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tv   Novosti  1TV  January 7, 2024 6:00am-6:11am MSK

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i have two hands, yakov velimovich, the right, the main hand for a person, the left is aleksashka menshikov, the left is a thief, it’s kind of important for, that is, he knew it and undersized his kolach, as you know, yes. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. orthodox believers today celebrate the bright holiday of the nativity of christ. solemn liturgies took place that night throughout russia. the main service was performed by patriarch of all orusia kiril of moscow at the cathedral of christ the savior in moscow. they delivered it there especially for christmas this year. icon of the trinity andrew
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rublev. parishioners will be able to see her during all the holy days, which will last until her baptism on january 19. on christmas night, vladimir putin attended a service in the church of the savior not made by hands in novoogoryov. together with the head of state, the families of the heroes who died in the special operation zone came to serve. and before this, the president held a meeting at his residence near moscow. pavel will tell you what was discussed. bangs. at a meeting at the novo ogorev residence, the president noted that christmas for our compatriots is one of the warmest family holidays. i would like to say something kind to each other, to somehow support each other. on this holiday, according to him, the fraternal unity of the peoples of russia is manifested; they always congratulate each other on religious holidays. i congratulate you all on this holiday. as you know, many of our men are courageous. our heroic
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guys, russian warriors, are still defending the interests of our country with arms in their hands on this holiday, so first of all i would like you and i to congratulate everyone on this holiday, the president added this meeting as a clear, understandable signal to all levels of government across the vast territory of russia, so that my colleagues, i repeat anyone, will always be with you everywhere. level of power, management, so that you always feel people next to you who, if necessary, can support, help, come to the rescue if you need it, and life is complex, diverse, there are always cases and they often arise when outside support is needed, i hope it will be so, so it will be, i want more of you once to assure that we will always be with you, a little earlier,
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“it’s even hard to say, thank you so much for this happiness given to us, just the night before christmas, this is magic for all of our family, god bless you, from the bottom of my heart , thank you very much, the president said that this is the least he can do for them, he recalled that he had already met with some of the guests, with the son of natalya makhonina, the president talked on red square on national unity day, yegor said that he had done to the cadet school school, i wanted to become like...”
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it will last forever, the mortgage will last forever, yeah, the mortgage will last? yeah, well, i think we’ll sort this out, yes, you and i will sort it out, we’ll help, well, of course, we’ll do that, it won’t even... there will be more time, did the guests visit the zoo , did they go to the zoo, did they see the panda? yes, some of the guests were in the capital of russia for the first time , they were in moscow, no, they liked what, what most in moscow, in moscow, what did they like most, red, red square, you were at the candy bar, you weren’t at all, it was very cold, but yes, but i was very liked. all the concerts are crazy, they are modern, but very beautiful. kostya also shared the problems that families of fallen servicemen often face, and touched upon the topic of regional payments to the families of soldiers who did not live in the region where they were registered. sometimes the authorities refuse payments in such cases. it was not on purpose
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that anyone made it so that all legal acts in each region recognize the fact of permanent registration or conscription or signing a contract from there. putin promised to sort out some failures in the mechanism military mortgages, which the guests complained about, and social guarantees and the status of priests who are in the troops in the northern military district zone. next, vladimir putin invited the families of the heroes to a christmas dinner arranged in their honor, and then, together with the guests , participated in the solemn liturgy in the church of the holy image in the village of usva.
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these unshakable values, noted by the president , have served as a reliable spiritual and moral support for society for centuries. it is important that the russian orthodox... church and other christian denominations in russia contribute enormously an inspiring contribution to the preservation of our rich historical and cultural heritage, strengthening the institution of family , patriotic education of the younger generation, and of course, the efforts of religious organizations aimed at supporting our heroes, participants in a special military operation, residents of donbass and novorossiya deserve deep, sincere respect, i wish the orthodox christians, everyone who celebrates the nativity of christ, good health. success, prosperity, and now more about how christmas was celebrated, millions believers greeted the bright holiday with hope in their hearts, many prayers were dedicated to our soldiers, those on the front line also had the opportunity to attend the festive service, ivan prozorov, more details.
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a symphony of hope for the entire christian world, a crowning bell ringing. solemn services are a symbol of the beginning of the beginning, the good news of the birth of the baby jesus. our roots, it’s genetically , somehow you still feel that this is a holiday, your legs still walk on their own and the soul itself is drawn here. those who had faith in blood were not afraid neither the icy january cold, nor the stormy southern winds, rivers of parishioners flocked to small rural parishes in large congregations from vladivostok to kaliningrad, from murmansk to sochi. a holiday that is impossible. russians should not celebrate, a holiday of generations, in the decoration of churches throughout the country a biblical story with the magi, who were led by that same guiding star over bethlehem, and which illuminates the earthly path of christians for millennia. faith is the foundation, faith is our foundation, faith is everything that
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fills us and what we share with others. the main night liturgy in the cathedral of christ the savior, it was conducted by patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia. congratulations on the great holiday of the nativity of christ, and may the lord help us all, strengthen ourselves in faith, in hope , in love, may god’s blessing remain over all of you, over our people, over our fatherland, over the world in which we live. an icon of the holy trinity, painted in the 15th century by andrei rublev, was brought to the main cathedral especially for christmas. the trinity icon of andrei rublev was placed in a special icon case, this is special. a transparent ark, inside of which the necessary conditions were created for the great shrine, was placed at the right choir of the temple, so that any believer on these bright holidays could come here to pray before the image of the holy trinity. prayer was performed no less fervently in a completely different temple.
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soldiers of the tank army of the western group celebrated the nativity of christ in an underground military cathedral, where there is even a small dome. glory to you, our god, glory to you. innumerable about faith in victory, hope for peace, heartfelt spoken in new regions. we are all together, one huge great country. i really want it to be the most beautiful, greatest country in the world. ivan prozarov, yulia khodorova and sergei prokofiev, channel one. that's all for now, see you later. well, in general, bruce has the impression that he’s all over.


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