was accompanied by a torchlight procession in support of iranian women's rights activist nargis mohamadi. she was given an award. she is sitting in prison and the prize was given to her children. there are only 21 days left until the new year, the festive mood is sweeping across the country, just wait, it’s not with you yet, now we ’ll fix everything quickly, welcome, you feel the new year is approaching, or the frosts, snowdrifts and short daylight hours are making you sad, ekaterina danilevskaya from volgograd lifted her spirits when she chose decorations for her workplace; these decorations will be for children. who sit in my car and travel with their mothers, we install a child seat, they will definitely pay attention to this beauty, and of course, puts on a snow maiden costume, clients are delighted, you know, such a feeling of a pre-holiday
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mood, you immediately want, i don’t know, to go back to childhood, if you have a new year’s mood, it must be shared, the velish librarians have developed the whole cast we made a christmas tree, every year our concepts change: sometimes we decorate our christmas trees in bright red gold, sometimes we decorate our christmas trees in blue and silver, and this christmas tree will be one of our pearls. this new year's performance, they are also performances for readers are being prepared, it just turns out to be some kind of epicenter of the holiday. semyon viktorovich from izhevsk gives snow cards to children every winter; he works in a republican boarding school, as soon as it snows he comes out to draw under the students’ windows. for every holiday, he has a new drawing and when you look at it, your mood immediately lifts from what you see, it’s generally cool.
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we practically tried to decorate the entire yard with this theme, so that the children would know what year it is, here we also have a letter from did frost personally delivered to us, so everything is for real, the trees are in lights, the table is set in new year's style, and at the entrance to the entrance there is a colored disco scarf, and it doesn’t matter that there is no snow, the main mood has appeared, all that’s left is to wait for the holiday, victoria sherbakova.
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first channel. december 11th on the calendar. on this day, our ancestors were doing a little strange thing. we went to the well and listened to the water. if something clinks in the well, expect profit. if it's quiet, don't expect profit. i don’t know if our astrologers listen to the water, but the stars have already told them something, the astrologers have translated everything and are ready to tell you. december 11th. fracture 27 and 28. new lunar days , twenty-sixth day of the sun, very good, strong, persistent , strong-willed, knows how to think independently, sees the hidden essence of objects and phenomena, and if there is some kind of complex problem, you don’t understand which side to approach, contact him, he will help , this day is also a very good one to put something in order , to get rid of something unnecessary, including some bad habit, he also has plenty of disadvantages, he is stubborn and likes to command, he can lose his temper, things happen on such days sometimes they stall.
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creative channel and you yourself will be surprised how much you can shovel today. or maybe he will even reveal some secret, so keep your secrets to yourself and take care of your personal data, in the evening you may have a pleasant meeting. geminis have a normal working monday, direct your energy to just try not to argue with your boss. unplanned things may fall on crayfish, most likely of a household nature, and may not be included in unplanned expenses before a new one.
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this often happens, and this day will also help you make strong friends with someone. to fall in love with someone is at risk from lions, this event can turn all your plans upside down, but decide for yourself. okay, about business, they will go well and quite briskly. just don't forget about safety precautions. virgos will have to defend their opinion, prove something, perhaps open someone’s eyes to something. let's calm down, without nerves, calmness and logic work better , pay attention on the roads. libra will be able to get some burden off their shoulders, finish something, pay off debts and fulfill some promise, and in general everything is yours will go as it should, though not too quickly , feel free to make a date for the evening , scorpios are having a good day, difficult things will go well, trips and business contacts will be successful, you can get something from your bosses , just be careful with new acquaintances, lastly, by the way, it is also relevant for sagittarius, especially for ladies who need money. behave very carefully,
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at least don’t waste them and don’t get into debt, otherwise the day is not bad, it seems he has some kind of gift in store for you, a great day for capricorns, when everything works out, about they will even be told that they are lucky , everything comes to them on its own, a spoonful of money, if you will, the day is full of injuries, so watch your step, dress warmly, aquarius may need help or advice from some professional, you will get it, but it may be more expensive, it was assumed that if you send a cargo or parcel, make sure that all the paperwork is completed properly and without errors. pisces, your motto today is patience and endurance. this also applies to business.
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stellar group product new season is when everything looks new and you don’t recognize anything, everything will be new, the actors, the children, the costumes, the golden sofa, everything, everything, everything is gold, the stars are so joyful, it will be peaceful, there will be even more backpacks with sweets , the new season is when it was renovated, like the new year, only without santa claus, the show will be even better, because i, mark, will be there, so that not everyone claps, so that the host says, you really are the best, the best , new season from december 17 to sunday
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on the first, our good, cheerful morning continues, the time has come to find out what got into the networks of our main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky, meet the new stars of the internet. our video parade opens today: new internet stars: a vocal duet, a cat named goushen, who has perfect hearing, and his owner, who has normal hearing, and the video is rapidly gaining popularity on the world wide web, it already has 10 million views, can you imagine? , and this is just the beginning. the hero of our next video is a dog named shu, maybe too sang something, but, you know, he doesn’t... from morning to evening he works in a small shop on the outskirts of tokyo, selling sweet baked potatoes, chips and other goodies, there’s simply no end to buyers, this crab has become famous throughout the world web thanks to his good manners, just look how neatly and elegantly he eats
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white bread, breaks off a piece, puts himself in the mouth, well, wish you bon appetit, in conclusion, the fashionable breakthrough of the outgoing. nikora tevers made herself this cute one out of twenty diapers, by the way, a wedding dress, one and a half million subscribers applaud mikari for the original idea, shower her with likes and ask for a pattern, all that remains is to wait for the prince on a white horse. it’s frosty outside, but at home it’s warm and dry, the skin on your hands is not pleasant, dear women, write down a life hack for care. for hand skin care from international manicure instructor tatyana koshlyaeva. the skin on the hands is thin and the wound becomes covered with wrinkles. to prevent aging, cosmetologists give injections with hyaluronic acid, but to achieve you can achieve a rejuvenating effect using
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homemade nourishing masks. i will mix two parts of sea buckthorn oil and one part of pharmaceutical glycerin. i heat the mixture in a water bath. i cool it down to body temperature , apply the mixture to my hands, put on medical gloves, sea buckthorn oil nourishes the skin with vitamins, and glycerin moisturizes, when the composition is nourished , i take off the gloves, do not wash off the residue, remove it with a cotton pad, alternate an oil mask with a starch one, dilute a glass of warm boiled water with two tablespoons of starch. it goes both potato and corn. when the mass will become homogeneous, squeeze out a couple of capsules of vitamin a. mix thoroughly, apply the mixture to your hands, put on gloves. starch nourishes and smoothes the skin, and vitamin
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removes dryness and heals small cracks. i wash off the composition, nourishing masks will make the skin of my hands firm, elastic and even help remove small ones. on the calendar december 11, hello, winter ice, according to statistics, it is because of it that almost half of all road accidents and injuries to pedestrians occur in winter, so right now we are learning how to walk correctly on ice and, of course well, it’s right to fall, what to do, and so that with minimal consequences for health. hololet. three rules: comfortable shoes, careful walking and being prepared to fall at any time. master of sports posamba and judo ilshad yunisov will teach you how to minimize injuries. first we soften the knees, socks are pink. yes, bent legs, neatly. sometimes we step on our entire foot, we take our hands out of our pockets, well , we don’t walk arm in arm either, a fatal mistake,
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of course, because here we are walking and let’s say you accidentally slip, which basically does for yourself, and your husband, for support from a man in front, a hand on your shoulder , even if you fall, i can catch you, or i’ll play it safe myself, when you fall , we group up, lower the height, sit as low as possible, fall on your side, you have more control over the situation, because if you fall like that. .. you beat off the internal organs, the head, the pelvis, everything, the hand is closer to the legs , so as not to break the collarbone , the chin, the chest, because if i relax, i will hit my head, the person may lose consciousness, but if we fall unsuccessfully, we do not make sudden movements, determine the place where it hurts, you try to lift the injured leg, it doesn’t rise, as a rule, this indicates an injury in the hip joint, you can’t change the position, immediately call an ambulance if your arms... legs work towards the sore spot cold through clothes, even in cold weather, even in the winter, of course, of course, the cold
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in this case will reduce the swelling. the hand is injured, immobilize it with a scarf or scarf, position 90°. this is a physiological position and has an analgesic effect. when a shoulder is dislocated , the pain will intensify if the hand is pressed against ourselves, we make a roller out of a scarf. you roll up a roller and place it under the victim’s muscle cavity. in this position. can be delivered to the tramfunction. to complain or get compensation, lawyers recommend immediately taking photos and videos of the fall scene. ask witnesses for their phone number to confirm. if you fell on the territory of your housing complex, then the claim should be sent to your management company or whoever serves it. if you fell on the road or on some roadway parts, then there, accordingly, claims are also provided to the utility services and continue to file claims and. the courts are pretty good at recovering damages , well, shoes with a thick embossed tread, if
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not, additional rubber pads, we must install them in the workshop, there the soles are polished, you can walk with them indoors without spoiling anything, walk on ice on asphalt, but if there is a skating rink on the street after winterization, it is still better for older people to stay at home, anastasia telya, mikhail chetveryakov and yulia kuvabina, channel one, more times kinder. cheerful morning, friends, have a good working day to you, to everyone who joined us, of course, also, if you have a sedentary job, do not forget to take a break during the day for a physical exercise, now there are a lot of small, very small exercise machines on sale, just to arrange such physical training minutes for yourself, what they are like, how effective they are, yuri nesterov will tell you everything. this izhevsk office of a logistics company has both a dumbbell and a back massager, brought by the employees themselves.
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in a rush, and then abandoned, why? that's why that most often there is simply no initial understanding of exactly what features a particular gadget has, for example, stepper reviews, there are many similar networks. i went out like this for about a month, i’ll be honest, it’s such a bore. yes, the process is monotonous, but if you are prepared for it and don’t expect some kind of wow effect, then there will be benefits. they are not suitable for... but valuable training, they are suitable for recovery and simply improving the general physical condition, the muscular
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frame and the general physical condition of the lower extremities of our body will be improved. the other extreme - exercise machines that you definitely won’t get bored with, orthopedic doctor marina malygina shows, the same balancing disc. the muscles of the feet, legs, and hips work, in poses for which not all colleagues may be mentally prepared. the gymnastic ball is also not for everyone, although it is a really useful thing, especially if you use it. instead of a chair, and the shoulder blades are straightened, and there is a deflection in the spine, small-sized exercise machines have their own specifics, they are put aside and forgotten, so it is better to keep them in the most visible place, carpal spander right next to the computer or keyboard, stretch your fingers, wrist joint , strain the muscles of the forearm, and gymnastic bands are compact, once you put them in the nightstand, you won’t take them out again, we put them on the table and use them, it’s easy to come up with a huge amount of them. warm-up exercises work the muscles of the arms, the muscles of the back, just to stretch the very muscles that
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become numb when a person sits for a long time at the computer. in general , you can arrange a physical exercise for a minute at work without additional devices, just stand up from behind the table, move your arms, walk along the corridor, climb the stairs, if you wish. yuri nesterov, konstantin struchkov, channel one. on the calendar, on december 11 , the second quarter or second trimester ends in schools, depending on who you are. schoolchildren, of course, are waiting and can’t wait for the holidays; many are, let’s say, already tired of studying, how to help the kids get through without problems and extra stress. until the new year, maria kuskova found out. the end of the term, december, which lasts forever for children. i want to relax and start the new year early. i i want to
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celebrate some holidays, any kind, with friends. but there are still 3 weeks of school ahead, so what?
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a huge amount of fatigue, we cease to be concentrated, strong and able to study further, it is very important - this is physical activity, the participants are delighted with such changes, it helps to unload and from the tedium of all this studying, and the brain works again, and i also heard this information that a primary school teacher bakes grades in the form of gingerbread, and so do we... this is elena ivanovna motivates children, not only puts a's in the magazine, but hands them out, delicious, the children are very happy, you understand, their eyes, their eyes light up. primary school teacher evgenia chernova came up with a magic chest from which, along with good grades, certificates. the surprise is that no one knows which one this time. the only
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student in a tracksuit in the class, you see, an excellent student, just won the right. not to wear a uniform, i came to my jacket comfortable, and now i want to get a certificate for not getting homework, so that at home relax, and also in some schools, the closer the holidays are, the more freedom there is in the school uniform, throughout december, every friday the usual white and black turns into colored, specifically on the last friday into orange, on the next everyone can wear funny hats, with such a mood and it’s easier to learn, time flies faster, open your own business, set up production, increase sales, bring your product to a wide market. today there are a variety of business support programs, including in the field of chemical production. this area is rapidly developing and modernizing. load measurements,
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scanning and examination of feet to design an individual 3d model. this file is then generated and we transfer it to the cnc machine, where our project is manufactured with millimeter precision. this is about 300-400 insoles per year. the insoles are made of eva, rubber is added to the material. we put the cards in, cover them and apply a certain pressure, and in 10 minutes our block will be ready. ready, the company is over 30 years old, but it was only possible to make itself known in the near abroad a few years ago, all thanks to the specialists of the regional support and export center. they help us in finding partners, provided assistance and even financing for participation in the exhibition in moscow. thanks to the national project international cooperation export,
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exports of chemical industry goods increased by 20% last year. in russia , the production of components is also expanding. for cosmetics, for this enterprise in the khantemansi autonomous okrug they purchased a dispenser, a reactor for mixing components and laboratory equipment. all equipment which is installed here in our production. over the past 4 years, the company has doubled in size, producing up to 80 thousand units of products, but the strengthening of khimprom is aimed at the initiative, development of production of new materials. here we produce shower gels and shampoos, the maximum volume we can produce is 60 liters. now there are about 70 retail outlets throughout russia. they sell not only offline, but also online on marketplaces, and the products of a moscow region household chemicals company, our
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the main partner is the republic of belarus, we are also actively selling to kazakhstan , we have currently signed a contract with vietnam, we have no problem producing, we have problems selling, there are certain opportunities for finding these clients, the export center is very actively helping us. sky region. the company currently produces tablets for dishwashers and plans to expand the range to washing powders and laundry capsules. to get help from support and export center specialists, you need to go to the digital platform "my export". register, click on the catalog of services and select the one you need. marina vakhursheva, vasily valetov, victoria shcherbakova, channel one. do you have any questions? there are no answers, but there are others that will be given precise and direct answers. you can ask your question right now by
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phone 8 800 24040, via sms to number 04040 or through the websites moscow defiс and moskvadefisputinu.rf. all details. on the websites results of the year with vladimir putin december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva. hello. the crews of our attack aircraft dealt a powerful blow to ukrainian armed forces units in donetsk. direction of the special operation, the sud-25 was hit with unguided aircraft missiles using the so -called cabling technique. forward gunners confirmed the destruction
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of the enemy stronghold and manpower. in the krasnoliman direction , sud-34 fighter bombers of the russian aerospace forces are on duty around the clock. the pilots worked from an altitude of 11 thousand meters, hit the target, and enemy air defense was powerless. and on the ground in the area the tor ledge of militants is being destroyed by our mortars and... assault groups of ukrainian formations, the enemy has a weapons depot, and three attacks were repelled there , lost before a platoon of infantry. valor, dedication, and also mutual assistance are demonstrated by our military personnel, members of the northern military district, drivers of the mortar battery of the bars detachment, yuri kravchenko, risking their lives under heavy fire. delivered shells to volunteers on the front line, already in positions during the battle he himself helped bring ammunition to the gun, as a result, the ukrainian formations lost four units of equipment, including a vehicle with
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ammunition, as well as a mortar crew. artilleryman private sergei karapuzov, repelling the enemy assault, acted calmly, showed courage, bravery, with the very first shot he hit one of the enemy’s guns, together with the crew, the militants’ attack choked, they retreated. hundreds of thousands of questions are being received for the upcoming results of the year with vladimir putin, the president will sum them up this week on thursday, december 14, live broadcast at exactly noon moscow time. this year press conference, heads of state direct line will be united, and the closer the date, the more active people are, the topic that worries society is a variety of pensions, education, healthcare, special operations, not only questions come, many express wishes, share in sickness, speak with suggestions. you can express yours by phone and sms. you can see the numbers on the screen, and you can also use the form on the website mobile applications or
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through social networks, vkontakte, odnoklassniki. neither one question will not be left unanswered. local authorities or popular front activists will respond even to appeals that are not broadcast. russia has become much stronger, and this is the main result of the military actions unleashed by the united states at the hands of the kiev regime. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of our country, sergei lavrov, speaking online as part of the dahiya forum in qatar. the head of diplomacy noted that the americans do not spare their allies in their efforts to ensure their hygiene.
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again, it's the same cancel culture, also with ukraine, everything that happened before february 2022, including a bloody coup and an unconstitutional change of power, including the war against donbass, all this was canceled, and they only say that russia invaded ukraine, they forgot about the minsk agreement, this is a hybrid the war being waged against russia by the us and nato is based on cancel culture. in argentina, president javier miley took office as he promised.
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joe biden on support for ukraine, the document did not pass preliminary approval last week vote. nobel prizes were awarded to physics laureates in sweden and norway. this year alexey yakimov is a soviet russian researcher, now working in the usa. he is recognized for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots. together with other scientists, he walked up to the stage in stockholm, where the award was presented by the king of sweden, carl gustov. then a laureate in the fields of medicine, chemistry,
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physics, literature and economics. fell at a gala reception; in norway, the presentation of the peace prize was accompanied by a torchlight procession in support of an activist from iran, who speaks out in defense of women's rights, nargiz mahamadi, she was awarded an award, she is in prison and the award was given to her children. and that 's all for now. well, it’s winter, everyone needs to dress warmly. because frost invigorates, and of course, the main question is why some people freeze in the cold in down jackets and hats, and for some even without a hat, it’s completely normal, and is it true that hot tea on the street may not warm you up, it will give the opposite effect? effect, about everything about it right now, frost, why someone freezes in mittens and a hood, and for others without a hat it’s not cold, it’s a matter of muscle mass, muscles, they create contractile thermogenesis,
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that is, the formation of heat due to... the work of muscles, in fact, plus a person’s life experience , whether he was hardened or not, there are more muscles, more blood, the body is warmer, the second nuance is clothing, if you do not cover the large muscles of the back of the hips, the heat will evaporate faster, let's look at a person in a short jacket, on the screen of the thermal imager you can see how his open legs are burning, this heat comes out, that's why he gets cold even in the hood. but the temperature of the head, with or without a hat hats, almost the same, because... here the neck is responsible for heating, and both have it closed, if you open it, you will quickly lose heat. if we wear a scarf, we protect the vessels of the neck, warm blood enters the brain and the brain warms up from the inside, and it does not necessarily need to wear a hat. well, of course, there is a limit to everything; at certain temperatures, anyone who puts on a hat will be right. ears can get frostbitten, and this is not a myth, there are fewer blood vessels there, so they are less warm and more cold. difference
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on behalf of. they also say that if you walk around without a hat, you will get sick, is it real? no, illness requires infection. a cold is not some kind of independent disease, it is always an infectious process. for an infectious process to develop, a pathogen is needed. but from hypothermia, immunity can decrease, the virus will take over, it’s a fact. and the worst thing is if your feet freeze, and not your head, you won’t believe it, but they are connected to the nose. in case of hypothermia. into the blood. what about the hair? can they fall out from the cold? trichologists calm you down if your hair is strong, they will survive everything, but it’s better to shelter the weak. our blood capillaries narrow, and accordingly, nutrients and oxygen
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pass into the bulb more slowly, and accordingly, the bulb begins to gradually die. favorite question: how to keep warm? everyone knows that strong drinks dilate blood vessels and heat is lost even faster. the same story with hot teas. and coffee, at first it’s good, and then it only gets worse, if we took something hot inside, it means we ’ve warmed up, although in reality this can lead to sweating, a person will give it away after getting sleepy it’s warm, so jumping, running and playing sports in the cold is even good for your figure, calorie consumption doubles, which means you lose extra pounds. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia, andrey ivanov, denizharov and yulia bykova, channel one. to warm up or... not to warm up a car, even such a simple question causes controversy and discussion on the internet: someone says: modern cars don’t need to be warmed up, others object to them, you still need to warm them up a little, at least for a few minutes, if the thermometer is below -10 . these
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and other winter car myths we will either confirm or refute right now. whether to warm up the car in winter or not, auto experts recommend warming up in winter after starting the engine to reach at least the minimum operating temperature of 60°. with a cold engine you will increase wear , you can see it very clearly here, for example, here on the mirror there is a delay, if it doesn’t rattle, then this will lead to more intense wear, to a decrease in the service life of our engine, that is , we start it and wait until the tachometer needle drops to the idle speed level (700-800 v minute), this is about 5 minutes of time, then you can drive, albeit in such a way as to keep the speed at one and a half to two thousand, that is, slowly. to give the transmission and suspension time to warm up. myth two: a warm stove can crack glass. right now the temperature here is -15. when we start to warm up the car, the air comes out cold. and the heating is smooth
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enough. and if you immediately blow air at a temperature of 90° onto frozen glass. as we can see, everything is intact. true, if the glass already has a crack, constant heating and cooling will provoke. it grows, the water that gets inside the damage either expands or contracts, so it’s better to repair chips and cracks in the early stages, we drive on, we drove into a snowdrift, and there’s ice under it , we can’t get out, they say that if we release the pressure in tires by 30-40%, this can be done easily, let’s check, well, that’s how it’s supposed to be, the pressure is 2.3, let’s bleed the air approximately. up to 1.6 and this is true, the laws of physics work, the larger the contact area with the surface, the better the grip, the main thing is to return the tire pressure to normal, as get out, otherwise you risk ruining the tires.
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another eternal debate: is it possible to put the car on the handbrake in winter, the owner of a car with drum brakes, it’s more likely no than yes, water can accumulate between the block and the drum, and in good frost it will freeze. it will harden, but in the disc brakes there is nowhere for the fluid to linger, there shouldn’t be any problems with the handbrake. so what to do with the battery in cold weather, should you take it home or not? does it die out like any battery in the cold? well , of course, in cold weather the capacity decreases if you drive every day, of course, no skidding the battery is out of the question. but in severe frosts, below thirty, you can bring the battery home, so in the morning there will definitely be no problems with starting the car, by the way, this can’t be done often, due to a blackout , problems may arise with the engine control unit as a whole with the electrics. nikolai lesnikov, nikita kulakov, anatoly brikalov, natalya koldaeva, channel one. our cheerful, good morning continues. in a number of regions of russia, an increase in the incidence
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of whooping cough has been recorded. children get sick more often, and their illness is more severe than in adults. whooping cough is a dangerous bacterial infection; children, especially infants, are more often and more seriously ill with it ; they become infected through airborne droplets. contact and until the moment of illness can pass from 7 to 21 days, this is the incubation period. at the onset of the infection, the infection is masked; early symptoms include low fever, slight malaise, redness of the throat, runny nose and mild cough. at the height of the disease, the cough is painful and criminal-like up to 50 times a day. anastasia's two children suffered from cough. there was a feeling that it was as if the child is suffocating, that is, as if the child cannot even take a breath.
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such as respiratory arrest during coughing, long-term and complex treatment of lyusha must be carried out necessarily as prescribed by a doctor, the peak incidence is at the beginning of winter, outbreaks of infection have already been recorded in the chelyabinsk, tomsk regions , st. petersburg and tatarstan. at the moment, the older group of kindergartens and schoolchildren are most often sick. the reason is a decrease in the level of collective immunity: more and more parents refuse to vaccinate their children, and according to the experience of doctors, this is the only effective method of combating whooping cough. according to the national vaccination calendar, you need to make four vaccines, receive four doses, these are 3 months, 4 and a half months, 6 months and revaccination for 18 months, this helps to develop lasting immunity for 7-10 years, well, we try to get all the vaccinations whenever possible . that there was some kind of flash, so that nothing would happen. if there is no vaccination, upon
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contact with the pathogen the risk of infection is almost 100%. and the disease itself becomes more severe. in half of the cases hospitalization is necessary, and is lush dangerous for adults? adults , as a rule, suffer from this disease in a milder form and are less susceptible to the pathogen. but if the cough is severe, i’ll take it right away. without proper treatment, the cough may not go away for up to 3 months, and the residual cough may last up to six months. yulia shuvalova, sergey falendysh, yulia... channel one. unexpected ways to relieve anxiety. that's how much copper we have in our bodies. we'll tell you how to replenish its reserves. this is the aorta. do you know what 's happening to your aorta? the live healthy program will answer all your questions. today on first. oldbar cognac, a product of the steller group.
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will you marry me? zhenya, won't you leave me? what are you doing? promise to get married on a federal channel in a show that is watched by millions of people, then backtrack. this is who you need to be, timur. kevn, major league, first semi-final. on saturday on the first. this is an important point, i must say straight away, i’m a vampire, it can’t be , here’s a cross for you, noodles are the most popular dish, no matter what they make them with, but to be honest, i ’ve never tried noodles with sauerkraut, it’s interesting, especially potato noodles, in general, we are preparing a lenten dish according to maria surova’s recipe, today i’m like one of the girls, praising potatoes. in your favorite movie, they definitely didn’t call potato noodles with
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mushrooms sauerkraut, which by the way is lean. to make good potato dough, it is better to take a potato variety with a high starch content. boil in munder until tender, this is about 20 minutes. i drain the water and let the steam come out. there is no need for excess moisture in the dough. i clean it and mash it into a puree so that there are no lumps, add flour and starch. he will act as a binder instead of eggs. salt, season with nutmeg and knead the dough. at first it will seem dry and falling apart, but you need to keep kneading. a little patience and the dough will be dense and smooth. i divide it into two parts and form sausages about 5 cm thick. i cut them crosswise like this and form short rolls of noodles. ready. i won’t cook it yet, i’ll prepare other ingredients. i cut the peeled
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champignons into slices and fry them in vegetable oil over high heat. i spread the rosy mushrooms into a deep bowl, pour soy sauce over it and leave to marinate for a couple of minutes. i cut the onion into cubes and fry in the same frying pan, adding a little oil, salt and season with cumin. you can cook noodles. i add salt to the boiling water. as soon as it boils, i time the potato noodles for 6 minutes, add the mushrooms to the frying pan with the onions and add the noodles here with a slotted spoon, fry, stirring, until they are browned, at the very end i add the squeezed sauerkraut, season with pepper, simmer for a minute, serve with plenty of greenery, this is an unusual dish that can be made from
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news that perhaps not everyone has heard, but those who follow fashion are definitely aware that the main color of the coming year has been named. attention, this is peach fuzz, whatever that means? by the way, what kind of color is this, why is it so honored, how can it be used, what can it be combined with in clothes, dmitry kuzmin will tell you. and the color of next year is peach fuzz. it’s hard to think of something more scarce on the shelves of the snowy capital than the color of the cannon fruit that is ripening. in the south at best in june, but you can dig them up from chile, they are sweet , tasty, like first love, pleasant, gentle, good, kind, it will be a good year, it’s easier at flower stands, different shades are in use, please tell me what the variety is called, it’s called cashmere, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum , yes, katya salmon is called katya
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salmon, in showrooms the whole palette of peach is a common thing, you always want comfort and hugs. a basic color that can be found both in winter and summer, but let's not forget, we all work in a big field marketing, sometimes it's just an extra accent that you can pay attention to, ok, what to wear it with? this color goes well with all sorts of pastel shades, with a hint of butter, then lavender, very beautiful, heavenly shades. this is when the ocean , sunset, this is all natural history, we try on three options: the first one is street, all the coffee and chocolate shades go very well with peach color, for meetings with friends , an option for every day, a combination dress with a light shot, printed flowers in the same shade of peach color,
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echoes our plain dress combination, the third look for going out with a cold combination with asphalt with here we added a decoration, a natural pearl. another story is how the ponton institute explains the choice of color. quote: the color should express the desire to love and allow oneself to be oneself, symbolizes the human desire to meet in real life, breaking away from gadgets. who knows, stanislav and natalya found themselves in crimea, they even set up a peach orchard, there aren’t enough buckets here during the cannon season, there were even two thais. at the very peak, for me it symbolizes success , luck in any business, everything will be fine in the twenty-fourth year, everyone will have the warmth of home , comfort, everyone will have joy, everyone will have well-being, the spouses share the surplus of success with guests, so that in winter, the peach warmed me, gave me strength and confidence, there will be summer. dmitry kuzmin, nikolay krysanov,
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channel one. cutlets, one might say, are our everything, not just meat or fish, the popular, favorite carrot ones. beets, cabbage or cereals, such as lentils or buckwheat, you can cook all this yourself, or you can buy it in the store, a semi-finished product, now let’s do both, college students in the service industry today have cutlets for lunch, but unusual ones made from buckwheat and lentils, the cooking principle is similar, first we cook, and if the first one is ready immediately to modeling due to consistency, then the second one is denser, its blender. a classic recipe for cutlets made from chickweed, buckwheat and other cereals, and we include this main product and cereal. and you can also add onions, carrots and butter there. in in purchased options, it is important that the composition contains coarsely ground flakes, not instant preparation. ideally, without
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flavorings and preservatives, instead of starch, whole grain flour is best; as a rule, it goes into buckwheat cutlets. so that he... they don’t fall apart with you, we have 200 g of buckwheat, so we put 20 g of flour there. sometimes manufacturers use additional ingredients, such as mushrooms or zucchini. this, of course, is not for everyone, but when frying, such cutlets are always a little more capricious than classic ones. we are with you we must make sure that the required amount of moisture has evaporated during frying; fry them in a frying pan for at least 5-7 minutes. visually , high-quality cutlets are immediately visible, uniform, good. form , as for the benefits, buckwheat contains a lot of fiber and microelements, iron, magnesium, plus b vitamins, lentils contain folic acid, 90% of the daily requirement of vitamin b9, and most importantly, high protein content, it is almost equivalent in
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protein content in meat, so these are excellent products for our muscles, immune system, another option... cutlets of beets , cabbage, carrots in the correct composition, only the vegetables themselves, spices and semolina, so that they do not fall apart, but you must definitely look, if purchased, then according to the composition, because there... soy may be introduced or again starch to strengthen this structure, which is also not very good. breadcrumbs are always tastier, but also higher in calories, fry or bake until golden brown, about three minutes, quick and healthy, vegetable cutlets are rich in fiber and vitamins, in cabbage there is a lot of ascorbic acid, carrots and beets contain vitamin a, which is what you need to diversify your diet. maria nikolaeva, vasily valetov, munch, channel one. well, here she is, the bloodhound.
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the long-awaited continuation of the favorite detective series starts today on channel one. police colonel alexandra kushnir turns over an old page of her life and opens a new one. but in her new life she will have to unravel the most difficult matters, and of course, of course, look for new love. we're opening the holiday season at the beginning of winter, we're going to sochi with bloodhound, you can’t find such cakes in all of sochi, actually, i don’t eat slack. colonel alexandra kushnir begins a new life. gelendzhiki left her family, her team, all her men, in the end. we ourselves don’t know how alexandra will behave, she’s such an unpredictable girl. lady in search. sasha settled down simple. opera, subordinates losing their vigilance before our eyes, a river, mountains, and you, alexander ivanovna, in all your beauty, well, i’m afraid you
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won’t find any evidence in this case in my neckline, they don’t immediately understand how this is possible, such all this woman came, i don’t know the woman there, in a pink skirt in the middle of a crime, they don’t understand how to react to this, the new boss is interested in the bloodhound’s personal file , she has a cute son, lonely, markush, did you see her in the tuyere? “not yet, mom, katerina pavlovna, i rarely wear a uniform, especially since it’s so hot here at operational work, the lady in red, colonel kushnir will go on a date, and at the same time to the crime scene, we urgently need to return, from heaven to earth, not so this meeting was represented by a new boyfriend, in in the mountains, a bloodhound will find the body of a climber, i ’ll probably go, not to interfere, mom, hello, or maybe he’ll run away for a reason, and the bloodhound will figure it out." she easily finds criminals, but her favorite shoes, no. you were right, there was would be, to put it mildly, not very comfortable here. tell me, have you
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ever climbed mountains? i can handle it. are you sure? 3 hours half-bent? for the sake of searching for the killer, the cheek is ready to conquer any height, and we, as always, will be happy to watch this. huh, how time moves slowly in the mountains, or is it me who walks slowly, a? humor and vitamin d in the long-awaited detective story bloodhound, premiering today on channel one. everything is under control, we are preparing, keep me informed, sasha, be careful, i promise. asya ratkevich, channel one. our morning broadcast is ending, roman budnikov was with you, i wish you good health, good mood and great news. stay on channel one for now. we have done. significant steps in the development of our relations in the world, this is of genuine interest, the neocolonial system
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has ceased to exist, thank you for come, don’t forget us, there is lasting interfaith peace in the country. no fundamental changes have occurred today in terms of the goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the operation, it is important to hear your opinion, we need to start getting to know each other better, we are praying for you, cool, by god.
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hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio of maxim sharfuddinov, and briefly about the main thing. the militants tried to find a weak point and break through, what happened. the gun is zero in the hole, in the hole, zaporozhye direction, successful operation
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what are our soldiers finding on the battlefields? here is chevron, this is no longer a national battle , this is ordinary territorial defense, it concerns everyone, medicine and housing and communal services, roads, education, an appeal reception center, work is in full swing, the results of the year with vladimir putin are already this thursday, people are trapped in a fire, a fire in a residential building in sektafkar, seconds were already counting, but the rescuers were in time, dramatic. footage: the forecast gives chills to the skin; regions of russia are in the grip of ice cyclones; where is the coldest, when will the temperature start to rise? strong explosions thundered at night at military installations in ukraine, powerful strikes were reported in kiev, arrivals also in snegerevka, nikolaev region, there, as telegram channels write, tank bases of the armed forces of ukraine, thundered in the southern city of odessa region, where the port plant
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was where military equipment was stored and...


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