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tv   Modnii prigovor  1TV  January 2, 2024 10:15am-11:11am MSK

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the fashion verdict is back, many surprises have been prepared for the audience, now they have to decide who will become the judge 's defender, a casting has been announced, famous actors and tv presenters, journalists, designers will appear in the studio and will try to win our trust, who will cope with this task, we will find out very soon , and of course it won’t do without bright reincarnations. so, let’s watch the fashion verdict together now, our episode is over, see you on the first one. good morning, this is a fashionable verdict on channel one, i’m igor vernik with you, i think that a woman everything is permissible, especially the adoration in her style, create and get creative, and i will help you with this today. well, let me introduce my co-hosts, she knows everything about fashion, and even more, an expert in the fashion world.
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tatyana is a tv presenter, for her style is manifested in everything. it's time to meet our heroine. to cope with the stress of family troubles, she took the pills for a long time, but in addition to the positive effect of taking them, an extra 20 kg were added. alexander works as a real estate broker and devotes all his free time to volunteer activities, and is also completing the construction of a house in the moscow region. we will find out very soon why she turned to our program. let's look at today's story in order. let's start with our heroine's niece, zhanna, hello, please tell me, what problems do you think there are - in your aunt's style? about a year ago, sasha, due to gaining excess weight , began walking past the mirror and saying that she was fat, turning it all into a joke, then her jeans stopped fastening on her, and in order to... hide it, she started wearing
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baggy outerwear, sweatshirts, oversized t-shirts , skirts completely disappeared from her, dresses that she used to happily wear, bright colors, she began to dress in everything drab, gray, sasha now has a lot of work, we have a very big friendly family , and in order to feed everyone, cats, dogs , all family members, she works very hard, she also volunteers in her free time and just... the house, in connection with this she has absolutely no time left for herself, i think , which is currently absolutely not in her wardrobe enough femininity, okay, so it’s clear how the family evaluates these changes that have occurred with your aunt, let’s call alexandra herself and sort it out with her. alexandra, we are waiting for you. hello, alexander, i’m very glad to see you.
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accusations, a very interesting comment about youth, as if i wasn’t too old to not be youthful and not look like a teenager, why not, i agreed, absolutely, this style suits you, you feel comfortable in it, that’s right, absolutely, the main thing is what is not visible, that the button is unbuttoned, and why is it that with the button, it’s hard to breathe, it’s very difficult, since we’re all here, and we already know that some time ago you had to...
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take pills for stress, for anxiety, and this led to the fact that you have gained weight , that’s true, that’s right, are you upset by these changes, or are you feeling good in this body now, in the body, uh, quite uncomfortable, but in mine like this - the style of clothing is very comfortable, i took it here, made it t-shirt, went out, went to do things, you mean that early in the morning when you wake up, you are in a hurry to work, so you don’t have time to think through your wardrobe, yes, yes, i hope so. a sweatshirt, jeans, fly to work , run to work, and basically everyone dresses like you, just like that, so that it’s comfortable, someone also dresses, so the head of the company also wears a hoodie from time to time, but tell me, please , sasha, if this was your dream after all, here’s how you would like to dress, elegantly, with some bright note, maybe so that it would be laconic, not too overbearing and tasteful , i want to after all, it’s good to look, when i...
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participate in negotiations, i want to be a little brighter, okay, you want to be a little brighter and we will try to help you with this, although brightness is what is inside us, if there is brightness, then it colors everything we have. style, our way of life, you are in love , no, in love, i am in a relationship, your boyfriend likes the way you dress, relatively speaking, and he was with you before you gained weight, but tell me, maybe he likes it what have you put on weight? of course not, we discussed, yes, what is needed somehow correct yourself, well, if your relatives did not help you, if your boyfriend did not influence you and you have not changed until now, then you are in the right place, the right time, because we have rails. tell me, please, what does
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the head of the subleasing department, that is, you, do? well, i am specifically engaged in renting out premises in sash, before i sort it all out, renting and subleasing, thereby generating income for the company. the premises are of what nature, commercial, large and large. artificially create difficulties for yourself, and then they are always great experts in heroically overcoming them, because it is extremely difficult to sign a serious contract in jeans, here our heroine has a lot of options, and t-shirts that look
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something like this are really really hard, you know, the building, imagine a big shopping center, such a girl comes and says: please take it off, uncle, for many millions of rubles. that is, how much effort do you have to exert in order to force the guy to do this? i strain as hard as i can, i force it, it turns out that nothing was foreshadowed such a decision, uncle, i also have questions for uncle, okay, i understand, in general , the managers of your company, they are somehow worried about the current situation, because a woman at the dawn of her beauty, demonstrating this kind of wardrobe, is of course a threat to the company’s income, of course there is an understanding that the suit is the first impression. and so on matters, yes, but nevertheless i know that i can come to sell well, win people over, make it clear that i am a good specialist, please tell me before you change your visual parameters, did you dress the same or differently? before i didn’t wear shapeless sweatshirts, i used
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to wear more some kind of turtlenecks and tighter dresses, something that emphasized my figure, because i liked my figure, and what would you like to concentrate on when changing clothes, on the highlight, on brightness, because i feel... a bright person, i would like to express this, i want to feel more confident for myself, so that i like my image, my appearance, you would like to learn, dressing correctly in a new way in order to please yourself, this happens quite often, people change weight, there is no drama in this, this is a completely normal process, i don’t think this is any problem, you can imagine, there are clothes in stores absolutely all sizes, amazing, thank you,
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word from tanya gevarkyan, so that now you come from the other side. alexandra, we already know that you do serious work, where you conclude financial transactions and where you need to look so that your client trusted, but there is another part of your life that you take seriously, this is volunteering, tell us what you do there? yes, that’s absolutely right, volunteering is both a part of life and a part of consciousness, one might say, who are your wards today, who are my wards today? animals, these are dogs , cats, i came to this in the sixteenth year, i had a dog at that time, he was a year old, one day i was walking with him on the street, walking without a leash, he disappeared from me, i was looking for him very hard, in a week literally the woman is alone she sent me a photo of a dead dog, asked if this animal was yours, it turned out that it was my
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dog, local alcoholics picked him up literally from under my feet, he stayed with them for literally several hours, they were tired of him barking loudly, they he was thrown from the eleventh floor. when it was sasha, it was a year ago, the very next day she literally took the cat from the street, there was some kind of emotion, to suppress this pain, and a day later i went to the shelter, there was already some kind of team of volunteers there, i went to this somehow joined the team that’s how it happened naturally, and since then i’ve been taking care of animals, both in the shelter and on my own, from what’s picked up on the street, how many do you have today? in our shelter, our team has about 100 animals, that is, the number varies,
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we still have your young man, alexander, in the studio today, and as i understand it, he helps you in your activities, he is a full partner, that is, we we do everything together, alexander, it’s you, yes, hello, but tell us where you met alexandra, we met at this shelter, and this was about 2 and a half years ago. and what were you doing at the shelter , too, a volunteer, we met, i saw her, at first the first thing i thought was that she was a fifteen-year-old girl, because she was all in big things, in scarves, in hats, i liked it at first, well her appearance is paramount because these are asian features, and after some time i found out that she has a son, accordingly i already found out that she is not 15 years old, but i understand correctly that you were just united by these common values ​​that you and. were based on the love of animals, and why did you suddenly decide that it wasn’t just to work together, to be friends,
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but why suddenly you started a relationship, after some time, about a month later , i suddenly had a dream, that is, i and i didn’t think about her, i decided to her, what kind of dream is it to tell this dream, well, now tell us all this dream, well, this is definitely a dream for adults, i just decided first. with a message to tell about it, and it didn’t scare alexandra, in general i’m not afraid of you after this dream, and accordingly, after that we began to communicate with her and somehow it so happened that now we have been living together for 2 years, okay, so you are used to seeing alexandra at the shelter in such a fairly casual manner, but how did your first date happen? alexandra looked the same way, but overall she dressed more in that classic apte style. in general, dresses, skirts, to be honest, a stunning image, what a stunning image, this is
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a new layer, you just have to understand that since we are talking about fashion here, you learn new concepts , new terms every time, so we introduce the term current image, yes, the image of her now as a whole suits me in terms of the fact that it is something warm, homely, sweet, in some kind of answer, but yes, i would like more femininity , so that, for example, we walked with her, and there were other men looking around, looking, and accordingly, the clothes were more tight-fitting, more classic, more feminine, first a man tamed a cat, and then brought a christmas tree into the cave, that's what came out of it, a sociable cat, yes sash, she’s trying to get close to the tree that’s behind you, it’s an impossible mission - it’s not about tom cruz on a motorcycle flying off a cliff, it’s about taking a beautiful photo.
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saw the video, watch with us, new year's episode, today on the first. the engines of the first second stage are operating normally, the design parameters of the launch vehicle are normal. bourbon stirsman, the product, had an affair. the man turned out to be a swindler, turned dani’s head, fraudulently lured state
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money out of her, so you are jointly tasked with finding the criminal, me, you, together, comrade novgorodians, i think you won’t stay in our department for long, you just can’t cope, his wife left him, she went to some handsome guy, he hates all women, you were lovers, you know, this is too much. he has a voice, like a novgorod resident, ballast, a gray mouse, an excellent specialist, a promising detective. subtle, psychologist , subtle, what kind of psychologist are you, where was your psychology when you and your husband were divorcing, well, little rose, let’s settle the bill, run after him all over the country, zero results, they gave you 2 weeks on guard duty, casanova, today on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product of
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the stellar group. i hate my face and want another one. is this possible? you understand that the operation will not help you anyway. your idea of ​​removing the ribs is crazy. yes, what did you do with her? will this deadline work for you? yes, if we do everything carefully, there won’t be a mosquito on my nose.
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here's a search warrant. sash, well, i know that before you met alexander , your personal life was not so rosy. in 1920, i had a divorce, the process was very difficult, and leaving maternity leave with a child, with a mortgage, it was difficult, difficult. and the child from your first marriage, right? yes, from my first
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marriage. well, when this gloomy marriage ended, did you break free and start living? some kind of normal life, everything got better for you, yes it got better , almost exactly a year has passed, and i thought that ’s it, i’m exhaling, i’ve reached the line where the debts ended, when that’s all, i can even save there, already like - everything is fine, just a month later zhanna wrote to me and said: sasha, take me, i’m in an orphanage, zhanna, what, what, how did you end up in an orphanage? house, what happened, my mom and dad divorced when i was 2 years old, my mom and i... arrived in a separate apartment, she found herself one young man who i beat, then a second one who was involved in drugs, there were always dens at home , this person planted drugs on her, she was put in a pre-trial detention center for a year, i was initially taken to a grandfather's home, my father took me and gave me to my grandmother on my mother's side, my mother
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was in a pre-trial detention center for a year, after the season she came out, continued her activities with drugs and became disabled . and the first group, that is she couldn’t walk on her own, my mother died 5 years later, after my mother’s death i was again taken to an orphanage, from there my grandmother on my father’s side took me, i lived with her for six months and the guardianship said that she couldn’t cope with me, how long you were years old then, i was 13, but you can’t cope , why were you a difficult teenager, no, well, yes, i was a very difficult teenager, even after this, and a month before i was taken away, sasha came to visit. even before her mother died , she said let zhanna come to study in moscow, let her live with me, when my mother died, she also talked about this, and i simply had no one to turn to, and i knew that i didn’t want to go to the orphanage, i wrote to sasha, this is the situation, your proposal is still valid, and for 21 days i was put in isolation - in an orphanage, just yes, coronavirus, and in 21 days sasha completed all the documents and came for me, took
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me here, sasha, and how did you feel when. .. i wrote this to myself, it’s such a responsibility, a child, a difficult teenager, that there seems to be no choice, that is, you can’t just live and think that a child lives in an orphanage, that child is from your family, it’s impossible, well, they immediately made this decision, yes, yes, there were no questions, absolutely, i’m really very a big bow to those who decide to do this on their own, establishing guardianship , establishing adoption, because this is a very big process, and even some representatives of the guardianship dissuaded me, they said that you won’t be able to cope with this child, there will be bad consequences, everything is fine . an ideal child, but zhanna herself she said that we have a difficult child, yes, and how the correction actually happened, we talked a lot, of course, there were some conflicts, i am a very impulsive person and... then i react very strongly, but then i tried very hard, i thought how not to explode and ruin everything, so as not to destroy all trust, some relationships, now there seems to be an understanding, what
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we have now, zhana, is something good, warm, what kind of family connection do you have, she is my great-niece, and before how you decided and how you had to, when you decided to adopt zhanna, how often you saw each other, well, probably two or three times during the whole time, we didn’t communicate, we weren’t close somehow. such a disaster happened , you didn’t hesitate, you accepted, i believe that no one would have hesitated, because this is still a family, of course, now what happened between you is a great miracle, a beautiful miracle, that you found, you found each other and the fact that you, zhanna found a family in sasha’s family in sasha’s house, and the fact that you now we’re not alone, now we’re just all one big miracle, but i know that there’s one more miracle that you’re waiting for, you have a pet who... has a home, that’s absolutely true, please tell me one of those who now he is in great need of a home, our team of volunteers has a dog under supervision, he was taken from the shelter, his name
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is rusty, this is a dog, he is a boy, neutered, trained to do everything, a wonderful dog who has lived in the shelter all his life, then he has had puppies since he was a child; he lived in a shelter problems with his paws, we had operations last year, but despite all these ups and downs and the pain he experienced, he remained simply incredible... he is now 3 years old, i want to tell you that i have a son , grisha, he just recently also adopted a dog from the shelter, luna, he called her that, at first there was such a small fluffy ball at home, now it’s a huge dog, he’s completely happy, although of course, at first, when he was telling the story of this dog, they were found together with mother in the pipe, six puppies. they were hunted, hungry , scared, and of course, he had to walk with her and the moon, this path is now to
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a dog who is absolutely happy, who is rejoicing, so, of course, when i look at rusty’s photographs now, i understand that this is a great happiness for someone who finds such a friend, we are here, we are trying miracles, you know, not just to anticipate, but to implement, so i... if suddenly, friends, everyone who watches our program, you feel the desire perform a miracle on these new year holidays, because a miracle is you don’t know, not some wizards, not a magic wand, not, you know, tricks, not shamans, we do miracles with our own hands, if you want to do this miracle, then there is such rastiev, he will be very happy, and we we will be very, very happy, and most importantly, you will be happy, do it. a gift to myself, thank you very much, evelina, over to you , listen, i look at everything at this, and i think, this is what, this is why, when a good person,
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this good person must have such a huge number of problems, which this good person must go through, it’s like all these tests are terribly difficult, a person passes all these tests with honor, and finally life rewards him for all his good human qualities. sasha passed all the tests that she just talked about with honor. she definitely deserves, like no other person, a gift, a holiday, a magical transformation, a change in what worries her for the better, so that she likes her reflection in the mirror, because by and large, mod it very simple: whether you like it or not, sasha should like it. well? alexander. so, the x hour has come, we are taking you into the hands of our stylists. and then we will wait for your return, we will see how you transform.
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well, are you ready? yes, i'm ready. forward. what will the stylists come up with this time? we don't know, but we'll find out very soon. it turns out that we have bodies on our program every year. therefore, let's meet our star elves. a groom appeared, and we already thought 315 million rubles, so the money has already been changed? and a girlfriend
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take it, premiere, let's get married in the new year, today on the first, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. here i am with the people. now is such a magical day, a holiday , christmas, and field of miracles is the truth, a folk show, everyone’s favorite, and the most delicious thing is that your mother cooks for you, your mother knows how to cook pasta, and even amiet, what are you saying, i represent the city of voronezh, and of course, we couldn’t come empty- handed, so gifts to the studio, go ahead.
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merry christmas to you, field of miracles, christmas episode on january 5th on the first, baba frost, i really believe in you , please make our mother happy, this time on your own, without magic, but as always it turns out, something is cold, nastya, i want to pee, santa claus doesn’t pee . and now let’s go to the right, one two three, excuse me, please , you haven’t seen santa claus, let me pass, in the morning you hand in your suit and delete our number, it’s clear, well, think, something didn’t work out, so that everything will be fine, i believe in you, baba frost and the secret of the new year, i forgot you here, premiere on january 7 at
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first. friends, we continue our fashion meeting, a few words about what will now be happening in the studio: the first couturier of the soviet union, krasny der, the best fashion designer of the soviet union, as vyacheslav zaitsev was called, a great artist who created something more than just clothes , his collections were mesmerizing, they were simply amazing, and his genius had no boundaries. was the main custodian of the russian code, he carefully and with trepidation showed the whole world the talent and beauty of our soul, the legend of the fashionable sentence began with him, this beautiful history, he sat in this chair, he blessed the participants for transformation, he was the soul of this program. today we remember the great couterrier, who left an infinitely large legacy and an inexhaustible source
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of inspiration for designers. who create after him, all attention is right now on the podium.
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today we have not just models on the podium, today we have not just models on the podium, but members of the metro family, ekaterina, yegor zaitsev’s wife, as well as anastasia, the designer’s granddaughter, well, hello, i’m very glad to see you, you you look amazing, but you know that yourself, of course, please tell me, you still work in zaitsev’s house, but for how many years? 23 years old, how do i work there? 23 years old, i thought you were 24 years old, yes, i always think so too, so it turns out that, essentially
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, i grew up in a fashion house, all these most exciting, amazing years, my youth, my formation , passed next to a great man, who left an indelible light on my heart, you know, i was also lucky enough to know mikhailovich, of course, he was simply incredible charm, a man of crazy talent. we knew vyacheslav mikhailovich, well, what is called the podium on the other side. but what was he like in everyday life? he really liked it, some walks in his garden, and in general, in general , being, yes, in nature on his estate. and when it all happened together, there were the same barbecues, i don’t know, walks with the dogs and everything with the family, it was super fun. but let's talk to.
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hello, i know you are now naturally continuing to work with the heritage of the metro, these are the images that we looked at today, and what collections are they from? today we present images from several collections, this is primarily the origins collection of 2008, for which vyacheslav mikhailovich received the state prize of the russian federation, and we also present images from the collection stop a moment patterns of life, well , you see that all these images are united by pavlov’s theme pasada and vyacheslav. mikhailovich, in fact, was the first to revive interest in this particular aspect of russian culture, please note that there is nothing repetitive here, it is all handmade, almost museum level. let's look at the screen now, we have this, you know,
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news, a greeting from the friends of vyachel mikhailovich zaitsev's students. i don’t know what my professional fate would have been like if my dad had been the editor-in-chief of the magazine in 1975.
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i’m the only one who remembers about women in russian villages, only nekrasova, nikolai nekrasov, right, but i have 10 animals at home, 10, how does carlson fix the malfunctioning motor of his propeller? first met by russian cosmonauts, romanenko and grechka, anna, well, i i see yours, i love my country, premiere in the new year, watch after the evening news, green mora, oldbar cognac - a product of the stellar
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group. the new year is always the beginning of a new stage. what will be the predictions? vanga said that everything would be fine in russia. can you confirm this? and what will the children who will be born next year be like? about exchange rates? how about this? the dollar, like everything else in this world, has its own zodiac sign. the dollar is a cancer. and the second one. half of the year will be very turbulent, we are ending a difficult era in the twenty-third year and starting a new one, but what will we get in the twenty-fourth, what was told to me, i reconciled myself, everything came together, i was going somewhere to the mountains with a complete stranger, i couldn’t stand it and asked, what sign were you born under, because tanya told me what sign you would even be under, well, i was 6-7 years old, and my mother and i always had nothing in common when... i read that the bull doesn’t like monkeys, i turned around and said:
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“well, you’re not suitable for me, you know, here some amazing methods have been found related to the self-positioning of the body, completely different scientific breakthroughs, so i’m now telling you what vanga said, today at the first, we used to all live together in our country, mom, dad and i, but when mom disappeared , dad stopped looking for her. more than a year has passed, something needs to change, you are young , successful, beautiful, mom gave us a message, the main thing is to find it, are you sure that when you run away, you will find your parents, don’t worry, we will find it, can we say that sonya has soon there will be a new mother, yes, where are they, i’m not responsible for the children, the children of the oligarch, bye-bye, two children were stolen from the orphanage, daddy, who are you, okay, rest,
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yes, daddy, yes, these are very bad children, there are no bad children, it’s you here you’re muddying the waters, everything can be changed until the very last point is reached, now these are my children, secret, premiere, january 6, on the first, uh, on the air of the first channel, the program fashion verdict, our heroine visited the stylists’ room, was in the hands stylists, very soon we will see her in three new looks, but for now let's see how she came to us, your niece told us today that she was terrified of her aunt, i think that at the moment there is absolutely no femininity in her wardrobe, we met, she was all about big things, i understand that in general... the managers of your company, they are somehow worried about the current situation, because
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a woman at the dawn of her beauty, demonstrating this kind of wardrobe, is of course a threat to the company’s income, i feel like a bright person, i would like to express this, well well, as they say, it has arrived moment x, when we can see our heroine transformed, and let's support her with thunderous applause, alexandra to the podium. this is incredible, this is something impossible, look, alexandra instantly looks at alexander. of course, because the main reaction she expects is from her
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beloved man, but alexandra, this is something, who is this woman, who is this beauty, amazing, spectacular, the way she walked along the catwalk, as if she was once in i did this all day until today, it’s amazing, and sasha, how do you feel in this image, my heart is pounding, i’m just in shock, but i could imagine myself like this, no, i don’t recognize it at all, i didn’t recognize it, i thought who was coming towards me, or maybe, you know what, sasha, i probably want to return to that self, to those outfits, sasha, not yet, why, is it just as good?
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that your charges, as far as i understand , do not really distinguish colors and will not be able to see how bright theirs has become, well, the hostess or how stench they will feel the vibe 100%, of course they will feel it, you even carry yourself differently, you suddenly straightened your back, you are completely different it is seen,
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what do you feel from within, do you have that, absolutely do, i feel like a different person, where did the 20 kg go, how did our stylists manage it? in a few minutes, you know, remove everything that prevented you from living, where is all this, this is magic, this is not magic, this is the ability to correctly present your, so to speak, characteristics of your body , yes, i’m right, evelina, you’re always right , dear, i thank you, friends, word to evelina khromchika, in fact, a cardigan is an excellent way out if you want to hide something, but don’t want to wear a hoodie, a cardigan, it goes with everything... you can even wear it with a ballroom skirt and wear it to some very evening event, decorating it with an additional look, for example, a belt or a necklace or something else, by the way, it is completely optional tucked in, it can be let out, tied with a belt on top
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, firmly secured, and so on, there are a huge number of stylistic solutions, but the cardigan itself performs exactly the same functions as... it doesn’t show anyone a damn about everything what she thinks this moment, i hope, is not superfluous in its physique, but very feminine, but nevertheless, the cardigan looks completely different from the characteristics of a hoodie, it is not so loose, it is very casual on the one hand, elegant on the other hand, it is very representative , especially in that color scheme, which tanya gevarkyan has already said so wonderfully and rightly, i... congratulate you on this new feeling, i am sure that you feel protected, absolutely, thank you very much, evelina, i don’t know if you feel protected by alexandra, but we men no longer feel protected, we feel defenseless in front of such
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a spectacular woman, moreover, we like our defenselessness, congratulations, dear, we are waiting for the second image. sasha, do you want to tell us anything? well, a completely different person appeared, more mature, more attractive and more serious, i don’t know whether you saw it or not, but when sasha came out on the podium, alexander had flashes from his eyes, and it’s not scary with such a woman going out together is scary, scary, not scary letting such a bright woman go to work, well , they’ll take her to the subway, it’s scary, but you know what they call a fight against your desires, here you go. now she’s like this, we need to match her, we also need to go for the fashionable verdict, zhanna, well, we invite the heroine to the catwalk, and this is alexandra’s second stunning appearance.
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this is class, now you can see your beautiful makeup, oh look what you are, it turns out, sasha, and it also turns out that gray is such an amazing color, and gray is generally a chic color, very noble, like him coming. do you also like this interesting image, completely different, very bold, very organic, stunning, but do you like it? i was shocked for the second time, i didn’t expect it. we talked for the first time about the heart, what was happening to the heart , it was trembling, trembling, i calmed down, yes, well , calmer, but that first exit, it was
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so a little provocative, yes, due to this color and, so to speak, the swiftness and in heels, and this is how i see you every day, but at the same time it’s somehow also very stylish, very tasteful, and it will be clear, the most important thing for our charges animals because they have monochrome vision, right, right?
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in helping, of course, this is wonderful, but the world should also respond to you with love, warmth, kindness, look how our stylists tried, what warmth and love you radiate, we have here, you know, a lot of everything you need, because this kit is assembled from very everyday things, and thanks to this , any of our viewers can do it, firstly, a correctly selected gray color does not make you faded, but makes... you bright, gray has a lot of shades, the main thing is to find yours, secondly, the monochrome pulls out, our heroine,
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a woman happy with her height, but dissatisfied with something else, pulls out the monochrome and immediately deprives her of any thoughts on this topic. third, even the simplest clothes you have in your wardrobe, when layered, suddenly magically look luxurious. fourth, in any set, especially one put together in a casual style, there must be things that rejuvenate this set. here two things are responsible for this action: firstly a leather jacket, and secondly a cap. and fifthly, it is important to look at this set from the point of view that many of its elements are made of non-traditional materials, for example, the biker jacket is not made of leather or even artificial leather, it is textile, for example, trousers, they are just made of artificial leather and braids. also felt, and thus it turns out that the atypically used materials make quite simple, understandable things, completely complicated and not
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entirely understandable, just take a photo of this set from the screen and try to fold it something similar from those things that are already in your closet, you will be wildly amazed. we are now waiting for the third image with such anticipation. jean, what do you think? i really like it, it just seems to shine, so it stands out in this gray, it somehow decorates it. and when was the last time sasha wore makeup like this, used such bright makeup? well, i still don’t remember when she wore makeup normally. alexander wonders, remembers? about two months ago, when she puts on makeup, she actually looks different. the third one is waiting for us right now the exit of our heroine, and what will it even be? it's hard to imagine, please!
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you understand to what extent women do not know themselves, what potential is revealed, how different you can be, and you fit into one image, one look, so to speak and...
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put on, this is familiar, i mean that a sweatshirt, yes, that is, here it is, a familiar element of clothing, look how perfectly it combines with this skirt, sequins, it turns out that it can be worn in this form, in a cocktail dress, this is also a surprising decision for me, because i had no idea sweatshirt in such a combination, you, sasha, as a person who really spends so much time on helping, on caring, on... caring for the sick, for the needy, for dogs, for cats, of course, you need to arrange holidays in your life, here when you dress like this, you change, and this is already a holiday, you know, we can arrange a holiday for ourselves, your opinion, tatyana, well, i want to say that cats will be delighted with this skirt, because it gives off these highlights, you like disco ball, i just know from my cat, he
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loves it when sunbeams run around... without a trace, do you feel so good and comfortable? i feel good, but besides everything, i also have a very old grandmother at home, who has been telling me for a very long time that it’s time to put on skirts, where are the skirts, where are the skirts, she will be incredibly happy today, for her it will be a gift for the new year, of course , we have a court here in a sense, we have prosecutors, now, dear prosecutors, you with your huge claim,
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what is the only thing you can do now? sasha, today is the first days of the new year, festive feelings, i want some miracles, of course, and we cannot deny ourselves the pleasure of giving you a wonderful gift from our program, all these three images from this day become yours, we give them to you. wear with pleasure, combine these images, take risks, be bold , discover yourself, and it will be an amazing journey into a new life, and if you also want to become a participant in our program, fill out the form on the website of the first channel - via the link that you can find right now see on your screen, or point your mobile camera devices to the qr code, and we'll see you very
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soon on the first one. there is no doubt that russian folk art is dying, struyanov’s life is sweeping it away, only here and there in the wilderness are its last ones smoldering.


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