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tv   Novosti  1TV  December 12, 2023 9:00am-9:20am MSK

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amendments, social guarantees, moral values, this applies to everyone, getting through 5 km right through the window, the super skill of the artillerymen and the flight of alligators, the successful hunt of our k-52s in the special operation zone. and zelensky is on a tour with an outstretched hand to washington, but the senate has its hands full, is there a chance that at least something will fall to kiev? he saved the star writer kanin guera and separated the conjoined twins. he gave us a separate life, a life in which each of us lives with our dreams and hopes. 90th anniversary of the founder microneurosurgery in our country, alexander honovalov, a genius and innovator who solves the mysteries of the brain. everything is interesting to me because i am continuing what i have been doing for more than 65 years. questions to the president from russians
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are received 24/7 at the call center, almost 830 thousand calls , over 366 sms and mms, about 85 thousand requests were sent through the website. this is the latest data presented yesterday evening. results of the year with vladimir putin on thursday, and the closer the main event is, the more active the citizens are. have time to ask the question that worries you most: medicine, family support, special operation. 2 days remain before the program summing up the year by sladimir putin, this is a combined format of a traditional press conference and a direct line, the day after tomorrow the president will begin answering questions from the russians, as it always happens, the closer this event is, the shorter the pause between calls to the call center, more precisely , now there are no pauses at all, your question has been recorded, thank you for your call, all the best!
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or classmates, you can also use the form on the moskva website, there are also detailed instructions on how to download the application for a smartphone. this is what the moscow app for putin looks like. here you can watch the live broadcast from december 14, here you can send a text message, upload a short video, or make a video call. hello, hello, you have called the editorial office of the program year in review with nimin putin. operator maxim. please state your last name and first name! all calls and messages will be received until the last second of the direct line. anna kurbatova, pavel bolkonsky, tatyana bakulina, channel one. so, december 14, results of the year with vladimir putin, live broadcast on channel one at noon moscow time. now about the progress of the special operation, footage of the abolition of defense, our crew of carnet destroyed the ukrainian headquarters on the right bank of the dnieper, the target was more than 5 km away from the target, an accurate strike and the missile flies in. into the building
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through a legal opening, well, that’s how aviation works, in the red-lebanese direction k-52 helicopters and alligators hit the enemy’s strong point. at the kupinsky site our fighters hit camouflaged positions of the ukrainian armed forces from the fagot complex. well, in the zaporozhye direction, the paratroopers bombarded the enemy infantry with ammunition from fpv drones. the kiev regime is ready to sacrifice its own citizens for the sake of the interests of the west, for which military assistance to ukraine. as washington has already openly admitted that it is only a profitable commercial project, the first deputy of our permanent representative, dmitry polyansky, spoke about this at a meeting of the un security council, where they discussed the supply of weapons for the armed forces of ukraine. the whole country remembers very well, the ukrainian regime is like a dying drug addict, survives today exclusively on western financial handouts, which in large part are immediately stolen from the supply of western weapons, which do not have a significant impact on the battlefield, because with footage of a burning western...
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circus performance with an outstretched hand in the usa, all of it will either be ground up by the russian army on the battlefield, or simply abandoned. and just about the tour of zelensky, who has already moved from argentina to the states. from the podium of the national defense university he managed to criticize the congress, which is delaying the allocation of new tranches for kiev and still asked the head of the imf for a loan of $900 million. next sell money on thursday, congress goes on vacation . there is no plan for the remaining 2 days of work on the project to help ukraine, but there is a vote on the investigation, the purpose of which is to impeach biden in the case of corruption and
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influence trading. today is constitution day in russia, this year is a special holiday, the basic law is 30 years old, 2020 has become a landmark year. after a popular vote, a whole correction block. they secured social guarantees for citizens and established the priority of the constitution over international law. dmitry kochitkov, about what concerns everyone. the basic law of new russia, which replaced the brezhnev constitution, was born literally in the smoke of the flames 2 months after the shooting of parliament and the storming of ostankino, 2 years after the collapse of the soviet union. i’m sure they will vote for the constitution, but who will they vote for personally?
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passed this time and stood the test of russia's very difficult, contradictory path to these years, but it is enough to recall the struggle for unity and sovereignty of russia at the end
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of the nineties, in particular, it was possible to stop the parade of sovereignties, which could lead to the collapse of russia, the powers of the center and regions were. that people had to become full-fledged authors of the text, this was a very important point. citizens' initiatives flocked to the working group on amendments to the constitution: the minimum wage level was equated to the subsistence level, this was enshrined in
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the basic law for the state a responsible step, guaranteed indexation of pension benefits. well, for example, how could we guarantee it in 1993? years ago, the constitution was enshrined, this is a direct ban on candidates for the post of head of state, governors, federal ministers or judges, having foreign citizenship or visible residence; on the initiative of vladimir putin, the supremacy of national law over international law was spelled out. we call this actually
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a constitutional reform, which constitutionalized moral values ​​inherent in russia itself and increased the level of security of its identity in the current global space within the country. the state duma received more powers from the parliament and the right to approve the head of government and ministers, with the exception of the security bloc, security officials, the prosecutor general and regional prosecutors; upon the proposal of the president, the federation council approves. senators can also remove judges from office on the recommendation of the president. the constitutional court, in turn , can check at the request of the president laws that he has to sign. the status of the state council appointed by the president was also secured. vladimir mashkov’s reinforced concrete amendment banning the alienation of russian territory also passed. this
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amendment was in space, in the feelings and desires of people. article 67 with this amendment now makes it possible for our new territories, the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, the zaporozhye and kherson regions to be part of the russian federation and... it is impossible to alienate them, and this is reinforced concrete. in 2020, the amendment was supported by 78% voted, and this figure has something to compare with. in 1993, when the most basic law was adopted, 58% voted for it. and if in millions - 58 in 2020 versus 33 in 93, this is an eloquent indicator: the initiatives adopted 3 years ago are already working, according to the head of the constitutional court. channel one, the genius and
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founder of microneurosurgery, alexander konovalov is 90 years old, he is at the operating table on his birthday, we learn some of the secrets of the innovator and the greatest doctor a few minutes after the advertisement, not switch over, season premiere. and we are out of turn, colonel kushnir, a lady in search , well, well, it’s not work that has arrived, but my personal life will interfere, so we will help, and guys, you are a tough nut to crack, prone to dedication, however, people around you don’t always like it, that ’s for sure , that is , that is, how does it happen, alexander ivanovna, that’s where you are, there are always pipes, and what is it with us, call the cathedral, come on, get out of there, men, what a rock, there’s soft wax inside, what are you hitting ? behind me? actually, i'm
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looking after you, but you don't want to be the star of the investigation be, thank you for the compliment, well, i’m ready, depending on what, so alexandra ivanna smelled a new prey, bloodhound, new series, watch the mustache of the program time, don’t overdo it, the main thing is not... mancacher whiskey is a product of stellar group, well, let’s dance , pictures of the apocalypse today, we are doing everything we can to ensure that vietnam is left behind for us. kopala began the battle for the apocalypse with the rank of general of american show business. the american military was adamant. it is prohibited to rent out military equipment film crew, rumors about the incredible efforts
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made by the director to save the film grew, and the attitude towards kopali began to change, the group began to feel feverish, no one knew what they would film tomorrow, copolo continuously made changes to the script. don't you think this is not the time for fun? the director first saw the actor at an audition for his godfather. look how beautiful you are, now scare yourself. kupala wanted to stop filming to stop the bleeding, but shin told him: don’t, motodor, francis’ revelation or a journey around nang, deep into yourself, on friday on the first. after a year of editing, he told his wife: there is only a 20% chance that i will be able to finish this picture at all. big boxing, again... one of the most striking principled confrontations in
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the history of boxing. match of the best boxing schools in the world. five furious fights, a tough test for everyone. betting league, night of champions. russia, usa. live stream. on saturday, on the first. a unified control center for the underground movement was created in nikolaev and headed by viktor lyagin. he had to gain confidence in the germans and complete cooperation with them. for 12 downed german planes they gave a hero of the soviet union, here he earned two titles of hero of the soviet union, but having destroyed 27 planes, not a single ship was built, nothing was repaired, because such neat secret work was going on when he came to the hospital, they were already waiting for him there, he was arrested, he
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came to say goodbye to his family, started the car, mom ran up to him there, dad... he never returned here again, from that moment it began viktor lyagin's last battle with the nazis. premiere, names of illegal intelligence, viktor lyagin. on sunday on the first. you are watching the news on the first, we continue: israel and hamas may resume negotiations next week on a new exchange of hostages and prisoners. this is information from the alarabia tv channel. fighting in the gas sector continues. jebalie and hanyunynes were targeted at night. in the city of rafah, at least 20 victims were killed after an airstrike on a residential building. the idf also storms a number of cities on
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the west bank. meanwhile the washington post published data that tel aviv applied to the south. parts of lebanon, us-supplied white phosphorus ammunition. the idf is striking the lebanese regions in response to shelling from the country of hazbalah. the states are alarmed by reports of the use of such projectiles and are going to check the information, said john kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the white house national security council. his operations became a sensation, which was reported in the world media. he separated the siamese twins and saved the italian genius tanin.
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what i have been doing for more than 65 years, if before i operated more, i rarely operate now, after 10 minutes alexander nikolaevich is in the operating room, a complex case, a woman who has a tumor, well, so-called in the lateral ventricle, i think that it may even be benign, in the operating room silence and extreme concentration, with his usual movement he adjusts a massive installation, a microscope of the highest resolution, and through a miniature hole removes a large tumor, by the way, it is he, the founder of microneurosurgery in our country. from i still haven’t gotten tired of contemplating the complex, always impressive beauty of the structure of the brain. our operating rooms were located in the garden of the church; can you imagine how to operate a microscope that hung on the ceiling, about 5 meters from you. and so i had to contact our engineers from the company that builds rockets.
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they didn’t come up with anything better, they also made a kind of large rocket, attached it to the ceiling, one end, the other. microscope, it turned out to be a very interesting design. more as a child, from his father, a famous neurologist, he heard about the mysteries of the brain, and even then he decided on a profession, and his love for tennis brought him to the burdenko clinic. i came to the institute and met with the director of the institute. boris grigorievich egorov, he began to tell me the prospects of the institute. and so he said with pathos and passion, here from the window we will see a tennis cord, which the doctors will see after a difficult one. departments, buildings were built where new methods of treatment were used, his style is recognizable, every movement is delicate precisely verified, for him the operation was a work of art, thousands of lives were saved, some operations had never been done before by anyone, the footage had flown all over the world, the then academician professor kanavalov, divided the brains of two girls, siamese
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twins from lithuania, the operation lasted 16 hours and became real sensation. “if you help me, i will help you, this word can only be said by a brilliant doctor with a capital letter. moving forward is his philosophy, he continues to operate, teach students to edit a magazine at ninety, brought out my form.


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