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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  December 29, 2023 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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once upon a time, local residents proposed uniting settlements into one hourly train, but in the end they abandoned this idea; they considered it comfortable anyway, because the same time for them would only add more confusion. gennady katalev, alexey shiyan, vyacheslav lukashenko, tatyana shilina, channel one far eastern bureau. that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue with the “time will tell” program. good afternoon everyone. i don’t know
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how much i have a word, i congratulate you on the completion of both the work week and the whole year, but be that as it may, the year is coming to an end, now is the time, the time to remember what this year was like, but not in the broadest philosophical sense of the word, but on one specific topic that is well known to you and me. so, let’s sum up the results of the outgoing year and look at how things have changed over this year, over 2023, in terms of, here we also need to agree on terms. in relation to ukraine or in relation to zelensky, relations of the west, you will remember the headlines, you will remember, so to speak, this hero, there was no such event, oscar, grammy, whatever maxim we also had, i don’t know, a congress, we already joked about it, a congress of endocrinologists in new york, zelensky speaks everywhere and says his word, everything means applauding him and td. characteristic characteristic headlines of last year, yes hero. yes there is a holiday and
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so on, a year passes and look how the tone has changed, how the mood has changed, how the headlines have changed, and therefore the public mood, you need to leave before you fall apart, a forgotten person, a dreamer, these connotations, and about the dreamer, not at all positive, zelensky's star went out and so on, interestingly, we found one comment from an american journalist, she may not be a superstar of journalism, but...
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something else is happening on the planet, this year happened what they were hoping for in moscow, i’m tired of the ukrainian conflict, a lot all in all , it finally happened, the conflict was no longer perceived by the west as existential for it, it became a russian-ukrainian conflict.
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and tomorrow the conflict with rwanda will begin in the congo, this is actually salvation, you said, you just said important words, yes, that the west has ceased to perceive as an existential conflict, let me remind everyone what an existential conflict is, that is , threatening the very, i don’t know, the very essence of the existence of civilization in general, and so they said, they spoke in a contrived manner, that is, they completely lied or did not understand.
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completely different, according to a different military scenario, and frankly speaking, when we saw off that year, it was a little scary, because at the front everything was autumn, it was not brilliant, and kharkov and what we left kherson, how much the situation has changed now, well, we all see, they are no longer talking about the victory of ukraine, but they are talking, and it ’s like such a maximum program, it’s also a minimum program, so that ukraine can survive, so that...
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another conflict, yes, which was just so obvious , which is even strange, well, regarding zelensky sikranzit gloria mondi, in fact, he was given only a year from the beginning of this conflict, which he essentially unleashed together with his western partners on the territory of ukraine, i remind you , having come to this territory as the president of the world, because he was elected and voted for him then, because he promised to end this conflict, which lasted in the donbass. all this time, and well, it was clear that the west is not a marathon runner, the west is a stayer, of course he will get tired of the conflict, a sprinter, yes, he, well, he will not be able to concentrate on this conflict for a long time, especially since the ukrainians were not pleased, they , of course, they did a lot of things,
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but they did nothing bad, but they didn’t do anything good for the west, they, i wanted to say, panspermed, they moved a huge number there. difficult, most likely these will be the territories that are now located on territories of the former ukraine , which are new territories, presidential elections, this is very sensitive, this is a very delicate matter, and here yes, indeed the west will play on various contradictions, there will be provocations, so i don’t know, pushilin, plotnitsky,
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salda and evgeniy baletsky definitely need to prepare, we need to work very carefully now with the civilian population, that is, move on with our lives, of course. yes, of course, we must concentrate on the fact that the west, western countries and ukraine will continue to in the twenty-fourth year to try to organize a revenge. actually, they are already talking about this at nato headquarters. perhaps there will be a replacement, because it is necessary to change the line of politicians who are no longer people who attract sponsorship money, and zelensky is already replacing, with replacing politicians, with replacing, so to speak, well, so to speak, top officials, this whole story . accordingly, this popular, as the americans say, popular conflict, and the general understanding and declaration that this is an existential conflict for the west will now return now he has ceased to be such for a while, yes , and then he will again or not, we have already talked about the fact that - now the main horror story of the
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west for the western audience is what will happen if russia wins, russia will win, oh, what will happen, now we need to formulate what will happen if russia wins, that’s exactly what he said, he says, yes. exactly, exactly, this, this just needs to be relayed and articulated, the unknown is scary, the most interesting thing is that western intelligence services, western governments, politicians who, well, let's say so, they did not succeed in extolling ukraine and pushing it to the heights of geopolitical, geopolitical realities, they will continue this, because if they stop doing this,
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there is even a well-established phrase , another minsk there, like minsk-3, well, we
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remember how we ended , why minsk -1 and minsk-2 happened, what am i saying, although we have the right to remember the time, it was precisely at the moments of the most severe defeats of the ukrainian army that we were seated at the negotiating table, and we sat down and signed, but as it turned out, as it turned out , and from western words politicians, he also remembers the current year, but you can remember he says, yes, we made them fools, like suckers, yet everyone said this in turn for... let's remember, just remember, the spring of this year,
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how many statements, considerations, messages there were , reports about the counter-offensive, how many people said specific things there, one means he will drink coffee on the yalta embankment, the other no-no, i’m coffee, i’m tea, and i’ll just drink it, and then we’ll be there, and so on, they ’re all talked, talked, talked, talked, let's listen to what they said, they said, let's start with budanov, please.
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than those who died, the collapse of illusions that happened everywhere in the west, this is the result
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of ongoing processes, how the media has changed, the beginning of the year, they divided russia, determined how this would happen, ukrainian politicians are actually still a little excited in this regard, let me remind you of ben hodges, former commander of nato troops in europe, he says, it’s not that the russians died, not that, relatively speaking, we will defeat them, the question here is into what sections and... into what separate segments will we divide it, and most importantly the main thing is what to do with nuclear weapons, we americans will take it for ourselves or divide it among the allies who will go there, how bravura it was all, how hollywood was involved, when i now describe at the beginning of the counter-offensives, they put their fingers there, the american senators who left said : they gave me a look at the plan, it’s brilliant, it will be such a catastrophic defeat, what happened, now andrey, one second, we just had an argument now. with colleagues right before our program, we didn’t give up childishly, that means i said that
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it was a nato plan, they really believed in it , they opposed me, he said, why do you, so to speak, believe in this, of course, they never believed in it, but some kind of plan, but they had it, they really believed in this counter-offensive, so in the framework of our dispute, do you think that they really believed, yes, the fact is that the west for a very long time was in the illusion of its invincibility, but they really they didn’t lose very much, they were used to
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footage from an american city where a veteran war in afghanistan, he is armless, which means the soldier is sitting there homeless and somehow trying to do something for himself, but for us this is wild, because this is impossible, in america this happens, cities are bankrupt, but the most important thing is another thing, how many illusions have collapsed , the russian economy has risen, the isolation of russia is the opposite, the military-industrial complex, ladies , now we will destroy these troops, there will be nothing more, no missiles, nothing, today’s blow.
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do you think the west feels responsible for those it has tamed? you know, the west always perceives it not as a pet that he took, he is responsible for it to the end, he perceives it in such a way that he took a kitten, stroked it, got tired of it, threw it back in the trash, that is, for them this is one of the processes of making money and that’s all what's going on is all around. large financial capitals, the fact is that only in america now the unthinkable has happened, well, it’s actually like a restoration , probably like the templars, once in europe there were a certain structure that was richer than states, now such a structure is black rock, trillions of dollars in circulation , even americans cannot afford this, this is an organization that is shadow -
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shadow structures that dictate what should be done for the sake of interest, so buying up real estate, everything else is buying up. but into deindustrialization, and absolutely all of big russia, starting from uzbekistan , where now many uzbeks will be surprised, but they made airplanes there in tashkent, and to russia, moscow, and st. petersburg, and kharkov, and kiev and lvov , here is the lviv bus plant, where the most
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a large number of buses all over the world, almost every second bus in the world was from lviv, where is this plant, it doesn’t exist, this is the result: sanctions were introduced, as a result russia, you know, russia was often tried, well, how often, in historical retrospect quite often they tried to destroy, and it seemed that it happened, 1605, the poles are sitting in moscow, there is no longer any russia, 1612-13 is russia, it turns out, the eighteenth year, excuse me, a small outgrowth of russia remains, including petrograd there, moscow and a tree trunk along the volga, that’s all, there’s nothing else, the rest of the intervention is everywhere, the americans.
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and russia, in principle, threatens their existence simply by its fact, as an existence, as an independent state, because capitalism can normally develop only by expanding, absorbing more and more new
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territories, well, now many scientists, geopolitical experts there, they believe that in the ninety-first year, in fact, everything was very smooth , the western bloc had a greater chance of falling and the western bloc had a greater chance of falling apart, but having devoured the soviet union, devoured it resources, having devoured people, you... wiped them out, now even aeroflot flies with airbuses and boeings, this is of course a shame for russia, but on the other hand, as a result of defeat in the war, we were actually deindustrialized, we ruled russia
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for a decade there too enemies of this country, so this is an executional question for them, a question of survival, if they don’t devour russia, in the end they will lose, they understand this very well, but they have two - like two main types of weapons, or something, this is a solid , hard power, we are fighting capitalism, we have capitalism precisely because we have normal capitalism, the economy has survived, because on capitalist grounds the economy and
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the financial bloc of the government and the central bank did what no one expected if we now had a soviet economy , then with such sanctions it would have collapsed just like our business, interestingly 70 business collapsed. small business did this miracle, and if there were no business, we would not have circumvented sanctions so successfully, therefore, there is no struggle between russia and capitalism, russia is part of the normal capitalist system, the geopolitical struggle is taking place on completely different grounds, and you are trying to imagine that we are such a communist north korea, but nothing of the kind, the normal capitalist system in this sentence already exists contradictions. because normal and capitalist are a contradiction in the eighty-second year brezhnev, excuse me, there was a system of convergence, peaceful coexistence, which , in fact, ultimately brought the soviet union to collapse,
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this peaceful coexistence, the struggle between, this is what happened in russia in the twenty-second, twenty-third year, what saved russia, these are precisely those atavisms, the remnants of the socialist social system of a strong state, and what are capitalists thinking about, and capitalists have no homeland, where capitalists have money, that’s where their homeland is, you look at...
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that same economic development, all this, all this is done by those countries that are guided by national models of the economy, we have a national model of the economy, non-capitalist, maxim, don’t be mistaken, please, here you know what you’re looking at, we’re just having such a difficult big, big conversation, i’m not very ready now, so to speak, to moderate it, but i ’ll tell you this: if i understand correctly, the key, fundamental difference between capitalism and socialism, yes, it is still the presence of the participation of the state, there are many nuances and so on, the state. that is, private is always opposed some kind of initiative, here is a small business that is effective, contrasted with the state,
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history in fact, but there is such a publication the times, here the times regarding these very cemeteries, yes, it recognized this photo of ukraine, now we will show the photographs or...
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our discrepancy , they believe that this should stimulate new supplies , look how they suffer, for me this is exactly the opposite effect, guys , come to your senses, are you crazy in general, where are we going, what are we doing, you understand what’s the matter, that they simply have such a task, they clearly voice 500 million on earth, so it ’s like a cemetery is exactly the fulfillment of the task that they have set for themselves, but you evaluate it as a normal person from your
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point of view, and you understand, what ... the companies were indignant, and why are you burying this past year, when american ukrainians are occupying fertile lands, let's do it in a more compact manner, yes, this is a very absurd discussion that was precisely what our fertile lands were asking for, which we bought the size of italy.
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the way it will be, however, let's look, let's remember, here's something else, that means , this year, as they presented, in fact, and as the western press described zelensky, politics, that means the main dreamer, the main dreamer of the year, there were a lot of ratings, tone , as you and i already noticed at the beginning, has changed, here is another rating, this time a little tougher, we are no longer talking about dreamers, the american analytical center responsible stakeecraft. named the main losers in english this year, among them, the ukrainian president was not there by chance, this is how the americans themselves explain it. zelensky, now seen as isolated and out of touch with reality, appears to have fallen from grace. unfortunately for him, this is not the first time in the history of us foreign policy that washington has shown its favor elsewhere, causing serious harm to its former beneficiaries.
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failure of the counteroffensive in the spring or. 2023 led in part to a loss of confidence that the country could ever hope to expel the russians from all its territories. many allies now believe that ukraine will not only have to find a way to end the conflict diplomatically, but may have to make territorial compromises. well, we must understand that we consider the western press not because, so to speak, it is interesting what some western journalist or journalist writes, but because we assume that this is some kind of reflection of some.
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yes, you know, the sanctions on the impossibility of supplying bentleys and rolls-royces from britain have hit the russians so hard that they need to urgently cancel this, this is another illusion of theirs, which will happen again in the near future. it will fall apart miserably for them, they will have to deal with it, the fact is that the americans are now getting punched in the nose in all parts of the world, i will remind you how our president was greeted in the middle east, how american emissaries are greeted or the head of egypt together with jordan and palestine generally refused to meet with biden when the conflict in gaza began, they simply refused because they said, you already want to offer us, it’s not interesting, it used to be it was impossible to imagine. they want to restore order in yemen, no one supports them now, this loud coalition, which was first assembled, but in fact there are few ships, but on the other hand, i studied this issue, canada sent three officers to the headquarters, well, just to observe situation , that is, such people are involved, i’m not talking about
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the economic component, in which china and i, together with other countries , are hitting the dollar very precisely, our task is to de-dollarize the world economy, this will be practically commensurate with nuclear explosion inside america. and he was part and main participant of the show , that’s it, the show is over, here is the president of a warring country, in his camouflage, that’s it , i’m tired of it, now we need serious conversations, with
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serious people, zelensky can’t, but he thinks that it will be like before, that he would come to the senate and convince the senators to reconsider those decisions there regarding assistance, passed. senators who know perfectly well why the decision on assistance is being postponed, how it is connected with internal political affairs, suddenly zelensky arrives and begins to explain it in his own way in bird language, these primitive petes, everything, everything. well listen, we will solve problems as they arise, maxim anatolyevich, advertising on channel one and we will come back,
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happy new year, we are celebrating the new year throughout the street. with songs, with dances, and santa claus, the snow maiden, always comes to us, bright, bright, magical, confidently coming to us, holiday, joyful snowy, long-awaited new year, in the new year, health, happiness, success in business, so that everything works out, dreams, dreams come true, so that all your deepest desires will come true in the next year so that there are more joyful ones. events, so that there is more good news and that love wins, monte shococa cognac,
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stellor group product, game, motor, 100 reasons to love gaitai, i write it down, he says, well, i understand. you know, i won’t lift a big woman, but i’ll carry a small one in my arms, let’s kiss quickly, kiss, i could have spat, that was xprom, 100 reasons to watch the guide, films simply overwhelm you with a stream of joy and smiles, everyone dances, 100 reasons to remember the guide , our generation, my children, my daughter. and my grandchildren they watch and repeat all sorts of phrases and jokes , it’s very nice, 100 reasons to talk about gaidai, if you starred with gaidai, that means that’s all,
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not bad, but i learned the secret of how to make real comedies for the centenary of lionid gaidai, tomorrow on the first. rom kastro is a product of stellar group. chaos mirror disco ball premiere
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- the very first new year, tomorrow is the first, new year, how are you celebrating the new year, in your youth, of course, you celebrated it cheerfully, this is your grandfather, yes, and where did your grandfather come from, from india, how is that happened? i don’t know how to say it in spanish, at my age you shouldn’t worry so much, field of miracles, new year’s issue, i wish all your family and friends to be alive and well. today on the first day, no need to talk, sit down
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, our formidable house manager, now also a physical education teacher, any roads, roads, e, meetings, look, look, i did everything i wanted, thank you very much, you saw us, walked all night until the morning, we saw it, yes, it’s fantastic. next level, final. today
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is the first one. we somehow left behind the scenes in fact, an important part, so to speak, of all our reasoning, well, we, it is not behind the scenes, in fact, i mean the ukrainians. i wonder if the ukrainians want what kiev is now imposing on them, and how many of them want it, and how many they don’t want, and where are those who don’t want it, and so on. it’s clear that it’s best to ask the ukrainians themselves about this, but it’s interesting that this is exactly what the writer zakhar prilepin is talking about in the project, look at the fragment, to solve the ukrainian, ukrainian issue, we need to take the whole of ukraine, then it’s up to us to decide which part of ukraine they might definitely not be waiting for, so that’s why we ’ll sign the capitulations, and then we’ll decide further, you know, in lvov they’re not waiting, but we need to ask the rusins, we need to ask the gutsyulovs, maybe they too they don’t want to go to lvov , maybe they don’t want to go to poland either, so when we say... the far bank and kiev, we don’t need any further, well, there are a lot of people there who also
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don’t feel like these ukrainians, whom they pictured for themselves there today in ukraine , well , you need to ask the rusinov, you know that they wanted to secede in 1914, no one let them go, they wrote petitions to all the bodies of the world democracy, no one even started talking to them. the full interview with zakhar prilepin, watch it on our channel after the 13 o’clock news, and then we will discuss its main points with you. thank you for your attention, see you soon! this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. a whole series of explosions at ukrainian armed forces facilities, such a powerful raid, representatives of the kiev regime say this has not happened for a very long time. attacks have been reported on enterprises in kiev where western weapons are stored. after the attacks of our missiles , repeated detonation began, columns of smoke above
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the artyom defense plant, where drones are produced, arrivals at several more facilities in the industrial area, mayor vitaliychko confirmed. kharkov targeted enterprises for the repair of military equipment. telegram channels write about attacks on the port of odessa and chernomorsk in the odessa region, where there are warehouses with weapons, and also on military facilities in lviv, presumably arrivals at the training center for foreign mercenaries. there is information that there was a boom in the area of ​​the yuzhmash plant in dnepr, this is the former dnepropetrovsk; drones are assembled at the plant. high rewards to the fighters who liberated marinka. in the special operation zone , chief of the general staff valery gerasimov, orders of courage, medals for courage for bravery, st. george crosses of the fourth degree to a military unit of the southern group of troops, for high professionalism and courage. i want to give you the awards that you honestly earned, this meeting as part of
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the 150th division and the fifth mostrk brigade, for what they accomplished with their own... the kiev regime is trying to shift responsibility for failures on the battlefield to its western partners, the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry kuleba said that europe does not know how to fight, and the shortage of shells is allegedly due to the fact that weapons production - a quote from kuleba - is not the most popular business area. the opinion
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is controversial, it has always been believed that the production of weapons brings in excess profits, here is new data from the financial times, the order portfolio of the largest companies has approached a record for 2 years. growth 10%, so capacity are being increased, but out of the million ammunition promised to kiev, only 3,000 have been delivered . european commissioner for the internal market teri briton said: the european union is technically able to fulfill the promise, the only question is the priority of supplies. almost all of its key allies , and above all the united states, are turning away from ukraine, writes the american publication responsible statecraft.
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unfortunately for him, this is not the first time in us history that washington has turned its back on those it previously helped. the american leader, by the way, is also on the list. biden has been criticized for policy mistakes on ukraine and israel. here the journalists are in solidarity with the fox news channel, which at the beginning of the week assigned the status of the owner of the white house.
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estonia will not drive anyone away from here and will not work to send refugees to the front. well , here's what's interesting: exactly a week ago this same person expressed the diametrically opposite. can search for such people and extradite them, in general we know where they are, what they do, most go to work, have a place of residence in estonia. according to the ukrainian border service, in this year, 11 thousand people liable for military service tried to cross the border illegally. some of them acquired false documents, but most hoped to sneak
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through the forest unnoticed. a group of evaders who were spotted using a thermal imager did not appear in these shots. michael. shusin called for increasing the production of drugs from blood plasma, the prime minister announced this at a meeting with the head of the federal medical and biological agency veronica skvartsova. we are talking about vital medications, including those necessary for the treatment of autoimmune and oncological diseases, renal failure and other serious diagnoses, donation issues are also in the spotlight. the federal medical and biological agency deals with a number of very important issues and contributes to health. our citizens is engaged in special programs, including providing our medical institutions with all blood components, which are in demand, including for the creation of a number of... complex medicines, in february you approved the concept for the development of plasma procurement
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for production purposes, of course, we are very grateful to you for this, because in the twenty-first year only 10% of drugs obtained from blood were domestic, the rest were imported, last year i reported to you, we increased the procurement three times from 30 to 90 tons, decreased in 2 s pose the cost of the workpiece. 1 l. this year , an ambitious goal was set to increase 10 times from the twenty-first year to 300 tons. for more than a year, a federal register of bone marrow donors has been operating in russia. we are with you this was discussed in great detail last summer . such a large-scale database will help to quickly find suitable donors for patients in need, saving their lives and health. if in the twenty-first year we could provide. for bone marrow transplantation, only every second applicant is a russian, and accordingly 50% of people
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had to search for foreign donors in international databases; this year we already exceed 75%. the moscow traffic police switches to a special regime from today until january 8 inclusive. road raids, accident prevention, obedience to sober drivers. special measures are being taken in other regions. drunk driving. violators face fines of up to 30,000 rubles and deprivation of rights for 2 years, but if this is not the first case, the driver will pay up to 300,000, lose his license for 3 years, or may even receive 2 years in prison, and the car will be confiscated. traffic police officers also appeal to all road users; inappropriate drivers should be reported to the police, this will save someone’s life. director of the russian guard. congratulated employees and veterans on the upcoming holidays. the head of the department noted the strengthening of the military potential of the troops this year.
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the ranks of the special forces grom were replenished and they announced tasks for 2024. first of all, i would like to express words of special gratitude to the defenders of the fatherland and home front workers, volunteers and activists of the veteran movement, to everyone who shows the best patriotic qualities, bringing the long-awaited victory of russia in the fight against nazism closer.
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exchange of impressions, congratulations, happiness, bright costumes, a colorful performance, after everyone is healthy and everyone has a good time, i want everyone’s dreams to come true, everyone has a lot of happiness, everyone is happy. the chime heard over suzdal not only sets the festive atmosphere, the mood of the new year, the coming christmas, but also passes the bell baton to other cities
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of the golden ring. ivan the terrible also heard the ringing of these bells in the spaseyfimian monastery. the suzzdal sound, as they say here, is unique. in suzdal the ringing is very delicate, neat, the ringing is not heard simultaneously, but as if switching from one place to another. then... the bell will ring in one place, then it starts in another monastery in the city, and the city is small, so it’s all here nearby, then on one side the bells ring out, then on the other, this is how we meet in our new year’s capital, in the city of suzdal , everyone is welcome, everyone is welcome. the coming year 2024 is special for suzdal, the city is preparing to celebrate its millennium as the new year's capital of russia, guests come from all over our country and beyond. you come to us at sea, we to you... snow, you have real winter here, what you need for the new year's mood, snow, yes, yes, snow, and also, of course, birch, snow-covered
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streets, powdered trees, a winter fairy tale, but that's all. there are countless temples next to the wooden temples, for lovers of active recreation there are sloping slopes. what do you need to get into the new year mood? here is a cheesecake, a mountain of snow, yes, that is, you have everything, everything is there, yes, you don’t need anything else, santa claus is there too, louise is a citizen of cuba, i learned about suzdal from friends, i came here about five years ago, so i stayed here. snow won’t surprise you, won’t confuse you, no, don’t surprise you, it’s warm. the first winter after cuba, when we spent in russia, remember? it was very cold, well , it was great, to warm the guests , samovars and cauldrons were boiling on the streets. besides mead, what else will you use to warm you up? to warm you up, here are different teas: strawberry, raspberry, sea buckthorn, and chebrets. visitors to the suzdal kremlin are ready to be amazed by the skill of local needlewomen: sundresses, kokoshniks, soul warmers, everything is skillfully embroidered with gold threads; a person
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who comes to suzdal can walk the streets. suzdol through the elegant decorated streets, go to the elegant decorated churches of suzdal, but it is natural to come here, to the refectory, and see the exhibition, beauty, in order, well, let’s say, to be even more spiritually filled with all this winter fairy tale, all this beauty. the walls of the nativity cathedral, the bishop's chambers and the bell tower with chimes, turned into a giant screen on which...
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one story is told on the shopping area, where, surrounded by fair houses , there is a skating rink, twice a day in the open sky, they give an ice show on it. with the onset of dusk, the city's festive illumination turns on and suzdal takes on a special charm; here everyone will find their own new year's fairy tale. walk, enjoy the city, watch the museum, walk, drink mulled wine and skate. we decided to see it all with our own eyes. i really like everything, all around, everything glows, everything is beautiful , this is not the first time we’ve been here, but we didn’t expect to see this, our city is very cool , come, we’ll be glad, it’s beautiful, it’s delicious, yuri cherbakov, alexey bakhvalov, tatyana bakulina, konstantin zhukovsky, channel one, suzdol, that’s all for now, we are following the developments, right now the section is on air, it’s time, visiting
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ekaterina strizhenova, zakhar prilepin. when you got married, you were evgeny or zakhar, evgeny, of course, yes, but she calls you what, and in public she calls you zakhar, but at home, but at home, i won’t say what, yes no, well, of course, she, well zhenya, of course , i don’t remember, to be honest, but we rarely address ourselves by first names, rarely by first names, just beloved, beloved, well , there are some words there, yes, some, yes, no, i call her by name, i’ll remember now, i need to open telegram. well, the thing is that i had a great-grandfather, zakhar petrovich prileprin, and my father was nikolai semyonovich, and he was also called in the villages, and his friends called themselves zakhar, he had such a nickname, and then when i i started serving in different places, i took the call sign zakhar, and then when i wrote the first book, i think, well, i’ll just sign zakhar
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predlepino, i think that i’ll just have one, i think, zakhar is so generic name. i wrote one, it was translated into five languages ​​at once, i think, well, i’ll write a second one, but i can’t sign the second one for evgeniy, if she’s already married, and so it went like this, and then i don’t know where to go with this, but there is already such a huge inertia associated with this name, i’m already so honest, in general, the closest one still calls you evgenia, it turns out that my mother calls me son, son, the children call me dad, okay, my wife’s name is zhenya, i think most often i remembered, that’s it, everyone else calls me zakhar, colonel, i i'll call. decorating clothes with flowers, overloading them with all sorts of details does not mean creating fashion, but making a dress based on just one line is already a real art. my fashion philosophy is to be yourself, try not to follow trends. i never
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expect anything from anyone, most likely they are expecting something from me. the art of couturier is akin to the art of an artist, the future of my craft is connected with the spiritual side of things, people no longer want to serve as clothes hangers. if. veda vodka, a product of stellor group.
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happy new year. a cheerful, bright , colorful holiday in itself that unites people. i gave my mother a scale. this gift is not very good for her. i love receiving candy for the new year, santa claus asked me to recite a poem, i asked him whether you prefer bunin or yesenin, he said yesenin in general, but maybe not, good luck, health and may all your dreams come true, happy holidays, happy new year , hurray, all our fellow citizens should not be discouraged, do what they love, love their relatives, call them more often, take care of each other, spare each other, help each other. friend, because when we are all together, we can do anything. old
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barrel cognac, a product of stellor group. the bird is now free. wants the prince back, no more parties, this is heaven for you, the premiere, the very first new year, tomorrow on the first, supershields of the past decade, who will follow the lonely trail, strong and brave, laid down their heads in the field, in battle.
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carefully, please, new year's premiere on the first, this. yes, well, what does that mean? well, maybe that's a big difference fresh, big difference, january 1, on the first.
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premiere. i love my country. from january 2, on the first. zakhar prilepin, and according to his passport evgeniy, was born in the village of rinka, ryazan region, writer and publicist, winner of many literary awards, once worked as a handyman security guard, served as commander of the omon department, participated in hostilities in chechnya, i came here,
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here i am 2014 with all its consequences, i understand perfectly well that this is just a real living agenda, that this could happen the day after tomorrow, then tell myself that i i was sitting in the forest, writing a novel, i had other tasks. of course, i cannot afford this; until 2014, prilepin participated in protest movements. the turning point came after the return of crimea to the russian federation and after russia supported the independence of the donbass and lugansk republics. since that time , prilepin has supported the donbass militias, he was the deputy commander of the dpr special forces battalion, today he is a lieutenant colonel of the russian guard, followed by two military men. unit is a stronghold and relatives. i
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first wrote a story in ccc in 2009, that there is a civil war going on in ukraine. in 2011, i wrote every 2 weeks an article about how in ukraine there would be a mochilov civil war between east and west. i ’ve been to ukraine many times, it was like two times two, everyone understands it. on may 6, 2023 , a car carrying zakhar prilepin was blown up in the nizhny novgorod region. as a result of the assassination attempt, prilepin received multiple wounds. and his driver-guard alexander shubin died. the suspect in the assassination attempt stated that he acted on instructions from the sbu. assassination attempt prilepino, an echo of everything that has been happening in ukraine for many years. moreover, from the very beginning of the special military operation, zakhar took an unambiguous position. his language is journalistic, not the language of analysts. and now there is a war of images, the one whose images are bright wins. over the past
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six months, zakhar has rarely appeared in the information space, but today he is a guest in our studio. shortly before all this happened, did you see the person who committed this nightmare? yes, it’s true, we went the day before, the day before. with my daughter the eldest with a pick and a young man was walking towards the pole, well, may 9 was approaching , as you understand, and in our area there are a lot of all sorts of tourists, mushroom pickers and so on, and fishermen, but something attracted me to him, he had an empty backpack on his back, and when he saw me 70 meters away, maybe 80 meters away, he turned sharply into the forest, just abruptly, as if he recognized me, well , moreover, he really recognized me, and i... explained to myself that i had
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two large dogs on leashes, well, that is, in in essence, it is understandable that a person would prefer to somehow go around, but it was such a sudden movement that i thought, some strange person and was silent for some time, i was silent for about two minutes, my daughter said to me: dad, why are you silent well, i think, okay , it seemed, god bless him, i just returned from another business trip, actually from the northern military district zone, i just arrived, i think it’s just in your head that those events still come back to haunt you. calm down and live in peace, that’s all we’ve calmed down, calmed down, but this man appeared, everything happened on may 6, and he appeared on april 28, they saw him for the first time, that is , he probably knew that my business trip in the lugansk people's republic was ending, that i was returning with my detachment, my unit somewhere in early may , and he actually arrived a week ahead of time, and fishermen and hunters saw him there, they met him, asked him something, he muttered something in response, not intelligible, he went on, he was there
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settled in a barn in a neighboring village, i spent the night there, that is, everything was serious , that is, it was all prepared like this, well, first of all , there was preparation there, there was a very large group of people preparing, all this was there, up to 15 people, as far as i know, they carried out reconnaissance there, then they brought him there , then they left, so he was there for at least a week and a half, maybe two, he was preparing all this there, on the morning when i was blown up, an angry sanya came to pick me up, and i dropped off my youngest daughter there , i gave her a lift there, well... there's only one sydney house there, i say, will you go on foot? she says: no, dad, with you i passed, and i drove with her, then i drove back, actually on the way back , i actually drove towards this mine, but i drove along this road twice, that is, while i was driving with my daughter, there was a darkened car, he still didn’t see, who is sitting in the car , these ukrainian political scientists of ours began to say that he didn’t blow up his daughter, look what a good guy he is, no, he didn’t see anything, he just saw that the car was moving and apparently while he was running to his bed, where he had the remote control, respectively. control
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mines, so he got to her , we drove once, then we went back together with sasha, without our daughter, here he actually blew us up, god, thank you for protecting my children, how my daughter survived all this, my children are from frosts, nothing at all, that is, everything is fine, they still don’t have the slightest reflection, but why did you harden them or what? well, actually , my dad has been fighting all his life, i have them. zakhar is ready, but as a wife, this is all, when did you manage to call her, say, voice, she’s yours, she came on her own, well, that is she immediately arrived at night, i was passed out, in the morning she was already at the bedside, normal, so was the wife, she is a military wife, and you immediately understood what happened, yes, yes, well, there is a certain
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life experience, many years, as soon as the explosion happened, i won’t say what the analysis says happened in my head, i just immediately realized that we had been blown up and immediately realized that it was not under a car, but... a mine planted in the road, i immediately immediately realized that sanya he had his entire back turned to me, he immediately realized that sasha was dead, he immediately realized that i got blown up, i immediately realized that i had to get out of the car, i moved my arms and legs, i realized that my legs weren’t working, but my arms were working, and i began to pull myself up, such a moment, your whole life flies by before your eyes, your whole life has flown by, no, your whole life. it doesn’t fly by, your whole life flies before your eyes, when a person, well, that is, i drowned there as a child and more or less don’t understand what we’re talking about, that is, you go to the bottom there, you have some kind of opportunity. to comprehend that something like this was happening, but i was just driving, there was a soviet song playing there, and it happened once and they just turned off the lights , that’s it, it was less than a moment, that is, i didn’t hear an explosion, or a clap, or anything, i was just driving, bang, that’s how i would have died, then after some time, i think there were seconds
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, maybe a minute, maybe, well, that is, people managed to run to the car and stood there near the car, maybe a minute, and i boom and i open my eyes and immediately understand everything , within one second, i understand everything and say: lord, thank you, i understood everything, everything, and further, i think, we now need to get out , but what do you understand, well, that i was punished, saved, that god’s mercy is limitless, punished for what, well, a lot of things happen in life , saved for what, that’s what i was saved for, this is the next episode , now i think about it, you drank champagne when they blew up the zakharshay, they reached the champagne mish, 7 years ago you wrote that you from...
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knew and more or less imagined what their position would be if so i hosted the salt program on one tv channel, where all the musicians came to me, i this war will start, i know everything, i knew everything in advance and was not surprised at all , well, listen, i wasn’t even surprised by my killer, well, that is, he doesn’t evoke any emotions in me at all, i was offered a confrontation with him there, i say yes, there’s nothing to ask, well, there’s nothing for me, i don’t feel any hatred for him, no revenge, no matter how much he desires... i don’t care about him, i have a job and a task, and you ask vera poloskova, who is she? vera poloskova next to this red-haired ghoul who killed sasha my evil comrade, that is, vera poloskova, a stupid girl, who seemed to have ruined her life, will now spend her whole life hanging around somewhere outside the country, well, nothing good, her children there
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are unhappy, they could be russian children, live here and as for the people who left in general, they can come back, they can come back, most of them want to come back , most of them
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then i just don’t understand what ’s happening, it’s just, well, dishonest, as far as representatives of the healthy culture, the legislator, which you are, yeah, uh, interesting here. dolgoreva revyakina, of course, the interest
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is more than serious, unexpected, because back in 2013 and even in 2019, well , most of these names would not have been known to the general public at all, if they performed there, then this is a small one there a club for 15-20 people, half of whom are friends, now these girls, anya dolgoreva, anya revyakina, igor karaulov, sasha pelevin, a wonderful poet, they perform, they can collect for. 400-600 people each, that’s them they travel all over the country, packing huge halls, periodically for tickets, even for money, it ’s unthinkable, it’s just that, but that was the last time there in the sixties, yes, the polytechnic yes, well, or when the young yesenin-mayakovsky were there, then yes, it turns out it’s possible, it’s back, i remember when it began, these are our so-called opponents of z-culture who remained here, they said, let them be met by desert everywhere, everywhere, instead of this desert there’s just a sea of ​​heads, people there for an hour every second they stand in line with a book there with kani dolgreva or kani revyakin, well, this is wonderful
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, despite the fact that i would not say that our state, our government, our all these machines, are very actively working to promote this culture, i found two there in one provincial newspaper actors who are fighting: maxim letuchy and actor nikolai tsinko, both more or less famous artists, one of them actually starred in a lot of tv series, he’s just a star, almost a star, they volunteered for the war. they have been fighting every six months now, i i saw that apart from this small interview in the newspaper, where there are a thousand copies, no one else interviewed them, that is , they are not shown on tv, they are not popularized, they actually disappeared somewhere , well, as if from the very center of ours - our cinematic show business, and zero attention, well, that is, for me this is a demonstration of how this system is built, if zakhar prilepin begins to pull out the spotlights, pay attention to this person, please
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continue to work on the same actually these centers do not lose this money, they have capacity plus or minus in the same, as they say, well, context, but i think that... they dial on the phone and say, well, there ’s borya, he’s grisha, who embroidered, stop it, well, keep quiet for a while, well, then
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you’ll get into sales and in general you might be banned, okay, i’m fine, i won’t speak very harshly, come on , well, everything’s fine, we’re releasing a new book, everything will be fine, they call the artist there, where are you going, what kind of israel is there, sit normally, now the war will end, you will get more from me the new theater is everything, as they talked to each other, that’s how they talk , they don’t call, listen, zakhar, you have a great artist there in the donbass, give him here, we’ll give him the main role, i don’t have such calls . the fact is that these lines of power existed between them, they haven’t gone away, and the z-culture is competitive, of course, well, that is , well, it’s already, well, that is , i’m competitive, now we’re competing with, well , besides you, we zakhar you were read by the poets whom we called turned out to be quite competitive with the superstar vera poloskova, who was number one, now we have the above-mentioned revyakina and dolgorevo, not only do they collect the same or even larger halls, show business, well, if we say a shaman, a shaman of course, but also about
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the shaman doesn’t even have anything to say, the shaman is everything, he became a superstar, star number one, i still, you know, i am responsible for those people who were in this whole story from the very beginning, they are from the fourteenth year, when there was still a state, incomprehensibly russian in this supports it fully or to some extent, or in part, when all this could end tomorrow with just a colossal attack by the ukrainian troops, all of us there would have been demolished and trampled, that’s when kabzon arrived there, and then checherin arrived there. sklyar all the rest are these people who are now half-forgotten there, half-forgotten there enough that the people you call are young, i mean, they are patriots, they are quite professional, of course, but those whom i call, they are all professionals, no, it’s not enough for me, i not enough, i will never in my life promote a single graphomaniac, a single bad musician anywhere, well, that is , firstly, there are enough talented people, there are many talented ones, why promote the untalented ones? and i, unfortunately, very often offend just people there, they say, zakhar, i’m also for donbass, read it
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, i sent you a poem, i say, you need to study, study, you need to study poetry, what are you for donbass, even the fact that you are at war does not make these poems. they don’t make these tearful thieves songs good, i was still in chechnya served, i’ve heard enough of them for the rest of my life, that my son is serving in amon, everyone is sitting there, crying there, yes, well, military songs are military songs, there are the highest examples, we must focus on katyusha for three tankers, to razenbaum’s afghan cycle , these are war songs, we can’t, well , that is, how to pronounce the word there officers with aspiration, and how would everyone cry because we sang something about the war, but modern simonovs appeared on us, and simon? you appeared with composers more complex ones, that is, the nightingales sido and blanter there and tabachnikov, these are the ones you need to look for , but there is modern poetry , there is no modern military directing in general, but that is, we have about 100 films released a year, and more than one film , the war has been going on for 2 years now, and if that’s the case, it’s nine, which means that approximately 800-900 russian
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films have been released during this time, and of these, well, there might be one and a half about donbass, which means 800 directors. what do you think, yes, now they are making a militia novel after me, but it’s my comrades who are doing it, this is actually done by those people who have always supported donbass; anton shagin , who has always been for donbass, vladimir steklov, who has always been for donbass, lyosha vertkov, who has always been for donbass, are filmed there; i also sent two militiamen there to watch behind what was happening, they were also hired to act in roles, because, well, because they all understand what is happening on stage, this is not a state project, what exactly is zakhar prilepin fighting for in the northern military district, i believe that the geographical pro...
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multi-layered things that actually represent the russian soul, russian culture, russian spirit, that’s all, they don’t share it, but where is the reichstak for you in this special military operation, reistak we are in kiev, of course, it is our common restak there in kiev, until we sign the capitulation there, we will all walk with you under death, people who at least once once said that we are rooting for the donbass,
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for the russian people, that we are not rooting for the kiev authorities, all the people inhabiting the peacemaker, we all have to wait.
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the feeling that everything will end and we will live as before, there is a feeling, but fortunately we have less and less opportunities for this, that is, it is clear that we tried to complete this whole story already in the twenty-second year we were always ready for negotiations, we talked about it all the time, but the fact that it does not end through no fault of ours forces us to turn further and further in the other direction, then brix appears, brix is ​​created from those states that have always been hostile in one way or another to western european civilization, in half. some of them are generally socialist regimes, these are china, india, part of the latin american countries there, our new friends there are north korea, all those from whom we fled headlong in 1991, cuba, vietnam, nicaragua, never again, we will close all the military bases, we will forget europe , germany, italy, we are now there, now we are turning back to the direction from
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which we fled in the ninety-first year, we are starting to build new relations there, this chinese leader is already telling us: let's create... our chinese-russian version eurovision, well, give or take africa and iran, that’s right, eurovision, then our nobel prize, then our cannes, our oscar, our everything, our currency. our joint nato, let's create just not this sense, but the opposite, and if we kind of move there, you and i won't have anything to worry about, it's normal, that's it, but you don't, you don't think that when the west calls, they will all run there again, yes, but i hope it doesn't, i hope the west is so stupid that it won't continue to drag out this story further and further in the hope that ukraine will one day defeat russia, and he will carry it to the extent that we will actually turn to the east and fight there. it is precisely the center that we will become, because not a single african latin american country
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can lay claim to this, and china a priori always seems to be turned to itself, but the fact is that there are simply a lot of chinese there, a billion or so, they if come somewhere, they immediately begin to think about their business, this is inevitable, but where russians come, there are 150 million russians, they inevitably here the university will build a road there, here they will open some... countries, peoples that were the third world, that were colonies in one way or another, so that they become the main world players in politics, in culture and in everything else, so that we no longer stood in line for this crazy white... it’s unclear what gender europe and didn’t try to please them there as these ridiculous characters with tambourines who come to cannes and say: well, please give us a prize, he’s coming to the nobel
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commission and there so that this does not happen, so that we ourselves establish for ourselves the laws of political, cultural and other cohabitation, moreover, but the fact is that in the ninety-first year we closed for ourselves all practically world culture, except european, we nothing... humanity is from the kingdom of satan, i even say, “russians, thank you for liberating everything , i’m not exaggerating and as if the pathos
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of what is being said, it is so, they are suffering there, they want russia to finally take everything into its own hands zakhar, well, not for you. it seems that we are now building ourselves as anti-west, we are trying, yes, so far it’s not working out well, but you think that this is right, of course, listen, ukraine was built as anti-russia, no, that’s not the point, the point is that we are not we deny the west as the civilization that was in the west, here is the revival of european enlightenment, we deny the current west, which has abandoned itself, that is, we do not accept the evil west, we could begin to build ourselves without the svo, no, nothing would, that is, we resistance is definitely needed some kind, i don’t know, only in this case we are going to, unfortunately yes, well, in short, then unfortunately yes, because well , let’s say, there’s even a war. 812-814 , kutuzov, everything else, even this then gave a powerful impetus to the russification of russian
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society, because on the eve of the war of the twelfth year, this is a well-known fact, most of the heroes of this war were officers, they were brought up in a francophile environment, they barely knew russian language, russian history was not remembered by our aristocracy, karamzin began to discover it, imagine, the country has existed there for almost a thousand years and does not know its history. and there everyone starts writing kramzin like, wow, how we were a long time ago, it turns out, eh, eh, eh, this tells us, this is how imperial russia is, like how she did herself, she didn’t love herself, she forgot herself itself, and this war of the twelfth year and subsequent events, then the crimean war, it was brought back by russia and its history forced it to reevaluate its attitude towards europe, but it turns out that they don’t love us there as much as we love them they thought, this is about us, this rake, we are advancing, advancing, advancing, advancing, in the ninety-first year they said again, no, europe... loves us, we went to europe, everyone is waiting for us there, now again they are using this rake got it, okay, let's go the other way, i still hope that one day it will be enough for a little longer, well, a little longer, enough, at least
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for a century, at least so as not to get into the same story again, but you can make your homeland love , no, but it is possible to organize such conditions so that, firstly, we don’t bother our children about that there are no homelands, there is no ideology , that the whole world is open to you, that forget all this, it’s like all this... junk, throw it all away and enter the new world free, this is all nonsense, because the new world remembers very well what their history is, what their ideology is, what their religion is, they remember everything about themselves, they just want to see us... forget about all this, so we have the right to raise children in love for russia, this is this times, and those who do not love their homeland, well, how not to make their voices, their views, how this is called trends, trends, well, so that we don’t listen to them from morning to evening, we can have other trends where people come out and say: like this bodrov from the movie brother, brother-2, here is a spikelet of voices, i found out that i have a huge family! a path, and a forest
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, every ear of corn in a field, a river, a blue sky, this is all mine, dear, this is my homeland, i love everyone in the world, this should be a trend, as it were, in education, interaction between the power of culture and the people. zakhar, it’s time to say the most important words: god exists, russia is holy, we we will win. it was zakhar prilepin’s time, time will show who is who and put everything in its place. i understood the seriousness of the situation in donbass after i read your book, and i even published a piece from it, and you know, i received curses from the network for everything else, you and i, in
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general, you for writing this, i for that. that i published this, i just read it, but then i realized how strong resistance exists, absolutely right, don’t, don’t be shy and don’t worry that you’re one of your colleagues if you offend, don’t, because the opposing country is not shy about saying what it thinks, and we are all the time, well, let’s be careful, let’s not hurt feelings with anything, let’s not be there, don’t be shy if something hurts , we need to talk about it, if our relatives are hit on the head, we need to talk about it. they hit our relatives over the head, i have a lot of colleagues, nikolai tsenko, whom i was talking about, he’s an actor, he says, when i moved to the siberian federal district, 90% of my friends stopped communicating with me, i’m only one friend threw off the script, play a sniper, there is a film being started, who fought there before in his own, he says, i won’t, they will stop greeting me, well, that is, well, this is an abnormal situation, people need to set an example that you can love your homeland out loud, rumor, to talk about this, i love my homeland, it is
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beautiful, i love my homeland. you just said very important emotional words and so on and finally looked into my eyes, i just when i think, i can get distracted by you, well , that is, the woman is beautiful, i will then think, i think, why can’t i catch your attention, and you, as a television person , are still trying to fix the camera, yes, and i was thinking about the camera, i think, to formulate it correctly, it is usually not visible, because they are filming.
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their own heels in complete silence , so many actors, when they leave, they try to set fire to the theater, set fire to the theater, so that this does not happen to them, clearly, powerfully said, now let’s turn to the thought that was voiced by zakhar prilepin, we are talking about our turning to the east, it’s clear that western countries really don’t like that we are getting closer to china, the worst are there, which means our nightmares are being realized, look
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closer and closer to them... that the country has entered a phase when forgiveness can not be expected for one simple reason, people are tired of duplicity. from acting, again , sincerity is valued, and genuine real feelings that possess people, in this sense, those actors who, well , i can’t call them anything else, those actors who try
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to live in the past, try to somehow exploit what - these are base feelings, they turn out to be unsuccessful, they are surprised that they are stopped notice guys, who are you, what have you created to be noticed? and it seems to me that the phenomenon of milokhin, ivleeva, it is very good, it is very indicative, civil society has matured very sharply, it is beginning to understand that real art should be art, and not this, what happened, that we, as there , excuse me, please, what we took for an orgasm turned out to be asthma, yes, what we, so to speak, thought was stage music, turned out to be something incomprehensible too, please, andrei frantsievich, in fact, of course.
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remember, we have already passed, so to speak, this point, excuse me, the point of befurcation , it’s all behind us, i think so, i think so, i’ll give a few examples here of the presidential assistant for economics, mr. oreshkin, i also when he was a minister and worked with him in the ministry, he said 10 years is the decline of the european automobile industry, but he gave 10 years, because china, at the speed with which it is now increasing the technologies that it is introducing, including to russia and localization of investments, which are coming to the germans already... the europeans cannot catch up there, not to mention other countries, so russia is now really beginning, together with china, to unite this world majority around itself, as they said, and the western part that was, it is beginning to slide into its own small circle, because
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they didn’t earn colonial rent, the british , they produce something, well, except for cars , which we were banned from, no, well, how do they earn money, they earn money from services, exchanges, global ship insurance, you know... station, the company raised the cost of insurance in the black sea in the red sea, when now 10 times, 10 times they raised the cost of what they earned, or conventionally switzerland, everyone thinks, why is it so rich, everyone has watches, chocolate, less than 7%, everything else is gold, which they export from africa and sell as their own, so this era is ending, of course, since how much time do we have, friends, we have a little, so... i must say, after all, this is, sorry, final broadcast of the year, well, our first channel, of course, will continue to work on new year’s night, i hope you enjoy our program, but our program, so to speak, here is our program, time will tell, this is our final broadcast, so i want to say a few words: first, well, in your face,
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friends, so it turns out that you two are here turned out, i want to say a big thank you to all our experts, we respect you, who come to us, after all, you, you formulate meanings , formalize what we ourselves may feel, but cannot always express professionally, and you do it, thank you very much for that. thank you and see you again on air in the new year, this is the first, second and important thing, i want to tell our dear viewers, i won’t spoil it, there are a lot of wishes, everything is clear, about health and about love, in the family and about loved ones, in general about the word family, family, i want, i want to tell you that in the new year everyone agrees on an expert consensus, we have that the next year will be very difficult, and what do we need to...
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minutes, dear friends, you can too so to speak, i added more fortitude here, that’s not what i wanted to say, we still have about only patience, fortitude, it actually comes along with the slavic peoples, who for thousands of years resisted the west, not the east, they resisted the west, we have it, we have it, i’m sorry, it’s many years old, of course, the west will try to lure . but than with a crooked hand or well, after minsk-2, after they completely collapsed the entire system of trust, how can they seduce us, the world is big, and we see it now, the world is big, much bigger than we thought 2 years ago, and i want to add a word like faith, faith holds us together, faith in god opposite to the satanism that is now being imposed, and most importantly, faith in ourselves, we believe now that we can put pressure, we can impose our conditions, we can crush. to win this battle that is going on, the main thing is that
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we do not lose our faith, that we do not stop halfway, because we will be deprived of this faith, and we must be strong, we must not stop halfway, go to the end, and i i will say, i will repeat, actually, we looked good interview, why not repeat the words of zakhar prilepino, god exists, russia is holy, we will win, thank you all very much for your attention, friends, see you again on the air, see you in the new year, andrey, thank you, alexey, thank you. happy upcoming everyone, hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. aeroflot is extending its flat fare program for the next year. this was discussed today at a meeting between vladimir putin and the head of the company, sergei alexandrov. absolutely right. fixed ticket prices allow russians travel from moscow to the far east to
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kaliningrad. the program was launched at one time on the initiative of the president. aeroflot's flat tariff remains one of the most affordable in russia. at the meeting they talked about the need to maintain a high level of quality of passenger service. in the new year, traffic volumes should increase significantly. i've heard it many times. our citizens fly, fly on and not only our citizens, on which companies. and wait for aeroflot planes to transfer, because the level of quality of service is based on a certain level has still been achieved by even the previous management, so i kindly ask you to draw the attention of everyone to this, thank you , who are holding this high bar , we will certainly preserve it for the future, and of course, we will improve everything related to serving people, but at a minimum we will maintain , but of course. improve quality , and safety comes first, of course
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, always, really, always comes first, the level is high, maintained, everything in this part is consistently reliable, in total the erafud group will transport 47 million passengers, this is 15% higher than the results of the previous year, in addition, we have reached a historical maximum in terms of aircraft load , it... the world's best airlines, despite the fact
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that we were excluded from all official ratings, but we still measure ourselves relative we maintain leading positions with other carriers, so we need to keep showing the quality, so in general you get very good reviews for aerofot. now about how the special operation is going, this morning the russian army launched a massive strike against ukrainian military facilities, drones and missiles of various types were used, such a powerful attack. representatives of the kiev regime are talking about this, it hasn’t happened for a very long time, several powerful explosions thundered in kiev, especially in the podolsk and shevchenko districts, where many industrial warehouse enterprises are located, which the enemy uses to accumulate western weapons, as well as for the production and repair of their armored vehicles and ammunition. according to eyewitnesses, after the arrivals a second detonation began. columns of black smoke rise above the artyom defense plant. this is where the ukrainians produce their missiles and drones. very loudly today in kharkov there were dozens of precise hits, including on industrial facilities and
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warehouses that the military uses for their own purposes, including on a tank factory. in the odessa region, the attack has traditionally targeted piers and harbors. there was a hit on the yavorovsky training ground with subsequent detonation, there were also explosions in the khmelnitsky region, near the airfield in starokonstantinov, attacks on military targets in dnepropetrovsk, ternopil regions and zaporozhye. to the soldiers who liberated marenka, chief of the general staff valery. presented state awards, orders of courage, medals for bravery for bravery, crosses of st. george for demonstrated perseverance and professionalism. the battles for marinka went on for a long time, especially fierce since this summer. the city was turned into one large fortified area, but russian soldiers knocked out the enemy and pushed him away from donetsk. i want to present you with awards
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that you honestly earned, these are for the personnel of the 150th division and the fifth brigade. behind the fact that they completed their assigned tasks , mastered marinka in a modern way, so i wish you further military service, i serve russia, and the greatest gift for our heroes was the opportunity to celebrate the new year with their family, a trip home for the holidays and a long-awaited meeting with loved ones who were not saw for many months, dmitry kulko’s report, i’ve been imagining this moment for months, how he returns from the zone and meets his daughter from school, whom he calls swallow, and now i’m imagining how satan will all run out like swallows, whatever you say, yes, i love this, somehow i don’t miss it, pilot evanbolderev is a hero of russia, he’s been in hell so many times, but here he’s noticeably worried, false start, another minute, here comes the swallow,
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home, dad can be forgiven for his separation, he’s defending his homeland, i’m very i'm proud of them. polina even prepared a school report about her father’s feat during the landing operation at the gastomel airfield; he used up all the ammunition on a damaged k-52, but did not leave the battle. in order to save the helicopter nearby, he called fire on himself, they sat down and fought with the nationalists for several more hours. i i think this is a very heroic message. they will put on their hero’s hat and together they will discuss plans for the next 2 weeks. after all, dad had a new vacation. year, what kind of christmas tree to put up, what to set on the table and where to go? at the new year's performance today there are especially grateful spectators, the families of the special operation participants who were lucky enough to be together these days. major of the russian guard special forces, alexey mishchenko, received a hero’s star after a difficult battle during the liberation of the village, carrying the wounded under fire. when i went to
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the front, i made a promise to the children, and now with fulfills it with joy. he said, go into the store, point your finger, whatever you show me, i’ll buy everything. new year. this is first and foremost a family holiday, so when the family is together it is the most important miracle, dad is a miracle for us at home, a new year’s miracle happened today for eight-year-old zlata , daddy’s daughter, a participant in a special military operation, always talks about her, she considers his award, he considers her assessments in the diary for all those months that he spent at the front, artur utemisov says every evening in the dugout he remembers how his daughter is just watching him, the two new years are not together. like you missed this, yes, yes, but the last one, no, in the past you made me happy, well, you forgive dad, of course, zlata is so proud of her defender that she fell in love with new outfits, not given by dad, because he said that i i like to wear his t-shirt, it’s very white to me, but how
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does it pay? when arthur was mobilized, his wife maria showed character, learned to drive his truck, and now regularly delivers humanitarian aid. we go to the store, let’s say my wife no longer gives me his package, she carries him herself, while i myself, i say , let me carry him, but yes, as if she’s all here, yet arthur is not denied the pleasure of solving men’s affairs, the faucet in the kitchen burst, he was waiting for him when he arrived , he will be replaced, and denis martyshchenko, the youngest company commander in the lnpr , is greeted at home by a large family on new year’s eve, he has five brothers, there is a lot of news, i would like to say: endlessly, because it is not often possible to call home from the front line if someone leaves the position through someone to convey there that i’m fine, find out how everything is with them. and the commander of the tank platoon, kirill shirokov, made his way to the headquarters under enemy fire to congratulate his beloved on her birthday. he called via special communications, called here in khabarovsk, and from here
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the duty officer called me on a regular phone, put the phone to the receiver, but it was the best gift, i had to go through the motions so that the spouses... could give such a gift. kirill, like other servicemen who were lucky enough to be at home in the new year, will gain strength and then go to war again. front. it’s not easy to leave, but they are confident in their just cause, and to withstand mo..., as reported at the election headquarters, the website will provide all the necessary information about the head of state, who
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is running as a self-nominated candidate. biography, list of trusted persons and contacts, in fact, of the headquarters and its regional branches. news and video materials will be published in the election campaign diary section. also on the site you will be able to familiarize yourself with the important achievements of russia in recent years. preparation of blood plasma. russia has increased 10-fold over the past 2 years; plasma is necessary for the production of vital domestic drugs. in the domestic market , they are gradually replacing imported medicines, but their share should increase. mikhail mishustin called for increasing production volumes at a meeting with veronica skvartsova, head of the federal medical and biological agency. according to the prime minister, it is also important to develop new drugs. the federal medical and biological agency deals with a number of very important issues. contributes its contribution to the health of our citizens, is engaged in special programs, including providing our medical
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institutions with all blood components, which are in demand, including for the creation of a number of complex medicines. in february you approved the concept for the development of plasma procurement for production purposes, of course we are very grateful to you for this, because in the twenty-first year only 10%.
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75%. celebrate the new year twice , traveling from the past to the future and back several times a day. this is a common reality for those who live on the border of two russian regions. neighboring settlements at the junction of time zones, in each time flows differently. the locals are used to it, but the guests are at first lost. gennady kortelev visited there. children 6:40, get dressed, go out, go to school. tatyana woke up her sons 2 hours before the start of classes, although she had to go.
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a kind of portal between the past and the future. the village of yadrine and the city of obluchi, although located only 2 km from each other, are actually located in different regions, the amur and jewish autonomous regions, between them lies the border of time zones. about 500 people live in the village of yadrino , almost 800 in the community. the city has kindergartens, schools, a technical school, a hospital, a ski resort, sports complexes and a railway station, so the residents of yadrino flock here, and although they are accustomed to the time difference, confusion sometimes arises .
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an hour earlier, don’t squat too much. dima is the grandson of local celebrity olga grigoryan. 10 years ago, when she was 55, she came to sports and became a world champion. now he trains a teenager. steps so that i don't be late for work, i need to go according to yadrinsky time, leave the house at 6:30, this difference, the interval of this time, naturally, it disciplines me. they have learned to extract only the positives from this, as
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they say here, time quake, and the bewilderment of visitors only causes a smile. they came, looked at our watch, oh, but your time is different, so it was with varvara naumova, their family moved to the amur region from the kirov region, they live together under the same roof, but each according to their own time, she works in the village, and her husband in city, the children also study there, we live for one hour , one might say, twice, here are friends, relatives, they, they still don’t understand, it’s like, me, when i tell him that my husband left for work, he at eight o'clock, and they ask me the question, what should i cook? you also have to go to work by eight , why are you leaving an hour later, so i have to explain every time, in the obluka shops start opening earlier, but when they close there, the yadrinsky ones start to be sold out , those who did not have time to buy groceries go to the village , we see with our villages, we see everyone is setting off fireworks, these are lights, which means, yeah, they are celebrating the new year, but we don’t, we have 11, not 12, yes, then we celebrate, in an hour we
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celebrate the new year, it happened that there was a meeting twice. once upon a time, local residents proposed uniting settlements into one hourly train, but in the end they abandoned this idea; they considered it comfortable anyway, because the same time for them would only add more confusion. gennady kaselev, alexey shiyan, vyacheslav lukashenko, tatyana shilina, channel one far eastern bureau. with this , i say goodbye to the residents of the european part of russia; the “big game” program will continue on air. good afternoon, on the first channel there is a big new year's game, and i am vyacheslav nikonov. well, today our armed forces staged a real new year's fireworks display in the skies over ukraine, the most powerful attacks were delivered on ukrainian infrastructure, on military targets, the most powerful in 2023,
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the yavrov strikes were hit. natovsky training ground , lviv region, critical infrastructure facilities in the city of lviv, military warehouses in kiev, in kharkov, the building of the rocket and space enterprise artyom in kiev, the air defense base area in the kiev region, the academy of ground forces in lvov, the yuzhmash enterprise in dnepropetrovsk, a powerful blow, it must be said that even the speaker of the armed forces of the ukrainian armed forces, yuri ignat found something. to say, besides that there were never so many targets on our radar at the same time, there were daggers, and ballistics, and s-300, cruise missiles, uavs, x-22, x-32, about 18 strategic bombers launched x-101 and x-55, a powerful blow reminder of
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how... this is the most powerful strike, and even they did not, realizing that a huge amount of video was already on the network, hide the fact that they were unable to shoot down a huge number of missiles; according to official data, they were unable to shoot down 44 of our missiles and giranya, and i think that according to the map that i collect, these are far from final figures, because there were definitely more of them, and what was really hit were primarily military facilities,
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infrastructure facilities, and those facilities where bull warehouses are stored or military... equipment nato, which our intelligence managed to uncover. by the way, there is also a very interesting point, i brought it - data here in my telegram channel that there are still people on the other side who are waiting for us, helping our troops, conducting reconnaissance, pointing our missile at the target and, accordingly, we get very good results, just one example, yes, that is, one of the former employees of one of the enterprises where military equipment was produced, accurately pointed out the place where the strike should be struck, the time when it would be, and the entire warehouse. which was hammered finished military products to be sent to the front were destroyed, that is , such, i will tell you this, i know firsthand, there are not one, not two or three such examples, that is , in fact, there is a real partisan movement there, it just has. .. its own characteristics in the 21st century, you can’t sit in the woods, but you can make sure that our victory is approaching, and even the kiev gauleiter and others are now in hysterics, for example, the kharkov gauleiter talked about how
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22 missiles arrived in kharkov, my only sources counted 10 hits, 10, that is a huge number of missiles, a huge number of hits, and the enemy really showed them that they were full of holes, especially with massive strikes, and accordingly, let them draw conclusions for now and it will be... understands that our forces are really in this case an order of magnitude higher, well, let’s just say, infinitely higher than theirs. so what, the most important things happened on the fronts of the special military operation, today, and in general, today we can already sum up the results of the year. well, if we sum up the year, then let's remember the beginning of the year and spring, especially when the enemy was preparing for a decisive offensive, he did a lot of pr, prepared a lot, nato members gave a lot. money, a lot of ammunition, a lot of equipment, and the fact that now they are hysterical there about the fact that the equipment was not the same, and the training was wrong, well, as usual in such cases , slippers hinder a bad dancer, he does not know how to
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dance in them, actually , now we are summing up the results, that is, the enemy’s counter-offensive failed with huge losses, and these losses are now affecting the battle line contact, it’s just that as of today , yesterday it was exactly the same thing, but from the very north of kupinsk we are advancing successfully; we have been repulsed. strongpoint just south of the liman direction, we only advanced 1 km yesterday, the day before yesterday another 1 km, in total over 2 weeks more than 5 km, this is the 164th brigade, just south of seversk, seversk solidar , the enemy front is cracking, on a fairly wide front, our 106 the airborne division has broken through this front and is now entering the rear of two ukrainian fortified areas, just south of oh artyomovskaya direction, here we came to the chasovyarsky ravine, we are no longer... not about artyomovsk, yes, not about the artyomovskaya defensive or offensive operation, but the chasovyarskaya one, less than 2 km left, again the reliable donetsk direction is the same, ugledar - then the same thing, marenka has been taken
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, you know, completely liberated, the enemy, for him this is a show, the enemy’s most important fortified fortification has been surrendered, yesterday the offensive began in the velikonovoselovsk direction, the zaporozhye direction, yesterday there were successful, offensive actions that even they the parties, their propagandists, began to speak words. goebbels, who talked about straightening the front line, about effective, elastic defense, and so on all the way to berlin, exactly one literally the words that they use near zaporozhye, there they simply fell into a mousetrap, now they are simply suffering colossal losses in the esa soldiers are talking about it has already been opened, and the same thing in the kherson direction in krynki , the ukrainian marine corps is now being reset to zero, that is , the entire front literally without exception, we are talking about the fact that this is happening literally now. yes, thank you very much, yuri ivanovich. for his analysis throughout this year , happy new year, ivanovich, all the best to you, the whole country too, happy new year, and good news, of course, thank you, well, if we’re already
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talking about goebbels, there was information that zelensky bought another villa, and it was goebbels’s villa on bagense not far from berlin for 13 million euros, so everything is in order with goebbels’s trace, but the main thing, one of the main results... of course, of the year for ukraine, in addition to military defeats, this is that the money has run out, the money has run out, everyone is talking about it, people’s deputy zheleznyak said that kiev does not have the money to increase the strength of the ukrainian armed forces itself by 5,000 people, the minister of social policy of ukraine, zhalnovich said that indexation of pensions is most likely will not happen if... western assistance does not arrive, and while the prospects for its receipt are not visible, well, finally, the government, the cabinet of ministers of ukraine presented a new national revenue strategy for ukraine, from
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which it is clear that they have been revised, absolutely all tax rules will be revised, including the abolition of simplified rules; a tax of 18% will be introduced on any income, on any bank card, that is, from any one. transfer to a bank card will be subject to a progressive scale of personal income tax , the abolition of all tax benefits, an increase in axims to the minimum rates of the european union, an increase in rent for gas, well, that is, this is the official website of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, things are bad, i would say almost close to disaster, because kiev junta... she, apparently, she expected that the help of the west would be endless and limitless, because she was told that they would be supported as long as, well, until the bitter end, as they claimed at the beginning.
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the americans, under the guise of this victorious one , gave it to europe and stood back a little.
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well, the news is very good for us, i think that it will become a disaster for the ukrainian regime, the front is moving further and further away from donetsk, and i think that this new year the capital of the dpr will probably celebrate in a more festive way mood, since the armed forces of ukraine have less and less opportunities for artillery shelling of the capital of the dpr, in general the movement throughout the donetsk sector is very stable, recently the russian group. made a real breakthrough, a real breakthrough, several oporniks, large oporniks were repulsed, the russian group came close to several populated areas, to several, several cities, ours are already close on the steps of krasnogorovka in the vicinity of chasovaya yar, and are now gaining a foothold there before attacking the main attack, and the movement is already so confident that the units that have broken through even have to... sometimes even
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be stopped, since they need to gain a foothold, they have literally gone too far, so after the breakthrough, for example, by the hour yar, and there a situation developed , when our units, they found themselves in a peculiar language, and the enemy had already tried to take advantage of this, tried to cut off the assault groups from the remaining forces, but fortunately we succeeded - we managed to provide defense; all attacks were repulsed, but still less need to gain a foothold, fortunately it’s good now... the last few days the temperature has been above zero and the ground is softer than the day before, when the frosts hit, by the way, this, these frosts, they became a real test for nato weapons, that’s how i i talked to the stormtroopers and they said that when they captured strong points, there was some kind of weapon lying on the ground there, during the night it was covered with an ice crust, when our stormtroopers tried to use it, these are the weapons...
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grenade launchers, small arms, they gave misfired, and then later they brought all this weaponry to the training grounds, it, it had already thawed , dried out, began to work normally, as i said, there were fewer strikes, less opportunity for artillery strikes, so the mood at the front line was pre-holiday, so i just returned from there , the soldiers who are fighting in this direction on the first line of defense, they ask you to say hello to everyone, to convey congratulations on the upcoming new year, yes,
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thank you very much, and we also listen to congratulations from the soldiers on the upcoming new year, dear friends, happy new year to us . they looked at the straight line with inspiration and even revised it. thank you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, for your high assessment of our unit, assault brigade of the russian ministry of defense, veterans. for our part, we promise not to let you down and to make every effort to achieve a common victory. we convey our heartfelt congratulations to all of russia, may luck and strength be on our side in the new year. happy new year. let's join. congratulations and many thanks to sergei sreda, military to the correspondent who presented this report, you, yours, happy new year, take care of yourself, and we are waiting for your victorious reports in the new year 2024, these victorious reports, oh how the united states
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of america is missing now, and of course, after advertising we will have a hit - american railroad parade 2023, don't miss it. no need to talk, curtsy, our formidable house manager, now also a physical education teacher, any roads, roads, see you soon, see you soon, look, look, i did everything i wanted, thank you very much, no, walked all night, saw fantastic,
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next level. finale, today on the first, bourbon steersman, a product of the stellar group, i am among the pompas, besons are running, where the sunsets over the baobababs are like blood, following the spring. the dawn will come earlier and for two happy people for many, many years, we don’t care, we don’t care, we’re beating the wolf and ourselves, suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked, everything
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became clear to me now, help me, help me, it’s really nice for me to have haircuts, but it’s very bad on the other hand, the january blizzard is calling, or they are wearing elastic, a film concert for the centenary of leonid gaidai, tomorrow at the first, unfortunately, my co-host nikolai fell into tar. "at first we thought it was venom, and then we didn’t understand that bitumen, guys, we need to joke about current topics, for example, recently a law banning lgbt people was passed, well, by the way, the law is vague, i don’t even know now, i’m allowed look after my grandfather, kvn,
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major league, finals, tomorrow, after the program , tell me, when will they come up with russian walking so that our grandmothers don’t do scandinavian walking? well, a patriotic question, well this issue can be resolved, but money is needed. new year's premiere on the first. so, we have very little time, only 40 minutes. why? we have a corporate account for video communication, unlicensed. free only 40 minutes. i foresaw that your qualifications would not be enough. and he sent the best doctor in the country to you. greetings, my dear friends. well, which one of you has problems? “do you think i don’t have my own business, or what, or do you think i ’m washing down caviar with cognac, i’m lost, father,
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they’re interviewing homeless people on the first floor, be amazed polite, otherwise i will upset you beyond belief, on january 1st on..." you, my love, come here, why are you distracting me, where are they at, baba frost, please make our mother happy, she’s working, you have you ever heard about baba frost, we sign, my mother is an actress, and this time there is no magic for me, but it works out as always, only she doesn’t care, she’s not in the role... who am i, children? do you think baba frost
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have you heard us already? you need happiness, yeah, maybe a husband, our medicine has no analogues in the world, can i just touch this brilliant head, yes, this is my formula, excuse me, please, you ordered the snow maiden, yes, i know, today there are a lot of things, everyone believes in santa claus, but no one knows about baba frost. i will work with large strokes, but without fighting. baba frost and the secret of the new year, premiere on january 7 on the first.
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big game live, as always about railways, first about chinese ones. in china in 2008 there were practically no high-speed railway lines, but by 2020 they actually appeared high-speed lines designed for... very fast movement of trains, and absolutely problem-free and accident-free, well , we can also show you the same map of the united states, but there are no high-speed lines there, because they are absent at all, this is a map of railway accidents in the united states states of america on non-express highways, which were laid mainly in the 19th century , have been little modernized since then, so today we have. hit parade in summing up the results of the year, hit parade in the united states train derailment category
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states of america. so, in tenth place in the genre classic category. the fragility of the american railway can be seen in these images. these are snake rails, sleepers covered in dust, carriages that are carelessly dumped in a heap. there were such gatherings this year in wisconsin, missouri, and texas. now here is picturesque oklahoma, this is just a classic of the genre, tenth place in our nomination, ninth place, nomination for carrier of the year, although this is not certain, the descendants of the legends of the american automobile industry, fords, chevrolets, buicks were abandoned in the city luuswell, the train driver, who do not know the number of carriages, in my opinion it cannot be calculated. reportedly tried to get around a semi-trailer that was stuck at a crossing, all these miracles of the automotive industry
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ended up being unusable. eighth place, travel of the year nomination, california, heat, june, 200 passengers of the amtrekt company are walking, apparently to the nearest town of moorpark, where they were not taken by a train that collided with a carrier, a water carrier on the tracks. this is the state of california, seventh place, the nomination in the simpsons will not show why in the simpsons, because springfield, where the simpsons actually lived, but... such an accident was not shown in the simpsons, the real citizens of sprinkfield witnessed a large-scale train derailment. 212 cars stuck in the city center is truly a record for sprinkfield, and not only that. in the united states of america, 212 cars come off the rails
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not every day. sixth place - nomination named after dmitry ivanovich mendeleev. river waters. replenished with new chemical elements after a train carrying sulfur, asphalt and hydrogen sulfide fell there sodium american officials spent 2 months eliminating the accident, while assuring residents that after this the water from the river could be drunk, but naturally no one believed it. in fifth place is the american tuning category, now americans in arizona know this expression, not a car, but a concern. vehicles from cars to minibuses after the ones transporting them . indeed , 23 cars simply went off the rails. in fourth place is the roadside picnic category. montana, it’s beautiful, the place is called, that is
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paradise. the 25-car train ran ashore on the clark fork river. 60 m spread to the train, which was passing across the bridge exactly at the moment when a truck with propane crashed into it. in second place, the nomination does not give coal. one of the largest disasters in our rating, 30 cars with coal that went down in colorado, pulling a railway bridge with it.
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the investigation revealed that a broken track was to blame. well, finally, the meeting of the year, which was included in the ranking of the most serious events of the year in general in the united states america, this is east parada in the state of agaya on february 3. there, the rails abandoned 50 of the 150 cars of a freight train that was carrying hazardous substances, including toxic, highly flammable vinyl chloride. after this , a fire started, the authorities declared a state of emergency, evacuation, and clearing of the soil. it took more than four months at the scene of the incident, evagai has already been dubbed the second chernobyl, and residents who returned to their people, to their homes, complain about health problems, in the area all living things are still dying, it is considered the most serious in america national catastrophe. so, the results of the year for the united states of america, for our,
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well, main adversary in the confrontation, including in ukraine. there is only one question left: what to do with it? dollars that 2 years ago joe biden announced that would be spent on modernizing the american transport infrastructure, they were probably spent, i suspect the money was undoubtedly spent, we can even be sure that they were spent mainly in the united states, because that when biden is accused of that the money is not being spent effectively, he says, well, at least it's being spent in the united states, so yes, that money stayed in the united states, but... we haven't seen any radical improvements in the united states. what is the reason? well, besides corruption in the united states, if we compare the situation with china, then in china the success in the development of a high-speed rail transport network was associated with a breakthrough in the ferrous metallurgy. china sharply increased its steel production, somewhere from 2008-2010. and he did it so that, in general,
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he no longer needed this type of product. he found the material to build this enormous network of high-speed railways. the united states and the west in general have been fighting the steel industry since the eighties. the united states, including, tried to ensure that this industry was no longer so significant, since in their understanding the time of a post-industrial economy was coming , we see what a post-industrial railway looks like. everything in the states. but the situation is really like this, in general the united states was pleased than, they really broke a number of records, well, of course, in terms of the growth of public debt, which has already
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approached 34 trillion, well, according to migration statistics, this year is a record year for the united states in the number of people who, by all means, legal or illegal, crossed the border of the united states states, look how it looks just for the entire history of the united states of america, this is itself...
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us groups in the persian gulf, the red sea, the recession in germany and the expulsion of french russia, the war in gas, the deployment of aircraft carriers military contingent from mali, niger, burkina fasso. well, if you have any objections, you can add further objections, but a special military operation, after all, of course, is the main event, including in world politics, from this point of view, the results of the year. you know, this is very clearly visible in the state of the military-industrial complexes of the nato countries, the military-industrial complex of russia, because the entire nato bloc fought against us, they rallied 51 states at
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the romshtein summits, which were supposed to arm ukraine so that it would act as a proxy force, should have devastated us militarily, the sanctions policy should have torn and torn apart our economy, and so with such victorious reports... i already said, they started the twenty-third year, now the year is ending, and let’s see, well, for the two leading powers, nato countries are the usa compared to russia, what did the us military-industrial complex do and what did the military-industrial complex in russia do, we produced 1,500 units of armored vehicles, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, the american military industry did not produce a single new one tank. we have put new ballistic missiles on combat duty, the avangard complex, the yars, the american industry has not made
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a single new intercontinental ballistic missile, we take the pride of the united states of america, the naval fleet has forgotten about the sarmatians, the sarmatians, yes, even the sarmatians, well, this will completely finish them off , probably definitively, but let’s take the fleet, no need to regret it, okay, let’s not regret it, that means the fleet. the entire powerful, well, the us military complex produced two destroyers, one submarine, such as verginia block 5, our usc delivered for our fleet has four submarines, one of which is a strategic nuclear missile carrier, project bori a with obviously new ballistic missiles, and eight surface ships. at the same time, our country was under the most severe sanctions, and even carried out such a large-scale special military operation, who lost here, who
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lost here? yes, they say, they are very catchy, they think. it’s clear that these are interim results, but what did these results lead to? now the military-industrial complex of the nato countries was trying to get on a military footing, there were laws were passed, budgets were drawn up, but the package of orders from that... us military-industrial complex is not being fulfilled, the debt to customers who were supposed to receive the best american weapons amounts to almost one and a half trillion dollars, 750 every year, but also, as they say, we will finally finish off, the pride of the us military-industrial complex, kriot, which not all states got, you had to be very loyal for it. he lost, he lost, we said he loses, he lost to our hypersonic
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aircraft and missile complex. no one has yet managed to stop them, so the results of the year are obvious here, but that’s not all, we will continue to discuss them after the advertisement. happy new year. in the republic of adegei we have a very interesting holiday, it is celebrated on march 21, it is called the adgei new year, in the square everyone dances to the so -called dzhegu, this is a very cool action that unites everyone. i would like to recommend that everyone in russia try it baikal omul, hot smoked. memories, some bright moments, events, share it with your family and loved ones.
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remember this and move on, do n’t be afraid, your loved ones are nearby, i want to congratulate you on the upcoming 2024 and i want to wish you to remain so charming, brilliant and very happy, all the very things you want and the fulfillment of your kindest desires. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. how are you celebrating the new year? is this your grandfather? yes. where did grandpa come from? from india? how is this possible? happened? goodbye new year, these are sweet
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dumplings, you brought dumplings, yes, yes , let's, yes, let's have a dumpling, come on, come on, i don't know how to say in spanish, at my age you can't worry so much, field of miracles, new year's special, i wish that all your family and friends are alive and well, today on the first day, decorating clothes with flowers, overloading them with all sorts of details, this does not mean creating fashion, but making a dress based on just one line is already a real art . my fashion philosophy is remain yourself, try not to follow trends. i never expect anything from anyone, most likely they are expecting something from me. art is akin to the art
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of an artist. and about the world of fashion, perhaps this is an even more magical world than mine, motor 100 reasons to love gaytai, i write it down, he says, well , you know, i won’t lift a big woman, but i’ll carry a small one in my arms, let’s kiss quickly, kiss, he says spit, here is this mug, 100 reasons to watch the guide, the films simply
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overwhelm you with a stream of joy and smiles, everyone dances, 100 reasons to remember gaidai, our generation, my children, my daughter and my grandchildren watch, repeat all sorts of phrases and jokes, very nice, 100 reasons to talk about gaidai, if gaidai starred, that means that’s all.
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yours, little bear, so that you cry and let the dreams all be the same and let them be banal and talented. how he managed to play the guitar, he sang , but why, just be silent, your heart is crying, you’re screaming, because he hasn’t tamed himself, he hasn’t tamed him at all, i’ll hear you out, hey, the best of the living in me, friends, we're burning the colonies, we're burning the colonies, guys, let's go, let's go neighbors. i love my country from january 2nd to first.
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the big game live sums up the year 2023 in world politics. well, if we really look at the top of the main world events, we notice that most of them are connected with our turn to the east, with the activities of brix, with the expansion of brix, with the russian-chinese summit, where prospects for the near future were outlined. 100 years, the russia-africa summit, and of course, putin’s visits to the emirates, in saudi arabia, which have built new relationships with these key middle eastern states. indeed, this turn to the east became
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the defining line. the global majority, this is the global majority that we spoke about exactly this year, when we said that we are far from alone, we could not be isolated, we managed to gather around us. states that do not accept the line of american hegemony, now we are beginning to develop in this direction, and it is no longer just, you know, such blurred ephemeral forms in which we conducted a dialogue with our partners, who told us we don’t like the american approaches, let ’s form new ones, now we are already receiving brihs, which has already appeared in a new format since january 1, we are now seeing this wonderful meeting, which was held in st. petersburg, where the president met with the leaders of the cis countries. and i am sure that after these meetings we will speak completely differently, precisely in the format of our immediate circle, that is, we and we, the president voiced a number of seemingly simple things in the field culture, sports, and social activities, that is, these are unifying
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factors that present an alternative to the world, the olympic games began to crush us, you began to push us out of the cultural sphere and other things, we say okay, we will build our own, we will create our own special sports games, we will create our own festivals, and then... this list is also an area of ​​cooperation in the commonwealth of independent states, but for the united states, and for france and for european countries, the year was not the most successful, the americans, of course, launched a huge aircraft carrier group that does not know what to do, they really have a very powerful contingent of armed forces in the middle east, now...
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that is, the west is in such a sliding peak, and the same united states of america, which has about 800 bases in all over the world, now they are short of personnel in their armed forces, their problem is growing, but the fact of the matter is that the nato countries are growing, that is, they hold the world by force, of course you need to have means, you need to have military equipment, you also need to have trained soldiers, with trained soldiers they are getting worse and worse when we... roughly demonstrate something completely different, but it’s not good for us, if we look at other countries that compare with us, they too are being leveled, so the majority in the world chose the right road, but the americans and their allies have their own path. at the end of the year, europe
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adopted the twelfth package of sanctions against russia, but in europe the recession is real in most countries, and russia has become stronger, economically, this is also the most important result of the year, isn’t it, absolutely. this happened to a large extent due to the fact that the world economy is a system of communicating vessels; if it decreases somewhere, it must increase somewhere so that there is some kind of even general level. the european union is committing suicide, it is destroying its own economy, it is destroying it very intensively, especially in germany, it is unprofitable to produce plastic, it is unprofitable to smelt steel, it is unprofitable to produce nitrogen fertilizers, it is unprofitable to produce fuel, oils, nothing synthetic materials, everything turns out to be expensive to produce, france also suffers, which now does not have uranium and cannot sufficiently fuel germany, so it turns out that someone. must produce all this, someone must introduce in the world economy all those products
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that the european union can no longer present or produces too expensively, which is why in russia we are seeing such an active development of the manufacturing sector and mechanical engineering, this, of course, does not happen mechanically, it happens thanks to a well-thought-out economic policy that ensures that, in essence, by occupying such conditional niches in the world economy, we process more. our own raw materials, we received an increase in industrial production of 7.5%, direct investment in the russian economy increased by 10%, gdp by 3.5%, while these data are, of course, preliminary, the president cited them at his press conference, direct line, as a result, we can be sure that in 2024 russia will develop and the main thing in development is manufacturing industry and construction, including infrastructure construction, which provides us with, well... in general, better transport conditions so that
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the entire economy can continue to grow. well, i think the results of the year can be assessed as very, very positive and the main thing is that we have become stronger, we have become stronger economically and our economic growth is already 3.5%. and unemployment, the lowest in the entire post-soviet history. both our enterprises and investments started to work.
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military-industrial complex, as opposed to ukrainian, which does not exist and of course, because our western one, which cannot produce a large number of weapons, has developed very, very dynamically, and we have become stronger as our united russian society, which feels very good about itself and feels what is needed, rejecting those that...
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happy new year, and we give the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00, this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. aeroflot will extend the flat fare program for flights next year from moscow to kaliningrad in the far east. about it.


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