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tv   Vizov  1TV  December 24, 2023 12:15pm-1:46pm MSK

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severe in this costume, a fur hat, decorations, my mother helped make, a real snow maiden, painting for the zherey, zoya fedorovna is also preparing for the festive procession, this year she turned 101 years old, with her example she proves that in order to spin in a round dance, age is not hindrance, she came to the holiday accompanied by her granddaughter and great-granddaughter, but just such generations of snow maidens, thanks to her, she ’ll go to me, let’s go, let’s go.
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region, in order to win a victory, just the image of a graceful gait is simply not enough; you had to conquer the jury of spectators with your festive congratulations, here is the finale , the name of the winner is heard from the stage. anastasia polukhina, the main snow maiden of kusbas and the first in history, the main snow maiden of kusbas, i did not expect to hear my last name . it’s very difficult to prepare for all the competitions, but we have come this difficult way, the main thing is faith in miracles, love for children, it seems to me that this is the most important thing for the snow maiden. now that the name of the winner is known, the moment comes that everyone has been waiting for, several rings have to be lined up, the round dance of the granddaughters of santa claus officially becomes the most widespread in the country. a record was held, the record for the largest round dance in snow maiden costumes.
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ladies and gentlemen, host of the ceremony igor vernik, ladies and gentlemen, we are beginning the presentation ceremony.
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at the beginning of the ceremony, allow me to read a greeting from the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. dear friends, i welcome you to the national future technology award ceremony, challenge. today we honor the first laureates. this award of talented, enthusiastic, inspired by the huge the creative potential of people, brave enthusiasts and a breakthrough in the development of priority areas of domestic science and engineering, a shining example of selfless service to their chosen cause. let me emphasize that recently, in the context of global changes, large-scale renewal of all industries.
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discoveries and developments of russian scientists, it is extremely important that promising researchers and designers are introduced into practical activities as quickly as possible, help strengthen our technological sovereignty, ensure state security,
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success and implementation of planned plans. president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. knowledge is a priceless gift that is passed on from generation to generation. there is no more reliable and solid foundation for our development and progress, no more precisely a key to our future. we are moving towards new horizons, paving our way to progress. and this path, like the stars, illuminates for us the names of great people, russian scientists, researchers. their work and their merits cannot be overestimated, our task is to be worthy of them genius, develop and increase their achievements. modern russian scientists boldly accept
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the challenge posed to them by the geniuses of the past, by those who built our country, by those who created its glory and greatness, by those whose names we pronounce. with pride a challenge from the past to the future, the geniuses of russian science, the glory and greatness of our state, without them there would be no present, and today we will honor those without whom there is no future, our contemporaries, today all evening we will praise the best of the best . but first i want to address to konstantin bogomolov, director and author of our ceremony. konstantin , the ceremony is the same performance, it has a plot, there is intrigue, there is a main character, secondary
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characters, there is someone’s triumph and, of course , something disappointment and, of course, there must be some message in it, that’s what the great one said goncharov, your teacher, please tell me. this is the telegram to the hall at our ceremony? igor, let's replace the word telegram with the word meaning. meaning is a beautiful, noble russian word. we would like this ceremony to be meaningful. you said, we have gathered to honor geniuses, geniuses of russian science, and i want to quote one of them: the great russian dreamer, konstantin and various metals. precious properties. substances, gas, steam, liquid and solids. geni invented machines that made human work tens, thousands and millions of times easier. the genius taught people to talk at a distance of a thousand miles and transmit thoughts from one part of the world to another, with the speed of lightning, he gives life to the sick, saves the dying. there would be no
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geniuses, there would be no movement of humanity forward along the path of truth, to progress, unity, happiness, immortality and perfection. but humanity in the face even. did not recognize her representatives and did not appreciate her benefactors, the policy and inventor fayanza burned the roof of his house to complete the experiments, but no one thought to give him firewood. mayer, the founder of the mechanical theory of heat, was ridiculed by scientists, upset, saddened, he attempted suicide and was sent to an insane asylum. golvani was called the frog dance master because he produced. the goal of our award is not just to see geniuses next to us, but during their lifetime.
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nobel prize in science. i must emphasize that each of the laureates receives not only a prize, not only recognition and glory,
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but ladies and gentlemen, 10 million rubles. so today we will find out the names of four.
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now it solves a very important problem, to understand, and attracts young people there. the foundation is a challenge , why do we even need to talk about this to the general public? after careful consideration, we have selected the 2023 award recipients. so, ladies and gentlemen, i invite the chairman of the scientific committee to the stage.
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ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor for me to chair the scientific committee of the challenge prize , when we created this prize, we set the highest standards, and for the prize to be as successful as possible, it is necessary that... several conditions were met: firstly, qualified and impartial scientific committee. and our committee included the best, for example, yuri tsalakovich oganisyan, the man who discovered 10 elements of the medileev table, or alexey fedorov, a rising star of russian and world science. to the youngest member of our committee 30 years. the oldest is 90 and old enough to be his great-grandfather. the second condition is
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correctly established selection criteria. we select those breakthroughs in russian science that will most change the landscape of science and technology. our award is focused on the future. thank you. artem, thank you very much. there was one.
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for the glory of the state, the prime minister, the names of illegal intelligence, alexander korotkov, is on the first today. vodka veda, a product of stellor group, a new myth about old leopards, ukraine will receive about 100 leopard-1 tanks next year, they are trying to get rid of them, and the best way to get rid of them is to transfer them
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to ukraine; all nato tanks have absolutely problems with side armor. i was surprised to learn that the holy roman empire was allegedly destroyed by ukrainians. bogdan khmelnytsky in his station wagons called for following in the footsteps of his glorious ancestor adaacre. adakro most likely was german and was the leader of a gang of mercenaries. antifake, premiere. so right now, ladies and gentlemen, we move on to the presentation. and our first nomination is perspective. i invite you to present the first nomination, theater and film actress, alexandra rebyanok. good evening ladies and gentlemen, i am very happy to be here with you today. recently, the premiere
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of the play slava youth took place at the nabronny theater. and there the heroine says to her young man. such words, she says these words, comparing him with another hero of the play, she says: i love you very much, vasily, you are kind, you are honest, the strength, the strength that is in him, he feels the running of time more deeply, he is brave, he looks at life differently, he is an outstanding person, and the young man answers, outstanding? what does it mean? really, what does this mean? we so often use the words brilliant, outstanding, amazing, incredible, amazing. we use them today as if genius had become something ordinary. once i was in a restoration workshop,
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a restorer i know, and he called me to see how they were restoring an antique. icons, this, this is amazing, this is simply an incredible sight, when gradually the true tone, primordiality, primordial purity, primordial energy, and the pristine image reveals itself to the world again, and it seems to me that the importance and value of what is happening here in this hall today lies in returning words to their true meaning, this is what is important in my acting profession, because the actor’s talent is measured precisely authenticity, sincerity, faith, faith, this is the key concept in our profession: the faith of the actor and the faith of the viewer. i'm not stanislavsky, but i want
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to say, i believe, i believe that people.
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make the next scientific breakthrough, the challenge is that it must become a guide to the world science for thousands of young guys who are now thinking where to go, where to realize themselves, these are the people who will appear on this stage today, they are stars, they are guides to the world of science, and we must keep these stars burning, this is for me seems to be a challenge for all of us, and we are ready to accept it, thank you, thank you very much, now it's time to announce the name of the laureate. winner of the challenge award in the perspective category. i semerikov for the creation of an ion quantum processor using multi-level quantum systems of qudits. i'm ilya
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simirkov. we are building such a thing as a quantum computer that runs on ultracold ions. these quantum computers will allow us to solve new classes of problems that cannot be solved with a classical computer, even the most powerful one. a quantum computer is different from an ordinary computer, just as an abacus is different from this ordinary computer. this is a new type of calculation, a new physical principle of calculation. it may happen that the invention of a large quantum computer will fundamentally change the face of human civilization. we do not know future, and this is what makes our lives interesting. now we think that a quantum computer will work well. account of chemistry in complex logistics , modeling of complex social or physical systems, but the reality will surprise us, we
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have 20 people working in the laboratory, but this is not our entire team, if we go back 50 years, we can see who contributed we can use our contribution to the idea of ​​quantum computing, all this cultural, scientific, technological background now. our task is a little bit expand this pyramid of knowledge, understanding, technology, thoughts, ideas. a fundamental characteristic of human nature is curiosity, and we are moving into a future that we do not control. this is what makes us human. and the animal inside us - we don’t know what it is. and the person inside us says: this is what we will do. dear ilya, you have become a challenge award winner. in the perspective category, it’s great that i can’t say that we expected this, but it’s also nice, they don’t just give us time anymore, so i’m
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doing great, that’s right, that’s what i think, and it’s not up to i completely believed in this every time, i completely believe that the winner of the challenge award nomination, perspective ilya semeryakov, is invited to the stage. hello, and for me, of course, this is a great honor, in general, the emotion that i feel now, the idea that i probably carry. in recent years through life, this is the idea of ​​​​feeling deep gratitude, first of all, of course, i am grateful
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to the organizers of the award, the challenge foundation, of course, i know, in fact, so much love, warmth, ideas, kindness were invested in me, my mother is here sits, and... the guys with whom we do all this are sitting, for 10 years, we have gone through fire and water, what will we do today, thank you very much, well, gentlemen, and now attention to the stage, i imagine made for ait grifulin and dim. you and i are dreamers, you and i are happy, sharing the sky with yours, sharing
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the sky with yours, remember how it was all old, they made films, but always in their own way. well, we played with ferlers, the best, we dreamed of giving it to us, we passed the days through our fingers and filled the world with living water, you and i are dreamers, we so different, just not similar. circles, you and i are dreamers, you and i are happy, sorting out our lack of wealth. dividing the sky, do you remember
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how it all happened, we floated into the distance with the winds in the sky, almost like clouds , they fell and took off at us, we just composed songs, not on...
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you and i are dreamers, we are so different, we just don’t look like troops, you and i are dreamers, you and i are happy, sharing the sky above mine.
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vladislav, please tell me what awaits muscovites in the coming years, what other new technologies will enter our lives? well he works 720 thousand industrialists and applied scientists , and this is an entire city of a million people, it is thanks to these people that we have made many breakthroughs in this difficult year, we opened the country’s first federal center for unmanned vehicles in rudnevo, this is a new industry, this is the birth of a new industry. we began to produce medicines that we had previously imported and did not even dream that we would produce them in the city, this year we began to develop critical technologies, by decision of the mayor we created the moscow quantum cluster, and there is such a good idea that the industry now it is growing upward, industry has nowhere to grow horizontally, so today i wish all scientists that we also grow upward towards
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the brightest stars. thank you, thank you, thank you very much, today in our program we have the smartest one, at 13 years old, yes, you know everything, of course, i’m wow, but not everything, not like you, and today we are watching you in the club, what where when in the club of experts, please tell me , as a captain, as a team captain, this is how you make a decision, in fact , first of all, quickly, time is always short and the decision needs to be made quickly, of course, it would be necessary to ask now.
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i killed your candidacy, well, no , no, of course not, everything is always for the better, but i sincerely admire scientists and wish the guys self-confidence, strength and great achievements, it’s a great honor for me, i hope everything will be fine for them. thank you, boris, decorate clothes with flowers, overload them with all sorts of details, this does not mean creating fashion, but making a dress based on just one line is already a real art. my fashion philosophy is it's being yourself, trying not to follow trends. i never expect anything from anyone. most likely, they are expecting something from me. the art of kutya is akin to the art of an artist, the future of my craft is connected with the spiritual side of things, people no longer want to serve as clothes hangers. is there a difference between a male fashion designer and a fashion designer? fashion is a game where
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anything can happen to anyone. motador - high fashion. on friday on the first. what do you think? about the world of fashion, perhaps it’s an even more magical world than mine, and we moving on, the next nomination is an engineering solution, the nomination is presented by...
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nemirovich, a demanding artist, was in no way satisfied with the way gribov played the role of lenin. more precisely, one scene in this play. gribov, in the role of lenin, was sitting at the table, there was a pause, he was just thinking. gribov did not succeed, according to nemirovich.
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you are right, you think about soviet peasants, soviet workers, said nemirovich, and vladimir ilich thinks every second about the working peasants of the whole world, because there are people who think about vain things, and there are people who every second think, well, no matter how pretentious it sounds, about space, about eternity. these people change the world and make revolutions in thinking, revolutions in technology, in consciousness and understanding of the world. and now, to announce the laureate, i ask
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the co-founder of the russian quantum center, ruslan yunusov, to come up to the stage. ladies and gentlemen, ruslan yunusov. i'll start with a phrase from albert einstein, who said: imagination is more important than knowledge. but do you know who brings imagination to life? well, of course, these are engineers. thanks to the engineers, we are with you every day we take advantage of all the achievements of our civilization. well, let me give you a few examples. we talked about quantum physics. created an entire industry , as a result of quantum physics, scientists came up with the transistor, but it was engineers who created the computer, the same computer that changed, radically changed our
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lives, so this chain from scientist to engineer, it works, but in recent decades we we see a new picture already, scientists have discovered it. hicks bazon, and hicks receives his nobel prize in 2013. and moving on to our winner, i want to say that this is the same engineer. engineer with a capital letter. his inventions, high-temperature superconducting magnets , are used in the world's leading installations. so, the winner of the award is the challenge nomination, engineering solution, hamlet georgievich, hadji bagiyan, for the development of magnets based on high-temperature, superconducting material for super-powerful ones.
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and the results of the interaction can answer the physicist’s question, confirm or, on the contrary , refute some hypothesis put forward. our project on htsc magnets involves the creation of an energy storage device, it will be used in green energy, it will accumulate the energy of solar panels and wind devices when there is sun or... when there is wind, this technology helps
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make a tool for treating cancer, the cyclotron, more economical, such kind of cyclotrons are needed all over the world, in many, many places, my entire conscious life was spent in dubna, the subsequent project was always interesting, because development is underway, you yourself must correspond and grow, learn more. and learning something new, science is a process that requires time, effort, and a lot of expense, but if it were easy and simple, then i think it would be uninteresting. dear gomlet georgievich, i cordially congratulate you as the winner of our award in the engineering solution category, your work really has enormous transformative potential, i’m glad. that our work has won is one of those things
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that drives people in science and technology, except, of course, the process itself. thank you, stage, hamlet georgievich hadzhibageyan. dear ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, allow me to express my deep gratitude to the scientific committee and the organizers of the challenge prize, for every person. recognition of his
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work results is very important, if a mason can see the result of his work every day, tracking how the wall of a house under construction grows, then the work is creative, it is not visible every day, and the path from the first proposal to... i would also like to thank the employees united institute for nuclear research, who assisted in the preparation and conduct of experimental research. thank you. thank you very much.
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non so dove trovarti, non so come cercarti, ma sento una voce che... nel vento parladite aquest anima sensa cor. ore aspettate, adogio, le notti senza pelle, soni
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senza stelle, immagini del tuo viso che passano all'improvviso, mi fanno sperare ancora che ti troverò ad oggiio gli occhi e vedo te, trovo il cammino te, mi portaria dall'agolia, sento batter in me, questa musica che ho inventato per te. con me
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trovati, se sai dovecerca carmi, a bracciamo con la mente, abbracciami con la mente, il sole mi sembra spent. il nome in cielo, dimmi che ci sei, quello che quello che vorrei, viverei in te!
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abbracciami con la mente smerità senza di te dimi che stai e ci crederò musica. bravo, amazing duet, incredible polina
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and incredible drazakov, bravo, thank you. well, i would like to turn again to our guests, this is the outstanding russian athlete, samble fencer, sofia the great. i think that the respected people who are here today did not recognize me, because i came without a mask without a samli, i wanted experiment, but i thought the security would definitely not let me in. yes, well, please tell me what you feel when you get on the podium, you become the first, euphoria. pride in your achievements for yourself, for your team, and this is an association, probably, of the path that you have traveled, and those people who invested their soul, knowledge, time in you, and you are not alone in achieving results, only with a large
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team, with a big country, thank you, let's change disciplines, a legend of the world and russian. of course, hockey, deputy state duma, vladislav tretyak, our famous goalkeeper. vladislav, in science, like in hockey, teamwork is important. tell me what it takes to become a champion, and most importantly, not to get star fever. and first of all, on behalf of the athletes, i would like to say words of gratitude to science, because science allows us to update records, for example in hockey, if the puck in the seventies only flew at the speed of the nineties.
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practice four, curl up quickly, you have 3 seconds so that no one notices, i told you the recipe, you add ketchup, mayonnaise, mix it, you get ketchinese , you’re laughing at me now, archery with your feet is the best, new season, watch after the evening news!
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product stellar group new year tree like from the cover decorate the tree in science a minute program to live healthy help everyone tomorrow at the first, ladies and gentlemen, our next nomination is a breakthrough, and the nomination is presented by the honored artist of russia, igor merkurbanov. good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen, an actor is a profession. which i do for many years, it involves the need to get used to a variety of roles, to comprehend
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the psyche, character, circumstances of different characters, from geniuses to, excuse me, idiots, from scum to models of nobility, examples of courage and heroism, this is our profession, however, it’s not only that's why... whether you play a villain or a righteous one, it's a matter of scale, the scale of the human personality that you have to explore as an actor, this is a great happiness for representatives of our profession, to work with great literature, with great drama, with great stories that tell about great, outstanding people, people for whom life is about something more than making money and endlessly enjoying pleasures. unfortunately, in our time,
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the film and theater industry does not particularly please representatives of our profession with such an opportunity. moving from one set to another, reading the scripts of one series after another, memorizing the texts of the next bandit, then... a businessman, you think where they are, where are the people you talked about at school, college, outstanding scientists, great artists, seekers, enthusiasts, discoverers, those who in a century will be talked about in the same way as we talk about the tselkovo queen today.
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so that we, the artists, embody such people, the wife of modern russian science, now he is in china on a working visit, ladies and gentlemen, general director of the state corporation rosatom, alexey evgenievich, good evening, unfortunately. i cannot attend our ceremony in person, but it is a great honor for me to represent the laureate in the breakthrough category,
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the word breakthrough resonates very much in my... in the hearts of rosatom workers, right now we are implementing a project with the same name, this is a project for the construction of a fourth generation reactor, the future of nuclear energy on our planet, dear friends, in general the whole history, present and future of the nuclear industry - this is a history of breakthroughs, personal, intellectual, technological breakthroughs. the nuclear industry has opened up the possibility of using the most powerful. the forces of nature that lurk inside atomic nuclei, inside matter. today scientists are already working on future technologies that will define a new reality. in the modern world, we are surrounded everywhere by computers that use electric current and a flow of electrons to process information. even schoolchildren know this. the achievement of the winner of the breakthrough nomination
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allows us to use light for this purpose. this makes future computers, firstly , more compact, and secondly, the solution of the most complex computing problems will happen literally very soon. the researcher, whom we will now announce as laureates, has accumulated a wealth of wealth during his brilliant scientific career. work experience at leading universities in germany, switzerland, great britain, and the more significant is the fact that your future professional life. the laureate connected with our country, with russia, moreover , he accepted citizenship of the russian federation, we sincerely respect this choice and are grateful for it, because our country, our beloved homeland , is truly aimed at becoming a source of new knowledge that will benefit to all humanity. dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, the laureate in the breakthrough nomination
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is pavel. for creating new types computing devices, my name is pavlos lagoudakes, i am the head of the hybrid photonics laboratory at skol-tech, we study how light interacts with matter at the atomic level and the states of matter that arise as a result of such interaction. we are getting new exotic particles with amazing properties, for example, these are superfluid liquids that can flow. without friction. our research direction is related to optical computing. the peculiarity of these calculations is that they do not work with electric current, cases sveta. this technology can provide greater computing speed, while the computer will become smaller. you will be able to perform calculations at the speed of light, which will allow you to better understand the laws of nature, develop new medicines, get rid of traffic jams, and solve problems that
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are currently unsolvable. science has no boundaries, to realize your dreams, to find out how nature works, here it is possible because the people i work with, students, researchers, scientists, are extremely educated, they have truly a large amount of knowledge, involved in all processes, creates the best conditions for research work. greeks and russians are very close mentally, here. similar culture, common values, and you know, here i feel like i'm at home, i haven't felt this way for many, many years, since i left greece, scientific knowledge, it's like an abyss, the deeper you go, the more you discover, we are constantly moving forward, this is a characteristic feature of humanity, we want to understand how
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the world works. this award reflects the achievements of people who have worked with me over the years, it makes me happy. and to present the award in this category, i invite the director for digitalization of the state corporation rosatom, ekaterina sontseva, to the stage. please welcome gentlemen.
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i have been living in russia for 8 years now, and these are wonderful years, the scientific human capital of russia is unparalleled, for this we must give credit
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to russian education. al mio paese freddo senza sole, cercando prima vire diviole, guidi d'amore di
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felicità, la mia piccola rondine è partito se... a un addio partì, non ti scordar di me, la vita mia legata a te, io t'amo sempre più, cristo io abbio rimanito.
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contisor di me, la vita è legata a te c'è brumido.
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is there a chance that scientists, inventors, people of science will become role models for young people, and what is the state doing for this? science, technology and industry, in general, i recently conducted a survey, 97% of visitors exhibitions say that after viewing the exposition, it evokes in them...
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the gomaley center, please tell me, in medicine, more than anywhere else, the fate of a person depends on the genius of a scientist, well, because without life, well, everything is meaningless, there will be nothing , your development saved hundreds of thousands , maybe millions of lives, how does the person who created the main vaccine of the twenty-first century feel, the entire team of employees of the gomaley institute who created that product...
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university education means knowing a little about a lot and a lot about a little, that is of course, you need to be an expert in your profession and in the field of knowledge in general, and there are degrees in certain specialties, and it seems to me that if you don’t know deeply what you do, then of course it’s almost impossible to get a challenge award, so the answer to your question is very simple , of course, you need to be a narrow specialist in your field, dig to the very bottom, then you can climb to such heights as: the podium of the challenge award, and the first winner of this award, they are like the first olympians, their names will forever be included in history. thank you very much, what, where, when, the final of the year, today on the first.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. it's not just a call, it's from there. we have to figure out how to carry out a historic operation. doctor preobrazhensky, the beginning of the story and new episodes, starting on monday first. did you spend the night here, what happened? wait, is that the husband? well? let's move on to the next nomination , scientist of the year. ladies and gentlemen, the scientist of the year nomination is presented by the people's artist of russia, artistic director of the moscow chekhov art theater, konstantin khabensky. good evening everyone.
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a dream, and i remember this dream, like now, in all details, in fact, what are details in a dream, details in a dream are the emotions that you experience, i remember a blue, transparent sky, i remember a very bright sun, and i’m going straight to the rocket, to that rocket that we all know from childhood, this image, this view, it is before everyone’s eyes, a rocket on the launch pad, compressed... by tentacles that are about to open, and the rocket will push off from the ground and take off into the sky, here i am going towards this rocket, i will fly, where do you think i will fly the sun,
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no one tells me about this, but i, as happens in a dream, know that i will fly the sun. and i know, although there is no one around me, i am alone, i know that the whole world is looking at me, and all that exists is the first flight of the sun, everything would be wonderful, but there is one circumstance: i understand that i will inevitably die, that i ... i remember that i almost cried, but i understood that i could not give up, that i could not betray those who were invisibly looking at me, that
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i could not betray myself, that i must do it. that this is my mission, my choice , at the same time i understand that there are tears in my eyes, a sense of mission, a feeling of happiness, all together, i woke up in tears , i realized what it means to be chosen, i realized that it means to go towards the goal, i realized , what does it mean when on your shoulders...
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understanding what it means to be chosen, this is the story of one man. today i look at those people whom we honor, i understand that each of them is a hero, each of them is moving towards a great goal, each of them carries the burden of hope, a better life, hope for solving problems, getting rid of suffering , hope for the future, and i think that’s why our support is so important for these people, i ask you to come up here, deputy chairman
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of the board of the gazprombank joint stock company, dmitry zaurs, please, good evening! dear friends, today we are talking about people and their dreams, this story also made me think of an impression from my childhood, which took place in a small, very distant siberian village, you know, so filled with the spirit of soviet times with the very telling name sleeper plant, and the whole world seemed to me like this distant, the stars there were much closer than in moscow, although one can argue with this, that ’s when i and...
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my parents, unfortunately, somewhere beyond the horizon, to see something new, i would like my knowledge somehow helped humanity, i have the pleasure to inform you that you became the laureate of this award in the scientific year category, thank you, of course i’m delighted, i haven’t yet... oh, who is it all about, i almost
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burst into tears, really , so interesting filmed, just wonderful, good evening, sorry, i forgot to say hello, such a high rating my research, of course, is extremely pleasant and motivates me to continue. action, i am extremely grateful for this award and plan to continue to work more for the benefit of science and humanity. i hope that this award will accelerate the translation of the fundamental knowledge we have accumulated into clinical practice. in fact, in my person the entire translational biomedicine received the prize. my great teachers taught me to set the most ambitious goals possible. find a solution to them, never stop there, always believe
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into victory. all my life i have been surrounded by wonderful, wonderful people, my parents, loved ones, colleagues, but above all, i am very glad that all these many years my closest friend and colleague, msu graduate, candidate of biological sciences tatyana dmitrievna , has been with me sotnikova, my wife , without her support, caring attention, nothing would have worked out for me, thank you, thank you, we welcome you, the laureate, time challenge, scientist in the category scientist of the year, and of course we congratulate your wife, your colleague on your victory. dear sightseers, we
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are on the alley of heroes, here, on these monuments, the names of the great russian scientists who made the most important discoveries and breakthroughs are carved, their works entered the golden fund of world science, expanded our knowledge about the world and nature, expanded our capabilities, by the way , each of them became known thanks to... the challenge prize, which began back in 2023, it quickly gained authority, today it is one of the most important and prestigious awards in world science, its owners can rightfully to say in words garatia, exegi moment , aer perenius, regali situ, pyramid altius, quonidax, but naquilience,
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they will speak like legends, streets and cities will be named after them, they will become examples, role models, for this purpose the creator of the fund is a challenge to leonid shlyakhover , please welcome, dear friends, today
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i hope the beginning of a great important work has been made, i am sure that we will make... every effort to ensure that this business develops and lives for centuries, the challenge prize can make incredibly touching scientists famous, i also now i listened to our esteemed guests and thought about how sometimes we are late in the sense that we do not have time to honor many great scientists with awards, we simply do not have time, and we are making this award so that.
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many thanks to the incredible scientific committee, which included the stars of our scientific horizon and who took the liberty of choosing the best this year. of course, i thank my colleagues from the challenge foundation who made today’s holiday possible, i want to thank all of you, dear guests, who have gathered today in in this hall, our tv viewers, today we took the first step together, and i hope this step into the right future, thank you, thank
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you, leonid, thank you, well, today we witnessed this amazing thing. national prize challenge, where we will honor new laureates, new winners, new discoveries, thank you, see you, earth, homeland. your leaves, earth, sunny life, life, such love is alive. but we are
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in hell, alone, in a world of lifeless lights, among the stars, we have no spring, no earth. you are our kind home, you are so huge, so small, dearer will not find a home, son of love, your land.
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earth, homeland of love, environment. storms of adversity among the wind, your main words are earth, homeland, love, earth, homeland of love. among the bur nezo, keep the main words, your land
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, homeland of love, keep. the main words are your glory, land, homeland , love.
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sergey sushchenko, and sushchenko sergey, brand chef of vasilchiki chikhona restaurants number one. and today you have been my guest since 2000.
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