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tv   Samii pervii Novii god  1TV  December 31, 2023 12:00am-2:01am MSK

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it's snowing, it's snowing, everything is flickering, and for the fact that you are in my destiny, thank you, snow to you, anton, anton, anton, anton, wait, wait, leave me alone, leave me alone from the pipe, by the way, have you ever had to my lips stuck to the pipe in the cold, literally just before the performance. training, preparation
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, next time you have this fire with which you can warm the air around you, this is a nomination, your mouth is full of notes, hold this to you, and you know what, we can ask you to give us a note with which we will start 2024, let's! i can say that fucks don't criticize me, but i'm gna do just as i want to do anyway, i don't care, just what people say, if i should take an ocean to jump into the ocean nobody.
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greatest hits of the past decade, the best day, came in yesterday, drove through the day at night , stayed until the morning, raised our heads up to the top of the year, gave birth to you, we will stand by you until the end. rodi on small pestilence, sun behind the gloom, smell of owls in the throat, we echo, we echo, we echo each other for a long time, let it be.
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became happy, works, have you ever about baba frost, we heard, we sign, my mother is an actress, and this time without magic for me, well, it works out as always, only she’s unlucky, they don’t take her for roles, who
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am i children, do you think baba frost has already heard us, i need happiness, maybe a husband, our medicine has no analogues in the world, but can i give you an order? you believe, it means it will work out, baba frost and the secret of the new year, premiere on january 7th on the first, kindness, whiteness, father,
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without him.
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he will leave you, but we will seek you, o lord, i will save you.
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time to save him, the undead are looking for god save him, thank you so much for...
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this is love, self-deception, and until the morning i’ll be drunk, whiskey on drugs, the power of vlak, you don’t... now i’m with someone else and you’re busy, or maybe
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it’ll be better for you, i picked keys, but didn’t open the door, and i’m so sorry that you’re not shining for me, remember that you’re not mine, this is love, self-deception, and until the morning i’ll be drunk, whiskey is an anesthetic. you are not mine, you are not mine, this is love, nice deception, and until the morning i will fade, whiskey narcos, waka, you are not mine, you are not mine, wop-wop, you are so beautiful, hop-hop, i’m deleting from archive, i’m in love with you dezhitiv, from what movie, i’m like... to get along with you, i hope i succeed, but you’re not mine and i’m suffering, this
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love is a deception itself, and until the morning i’ll be drunk, whiskey drugs in the clouds , you are not mine, you are not mine, this is love, it is deception itself, and until the morning i will be a gene, whiskey anesthesia. i have an aunt, she worked at baikanur and she brought us some memorable ones from all sorts of international delegations, the japanese came, they had these disposable watches that they threw away, naturally, she brought them to us, but this there was space, my aunt says: that’s it, i’m arriving for the new year, bringing you gifts, and i think, in the moment i think, what kind of gift will it be? if she just brought us a japanese watch like that, what would it be? she says: misha, the first gift is for you, my
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brother, and gives him a lunar rover, which - changed the movement according to the sound, that is, you clapped, walked straight, two, to the right, three, i think, if he was given a lunar rover, if he was given a lunar rover they gave me a flying saucer, now it’s easy, i’m already waiting, she says, and you, vasya, are a half-faithful half-ver? cool air, fast turnip, three days, we are in spring, believe my words, we will live forever, take my word, i promise to lose, days, weeks, there is no turning back, we are in summer. we ate and lost blood along the way, let's drink to love , take care of yourself, i don't know if we'll
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ever meet again, my thoughts are swirling under the rays of the sun, i'm afraid that we won't wake up tomorrow, no more parties. you paint old pictures, thoughts are ruined under the rays of the sun, i 'm afraid that we won't wake up tomorrow, no more parties, but you paint old pictures. putinas, we flew and lost blood
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along the way, let's drink to love, take care of your gray hair, i don't know if we'll ever meet again, warm air, it's rarely fast, i'm three of us, you and i are a devil, believe my words, we'll live forever, take my word for it, they promise to lose. my thoughts are swirling under the rays of the sun, i'm afraid. that we won't wake up tomorrow, no more parties, you're scouring old pictures, thoughts are ruined under the rays of the sun, i give that we won't wake up tomorrow, no more parties, you
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're drawing old cortinas, thoughts swirl under the storms of the sun, i'm afraid that there's no tomorrow let's wake up, no more parties, no more parties, this year you have a show on the first channel, which is called i'm playing wedding, that's right, i probably congratulate you on this, but i don't want you... i stop and wish you next year to continue the show , we play wedding, you know how, we play wedding once, we give birth to a child two, we take out a mortgage three, we give birth to a second four big, the big show is called mastering maternity capital, do you agree, yes, we have something to work on, yes in 2024 working with
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like a light, the city is empty, we... we walk down the street together, we locked ourselves in with you jokingly, we are behind a wall of rain, the light goes out in the wet windows, only we are not there, we don’t know what happens next. as if bound by the rain in our terrible zak, we entered the castle from the rain, only yours, you and i, and it was like that for a long time. light,
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we were saved, waiting in this castle, the fatness of yours , you and i, i am sm orzheno kame se, but morning is close now. the first ray touched us, destroying the magic of your revelation, already from afar, the oncoming one looks high, laughs
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in our eyes, how not to believe miracles, lonely it’s just that we entered this castle made of rain, just two of us, you and me, and we were together for so long. we escaped in this castle, only yours and i, alone together, you and me, you and
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me! every year, in short, santa claus came to us, and i was looking forward to this moment, but all the time dad was not at home at this moment, why? for some reason, but i didn’t pay attention, i always say, but you didn’t understand the substitution, but what, yes i go, i say, mom, where is dad, he says, well, he’s gone, he’ll be there soon, in a moment i'm coming, santa claus has already left, gave
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gifts, i walk past my parents’ room , i turn my head, and dad tears off the cotton wool like that, i look into tears, it’s my father, i start crying, saying how you lied to me all this time, i also worked, yes, for me little daughter, she was still 3 years old, she recognized me, of course, she says, yes, she told me, hello, grandfather frost, you brought us gifts, that is, she understood that it was me, yes, then, when the youngest daughter was born , she actually said, vasilisk, look, it’s not dad, it’s just santa claus, you know, with you everything is like this, but with me everything is real, a real santa claus is now coming to my son.
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everything seems to be okay, but it’s still not the same, then inside, then again in a minor, then a smile for no reason, then trembling on the skin, waiting for the green light intersection with a black cat, but remained on the pillow, alone and not in the mood for girlfriends, their wearily. they listen, everything around is so boring , waiting for it to start spinning, all the girls need someone with whom their light does not rub, as if behind a stone wall, with a red thread on his wrist, a belly full of butterflies, and his heart is tearing at parts, you wrote before him, seven mistakes in the word happiness, all the girls need someone here with their lights, just now, full of butterflies, belly, and my heart is tearing into pieces, i wrote here before him, seven hundred mistakes. you look
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for his shoulders among passers-by, he would warm your cold palms, it’s always like this, with one of us, of course , fake, fak, a broken heart, at least time heals, still a little man, you need a little man, all girls need someone with whom their flame is not extinguishes like... a stone with a red thread , zero wrist full of butterflies, belly and heart tears into pieces you wrote before him seven mistakes in the word happiness, all the girls need the same firenik, how they channeled it with an inexperienced thread on the back, a belly full of butterflies and a heart of the roaring part, you wrote before him seven mistakes in the word happiness, all the girls need johnny, today we are giving out this fire . musician for various things and so we decided to do it so that you would give this fire to yourself,
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why would you give it to yourself this year, well , you’re great, you’re having a great year, and what exactly would you give it to yourself for, here you go, thank you great, very nice, it’s very nice , i don’t know, it’s even so hard to say really, i understand for modesty, i take away for modesty, i think it’s better to say with... the audience or listeners and so on, but i try with everything i don’t know how to motivate, so maybe i don’t know the motivator of the year, oh the most modest motivator of the year, this song is your insomniac, something that is forgotten forever today.
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and what was between us is now hidden there, i shout to you, forgive me, but there is silence in response, if i could rewind everything and not get sick, i would get sick with you again, so that a gloomy neighborhood to die, with a rap about love in the background, in an endless marathon, the neighborhood shouted, stop, you’re out of the way with her, and i shouted back at him, well, try to lock it, he shouted, stop. you are too tough, but i said, she will be mine, and i answered for the market, my world, was collapsing because of her, collapsed in front of everyone, and i didn’t want to save it, but in the kitchen...
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the conversation is elevated tenah, you are probably right to hurt you, my main talent and i say goodbye to you, this song is a sfet, i will become pain for you at dawn, this is your song a song that has been forgotten forever will be remembered today and until the morning you will not calm down at dawn you will fall asleep not the wall where are you now hey hey where are you now?
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apparently the love has gone, the deadline has passed, you are crying at home alone again on tour, that the cadastral records are again, if you want, write a letter to me, i’m disappearing, i’m ignoring you, well, i’m sorry, i know, you want to know how i am, i’m just joyful, or something, how it’s a pity, but how cool it is to remember you, the regime in our empty apartment, the fire, now it will be difficult to return what was important in our ideal world, on patricks.
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happy with him, but remember our dawn, still, still, where are you now, hey, hey, where are you now, if you see me, but this is our secret, and to her, which, besides love, works great miracles, will heal time-battered hearts , but i haven’t seen you myself, i turn to heaven, i pray. i wrote to you for you again later, i ’m here to ask the right one, what’s the reason, i don’t hesitate, let’s say your name, i’m within four walls, the silence of an empty apartment, we said too much, yours is mine, a swarm of weak-willed hysterics and involuntary, i’m inspired, not those later pain mine, will be heard by everyone, heard by everyone, but not by you, and a strange guy. i need
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very little, for your happiness at night i turned to god, you don’t know how to love , you took away your freedom, and i’m in pain for where you are now, where you are now, i’m happily filming, but you remember ours, you’re even louder than everyone else, grandfather to you, i am now
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, thank you, alena, alena, it’s more convenient , this is a reward, this fire is for you, she’s called a swiss, a guitar player, where’s the guitar, alena , she’s on vacation, wow, we all, everyone, all want a vacation , and this fire is for you, let's do it we’ll make sure that in 2024 you have the shortest holidays and the most fruitful year, agreed, yes. days pass, years fly by, the oceans dry up, and you are alone in your soul and eyes, these tears, these wounds, but don’t look, don’t look. you set
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us, stay as you are, remain yourself, the whole world illuminates your eyes, if everything... love lives in the heart, but don’t look, don’t look, you are a delivery, stay like that, together remain yourself, i illuminate the whole world your eyes, because the snow lives, i watched all the films about love, but in life there are also a lot of fairy tales. don’t rush , wait, you’ll see, everything will happen, but not right away, but don’t look, don’t look, give it to us, stay as
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you are, stay with yourself, the whole world illuminates your eyes, if love lives in the heart, well.. .don't look, don't look, you 're on the sides, stay as you are , stay with yourself, the whole world illuminates your eyes, if the heart lives in thought, well, no, look, no, look, you give us , stay as you are you, remain yourself. the whole world illuminates its eyes, thoughts live without the heart, thank you friends with upcoming, what time did it all happen for you,
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27 years old for me, 27, and for you that’s all, well, the wedding is what age, so now it’s 30, but your ears will be cut off, at thirty-three, 33, that is, i have 3 more there are years. yes, but 33 is normal, or is it too late, i’m great, great, great, the only thing, you know, i was always floating, i was dreaming, i had a relationship, my first such great love, my first was, uh, 18 years, i always dreamed of being a young father, so that you know, there with the children on the same page, on the same wavelength to keep up with them, you don’t have to be young for this, i will be useful, and you will be pleasant, that is, or and then it will change, let’s change, right?
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12 months, these 12 days to solve those problems that traditionally related to human intellectual activity, the pedigree from the germans worked against christmas trees and the new year, the malinto berry turns its head, flies in, there is santa claus, he is for children, and there is baba frost, song to order in general , yes, many fashion brands are going into the metaverse to your home, the new year has collected like one boxal setting off on a journey to the wonders
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of konya. can you imagine, the buzykins regularly go to crooks, exchange partners, we could do that too, yes, i remember, today is the anniversary, you will give me this evening, bobby, i’m dead, i
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’m not going anywhere, hello, slippers, such old shoes, i'm afraid of ruining it? good evening, i wanted to warn you, it ’s very difficult for me to start, let’s push start it, i ’m coming to you, this is it. what a tightening, a belarusian tightening, it tightens the stomach, it’s warm, comfortable, no one wants me, you psychotherapists want a new year's adventure, the premiere is on january 1st, i 'll keep the slippers as a souvenir, lesh, i don't even know what's fiery, our reward or the color of your hair, how are you? you think what it’s called
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, fire, that’s true, but specifically for you , what name did we pull from your song, literally, well, definitely not raspberry, something, no, no, this award is called freshly, and separately from the ministry of construction thank you for the idea of ​​new buildings made from alternative materials, thank you, thank you too. i smile, i open the window, i i’ll correct myself, i’ll play, at home i’ll switch to plus , maybe i’ll get drunk again, maybe i’ll tell you everything, you and i are just being friendly to tell you that you won’t make me crazy , dammit, she loves sushi too much, i won’t get into your room
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toys, why do you think there are so many covers now, why is everyone obsessed with the era of reproduction, it seems to me that they have learned how to do it, yes, it’s just fashionable now, you know, here’s fonkremixes, hyperpop, remixes and so on, they just take votes, there i don’t know, and well , this is it. how long have you been in your project? you managed, so to speak, to create on the basis of large works no less large ones , reworking them over four seasons; this is more than a hundred tracks, almost 120, in my opinion there is something like that. that is, well, i just really like
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other people’s music, i’m just interested, and it’s just interesting to dig deeper into it, there is such a snabbism regarding carpets that it ’s well, i have my own conditionally, but that doesn’t stop me from digging deeper in someone else's. don’t bother me, don’t bother me to be left alone, my! sadness, fly away, fly away, into your distant space and meet me, these wings are not mine, i cannot spread them, the wings are not mine, i will never fly, the wings are not mine, i cannot
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spread them, the wings are not mine, what are you? it ’s a dead end, and that you’re sitting alone, and that you’re not making a warm nest, and that you’re not making a warm nest, it’s clear sirata, don’t interfere. don’t bother me, stay alone, my sadness. fly away, fly away, into your distant space and forget me, these wings are not mine, i cannot spread them,
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the wings are not mine, i will never fly, the wings are not mine, i cannot spread them, the wings are not mine. these wings are not mine, i cannot spread them, the wings are not mine, i will never fly, the wings are not mine, i cannot spread them. happy new year, this award is yours, but before you leave, i want to say, there are very few lyrical new year's songs, let me give a start, and you will make it, well, in your style, like this, just like you know how,
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depressive , here, here, it’s kind of new year’s depressive, so, under the tree on new year’s i found a gift, what a gift, how cool would it be? and then this is for him, yes, on new year’s eve i found it there’s a bag of broken hearts under the tree, oh great , at exactly midnight you told me, there ’s another rhyme asking that you’re leaving me, so let’s do it, on the morning of january 1st you came back because you couldn’t find anything better, that’s right guys, keep it up this fire, illuminate our hearts, our evening, then look who is on stage for us, look. how many girls are in the crowd, how many boys are thrown into the heat, the beastly disco ball illuminates this middle, the corpses are erasing the parquet, the dancing deprives everyone of sma and
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takes everything away, the mirror disco ball saddens us. you and me, and two constellations, we are easy to see, but you can’t reach it, you hear, no matter how heavy the sadness hangs on your shoulders, let yourself and other people, let us illuminate in the dark, in the dark, in the dark, look forward in the eyes, head back in the dark. in the dark, in the dark, trouble, no problem, wish upon patra 's star, yes, yes, girls, the boy sprinkles the heat, illuminates this chaos, mirror diskar, shoes erase parker, dancing deprives everyone of sleep, takes the tube away from us, mirror
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disco ball, girls in the crowd, throws heat, duh.
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this, this fire is for you, because you, well took off and it’s called, bang of the year, bang in the heart, and you just banged all over my organs, our bird, thank you very much, thank you for this light, and i hope that this light is once again burned in my listeners, that my music is inspiring, that's what i'm rooting for, tell me what needs to happen at the party so you say no more parties. “total fatigue from dancing, we don’t get tired for a second, and next year i promise you,
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you will have all the achievements, i’ll go, i’ll go to the coal so that a new fire will flare up in you, come on, who is now the most relevant, popular freshman by the end of the twenty-third year, toxicis, toxicis tox, imagine, he and i went to the studio for several days for..." life and guess what, he says, i’ve already given up , i’m not the same anymore, he told the full story of his life, i won’t tell it, but in short he says, i’ve already given up, i thought that i wouldn’t do music, i’ll do something else, then he says he watched the interview, i wonder which came out on... there a few years ago where he says that damn, i found a guy called tox on the internet , a cool guy, and he says, we wrote it off with
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him, yeah, we released a song together, they have a song that few people know about, and he says, it motivated me so much, he says, it’s so huge respect to dana nileta, yesterday i spoke, i just met neleto, shook his hand, he says, thank you very much, he says, yes, listen, i say, i didn’t do anything at all, but the guy, yes, yes, this is a movement, he just he gave it to him.
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if you want to go, go, if you want to forget, forget, just know that at the end of the road, nothing i won’t return you, baby, get away from me if anything happens.
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i threw out the petals from my mouth, sorry artist, what questions, i’ll be late again, i can’t take it anymore, i can’t, full of love, i was looking for you everywhere, i left the bar, i came here to the stage to give you this fire, this award hold it, but before i give it to you, please tell me, here you are, full of love. is it full or is there still a little room? completely full of love, oh, this is your reward for filling us with love,
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right now this is the very first one. new year and scene full of love! forever and far our trains rush to cities where there are no answers, it was a one-way ticket to escape, but tell me where the time is, there’s no way to catch up with the water. when i fall into the summer, i remember them by heart, in fragments of my film, you can measure my path, by squaring the moments, i fall in the summer, i remember them by heart, in snippets of the subway, mogeyki on tapes, you can measure my
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path, i will find. to yourself in the same way as where they wrote, all above forever, come back when pain suddenly hits, the city cannot bear us, will separate again, don’t rush, wait, we are on fate, yes, i remember the moments i fall into the summer. and run over with fragments of a meter of my film , you can measure my let, while the moments, i fall into the air, i remember them by heart, with a fragment of my film, you can measure my path, the city will not say goodbye, breaking our thin
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thread in... for the sake of the years, meet, i won’t let you forget everything, hundreds of tattered bitch hair can’t be returned, here’s my heart for you, promise that you’ll find a way back, yes, i remember the moments when i remember summer, a postcard, meta moheiki on ribbons, can.
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create, because earlier this snabism regarding education seemed to interfere, now i understand that i envy many people who just you know, well, something worked out, that is, you can do, do and it will be strange, and then since it happened that a person trained there and educated simply cannot do this, he must relax himself very much, why are very popular people, but most popular artists do not have musical education.
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your brown eyes, your sweet lips, just you, my angel, you, my dream, i will
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love you. cherish the day in your heart, the whole world is ready for you, i will give it to you, this is heaven for you. these stars are for you, this sun shines only for you, you are my beloved, you are my good, you are my girl, my girl, my girl, as i want you to know. like you only in my dreams, like in reality i see you in life, your brown eyes, your sweet lips,
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only you, my angel, you are my dream, this sky is for you, these stars are for you, this is the sun, it shines... i am for you, you are my beloved, you are my good, you are my girl, my girl, my girl, my tekh, this sky is for you, these stars are for you. this sun shines only for you, you are my beloved, you are my good, you are my
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girl, my girl. can this year be called the year of youth for you, the voice is no longer children, we watched this all season, and today eighteen-year-old vanya dmitrienko is on stage with you, perhaps this is true, this light for his contribution to the musical, individual.
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oleshka, all your dreams, only you have forgotten your earring, and without your leshka, your lice are empty, you are all naive and pure, you are watching him from afar, only a tear between you, because i am your salushka, breathe out, everyone. and beshi, only you forgot your earrings, because you have alyosha, alyosha, you sigh here, alyosha, all your dreams, only
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you forgot your earrings, you forgot, but yes! but i forgot and my blessing weighs at home , you won’t remember about me, and you’re afraid to tell your girlfriends, how you don’t want to lose your little car, you’ll give up next to me two steps away, and don’t hide the tears in your eyes, you don’t know how far away you are, there are tears between you again, because you have alyosha, alyosha, you inhale, alyoshka, all your dreams, only the earrings
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you forgot, because you have alyoshka, alyoshka, you sigh, alyoshka, all your dreams, only the cheesecakes you forgot, you... and i had a cool story, i studied at the institute in khabarovsk, and there was an instrument that i really wanted, stood on the pulpit, i came up with some kind of scheme to lure the key from the watchwoman, did something, i don’t remember, came, said that i forgot something there, opened the door, then handed over the key, and then climbed through some window, that is , did not close this door and walked through the whole night sat at the cafe. cool
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, we already came up with the first verse, we composed the first verse without you, you will apparently compose your own, come on, show me the first verse, look, now , wait, i’m on the phone, yes, i’ll look now, now get your fire, by the way, tell me, this is your first music award, i didn’t have any music awards, i don’t have any tracks, then congratulations, this is your fire for your new year’s track, let’s agree when you will receive your... twentieth golden gramophone, you’ll remember about a human, who presented you with the very first music award, i promise
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, whoever doesn’t love me, i can’t hear you, you’re just jealous of me, i’m silent, i’m not silent, when i want, i’m not for sale, but for money, yes, my producer says you’re half a star , by the way, my producer is my husband, yes , i won’t say anything in response to hey, i won’t say hello if there’s no money, i hear my favorite sound, it’s the clink of coins , not a dance of hands, this is my concert, i won’t make friends at for money, yes, i don’t make pita even for money, yes, i’ll think about it later, but i’ll say it right away. for money yes for money yes it’s me in dubai, i’m still resting, but i’m so rich and i have time for it, all my friends don’t notice me, they see my clothes and stupidly repeat, don’t forget, then i’m throwing away the queen. from right to left, this is my style
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, the wife of a millionaire, i get paid for the concert and i read under the plywood, i bought this bag, these, i bought a ring with where i bought, i bought, i bought, i don’t make friends for denida, i don’t do things even for money, yes, i’ll think about it later, but i’ll say right away, yes, for money, yes, for money, yes, for money, the greatest hits of the past decade have come last night i was too lazy to go and tried to raise my head up for you until the morning.
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motherland, we will stand for you to the end, motherland, sun behind the gloom, monsters, we are an echo, we are an echo, we have been echoing for a long time. friend, let there be friends nearby who will always help. first night of the year on the first. darling, come here. why are you distracting me? it's not a matter of cranking. please
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make our mother happy, she works, have you ever heard about baba frost, let’s sign, my mother is an actress, and this time i don’t have any magic, but it’s the same as always it turns out, but she’s not happy , they don’t take her for roles, who am i children, do you think that baba frost has already heard us, we need happiness, maybe the husband of our medicine has no analogues in the world, but can i just touch this brilliant head , yes, this is my formula, excuse me, please, you are in the snow.
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premiere on january 7 at the first, well, well, a cool song about a disco ball, will there be songs about some other objects, of course, for example, and this is also a disco ball, by the way , what is there, there is a hint, there is a reward, get it , pick it up, oops, and this is for you, this you, this is yours, this is your fire, you can sing about it next year, and this award is for you, you did, you did the incredible, you added on... here’s another person with the last name minaev, and this award is called “thank you that it’s not sergei.” okay, you won’t believe it, i’m writing a song now, it ’s called burn, just like that.
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the silence rule is great, you just look over the door and seeing it, your words that i could throw, sailing on the flow beneath.
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valya, you are a unique artist, simply unique, you went from blogging back to chestushka, well done, yes, i’m trying, and this reward is for you, this. the fire that we put under your creativity is called fire for a reason, it’s called fire, water and larisa dolina, and i thought these were the lights that people send to me in stories, including me, it’s very nice, i’m very, girl you call me yours, and then hug me, and then deceive me, such hours laugh at you so don’t regret anything and love just like that you love love
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me just like that you love love just like that you love-love me just like that just like that you love love me just don't love love just don't love love. me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, so, those, so, in my hour you indicated the addresses of our meeting, you go around in circles with them, but my dear, time doesn’t heal, contact, i lost contact with you, but i know that not forever, we are in a hurry, our watches are in a hurry to bring each other closer for the evening, your hand is almost on you... “i was on guard for a long time, we should re-shoot this movie,
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but we are in the second episode, my driver changed the route, i hear my thoughts in the stereo, call me as valeria asked, your girl you call me, and then hug me, and then deceive me." they, and the little parts laugh, those, so i don’t regret it, and love just like that, and love, love me simply, when you loved me, just like that, love me simply , simply, simply, you love, love, me, simply, you love, love.
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thank you very much, happy new year, if we talk about the new year, about the fulfillment of desires, about dreams, of course, well, here i was sitting as a little boy in penza, looked at everyone there, at the artists, there and so on, at the same vasya, now here we are sitting at one table, like colleagues, and he offers you this chocolate cone, and he tells me, don’t you want chocolate, chocolate cone, practically.
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that yes, dreams, dreams come true, guys, it’s time , don’t refuse older people, in general, i ’m not invited to go to that, i think we need to go have a look and the cones are running out. chocolate, that’s it, yeah, but i don’t understand something, where is everyone? oh, who, oh, who, who, no one is sleeping, no one is sleeping, where are the people? “so we were waiting for you, you’re not there, we were waiting again, you ’re not there again, it’s the thirty-first day, everyone has already
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fled, on business that’s more important, well, if eat, sing, not for anyone, but for what, for the new year's mood. christmas tree, christmas tree, forest scent, she really needs a beautiful outfit, let this christmas tree make us happy with every needle, make us happy, the christmas tree loves cheerful children,
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we invite guests to the holiday, let this christmas tree make us happy with every needle , makes us happy. the christmas tree will wave a green branch as if
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the new year is coming in a fairy tale, let it give away. the shelf at the festive hour, with every needle, makes us happy, makes us happy, makes us happy, makes us happy.
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happy new year. hello, a country. hello country. we wish you all the best for the new year, be strong and never give up. to be the most needed, the most important. and we, country, love you. the most important thing is to live. peace of harmony, we need to understand to hear each other, when the chimes strike, i eat 12 grapes, so that all wishes come true, i want to wish our country prosperity, wealth and that everyone flies into space, only in further development, success, good luck, become stronger , become more beautiful, and so that people want to live in our country, and
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we love our we love our russia. the skies froze with the empty clouds. i see only a connection from the secret past, did you and i ever come up with the idea for strangers and acquaintances, afraid of white flakes, white snow,
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at a bus stop, for a person you can leave, or you can stay, but it’s impossible. to grow apart again. white flakes from white snow, she stopped,
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two people, you can leave, or you can stay, but it’s impossible to melt again, the skies froze. with moonless clouds only the light of the secret past is seen. hello friends, this is podcast format, i’m anton lavrentyev, my wonderful co-hosts karina cross, val carnival, behind me is the group gypsy band, this is roman, nikita, natasha and alexey, and we are together, where good music always sounds. new year is a family project.
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wow, how beautiful, but you , but you, but you, but you, but you, but you, but you, but you, but you, but you,
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fill up my phone, the couple asked, i’m not in the access zone, you’re not wait for an answer, i don’t want to see you again, leave at dawn, i want to be alone, i want to be alone, but you, but wow, we called you for a reason , it turns out you know each other, somehow you met, the song introduced us, the song
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introduced us, so romantic, yes, he came once, that means, on my, this is in a club, in a club , where i performed, on my knees, he presented me with a basket of luxurious roses, yes, yes, it was, in short, i’m telling you, it’s me telling you, which means three years ago, the performance of lyubov senskaya. and i’m like, damn, i have to go and listen to this song, to the only gentle one - this is my favorite song, in short, i’ll go, in short there, i’ll take 101 huge roses, i’m there i meet brandon stone, our brother, yes, so i tell him, brother. i beg you, can you make her sing this song, i just want to listen to it live, for the first time in my life, he says brother, of course, she loves me, now i’ll do it back and forth, i don’t know, she came out and sang no, i don’t remember, but i gave it to her, i sang and you went out on stage and sang the second verse, and it was so cool, he hit the mark, in general he has no problems with range, i don’t believe it was, repeat, let the gentle one run higher. across the snowy field, across
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happiness without mercy, chance, to a distant sinner, running across a snowy field, as if everything was the same, i remember unrequited dreams, alien and bottomless eyes, our shadows reflected, with candles, candles, i know the pain that is not forgiven, and the sadness of which is everything ends, a dream that repeats itself. at night
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, at night, the only gentle one, running across the snowy field, fortunately without mercy, bored and melancholy and sinful, running across the field in a dream.
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maybe not, well, look at navai, he’s so talented, he’s crazy, you have to look at people like that and understand that if you don’t have it, maybe you’re rushing to the wrong place, it’s like he’s so rushed and it’s got to him that he ’s now in stadiums and i can tell you, we always have some kind of tradition for the new year, yes, making a wish, i i really wanted to go to the shchukin school, and i heard a theme that in the new year, where you meet it, you will spend it there, at 12:00 at night i ran away and lay down on a bench nearby.
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yourself popular? oh, of course, 9 billion listens from the little man, he says that he is not popular. so, i think that’s all no matter, the most important thing is what kind of music you write. you had a very long path before you became popular, please tell us how your path began, where did it begin? well, i’ve been writing songs since childhood, probably about seven years old, but it just happened that way, something like 6 years ago, sasha and i met. we knew each other for about 10 years , since well, since the tenth year, we saw sasha by chance in the city that same night and wrote a song, although he had already given up music there and i had long ago, i worked as a taxi driver 6 years ago, i know. and you said people, that you, i work as a taxi driver, that’s how i have a business, that’s how i have a business, that’s how i go to factories here and there, no, i didn’t actually say that, because i’m in i sat on the internet and constantly saw what memes like taxi drivers were doing, but i ’ll tell you, in fact, i worked there for 4 years, and
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i’ll tell you that there really are people there who had everything, lost everything, yes, that’s why i i think this is a decent job, so i worked in a taxi. and then in the morning i was there at a construction site in lyubertsy, i remember they were building a house and i was there i was cleaning the construction site on a tractor, so that when they are building, dust just falls every day, like on the ground, and there is such a layer of earth and dirt, you walk like this , like you clean it, you went through very great difficulties, few people know about it, then yes, i know that you even spent the night in the entrance, you see, all the people on the planet think that when...
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there is air conditioning and you can listen to music to fall asleep, that is, every time you encounter some difficulty, you need to understand what it is all the difficulties, very cool, that you haven’t lost yourself, it’s your loved ones , we didn’t break up at all, in fact, we had an album there, when a good person feels bad, we had to release an album in a week, when a bad person feels good, that’s
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why we wanted to like to announce such a thing , then something like a pandemic there, now it’s been dragging on, and in short, like, we just hammered everything, in short, you decided to hype, not not to hype, we wanted to, like... release tracks under another alterek, it turns out , everyone loves the most popular rap duo in the country, here once there is such news, then the bird happens , everyone is like that, and how good everything is, how great everything is, it turns out, you have hooked your audience on an emotional swing, by the way, let’s sing the bird, one two three quotes a cigarette, a joint album, but it’s just a habit , you go to him. so the bird will call and you will fall apart again, you know anyway, because at first the pillow, crying again, gets bored, if the heart doesn’t ring emptyly, cries again, it’s boring for
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him, it’s boring for her, because i’m giving that trap. also give to the person who has everything, this is caucasian energy, which should always be there, on the head, no, no, like this, like this, like this, anniversary. nikolai tsyskovaridze december 31 on the first. can you imagine, the buzykins regularly go to zhulevina to exchange partners, we could do that too. what? yes, i,
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i remember, today is the anniversary. will you give me this evening? bobby, i'm dead. i'm not going anywhere. hello, slippers, these are such old shoes, i’m afraid they’ll ruin them, good evening, i wanted to warn you, it’s very difficult for me to start, let’s push it, i’m coming to you, this is what, a tightening, a belarusian tightening, it stretches the stomach, warm, comfortable, who doesn’t want me, psychotherapists want you, new year’s adventure, premiere on january 1st on the first, i’ll leave the slippers for myself.
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carefully, please, the new year's premiere is on the first, wow, so what does that mean, well, maybe that, uh, big difference, fresh, big difference, january 1st on the first, guys, what? something like this, we have a new year, but there is no santa claus, what do you think, if we call him three times, he will come, let’s let's try, mandarin duck, let's go for 3-4 , santa claus, santa claus, santa claus , hello friends, hello everyone, hello, what kind of gifts do you have there, i have gifts for you, of course, i brought you gifts, that's oh , thank you, for the second time, but it turns out that it’s the second time
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, dad, well, let’s applaud here, thank you, thank you, grandfather, sit down, please rest, i ’ll give out all the gifts for you, especially since we know who you are , vanya, it’s true, yes, it’s vanya dmitrienko, friends , let’s start with beautiful valya this is for me this is not for me valya this is for you valya we know how you are you change you change the images you can wear it wherever you want so oh valya it suits you oh? this is so that it’s quicker to bring your husband, grandmothers call these balls of luck, so the right, good, non-drinker or drinker depending on his mood, here’s my love, and this is a double gift, it turns out like this, but this is not what you thought, this is for yours... take it at home, i honestly asked you for it
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, you see, just like that, karish, we know that you recently gave a car to your fans, here it is for you to move around i'm happy to travel around the city with a travel card, thank you very much, navai, not only are you a rapper , i know you're also a homebody, you don't go out anywhere, the main thing is that your feet are warm, so this is a universal gift for you, i'm so socks i love you, my friends, so that’s for sure. new year you need to sing a new year's song. the new year is crumbling, soon everything will happen, everything you dream will come true, they will deceive you, they won’t give you anything, you won’t have to wait long, soon there will be a christmas tree, but that’s not enough... if you didn’t save it, hello happy new year, a new one is coming
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year to us, you can freely expect anything, just where is that holy old man who takes gifts out of a backpack for children, hey, santa claus, come, we’ve been waiting for you and your song, i ’m sick of ordering, show yourself to us, don’t make the children nervous, we let's win over santa claus, we're ready. and the year will rush by, soon everything will happen, it will come true that we will drink ourselves to death, that we will be deceived again, they won’t give us anything , we won’t have to wait long, soon there will be a christmas tree, but it’s of little use if santa claus and children, vanechka, we had you back when you were so
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small, six months ago, six months ago. please tell me what has changed in your life, maybe something new, maybe there’s something to tell? oh, well, we are ready for the new year, i finally closed a huge gestalt, which i really wanted to realize for a long time, i skated a tour, my first tour, so i was waiting for my birthday, no, well, for real, that is, i i was waiting for me to turn 18 so that it would be normal, as if everything would be like hanging out, well, not really hanging out, so that everything would be possible. so that yes, roughly speaking, here i am, in short , i skated this tour, everything happened amazingly, i’m still recovering my voice, but today here i feel that it will definitely recover, i think that if we have a new year’s program, everyone should sum up their results for the year, i continue to record an album, i released a video, my song was spinning everywhere, performing at my mom’s concerts and gave my first solo concert, it was cool and i started doing yoga again. it stays on my head for about 20 minutes, wow, navai, how are you doing
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last year, i found a lady’s heart, i have only one love, here it is with this uspenska. so i can call you dad, okay, no, yes any other interesting events that happened last year? i didn’t have anything interesting last year, i just sit, every day i write songs with sasha together in the studio, we wrote somewhere around 70, 60-70 songs, well , sing something like that, come on, i can sing something something new, come on. why are you taking, why are you lying to me about love, i see, i see, what should i do next, if you are dear to my heart, it’s time to let go
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, because you’re lying to me, because you’re lying to me, what should i do next, why are you lying, why are you you're lying to me about love, i saw lie, i saw a lie , what should i do next? i will not be with you, untruth, just like your love, i will quickly forget, i will quickly forget, i will quickly forget. why are you lying to me, love me, i saw a lie, i saw a lie, what should i do next, if you are dear to my heart, it’s time to let go , you’re lying to me, because you’re lying to me, how to continue, why are you lying, why are you lying to me how , you've seen
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lie, i saw a lie, what should i do next, if you are dear to my heart, it’s time to let go, because you lied to me. i have a question, brother, gas, i’m listening, no , wait, my song is called, orders, but in short, in short, not yours, no, we decided to play with words there, and there in the end, well, there’s hide-and-seek, about hide-and-seek hair, i'm stroking your hide-and-seek hair, and we were thinking
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about hiding, it turns out to be affectionate or not , yes, come on, i'm putting your hide-and-seek, you look furtively, let's play hide-and-seek, run without looking back, 10, 9, strands, wavy strands , let's play strands, i'm close to the solution, eight heels, you look furtively, let's play heels, spades without looking back, 10, 9, heels, wavy strands. let's play tag, i'm close to solving everything, yes, it was good , it was amazing, let's play tag, i won't look for you, i'll find myself a much better one, i'll find myself a completely different one,
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let's go with you we'll play at your heels, and i... don't say look for you, i'll find myself much better, i'll find myself, let's play in rows, and i won't look for you, because you screamed into the phone, where fall in love with someone else, but how can i fall in love if she is not you, because they are not you, this whole world is not you, well, why did i fall in love with you, but why did i need it, your eternal love so little has gone away, your eternity of all love has a layer, let’s play tag with you, and i won’t look for you
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, i’ll find myself much better, i’ll find myself. completely different, let 's play tag, and i won't look for you, i'll find you much better, i... and you and i will play in rows, and i won't look for you, i'll find myself much better, i i'll find it
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myself , i won’t look for you, i’ll find myself much better, i’ll find myself, it was cool, my brother also told me as a child, let’s play hide and seek with you, i won’t look for you, it was a similar situation, who are you for me? dawn comes, when you leave, you always
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ask them to sing after you, naughty - you are like warm sand, a windshield on your hand, you are like a bullet in a pole, you are like a dot in a line, sha-la-la-la,
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and i have the same story , we come to the club with the boys, and he lets the boys in, but i’m so, well, i looked very young,
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it’s difficult for me and me, i’m talking about the fact that it’s not, i ’m talking about the fact that it was difficult for me to believe that i could be an adult there, at least for a split second, no one is allowed into the club there, and we come to this club, the boys were let in, and i’m standing like this, there’s like a guard standing there, well, i had guys older than me, there’s a guard standing there, he won’t let me in, and i remember your video, and there, well, in short, some guy rises up... then, uh, the kid is such an adult, well, he looks like you, i look at him like that, i say, yes, i’m with him, i i grab him by the shoulder, i get up with him , he says, listen, little guy, leave me alone , the guard hears this, they start to take me away, i ’m like, let me in, please let me in, your songs start playing, i have this memory with yours songs, so they let you in or not, no, yes of course not, where they let me in, i’m 13 years old, i actually had the same situation only in sochi, and that’s why we wrote this song, sometime there in the seventeenth year we went there to relax a little in sochi, mm... with the last of our money there, uh, in a two-star hotel the hotel room was rented by two stars, no-no-no , we didn’t have money then, we didn’t sing then,
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we didn’t have anything there yet, it was before they let me on the dance floor, with a hamali we come there, back and forth they tell us no, you can’t, like there are tables for 150,000, but we just took 150,000 rubles with us , we arrived by car, they don’t let us in and say: you can go in if you just find girls and then on the dance floor, that’s what we say, well please, at least let me on the dance floor, they say we won’t let you in, like we only eat girls na... you have come true, my dears , play, let me go, with glasses, evenings, slurred speeches, this is not evening, let me go, let me move, i'm on my own, i'm probably going to move, move, speeches,
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let me in me at the dance. my friends, what would a new year's holiday be without the main symbol of the new year, and this is a song about a christmas tree, let's sing, let's go, yes, the fox was born with a christmas tree, slender in winter and summer. she was green, slender in winter and summer, she was green, the heifer sang a song to her, the spelochka bye-bye, frosty i wrapped you up, look, you’re freezing, the frost
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wrapped you up in snow, look, don’t notice. the cowardly hare braided under the jumping tree, the angry god ran with a cross in a couple of them , angry with him, the beautiful tanan came to us for the holiday, and a lot.
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and my wonderful co-hosts karina cross, val kval, the gypsy band, and this is roman, nikita, natasha and alexey, and me, anton lavrentiev, listen to good music, watch the wrong format, remember, love will definitely find you, just give it time, happy new year, definitely, hooray, hooray, hooray, hooray, you're there we walk after each other like you there in my phone, don’t just let me find the passwords for your heart or something, say thank you to the cities that they separated us, why should i be separate from you because i don’t want it like that now and maybe you’ll never hear this song, but i again on our roof i remember how you breathe, you blame.
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i am peter, you are maskva, i am peter, lyudzi , pamagitse, de, vinera, i am jupiter, you are maskva, i am peter on the hellish arbitsa, again you are venus , i am jur, you are maskva, i am pitser, lyudzi, pamagitse, breathe, you are venus, i am jupiter, te moscow, i am peter on hell, again. maybe we can find happiness, to be honest, you are not my fiancée, but you and i have gone through so many paths to find our place, in
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a place.
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frost sun, what next?


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