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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  December 18, 2023 7:55pm-8:36pm MSK

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and so on, i must say that before this i also spoke about this, and i mentioned it on air, the patriarch of moscow and all russia spoke about exactly the same topic, and as a clear confirmation of the complexity of the problem and the need to solve it, and friday’s situation was a clear confirmation on december 15, when at one of the moscow markets, police officers tried to stop one of the migrants behind a car after he stopped. offered resistance in the form of physical, so to speak, retaliatory violence, but the main thing is that after that more than 80 people gathered there, who tried, well, to call a spade a spade, to recapture this friend of theirs from the police officers, as a result of which additional forces were deployed, more than 80 people were taken to police stations and cash penalties for failure to comply were administrative arrest for...
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different periods , it seems to me that this is the right way, to begin to apply the laws of the russian federation, where they should apply, so that representations of any enclaves, diasporas, and so on and so forth do not operate there similar, the diaspora is an excellent cultural mechanism, but in relations with the state and law enforcement agencies the law must work, i believe that more attention has begun to be paid to this topic and a systemic solution will be found. level, and regarding the problems that we discussed in our program, regarding the big game, the world one , now the program is a big game, an exclusive interview with the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, sergei lavrov, don’t miss it, time, i imagine how busy you are, but a lot of interesting important events are happening, oh whom i wanted to talk to.
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what is unclear to me is what conclusions can be drawn from this? is it possible to say from your point of view that the failure of the ukrainian offensive led to some kind of round of diplomacy, to some kind of interest in negotiations with russia. the nomination of president putin for elections for another term as head of the russian state, all the events that...
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took place around this event, the president very detailed, very clearly outlined our vision of the current stage of the confrontation with the west. we understand perfectly well, as we said many years ago, that all this even went so far as to destroy russian traditions, the russian language, russian culture, and the russians themselves were destroyed physically and on this topic, by the way,
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even in the united states there is a difficulty in printing the next tens of billions of dollars , as there was an underlying reason is that it is public.
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about, excuse me, i missed one point, about the change of mood in favor of negotiations, there is only one change, and i heard this position back in the spring of this year, when i was in new york, nothing like that, i i regularly met with political scientists when i was in new york, this time i also asked about it, they agreed, but my only wish was not to do...
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western colleagues, and they do not conduct them with us, they conduct them publicly, reasoning there were several appeals on this topic, in such a serious vein, until, at least, if i understood you correctly, changes in the narrative about what is happening on the battlefields in ukraine, that this has not yet led to any intensification of constructive diplomacy with russia, right? absolutely so changing the narrative does not change the essence of western politics, they still consider russia, referred to the naivety, gullibility of our political class, when the west seemed to extend its hand and talk about eternal
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common human values, about a single space from the atlantic to the pacific ocean, where everything they will be happy and equal. in security, the west remains with this task, not the competitiveness of our economy, the advantage of the west in the ability to increase military capabilities, this is all from the evil one, and it seems to me that these are the measures which took place in moscow, the united russia congress and putin’s meeting with the leaders of the duma factions. and his speech at the rally on sunday, rooted in the root of trust, but more than once, by the way, we convinced that the west was dishonest, but every time, probably according to
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the tradition of our people, we always hoped for the best, forgave somewhere, somewhere they forgot, somewhere they decided not to make a scandal out of it, but now, in my opinion, everything... the dots are dotted and, the expression is that we must fight for ukraine until the last ukrainian, otherwise, we know this for sure, putin will take... to keep him in check. season premiere. well, what
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can i say, gentlemen, we have a murder? look, there's something stuck here, what could it be? good afternoon, i have come to confess. this generally happens at the starting point. here is his real passport in his name arnold deich. he used this passport to travel to the uk. operative. of the highest class, he attracted to cooperation with soviet foreign intelligence a number of disinterested assistants, sources of invaluable secret information, whom philby recommended donald macleay's world war. recruitment is the intelligence officer's sharpest weapon, but it is double-edged and can be cut on any person. for the first time, the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation. declassified the documents, we have in front of us a map on which the exact
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place of death is marked, and he was no longer alive, but as they say, his business, it lived and won, it’s not about democracy, it’s about the economy, 100,000 ukrainians now live in orlandia, i myself settled a refugee from ukraine in my house. washington is obliged, first, this means paying directly to kyiv. secondly , ukrainians pay for their holidays within their countries. he says that no, well, this is nonsense, life has changed dramatically, our exclusive today is the whole family of the olympic champion, of course
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there were no fights, he will watch his mother cry, this is a shame, the main thing is that he is here next to me, i i can see, touch, kiss how the tragedy of a son, father and husband changed the fate of everyone, i said, i will return home on my own two feet, i will not go in a wheelchair, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere in saturday on...
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openly admitted that he was working with the leadership of the american special operations forces, there was information that...
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the president said more than once, and as for our sovereignty, well, there is his last expression, that we are tens of our sausage there was even a feeling among many, and i remember myself, that well, yes, probably not that we are ours, we will build a new world, but that now everyone will finally be guided by the interests of development.
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with the west, with countries with which interdependence is strengthening on the world stage. it is clear that now they realize the illusory nature of this goal, but they, of course, cannot say this and turn 180° in front of their voters on the eve of election cycles without risking losing face and losing their reputation, but this is deeply rooted in them .
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then, having been carried away by this import, we almost lost our own cinema, and here , too, we need to restore sovereignty, not because cinema is...
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the term that russia is a state of civilization, and this obliges a lot of components, and a security component and a component of technological sovereignty,
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food security, cultural, after all, ours, our traditions, a multi-religious, multi-national power, where everyone’s traditions are carefully protected by the state, among others.
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obtain the names of those whose bodies were displayed in bucha. nothing followed, i subsequently saw him at the g20 summit in india, in the fall of this year, in the war unleashed against us, in a series of unprecedented sanctions that anyone had ever imposed against anyone. and if you think that ukraine is, so to speak, on the outskirts of world discussions, and you, as
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the secretary general, do not want to make your own contribution. contribution to at least one episode, but he says, no, i want to help, i’ll think about it, i know that yesterday our journalists, i mentioned this at a press conference on december 1 in macedonia, at the end of the osce ministerial council , and called on journalists, ours, western ones, if you have at least some kind of, well , journalistic... spark, that one avoided answering, said that they don’t know anything, as soon as becomes known, they will definitely tell us, but this is funny, and i am sure that none of the western journalists will dare to contact the relevant bodies of western governments with a request to hand over the list, maybe tucker, but he is already...
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borbon stersman is a product. here is his real passport in his name, arnold deitch. he used this passport to travel to the uk. an operative of the highest class. he attracted a number of disinterested assistants to cooperate with soviet foreign intelligence.
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the european once again ordered kyiv wait. i think it is unlikely that they will join soon. this is not about democracy, this is about economics. 100. i myself will settle refugees from ukraine in my house. washington first pay more anger and irritation. both sides increasingly think
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they can win. passion, harmony, creativity, work, emotions , flight, dream, love, season premiere, son wants to be a pirate, adventurism is in his blood, it comes from mom or dad, yes, rather from
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the second dad, or rather, from everyone, a little , i have advantages, what are they? evidence corpses, she loves it, give me one more day, i need to compare all the facts, i give you a day, and i suggest you spend the evening together! more and more western journalists, they begin to ask questions, not trained, but they begin to ask questions about what is happening in ukraine about what constitutes serious influential people, so something is happening, but i wanted to ask you about something else, you there have been very successful trips to what i call the countries of the new world, countries that
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support the new. world order, the president putin had very interesting, successful trips, there were visits, representatives, leaders of these countries to moscow, and of course, there were very interesting votes and...
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an impression should be made, we confirmed once again, this was confirmed by putin in a conversation with netanyahu, who, in our opinion initiative , it was held that we categorically do not accept any terrorism, any manifestations of terrorism, when hostages were taken in beslan at a school, when hostages were taken in dubrovki in a theater, in a performance theater.
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our weapons are used, we basically we look at how weapons are used, by the foreign countries to which we supply these weapons, and...
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we also proceed from the fact that those colossal victims paralleled the holocaust, colossal victims, some of which were also victims of the holocaust, when the jews of our country , the soviet union, perished. and such an interesting situation is developing, mr. minister, russia is having great military successes in ukraine, we talked to you, this is becoming. in general, something that is universally recognized,
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from moscow to kiev, from washington to brussels and to london, but on the other hand, in washington, in london in brussels, they have a feeling for president zelensky and his entourage to worry about what can be done against the united states, against the collective west, here, it seems to me, they have there is a feeling that since they , according to them, are not participating in the war, and since russia has until now completely limited its forceful methods to ukrainian theaters, they have a feeling that, in general, it is possible, by economically seizing russian assets, diplomatically trying isolate russia, well, you and i they said, in general, they already sound from some...
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they broke off relations with us, they made
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us either an adversary, or now an enemy, and we never sought to ensure that these want, like the british, again sit out behind their expanses of water there, well then they must understand that somewhere there are lines that cannot be crossed, quality build-up...
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