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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 7, 2024 4:50am-5:26am MSK

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divorce, if you cannot resist the thieves ' patients, they will destroy you, you are worried about me, you promise that you will never lie to me, only those who are directly related to the operation should have a pass to the institute, because of my mistakes, light,
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police department, here is a search warrant, security in the house, a street policeman, respectively , the owner’s car is not there, that’s all, girls, good evening, what an unexpected meeting, you must help us, dinida, i suspect that this is a kidnapping, absolutely that's right, old ladies in the snow on january 13th.
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on the first one, wow, what a car , they'll give you so much for so much, then let's work, guys, how can this be, we have a new year, but there's no santa claus, what do you think, if we call him three times, he 'll come, let's let's try, we need a tangerine, what will come, let's go to three-che, three-che, grandfather ros, grandfather frost, grandfather frost, hello friends. oh, hello everyone , hello, what kind of gifts do you have there, i see, i have gifts for you, of course, i brought you, oh, thank you, this is almost the second time, it turns out, for the second time, dad already , well, let's applaud, we're here, thank you, grandpa, sit down, please, rest, i 'll give you all the gifts, especially since we know who you are, really, yes, this is vanya dmitrienko, friends, well , let's begin.
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you see, like this karish, we know that you recently gave a car to your fans, here’s a travel card for you so that you can get around the city with pleasure, thank you very much. navai, not only are you a rapper,
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i know you are also a homebody, you don’t go out anywhere, the main thing is that your feet are warm, so you have a universal a gift, i love socks so much, here are my friends , well, in order for there to be a new year, you need to sing a new year's song, the new year is crumbling, everything will happen soon, it will come true, what we dream about, that we will be deceived again, nothing yes. the wait won’t be long, soon there will be a christmas tree, only with a hammer, if santa claus, children, because you didn’t save, hello happy new year, the new year is coming to us, you can freely expect anything, just where is that holy old man who gets gifts for children from the backpack, hey, santa claus, come! we've been waiting for you song
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i'm tired of ordering yours, show yourself to us, don't worry the children, we'll get cold, hey-hey-hey, i'm new. and the code will rush, soon everything will happen, it will come true that we are dreaming that we will be deceived again , they won’t give us anything, we won’t have to wait long, soon there will be a christmas tree , but it’s of little use if santa claus, children, vanechka, we had you back when you were so small, six months ago six months ago, please tell me what has changed in your life, maybe something new, maybe there ’s something to tell, oh, well, for the new year , i’ve finally closed a huge gestalt, which i really wanted to realize for a long time, i skated a tour, my first tour, i waited until
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i turned, no, well, for real, that is , i waited until i turned 18, so that it would be normal, as if, so that everything would be like to hang out, well, not just to hang out, so that, as it were, everything was possible. so that yes, roughly speaking, here i am, in short, i skated this tour, everything happened amazingly, i’m still recovering my voice, but today here i feel that it will definitely recover, i think if we have a new year’s program, that’s it we have to sum up our results for the year, i continue to record an album, i released a video, my song was spinning everywhere, i performed at my mother ’s concerts and gave my first public concert, and i started doing yoga again. it sits on your head for about 20 minutes, wow, navai, how are you doing last year, you found a lady’s heart, i have only one love, here she is sitting and this is uspensk, this is uspensk, so i can call you dad, okay, no, well, yes some other
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interesting events that happened last year, i didn’t have anything interesting last year, i’m just sitting, everyone day i write songs with... time to let go, because you are lying to me, because you are lying to me, what should i do next, why are you lying, why are you lying to me about love, i saw a lie, i saw a lie, what should i do next if you are dear to my heart, it’s time to let go,
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because you’re lying to me, because you’re lying to me, what should i do next? i will quickly forget your love, i will quickly forget, i will quickly forget, why are you lying to me, love me, love the matter, i have seen lies, what should i do next if you are dear to my heart, it's time to let go, you're lying to me, because you 're lying to me, what should i do next, why are you lying? why are you lying to me like heaven , you saw a lie, i saw a lie, what should i do next, if you are dear to my heart, it’s time to let go, because you’re lying to me, because you’re lying to me, what should i do next, he...
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8 se heels, you're sneaking a peek, let 's play heels, run without looking back, 10.9, heels, wavy hide and seek. let's play spinner, i 'm close to solving everything, and it was good, it was amazing, let's play spinner, i won't look for you, i'll find myself much better, i’ll find myself a completely different one, let’s play hide and seek with you, and i… won’t look for you, i’ll find myself much better, i’ll find myself, let’s play
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in rows with you, and i won’t look for you i will, because you shouted into the phone where to fall in love with another, but how can i fall in love if she is not you, because they are not you, because this world is not you, not you, but why did i fall in love with you, but why should i it was necessary, your eternal love lasted so little, your eternity of love has its own, let’s play tag with you, and i won’t look for you i will, i’ll find myself much better, i ’ll find myself... completely different, let’s play tag with you, and i won’t look for you, i
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’ll find you much better, i’ll find you, let’s go with you. i won’t look for you, i’ll find myself much better
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, i’ll find myself, i won’t look for you, i’ll find myself much better, i’ll find myself something completely different, it was cool, my brother also told me when i was a kid, let’s play hide and seek, i... i won’t tell you, it was a similar situation, who are you for me, once the light comes, you always leave, asking me to sing after you, sha-la-la-la-la! shala-la-shala-la-shala
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sha-la-la-la-la-shala, you are like a warm pawn, a windshield on your hand, you are like a weighty bullet, you are like a dot in a line. vanechka, i know that you would really like to sing the fit together with mot and asti, so i think that... it will definitely happen someday they are here today, yes, this is our new year’s gift, he is waiting for you just from they didn’t give me anything, they just put
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me in it, i’m like a courier today, yes, but first i think we need to use this incredible chance to combine incompatible things and all together - sing a song: let me on the dance floor, let's let me on the dance floor i'm telling you i'm 13 years old i'm 13 years old right 5 years ago 5 years ago 18. roughly speaking, security there doesn't let you in, but i have the same story, we we come to the club with the boys, and he lets the boys in, but i’m so, well, i looked very young, it’s hard for me, i’m talking about the fact that it’s not, i’m talking about the fact that it was hard to believe that for me, that i i can be an adult there, at least for a split second, but there’s no one in the club there they let me in, and we come to this club , they let the boys in, and i’m standing like this , there’s like a guard standing there, well, i
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had older boys than me, there’s a security guard, he won’t let me in, and i remember your video, and there well, in short , some kind of grown-up kid gets up , well, he looks like you , i look at him like that, i say, yes, i’m with him, i grab him by the shoulder, i get up with him, this one says, listen, leave me alone from me, the guard hears this, they start taking me away, i’m like, let me in, please let me in, they start playing your song, i have this memory from your song, so they let you in or not, no , yes of course not, where they let me in, i’m 13 years old, i actually had the same situation only in sochi, and that’s why we wrote this song , once there in the seventeenth year , we went there to relax a little in sochi m... the last money there was uh in a two-room hotel, we rented a room, two stars, homoin’s everything, no, no, no, we don’t have any money it was, we didn’t sing then, we didn’t have anything there yet, it was before you let me on the dance floor, with hamali we come there, back and forth, they tell us, no, you can’t, like there are tables for 150,000, but we just took 150,000 rubles with us by car, we arrived again, they don’t let us in and say, you can pass if you just
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find the girls and then on the dance floor, we say, well, please, at least let me on the dance floor, they say, we won’t let me in, like only if the girls are on... so we then wrote, let me on the dance floor, precisely because of that phrases that at least let them on the dance floor, since there are no tables there, there is no money for tables, how a person who worked in face control for 3 years, i can say, god grant that your dreams come true, dear ones, play! let me move, i'm on my own. on the fun to move around with likes. let me dance , i’m on my own, i’m having more fun , get moving, get moving, get moving, my friends, well, what would
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a new year’s holiday be without the main symbol of the new year, and this is a song about a christmas tree, let’s sing. let's go, yes, a christmas tree was born in the forest, in winter, and in the wind it was slender, green, in winter and summer, it was slender, green, but it didn't look like it sang a song, little song, bye-bye! the frost bit the tsvartry, don’t cover it up, the frost was wrapped in snow, don’t cover it up, little coward, galloping under the christmas tree, sometimes you ran around like a rat, in pairs, that’s all. you
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ran through it with your face, a beautiful tanan came to us for the holiday, came, and brought a lot, a lot of joy to the kids, and brought a lot, a lot of joy to the kids, happy new year, new year, new year! my friends, we have never had such a family and joyful broadcast, because this broadcast is unique, it new year's eve and today in the studio with us were vanya dmitrienko, pacha tati, lyubov uspenskaya, novai, my wonderful co-hosts, karina cross, valkaval, the gip group, and this is roman, nikita, natasha and alexey, and me, anton lavrentiev, listen to good music , look
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no format remember, love will definitely find you, just give it time, happy new year, definitely, hurray, hurray, hurray! but from you, because i don’t want it like that now, and maybe you’ll never hear this song, but again on our roof i remember how you breathe, you blame. i am jupiter, you are maskva, i st. petersburg, lyudzi, pamagitse, de, venus, i am jupiter , you are maskva, i am st. petersburg on the hellish arbitsa, again you
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are venus, i am jupiter, you are moscow , i am st. petersburg, lyudzi, help, beshay, you, venus, i am jupiter, desqua, i’m st. petersburg in the same orb, yeah, maybe you’ll find happiness in me, to be honest, you’re not my fiancée, but you and i have come so many ways to find our place together,
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hello, i’m still dmitry bak, we are about to have another episode of a literary podcast: let them not talk,
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let them read. in our episodes, of course, we talk, we talk a lot, but only in order for you, our dear interlocutors, to read as much as possible, so that your reading is as diverse as possible, we speak with very different interlocutors, we have very different guests, this. and writers are those who professionally judge literature, very often we call high professionals who work in areas that are more or less related to literature, however, what in russia is not related to literature, absolutely everything, including museum case. our guest today is the director of the state museum of fine arts named after alexander sergeevich pushkin, elizaveta stanislovna likhacheva. hello lisa, hello! let's be like you in life! this is what usually happens in our podcast, let’s start straight from the path to the profession, very often in your biography, in the official, not in the official
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, it is emphasized that you are an art critic, this is so, no one doubts it, but i don’t even know about art criticism, or art history how correct, art history after all, yes, although i head the department of art history, i must tell you, the school mkhat studios, art-knowledge, for you this is the love of painting. graphics, sculpture, architecture, this is science and research, this is a set of some skills in order to do something in life, what is it? well, it’s all together , well, in my opinion, love, you cannot become a professional in any field, including art history, if you don’t love what you do, i don’t see the difference here in biology, and even a turner is a good one or a mechanic must love his job, can i interrupt you, there was such a beautiful lady from...
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there are architects there whom i love very much or there are artists whom i love very much, like fragonard or the same mathis, yeah, but there are things that i don’t like, that’s normal, but in general for me art history is a conscious choice an adult, made as an adult, a choice largely contrary to my youthful choice, that is, it’s not 17 years old, no, it’s not 17 years old, 17 years old was exactly what everyone expected of me to enroll in the history of art, i didn’t do that , went into a completely different reflection of the test of life, and then still art.
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because only then do you begin to understand at least something, yeah, and i honestly admit, i was convinced of his rightness from personal experience, despite the fact that i actually grew up in an environment, my mother is an art critic, horror, my daughter too, that’s why at the age of 17 everyone thought that you should yes, everyone thought that i was one of the dynasties, but i didn’t want that at all, please tell me, so i’ll cling again to this thought about picasso, whom i love very much, and very different, but most of all the twenties, thirties, and then, after all, a little before that.
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experiences first of all, yes, that is, this is what i would like to return to endlessly, and this is just a recognition of this is just a recognition of greatness, yes, well, there are actually several such examples, for example, everyone really loves jean lorenza bernini, he me leaves you indifferent. because i love boroko very much, i endlessly love both the era and the artists, but bernini somehow doesn’t touch any strings in my soul, he’s too rational or something, i tried to formulate this for myself, well, for example, there is standard line development of sculpture, yes, if we mean the sculpture of the post-middle ages, michelangelo, raden moore, and from this, from this line, there is a wonderful parallel, but i don’t cast, i perceive it as a discovery, yes, different
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eras, many people ask me why it falls out berlinia. michelangelo became the father of a new new type of plastic language, raden translated this colloquial plastic language into a new time for him. cupid showed the whole world that sculpture can be different. it’s like i’ve always brought people together, i’m not a professional, of course, but it was picassa imura who brought him closer. yes.
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and after that i started digging, when i got to the tate, the tate has three halls of moore, yes, yes, yes, i know and love it too, i understood why, why he disembodies the material for sculpture, he is doing something dangerous, look , dzhekomti disembodied the sculpture with the help, he removed everything, you know, dzhekomti worked, and he made the frame, then he walked and threw clay at it, i understood. thus, what sticks, sticks, the jacametti sculpture, it disincarnates simply due to his manner, so these are flattenings, cupid transforms a dense mass of material into an airy mass, and he does this not with the help of some kind of konstyuki, as, for example, berninius would have done, but he does this simply due to the fact that he clearly observes the volume, but color and proportion of the sculpture , understanding very well at what moment something needs to be removed, at what moment it needs to be added,
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you formulate it perfectly, i didn’t... think about it, indeed many things seem to be very massive, yes in appearance, but then that they are light, this is very precisely said, that is, all this sculpture of the 20th century, it owes a lot to moore, i remember this line, which means michelangelo, who, by the way, also removed the superfluous in another sense, of course, michelangelo, yes, with michelangelo michelangelo struggled with the material, but michelangelo is a fantastic artist, for michelangelo for me - i don’t know, like tchaikovsky’s music, probably, yes, something that can be endless. listen to some shakespeare, for example, or alexandrich pushkin, now we’ve already gone straight over, gone over, who can be endlessly talked about, but what do you like from pushkin, i love everything about pushkin, you love everything , everyone says, there is no truth on earth, but there is no truth higher, for me all this is clear, like a simple scale, i was born with a love of art, well, it doesn’t matter, i love it, but no, i love pushkin from any point of view, now i have a favorite, for the last 3 years my favorite poem is called ispindemonti, well
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, i appreciate ispendemonti inexpensively, i’m loudly right. there is, you know, but regarding alexander sergeevich, well, first of all, who is your favorite writer or poet, pushkin, still or already? this is a very subtle joke, it was for me in due time i really liked it, you know, but for me
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this man became the one who formulated the culture to which i consider myself a member, yeah, that’s exactly what alexander sergeevich pushkin did, this is the man who united everything with everyone, both ancient russia and the pride of antiquity. i just want to shut up the language, it’s dostoevsky who says in pushkin’s speech that pushkin is the most russian, relatively speaking, he is russian as such, and pushkin, pushkin himself being an abesinite, himself, yes, the very figure of pushkin is the embodiment of the fact that such a russian person, i’m just here recently
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i got into the kaleidoscope of the captain's daughter, the fact is that a very good friend of mine invited me to the premiere in vologda, to the premiere of the local theater, we watched them the captain's daughter. this means that before we went to the theater, we went to the local museum, and there was an exhibition of an orenburg down scarf, unexpectedly, i even know from which museum, but everything would have been fine, but exactly 3 days after that i was going to orenburg , to open an exhibition, which, that is, the circle has closed for me in orenburg, i am a captain’s daughter, yes, completely unexpectedly, while i was driving back from vologda, the ticket was very bad, a day train, while we were traveling, i re-read it there in 2 hours, i... i read it, i thought, listen, well, even if he wrote the captain’s daughter, already in your history, but i think it’s the same with godunov’s barberry and there you take any of his things , that’s already enough, dude, but the stationmaster, uh, you just don’t
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need anything else, he has an absolutely fantastic language, of course, why do we need chinese christmas trees, when we can make our own, i decided to create a factory to produce all the elements of the christmas tree. were exactly made of compatriot dog, we don’t just wind up finished products, but we actually cast and create this product, a man in a santa claus hat, five children, you feel like a wizard, just a little bit, i think we’ll definitely find some pair of shoes for your image, we have a small creative workshop , everything is very individual, we have developed a model that does not have a right and left leg, that is, you can use it either way, porcelain is a challenge for the artist. do something that no one else is doing because it’s like it’s not accepted, now bor porcelain dust will turn into a unicorn toy, it doesn’t work that way, we’ll have to show you how it’s really done,
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our everything, the premiere is january 8th on the first, it’s good for them, that’s how they run, “i demand satisfaction, as always, there is a lack of sensitive guidance, it’s a bit lame, qualified help is not required, well , where do you have a hopelessly ill patient, and the doctor will help, well, no matter what the order is, i can’t, there’s an operation in progress, the operation is happy new year, the thirtieth of january , on the first, but it’s said
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later, that pushkin’s stories are somehow empty, that is, there are no...


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