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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  December 15, 2023 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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to volunteers, to all volunteers, say words of gratitude, every day for volunteers who go to the front line is fraught with danger, on one of these trips the armed forces of ukraine attempted to fire at volunteers. everyone is in shelter, the volunteers openly declare that they are not afraid and will continue to help the residents of donbass and their defenders, new batches of winter mask nets have gone to the front from the regions, equipment and positions are reliably covered, but the main thing... that's it for the residents of the european part i say goodbye to russia further on the air of antifake. full
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blackout. how kiev staged a cynical provocation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but in front of the whole world tried to blame us for it. and also the steppe eagle in the sights of the fake business. we will expose another falsehood about melitopol and the courage of a russian woman in belgium. why are the ukrainians persecuting her and threatening her with death? we'll tell you in the program today. this is an anti-fake program and here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation. we will talk about the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. a complete blockout allegedly occurred at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant at night. there is a radiation threat security energoatom reports on the pravda gerashchenko portal that this is immediately doubtful. due to the complete blockout, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant switched to powering its own.
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edges, which are not, no , and shoot in the wrong direction, and if, say , spent fuel gets into the storage facility, it will certainly lead to the effect of a dirty bomb, that’s what they can do, there is no need to talk about the defeat of the reactors of the zaporozhye npp themselves, they were being built in soviet times, designed for a nuclear strike. as for this fake, i would i wanted to draw your attention to the date it was published. and we are still alive, first of all. and
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secondly, december 2 was the date, well, already the peak date for pumping up western public opinion before president zelensky’s visit for the next portion of what he hoped was money to the united states, this is a hysterical quarrel in the american congress, this is another peak in discussions about financing the ukrainian project in the european union, well, this is apparently one of the fakes that was supposed to pump up this public opinion at that time, like this expressed, this is expressed in one... short phrase: give me money. we can now find out what is happening at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant from a friend of our program, renat ivanovich korcha, who is connected with us, advisor to the general director of the rosenergoatom concern. we are glad to welcome you. good morning. you've probably read these fakes. december 2, and we were already joking today that it seems like we are still alive, which means everything is in order at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. everything is in perfect order, everything is working as normal, changes there is no background radiation, history.
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with another power outage, this story is much more political than technological in nature, well , firstly, the outage occurred on the territory controlled by the kiev regime, this is the first and most important thing, which means why the main thing is, because, in fact, once again , they did their nasty things...
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ugly, that is, what happened? a break occurred due to wear and tear, or a shutdown occurred for some other technical reason. well, or tried again lovers of nuclear blackmail , energy blackmail, they simply dropped the switch, it’s very difficult to say now, because i repeat, everything happened on the territory controlled by the kiev regime, today the plant is operating as normal, once again, which means the specialists of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant...
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watched as always, they expressed deep concern, well, in general, the concern is correct, the concern is justified, but really one line is a risk, this is a serious risk, but we are coping with this risk, and how long did this last disconnection of transmission lines, if my memory serves me correctly, there was a complete failure, something started somewhere. from the beginning of the third night until the beginning of the ninth morning. now we see on the screen how the western media promoted this hysteria around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant and their so -called blackout. if we talk about a specific edition, then this is from the french
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edition of la figaro. but i will read: russian forces do not care about security at the zaporozhye unified energy system, accused energoatom president pyotr kotin. they will continue to create dangerous situations by blackmailing everyone. the world of nuclear and eradication accidents - he concluded. excuse me, but maybe i’ll put it rudely, but this is, you know, a surrogate of cynical lies and outright rudeness, that’s what i just heard, when this kind of hysterics comes from the lips of people who call themselves professionals, well, screw kotin , tell him he's not a professional.
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this is one of the components of the blackmail that ukraine is engaged in. thank you very much and all the best, all the best. i think we've got this figured out. let's move on to the next fake. apparently the russians decided that there were too few propaganda organizations in melitopol and decided to create another one, the so-called steppe eagle student pedagogical detachment. students of the fake melitopol state university are offered to join the detachment; the russians chose help with finding a job in the summer as their advertising slogan. but where will you have to work? history is silent. after all. as i understand it, well, in the russian zaporozhye region, two so -called holiday seasons have already
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failed miserably, what the youth will download working up to their ears, this is understandable, but russians are modestly silent about wages, so we can make a simple conclusion that this action is another set of volunteers for free work, which russians love so much, the system of student construction brigades, since soviet times, has always been there was a system in which students earned money, and money sometimes for... we mentioned payment for student labor, i can just add a small touch, where
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else was paid, i was at a very young age, doing one of the olympic sports, was part of the so-called olympic reserve, i was about 11 years old there at that time, but i still remember the amount i received, maybe it’s hard for today’s children to imagine, it wasn’t me who paid the money for me to train , and they paid me money for going to training and preparing to... when i got a little older, to defend the honor of my homeland in competitions, and that’s 25 rubles. 25 rubles a month i received 25 rubles a month when i was about ten or eleven years old for training, plus it was sports equipment, very good equipment, not only soviet, but foreign, these were what were called enhanced food coupons, these were specialized sanatoriums, holiday camps, and much, much more. diana vladimirovna kovaleva is in contact with us. the commander of the student teaching detachment stepnoy orel, and kirill vladimirovich
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popazov, the commander is also the commander of the zaporozhye regional branch of the russian student detachments. guys, hello, good afternoon. tell me, do you work there for free? no, of course we work for money. as i understand it, this article says that you will encourage students, yes, to join student groups. of course, they can join us, this is our goal so that as many students as possible can try themselves in the work. for which they will be paid, they could work out their practice, they will be able to not only work, but meet many guys from our country, attend many forums, trips, rallies, and so on. where does your student steppe eagle team work? student-teaching team steppe eagle is based at the millitopol state university; this year we worked at the gagari children's camp. activities, these are counselors, builders, guides and service
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teams that provide services in hotels , these are waiters, maids, uh, these are also agricultural teams that work in harvesting, there are grapes, peaches, apples, there is also poutine, these are fish factories on sakhalin , in kamchatka. not only do you have different areas of activity, but also the geography of your activities is different, yes, even if. you can go to kamchatka, the geography is all over the country, and there are even two international projects. guys, where are you studying now? at melitopol state university? it says here that this is a fake, that such a university does not exist? it’s not fake, i’m consistently getting into pairs. do you know any university graduates who received russian diplomas? there is one fighter who has already graduated, in fact, he received a diploma, and now he’s even working. at our melitopol state university, that is, he has already received a russian diploma
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sample when i graduated , yes, thank you guys so much, it was very nice to meet you, all the best, there are two components to this fake: the first is, of course, that students allegedly do not pay, the second is that in the zaporozhye region the holiday season has already failed twice, we can now find out how the holiday season went in the zaporozhye region, because vitaly vasilyevich korpunkin, deputy minister of culture, sports and tourism, military-civil, is in touch with us. in kirillovka in the city of berdyansk and people rested, that is, since citizens still have a need for rest, at the same time, as if the residents of melitopol and other regions of our region are now actively exploring other regions, mainly crimea, because since the fourteenth year they could not go there to get there, a large stream rushed
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to crimea, to see how it was there, that people were also vacationing. thank you very much and all the best to you. good tourist flow, of course, we sorted that out, but now we’ll still continue the maritime theme, i want to show you a boat broken in half, some ukrainian sources claim that this is a russian boat, but we’ll figure it out right after a short pause. homeland. for me, this is the place where i was born, where i grew up, where my ancestors live, where my descendants will live, where the connection of generations takes place, this is a place for which i am very proud, alexander sergeevich pushkin, princess olga, the battle on the ice, it’s not just words, this is all the pskov region. i would like to say a few words about how russia supported me;
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there was a wonderful sanatorium that helps with a very rare disease, desk disease. this is a disorder of the musculoskeletal system when a person cannot walk, i spent 2 years in this sanatorium, i can walk now, thank you very much for that, i saw how beautiful our country is, russia, i love you, this is the product of the lar group. boxing is on the first again, one of the brightest principled confrontations in the history of boxing, a match between the best boxing schools in the world, five furious fights, a tough exam for everyone, betting league, night of champions, russia, usa, live
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broadcast, tomorrow on the first. a unified control center for the underground movement was created in nikolaev and headed by viktor lyagin. he had to gain the trust of the germans and enter into cooperation with them. for 12 downed german planes they gave a hero of the soviet union. and here it turns out that he earned two titles of hero of the soviet union. here, having destroyed 27 aircraft. not a single ship was built, nothing could be repaired like that. because such neat secret work was going on, when he arrived at the hospital, they were already waiting for him there, he was arrested, he came to say goodbye to his family, got into the car , mom ran up to him, daddy was there, daddy, he never came back here again, from that moment viktor lyagin’s last battle with
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the fascists began, the premiere, the names of illegal intelligence, viktor lyagin. sunday on the first, new season - when you look at everything in a new way and don’t recognize anything, everything will be new, the actors, the children, the costumes, the golden sofa, everything, everything, everything, gold, stars, rainbow like that , it will be great, there will be even more backpacks with sweets, the new season - this is when it was renovated, here is the new year only without santa claus, the show will be even better, because i, mark, will be there, so that not everyone claps, so that the presenter will say: “you really are the best, the best, new season, in sunday on the first! this
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is an anti-fake program and we continue, this is what it turns out, according to ukrainian propaganda, is happening off the coast of sevastopol, a patrol boat of the russian federation of the raptor project broke in half off the coast of sevastopol, agent gurshtorm destroyed the raptor boat, as always , the image quality is amazing, it’s obvious here it’s clear that this is a ship, by the way, you can see that this is a ship, it’s hard to tell what it is based on the quality of the image. but this definitely has absolutely nothing to do with the raptor, well, how could a storm break it in half, this is so interesting in itself...
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anything difficult, well, surely people can imagine that how a storm could break a seventeen-meter ship in half,
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everything has been done so that it, even, even, so that it remains afloat in case of fire damage, that is, the compartment is battened down, not to mention the storm, yet in half, well, come on, what’s interesting here is that a storm, for example, can break a hundred-meter ship sooner than this seventeen-meter ship can break. a civilian ship, not very well adapted , we can watch the video, by the way, sailors are being evacuated from a sunken dry cargo between kabardinka and novorossiysk, look, one part remains, the second has already disappeared under water, rescue boats are working in the area, there is a very strong storm here , look at the waves near the shore, sometimes they break very strong gusts of wind. look at how the rescue ships are rocking there, there’s another one, there
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’s another one, we just want to show our viewers that this is the same video from kabardka, as you can see, the same one where the screenshot was taken from, this one, in which it’s impossible to make out anything , and if we really expose this fake to the end using true footage of the cargo ship. mark, sailing under the flag of the comoros islands, he was just transporting marble chips from turkish ports, there were 11 russians on board, one of the crew members then, unfortunately, died, the rest managed save. all this happened in february of twenty-three. we’ve sorted this out, let’s move on, and here we’ll talk about, well , interestingly, public sector workers. ukrainian propagandists are disseminating information that allegedly to all public sector employees. you need to donate blood, all this applies, of course, to new regions, russian troops are forcing employees of budgetary organizations in the territories of ukraine to donate blood for the needs of the russian army,
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the center of national resistance reports this. i can immediately say that even if such happened, this would be very well reflected in the media, simply because such a mass campaign, it is impossible to organize it without much publicity, probably voluntary blood donation is present in new territories, i... i don’t doubt this in any way, as in all territories, in russia there is forced blood donation in accordance with federal law 125. blood donation is an entirely voluntary matter, and as you already said, yes, if people were forced to donate blood, this would be a reason for a corresponding check of the relevant organs, this is the first, second, those who have come across the topic of donation, blood donation know very well that you can just drive a person in, pump out her blood and send it somewhere. impossible, yes, because , firstly , appropriate tests are required, the blood must be suitable for donation, for further transfer, it must be, well, the person
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must be healthy, at a minimum, must pass the appropriate tests. igor aleksandrovich maslov, chief, is in touch with us doctor of the melitopol regional blood center. we are glad to welcome you. good afternoon. we would like to ask whether they can really force employees of budgetary organizations to come to you and donate blood? sorry, but this... let's call it bad stupidity, this cannot happen, because it can never happen, giving blood has always existed, there will only be a voluntary act of the citizens of the country, do blood centers now need people to come and donate blood? well, the need for donovskaya there is always blood, there are a lot of seriously ill patients, including gall bleeding, road traffic accidents, injuries, wounds, and so on. today, many thanks to those people. who respond come to us to donate blood, you are talking about the fact that they are forced to donate, well, just yesterday our minister of finance, andrei sergeevich, called me, can i come and donate blood, well, who can
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force him, but my team donates blood? too, because people understand the need to assist transfusion resettlement, well among other things, i always say that , well, it’s probably god’s will after all, a person who donates blood lives longer and feels better, that is, the blood is renewed, the person feels much younger than his age, well here i am, your humble servant, i have donated blood 148 times in my life, and today i continue to donate it, thank you very much, all the best to you, we can... conclude that donating blood is useful not only for others, but also for myself, now i want to tell you another story courage, and this is the story of an ordinary russian woman who defends russia in belgium, how, we will tell you in a few minutes, leverage, why do
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you have it? high blood pressure, such cute children's sweets may contain a dangerous carcinogen. let's discuss. the main cause of blindness in the world is diabetes. need to do something. the program to live healthy will answer any questions. today is the first one. hello, dear friends. today in the morning mail program, when i then you...
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you can move the wall, i say, try, of course, we really wanted to have children, despite the fact that i smile at the patient in general, good afternoon, dear viewers, good afternoon, dear tv viewers, on the anniversary of yuri nikolaev, tomorrow is the first one, life goes on, i can’t imagine myself at pensions, i can’t imagine myself being idle, i thought that at the age of 15 i would already become an olympic champion. but no, this happened much later, every day of his new life is another personal victory, the terminator greets you, now it’s not as difficult as it was in the hospital, to start everything with zero, what i treasured all my life, i lost this, this independence, oh, tomatoes, roman kostomarov is getting used to living differently than before, no one knows how difficult it is for him, how he is going through it all, and now i have an autograph i can do it in exceptional
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cases. the promotion has remained unchanged for many years , the tournament we are waiting for, our team is back on the ice, channel one cup, russia-belarus, tomorrow, russia-kazakhstan, on sunday live broadcast from st. petersburg, on the first. i greet you
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here right away with ural tea, this is tea! with milk yekaterinburg is famous for its rock club , here we almost always have street musicians playing, well, everything will be as you want, this is our signature dessert, porcini mushroom mousse with fly agaric and caramel chocolate, it’s really tasty, you can come and see this dessert eat again and again, ha-ha, it smelled like fish, a very cool way of cooking , the fact that we are in the middle of the taiga gives it a special charm, i want to cook this, you know, thick, rich, hunting soup, but i want to cook something something foresty, a side dish of pickled vegetables, our richest goulash, well, it’s a thrill, if they asked me what the ural tastes like, i would probably give them this soup to try. premiere, cooks on wheels, on sunday on the first. mirosh, you see, she’s not going without snow, there’s no way to go. i thought that i had already gone through everything with this, i knew everything,
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i could do everything, but with twins that’s all. new, well, first of all, i’m a rat, this isn’t your first time , has your life changed in any way since you came to us, you advised us that we can’t have one, we definitely need two, here off we go, and we came to say thank you. wake up sing, wake up sing, try in life at least once, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere is on sunday on the first that you are beautiful, this is an anti-fake program and we continue, i would like to introduce you to one amazing one.
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europe and leave my territory, you have your own opinion, i have my own opinion, this is my store , and i express mine, and you have a son fighting there, i have a son there, whether my son is fighting for russia or not, fighting and how do you approve of it, that russia, ukraine never attacked russia here, let's not get involved, well, well, you are for the svo, it turns out, yes, i am for the svo, that is , a war, a war between russia and ukraine. this is not a war between russia and ukraine, but what is it? this is a war between russia and the united states, and ukraine just tell me, who attacked ukraine? they attacked russia, ukraine, the borders, did you sell it yourself, to whom for next to nothing, to whom did you sell it? did you
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sell it to the americans? so, if i’m not mistaken, the ukrainians were at home, and russia attacked ukraine, they sold their pay, did you attack the donbass? to donbass? who declared the ato? who ato announced? how many years have you been here? i’m here, no matter how many years, well, this is very important, no, it doesn’t matter, especially for you, goodbye, one of the first main questions arises: what are you doing here, dear man, judging by your voice, this the voice of a fairly young man with a recognizable pronunciation, well, listen, well, this is already a whole genre of videos of such productions, this is a ukrainian, he saw something russian and decided to figure it out, they ask: the same questions, that’s the feeling, what are they even thinking about, yes, these are some questions, no requiring an answer, this is done in order to post a video to show some patriot, so i have a question, aren’t you in the trenches yourself? here’s another point, well, i have friends in europe, i just know that at
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the beginning of the northern military district, there were a lot of refugees from ukraine, among whom 99% are completely normal people who found themselves in circumstances that god forbid anyone to get there, they received a lot of compassion, they received a lot of honest... voluntary help from normal people who live in europe, but the fact is that this small group of these aggressive baboons, who cause scandals everywhere, these characters managed to completely turn public opinion over these 2 years, it is because of these monkeys that they are now reducing benefits for refugees. irina from belgium is in touch with us today, and i would like to ask her, of course , a few questions to thank her for. courage, irina, hello, good morning, very patiently, very elegantly somehow treated this person, often in general there are such attacks because of the products that you have in your store, my store has existed since the fifteenth year, and for the first time
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there were such inadequate, aggressive people, they were filming this whole film from a brace, i didn’t know what they were filming, they their faces are not...
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olga, i want to express special gratitude to her, she organized, at her own expense, the installation of round-the-clock surveillance of alarm cameras.
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has spread throughout the country, you live in the city of lles, is it called correctly? yes, the city of lies, yes, but what is the attitude there now? to russia, how strong the russian community is in general there, and you know, before i was somehow not very deeply immersed in the russian community, but now i felt that all such united people, so many people just came to the store to shake my hand and express words of gratitude, i even... want to add even more, as soon as this huge media scandal broke out,
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here on television, i began to have such an influx of buyers for which i was simply not ready, they bought up everything there was , all, anything, just with russian symbols , flags, t-shirts, clothes, anything, and now your business is going well, there are no problems with deliveries from russia, you know, the last time i... was in october, i sent a large parcel from moscow, 3 weeks , i received it here in belgium, tell me, it turns out that you sometimes come to russia to moscow, well, i often come quite often, about once every three months, four, and there are people who are you interested in the opportunity to move to russia? you know, there are , several came in, asked, but i didn’t care i can’t say anything to this, i also advised you to contact...
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a very, very small tactical group, you are there, because you are in a foreign country, after all, you are defending your country, and this is very pleasant, so i am sure for the guys , it will be nice to receive greetings and a couple of warm words from you, oh, my god, i can turn to you, wish you patience, good luck, health, and of course, return to everyone alive, and a speedy victory for all of us, thank you very much, we were incredibly pleased to see you ... today find out, you are truly amazing, just
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hello, thank you very much for coming to us today, as always, i remind you, send news that causes you doubts, all the best to you, channel one presents. pressure lever, why is your pressure high? could these cute children's sweets contain a dangerous carcinogen? let's discuss! the main cause of blindness in the world is diabetes, something needs to be done. the program to live healthy will answer any questions.


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