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tv   Vremya  1TV  January 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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i won this game, it’s incredibly nice, i’m happy, maybe it’s the eve of my birthday, such a miracle happened today, thank you, dear ones, all those who watched today, all those who were rooting for me, thank you, dear studio , for your applause, for your support, without you nothing would have happened. hello, the program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, the main event of the day. 3 years in the circle of goodness, more than 23 thousand children with serious illnesses received the necessary treatment. results
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of the fund created on the initiative of the president. the whole country supports vladimir putin's election headquarters in moscow, and signatures from twenty regions have already been delivered. in the rest, collection continues. and the important decision of the central election commission registered the first candidates from the party. strikes on arsenals and command posts of ukrainian militants are the main events of special operations this week. report from the front line about the battles for bogdanovka. our military does not allow the enemy to return. strategically important height. floated away from uncomfortable questions, the vice-chancellor of germany did not talk to farmers who are outraged by the authorities’ plans cut subsidies to increase aid to the kiev regime. drone protection. the latest systems were shown at a training ground in the krasnodar territory, advanced models are already in the zone of a special military operation. the soul
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of the russian donbass, the day of the donetsk people's republic at the russia exhibition, who became the four millionth visitor to the grandiose exhibition at vdnkh. when goodness is transferred from heart to heart, from hand to hand, which holds this circle that is incredibly necessary for everyone. exactly 3 years ago, on the initiative of president vladimir putin, a state circle of good foundation. and during this time, 23,425 children received a chance to live, were given the opportunity to correct in their state of health what had previously seemed impossible. in order to save children with serious illnesses and receive the necessary treatment and expensive medications, the state has allocated 210 billion rubles. and now in the little beauty vasilisa it is difficult to recognize the girl who could not eat on her own, was constantly in pain and lived with tubes in her throat, but now she is real.
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fox beauty is active and cheerful, and artyom’s heart now beats evenly and can withstand a greater load and the strength of emotions, and now he will not fall, and his mother will not cry, and emilia will begin to grow, and her mother will proudly show our correspondent her growth chart, which is not at all the same as before, behind all these miracles there are people who stand like this, holding hands and so tightly that this is a circle of good. it’s impossible to tear it apart, you see that there is so much white, everything is cold, in her 2 years vasilisa sees snow for the first time and is very surprised why it burns her hands, she spent last winter in hospitals, there was no time for walks, look how beautiful the christmas tree is, big, big, we introduced you to this curious girl 3 months ago, she was born with a rare diagnosis, an undeveloped lower jaw.
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indeed, during the time after the operation, she seemed to blossom, she began to run past the mirror there, she would move her jaw, stick out her tongue, look at herself in the mirror, what had changed, well, from the outside it looks very funny, of course. i still have to
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work on my bite, learn to breathe without tubes, but doctors are already confident that she will not be different from her peers. we are leading to this so that her quality of life will finally improve, these two wounds that remain will heal. together with the news chief of the first, kirill klemenov, they were just in time for the start of the next issue. the woman who goes near the nose, if she gets sick here, i
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’ll play for her too well. but almost immediately it becomes clear that tyomka is more interested in working behind the scenes. attention, motor. and a pen, oh, well done, it’s all green, but there’s nothing in it no, and of course, the most interesting thing for a boy is to find out how the virtual studio works, here in a second you can be transported, for example, to the north pole, one two, three, come on, we have the north pole, or reach out with your hand to a helicopter, look, you’re a pilot waves his hand, look, you see the doctor waves at you, great, you see, he waves his hand at you, higher and further, in the midst of the excursion, his mother asks artyom a seemingly ordinary question: the fact is that tyoma has a very rare heart disease, it could stop at any moment, and no doctor knows why. we never had any symptoms with artyom , he never complained about his heart, on march 27 the child went to school and simply didn’t make it, he collapsed near the school, we had a stoppage of 16
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seconds, the child came to his senses only after a defibrillator discharge, then the boy’s cardiac defibrillator was installed inside, but this was not enough, the circle of good foundation purchases for... pills, thanks to which his heart beats smoothly. it seems that the mother still does not believe that everything is wrong with her son. good, because she experienced incredible grief. in the twentieth year, my eldest son died, at the age of 6.8, the child just went to sleep and did not wake up. and after that, we began to examine artyom very, well, more deeply. in 3 years, the circle of goodness has already taken 23,000 children under its care, and allocated more than 200 billion rubles for their treatment. the fund's budget is formed thanks to an increased tax rate for those whose annual income is more than 5 million. the circle of goodness not only changes the lives of families, but also helps charitable foundations. we we literally freed their hands, we took on the most difficult ones, we buy medicine. in this
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way, foundations can direct their efforts to help children with education, leisure, and help parents. hello. the beneficiaries of the charity foundation are not small people, they even made this christmas tree in gratitude. their palms, the circle of goodness buys medicine for them that helps bones grow, and the foundation directs its efforts, for example, to the development of an accessible environment and the development of special clothing. all our employees will be incredibly pleased to see, in fact, why we are working, so that everything is fine for the children. one of these palms was painted by emilia. just on her toes, almost stopping, okay, now measure her height, she runs with pleasure. emilia has achondroplasia. previously, it was believed that people with this diagnosis could grow no more. but for a year and a half now, my mother’s princess has been taking medicine from the circle of goodness and
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is changing, as if by magic, these are the most expensive ampoules for us, there is progress, it turns out that we have grown by, well, by 10 seconds even half. then he can grow by 4 cm in a year, that is, that’s all, we haven’t even changed the size of our clothes from one year to two, emilia, tell me, khinkali, in september emilia went to first grade with everyone else, she and her mother now want don’t hide at home, but leave every moment in your memory. great, do you like it? if there is a cure for the disease, there is no doubt. the circle of good will do everything to ensure that it reaches the child as soon as possible and gives him the opportunity to enjoy life. olga pautova, daria rybakova, ilya marina, ivan pokhomov and anastasia beristenko, channel one. now news of the presidential campaign:
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moscow, gostiny dvor. vladimir putin's central election headquarters is receiving signature sheets from more and more regions. let me remind you that the president is going to the elections as himself. mover. the work of collecting signatures in his support continues throughout the country, and the electoral commission has meanwhile registered the first candidates running for the highest government post. olga knyazeva has details. vladimir putin's central election headquarters is counting the collected signatures already in twenty regions: moscow, st. petersburg, belgorod, bryansk, vladimir, voronezh regions and other documents are brought by volunteers, then carefully checked by lawyers. for self-promoters , the pre-election process is more difficult than for candidates from parliamentary parties. the central election commission has accepted the documents, and then the mandatory collection of 300 thousand signatures is required. putin’s voters had already collected more than half a million before the new year, but they will not stop the collection; everyone will be able to express support for the president. let me remind you that on december 30 documents are also here volunteers from the moscow region delivered it,
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we have another 69 regions that will bring all the collected signatures one by one, and of course the collection of documents throughout the country, it continues. the parliamentary parties united russia and a just russia did not nominate their candidates for the truth, emphasizing that they thereby support putin in these elections. leonid slutsky is participating from the ldpr. today he was the first to receive an official certificate of registration of a candidate for the post of head of the country. immediately declared that there was a big one ahead work, i need to visit 30 regions to personally hear what worries voters, based on these problems that people will highlight, people themselves will form my agenda as a candidate, we will try to prove once again that we, the ldpr, are the party that knows how to solve the most ...
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all those who want to live in a rich, free country and join our team. despite the new year holidays, the cycle is in full swing with the collection, verification, and sorting of documents from, as pomfilova put it, candidates for candidates. total nine applicants from the party announced their participation in the presidential elections in russia, everyone’s documents were accepted, and there were also 24 self-nominated candidates, the list of which was eventually greatly reduced. of the twenty-four people who strived for this, six only reached this stage.
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in the next 48 hours. olga knyazyeva, sergey zolotabin, svetlana barkova, alexander gornostaev. first channel. the ministry of defense summed up the results of the week's combat work. the russian army daily carried out precision strikes on the enemy’s military infrastructure, including including in kiev and the region, as well as in western ukraine. and here is the result. in the period from december 30, 2023 to january 5 of this year, 41 group attacks were carried out by the armed forces of the russian federation. complex of ukraine,
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military airfield infrastructure, arsenals and fuel depots. in addition, strikes were carried out at points of deployment of units of the armed forces of ukraine, formations of nationalists of foreign mercenaries. all designated targets are hit. reports from the front show the attacking potential of the ukrainian formations. palpably decreased, in a week there were 37 attempts, most of which our troops repulsed in the kupinsky direction, while russian fighters are destroying enemy manpower and equipment everywhere, the total loss in the ssu in 7 days was over 4,500 people, 13 ukrainian soldiers surrendered. among the damaged equipment there is a german leopard-2 tank, several american bradley infantry fighting vehicles, howitzers, multiple launch rocket systems, including nato ones, in addition to drones and missiles of various types, a su-27 fighter and a helicopter. and eight ukrainian air forces. new names of
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special operation heroes. senior sergeant olga arzamastseva, senior operating nurse, has been saving the lives of our soldiers since the first days of the northern military district. during her service in the special forces medical unit, she helped put more than 3,000 military personnel back on their feet. sergeant egor egorov, commander of the grad rocket launcher crew, repelled the attack, despite the enemy's numerical advantage. the sergeant's crew quickly changed positions and hit targets one after another. eventually. the militants were thrown back starting positions. one of the hottest spots on the front right now is bagdanovka in the donetsk republic, a small village of strategic importance that’s why. ukrainian formations were intensively digging in there after they were knocked out of artyomovsk very close, literally a couple of kilometers away, to the city of chasov yar, the main fortified ukrainian armed forces in this direction. the guardsmen of the northern fleet have already recaptured more than half of bogdanovka, and the volunteers of the north unit are advancing in parallel, covering the flanks. amir yusupov works on the front line, here is his report. the militants tried for three days
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to regain the lost commanding height near the village of bogdanov. all the attacks were repelled by the soldiers of the north volunteer corps unit, shot, they tried to counterattack, they even rushed the tanks, but alas, our guys will be more serious, shot, the artillerymen had the most work , they had the main firepower at their disposal, for the entire time of my business trip, this was perhaps, probably the most intense. because the daily consumption reached 150-200 shells, the enemy tried with all his might to destroy crews harassing him, our wing was very strong here, they flew right very close , the tank was working on us, they probably saw the breastplate that we have there, it was all dismantled, but even under heavy fire the guys continued to cover the infantry, largely
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thanks to the artillerymen managed to hold the strategic point, we understand perfectly well that we are saving lives, we are all working as a soldier, that is, for that... fighter for that attack aircraft who is in the trench, a simple russian infantry vanya von ton, where the most important character is, and we all tell him we help. while the 200th guards brigade of the northern fleet is liberating bogdanovka itself. the north unit goes around the village, thereby preventing the enemy from hitting their comrades from the flanks . as i understand it, bogdanovka is already visible, right? yes, bogdanovka, well, her allies are storming her. we protect the forest fields to the right. that is, you are walking in parallel, right? yes, in parallel. bogdanakh came in, we’ve already taken more than half of it, everything is slowly, little by little, i think we’ll take it a little bit now and soon, our guys still have a lot of battles to fight for nearby heights, just imagine, our guys occupy, say, a forest belt or a village like this one in the lowlands and then we have to storm the heights,
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it’s difficult to climb here, during the assault the guys carry 20-30 kg with... equipment and for the enemy they are like in the palm of your hand, you fall 15 times, you walk, and at the same time they still impose on you at this moment, well, yes, well, spartan conditions, well, they are worth it, i think, they harden you, and the shells on this section of the front, the enemy is not saving yet, the mines are constantly flying, noisy, noisy, noisy. and cassette ammunition explodes in the air, sometimes, however , it does not explode and reaches the ground , turning into anti-personnel mines, stepping on it will tear off at least half of your foot, despite the dense barrage fire, ours are moving forward, the other day
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we advanced another kilometer parallel to bogdanovka, another strategic point was taken, captured, like here... the region, 10 ukrainian missiles were destroyed. the ukrainian armed forces again tried to hit civilians and civilian objects. in belgorod , two men received shrapnel wounds and were damaged. apartment buildings three dozen cars. support for the russian city, which suffered from barbaric attacks by militants of the kiev regime, was expressed in serbia. basketball fans
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hung up posters like these at a euroleague match. belgorod, we are with you. it is symbolic that this was a derby between principle rivals. at the expense of western funds, the main sponsor of washington has problems, they can’t agree on a new aid package and expect that now the beggar zelensky will be fed with money by european allies, although more precisely say vassals, because... this is how overseas lords treat them. germany wants to listen. berlin is going to double spending on ukraine to 8 billion euros. there are no free funds, where to get money.
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they cut expenses for their own citizens. the abolition of subsidies for agricultural producers is being discussed. farmers, naturally, are not happy with this. they decided to discuss the issue directly with one of the key players in the government, scholtz. what came of it? in the report by ivan blagov. robert habeck reached the shore already deep at night, a leading german publication quotes his comment: the vice-chancellor complains about the tense mood in the country. as a minister, i am under police protection,
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many, many other people have to fight off an attack alone, they are alone with their insecurities, they are the heroes and heroines of democracy. earlier, robert khabik called on his fellow citizens to be prepared to increase spending to support ukraine. the new budget for military assistance to kiev provides for 8 billion euros, a double increase, at the same time the german government. saves by cutting into including subsidies to their own farmers. the latter caused such a violent reaction. in december, farmers paralyzed traffic in central berlin for a day. this is not the first time that the vice-chancellor has listened to what the people of the country think about the policies of the current government. these sanctions hit russia hard. habaek, by the way, is also not the first time avoiding meetings with dissatisfied citizens. here, for example, is the case in dresdon during a period of sharp rise in energy prices due to anti-russian sanctions. habaek was such a coward that he didn't use the main entrance, not even the side one. took advantage of it. no, he apparently fled through the basement into another building and then quickly
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jumped into the car. commenting on the incident in persian, an official representative of the german government announced a violation of the rules of democratic coexistence. the flensburg prosecutor's office has launched an investigation against unknown persons on suspicion of coercion. the point is that khabik was not allowed to leave the ferry, punished by up to 3 years in prison or a fine. from point of view. dangers, to what extent was it justified in principle for habiq to speak with the protesters, opinion in the country will probably be divided, many germans remember how chancellor helmut kohl behaved in such situations, he was not afraid of direct communication with aggressive citizens, so they throw eggs at him, and kohl does not even think of retreating, however, we are talking about another generation of germans politicians, things are going so badly for the current ruling coalition that the bilt publication began to disperse rumors about the possibility of the early resignation of chancellor scholz; according to a survey conducted for the newspaper, more than half of germans believe the current government will collapse in... within this year. at the same time, only 10% of respondents consider scholz to be a strong leader. what about farmers? against the backdrop of the threat of new large-scale protests, berlin apparently decided to retreat. subsidies for diesel fuel for farmers
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will not be canceled all at once, but will be applied gradually. this is a partial failure. and this, of course, is not enough. if you do it only halfway, it won't be better. the german peasant union distanced itself from the incident with habik; now it is preparing for new large-scale actions. january 8 in germany is due the so-called week begins. strikes, a whole series of protests throughout the country. farmers, for example, plan to block roads. the culmination is a grand demonstration here in the center of berlin. it is scheduled for january 15th. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, artyom pekhterev, channel one. aggravation of the situation on the korean peninsula. pyongyang and siul conducted firing in the area of ​​the northern demarcation line, hundreds of artillery shells were fired, and residents were evacuated on one of the south korean islands. joint answer the maneuvers of south korea and the united states, which ended just today and were accompanied by live firing
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, are said to have been forced to respond to the dprk’s teachings, which south korea regarded as a provocation. a link between science, industry and the armed forces, this is what the ministry of defense says about the era technopolis in the krasnodar region. one of the areas of work is drones and means of combating them. the latest complexes today. showed at the test site, the results of the work were assessed by the technopolis council, the meeting was chaired by the deputy prime minister, minister of industry and trade, denis manturov. our correspondent, pavel cholkin, knows the details. now we see the result of the work of one of the newest systems for countering combat drones. members of the council of the technopolis of the ministry of defense era at the raevsky test site near novorossiysk got acquainted with how the anti-drone equipment developed and produced at ira operates. these are not only promising samples, but also those that are already entering the northern military district zone. the head of the ministry of industry and trade heads the council of the military technopolis, who today held an offsite meeting
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directly. at the training ground, today we see how quickly the requests of the customer , the ministry of defense, and other law enforcement agencies change regarding the armament of military equipment that is used in the northern military district zone, and practically there every week, the approaches to conducting combat operations and the use of new forms are also changing and technology to achieve results with our armed forces, we have the opportunity to summarize live the results of the work for this year - the technopolis of the era - together with industry, with representatives of e.
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direction for innovative development of the ministry of defense, the ministry of defense created this research and production cluster in 2018 in order to reduce the time required to create the latest military and special equipment, that is, weapons of the future are being developed here, including counter-drone means, including complexes capable of protecting stationary and mobile objects from drones, airplane, helicopter and multi-rotor types, as well as kamikaze drones, including in conditions of shortage.
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have already seen with our own eyes today stage of implementation, at the stage of either already being delivered to the armed forces or at the stage of preparation for serial and mass production. the technopolis council paid special attention to the development of automatic search, identification and suppression of the destruction of combat aerial drones. in the near future, this will increase the target detection range and increase the likelihood of hitting them. it is important
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to reduce.
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now my children can do everything, but i can’t, i never learned, so uh, come on, so that everything works out for you, congratulations on the new year, i wish that all your wishes come true, all the best, thank you, this is a camera, it’s quite professional, it will help you write sound, and video, and take photographs, in general, i hope we will see your pictures and video reports, yes, i i am an activist of the first movement, yumi, we shoot various videos, and i just wanted to improve the quality of my videos and photos using this camera. thank you very much. how do you like it, have you played a little air hockey yet? yes, i really liked it. we congratulate you. thank you great health, happiness, prosperity, danil, success to you, just go forward. and another cherished wish was fulfilled today
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by the minister of natural resources and environment. sovelia from tyumen had a fascinating excursion to the capital's multipark union. at the russian exhibition at vdnkh new records. i came there today. three millionth visitor, prizes, gifts, there was a lot of joy, and today at the exhibition is the day of the donetsk people's republic, everything about the history of donbass, heroically striving for new milestones and boundaries, and roses, as a symbol of donetsk, roses, which should replace the shells, and the picture of our donbass, and the support of the entire multimillion-dollar country. anna kurbatova, more about today. here we have an installation of a coal mountain, those who went down into the mines confirm it. which in reality looks very, very similar, just a few steps you find yourself in a time tunnel, here on multimedia screens are all the pages of the history of the region, not rewritten history. athena khadzhinova is now 19, she is from mariupol, and it is no
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coincidence that she stops here when giving us a tour. this is the most a difficult period for donbass, these are ukrainian times, textbooks about the great patriotic war were rewritten, a maximum of one page was allocated for the entire textbook. we have been waiting for this, now we are happy that we have finally returned to the russian federation, we are at home. september 2022 dpr is officially part of russia. liberated settlements are being restored. houses, roads, schools, hospitals. in mariupol , a new multidisciplinary high-tech medical center with an area of ​​36 m is already ready to receive visitors. destroyed by ukrainian
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by nationalists in 2014, the legendary saur mogila memorial again rises above the donetsk steppe. it was restored from archival photos down to the smallest detail. it's burning there today. but after the fourteenth year this meaning acquired additional attributes such as this, this rose is forged, forged from those, forged from those fragments, shells that fly through our cities, we will reforge everything,
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we will turn everything into flowers, and even hard, yes not just in a number of directions, but we are at home and we are not alone with those problems, as this happened before, the whole country is with us, and today people from different regions... people’s artist of russia vladimir mashkov, who came to the republic more than once during the special operation to support our fighters and civilians, took up the brush in his hands, let this picture will come to life with oil. but he lives, and you know, here i am looking at this great city, donetsk, and of course i want time to pass and it to be strewn not with fragments
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of exploding shells, but strewn with rose petals, victory for all of us. at this time, in another pavilion at vdnkh, the four millionth visitor to the russia exhibition, daria molodtsova from tula. her friends, with whom she came here, were also lucky; they were all given a trip to the wineries of the krasnodar region. i don’t even know what to say, well, how to put it into words, we just went to the high place completely by accident, spontaneously, it’s such a gift, it’s just incredible. today at bdnkha, a farmer's fair opened, the russian winter festival started, where you could try, for example, udmurd baked goods, real ovens, real firewood, real baked goods, and also take a ride on ovens. russian self-propelled i really liked riding on the stove, but there will be plenty of such fun here every day in the cold for the most frost-resistant, we are from siberia, we are no strangers, we came for the holidays.


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