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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 26, 2023 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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a lot from the point of view, probably, of modern people, especially young people, they will not understand at all what we can talk about here, because this is what is called business, you bought it as cheaply as possible, sold it as expensively as possible, you earned money, you spent some time, some energy, earned money, but from the point of view of soviet legislation, this could fall under article 154 speculation, that is, buying for the purpose of selling,
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publishing records of those performers who were there, for example, loved by me, but this happened, i don’t know, well, once a quarter , once every six months, by the way, there was a very funny story when the melody company released a semi-macartneran record, but since you have to pay for a collection, a license and or for a numbered album, they were completely different.. .order of money, they - they removed one song from the album, from another album this thing was put on love songs, and this began to be blamed on the collection, although there were , relatively speaking, nine out of ten were from this original album, and one was added from the other, this it went like a collection, that's it these records, as well as one of paul macartney’s records specially published in the soviet union, and many people imported them to...
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the west, because it was such a joke, such a rarity, this vinyl was a good gift, and everything was sold this is on the gum line farthest from red square, not far from the record department, there was a department where records were sold, there was such a black market, that is , young people hung out there, exchanged this vinyl, bought, sold, and often you can... let's say a person came with a record, which he either listened to, had already recorded, but was caught out of the blue, because the tape recorder, well, or even wanted to get rid of it, wanted some other record, was ready to change it, but the one who had the desired vinyl, he needed either money or something completely different, so a person was selling a record in order to then buy another record, well, at the very moment of the sale, when he... received uh
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money, he already became, in general, an object of potential interest of the police, because this in general there was illegal trade with hands, again, if there were none, it was impossible to prove that this was speculation for the purpose of making money, that is , they could not bring you to trial, but you could be provided with a headache, in general, somewhere i can say about myself, that in my student years i was such a forger of the light category. that i sold records, bought records, helped my friend sell goods brought from hungary, all this came to naught when, in fact, firstly, currency exchange in the country was legalized, and secondly, freedom of exit and steel appeared, this shuttle movement, they began to bring things here in an organized manner, in general the end of times had come, it was a podcast of the chronicle.
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hello, this is the schrödinger's cat podcast, and i am its host, grigory tarasevich, editor-in-chief of the popular science magazine schrödinger's cat. and my co-host, the real-life cat barry. our podcast is about popular science, about how to simply understand complex things, about how to see complexity in very simple everyday things. and today we have a wonderful guest, maria kalinina, doctor of chemical sciences, professor ras, leading researcher institute of physical chemistry and electrochemistry named after frumkin. hello. absolutely
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right, and today we will talk on the one hand about very complex chemistry, and about very simple things, for example, about soup, we will try to connect them together, yes, we will try, let's start. soup, well, all of you have at least eaten soup, and sometimes even cooked soup, you cook soups, of course, yes, but what kind of soups do you like to cook? well, i’m probably like everyone else, like most housewives in our country, first of all i cook borscht, hodgepodge soup, well, occasionally pickle soup, well, where does borscht begin, borscht begins with broth, absolutely right, but what is broth from the point of view of colloidal chemistry? broth from the point of view, it still seems to me that it is worth giving a definition of what colloidal chemistry is. colloidal chemistry studies the surface phenomena of the behavior of dispersed systems; dispersed means crushed. you are already scared, you immediately look at the soup with some kind of horror. well, this is what we grind into soup into the ingredients that we
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take for it. any three-dimensional object that the listener looks at, he can mentally imagine that he crushes it into some nano-sized pieces that are no longer visible to the eye. and if all the matter in a volumetric object is inside and actually does not know what is happening outside and does not enter into chemical reactions with the environment, then in its crushed state almost all of the matter ends up on the surface and it is ready to communicate with the outside world, as - reacting to him, in fact, is approximately the same thing that any housewife does; in general, soup is the way any person into chemistry, on the other hand , the path of chemistry to the heart. person, the housewife prepares a colloid-chemical system in order to extract from bulky things, from bulky carrots, bulky beets, a large piece of meat, to extract that same taste, beneficial nutrients through grinding or other techniques that
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the housewife uses in the kitchen , quite chemical, by the way, if we start with broth, what is it, it is a solution of protein molecules in water, as well as parts. protein molecules, but we know that meat contains collagen, i think everyone has heard this word, because this word is found in cosmetics, in the food industry everywhere, what we must achieve in order for us to have such a colloidal solution of small protein particles in water, we must heat the meat, slowly we must heat it somewhere degrees up to 50, so that the collagen does not immediately curl up, collagen is such a spiral-shaped molecule, and if you heat it up very quickly, then it will... everything will shrink at once and will not go into solution, that is, wait, an important question that worries me since childhood: you still need to put meat in boiling water, in no case, because if you throw meat into boiling water, this is exactly what will happen, it’s about the same thing that will happen with a steak, you throw it in a frying pan,
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that’s it, the collagen quickly coagulates and no longer releases nutrients out, so well, properly cooked stenok, it is juicy inside, the same thing will happen to a piece of meat if you throw it into boiling water. then in order to finally get the broth, you will have to cook it for many hours in order to finally overcome this error initial completely, you need to put the meat in cold water and slowly heat it up, let the collagen swell, and then somewhere around 60-65 °, the collagen molecules will begin to break down and release into the solution this same amino acid, the famous glutamine, which is contained in meat, on which our tongue reacts... like to that famous taste of mom, that is, this is the fifth taste that we can feel, and the more glutamic acid there is in the broth, the tastier it will be, this is obvious, well, wait, you have to bring it to a boil, yes the broth can actually be prepared without
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boiling, the problem is that you won’t be able to handle the vegetables later if you don’t heat the vessel further, look, you said, you used the word solution, but as i understand it, in chemistry there is the concept of a true solution.
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in order to scatter light, it is not enough for us to see them, but for a laser pointer it already senses their size ; you can distinguish a true solution from a colloidal one using a laser pointer. last question about broth, of course i never do this , but theoretically it’s possible add a bouillon cube, which contains quite a lot of monosodium glutamate, how harmful is this, how tasteless is it, and what kind of system is this in general? monosodium glutamate is a salt of the same glutamic acid that is contained in any animal protein, that is, accordingly, if we can eat animal protein, we consider that a piece of chicken is not for us...
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and he rarely had such happiness, that is, well many scientists and nutritionists suggest that there is a definite connection between the psychological perception of taste, the formation of eating habits, eating behavior, how much glutamate we have in our food, when we are even later in combination with sugar, and some people also put sugar in their food. yes, well, koschyumstvo , koschyumstvo, but when, well, a simple example,
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these fast food, burgers, sweet rolls, because they use sweet bread, in combination with a large amount of glutamate , forms a food addiction in a person , not because there is something healthy there or, well , firstly, it’s easier, naturally, i came and bought it, precisely because it might be redundant this amount of... brightness of taste, when a cutlet that actually contains less meat, because this is deceiving you, you can add glutomat, and there will be less useful substances, in a cutlet there is, i don’t know, 20% meat, the rest , there is bread , offal, vegetables, starch, and at the same time you will be drawn to this cutlet more than just a piece of chicken fillet, which is much healthier in this regard, but it is not as tasty, because, well, or you need it bouillon cube... sprinkle for about the same psychological the effect of food, from the sensation
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, and what you eat to achieve, this is the most difficult question, but in general, what is the difference between tasty and tasteless, this is what physics and chemistry are, the entertainment of tastes, listen, this is really a very difficult question that goes beyond competence of a chemist, anyone, it seems to me, you need to call a psychologist or a nutritionist to ask them, i have here... my own point of view on this issue, that firstly, of course, this is part of habit, yeah, upbringing , what you associate there, with the nice ones you know things, you know, people come into the house, they smell the charlotte, there, that grandma cooked, everything, the person already has a different mood, an emotional attitude towards the food that he will eat, he has developed it, and if something unpleasant, for example, i don’t even bring in the smell of chicory coffee, so called, because that’s what it smelled like in kindergarten. and i didn’t love him very much, that’s all, yes, it’s like i cut it off, that is, it’s
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an associative connection, as it seems to me, to a large extent, a person has, plus cultural habits, again, they eat something in one region, not in another, but of course, i think that most people also have an apparatus, also evolutionarily tuned to distinguish between fresh and stale, spoiled and good there cooked, well, how do i... thank you very much, it seems to me that after this
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podcast you will never calmly watch soup, you will see in it complex systems, complex physics, chemistry, biology, well , that’s good, because our world complex and it may be wrong to look at it as for something very simple. thank you very much, maria, thank you very much, and many thanks to those who watched or listened to us today. happy new year. family, we are happy together, because we have been living together for 35 years, the children have grown up, we now walk, relax, i want to convey congratulations to my family, i want to say that i value you very much and i am proud of you, i would like to wish you to be born after all, not on december 31st, so that you have more gifts, but seriously, of course, health to all of us, happiness in the new
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year and of course peace and warmth to all of us, i khamraeva. muhabbat, i’m hosting the show, let ’s get married like you, but for us it’s yor, i congratulate you all on the upcoming new year, we wish you happiness, health to everyone, family well-being and that no one gets sick, love to everyone, i’m larisa guzeeva, let’s do it let's get married, oleg, 70 years old, contrary to the advice of friends and relatives, married a young woman and on his very first wedding night he lost everything he had acquired through hard work. oleg is a retired air force major, lives in the village of izosemovo, tambov region, and
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is proud of the fact that he is considered the most enviable groom in the area, warning. his ideal is a strong sexual muse who will inspire him to create culinary masterpieces, travel around russia and create new year's comfort in his bachelor home. hello hello. i say to you, hello, thank you, about the rose, i’ll say senvises, senmeses , uh-huh, thank you, you are a tatar, not a tatar, but in kazan in 1975 i studied a helicopter for a whole month, oh such an impressive man, and i also really like his glasses , just like you know, bright ones, like this postum too, we love the hat, in our style, in
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in our style, this is gingerbread, tula honey. oh, the filling, you can use any jams there, i usually grate black currants there , in general, now you made it yourself, i bake it myself, this is my business card, and he also said that he needs a woman who will inspire him in culinary masterpieces, absolutely, what a fine fellow you are, how generous, so many gifts, what bouquets, gallant, tinsel, just prepared for the new year, so new year, hat, what a hat, hat is my theme, also how many hats i have, girls, oleg, why do you need a wife at 70 years old, and also a young woman, so you will live happily for a long time, that’s what she is for you, who will shake your nerves, it’s already clear to everyone and so, age is already , yes, not small, actually it’s necessary, well, it’s basically in the first place, it ’s communication that’s needed, but it’s necessary, because
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you walk around alone in the house like a cat, well, where else, then help each other too. i need, i even want to love, do you think we can’t love with age? no, i am absolutely sure of this, i have no such confidence in myself, and i absolutely trust people, everyone wants to love, meet your love, well, then you know, what’s there to boast about, but i’m not a macha, but a couple of times a week i greet you and you need me, sometimes you already start to be, well, nervous, you know, that no, woman, you really want to caress and caress yourself, well , as you eat everything, but you say everything correctly. they also say to me, oh, well, what already, i say, yes, what age, what, love suits all ages, well done, just respect, well done, well, let's take it in order, you had a young woman from whom everyone tried to dissuade you, and there you had some kind of big trouble with her, 43 years old, yes, she’s 27 years younger than me, but
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trouble, how many times did you know her before you did it? offer? a little more than a month, well, oleg, well, yokala, well, then i put it off three times, because i looked at what an adult she was, well, a month , some rogue could have gotten into your skin, yes, you know, i’ll tell you one thing, i’m hooked a man, but the relatives didn’t say, nut, well, live like this, what do you want right away? i stop dragging it, but my mother heard it, she talked to her on the phone, she immediately figured her out, she said, oleg, well, under no circumstances, and the children, well, the children were also against it, in general, everyone was against it. and during that month, while they were already getting married, she not only took out your brains, but also took out what was lying crookedly in your house, starting from money, ending with movable property, but she was not happy with her hand. well, you got married to her, your wedding night, we went to the tax office, got married, well, i set the table there, we sat for about four hours,
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there was also a friend, that is, well, modestly already, where should we throw weddings there, i went to bed, at that time she ordered a taxi with things and went to voronezh, on the way at every gas station taking money from my card, while i woke up there, i looked at her and she brought out a rose and. .. from the house, everything that moved and didn’t move, nothing that could be unscrewed or couldn’t , was left, she kept it for herself later, even my guitar, you know, it will hit you, she says, well, i wanted to annoy you, how to annoy you, no, it was later, when you yourself were already expecting some kind of forgiveness, an explanation from her, they agreed to any explanation, because they still wanted her, she told you, well , like, i told you, well, i was hanging noodles, in general, in short, well, you said this noodles, swallow it? and how long did they live then , that is, i, in short, filed for divorce on december 1st, when she left immediately, and on december 1st, just on my mother’s birthday, i made her happy, i said, mom, i
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understood everything for you, that you were right and filed, but only this year i have to put a stamp on october 12, because she called the judges and said: we have reconciliation, she didn’t give me divorce, well, why do this, without aha at all, this is an out of the ordinary case, even stole a guitar if he plays the guitar and sings songs, and the dream, i also like it, i really love it when a man plays the guitar and also himself he composes himself, he sings, oh, absolutely beauty , what will you pay attention to first of all today, right here for you, by the way, you can test it, you can ask all sorts of uncomfortable questions, he doesn’t like women with silicone breasts, and why didn’t you come across something, well, they won't get caught. well i'm not anymore it’s a trend for him, but he doesn’t like to dress in expensive boutiques, to be a spikeaholic, it’s necessary to be modest, but why
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now you can dress normally in any store, it’s true that your ex asked you for boots for the new year, but well i bought it, but what is this money, and i also mean that he really wants it, but why do you need a woman who would love and grow flowers, do you have your own there? a flower garden or something, i had a cottage near the star town of big 300 and a friend advised me when i got divorced, but no, we already realized that it’s a big acre, yes, that is, you need to plant flowers there and someone needs to take care of it, you don’t have to plant it, we’ll decide it all together, it’s not important, well done, he knows how to cook, and he’s ready there , please, if you don’t want it, it doesn’t plant flowers, but in general there are no such direct global claims. yes, you had a woman who was 10 years older than you, a wife who had a son, this is 10 years younger, 6 years 62 years old, she, by the way, also stole from you and for
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her son, two money like under carbon copy, to the piece of iron, to my beloved, please tell me, and mendelssohn , why did everyone rob oleg, why did everyone deceive, or was he himself glad to be deceived, but it seems to me, larisa, that he was still glad to be deceived, yes . she’s such a sweetheart, oleg, but please now voice the mandatory requirements for the future , so that there are no misunderstandings, for example, three points three, which are completely unacceptable in future relationships, it’s still a woman, here i am her or she is me, we immediately look at the outside, we we evaluate her only if you liked her appearance and you move on, start getting acquainted, well, well-built, so that she is, well-built, what is slim, you should know everything, probably, well, this is the address.
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the most important thing is to clarify whether she has her own bank card, meet the first bride, come through, yes, who, who is against a bank card, no one, thank you. good afternoon, oleg, today i am in the role of eve, and you are adam, and larisa, the tempting serpent. and your name is
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eva, elena, excuse me, this is for you, you have an allergy, no, please, then please, oh, thank you very much, take it in one hand, i ’ll accompany you, okay, elena, 59 years old, ronsiy from almaty, trying myself as a model and actress, writes. poems, dances in parks, swims like a mermaid, is proud of the fact that she was born in the year of the dragon, dreams of becoming an ambassador of a famous clothing brand, admits that she can be both baba ega and elena the beautiful, warns that she is looking for a militant henpecked, every year elena became more and more it’s more difficult to persuade her husband to have sex, to hope that oleg will bloom with her and not wither. hello,
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hello! you came with your son, yes, your son is wearing a hat, i love him, he’s a great son, how he held him, i generally agree, of course , look, you are baba iga, and elena the beautiful , and a model, and an actress, and a mermaid, maybe you just overwhelmed your ex with charisma, he didn’t have time to run after you, well, he fell for it, it seems to me that’s not the point, you know, when over the years you’ve already lived for some time? 17 years old, when is it already possible for what year he began to avoid being with you, well, it’s not that he avoided, it’s just that later i realized that he’s like that on the contrary, he wanted to attract my attention, he didn’t avoid it, he just stopped talking all at once, what’s the matter, i ’m pouting, like a thunderstorm is silent, well, i don’t understand,
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at first i think what’s wrong, what happened? to him, dear, what is it, well, i really didn’t understand , he’s silent for a week, then i, you know, such an oppressive silence, and i start there, dear, well, well, what is it, i don’t think i even understand, well, i just feel like it the condition is terrible, because well, we are husband, wife, everything is fine with us, the children are fine, to appear, yes, when they don’t talk to you for a long time, it’s unbearable, it’s unbearable
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, it’s not that, it’s the spirit of the person, he ’s very impressive, i honestly thought some peasant would be indignant, i say, as if about a peasant , please tell me, oleg, look, here alyonochka loves both theater and concerts, she will be hungry, but at concerts, at concerts, she loves to dress up, get dressed, but here in your village, where, where churinsk is nearby , tambov and moscow are nearby. near me where nearby and how many kilometers to moscow 200 386 km and not nothing at all just like that on a two-story 4:20 there is so we have there by the way in michurinsk there is a tambul drama theater there is a lot of yours from your village to the drama theater how far it is 12 km here are the outfits there are shopping centers there are even further away i was in naginsk at one time tell me is online delivery working well for you, everything
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is now coming to pay you money? because we were most interested in this, and you yourself will pay for it, because we are unlikely to help you in this regard, well , no, i wouldn’t want to do it myself, like this a shmotnitsa is just a shmotnitsa, i’m a shmotnitsa, what about the nakedness, you’re really 59 years old, i hope that a man will appear who will pay for your wishes, i’m not just hoping, as it will be, so it will be... he looks like a henpecked ? no, i also doubt it, no, it seems to me, on the contrary, he is a man who needs to be followed, he doesn’t mind moving into a woman’s territory, but how will you let me in, by the way, almaty is generally wonderful here, please, and you will go to kazakhstan , i have a two-room apartment, of course i don’t have 200 m, two-room, well, my conditions are 100 times better, but what if you come to me?
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she will go if you give her shopping and theaters and that, why should she refuse , i did all this shopping for my wives, so what did you say in the questionnaire, now i won’t do it, that’s enough, well, as if a woman . the groom seemed to be a little interested or or how, well, everything was interesting to him, well, there’s just some kind of sparkle in his eyes, i think i didn’t notice that you have any living creatures, no, my son has allergies, but it seemed to me, no, i have a son there is not a son, but a son, if something is going right with you or she doesn’t have it there, then the son is already 38 years old , well, he’s 40, how old is my son? ,
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don’t worry, he won’t come to you , he’ll live with him, i’m glad to have guests, there’s room, but he won’t clean up the cat, you know what, my little badger has left now. so far i’m absolutely a living creature, i had goats, rabbits, and chickens, everything was there, and i ran an apiary, now who’s gone, here’s a balsik, well, they usually leave already, i don’t start one yet, until i meet a woman, we’ll decide together whether something is needed or not, and i need a surprise from you, because i want to travel more, and larisa, i’ve been wanting you for a year , that’s great, thank you very much, for the surprise you need to change clothes, oh, and we’ve got you covered. that me, yes, yes, yes, you too, and by the way, i haven’t hung up calendars for a long time, now i need it, well , it’s clear that she has such great energy, yes, so groovy, bright, bright, so, right, i think she has a crush on him too, hey,
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people are gathering you, we have a fair , we have everything at the fair,
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we can’t count everything, princesses, sir, don’t relax, they will steal the princess, eh, eh, now, dear, show me your heroic strength, fight the bear, i she sang well, come on , come on, oh, look what’s going on, oh, poor bear , poor bear, oh, well done, overcame, overcame, well done, bravo, the bear is resting, wonderful, come into the room, good
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boy, may everything work out in your life, thank you very much, listen, ros, for now, just the two of you, how are you, oleg, how am i, oleg, i need help grandfather, you understand, you see, he says , and i’m a grandmother, i found you a grandfather, that here you tell every program what kind of thing you wanted to marry him to you, you’re on this, no why, first of all, i’m already about this i don’t apply it to it, it’s silicone, it’s not good for the heart at all, well, okay, anyway, it’s okay to larist, i’ve already become a fool’s errand for you behind your back. no, i studied there, i studied, about money, yes, a lot, i ’m already used to it well, and i’m used to it, you know me, now i share it with my children, oh,
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then about elena, how did you like her, yes, she is such an interesting woman, i’ll say, look, what a fun surprise she prepared, a versatile surprise, she prepared a good one, of course. in general, it’s interesting, just such a man, 70 years old, at first i was upset, i think, it’s a big deal, but he’s straight, well, he’s great, he really supported me. what do you think? well, oleg definitely won’t be bored, there’s a bear, and a hadulist and bagels, for you rosa, i’m oleg, after all. i don’t recommend it to grandpa, because you don’t need to take your work
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home, that’s right, that’s right, that’s the truth says, meet the second bride, come in. oleg, hello, hello , i want to give you this heart, and you give it to the woman you love, what if it’s me, that’s all possible, thank you, and i, doctor, like you and the doctor, i’m very i love honey, thank you, alyosha, thank you, you are my good one. elena, 63 years old
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, a retired trade worker, lives in vladivostok, cooks 7 liters of borscht, collects outfits and extravagant hats, is proud of her designer new year's costumes, dreams of celebrating the new year on a train, warns, that she will not sleep with a man in the same bed. elena watched her husband’s cheerful life for 20 years, and then decided to arrange a holiday for herself and got divorced. she hopes that oleg will surround her with whirlwinds of new impressions, hello, girls, hello, what goodies, what is this, a christmas tree, well , of course, this is for you, can i immediately turn to our mendelssohn, please tell me, my dear, there is such a sign that when you celebrate the new year, this is how you will spend it, our bride dreams of celebrating the new year on a train, god forbid, that’s by... well, of course, it depends in which
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specific part of the train you celebrate the new year, and if you are traveling, for example, from moscow to the far east, then you will celebrate not only the new year, but also march 8, and may 1, and you will spend the summer there, look, lenochka is beautiful, but for many, divorce is just a real tragedy, and you turned divorce into a holiday, that is, you profited so much that how... do you remember that? yes, there was one husband, we lived with him for 23 years, how many of the twenty-three years did you endure? endured almost all these years, how many children did you give birth to? several, so then for what, you can endure for the sake of the children, and you for the sake of money? no, for what then, len? because my mother said, you get married, once forever, these are the mothers and i didn’t want to go back anywhere.
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half years, and i still hoped, well, let the boy be with us, and somehow everything will work out, and where was his mother at that time, and his mother got married, gave birth to a boy, another one, yes, yes, in general , he lived with me, i fell in love with him, mary poppins, when i was tired of being already, tired of the fact that i cook, wash, clean, look after the boy, and he casino. doesn’t give up, doesn’t give up his road trips
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, habits, yes, that’s all, baths, training camps, who would be the first to talk about divorce, i’ve lived together for so many years in marriage, have no children, then your husband brings you a five-year-old son and says: meet me, this is my son, what does this mean, he had love on the side, but why didn’t he leave right away, i don’t know at all, do you like it, oleg? i like it, leave your rich land with caviar, with fish, fly here, no, no, but this is the village of isosium. yes, i don’t know where it is, maybe we are let's fly somewhere, not a little helen, he has a farm there with square meters, and you warn that you want to live only in the city, you have the right, yes, well, i want to be near the sea, so our conditions now, mine are better now than in the city, in the city
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there are cages, excuse me, are you ready to go to the countryside, so i’m already there, but i go to moscow to earn money, but i don’t, i don’t make money anymore, where do you live there, so i was - right in vladivostok, i’m right in the center of ocean avenue, let’s not tell anyone now, but only you now when the grooms come, you better show them the surprise , right, come on, i want to change clothes quickly, we’re waiting, we’re waiting, and i haven’t given you any gifts yet, the hats are probably girls, no, no, no, no, no, that’s our sweets are amazing , seaside and two jars, can you imagine, for the new year, oh, for the new year, larisochka, oh , how lovely, run, let's change clothes, let's not run there, yes, yes, yes, oh, i'm full of caviar, oh, i ate too much cream, it’s just like i’m in a hungry year, laris, well, you love the sinner, i love, yes, in general, caviar in any i took the komusha, here i am freshly frozen
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, give me the black one, for me it’s not bullshit, by the way, i wanted to ask this since lena ran away, maybe... you probably know, she says that she moonlights as sherlock holmes, what is this, for is watching everyone, but she’s joking , yes, of course, girls, and she tell me, mostly with such a sour look on her face, or is she, no, she’s just apparently nervous, usually, she’s the opposite , always cheerful, outrageous, let's see the surprise,
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i wrote my name, don't drive me away with the drizzle, i want stay, i put on a little, white, we cover january, you called me, dreamer, and you and
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i. thank you, lenochka, please tell me, lina, do you make your own costumes? yes , oh, what a great guy, i want to tell you, we were just happy to tears, thank you, girls, this is so, take it, it was a pleasure to watch the surprise, you looked so good , you had such a good time together, oh, oh, lenochka,
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you the way you danced was simply excellent. elena, of course, is a little damaged by life, but not broken, i would take a closer look, here you talked about slimness, it’s included in the slimness coupon, no, that’s okay, she’ll dance like that, she’ll throw it off, come on in.
3:52 am
"hello, oleg, hello , i hope we will, it’s you and me, please, thank you, very interesting, and this is honey for you, thank you, very, thank you, in your hands, thank you. zenoid, 63 years old. former associate professor at university, now retired, lives in rostov-on-don, is proud that she has grown 150 rose bushes, dreams of going on a journey along the golden ring. she admits that she has been single for 12 years, warns that she is not will allow you to talk to her in a raised voice. her husband zinaida found a replacement for her on new year's eve. she hopes that thanks to oleg, this holiday will become bright for her, hello, what a pleasure
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it is to look at you, when intelligence, education, intelligence, it ’s written right on the forehead, right on the face, the eyes glow, it’s such happiness , you are such beautiful girls, fantastic, truly incredible beauties, the dress is just so pearly, it suits this color, this blonde... it suits very well, and i understand, zinaida, that not the wish you made on new year 's eve, yes, when it happened just on new year's eve, then, when you already began to scroll, yes, back, how it could have happened, when and where, you suddenly realized that with this woman, when he danced on new year's eve, you are not a dream to the spirits, yes , no, of course, no, absolutely, we celebrated in their restaurant, she was married, and it was their restaurant, and we celebrated there opa, like that , and there wasn’t even such a thought, she was married, so was i, but how in the end did you
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know that she was the homewrecker, probably? after the new year, well, more than six months have passed, i find out that my husband crashed in a car, they told me about this, when we went into a restaurant, he was sitting, everything was fine with him, but they already told me who he crashed with, and i just i approached the bartender and said, is the girl okay? 13 years, but you didn’t ask him questions , no, even after you found out everything, you didn’t ask him questions, tell me why your inner intelligence forbade touching on this topic, because you understood that this was not just a hike to the left, and what is there, yes, there is love, there is love, because he married her, yes, yes, they are still together to this day, come on, it’s a shame, such a woman can be left alone, and they can cheat on her, that’s what men lack, so she
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he says, it’s normal in general, it’s normal, of course , they divorced because of a sick person, right because of a living person, no, i left for the north, i left, packed my things, left for the north, without saying a word, wrote a letter, told the children don’t say anything , or an apartment, all this, no, we left everything to the children, everything here is noble, that is you have completely reset to zero, we have reset to zero, both he and i, and you are ready to tear up a colleague, you see, he and a woman who can raise a million grew, yes, only you have grandchildren, yes, what will happen with grandchildren, and rostov is already nearby - it’s already close, what is it, or maybe it’s to me, so you have a one-room apartment, where to you, why do i have a house in the village? why does a house in the village still need to be improved, or do you have everything there, of course, and where 150 bushes grew, and i want
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to see a surprise, but for this i will need oleg, please, can i, yeah, girls, what do you think, he liked the third bride, but he has a good choice today, i want to say, that’s all the brides. stand up how.


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