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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  January 9, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am MSK

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in the face of injustice, but you can’t do anything except draw conclusions, okay, but if you were on the commission, where would you start, with the medical history, you need to look at the tests, before the operation, after, well, so for starters, listen, but the gymnast was operated on in burdenko, can you ask platon ivanovich to show the tests? yes, of course, i'm done. i can , but please, well, you’re going to his wife’s birthday anyway, and you’ll ask, oh , this is justice, it ’s not clear what i should do with her, okay, i’ll try, and svetlana, hello! what happened to you here?
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yes, can you imagine, the plane was late, it’s such a shame, well, why don’t you come and see us? no, no, thank you, sergei, i’d rather sit here, wait for the boys, surprise them, it’s a pity, but what do you want? don't embarrass us.
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there's a big game on the air. today there is still stubborn fighting in ukraine. the advancement of russian troops, if we are talking about kilometers, is not very significant, but almost everywhere, the initiative now belongs to the russian armed forces, frankly, let’s say, the dynamics of the war are very strong changed in favor of russia, that’s what he said.
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and the lack of results on the battlefield, the united states of america is cold-bloodedly trying to realize its ambitions for world leadership, at the expense of the lives of ukrainians. at the instigation of western curators, the kiev regime continues to drive its soldiers to slaughter, looking for any opportunities to replenish the ranks of the ukrainian army. of course, this will not change the situation on the line of combat contact, it will only prolong the military conflict, let’s continue. consistently achieve the goals of a special military operation, well, here i think three things are already obvious: first, that the ukrainian offensive completely failed, second, that the conclusions that have been drawn from this situation so far in washington, london, brussels and berlin, frankly speaking, these conclusions are not...
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usa and israel have proven themselves to be the two most criminal governments in the world, european puppet states are subservient to washington's foreign policy, for what? russia in ukraine, it is carried out by ukrainian manpower, but it is carried out, of course, first of all, by the collective west, and this the collective west, which allows, and we now think, often directs attacks on moscow,
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the terrorist attacks that have just taken place on belgrade, and numerous terrorist attacks on civilians. he was refused some kind of help, of course not, now germany chancellor scholz , who was initially considered a relatively reasonable moderate leader, is now demanding that europe arm itself more and more
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against russia and occupy, again against russia, more and more and tougher positions, they are crawling across russian soil again. german leopards are crawling, by the way, not far from the kursk bulge, but here is the symbolism of this, what europe has come to, leopards on russian soil in order to protect the ukrainian benderaites. the patron of these benderites was adolf hitler, a well-known figure in germany. and how does russia respond to this? answers.
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indiscriminate, hitting squares, and with this weapon they hit right in the center of the city, where people were walking - before the new year, just a blow, a targeted blow on civilians to the population, of course, this is a terrorist attack, there is no other way to call it, but should we respond in this way? of course, we can, we can hit the squares. in kiev and in any other city, denis, there are children walking, mothers with strollers, i understand, everything is in full swing for me, i want to ask you, we need to do this, hit the squares, no, i’m not
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saying that this is what the civilian population deserves, i think. that none of us standing at this table will want to hit the squares, this seems to me self-evident, not even because that ukrainians are a fraternal people, not even because this is a common history, but because, firstly, this is not our method, and secondly, with such methods they can kill, terrorize, but this is not how they achieve victory in war, but - i would like to say,
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when he talks about something like that, he clearly shows that in russia they find what is being done against russia. absolutely unacceptable, and today it’s all boiling at the level, but tomorrow we all must really understand, in washington we must really understand, in london, in berlin we must really understand understand that boiling usually leads to the fact that something can cook, that’s what can cook from this boiling, i think, in the collective west... they won’t like it very much, then they will shout that it
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was not provoked , then they will shout that this is aggression, so, if they do this, or rather, i predict that they will have to do this, if they do not change their behavior, then i think that russia’s answer will be very simple, we told you , we warned you, you knew what you were getting into, and now please don't bark and test our patience any further. karan shakhnazarov, an outstanding film director who uniquely understands human nature, and not only ordinary people, but also presidents. tell me, this is how we need to understand when everything is boiling inside the president, what does it mean? well, this is not a good symptom for some, but in general i
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must say that our president generally has phenomenal self-control, this is one of his signature, sort of, yes, this is an amazing composure of self-control, but not all forgiveness, no, not all forgiveness, but with restraint, i would like to draw your attention, look, in a month it will be 2 years, yes, as the special military is going on...
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when the collective west under the leadership of president joe biden really managed
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to rally against russia and show unity , which few people expected, including, i think in the west itself, few expected, they , of course, very much congratulated themselves on this impressive achievement, when i say impressive achievement, i mean it, an achievement for them but here's what you they said how...
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this is my impression that they really achieved an impressive level of unity, but this unity in theory should not have been an end in itself, it should have been to strengthen their security, instead of strengthening their security, but if you want, they woke up the russian bear, the consequences for them could be very, very serious, what do you think? dmitry, well, if we talk about unity, international, yes, there, say, or western unity against russia, well , formally, there is a position, let’s see realistically, you are correctly asking the question, at what cost, the weakest, in the entire post-war history, practically, the weakest governments in power in key
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european countries, the lowest level of trust, this has never happened, well , maybe. his ratings were not very good , but so to speak, he would give 200 points , so to speak, to the current lady prime minister, so to speak, as a politician, yes, so he would always choose, and berlusconi, i even say before, so to speak , there were many, so to speak, truly outstanding politicians, in fact, in italy, but there was simply such general volatility, yes, but in germany it never happened, in france it never happened, and we see, so to speak, today’s comical figure, but... the prime minister of france, who was appointed, so to speak, yes, about whom all the french are already mocking and laughing , about whom they say most of all - that he is a supporter of same-sex marriage , he practices it himself, but the reason is konstantin, why this is so, because there is nothing more special to say about him, he did not work anywhere, a person who did not communicate with voters, so to speak, a person who
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, so to speak, there, well, it’s clear, thanks to this factor, so to speak, he actually received a portfolio there in... the union, that’s understandable, yes, all these laughs now about michelle leaving there , michelle won’t leave, orban will come there temporarily , he won’t come in his place, but what difference does it make who comes and who leaves, there is no more, europe has lost all independence, so to speak, some last remnants of autonomy in foreign policy, yes, it’s simple the backyards of america, but this is the only thing, and for
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outside the western world, dmitry, there is growing unity in terms of rejection of the western.
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this has nothing to do with the strategic course, this has nothing to do with the elections, he has been pursuing this policy for many years, so he wins the elections, this is actually a new industry, but no one expected that we would be able to organize the production of our own semiconductors there, so to speak, microcircuits there there, yes , that’s all, these are the boards, there’s other things, but it’s clear that there was complete dependence, but very high dependence, now we do it ourselves, already flies, explodes, everything is fine, so to speak, that’s it. okay, we hit targets, yes , whatever we need, that’s all, it’s basically ours, so who could have imagined 2 years ago in the west, they thought that was it, the end, now there are these sanctions.
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they will be there in a few more months, in these few months we will push as hard as we need to, the president is right not talking about aunties , not about mothers with strollers,
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look, after all, in the first days of the year a significant part of the military infrastructure of ukraine was destroyed, it’s clear where the news is going we we are hitting, so to speak, but not only is the officer corps destroyed there, so to speak , there are western advisers there, factories, military factories are destroyed, this is very correct, so to speak, this is for the future , they don’t... won’t potential to resist further, american supplies , so to speak, are western, they are objectively limited , so to speak, yes, so you are also correct, they burn well in the tank, but the point is that in a few months, when biden understands, so to speak, for telling him that it’s really bad under there the elections are, so to speak, american, that there is nothing left to catch on the battlefield, that’s where they will start trying to invent a diplomatic victory, that’s right over russia, well , what you said, it seems to me very...
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that there was a battle won not only and not so much due to consistency, with the help of the will to win the creation of these same divisions, it seems to me, also now, but now we will change the topic, let's talk about the middle east about those very serious events that are disturbing, at least to me , that are there happen and let's we will start with skype - with yakov kadmi. outstanding political scientists, public figures who, being in israel, understand well what
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the policy of the israeli politician is in this case. yakov, we are very glad to see you, to hear from you, tell us what, from your point of view, the netanyahu government wants, how they see a way out of the current situation. good evening, i’m also very glad to see you, but... firstly, from a military point of view, i’ll say what’s happening in the gaza sector, uh, our troops have completed the complete capture of the northern, northern and central in part, there is practically no hamas power there, no political or military structures, what is happening there is now just a clean-up operation, the destruction of underground tunnels. and wells, it turned out that in the gas we expected that there were about 500 km of tunnels there, it turned out there were about 3.00 km
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of tunnels at a depth of 50-60 to 100 m, most of them in the south, in the southern part there are two divisions, 99 and ninety- eighth, ninety-eighth is a drum note. special purpose assault division, there are seven brigades, they operate in the khanyunis area in the center of gaza, the israeli army hopes that by the end of the month this second stage of hostilities in the south will end, in the north it has already ended, mainly in the south the war is going on in the dungeons, underground, this is an underground war,
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and the factories that produced weapons, practically in the territory of gas, not a single mosque, not a single school , not a single kindergarten, not a single hospital, not a single hotel, under which there would be no tunnels, no fortifications, no weapons, or everything that we are talking about, right now they show you this is an underground rocket production plant, which were fired upon. all this is being destroyed so that there is no place where hamas can hide underground, they will be dealt with on the ground, this is a martial law, from a purely political point of view, there are two problems, one problem is netanyahu and his and his policies, the israeli defense minister presented
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his plan for... installations in gas after the end of the fighting, there are three main points. first point: the israeli army will not remain in gaza. second point: israel will not control what will be on the territory of goza. third point: power must pass to palestinian organizations that are not hostile to israel. in essence there is only one palestinian organization, which... hamas rejected this proposal, the authorities
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of the autonomy said: “ gas in the territory of the autonomy is in the hands of the autonomy, on the other hand, the americans are pushing this plan very hard, but they demand that the autonomy carry out a government reform, deal with corruption and change some officials, which has not yet been achieved.” abumazan agrees, mahmoud abbas, this plan is supported by most of the political
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israeli structures. this plan is supported by saudi arabia and egypt, and if reforms are carried out to one degree or another, it is clear that the autonomy authorities are in favor of this plan. russia has not expressed any opinion about this plan, as if it does not exist, and i think that this is not constructive from russia's point of view, because if it supported the principle that power. autonomy , the only legitimate palestinian authority should return to the gaza strip, this would give it the opportunity to more actively participate in this process, and also the opportunity to conduct this together with the united states, despite the fact that this is an american proposal, if it is constructive, then you can talk about it with the americans, this is the situation today,
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until the end of the month...
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the country will not send its representatives, if the fight against hamas continues there, and the arab authorities will never send their representatives, if that... on our air, vitaly naumkin, scientific director of the institute of historical studies, and the leading, from my point of view, russian specialist on the middle east, you heard what yakov kedmi said, whom i must immediately
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add, whom i greatly respect. it seems to me that when he stated the israeli position, based on the facts, he stated it, in general, i don’t know much less than you, but i have a feeling that he stated it.
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a partner who will not have any voice here, that russia in no case, given our relations and the general situation in the world, which should not suit us at all, this is firstly, secondly, we were just talking about a unique endurance of our head of state, despite the fact that he’s all boiling over what’s happening, i’m also boiling a lot about what... is happening at the gas station, when i watch, we’re probably watching different, maybe channels with yakov, who i also respect, kedmi , but what the arab channels show today and what millions of arabs watch,
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the only thing the presenters say when commenting on what they show is that there are stringers who work there, so they say that this is so monstrous in humanitarian terms that it is impossible to describe it at all it's simply impossible, that's it this...
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what i said is missing from the speech in yakov’s commentary one main question: well, where are the measures to improve the humanitarian situation, when there is a ceasefire, he believes that at the end of the month everything
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will end there will be a period of what, a period of some- then construction, nothing is said about this, but today the americans, well, from what we see in the press, i don’t know so... or not, they are trying to come to an agreement with a number of regional powers, arab states, which will presumably participate in the restoration gas, will they be able to restore gas? after what we see pictures there, these same central part of the gas, the western part, the north, well, now the main actions are concentrated in the south, where supposedly the largest number of these base tunnels is, well, where is this restoration, and how is it possible to heal the wounds that this population has received today as a result of this operation.
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i will spend this winter on baikal, this is the largest skating rink in the world, it seems that you are about to fall into this abyss, but no, it is very amazing, beautiful and completely unforgettably. we would like to sincerely confess our love for this great, our beloved country, because these are sincere people, this is beautiful nature, incredible.
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why did the most famous publication for businessmen take on the analysis of our tanks, anti-advertising, which is an advertisement for other tanks, t72 b3, everything is fine, but with the publication everything is also discrediting the not very soviet school of aircraft engineering, supposedly 99% of the machines. are just copies, it’s not so easy to take something, copy it, mik-25, they took it
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apart piece by piece, and copy the technology they couldn’t, and also why did a high-ranking ukrainian chain-slinger have to appear on television? antifey, premiere, tomorrow on the first. us presidential candidate nikki haley does not have a feminine face at all. i wear high heels - this is not following fashion. i hit it every time. who is sponsoring her election campaign? we do not trust russia and will never trust them, they will never become our friends. she, of course, the ardent hawk supports endless warriors, and with everyone, presenting herself as real trump's competitor. trump is simply not the kind of person who can be president now, that they had an intimate relationship, each of them keeps his own treasures in his pocket. trump called her madame birdbrain, small-minded but cunning. this is such a gorgon jellyfish, in which each head has its own audience, behind her is the power
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of the american military-industrial complex, this woman is a militarist who will kill for her own accounting, a candidate for the third world war, we will see in her face a consistent enemy russia, niki hayley, world war iii candidate, tutti's heir doll, is on the first tomorrow. there’s a big game on the air, you said, vitali vyacheslavovich, that you’re boiling, i’m boiling too, i was boiling on october 7, when i looked at what was happening there, and it seems to me that any normal , worthy person, it should have been boiling, but after that there was that chaos
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about their real relationship with morality. let's listen to what israeli defense minister galland recently said. going to war with hezboloni is a priority, said galland, but he also said that 80,000 people should be able to return to their homes safely. unless agreements are reached to allow this
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to happen, israel will not renounce military action. we are ready to make sacrifices, they see what is happening in the gas sector, they know what we can do. “it’s absolutely the same in beirut,” said the israeli defense minister. vitaly, they can do the same thing in beiruti that they did in gaza. as far as i know, no one in beirut is responsible for october 7, absolutely not responsibly, this is an irresponsible statement, completely ugly, this is such a clear threat of expanding the war to a serious regional scale, moreover. with the potential destruction of such a beautiful country as lebanon, which is already suffering from what is happening there, but the most important thing is that today in the israeli cabinet there are these very religiously motivated right-wingers who do not want the palestinians to return to
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gas at all, but to there this territory was inhabited by israeli settlers, they do not need to go there... today, with this population , the israeli cabinet, the israeli government will accept today, ensure the return of those palestinians who are still alive there, there are many of them left alive, or people like watchman bengvir, their advisers and supporters, so to speak, they will put up such a barrier to prevent
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them from returning, to provide such a solution, which is fundamentally at odds with the elementary ones... they are taking very specific actions, they have just killed one of the leaders of hezbollah. let's listen what the israelis themselves say about this. as for the attack on southern lebanon, we took responsibility ourselves, this is part of our war. our target is the people of hezbollah, their infrastructure and the systems they have managed to create to contain israel. we are making hezbollah pay. we did not set ourselves the task of preventing the launch of 150 thousand missiles. we have set ourselves the goal of restoring the security of the inhabitants of the north, the inhabitants of the south and the state of israel. well, again, this is the israeli foreign minister. at all ministers of foreign affairs, they usually
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speak, to put it correctly, more restrainedly. well, for diplomacy the minister of defense. here, here in israel, mr. kats. in general he says: we need to kill someone’s leader on foreign territory , the corresponding political forces make up, if i also add later, look, here is the american initiative, yes yakov spoke about it, but what kind of initiative is this, why is it in general this initiative is needed, there is a un security council resolution, for which the united states voted, as did the soviet union, and the russian federation is supported, and as a state, there continues to be an arab peace initiative.
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literally in a few minutes the screen to you
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, i declare the cosmetology department open, you will ruin my institute right for the women’s job, you threw it out of your position, why did you take it like that, this is your institute for... maybe it’s beating itself? doctor preobrazhensky, new ones from the series, tomorrow after the program,
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what are they taking him away, holy simplicity, they don’t open doors for detainees, from moscow to alaska, plans to celebrate, new year the children have collapsed, something needs to be decided, only the whites. as long as you can, go ahead, he’s nowhere to be found, how could he escape , excuse me, boss, your father is missing, i need your help, what is this, it’s for the holiday, do you think he’ll like it, marina yakovleva, you envy a little bit, don’t envy. tatyana orlova, so, let's begin the reunification operation. elena safonova. you have entered private
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territory. old ladies in the snow on saturday on the first. what are your years? you're still getting married. everything is so easy for you, no the first time, the third, and that every time you just take it and give it back, but this is business, listen, marin, i can congratulate you, you are a mother, congratulations on fatherhood, i’ll take a photo of your child and bring you alexandra’s testimony as a gift, i’m afraid, in in the event of a divorce, you won’t get anything, but how is it that you were a serious statesman among us? i ’m ready to testify against him, if something happens to mine and you’re involved in it, i’ll kill you again, what are you
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doing here, you can’t be here, vadima the season was released at night , your child was stolen, i will destroy you, your clinic, i will ask you to write off all conversations with her, whether telephone or personal, i don’t know, pay the cops, hide the apartments, do something, i’m so tired of hiding, container , new episodes, on sunday on the first, are you bargaining for the night, don’t you want to return it? 3 lyama, no less, and the money is needed in 2 hours, there’s a big game on the air, of course, when we spoke, you senator spoke, in particular, to the opposition of the united states, directly, let’s say, in biden administration. they say that their position is completely different, they are for everything good, against everything bad, and they want to
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do good for everyone. blinken, who said the united states expects to end hostilities within a few weeks, is expected to recommend ending the military campaign as soon as possible during meetings with israeli officials this week.
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it really seems to them that this most difficult issue can be resolved using such absolutely forceful, categorical methods. by the way, i'll go back to speech of our president, when he said that we do not fight with civilians, it is clear that during a war, of course, civilians also die, but in general, yes, it is
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deliberate that we do not fight with civilians, in this not only that. defeat the austrians , i want to make them love us, you see, these are different things, this is very correct, and the same thing here, it is clear that fighting terrorists is difficult, it is clear that it requires sacrifices, but when you fight in this way, destroying in addition to terrorists there are a huge number of children, this this only generates resistance, these
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children have brothers, sisters, relatives. in this situation, on the contrary, it acquires a very high authority precisely in the islamic world, so of course, so to speak, we absolutely do not need to enter into any agreements with the united states in this sense, well, of course we would like it, so there is nothing to talk about there, so that yes, so that this conflict passes and that the israeli people, just like the arab people, find some compromises for coexistence, thank you, vitaliyevich, well
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it seems to me that there are two such serious ones here...
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i think that this is very dangerous and will be scary for the middle east. thank you, i would draw a parallel, what unites the middle eastern conflict and the ukrainian one today. these clumsy actions of the americans, absolutely selfish, subordinated to one task there to concrete some remnants of their, as they believe, dominance in a world that does not exist, they push away a very serious number of serious states from the west, this accelerates the process of formation of a multipolar world, russia’s position political in the middle east and military-political in relation to...
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12:00 am
well, finally, where have you been, i’ve already erased everything, so here, so here? a reason to go there, a reason, well , what a reason, but no, in general there is no reason, the reason is so-so, such a small reason, but they take me to bulgaria to participate in an international festival, this is very cool, which means great, nelly, you we dreamed about it, i just went to the doctor, what happened? nothing happened, you and i will be fine.


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