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tv   Imena nelegalnoi razvedki  1TV  December 21, 2023 12:00am-1:12am MSK

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the situation, and as it seems at first glance, it was a big game, we’ll meet tomorrow on the air. i have been teaching for 40 years. i have a wonderful life, although my brother and i are not friends a little, but i am still like a brother, like my own, i have to protect him, i protect him, every time i look for him when he gets lost, in my country in one minute there is only a declaration of love , words of gratitude, i am happy that i live and was born and will continue to do everything that depends on me for my country, dear russians, everyone living in our country,
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karl horst, suburb of berlin, night of may 9 , 1945. famous newsreels. the german delegation, led by general field marshal keitel, signs the act of unconditional surrender. it would seem that almost every second of this ceremony was described by eyewitnesses and historians; there were no mysteries left in it. let's rewind the film again.
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here he is, here are the photographs, also always next to keitel, an exception for a man who has participated in various secret activities for many years in a row.
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here is a rare photo of dad in uniform spetslitsy, either the beginning of the war, or pre-war. this photo came to us almost miraculously, in alexander korotkov’s family they didn’t like to take pictures, the intelligence officer’s daughter yulia as a child did not even know what cameras looked like, and about once every six months her father gave all the photographs that appeared by chance a real cleaning, looked at all the photographs, did not i know where he dug them up, where they could have been. this habit arose
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after many years of work in intelligence, because any extra information can play a fatal role in the fate of the intelligence officer, so many of his photographs disappeared forever... berlin june 22, 1941. early in the morning , ss soldiers and police surrounded the building of the ussr embassy in germany. it found itself completely isolated from the outside world. the phones went silent. employees were prohibited from going into the city. they had to wait for their fate. their exchange for german diplomats, whom the war began, was not excluded. but one of the diplomats urgently needed to get to the city, because a lot
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, a lot depended on it. for the last year and a half, the third secretary of the embassy, ​​vladimir korotkikh kept in touch with... anti-fascist friends knew him as alexander ertberg, in secret documents in correspondence with the center they called him comrade stepanov. this was the operational pseudonym of intelligence officer alexander korodkov. for two days korotkov
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tried to decide how to meet with the german ceiling workers. the only employee who had the opportunity to leave the embassy was diplomat valentin berezhkov. valentin mikhailovich berezhkov, born in 1916, was fluent in german and english . in 1939-1940, employee people's commissariat of foreign affairs of the ussr, translator of people's commissar of foreign affairs vyacheslav molotov. in 1940-1941, first secretary of the ussr embassy in germany. maintained contact with the german foreign ministry on the issue of the exchange of diplomats, korodkov turned to him for help. listen, what should i do? he says: here is a good guy from the former policemen, and the policemen, they still understood who the criminals were, who they were, they were on the side
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of the old order, not the new one. during his trips to berlin, berezhkov was always accompanied by the head of the german embassy security guard. once invited heinemann to breakfast and lunch at the embassy, ​​and once said that he appreciated his good relationship, so he would like to help him. berezhkov complained that he had been saving money for a long time to purchase a good german radio, but due to circumstances, he
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was forced to give up this idea; in general , he now has absolutely no need for german money. at least give it to someone, for example, to heineman, as a gesture of friendly sympathy, he offered a thousand, heineman agreed to take the money. in its turn heineman asked if he could be useful in some way? and then pereshkov told him the legend that he and korotkov had developed. allegedly, at the soviet embassy, ​​one of the diplomats started an affair. with a german girl, he would like to say goodbye to her, but there was no way to leave the embassy, ​​so he was very worried, to the surprise of heinman berezhkov and korodkov, who portrayed the german girl’s gentleman, had to leave the embassy in an ss man’s car, he
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assured that the security will let them through without any problems, but wasn’t heinemann playing a double game, because if the soviet intelligence officer had been detained in berlin with codes, instructions and 20 thousand marks and... german underground fighters, this operation would probably have been the last in the life of alexander korotkov. germany at that time was a country where everyone was blaming each other. no one could consider themselves relatively safe anywhere. moscow, april 18, 1923. in the ussr, on the initiative of the chairman of the ogpu felix dzerzhinsky , the dynamo sports society was created. in 1928 in petrovsky park a stadium with the same name opened. then the most.
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i saw them for the first time and i really feel some kind of exciting, painful feeling, because he walked here, he saw all this, and, as far as i understand, he really saw this building, it saw him, and here, in fact ... his fate was decided. one of korotky’s partners on
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the courts was a short, stocky middle- aged man. benjamin gerson. in the past , dzerzhinsky’s own secretary was considered a passionate sports fan in the lubyanka. on korotkov he paid special attention. one could pay attention because of his height, of course, he is still 85 meters, quite a tall person for that time. and he stood out in terms of height, appearance, and, well, his treatment of others. gerson spoke with the young guy several times. probably, even then he discerned in him abilities suitable for work in intelligence. this is about personnel in the field, yes, in the social environment, what level can it reach, in what area of ​​development can it be used, this is the second question, but the primary selection has been made absolutely correct. at lubyanka they collected additional information about him and his family. alexander korodkov was born in
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1909, his father left the family, his mother tried to give her children a good education. alexander liked electrical engineering, but after school he decided not to continue his studies, but to work to help his mother. he became an electrician's assistant and spent his free time on the courts.
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in 1929, alexander korotkov was appointed to the position of clerk of the foreign department of the secret political department ogpu, received and sent correspondence, sorted papers, well, now we call it moving papers from one end of the table to the other, but the pieces of paper were not quite simple, they had to be transferred with a scrip, in all likelihood he did it with a scrip. it turned out that the guy was by no means a fool. and indeed, after some time
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the korotkovs began to prepare for illegal work abroad. this ability to work with information, the ability to work with connections, working with secret writing has already appeared at the stage of preparation for illegal intelligence, work there with codes, training included the study of foreign languages ​​and a thorough knowledge of countries.
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went beyond the border to carry out his first task, he had to work as an intelligence officer for an illegal immigrant, at first he spent some time in austria, he acquired there, by the way, an austrian accent, and he did not speak hochdog, he spoke the classic language with an austrian viennese accent, season premiere, well, what do you have, dear, dear corpse, she’s a police colonel, the lawyer accused of a serious crime dies in... not a trial, lawyer yana lisitskaya is bathing in the blood of his victims, devil's advocate, lisitsky's victim, and we are leading this case, so let's speed up the search, we're leaving urgently, i'm in such a mood, i want a holiday , but it's easy to arrange, bloodhound, new episodes, tomorrow after the program it's time, well,
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my friends, i am not saying goodbye to you. cognac, old barrel, product of steller group. later , korodkov moved to france through switzerland. maria was already waiting for him there. in paris they were to live and work together. she was his common-law wife at that time. we come to intelligence not for the sake of love and friendship, but for the sake of provision of the state.
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university of paris. according to legend, he was an austrian student of czech origin. in fact, korodkova is part of the group of the second bureau of the general staff of the french army. one day he got into a casual conversation with a classmate, a young man who was interested in photography, and then got a job, supposedly in the second department of the general staff. it would seem an object for recruitment. it couldn’t be better, it was korotkov who was supposed to do this, however, literally at the very last moment the operation was canceled. according to others channels, soviet intelligence in france received information. the french suspected a sarbonne student from austria of collaborating with moscow and set up their agent for him. it turned out to be korotkov’s talkative classmate.
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this was the reason for the business trip to france to end.
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korotky’s talent as an intelligence officer of the widest profile was fully revealed; he obtained the most valuable political information and specific scientific and technical information, which required a unique mindset and relevant knowledge. perhaps he is in this his sincere interest in electrical engineering helped. since 1938, after working in germany and performing special assignments in france, alexander korodkov returned to the ussr. in moscow he was expected to be awarded
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the order of the red banner. during his service in intelligence, alexander mikhailovich korodkov was awarded the order of lenin, six orders of the red banner, two orders of the red star and the order of the patriotic war of the first degree, and other medals. order of merit for the fatherland in gold , first class of the gdr, but did it even exist? legendary, so to speak, 10 homelands, six of them were given to the banner, as he said himself, that’s what i heard him say, well, two here are like that, two have such orders. as if for some days such and such general ones, these four, this specific combat matter, each of them. georgy sannikov not only knew
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korotkov, he was his first leader, it was he who taught him the intricacies of the work of a scout in the field, he had never been a child, so angry, let’s say, a bright face, such a bright speech, such good eyes, kind, that is, he was a master of contact with... his life, which the intelligence officer did not please the new head of the nkvd lavrenta yuri. berlin, june 1941. in order to secretly transfer codes and money to the underground anti-fascists. korotkov’s instructions were no more than 2 hours , having left the soviet embassy, ​​berezhkov and heineman soon dropped him off near a large department store, he immediately
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got lost in the crowd, then the art of an intelligence officer, he already knew the city, and he worked in it, which means he could select test routes for himself in advance, not one or two, but several, and then, when he was convinced that there was no external surveillance, then somehow... already at the embassy, ​​he said that he had successfully transferred money and codes to his friends. now it
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was necessary to deliver the radio transmitter, which they were really looking forward to. this was an even more difficult and dangerous task, but this was not the first time korotov had to risk his life. moscow, january 1, 1939. several intelligence officers who returned from abroad were summoned to the people's commissar of internal affairs lavrentia beria. among them was alexander karakov. beria headed the nkvd in november 1938. he replaced nikolai yezhov. the name of yezhov is associated with the largest wave of repressions that swept the soviet union. the arrival of beria in the fall of '38 significantly reduced the scope. some of the unjustly accused employees were returned to intelligence, but the search for spies
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of enemies of the people did not stop. several intelligence officers were simply demoted . korotkov was less fortunate. korotkov turned out to be the only one who, at the same meeting, after beri announced to him that he was such a badass, he started object. on the eighth, the hr department officially announced to him that he had been fired. on january 9, 1939, korotkov sent a letter to birya. briefly describing your path in intelligence.
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he categorically denied all accusations. i do not know of any misconduct that could be the reason for depriving me of the honor of working in the authorities. finding yourself in such a situation is incredibly offensive and difficult. i ask you to reconsider the decision to fire me,” the intelligence officer wrote. it was a very risky move. he could have simply been sent from beri’s office to the inner prison and there in the same day or a day later to be shot by decision. there was a closed trial, which could take place an hour after this conversation. they had already obtained incriminating evidence against korotkov , they remembered that he came to the lubyanka on the initiative of veniamin gerson, who in march 1930 was arrested as an enemy of the people and a polish and latvian spy. however, bury decided to take his time. he understood people well. in addition
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, it had an impact on intelligence. shortage of experienced operational workers. just in case, the people's commissar instructed to finally deal with this case to deputy chief of intelligence pavel fitin. he practically didn’t know korotkov at all, but he spoke in his defense. he didn’t say that i don’t know him, to abstain or what, he clearly spoke in his defense. in april 1939 korotkov was restored to service. moreover, a few months later he was sent to... denmark and norway. this trip was an indicator of high trust. it is unlikely that they would send an unreliable employee beyond the border. the details of this korotkov business trip are still classified. in the summer of 1940 in an anonymous note was found in the mailbox of the ussr plenipotentiary mission in berlin. its author is apparently a former soviet agent of the gestapa, the state secret police.
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reich asked to renew contact with him. the message was urgently sent to moscow. the intelligence personnel were so renewed or exhausted in 1937-38 that there was no one in the retinue who could associate the author of this letter with any specific person. moscow, july 1940. for more than a year, soviet intelligence was headed by pavel fitin, the same one who objectively understood the korodkov case. fiten recently turned only 32, but he was already a thoughtful, independent -thinking leader who valued professionals. on his orders , the author of the mysterious note, willy lehman, known in the center as agent breitenbach, was quickly identified. in 1884, an employee of the german
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police, recruited by soviet intelligence in 1929, from 1933 in the service of the gestapa, from 1936 he oversaw the gestapa in security matters at defense enterprises in germany, gaopsturmführ (ss) transferred soviet intelligence information about the development of the latest german submarines, armored vehicles, synthetic rubber,
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he was forced to resort to such a risky step with a note, but the connection was severed not only with lehmann, but with other german anti-fascists who also collaborated with moscow. underground workers arvid khahnek. arvid harnack, influential people, led a group or maintained close contacts with a pseudonymous carsikan, born in 1901,
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ph.d., scientific adviser at the german ministry of economics, collaborated with soviet intelligence since 1935. a group of anti-fascists... collaborated with soviet intelligence not only in germany, their radio operators, special services slang, pianists, went on the air from germany, belgium, france, switzerland and other countries, so the germans called these groups the red orchestra or the red chapel, under this is the name they remained in history. berlin, august 194. a diplomat who had arrived from moscow on a business trip appeared at the ussr embassy.
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soon korodkov arrived in berlin for a long period of time to work more closely with the soviet agents. the main flow of information came from agent corsican. his reports became increasingly alarming. more and more signs appeared that hitler was preparing an attack on the ussr. various dates for the start of the war were also given. many operational workers. using data from their sources, they provided a variety of dates; they ranged from late april, early may to mid-summer. the main tournament of the year, live broadcasts from chelyabinsk
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from december 21, on the first. figure skating at the first will be very interesting. borbon steersman, product. in mid-june 1941, the berlin station, based on reports from karsikanets and the foreman, made a conclusion. all german military measures to prepare an armed uprising against the ussr are completely completed, a strike can be expected at any time. on june 17, the people's commissar of state security, stalin, doubted the reliability of the sources and, despite fetin's assurances, gave instructions in a rather harsh form
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to check them again. on june 19, willy lehmann, at a meeting with an employee of the soviet station in berlin, boris zhuravlev, said that the war will begin on the twenty-second at 3 o'clock berlin time. with this message that i didn’t even remember how i got to the embassy. the information was immediately sent to moscow. berlin, june 1941. the soviet embassy was tightly blocked by the asos, and korotkov was still faced with the task of how to remove the radio transmitter for his underground friends. the head of the german guard, heinemann, was still in a favorable mood, and one day asked valentin bereshkov if your friend would like more time to see your girlfriend? hyneman's words were carefully discussed and they decided
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to take the risk, since there was no other choice. korotkov offered to take out the suitcase from the radio under the guise of gifts for his passion. the next day. perezhkov and korodkov left the embassy again in heinemann’s car. korodkov was carrying a suitcase with a transmitter. various souvenirs covered it on top. a whole suitcase of gifts. your girlfriend will probably be happy, the ss man joked. korodkov was dropped off at the metro station, and 4 hours later they picked him up at an appointed place and returned to embassy. the operation was again successful. korotkov never forgot khainaman’s help. after the war, he even tried to find him. it was during this period that he figured out the fate of the karsikans, the foreman, breitenbach, and learned that they had died. back in 1942, willie lemon,
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arvid harnack and other underground workers were discovered by german counterintelligence, arrested and executed. they behaved heroically until the last minutes. july 1941, alexander korotkov returned to moscow, he was among the soviet diplomats exchanged for german ones, whom the war found in the ussr, immediately plunged into work. trained scouts and saboteurs who were thrown behind the front line. samon also carried out special missions more than once in afghanistan, iran and yugoslavia. according to some sources, korotkov delivered personal messages to yugoslavia from stalin and the commander-in-chief of the partisan army , marshal tito. he was dropped into partisan territory by parachute. as far as i know, my dad, to put it mildly , was not a fan of parachuting, so he didn’t get any pleasure, and he didn’t even enjoy it.
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berlin on may 8, 1945, a few hours before the signing ceremony of germany's unconditional surrender, a plane carrying a german delegation landed at a berlin airfield. aleksandrov was one of the first to meet her. once again footage of the ceremony at which the german
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delegation signs the surrender. it is clear that korotkov does not leave the germans a single step, especially from the head of the delegation, general field marshal keitel. korodkov was next to him until the very end of the ceremony and literally did not take his eyes off the field marshal. on victory day he performed a special task center. what was the task? well, that means, well , the first, most important thing, so to speak, world-political, is not to let keitel leave prematurely. indeed, moscow feared that keitel or one of the members of the german delegation might demonstratively commit suicide right at the ceremony, or suddenly at the last moment refuse to sign the act of surrender. deputy people's commissar of internal affairs ivan sirov directly warned korotkov. and we had to be prepared for the fact that if even
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a small tiny danger appeared that keitel he might pull some kind of trick or make some unplanned speech, you know, which could cause damage, first of all, to the soviet union and, in general , as a result of the last war. this had to be reported in advance in order to change the structure of signing this act of surrender. he had another important task. korotkov led a group of officers that ensured the security of the german delegation. suddenly the undead nazis will make an attempt on her life. the delegation had to be protected even at the cost of their own lives. but the ceremony passed without complications.
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it should be noted that before him there was no special department for illegal intelligence in the soviet intelligence services. by that time, he had accumulated a lot of experience as a legal intelligence officer and an illegal intelligence officer; it was under him that methods of selection, training and legalization in the host countries were developed. this is a person who
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constantly lives in someone else’s fate, in someone else’s language, in someone else’s environment. alexander’s namesake, vitaly korodkov, was also preparing to become an illegal immigrant in the early fifties. but after fate decreed that he worked under the roof of diplomatic missions. he personally met alexander korotkov only in the late fifties, although he had heard a lot about him before. i began to read with interest the available printed materials about the intelligence officers and their memories. and i read that there was such an illegal immigrant, alexander mikhailovich korodku.
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two daughters: sophia and ksenia. however, he often had to be separated from his wife and children both during the war and after it. he spent almost all of 1946 in berlin, and she in france. every carried out the next task of the center. from france , maria sent him these postcards with funny drawings. for a long time they were kept in the archives of the russian foreign intelligence service. you can't write much in such messages. but she told sasha or sasha, as she called him, that she was bored and that she had a lot of work. you probably won’t believe it if i say that we work from morning to night, just like at home, but without a break. one day korodkov asked her to get tennis swords. it's hard
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to get swords, they are sold on special bonds, and even then you can't get them, so give me time. and... i was counting on a quick meeting, but it turned out that their family soon broke up, life just obviously separated them, an order was given for him to the west, for her to another country, and then it was not necessary that the order was given, to one another , it’s just that life gets in the way, and as they say , it’s not ours to talk about, this is, roughly speaking, a matter, soon irina basova became korotkov’s new wife, he met her back in 1945 in berlin, where... she worked as a translator from german, then in moscow they met again, and after a while they got married, they daughter yulia was born, well, these are the favorite photographs , in fact, in our family, this is what i received from my mother, this is dad and mom in berlin, which means the end of the fifties at some
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reception, the fifties were a time of great changes in the soviet union, stalin died in march 53. in 1954, the state security committee was created under the council of ministers of the ussr. the first chairman of the kgb, korotkov’s longtime acquaintance, ivan sirov. both, by the way, are avid tennis players. in the second half of the fifties , they started talking about the beginning of a political thaw in the ussr in international relations. but the war exploration continued as before. the main opponents of the soviet intelligence services after the war were. the americans are their western european partners. our recent allies, who already at the end of the war began to think through plans for defeat. the soviet union, even kept the german units intact and armed for a long time and thought through plans for the bombing
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of our cities, and so on, so on. germany, divided into the gdr and the federal republic of germany, in particular berlin, was considered an outpost of the cold war and the main battlefield for the intelligence services. allies immediately after the war it was divided into several sectors. in the fifties, east berlin was the capital. the gdr and the western separate entities under the control of the usa, england and france. there were virtually no boundaries between them. it is not surprising that all the world's leading intelligence agencies worked in berlin, and it was even called the spy capital. it was such a tangle, and intelligence services from all over the world worked there, naturally, against us, and naturally, we against them. east berlin, march 1957. general korodkov was offered to take a new position authorized by the kgb ussr for coordination and communication with the mgb and the ministry of internal affairs of the gdr.
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behind this cumbersome name was hidden a huge amount of work that he had to manage literally at the forefront of the cold war front. all the various counter-development structures operating on the territory of the gdr were subordinate to him, therefore. for 6 hours, korodkov negotiated by phone with a cia representative, during which
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they reached an agreement, thanks to which all detainees on both sides were released. alexander korotkov’s subordinates were experienced people. many have passed during the war they had military awards, but no one was immune from mistakes and mistakes. as a leader, korotkov could make very tough decisions, but he always tried. objectively understand the situation , analyzed, so to speak, the situation that had developed there in berlin, and said, raising his glasses up like this, this is how he did raising his glasses up, he tells me his glasses, you are also scouts, scouts, spies for me, he often came out himself to work in the fields, just as it was in berlin before the war, obviously. he wanted it again come into contact with this operational, intense, dangerous work. vienna, summer 1960
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. alexander and vitaly korodkov arrived in the capital of austria. the head of soviet intelligence in germany decided to personally meet with kurt, the largest soviet agent in ferg's intelligence service. this man's actual name was.
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alexander nikoilovich. felfe did not know the real names of his interlocutors at the time, but korotkov’s awareness, knowledge and ability to conduct a conversation made a huge impression on him. at the next meeting, hines asked me if it was the manager there was a general, what a wonderful viennese dialect he had. incredibly, he got it. clear answer: yes, this is one of the leaders in berlin. the work of a scout left
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alexander korotkov almost no free time, but he still did. i found it for my favorite tennis, read a lot, including in german, carefully studied the second world war by chertil and the memoirs of the former russian prime minister count witte, loved dog cars, in berlin they had a shepherd puppy, one day he asked to go outside at night, korodkov went out with him and disappeared. night berlin, which means my mother decided everything, was kidnapped by enemies, which means she’s going down to the first floor. and he sees what it means in the living room on the sofa, peacefully, head to head, a dad and a dog are sleeping , so the machinations of foreign intelligence did not take place, there is a photograph of korotkov with a bandaged hand, this is not a spy bullet, he just played unsuccessfully with the dog, he was smoking a friend had cigarettes with a dog on the label, he smoked a lot, perhaps this influenced what
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soon happened to him. i remember very well, the first heart attack happened in my memory, i i was relatively small, i hid cigarettes from him in the lid of the piano, because smoking was prohibited. moscow, december 1958. alexander shelepin, former first secretary of the komsomol central committee, was appointed chairman of the kgb. it was even rumored that he was a possible successor to khrushchev. but korodkov and the iron shurik for... they called shelepin, the relationship did not work out. the new kgb chairman had a hard time putting up with him for being too independent. they even collected evidence against korotkov that he was working not so much for moscow, but in the interests of leadership of the gdr. he was on friendly terms with the entire german leadership, which irritated fellow iron shurik shelepin, that how could this be possible, what about
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them? well, in general. their own political games, which were very disturbing, especially when non-professional people began to play these political games, but found themselves at the head of the special services. fundamental disagreements arose between them regarding the situation in the gdr and intelligence work in germany. little is still known about them, but it was noticeable that the confrontation was not easy for korotkov. june 1961 a telegram from moscow arrived in berlin. korotkov was summoned to the cpsu central committee. nobody knew anything about the reasons for the call. he himself believed that this time his confrontation with shelepin would be finally put to rest. korotkov was ready for the fact that he would no longer return to germany. he even once said that he would ask to be appointed head of an intelligence school in tashkent. well, send me to the tashken school. so what, if i had gone
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illegal, it would have been better. after returning from the central committee, korodkov rested a little, and at 5:00 pm he began to get ready, play tennis with his longtime partner , general ivan serov. the day was hot and stuffy, his wife irina alexandrovna tried
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to dissuade him, but he said that he needed to relax after everything. it was going on and korodkov screwed up the first serve, the swords ended up in the net, he went up to it to collect them, but suddenly fell. when they ran up to him, it was already too late; his heart suddenly stopped. the circle of his life also closed on the tennis court, probably really an accident, but as they say, nothing happens by chance in the world, everything
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ended where it all began, he was the tuner. an illegal because it was his favorite job and full knowledge of this issue, he was a master, he had personal participation in events... that left a mark on world history and many brilliantly conducted intelligence operations. some details of these operations are still top secret. the whole life of alexander mikhailovich korotkov passed as required by the motto of illegal intelligence, without the right to glory, for the glory of the state. his name is included. glorious history domestic foreign intelligence will remain there forever.
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my homeland for me is the place where i was born, where i grew up, where my ancestors live, where my descendants will live, where the connection between generations takes place, this is a place that i am very proud of. alexander sergeevich pushkin, princess olga, the battle of the ice, these are not just words, these are all the pskov region. say a few words about how russia supported me, there was a wonderful sanatorium that helps with a very rare disease, partes disease, this is a disorder of the musculoskeletal system,
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when a person cannot walk, i spent 2 years in this sanatorium, i can walk now, thank you very much for that, i saw how beautiful our country is, russia, i love you. hello everyone, i’m maxim tronkov, and this is a free program podcast, our guest today is the heroic oksana domnina. oksan, hello, welcome to our podcast, hello, a lot of, uh, now attention, absolutely deserved attention to your spouse. kostomarov, who is a real hero of our time, but i know that behind every hero there is an equally heroic woman always, be it a mother or a wife. thank you for such kind words, maxim, in fact, i
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really wanted to invite you to the podcast, because i think it’s interesting, it’s interesting to hear your story, and of course, when roman ended up in the hospital, i... of course , no one, not me, not all our relatives, not friends, and i think that in general the entire figure skating community could not even imagine that it would turn into such a difficult, complex story, i actually did that too at that moment didn't understand and didn't i realized that it seemed to me that when roman was taken to the hospital, it seemed to me that it would all be very quick, easy and nothing serious. will not happen, so, but everything turned out to be completely different, everything turned out to be much more complicated, harder and of course, but the test that was given to both
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roman and me, our whole family, and we are going through it, living it, trying to accept it, as it is now, and of course, this requires great internal strength, and i am very proud of the novel, how it goes through this most difficult path, i don’t know if you remember or no, but this summer, when i first saw romka, and we first met you. and you told me where roma is, and i say: how to approach him, and how is he, and you said, you will be surprised, but this is absolutely the same roma who was before all this, was it like that right away or is it all- did he have some period
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of accepting his new self? well, he still hasn’t fully accepted himself and generally accepted the whole situation, but nevertheless he tries to ah... live, tries to start living his past life, and of course, uh, well, you. do you remember this situation, you approached him, and he is actually the same roma who was before, he has not changed internally, and this is a great happiness for us, for the family and in general for everyone, both for friends and for those around us, moment i somehow relaxed, i realized that it was possible and necessary to live, everything seemed to be much more prosaic somehow for me, or something, because before that... well, i admit
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honestly, i even cried for one moment just at home, and tan calmed me down, he said, are you crying, i said, well, i just know how roman loves life, and for me it was also such a drama, so it’s difficult for me to imagine what was happening in the family at this moment, and you were the only one who knew from the very beginning, or romina’s mother was also initiated right away, no, of course they knew, well how they knew, my mother knew, my brother knew, of course, those consequences.
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life, that’s how it happens, unfortunately , well, even in this difficult situation, every day i believed that it would be better, that there would be some small improvements, small steps forward, and of course, now looking back and you understand that this is really true it is, because imagining what was there almost a year ago, and what state the novel was in, what state it is in now, this... daytime work is an everyday step forward, that is, with two wonderful children, you now also have romka you help adapt yourself, well, yes, roman himself already openly says that i’m a big forty-six-year-old child, yes that’s true, well, mm, if this, this situation happened, it’s well... i’m glad to be there and
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help in any way i can i can help, in my understanding it cannot be any other way, but for the children you she said that dad will now be, well, not exactly the same dad that will come out of the hospital that they had before, and i, of course, i said, in fact, i’m very glad that i said that, because when they started. .. all these stories in the press about amputations, not amputations, when this wave had already begun, so to speak, i was 100% convinced that i should be the first to talk to the children, of course i was most worried for nastya, because she is older, she is at school, they could have approached her and said something. and
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well, that is, as soon as this wave began, i already gathered with the last strength that i had and explained the complexity of the situation and the consequences that dad had, this is one thing, well , at the same time, both ilyusha and nastya yes yes yes yes yes i didn’t separate them we we sat down together because, well, it seems to me that it’s right when you have both children, despite their age. nevertheless , they find out everything at the same time, then they don’t ask questions, they don’t ask questions, mom, why did you tell me, but didn’t tell me, or why did you tell him that, but she said that, that’s why i said right away, at school, when they wanted to go to school, the teachers somehow tried to protect them from these unnecessary questions, no, i often asked the children, they ask something, they say something, no, nastya to me i always said that no, mom, well...
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that is, with lessons or something else. i have another question, because i am angelica’s dad, and roma, nastya’s dad, we have a similar situation, that these are absolutely daddy’s daughters, and nastya, how did she react, and how was it for her, but how can a girl react?
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beloved dad, of course, in general, in principle, the whole situation was very difficult for her, for both of them, but... um, she’s great , she’s probably like me, so i mm, probably inspired , in ourselves, first of all , in roma, in the children, the hope that everything will be fine, that is, that we... will cope with everything, that everything will be fine, dad will cope with everything, and we, together we'll all cope, these, she probably somehow adopted these words from me, and even when dad had already left the hospital, well, roman left the hospital began to say something there, that
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it was hard or bad or something else, she, yes, had chondria, she, she, of course, experiencing all this inside, she still supported and supports him and... we are all his we support, therefore - there was no moment when she fell into some kind of deep sadness, uh, on january 2 she will be 13, that is, she is still basically a child, yes, yes, at least as tall as her mother, yes, yes, but you are very similar to her, the last time we saw each other, it’s just like i’m returning to childhood and... i see you as a child, well, perhaps , yes, well, her figure is exactly mine, mine, her face is a bit, of course, a mix with her dad, that’s it, but i want to remind our tv viewers that oksana domnina and i are almost the same age, we have city ​​neighbors, i am from the city of perem,
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oksana is from the city of kirov, vyatka, at all children's competitions we of course crossed paths and maybe we were never friends, because boys and girls there are not always friends, but we know. long, long, long time each other, yes, let's get back to sports, max shabalin, your partner, long-term, you we skated together for so many years, and it seems to me that you were the most friendly couple that i have ever seen in my life, you continue to be friends to this day, just like that, well, i can’t say that we are directly friends, we are friends outside ice, we treat each other great, i generally adore maxim, i don’t know... as a person, as a partner, how, well, in general - about being friendly, yes, it seems to me, i don’t remember in all our time that we were riding, that we were arguing with him at all, and even when we were arguing, it was like that, for 5 minutes, we
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we went to different corners, that 's it, we moved together, we moved on, that is , maxim and i never had any yelling, screaming, hysterics, and... and somehow we found, without words we found this compromise, well i want to remind you that oksana domnina paired with maxim shabalin, two-time european champions, world champions, bronze medalists of the olympic games in vancouver in 2010, 2009, that was a long time ago, and in general 2009 los angeles, world championships, yes you are at the first line and... then this fight with max’s knee begins again, well, the fight with the knee it continued, it was there even before that, and well, in fact, this was already our last year before the olympics, it was we who already held maxim’s knees, it seems to me, that’s how we held
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everything like a feather in our arms.


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