tv Imena nelegalnoi razvedki 1TV December 19, 2023 12:00am-1:12am MSK
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one of the responsible leaders of the european union, and no longer, this is the most liverwurst, this is already progress in assessing the qualities of the german leader in the ukrainian regime, but they are seriously talking about airplanes (f-16) during these conversations it turns out that there are no airfields for how in terms of takeoff quality.
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europe and america are now rushing around the middle east, calling to do everything, calling on the lebanese, iranians, iraqis, syrians, to do everything so that the war in gas does not spread to the adjacent territories, but they probably need the same fervor apply. to prevent this from happening in ukraine. sergey viktorovich, thank you so much for the interview, thank you for spending so much time with us, and i understand how complex and, dare i say it, demanding your work is. i can only say that there is such a wonderful book, remarkable not for its ideas, but for its significance, because it is still alive, the memoirs of a former us secretary of state.
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media colleague, you personally, because communicating with you helps compare our thoughts with how our line is perceived in the professional journalistic community, and this helps us make, i hope, more effective decisions. thank you very much again, it was a great game, we’ll see you on the air tomorrow.
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stations throughout europe receive instructions from the center. start looking for new agents. for this purpose, arnold is sent to london. and he is perfectly suited for this dangerous work. deitch, the first of all the soviet intelligence men working in london, realized that it was very difficult in britain to recruit someone who occupied a high position. he may be extradited. dach decides to raise agents behind enemy lines, why not? a soviet intelligence officer is eyeing the offspring of the british elite, a representative of the aristocracy and middle class. i tried to penetrate this environment. he
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i understood that it was in this environment that one could find invaluable helpers. back in the late twenties, it was impossible to imagine that the british golden youth. will begin to sympathize with the ideas of communism, but after hitler came to power in germany, everything changed, the motive of the threat of fascism appeared in the early thirties. would come to london for a second higher education. before us are passports and
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documents that the intelligence officer used at different times and periods. here is his real passport, in his name, arnold deitch. that's why passport he went to the uk. the queen of the english detective story, the legendary agatha christie, is fascinated by a pleasant gentleman from austria. they are neighbors and live in the same house. and that’s only because arnold ’s wife josephine, also an agent
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of soviet intelligence, will soon come to visit arnold from moscow. it was josephine who conveyed everything to moscow; she also has a lot of pseudonyms there, a lot of different names. they would both be secretive; in this regard, in the best sense, they were worth each other. university, study psychology, often visits. percent of people from cambridge and oxford government
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officials were employed and the country's elite was formed mainly from graduates of these two universities. one such promising cambridge student is kim philby. son of st. john philby, a famous arabist intelligence officer from the british colonial office. kim philby. operative alias sönchen. occupied one of the leading posts of british intelligence, mi-6, among other things, transmitted data about the operation planned by the wehrmacht on the kursk bulge, thanks to which the red army regrouped its forces and was the first to strike the enemy position, depriving him of his advantage. dach watches philby from the side and checks through his channels. it seems to him that kim is the one he needs. the young aristocrat, who hates nazism and hitler, is close.
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the party is all limited to the fact that you can spread the morning star on the streets, participate in strikes, strikes and so on, but there is a more effective way to fight for the cause of communism, this is to penetrate such organizations that make decisions in this western world, but for this explains to damu, you need to graduate from cambridge, get a good position and no comptia otherwise there is a risk...
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using your real passport, so caution is paramount. at the first meeting with kim philby, he does not say his real name, introducing himself as otto. the meeting itself takes place in redent's park, where there are few police officers and many shady places. tim philby himself writes about this in his book, that is , deitch forced him to lie down on
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the grass in a rented park, he himself sat on a bench, and, as it were... dialogue, people are resting, one is lying on the grass, the other is sitting on a bench, however less between they are where the most important conversation takes place. rum castro, a product of stellor group. years later, in her memoirs, philbina writes about deitch like this. the first thing that attracted attention was him. eyes, he looked at you as if you, and conversation with you, is now more important to him than anything else in the world. sometimes it seemed to me that we were friends from childhood. i was sure that my life and i myself interested him not so much professionally as humanly. dach gave philby the operational pseudonym sönchen,
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department of the foreign office, at the british department of foreign affairs and international development. in the forties he transmitted secret data on the us nuclear program and anglo-american relations. dach sets a task for kim and donald, slowly distance yourself from your communist friends. but the young agents, contrary to his instructions, cut off communication too abruptly. this does not go unnoticed. their friend guy burgess threatens to disrupt the entire operation. guy berries. began very delicately, and then quite directly, to hint to his two friends that i understand what happened, i see where you are and how you are, and naturally, kim turned to his curator with this, and the curator told arnold deitch that well this is very dangerous. burgess is
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a brawler who literally quotes karl marx. he doesn't just stand out... it’s easier to keep him under surveillance if he’s under me than if he’s out there somewhere on my side. dach could not help but appreciate bertfes’ observation skills, because he easily figured out kim and donald, which means guy could make a good agent. guy burgess,
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aliases mathen, paul, hicks, foreign office employee, personal assistant to the foreign secretary, second secretary at the british embassy in washington. all top-secret messages first passed through burgess and sometimes ended up in the ussr faster. than on the british minister's desk. guy berges, looking ahead, we can say that he turned out to be a very disciplined, very disciplined agent. bzhes was generally considered, perhaps, one of the best, the most valuable in the year forty-four, forty- five. another invaluable service that burjas provided to the entire soviet intelligence service was assistance in the recruitment of his friend anthony blunt, a distant relative of the queen.
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interrogation of a former resident of the soviet military intelligence of walter krevitsky. british intelligence services are waiting for the promised high-profile revelations. based on a tip from krivitsky , a cryptographer from the foreign office, john herbert king, has already been arrested. is it really the same? fate awaits other agents recruited by deitch. krivitsky gave people away based on their descriptions. and he described, for example, one, ah , soviet intelligence officer, an englishman, an agent who worked for the soviets, being somewhere somewhere in spain, it seems, this man, it seems... was a special correspondent for some english british newspapers.
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he was born in vienna in 1904, jewish parents from slovakia, moved to austria in the hope of a better life, but the business of his father, a small businessman, heinrich deutsch, failed, and family relationships were difficult. his father was too strict with him, and there, in my opinion, sometimes even in certain episodes it was it even got to the point of beatings from my father. this is how deitch himself recalls it. my father tried to beat me to make me like himself. the decisive conflicts arose because of my political activities, which aroused anger and hatred in him. and he, by the way, had two brothers, younger brothers, who together with him, from a young age, as they say, began to engage in politics, joined the communist party, and
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participated in the labor movement. but arnold got more from his father than others, because it was with his middle son that heinrich deutsch connected your hopes. the talented arnold was a walking advertisement for a private gymnasium; they didn’t even charge him tuition fees, all this in order to distribute leaflets and run from the police. every parent has some idea about the future of their children, so in his case, but probably not the same for him.
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went through even before soviet intelligence, he used his ae, let’s say, charisma, together with his knowledge of human psychology, and maybe, maybe this helped him find a way to the souls, i emphasize, of people who came across his path to help people find the same views and come to the same red side. where was he? arnold deitch could convince anyone, but not his own father. after another scandal, they stopped communicating. years later, the connection between father and son will resume. heinrich deutsch will finally understand what arnold is fighting so desperately for. true, it will be too late. in 1938 , nazi germany annexed austria. and tens of thousands of austrian jews,
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and, as he himself points out, a number of his acquaintances, they were very serious and of a high level, yes, he knew the head of the austrian communist party, koplenig, and many other prominent representatives. since 1928, deutsch has already been in the komentern, an international organization that unites the communist parties of different countries of the world, including the austrian one. there was a division there, the international department of the comintern, which was actually an intelligence organization, there was secret writing, meetings, and taught by experienced underground fighters, dating back to the times of the tsars. dech, as a liaison agent, goes to the balkans and the middle east, he is in good standing, such tasks are entrusted only to the most reliable members of kamentarn. this... his
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“i admit that i wrote to my wife about the activities of the apparatus of the international relations department in vienna, about the comrades who worked there, about myself, i admit that by doing this i violated the principles of conspiracy known to me, and even though the letters were written using secret writing, they fell into the hands of she could have used them for the police." in the same explanatory note, dach undertakes to never complain, either verbally or in writing, about the nature of the work assigned to me. however, he and his wife understood each other without words. the wife was one of
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the same the very circles that were passionate about these left-wing ideas. therefore, the wife was aware of who she married, her husband, and he was in full confidence that he would not be betrayed. in 1932, dechi was recommended to the foreign department of the ogpo. nothing unusual. soviet intelligence periodically accepts the best agents of camentern to work. arnold and his wife receive passports with the surname lang. before us is a questionnaire filled out by arnold deich with his own hand. i added it a little lower. stefan lang under this name and name he worked at komentern. after he received citizenship of the soviet union, he took stefan lang as his main name. the intelligence officer is given
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the patronymic name grigorievich, and from that moment on it is customary to address his wife as josephine pavlovna. they work together, josephine, an irodic photographer, will keep in touch with the center. in at the very beginning of the thirties, the couple was sent to paris, prepared cases of war there, points of transition to other european countries from france, recruited there, tried to recruit fishermen to set up a radio station, the parisian period in deitch’s work is a kind of preparation for the london period. in 1934, the intelligence officer was sent to britain, where deitch not only managed to study at the university and conduct active recruiting work, he created useful inventions for agents. this document sets out
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the rationalization proposals made by arnold deitch for use in foreign intelligence work. this is the transport of information. using silver coins, there are also several recipes for sympathetic ink for use in secret writing. and labels on perfume bottles, according to deitch, can serve as a place for encrypted information. he is also improving the way he makes photocopies of documents. arnold deitch was not a simple executor in kgb work, but constantly sought to improve its forms and...
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a general, he serves to recruit, introduce him to the course, outline the tasks that face the newly acquired agent, teach him... for reasons of secrecy , everything that is necessary in order to simply survive, in the case of deitch, this work was sent amazingly, he really, apparently , he took this very seriously, all his agents whom he recruited, he passed it on to them, and praise be to him, yes, because of course, this is in intelligence, this is the very best...
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already at an advanced age, philby, remembering how many once found myself on the verge revelations, paid tribute, and even in his memoirs. i am deeply grateful to him, he was literally obsessed with the ideas of security and conspiracy. this is largely why i managed to survive. but there are situations when neither working methods nor conspiracy experiments can help. for example, if your old... and acquaintance goes over to
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the enemy’s side. september 1937, the doorbell rings, dach opens it, there is a policeman on the threshold, he sees his name, the policeman has some documents in his hands. when you leave england your visa ends when you came here to study rather than work, the intelligence officer hoped to stay in england, but... literally in a few days the center would recall
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him to moscow. the reason is on the front pages of all european newspapers. a resident of a small town near the lasanna, walking his dog in the morning, stumbles upon the body of a man. the arriving gendarmes state that out of twelve bullets , five were fired in the face. this makes identification very difficult, but deitch, who sees the press headlines that september morning, understands immediately. who is this? his longtime acquaintance, soviet intelligence officer ignatius reis, was killed. he refused to return to the ussr for fear of becoming a victim of repression. for this, apparently, he was liquidated by nkvd agents. what did he have time to tell? did he manage to talk about the deitch he knew? no one could have predicted this here on the soviet side. not only did reis know deitch and many other soviet agents very well.
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open. dach was on edge in england. if he had not left, they would definitely have gotten to him; it was clear that, in general, they were following his tracks. representatives of english counterintelligence. leave london, dach was not afraid for myself. almost two dozen agents with his disappearance will find themselves without communication and support. about how he will be received in the ussr. the intelligence officer prefers not to think about how many
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people were shot, that is, against the backdrop of all this tragic, marauding, killer diversity, deitch’s fate turned out well, moscow has no complaints about deitch, no suspicions associated with the defector reis, no reproaches, on the contrary, his work in britain it is rated highly. arnold dech received upon return. fantastic characteristics: perfect a person, an ideal recruiter, an ideal employee, and so on and so forth, the word ideal was everywhere, but the joy of returning to moscow. dissipates, almost everyone with whom deitch once worked was either arrested or shot. the hardest thing to cope with is the news of what happened to his leader, theodore malley. with him, deitch supervised the cambridge five from 1936 and recruited new agents from oxford. a few
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weeks before arnold returned to the ussr, malli, who was suspected of treason, was tortured to death. broken, and admitting to being a german spy, he saved the lives of both deutsch and the cambridge five. if he had begun to testify against deich or slander him, then the fate of arnold genrikhovich and stefan grigorievich would have turned out differently. at the last meeting, the european union once again told kiev to wait.
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both sides increasingly think they can win, and i would hate to see another frozen conflict, the biden administration is pushing zelensky in every possible way to negotiate peace, your homie johnson arrived, that means he said no, until the last ukrainian we will give weapons, we will give money, ukraine is europe and is it generally expected there, the vavan and lexus show, the premiere, is on the first tomorrow.
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the first days of his stay in moscow, deitch is trying to prove to the leadership of soviet intelligence that he needs to return. in london, at least for a couple of weeks. everyone understands that this is suicide, deitch has actually been exposed, but permission to leave is still given, because the future of two dozen agents is more important, they maintain contact with the center only through deitch, only he can warn them about the threat of exposure and the need to hide for a while. he understood that with his departure the cambridge five would remain mothballed without communication. so he writes that these people work with us on an ideological basis, they don’t need any money, they just need to feel a friendly shoulder and some kind of warmth a word of encouragement. about the details of his trip to london in november 1937, one can only guess how
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the intelligence officer managed to get to britain and not lead the tail to his agents. only one thing can be affirmed. walter krevitsky, resident of soviet intelligence in western europe, refuses to return to moscow. krevitsky, the boss of the murdered ignatius reis. it was he, krivitsky, who was first asked. to engage in the liquidation of his subordinate, but he refused, and now, in exchange for guarantees of his own security, he begins
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to cooperate with western intelligence services. 10 february 1941, walter krevitsky is waiting to be called to britain for new interrogation. mi-5 counterintelligence still has many questions for him. it is clear to the british that last time he did not tell everything. what was typical in the work of the defectors was that even if they handed over their former comrades, they handed them over in such small portions, you know, yes, one, two, three, this list was not immediately available. the inquiry will be led by a new british intelligence officer. it is already clear that we will talk about arnold deitch, who by that time is already more than two.
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economy and world economy, ussr academy of sciences is a painful routine. on the one hand, deitch seemed to have gone into the shadows, he managed to save his life and the life of his family, on the other hand, there is a war going on in europe, it’s not clear what’s going on, but he’s sitting there in his... in may 1939, soviet intelligence is headed by pavel fitin, he’s like a breath of fresh air for the secret service, exhausted by repression. the most experienced intelligence officers who were forced out of retirement are returning to their offices. deitch also asks to be hired back. petin took him, wanted to send him as an illegal immigrant to a distant country. and suddenly, somewhere at the very top, the business trip slowed down. it took a long time to wait for approval, only in 1941 dach finally began to prepare for the transfer
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to argentina. this country supplies the army of the third reich, which is triumphantly marching across europe. from there , medicines, chemicals, meat, wheat, metals and , more importantly, chilean saltpeter, necessary for the reich's military industry, are supplied to germany. it was logical to create an obstacle to...
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probably the task set by intelligence for deutsch to infiltrate the local nazi community. and his two brothers, who fled here from austria in 1938, can help with this. dach goes to argentina, but after the us and japan enter into war, the route across the pacific ocean is closed. arnold turns to the head of foreign intelligence. and this is what he writes to fitin about this. dear comrade fitin, i am addressing you as a boss and comrade. here. i have been on the road with my comrades for 8 months now, but we are as far from the goal as at the very beginning. next, he states his request: allow me to return to the ussr and go to the front to do work directly for the war. i can work for you, but please, not in
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the rear. after 4 months, the center sends de. the northern route through murmansk to iceland, from there to america; there is simply no other way to get to argentina. a soviet tanker called donbass is attacked by german destroyers. the outcome of the battle is predetermined. the soviet ship on which arnold deitch is located cannot escape. in the donbass there were also deck guns, well, they were against a warship.
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before us is a letter from josephine lang, deitch’s wife , from novosibirsk, where she was evacuated. 1943 in this letter, she asks to return her with her mother and daughter to moscow. as a true intelligence officer, josephine does not ask a direct question about the fate of her husband, she only attaches a photo of herself with her mother and daughter to the letter and writes: “i am dying from internal experiences.” the head of soviet intelligence fittin orders the immediate return.
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goes on reconnaissance mission with his elderly mother and ten-year-old daughter to austria, as soon as josephine appeared in austria, uh, the english secret services... dach was no longer alive, but as they say, his cause, it lived and won, it is impossible to overestimate his contribution to the victory over nazi
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germany, to preventing the impending threats of unleashing a third world war using nuclear weapons. soviet intelligence agents recruited by deitch in britain, after his death only... no one will ever know anything about the remaining agents. this group of people worked very hard well, security, or call it what you want, even secrecy, was put at the highest level, and these people did not get caught.
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dear beloved country, you are incredibly beautiful , you are incredibly large-scale, i love you endlessly, my country, develop further, we love our country very much, there are many beautiful cities in it, in our city shuya there is the second tallest bell tower. in russia a reason to feel that i am one piece of everything large-scale that we can see, feel, touch, understand, this is something very significant for me, i
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love you with all my heart, you are the best, you are the strongest, the most beautiful, the most incredible, every piece of you is a part of our big soul. hello, i’m still dmitry bak , we will now have the next episode of a literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read, in our episodes, of course, we talk, we talk a lot, but only so that you, our respected interlocutors, read as...more, to make your reading as varied as possible, we speak to a very different interlocutors, we have very different guests, these are writers, these are those who professionally judge literature, very
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often we call high professionals who work in areas that are more or less related to literature, however, which in russia is not related to literature, absolutely everything, including museum work, our guest today is the director of the state museum of fine arts. named after alexander sergeevich pushkin, elizaveta stanislavovna likhacheva. hello lisa. hello. we will be on your terms, as we are in life, so usually happens on our podcast, let's start straight from the path to the profession. very often in your biography, whether official or not , it is emphasized that you are an art critic, this is so, no one doubts it. but art history, or art history, i don’t even know which is correct, art history is still, yes, although i you.
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she said that not only a zoologist should not love ciliates, but even a botanist should not love flowers, i don’t know, it seems to me that no, that is, you may not love the profession you are engaged in, no profession, and the subject, the subject, well , i kind of have a passion in art , that is, i like something, i don’t like something, yeah, but usually, when i voice them, they tell me, well, how’s the director of the pushkinsky museum, well, i don’t like picas, i have some things that i really like, there are architects there that i really love, or there are artists there that i really love. and there are
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things that i don’t like, that’s normal, but in general, for me, art history is a conscious choice for an adult made in as an adult, the choice was largely contrary to my youthful choice, that is, it’s not at 17 years old, it’s not 17 years old, at 17 years old everyone expected me to enroll in the history of art, i didn’t do that, i went into a completely different field life , and then, after all, art, well, you know, aleksandrevich ivanov’s father said one very... important phrase, he was a teacher at the academy of arts in st. petersburg, yeah, and he said that you should study art as late as possible, preferably after thirty, because only then do you start at least something understand, yeah, but i honestly admitted , i was convinced that he was right from personal experience, despite the fact that i actually grew up in an environment, my mother is an art critic, horror, my daughter too, that’s why at the age of 17 everyone thought , what should you do, yes, everyone thought that i would continue my life, but i didn’t want that at all, please tell me, am i going to cling to this idea again? picassa
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, which i love very much, and very different, but most of all the twenties, thirties, then after all, and before that, a little uh, well, not not to beautiful pink, there is blue, but after all, the avennon maidens, then the metamorphosis of a bull, that’s all, this is the most important thing for me, please tell me, do you have such examples when i don’t like it, but the great one, picasso, yes, picasso is wonderful, i have so much light, guernica, guernica, right? this is a great thing, well, not only, i’m in front of it, well, i specifically about the velenensky maiden, unfortunately, we haven’t seen , i also saw guernica when i came to the reina sofia museum in madrid and i saw it, well, yes, it’s on me made a strong impression, but of course there are, for example, what is the strongest impression, but i don’t love, when i love - this is what an impression, when i love, it’s not some kind of internal experience first of all, yes, that is, this is what i would like to return to endlessly. era and artists
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he cleaned everything, you know, giacometti worked, and he made the frame, then he walked and threw clay at it, i understood, and thus, what stuck, then stuck, giacometti’s sculpture, it disincarnates simply due to his manner of this flattening, and moore converts a dense mass of material into an airy mass, and makes he does this not with the help of some kind of konshtyuk, as, for example, a bereni would do, but he does it simply due to the fact that he clearly observes the volume and the color... and the proportion of the sculpture, understanding very well at what moment it is necessary to remove something, at what point you need to get it, you formulate it perfectly, i didn’t think about it, many things really seem to be very massive. yes in appearance, but the fact that they are light is very accurately said, that is , this whole sculpture of the 20th century, it owes a lot to moore, i remembered this line, it means michelangelo, who, by the way, also removed the unnecessary, well, in a different sense, of course , michelangelo yes, with michelangelo michelangelo struggled with the material, but michelangelo is
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a fantastic artist, for me michelangelo is i don’t know, like tchaikovsky’s music, probably yes, something that you can listen to endlessly, or some shakespeare. for example, yes, or alexander sergevich pushkin, now we’ve already gone straight over, over, and whom you can endlessly contradict, but what do you like from pushkin? i love everything about pushkin, you love everything, everyone says: there is no truth on earth, but there is no truth higher, for me all this is clear, like a simple scale, i was born with a love of art, well, it doesn’t matter, i love it, but no, i am pushkin, i love from anyone from any point, now i have a favorite, for the last 3 years, my favorite poem is called ispindemonti, well, from pendemoti i inexpensively appreciate loud rights, from which more than one person is dizzy and causes me little grief, what? the gods denied me the sweet fate of challenging taxes or stopping kings from fighting each other, and i don’t care much whether the free press is fooling fools or sensitive censorship in magazines plans in pranks, well, lisa, you rule me
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i would say more broadly, the sun of russian culture, he formulated the russian person, formulated it in literary language, he gave more than just a literary language, i just want to shut up, this is dostoevsky telling pushkin’s speech that pushkin is the most russian, relatively speaking, he is russian as such, and pushkin, pushkin himself being an abesinian, himself, yes, the very figure of pushkin is and there is the embodiment of what a russian person is, i recently found myself in the kaleidoscope of the captain’s daughter, the fact is that i... a very good friend of mine invited me to vologda to the premiere of the local theater, we watched them the captain’s daughter, which means - before we went to the theater, we went to the local museum, and there was an exhibition of an orenburg down scarf, unexpectedly, i even know from which
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museum, but everything would have been fine, but exactly 3 days after this jump i went to orenburg to open the exhibition , which, that is, i have a circle i closed myself off, in orenburg i’m the captain’s daughter, right? and completely unexpectedly, while i was driving back from voloogda, the ticket was very bad, it was a daytime train, while we were traveling, i re-read it there in 2 hours, when i was reading it, i thought, listen, well, even if he then he wrote the captain ’s daughter, already in your history, but i think it’s the same with barbars godunov and there you take any of his things , that’s enough of a dude, and the stationmaster, oh, you just don’t need anything else, he has an absolutely fantastic language, of course . season premiere: colonel alexander ivan on kushnir, major byuryakov. tell me how much 100 million rubles weighs. a little more than 20 kg, i’m looking at all possible traces , they’ve already trampled, they also say that i have
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