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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 5, 2024 3:50am-4:21am MSK

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is there something wrong? no, everything is okay. you won't stab me, doctor, don't move. this is for biopsy.
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well, if we are talking about trust, can i ask a question, of course, i understand that you not only asked me to report on patients, apparently someone is also looking after me, what does your question have to do with it, i want to know who, but what do you think? , i don’t even know. what to think, i can only say one thing, she does this solely for the sake of caring for you, not out of malice, so to speak, but out of great love.
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no, no, no, tomorrow, today i can’t, come to me i need the dentist, please, okay, let's go. oh, take it off, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, so, you're a coward, i'm a coward, maybe
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but him, i want to be sure , uh-huh, so that they don't ruin it, you do what you want, he's handsome, he makes money, uh-huh, don't run after women it will be, i don’t know, it’s not like that , it seems like you love, well, it always seems to me that i love, and he loves me, zos, she’s a good girl, i ’ll tell you what, the card won’t answer your questions, you know, help from wait for them. nothing,
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i need to ask myself, look at yourself, look, tell me what you see, scars, i i see, ugly scars, imagine that they are gone now, your scars, what do you see, that's what, well, look, a woman, just a woman, ugh, and you need to ask her what she wants, what she lacks, oh what did she dream of, you understand, it seems to have something to do with it, that i will put it on, what do you allow yourself, but they were already hungry, yes, that’s what, you need to leave urgently, but there will be no trip, he said that he would personally take care of it. it won’t, it won’t, i
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acted as i considered necessary, in accordance with the hippocratic cage, in addition, i carried out the operation successfully, but i will decide this question, i will call whoever i need, but there is no need to call anywhere. zosya and i will get married, we’ll go wherever they’re sent, nothing , somehow, that is, how they’ll send you where, but what’s the difference, your plan has taken off, that’s it, to hell with it, you need to let it go, zosya, it’s no longer your concern, only my, it seems that this is what you wanted for her, happiness, here you go, we are happy, that is, and that she knows she agrees? yes, and one more thing, veperev doesn’t know the most important thing, and by the way, neither do you, i started performing surgery on his wife too, enlargement mammary glands, i figured out how to do it better, a description of the operation plan, i have everything written down, i will tell you everything, and where
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is she now, she is in the infectious disease ward, i had to hide her, she can be discharged to a good person, because the operation is designed for two stages, i’ve already done it, in a week , i won’t have time to do it, so apparently you ’ll have to, great, that means, the bustards have already been broken, they’re trying to sort it out, i’ll have to, so listen to me, go home, if necessary, i’ll help you i’ll find it, go, zorin. i would allow this, hello, grigorievich, if only i knew, hello, lilyamovna, let’s get up,
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let’s undress now and lev grigorievich will examine you, and so, where is zorin, zorin has some problems. problems, what happened, that’s where you’re at, that’s what we’ll do, i’m discharging you, you can go home, i don’t want to, i don’t agree, we ’re not finished yet, we’ll finish, i’ll call and set up a meeting, but for now you can. ..
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you, galina efinovna, could well be doing this, out of good intentions, out of great love, so to speak, lep grigorevich, but how well, we, i’ve known you for so long, you know
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where you messed up, only you knew what position the father of the azerbaijani girl held, only you. that's it, wipe away these tears, i need your help, we will use your position for our benefit, we have been together for so many years and there is no point in being angry with you, we continue to work. call your supervisor or whatever you call him, tell him that the surgeon zorin performed a version on his wife to enlarge her mammary glands, let ’s call, not to put it bluntly, but also
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add that the operation was extremely successful. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. fire work, the russian military destroys western equipment in the special operations zone. our correspondent for the donetsk people's republic. at the position of the strela 10 complex
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. people of science and art, doctors, cosmonauts, journalists, vladimir putin’s teams. certificates were presented to the authorized representatives of the presidential candidate. integration of new regions, development of the digital economy, assistance to business, legal support for government decisions, meeting of the prime minister with the head specialized institute. the frosts do not let up, how to survive abnormal cold, medical advice is important for motorists. for 90 years he has been working several hours a day, the famous sculptor zurab tseriteli accepts congratulations on his birthday. what is the secret of his success and how does he deal with criticism? and at the beginning there is a chronicle of the special operation. our defenders continue to strike. at military facilities in the rear of ukrainian formations. in the kharkov region, a large warehouse that supplied ammunition to a military defense brigade was hit.
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significant losses to the enemy and on the line front 650 militants per day. a lot of equipment was destroyed, including a three- seven howitzer, an american- made poladin self-propelled gun, as well as three combat vehicles of the czech vampire multiple launch rocket system. our fighters are protected from any threats from the air by air defense systems around the clock. dmitry tolmachev, about the combat work of the crews of the strela 10 complex . controls everything around. if we visually see the target, then within 7 seconds we can lock onto
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the target. now the main task is to cover the infantry. any targets that enter the zone reach of our complex. most often these are powerful drones, the so-called wings, the hunting season for them does not stop all year round. from this starting position , five targets were hit, two were hit. i want to say hello to family, relatives, friends , by chance the soldiers ask to say hello to loved ones, happy new year to everyone, almost all the servicemen of the anti-aircraft division, the first separate guards motorized rifle brigade, it also bears the name slavic, they have been fighting the kiev regime for 10 years without malov, i would like to separately i would like to congratulate my mother, she is now also a member of the north military district, we... came here in 1914 with her, that is, she is a military medic, she has passed through all the hot spots, she is in the ugledar
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direction, they are even more worried about her. it is in the southern donetsk direction that our army has been processing enemy positions as closely as possible over the past 24 hours, however, there are now fierce battles along almost the entire line of combat contact. according to naboron reports, russian air defense systems intercepted three hymers shells and 37 drones. here it is near donetsk zenidchik i have to move to the firing line several times a day. having heard the order , the squirrel dog rushes into the cabin first, with this calculation, it has not been separated for more than two years, we are ready, let's go, to capture the target the car just needs to go out into the open area, cairo, i'm golden, found the target, azimuth 10, range 800 , destroy the target, accepted, now an anti-aircraft gun is operating at the firing position, targets have arrived again, an enemy drone has been spotted in the air.
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the hunt is already underway, but during the svo they have learned to distinguish real targets from false ones, when the enemy launches a drone in hopes of breaching our air defense systems. as they say, we have also already begun to understand them, how they work. in addition to covering their units, sometimes they have to protect civilians as well; now these soldiers also have front-line donetsk behind them. dmitry tolmachev, igor kritskov, dmitry kucheryavets, dmitry matyushin, channel one. our defense
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department also reported that air defense systems on duty stopped the kiev regime’s attempt to strike russian territory with aircraft. missiles, over the crimean peninsula 10 ukrainian ammunition was intercepted, another terrorist attack was repelled in the lipetsk region, where an s-200 anti-aircraft missile converted to hit ground targets was shot down. new names of special operation heroes, senior lieutenant igor chernyshov, restored armored vehicles damaged on the battlefield. often damaged vehicles had to be evacuated under fire, or even repaired right on the front line. in total, the unit returned a senior lieutenant. build more than a dozen different armored vehicles. guard lieutenant kirill zakharenkov, the head of the crew of the pantsir s air defense complex, shot down an attack on an enemy drone on approach to a populated area, thus preventing the destruction of civilian and military targets. now moscow, gostiny dvor, vladimir putin’s election headquarters, where today they presented the certificate to his trusted representatives. let me remind you that
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the president is running for election as a self-nominated candidate. in essence, putin is the candidate of the people, famous people who have become... his closest aides in the election campaign, and not an important channel of communication between society and our leader. artists, scientists, astronauts, entrepreneurs, doctors and military personnel, public figures and journalists, representatives of various professions, united by a common cause. each of them today spoke about great responsibility, about what they consider to be the main thing in the upcoming work. report by dmitry kochitkov. to present official certificates, proxies were invited to vladimir putin's election headquarters in gostiny dvor on... first, a short introductory speech by the co-chairman of the headquarters of people's artist of russia vladimir mashkov. elections are primarily about communication. you are all great professionals, people who enjoy great respect and authority in society. and therefore, i am confident that together with you we
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will establish an effective, direct connection between our candidate. fatherland helps the wives and children of svo participants. when we have a special military operation, absolutely all families had only one wish for the new year - victory, victory for all of us. and we clearly believe that our president, vladimir vladimirovich putin, will lead us to this long-awaited victory. msu associate professor anna zlobina came to work in moscow from donetsk. she
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considers the main achievement to be the entry into russia of new regions. then it was to tears, that's why. accordingly, this is where my decision to support vladimir vladimirovich putin comes from, and the director of the sevastopol opera and ballet theater sergei polunin said that he closely followed putin’s work when he was still living abroad. i saw the right direction, the right strength, the right, well, in general, i consider him such a fighter for good, for something good, right. having handed over the certificate received from the center of the election commission, co-chairman of the headquarters mashkov emphasized. trustees have a huge responsibility, of course, the opinion of everyone’s leaders in their professional activities and in public activities is, of course, necessary, and well, i’ll tell you this, we need the support of our entire society, of which i am absolutely confident. all news from vladimir putin’s election campaign can
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be found on the election website at putin, there is a complete list here. authorized representatives, this is 346 people, according to the law they will be able to campaign, attend meetings of election commissions and participate in debates, so in the coming months they will have a lot of work, above all communicating with people, victory for all of us. dmitry kochetkov, andrey saychuk and svetlana barkova, channel one. the next 2 years, 2025, will be the time of the closest cultural cooperation between russia and china. the current order of vladimir putin was published on the official portal of legal information. the document notes that the decision was made for further development of russian-chinese relations and expansion of bilateral ties in the field of culture. government. instructed to approve the composition of the russian part of the organizing committee, as well as ensure interaction with the chinese side. i will add that this year russia and china are celebrating another important historical date: 75 years since
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diplomatic relations were established between our countries. integration of new regions, digital platforms, citizens' rights and business support. expert assessment of the most important bills, the main task of the special institute under the government of russia. prime minister mikhail mishustin met today with its head teli. there are many requests and we are preparing almost 2,500 opinions on draft federal laws. the opinion of scientists always takes into account,
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and for us this is very valuable. we find those legal risks that are sometimes hidden for developers. the main thing is that the recipients of the law, citizens, can freely receive the benefits that they have the right to count on. khabrieva noted that her institute gave an opinion, including on more than 200 bills concerning new regions of russia. they must ensure the integration of new entities into the single legal space of russia and enable residents of these regions to feel the advantage of the russian legal order. the digital economy is rapidly developing in russia, and of course, the laws that regulate it should not lag behind these.
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information, its replication and delivery to users, but there is also an application on the mechanism of collections on digital property,
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this is also new, no doubt a lot nuances, you are absolutely right that everything is changing, today those tools that worked, due to the emergence of new digital tools, digital assets, they will simply be useless in law enforcement, and it would be great, of course, to work through feedback with colleagues. from the information technology sector, there was a conversation about the contribution of the institute’s experts to simplify life for business. this is actually the elimination of redundant, inappropriate requirements, obligations that we have accumulated over the years in legislation, the so-called regulatory geletin. the institute is actively involved in this, please tell me how this work is happening now? it was lawyers, the legislative institute of comparative management, who proposed legal filters, so-called , in order to select those acts that are no longer...
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jurisprudence and jurisprudence. we have established a full cycle of training scientific personnel, which prepares serious specialists in the field of master's, postgraduate, and doctoral studies. for new regions, taking into account some logical difficulties, we offer, developed an individual educational trajectory. look, postgraduate and doctoral studies at your institute were created in... noted that, despite the venerable age of the institute, the bulk of its specialists are young people, and this is encouraging. artyom antonov, alexey simonov, 1991 white house national security spokesman john kirby made a frank admission that america no longer has money to support ukraine. new relief packages can only be released if congress approves funding, which is not happening yet. considering the multi-trillion-dollar domestic debts, it is hardly possible to count on approval
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, against this background, or maybe... considering the new year holidays and the miracles that many expect from them, kirby even talked about a magic bag, probably referring to the federal reserve system of america, which can print money uncontrollably. the president signed the last security aid package, we had the money for it, that's all. and in order for us to continue to provide assistance to ukraine, we need approval for additional funds. now every time we sign, one of these packages always passes several days, if not weeks, that is, not everything that was signed.
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he screams, resists, calls for help, but one against three the chances are small. most likely, this guy, like many others, caught on the street, at home, in a sports club or store, will soon find himself in a trench, and his fate is not enviable, unless, of course, he surrenders. abnormal frosts. residents of several european countries are testing their strength. temperature record set in finland this winter - -42.5°. such frost for finland, despite the fact that it is a northern country, is a serious challenge. dozens of long-distance trains have been cancelled, buses and trams operate intermittently. in neighboring sweden it is even colder, -43.5. it was so cold in the kingdom in january for a quarter of a century. at the same time , heavy snowfall covered the southern regions of the country. hundreds of
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cars are stuck on the highways. rescue operations. or the military, but still some drivers had to wait 13 hours for help. peak morozov in central russia. last night in the capital became the coldest since the beginning of winter - more than 27. the moscow region is even colder, almost 32° below zero. this temperature was recorded by the weather station in klin. in st. petersburg , the daily temperature record, which stood for more than half a century, was broken. in the morning it was almost -25, in the regions, the most severe frosts were in vologda, there in the morning it was about forty, and this is also a new record. how to survive the siberian frosts for residents of cold in the tver, tula, yaroslavl regions, who are not accustomed to such temperatures, our correspondent looked into northern capital, alena germanova. frost and sun, it’s a wonderful day, of course, but no matter how you warm yourself, literally everything freezes, your arms,
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legs, of course, your face. there hasn’t been a frosty january 4 in st. petersburg for the last 73 years, the temperature has exceeded -25, this is on the thermometer, it feels like the frost has long been over 30 from the cold, it’s cramping the cheekbones, they’re freezing, even those who seem to have long been accustomed to the cold, very it’s cold, it’s warmer here in the urals, 27, but the cold is somehow easier to bear there, we came for a week, we need to wander around with arkhangelsk, at home -35, come here to warm up. but it’s cold, but how beautiful, in finally not cloudy st. petersburg , the peter and paul fortress, the neva bridges, the dome and the sakievsky cathedral are buried in clouds of frosty steam , frost is better than rain, so you can walk , at least in small dashes, but in the snow, near at the russian museum , many local residents are crowded in line by hundreds of tourists, on the way to art the severe frost is not an obstacle, they will then warm up inside, they came to show the russian museum to the child, so that he knows, they get a little excited
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and warm tights. and pants, blouses, t-shirts , we’ve put everything on, we’ll still be standing, but with such frost, it’s no joke, winter heating points in the city have been switched to round-the-clock operation, it seems like everyone has known for a long time, clothes should be multi-layered, shoes should still be loose in in the traditional emergency rooms in the winter, he slipped, a cast, frostbite of the first degree has already been added, when the arms or legs suddenly lost sensitivity and turned white, with such symptoms every person comes to the head of traumatology, sumit chevla winter, i'm from india from india. i’ve been in russia for a very long time, i’ve been here for 24 years, so i’m already used to this frost, so it won’t surprise me anymore that they will decide correctly that when you take off your hat, you should never cover your nose, because the steam-condensation that forms freezes , then we are breathing icy air , also at risk of infection, well, being in the world, in the cold, you want to go for a walk, breathe clean air, well, the world, especially children in such frosts, it is better for them to generally stay at home, doctors in st. petersburg and moscow advise, the capital is ahead today.


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