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tv   Novosti  1TV  December 12, 2023 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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will answer questions from citizens and journalists. you can ask your question now by calling 8 800 200 4040 via sms to 04040 or through the websites and moskvadefisputinu.rf. all details are on the websites. we will try to make sure that no questions remain. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. so, exactly two days before the main television event, already after tomorrow. december 14 at
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noon, year in review with vladimir putin. anyone can ask the president a question, and almost one and a half million russians have already taken advantage of this opportunity. most prefer the telephone line; more than 850 thousand calls are accepted. almost 4,000 people sent their sms and mms to the short number 040-40, about 90 thousand questions were sent through the site, all of them will be processed, even if they do not go on air. and... kurbatova reports from the call center. your question has been recorded, thank you for your call, all the best. hello, you have called the editorial office of the program year in review with vladimir putin. as always happens, the closer this event is, the shorter the pause between calls to the reception center; more precisely, now there are no pauses at all. pensions, housing and communal services, roads, problems in principle have long been known, a direct line is one of the tools that helps solve unresolved issues.
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telephone conversations and incessant tapping of keys, this is how the call center operates today; rush hour is here 24 hours a day. a very pressing issue for mothers of many children is that they lose their status when the child reaches 18 years of age, and how consequence further, children need to enter higher educational institutions, and here they are faced with the problem of the absence or a negligible number of budget places upon admission, many call not only for some... answer to the question, but many call to thank our president , to thank him for what he has already done, it’s great that i’m from donetsk and can take part in such an event, i’m really proud of it. your fellow countrymen are probably also actively calling, of course, fellow countrymen are also calling absolutely on various issues, ranging from infrastructure to housing and communal services, it is very pleasant to actually hear them and receive their calls. you can ask a question by calling the toll-free number 800 200 exactly 4040 or sending an sms.
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to number 04040, another option is through social networks, vkontakte or odnoklassniki, you can also use the form on the website, there are also detailed instructions on how to download the application for a smartphone. this is what the moscow to putin app looks like, here you can watch the live broadcast from december 14, here you can send text message, upload a short video, or make a video call. hello, hello, you called the editorial office of the program results of the year with animer, your for... free operator maxim, please tell me your last name, first name and patronymic, the longest call, how long it lasted, how long it took you to receive the request, more than an hour, and the man really, he prepared the question on paper, all this time he directly read it verbatim, it was formulated correctly, and i was surprised that the situation was directly touched upon, of course, everything calls and messages will be received until the last second of the direct line, anna kurbatova, pavel bolkonsky, tatyana bakulina, channel one, so, results of the year with
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vladimir putin, watch the live broadcast on channel one on december 14, starting at exactly noon moscow time. now about how the special operation is going. tonight our army launched a new massive attack on the ukrainian military rear. several powerful explosions occurred in the kharkov region. in addition, precise arrivals to targets in ochakov, nikolaev region were noted. well, that's news from the ministry of defense in the southern donetsk direction with cannon and rocket artillery fire, as well as strikes. operational-tactical aviation hit the temporary deployment points of two ukrainian brigades in the novomikhailovka and urozhainy areas. the enemy lost up to eighty fighters, as well as a lot of equipment, including western ones. and in the kupinsky direction, our unit successfully repelled several enemy attacks; meat assaults did not bring any result to the kiev regime, except for huge losses. meanwhile, zelensky again with his hand outstretched states. this is the last attempt this year to beg money from american sponsors. congress never approved it. the white house question
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about new aid to kiev, and on friday legislators leave for the christmas holidays. there is no question of supporting ukraine in the schedule for the remaining 2 days. today zelensky has a meeting with biden and... a speech in the senate, and they have already called it disgraceful that the ukrainian guest artist came to demand another 61 billion dollars from american taxpayers, and a little earlier at a meeting of the un security council they discussed arms supplies to kiev, as our first deputy permanent representative dmitry polyansky noted, washington is already openly admitting that this is only a profitable project, because 90% of the money is spent in the states themselves, and the kiev regime is for the sake of the commercial interests of the west. sacrifices its citizens. the ukrainian regime, like a dying drug addict, survives today exclusively on western financial handouts, which in large part are immediately stolen. and on the supply of western weapons, which do not have a significant impact on the battlefield,
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because personnel of burning western equipment are littered the entire internet. these supplies only delay the inevitable collapse of the current criminal, anti-people kiev government, which is deeply rooted in corruption and nepotism. i want to remind you that no matter how many weapons the ukrainian dictator wrangles out during his incipient circus performance with his outstretched hand in the united states, all of it will either be ground up by the russian army on the battlefield or simply abandoned. zelensky's trip was vividly commented by venezuelan president nicolas maduro; washington, according to him, is using zelensky as a puppet and will throw out the landfill history, as soon as it becomes unnecessary, a method long worked out by the west, you don’t have to look far for examples. maduro recalled recent events in his country. imperialism sets up a puppet, uses it, burns it, destroys it and throws it away. we had a clown like zelensky, guaido, a clown who, according to him, was president in nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, in twenty-three,
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imperialism grabbed him and threw him into a landfill in miami. now he lives like trash in miami, even with millions. there will be more examples like guaido, examples of women and men who will be used for provocation. congratulating those gathered, joe biden decided to recall the recent hamas attack on israel, telling the story of one affected family, the american leader once again misspoke, as a result, the world learned that on october 7 , the militant attack on the kibbutz was survived by his father, who died more than 20 years ago. after
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october 7, my father, my father, returned to the kibbutz to save everything that was left of his destroyed home. in which he hid with his wife and daughter for 20 hours before being rescued. this the house was in the same area where his beloved son was brutally murdered. today is constitution day in russia and this year the holiday is special. the basic law is 30 years old. 2020 was a landmark year. after a popular vote, a whole block of amendments was adopted; they secured social guarantees for citizens and established the priority of the constitution over international law. dmitry kochitkov. about what concerns everyone. the basic law of new russia, which replaced the brezhnev constitution, was born literally in the smoke of the flame, 2 months after the execution parliament and the storming of ostankino, 2 years after the collapse of the soviet union. i’m sure they will vote for the constitution, but as
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for who personally, and if it’s the people’s, what will we do next? no, i don't allow that. supported the new constitution, it was possible to stop the country ’s slide into a severe political crisis; a new bicameral parliament, a federal assembly appeared in russia , elections to the state duma and the federation council took place on the same day as the vote on the constitution, recalls sergei shakhrai, one of the authors of the basic law. the country is in chaos. in moscow episode of the civil war. the constitution created a new state and a new government, after this smoke, conflicts of anarchy. constitution.
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in these years, but it is enough to recall the struggle for unity and sovereignty of russia in the late nineties.
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indexing takes place immediately, we don’t have this discussion and what we will do this year we won’t do this year. the nationalization of the elites,
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which the president began several years ago, was enshrined in the constitution; this is a direct ban on candidates for the post of head of state, governors, federal ministers or judges, have foreign citizenship or type of residence. at the initiative of vladimir putin , the supremacy of national law over international law was established. we actually call this constitutional reform. which constitutionalized the moral values ​​inherent in russia itself and increased the level of security of its identity in the current global space within the country. parliament gained more powers, the state duma received the right to approve the head of government and ministers, with the exception of power bloc, security forces of the general pro...
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was in space, in the feelings and desires of the people, article 67 with this amendment now gives the opportunity to our new territories, the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, the zaporozhye and kherson regions to be part of the russian federation and their alienation impossible, and it is reinforced concrete. in 2020 , the amendment was supported by 78% of voters and this figure. there is something to compare with, in the ninety- third year, when the most basic law was adopted, 58% voted for it, and if in
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58 million in 2020 versus 33 in 93, this is an eloquent indicator , the initiatives adopted 3 years ago are already working, according to the head of the constitutional court valery zorkin, the basic law with recent amendments is destined for a long life, heavy snowfall and a blizzard are again covering moscow today, drifts on roads, poor visibility and quite strong winds of up to 15 m/s. this weather will linger in the capital for 3 days. the snowdrifts could eventually grow up to half a meter and would likely break the eighty-year-old record. airports flights are already being canceled or delayed. meanwhile, the urals and more eastern regions will experience abnormal frosts, which the hydromid center called super-siberian. it will be -40 outside, and somewhere the temperature will drop to -50, which is
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10-20° below normal. earlier, due to heavy rainfall , a state of emergency was introduced in one of the regions of the khabarovsk territory; classes in schools were canceled in some cities of the kurgan region; a storm warning had to be issued there. well, this is footage from rostov-on-don, children are trying to get to school along the only road that was covered with ice. the streets turned into one continuous skating rink of icy rain. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues, this is the program we are currently working live in the russian troops began to use a scalpel to destroy opponents, this is the name of the new people's drone now, and dmitry steshin met with the developers of this scalpel, we hope he will tell you
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we need all the details, dmitry, hello, what kind of unique drone is this and have you seen it in action yet?


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