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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 11, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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today we are presented with three regions at once, farmers from the kursk region brought their cheeses and honey, and entrepreneurs brought textiles, cosmetics, household goods and baths. visitors to the oryol region stand will be able to try local meat products and lemonades, a lot of different master classes, concerts, lectures are expected, there will also be performances and film screenings, and most importantly, of course, a business program, new contacts and exchange of experience, volunteers will hand out tulips on their uniforms support for the residents of belgorod, their region is also represented today on... in dnh. indeed, the belgorod region is going through difficult times. we are rebuilding houses destroyed by shelling. and at the same time we are building new residential neighborhoods. we are transferring border schools to remote service and at the same time continue to build new schools and new kindergartens. we do this because we understand our goals.
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our goal is the development of our region, despite any difficulties. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will show. here, in the popular front studio, we are pleased to welcome viewers of channel one. the day before, an expanded meeting of the un security council took place, but instead of condemning ukraine for its outrageous actions. attacks on the civilian population in belgorod, members of the security council attacked, who do you think, north korea, which, according to the west , supplies weapons to russia, while, for example, the same czech republic, which does not deny that terrorist attacks on belgorod were made using its installation, but the vampire, as we see, remains beyond jurisdiction, absolutely like water on a duck's back, in fact, when russia convened the un security council on this matter. the czech republic
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simply did not show up for it, let’s look at the statement , the behavior of the czech republic is very indicative, which, trying to escape responsibility for participation in the terrorist attack, for complicity in the terrorist attack in belgogoda through the supply of ammunition, was afraid to appear at the meeting of the security council on december 30, to answer in front of the world community for the death of civilians is much more difficult than hiding behind the backs of the older comrades of the ponat.
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or injuries, what is france’s position regarding ukraine’s use of this type of weapons? ukraine acts in self-defense in accordance with article 51 of the un charter. then, naturally, european officials and european bureaucrats got involved, they also need to somehow justify these terrorist attacks, and some of them said that the ukrainian nazi militants had every right to do this, this is exactly the cynical statement made by a representative of the european foreign policy service...
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if something happens in russia, it's not is happening, this is a fake, and this is a fake, listen, it’s russia that is always trying to embellish something, when we present a certain evidence base, we say, guys, well , look, what’s really happening, this is terror, they call it, this is an attack, this terror, we are told, listen, this does not exist, we are in the house, that’s all that is happening now, we must clearly understand, i started with the fact that we must clearly divide the political elites of the population, if you look carefully, all western political elites starting from the boss of any management, ending with top figures, they were all trained in the united states of america, each biography has a point: studied in the usa, trained, went through a leadership training program and so on, that is, they operate according to a certain matrix, we can do everything that whatever, we won’t get anything for this, why, but you have justice, you have the hague, no, it belongs to us, and if you have economic disputes, where? will you go to
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london, to london justice, does anyone believe? no, here a very big one arises question: what is justice in the modern world? maybe it’s time for us to think about the fact that we need to create some of our own institutions of justice. for example, the eurasian , eurasian court of human rights, where we could consider with our own criteria, where we could create our own platforms, where the global south would play a predominant role, we are used to living by their justice and thinking: guys, say what we are good, but they won’t say that they are good, sergey, you say good, well, andrey fernatovich, i absolutely agree, excellent, we are creating our own eurasian court, but the czechs didn’t come to the un, so they won’t come to this european court, it ’s easy to make them bear responsibility. and the fact that they are killing in belgorod with their missiles, but they don’t care , will still be in any court, unfortunately, we can now state that international law, it has been lost, it does not work, the americans in general, by the way, have stopped and the west has stopped it say, they like to say that we protect the world based on rules, which, by the way, no one
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has read yet, no one knows what they are talking about, so the rule of the strong is only now working, russia is proving it on the battlefield, russia is proving it economically, but... the president has now announced in chukotka that the latest data show that we are the largest economy in europe, fifth in the world. well, just a second, a country that is isolated , has an economy torn to shreds, a military-industrial complex that has everything from russian missiles for 2 weeks, they are terrified now, what is happening in europe, the transformation of the military-industrial complex is underway , this is an attempt to catch up with us. i let me remind you that yesterday, when the commissioner spoke, the european commissioner for internal economic affairs.
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and these weapons are not used on the line of contact, yes, they are hitting the crimea, hitting belgorod and so on, but suddenly they are very worried about north korea, because in relation to russia and north korea it is at the un that they are trying to take such a consolidated position to express the fact that a military alliance, let’s say, the exchange of ammunition, these technologies and so on, is a very big threat to the whole world, let’s let's listen to the statement of the south korean representatives. while supplying missiles to russia, north korea is using ukraine as a testing ground for ballistic missiles that can carry nuclear warheads. this is a clear and present demonstration of existential threat. the launches provide north korea with valuable technical and military intelligence that could
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push it to expand its ballistic missile exports. the missiles used in ukraine create new problems that require our urgent cooperation. answer: we call on russia to stop their military cooperation with the dprk. russia immediately reacted, and not benzia, excuse me, gave up the base to this south korean comrade, in general there was nothing to say. let's listen to the speech of our representative. western members of the council read out theses prepared as a carbon copy on the use of ammunition from the democratic people's republic of korea by the russian armed forces during a special military operation in ukraine. as often happens, the instructions came from washington. on friday another fake about this the topic was spread live by white house spokesman john kirby. another interesting thing is that on the same day, the official representative of the air force of the ukrainian armed forces, yuriy ignat, refuted this information, saying that
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kiev did not have relevant evidence at its disposal. it turns out that the united states is disseminating deliberately false information, without even bothering to warn its direct wards about it. sergey sergeevich, you said that it’s good, they are rewriting the history of this technology, they pretend that there is no belgorod, that russia is there, russia does not exist, is not developing, but they are simply lying, that is, proof that we have a north korean. some kind of missiles that they flew somewhere, just no, listen , he can just lie on the podium, why do they even need proof in the modern world, proof is needed when you are sitting with your own people, when you can really rely on principles of trust, relatively speaking, they follow the classic movie the tail wags the dog, we can come up with any story to say: so, look, the russians are now using north korean weapons. "the russians can only win at the expense of iran, the russians will go on to assign us to afghanistan and so on
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. the point is, they need to create fakes, they create these global fakes, but not somewhere, in new york, well, fakes in sme - that 's one thing, he's fake on the podium, that's something completely different , the devaluation of the un happened so severely that the un has ceased to be a fair organization, everyone is talking about it, you know, this process of decomposition of the un, that's it in my opinion it started.
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russia, and there are other countries for which justice does not cost anything, it is important for them to simply join the face of freedom when you ask them a question, what are you, what is liberalism for you, you won, we have transgender people, we are very cool, because we have transgender people, listen, are you sure that transgender people will create an industry for you, are you sure that transgender people will create a powerful army for you, are you sure that the transgender society is the society of the future, yes, that’s cool, well, colleagues, everything is clear about transgender people. but it seems to me that there are plenty of them in this west, but what exactly is missing there is logic, andrey, a direct question for you, even if we imagine that north korea really gave ammunition, missiles and so on there, we are now accused of that by striking military infrastructure, there supposedly is some kind of north korean trace, north korea itself is to blame for this, which should bear responsibility, but by the same logic, the west should bear not just the same responsibility, and responsibility in dozens, or even in...
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ballistic missiles with nuclear filling, they were able to make intercontinental ones when the americans were making new nuclear missiles,
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maybe 50-60 years ago, there is nothing new, they launched the program now, then, maybe maybe the british have their own missiles, no, these are american, only the french are doing something new there, so korea, which has now made great strides in the production of high-tech military precision weapons, ballistic missiles, is very serious european countries were scared. attack, of course, they understand that they are unable to support ukraine, let me remind you that nato , together with the european union, chipped in and wanted to supply millions of artillery shells to ukraine. the question is, did they put them in? no, 30%, they cannot overcome this figure. the factories are not ready. they say, listen, and north korea, well, experts say, apparently , it delivered this in one month, well, according to their data, that is, more than the total potential of nato, of course, north korea is preparing for big things.
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alexey, you also said that even if there, well, there is a statement about the fact that northern mountain supplies us with missiles, there is no answer from us, that’s what you think, why should we answer, and we continue,
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to any enemy of the west who is in confrontation, be it political assistance , economic assistance, military assistance, and to me , as a simple man in the street, it seems to me that this assistance is natural, alexey, thank you
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very much for the question, for the call, i’ll tell you how savvy our viewers are and simple about on the other hand, we here, of course, can say as much as the studio wants that they don’t give a damn about resolutions and let, i don’t know, introduce new sanctions, but on the other hand, i understand that in principle this is probably impossible, it’s impossible, of course, but we must understand, that the world is divided. to the military post-war world, now there is a global breakdown of the world that was built over the years, almost centuries, in the united states of america. that's when we say the long 20th century - this is the 20th century, when two super empires appeared, when the soviet union appeared, the united states appeared states of america. but now we see that the united states of america, with all the power that it has, the money it has, the influence it has on dozens of countries in the world, on its vassals that it has...
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look like europe, europe understands european leaders very well, that we need to completely bend under the united states of america, suddenly akela will rise again, but the population, that simple population, that’s the person who just got through to us, he also...
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that a new axis of evil has emerged , moscow-pyongyang, and this axis of evil threatens everything to the world. let's listen to this quote. in a joint statement by the united states, their partners condemned the exchange of arms supplies between north korea and russia, including what was called russian purchases of north korean ballistic missiles, and their use by moscow against ukraine. we are deeply concerned about the security implications of such cooperation for europe, the korean peninsula, the indo-pacific region and the world, the joint statement said. andrey, tell me, it’s north korea that’s lagging behind, it’s russia, which is a gas station country, suddenly the two of them, excuse me, put the entire collective west on the ears, i also
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said this intelligently, not only, i would call it not the collective west, but the western minority, as we call it, and the world majority, to which we consider ourselves, but if we go specifically to military weapons, why did they get so excited , they heard about the operational-tactical complex, which can be launched with different missiles, which they launch there at 180 km of various modifications, well, there the latter fly at 300, then suddenly it turned out that the northern -korean huge missiles fly 600 km , half a ton warhead, very accurate, there are many of them, they are different, but the americans have nothing of this, they have only now begun to develop new ones, the europeans also have nothing, suddenly it turned out that the north... koreans it turns out that the intercontinental missile is on a movable wheeled chassis, hwasong and 17, which are of various modifications, and only the russians, the chinese, and the north
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koreans have such complexes. china, north korea, russia and iran, they actually sent us into each other’s arms, and indeed we are creating an alternative reality, today sergei sergeevich said:
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and this scares them, let me remind you, saudi arabia, the american economy lived on this, on the oil dollar, what is going on now, saudi arabia abandoned a strict peg to the dollar, now their trade is carried out by oil, colleagues, i still propose to discuss in even more detail the story of military-technical cooperation between russia and north korea, especially since our connections are incredibly interesting, forgive me my slant, an incredibly cool expert, konstantin valentinovich sevkov, deputy.
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what it is? this is nothing more than the construction of a multipolar world in person . a multipolar world is like death for the west, because in a multipolar world, in equal civilizations, the west , which existed for several centuries in the position of master of the world, well , they didn’t fight among themselves, but the west really dominated the world, that’s all.
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interest, the same iran, china, russia, and now the dprk. the dprk is the most powerful, one of the most powerful armies in the world. there he has 1.250 thousand people with a peacetime composition, a peacetime composition that can be deployed - a 5 million army. do you understand this well? this is the army that fought and defeated the third reich, just in case. yes, we had about 10 million there, but if we take it purely, here it is.
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to intercontinental ones, they have a missile range of 3.00 km, and they have missiles that can reach and shoot through the entire territory of the united states there up to 15.00 km, they carry out, if specifically the zone... the special operation zone is meant, that is, they really can those will come in handy which have a range of 100, 200, 300, 400 km, of course, yes, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 km, no problem, that's why the west is panicking, because it counted on russia to remain in this regard one on one, it turned out, no, the most powerful north korean economic , military-industrial complex is ready to support russia, this means that the west has practically no chance, moreover, there is another important nuance: the west failed to ensure the transfer of industry to the military flights, because they acted in different directions, on the one hand, they tried to pursue
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a policy, which means a green economy, and so on, and so on, and so on, energy, they drove their countries into a situation where they cannot fully provide energy. development of the military-industrial complex, on the other hand, the sanctions that they announced against us, including those primarily related to the supply of energy resources, aggravated this situation, and how are they going to transition in these conditions, they are in the wind are going, i beg your pardon, at our place there’s just little time left in court , thank you very much, we’re waiting, konstantinov, yes, doctor of military sciences, deputy president of the russian academy, i have a question: katya, forgive me, please, a provocative question, so andrei, sergei, but if we, conditionally, are supplied ammunition and north korea, does this mean that our military-industrial complex cannot cope, that there is still a shortage of those same ammunition, at
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the front there is never excess ammunition, quantitative indicators are of great importance, but we have now entered production there are more shells than the entire collective west combined, just think about the number. we make more than 3 million shells a year of various types, but we would gladly spend 6 million, so of course any help, any missiles, is very important. now there is parity of numbers, relatively speaking, they are now massively raking out anti-aircraft missiles from warehouses, and we are inundating them with cheap drones, which these missiles waste, well, that is, the position, the gain in any case was shot down, they shot down a cheap drone, they wasted a missile, they didn’t shoot it down, he destroyed that one an object that is needed, but... korean operational-tactical missiles , which weigh several tons, which are ballistic, which come to the object along a very complex and fast trajectory, they cause enormous damage, such damage can only be caused by an aircraft that can be dropped freely gliding bomb, now
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gliding modules, but these are ranges of 50-60-70 km, here it is possible at 500 to 600, korea has very powerful artillery technologies, they have 170-mm artillery systems firing at 50 km, for us it would be same a very relevant decision and in fact , you know what i wanted to say , the question has been raised more than once as to whether the un decision on north korea was fair in general, maybe it’s high time for us as russia to refuse and publicly declare to withdraw from it, i don’t i know what mechanism exists to get out of these decisions, probably there is some kind, just go out, unite yourself and legalize, conditionally, our 20 seconds are very simple, there is a procedure for revoking your vote, this does not pose any problems. for russia to simply withdraw its vote that year the voting that took place on north korea, this will give quite good chances for north korea, and those supplies that are now coming from north korea, we are forced to say goodbye to the viewers of channel one, thank you very much for your attention, we are watching
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the advertisement, ex-prime minister of latvia and the current head of mit krishianist karinj, and he doesn’t feel sorry for anything for the people, not ice in winter, not grass in summer. he sings songs about this: problems in the economy, in public finances, everything is getting worse, worse, and he just gobbled up account for personal comfort and well-being 600,000 euros from the latvian budget. take the trouble to learn our national language. we are talking about the public deliberate humiliation of russians in latvia, who are forced to retake the exam. there will be deportation, i think it will affect at least a thousand people. he came to the territory of the us embassy in riga every single day. he was preparing the country.
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oldbar cognac is a product of the stellar group. i hate. face and i want a different one, it’s possible, you understand that surgery won’t help you anyway, your idea to remove the ribs is madness, yes, what did you do to her , you won’t get away with it, but if we do everything carefully, the mosquito won’t hurt your nose, you understand that this is really dangerous, my dear, it’s good to be a nurse if you don’t get tired of thieves’ patients , they will destroy you, are you worried about me? you will never lie to me,
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only those who are directly related to the operation should have a pass to the institute, simsha of my mistakes, colors, four, andrey ivanovich, i will correct both of our mistakes, this cannot be corrected, something happened, yes? quickly follow me to the operating room. doctor preobrazhensky, new from the series. watch the time after the program. senior obhs investigator, major volkov, we are interested in the documentation of the cosmetology department. here's a search warrant. bourbon steersman. product of stellar group. the old new year is coming,
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the diagnosis is like a song. what examinations should i do in the new year? dragon fruit, what are its benefits? you will come to us with pain, but you will leave without pain. eliminate pain in 5 minutes. the program to live healthy will tell you everything. tomorrow, on the first day. his destiny was talent, beautiful women, fame and constant provocations. i do song as a form of entertainment, without ambition.
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“i have returned the marseillaise to its original meaning, i ask you to sing with me, motodor gainsbourg without a filter, tomorrow at the first, if they put me in prison, i don’t care , at least i’ll lose weight, i throw money from right to left, this is my style, a millionaire's wife, i'm reading."
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this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. russia became the first economy in europe, despite all attempts to strangle us, vladimir putin said this in khabarovsk at a meeting with far eastern entrepreneurs. a conversation about the development of the region, which, as the president noted,
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has opportunities that even moscow does not have. well, taking into account the reorientation to the east, the prospects become even more extensive, there is something to work on, including the same logistics. konstantin panyushkin has all the details. the far eastern federal district is 11 regions, you can’t fly around them all at once, here in one room are representatives of the business community all these subjects at once. it’s beautiful, bright, the sun is shining, the weather is wonderful. this. this year, as well as subsequent entrepreneurs, have high hopes. i remember the beginning of these programs and i remember how - so... the mood was so sour, because we talked and said, now we will do this, we will do this, we will develop shipbuilding there, this, this, but everything has such inertia , it was so hard to take the first steps, and people waited, as if nothing was happening, but still, the movement
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has now become noticeable in the far east, and this is very pleasing, well, thanks, of course, first of all to people like you, who are actively... involved in this work. russian business has survived and is developing despite all pressure. the russian economy is a very, very resilient creature that knows how to adapt, but most importantly, it grows and develops at a speed that surprises even us. thus, business analysts in russia predict that the country’s economic growth in 2024 will be more than 4 percent. by the end of the year this will definitely be more than 4% growth.
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in the world. china, usa, india, japan, russia. in europe number one. everyone in this room contributes to this growth. everyone here is already investing in the far east, everyone present here is investing successfully. many people are thinking about expanding their ambitions. and you, and your company. i 'll tell you later if you have a minute. not on camera. of course, alexey repik invests here. in general, investing money at home in your home country is always pleasant. moreover , it seems to me that russian business has received such a vaccination against investment abroad, it will be enough for a decade, this is my experience too i say, that’s why at home, you said at home, it’s necessary, i said it a long time ago, we remember everything, but now about the problems, the head
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of a far eastern company that produces building materials that are in demand even in china is complaining about the problems of local exporters, one of our materials is mineral thermal insulation . the quality is better than chinese analogues, the cost is lower, but unfortunately, everything is eaten up by expensive logistics ; to deliver from khabarovsk to china, we need to make a detour to the border crossings of the primorsky territory or to blagoveshchensk, this an additional 700 km, of course, leads to an increase in cost, so the question with the president is absolutely understood, of course this definitely needs to be done, why lead somewhere to the primorsky territory or blagoveshchensk. well , of course we have to do it, especially since you have competitive advantages compared to our partners in china, i’m sure that smart people there will take it if the product is of good quality, and it’s also cheaper, if due to logistics there this extra charge arises, it needs to be removed,
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there is an idea, it was decided not to voice it on camera, i i know there are specific proposals, now i ’m just not going to talk about it out loud, but they are there... in china, to be honest, there are absolutely not enough warehouses in the surrounding areas, not to mention class a or a+, class g cannot be found, what needs to be done, tell me, let's do it together, i completely agree with you, this logistics is needed, so you say, there is an extra kilometer, extra money, investors are ready to arrange it, but we need federal benefits, what exactly would you need for.. .
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wine library with russian wine, of course, a restaurant, a children's club, all this is right next to the mountain air entrance, let's get ready right now and go, i'm selling, but the trouble is in the statutory documents and benefits, food facilities are not mentioned, if catering facilities are not included in this benefit system, then of course.
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this is very fair, well, in addition , there is an export duty that we set for ourselves, it is 50%
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higher on our fish than the import duty on imported fish, so it seems to us that this question is not entirely fair from the point of view far eastern fishermen, we would like you to take a look, help solve it, i will definitely take a look. already duties or at the same time synchronize the increase in duties, because well, the import
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is for transportation so that they work, and then on the egg, you see what happened with us, we simply didn’t get our bearings in time, it’s just that our production volume did not decrease, consumption increased due to with the real with the real with the real disposable income of the population, a little, but still people’s incomes have increased a little, now they have started to increase. the liberal approach is like this, everyone should be placed in equal conditions, yeah, so the far east is also the same as the european
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part, but then depopulation here would continue and nothing would happen, the conditions are different, well, my colleagues were talking about everything is more expensive for logistics, you had to think about it, well, stalypin did his job in those conditions, it was enough to resettle the peasants, give them land and be done with it, that’s all, now life is different. other conditions, but they need to be created, the president argued with one of the meeting participants about the fate of growth prices, you said that because of inflation, it looks like it won’t be better, it will be better, because all the actions of the central bank and the government, well, not all, but a significant part of the central bank is definitely aimed at suppressing inflation, and i think that we will reach the target indicators, all of this is only part of it. a big conversation, during which two dozen far eastern entrepreneurs addressed the president. konstantin, pavela lekhaletov, victor galovin, anna
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zayakina sergey diev, channel one khabarovsk. to other topics, explosions at night thundered at ukrainian armed forces facilities; strikes were reported on a hotel in kharkov. as telegram channels write, there were foreign mercenaries and ukrainian militants there. authorities confirmed a visit to a manufacturing plant, presumably where parts for military aircraft were produced. and news from... a helicopter strike group destroyed enemy armored vehicles in the krasno-liman direction, and these are the artillerymen working, firing from the hail. massive attack on ukrainian armed forces positions. artyomovsky sector, a tank and an enemy infantry fighting vehicle were disabled. strikes with using fpv drones. at verbovoy, paratroopers stormed positions in the ukrainian armed forces. suffering failures on the battlefield. ukrainian militants are hitting civilians, about a terrorist attack on belgorod before the new year - our permanent representative vasily nebendia spoke at a meeting
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of the security council. a planned war crime. they died then. 25 people, including children, residential areas and a christmas market came under fire, where it was crowded on a weekend, there were no military installations there, in kiev they knew where they were aiming, the dsu was used cluster munitions and czech rockets , there was no clear reaction from western countries , not a word was heard from western colleagues, unfortunately, on the contrary, some of them even justified it, in particular, the french foreign ministry did this by calling ter
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on the defeat of the elite forces of ukraine - article in the american newspaper wall street journal. we are talking about the disastrous summer offensive in the ssu. it, as journalists note, ended before it began. the publication writes about the unit of a certain captain karchenko. allegedly on him made a special bet. the ukrainian offensive was over before it even began. kharchenko's desperate new mission was to return the dead and save as many as possible. those who survived. the biggest problem may be that ukraine is not armed enough to penetrate russia's defenses. the us and its allies were willing to provide armored vehicles for the counter-offensive, but not the modern fighters that play a central role in attacks by western militaries. this left ukraine in an unequal position in terms of towards her opponent. special operations are currently underway in the largest cities of ecuador. the task is to clear the streets of
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bandits who carried out total terror the day before. the capital. army units have brought up armored vehicles in neighborhoods where they have already restored order, patrols remain , a curfew is in effect, people are still advised not to leave their homes unless absolutely necessary, one of the leaders of the largest cartel and about 300 other gangsters have been detained, a problem that cannot be solved - captured prisons, criminals barricades were set up, many guards were killed, the rest are used as human capital, there is no official information that negotiations are underway on the fate of the hostages. today residents of the capital are recommended to give up traveling by car and switch to public transport. a powerful snowstorm hit moscow. in some areas it sweeps up so much that you can’t see anything beyond a couple of tens of meters, and this is the so-called diving cyclone. it snowed overnight, then subsided, and now the yellow level is in effect again until tomorrow weather hazard. well, these are already shots from
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st. petersburg, the unexpected transformation of st. isaac's cathedral looks like. a black and white postcard, perhaps bathed in a glow of gold, a lightened facade, snow-white columns, but now look at the familiar appearance, all because of a sudden change in weather, after severe frosts a thaw came to the northern capital, but the stone did not have time to warm up so quickly , condensation formed, it immediately froze, this is the result: the columns are bound by a dense layer of frost. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments of the event. informational the channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. information channel on the first , we are working live, time will tell the program, in the studio ruslan ostashka, alesya loseva, let's find out right now how things are at the front, the adviser to the head of the dpr, yan gagin, is contacting us. yan dmitrievich, we welcome you, yes, hello, what is the current situation on
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the front line, we are waiting for information from you. in georgievka and novomikhailovka, it is worth noting that recently the enemy began to experience serious problems with ammunition, apparently artillery, and we destroyed quite a large number of crews, the guns themselves, with our artillery aviation fire, and accordingly, the pace of artillery work on the part of the enemy has now been quite seriously reduced,
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in attempts to replace artillery with drones of unmanned aircraft. the enemy is faced with bad weather, often with non-flying weather, but in principle these problems are mutual; in the coal-dust direction it is worth special mentioning the combat work of the sakhalin corps with... the fact is that the ukrainian segment of the internet is now buzzing with proposals from western private military companies, in which they are trying to recruit ukrainian officers as bearers of combat experience to work in their companies
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on, well, on different fronts of the world, where they actually work, there is an excellent analogy with ss officers who were warmed up by others private military companies all over the world, well, in particular the french foreign legion, which not only took them... to work for service to participate in wars in their colonies and where they fought them, well, sometimes lent them to other countries. i’m andrevich, and somehow how does this whole thing compare with the need for mobilization, with the adoption of new laws, that is, on the one hand , ordinary people are rowing, on the other hand, they are essentially selling off their officer cadres. in fact, this is a huge problem, because even if you manage to dial the right one. recruiting resource from among those same women, those same old people, youngsters, not entirely healthy people, then there will be no one to command them, in general, the armed forces of ukraine have been experiencing problems with officers for quite a long time since
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leadership, because, well , let's just say , we knocked out most of the professional military men, these very thoroughbred, as they say, nazis at the very beginning of the campaign, these dashing guys, pumped up with tattoos, among the prisoners killed are becoming less and less. tactician to understand that no one sets the task of taking coal head-on, but there is a task, well, let’s say, of the operational environment of this direction, what this opens up for us, what opportunities in the future, how we will advance, is there an understanding in what direction. well, in fact, in any case , there is always a flank attack on some object, on some fortified one, it makes the work easier in the front, that is, all those forces that previously took carbon from one side, they will now
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receive quite serious relief in their work, because the enemy will be distracted on the flank, that is, attacks are now being delivered from there, and the enemy is actually now at a big disadvantage, as they say, that is, he is experiencing big problems with... flying on a visit, which is not even there were able to write correctly the surname of a dear and long-awaited guest without a mistake, or maybe on the contrary, the guest is not too expensive and they decided not to bother too much, in general,
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instead of the surname zelensky they wrote zlensky, well, in general, whoever distorted the surname of zelensky, i will never forget , when nancy pilusi does not understand at all who she is talking to, but understanding that this is the one who will fight for western democracy. ukraine without the help of the united states, this is what cbs news reports on this matter. chris lives from kiev is in touch with us. chris, most observers would say that the war in ukraine has reached a stalemate. if
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either side is going to make any progress, it is necessary to ensure an influx of new types of weapons. ukraine is now striving for this, but as you know, washington still cannot understand how much military assistance they want to provide to kiev. is kyiv worried about the support it will receive? it is unclear whether he will even receive it from washington. now it seems that the situation at the front has reached a dead end, and judging by the latest months, this statement is true. transferred to ukraine have dried up. the legislator who petitioned the congressman on capital hill said that if kiev does not receive more military aid from the united states, ukraine will simply come to an end. the washington post reports that russia's victory is just around the corner. that putin feels that
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victory is close. washington and its european allies appear to be tired of their efforts to defend ukraine as tens of billions of dollars in further aid are blocked. currently by republicans in congress and viktor orban in the european union. european magazines even name specific dates for the fall of ukraine. 10 months, they say, that’s how much time the west has left to save the day, then the ukrainian sunflower will inexorably wither, but 10 months. this is such an optimistic forecast, because there are other forecasts, for example, the leader of the democrats in the us senate, chuck schumer, even said that without us help, the independent republic could survive for only one month. we have to continue to act quickly here in the senate because ukraine is in a dangerous situation. every senator must understand how high the stakes are if the senate does not approve aid to kiev, a war that is already developing.
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spain is still supplying weapons, i believe that the financing processes need to be linked directly to germany, not to say europe in the general sense of the word, today, well, germany has made its choice, germany has awakened a monster that is frightening, militarization of thinking, militarization in political elites. into the hands of the military-industrial complex, of course, the european, american, swedish separately, and where there is a military-industrial complex, they will warm up the war, where there is no military-industrial complex, then of course they will be interested in the internal ones and about the question of who is guilty, it is clear that, well, this is always a narrative .
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russia, it turns out, does not supply gas because it wanted it that way, but if we consider the essence and look in the legal space, but i will say this, violations have occurred in many countries, this is really the jurisdiction of these countries, well, how it was possible to make a decision there on the supply of weapons in the amount of bandages, tents for medical units, then of course the government can make a decision, but when we talk about the supply of leopards, this bypasses parliament, let's... continue the conversation, the supply of cruise missiles , which is being discussed , this will be a crime, this will lead to the fact that russia can strike in the wrong place, who expects to go into conflict with nato, because let’s imagine the most terrible moment indeed if strack speaks zimmerman, the head of the bundestag defense committee on television, she not only lobbies for the supply, she also officially says: let’s go for the crimean bridge, well , let her say, let’s go for the kremlin and imagine this scenario, and then that’s it. it will only be in the size of the northern military district,
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no, of course, the doctrine of protecting russia can then change quickly and with lightning speed, right at this moment, but they need it, well, those who are in manual mode, you know, like these puppets, you pull a string, and he's dancing down there, these guys aren't for them it’s necessary, they just perform a function, by the way, you have ursoline on your screen, you know, the port doesn’t have it, it’s hanging, excuse me, well, there’s a photograph hanging, yes zimmerman, based on this it can.
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the media, we need to talk about this, but we are not relaxing, we understand that the situation is serious, perhaps they are trying to mislead us, how are things really going in ukraine in terms of support for western assistance and how much is it really at the current the state of affairs will be able to hold out. in fact, everything is not so simple, if you take all the major analytical materials that were published already in 2024 foren affairs, national interres, politics, economy. they say that western politicians and democrats in the usa, and republicans, and the expert communities that serve them, have all come to the same opinion that ukraine’s loss in the war with russia is a geopolitical defeat for america, which it has never suffered in recent years
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decades, so based on this information, based on statements published in the press, it is clear that... ukraine will receive everything it asked from america after by january 19, they will adopt a military budget and give it even more, and the most surprising thing is that the republicans accuse the democrats that biden ordered too little military aid to ukraine, so if trump wins, unless he is removed either by the paratroopers or by haley, who if they enter the race with biden, then of course they will win based on age, then... they are such radicals, such haters of russia, that they will actually shower ukraine with weapons and money, this is once, secondly, at the beginning of january twenty in the fourth year, nato decided
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that they were urgently manufacturing and purchasing more than a thousand missiles for the petriot systems, installing them all along ukraine in order to repel the russian ones. missile attack, money has already been paid to these companies. from january 1, great britain took over the leadership of all special forces and special operations in nato troops, it has already said that the main efforts will be to conduct a special operation on the territory of ukraine against russia, british special forces - these are not german, these are the most powerful, they are stronger than american units, they are all over the world, god knows what they are doing, including. in gas everywhere under the guise of others , under the guise of terrorists and so on, so we must understand that the twenty-fourth year will be a very difficult war year, we will have to fight very strong enemies , the only problem of ukraine, it is not
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the only one, it is very serious, it is a shortage human resource, but they will try to replace it with moldovans, poles, balts, balts. and they will be given equipment from yes, the technology, everything there, everything has already been decided, the equipment will be given money, they will be filled up , they now have several hundred thousand drones of various modifications , several hundred thousand, 10 thousand trained drone operators, they are now trying to hit our infrastructure in our cities , cities, you see we have to turn on air defense all the time, except in addition, they are obtained illegally through mafia structures. who sell weapons, brought tens of hundreds of long-range missiles that attack with shadow and others that are already in use them and like cruise missiles, in addition, the entire nato structure, when the attack was on
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novocherkassk, it was delivered before reconnaissance aircraft on nato planes circled for several days, measured everything and there was an attack on... but at the same time, the western press continues paint gloomy prospects for ukraine, without military help from the west, kiev has virtually no chance, so they say, is there enough power... the russian offensive, which
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has intensified in recent weeks, continues despite sanctions, for many russia the military economy is thriving, moscow is concentrating all its efforts on the battle, but kiev is doing worse with weapons, for ukraine and its allies it is not so easy to increase weapons production, so the german chancellor calls on the european union... it alone will not be enough to ensure constant security ukraine, so i call on allies to intensify their efforts in the interests of kiev. in any case, the arms supplies to ukraine planned by most eu member states are too small. the shortage of weapons is far from the only problem for kyiv. some of the already promised funds have not yet been transferred. according to some military and diplomatic experts, ukraine's success in the war against
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russia depends on a constant flow of aid from the west. even if the us congress approves an additional aid package for kiev in the amount of $61 billion, it will transfer f-16 fighters and anti-radar missiles to ukraine with a longer range. this may not be enough to break through russian fortifications in the southeast. there is a fear that ukraine is running out of main supplies of ammunition. replenishing your weapon supply will take a lot of time. there is also a deeper problem: ukraine is using western technology in such a huge volume that the reserves of the west itself are being depleted. today , the conflict in ukraine is stagnating because western military assistance is clearly insufficient. it is obvious that the balance of power between russia and ukraine is uneven. we're talking about three to one now.
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because there were front-line districts, and what they say they increased by 42 times,
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that is, roughly speaking, if yesterday they they made one, over the next year they made 42 mines, yes, that is, they say that they have more than 90% of the ammunition, even yes, 100% of the ammunition, this is the ammunition that is from the countries of the former warsaw pact, from these deep expired ammunition depots are supplied to the combat zone in three expensive 155- caliber ammunition.
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it seems to me that soon ukrainian viewers will subscribe to the telegram channel streams of the popular front in order to learn about the situation with the ukrainian military-industrial complex and really understand where, when, what can happen, therefore do this and you, of course, there are comments, the opportunity to ask questions, the telegram channel stream popular front, a qr code on your screen. europeans are now asking themselves a lot of questions, in particular , trying to understand what they should do next in the light of everyone. developing events related to ukraine, and italian defense minister guido cruzeto generally suggested going the diplomatic route. ukraine's summer counter-offensive, unfortunately, did not bring the desired results. kiev troops face a new military winter will counter the expected russian response with missile and drone launches. the military situation must be approached realistically. from
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this perspective, it appears that the time has come for diplomacy alongside military support for ukraine. in ukraine. the domestic front does not appear to be as united as in the past in supporting president zelensky's policies, highlighting some divergences in the political discourse. all this must be taken into account on the path to negotiations to end the conflict to the subsequent process of normalization of relations not only between russia and ukraine, but russia and western countries. for dessert at the negotiating table, the west would initially like to see russia, but apparently they are already preparing to present ukraine. you know, what’s interesting is that conversations about a diplomatic path suddenly began to be heard in europe, but all these conversations will take place against the backdrop of naturally military further deliveries, what kind of diplomacy are we talking about? of course, they have, as they say, a plan and a plan b. this talk about a diplomatic solution is a plan b in order to calm down on the one hand
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the public that we are ready for negotiations, although we know very well that russia was ready for negotiations, we... which suits russia, and uh, given that then the west is actually, in fact, the same as with the minsk agreements, deceived russia, now in conditions of complete destruction of trust, all this talk about diplomacy can also be perceived as talk about the minsk agreements, it is possible that after some time they will say again: yes, we called for negotiations, just to calm down ,
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to gain time so that, again , time is needed for ukraine to receive new, new weapons and somehow... replenish its armed forces, although i agree that the resources are being exhausted, of course, ukraine has a purely theoretical opportunity to mobilize those who left, that is to say , the men who left, who left, who are now there in europe in america, but again, i think, in terms of costs it will be, it will probably be more expensive than arms supplies, because it is clear that no one doesn't want to come back all that remains is to do it somehow by force, for example, declare them criminals evading mobilization, demand their extradition,
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finalization, as i said, it cannot be accepted in this form, let’s see if the president’s office will not push this now, as possible it was such an important topic to make such a circus, i just don’t understand, well, in response, the leader... of the servant of the people faction, david arakhamia , in turn, said that there would be no revision of this bill, a vote will take place today for the adoption of a new bill about mobilization in ukraine , we don’t know the voting results yet, but as soon as there is news, we will definitely tell you, goncharenko says what kind of circus this is, that’s what this cheap trick is about, that nothing is going to change at all, that’s all initially it was already clear, but the main thing is simply in the arena, at least so that...
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it merges by the way, the fact is that the number of ukrainians who have now received training in europe in nato countries, and this is already a proven mechanism and is approximately known, well, at what speed should they fill, that is there is a training, she signed up 40 people there who work there with triumph or there with eris, send the next 40 people, because according to statistics, most likely, according to statistics, they will disappear in a month and a half - from the theater of military operations, this is where alesya came, you say, this figure came about the participation of western experts not from the point of view that they estimate how much is needed in battles, that’s where the line of contact is, they understand how it is needed, no, they
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see how they the classrooms are empty, they understand how their process is going, and there calculated a whole figure, and this figure , here it is, is somewhere around 4000, which is urgently needed right now in order to continue to fill the training, then in 3 months there will be specialists again in ukraine, this is a shortage, and there are still certain trends, the person who ...
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of the white house karine jeanpierre, now the most important goal is to find some justification for what happened to the minister of defense lloyd mostyn, because she is the one who has to
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answer not very convenient questions, and let's see how she tries to pick up wording like the president didn’t know until this morning that it was cancer, how 5 days passed and he didn’t know, this is what we learn in the process, it’s clear, that’s why we’re going to do a test. the united states still does not know when the head of the pentagon, the united states secretary of defense, loid will be discharged from the hospital . says a direct statement from the department, well, president biden not only doesn’t know where lloyd austin is, when he will appear, he generally doesn’t understand much lately, not only we, but the western ones are already talking about this
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journalist, pay attention, here is the cover of the economist magazine, which very, very characteristically shows the mood in the united states regarding its president, well , congresswoman margery taylor greene adds fuel to the fire, she spoke live about the incidental situations in which she found herself. the american president finds himself, in a recent interview , alex jones claimed that joe biden was caught naked in the white house, hanging around there at 2:00 in the morning. what alex jones told his viewers is not so far from the truth, the situation is terrible and unfortunate, i’ll say more, about last year, and maybe even in 2021, joe biden fell off his feet during a trip to a foreign country; in the process of falling, an incident occurred
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that was very difficult to cover up. the condition is common in people over 80 who have reached a later stage of life, especially in combination with the late stage of dementia or alzheimer's disease. at this stage, a person’s functions fail; this is not uncommon, but unfortunately, this fate befell joe bidon as president of the united states. this is another reason why which biden will probably be replaced with someone like michelle obama. that is , you are saying that joe biden fell during a trip abroad and got away with it.
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they also wrote something about some old man, for whom it is a shame, biden has a very low rating, but approximately 30% of americans support him, and 2:3 are very against, even very against him, well , because it’s clear that we economic, deep economic crisis, high inflation, life has become very difficult, growth, high growth, crime, disorder, as you know
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problem. what the american people think, and they are going next to the president, that’s the question, the voice of the people, absolutely does not pay attention to what chance he has, and if he really wants to hang around further, he will be chosen, but no, not the american people’s choice of joe biden , but our oligarchs choose.
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john, how will this whole situation affect relations, for example, biden in the current political situation at the end of, let’s say, how will it affect ukraine, because maybe this will be some kind of last such demobilization chord biden so that the whole world will remember him
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forever. well, the main task in terms of foreign policy, its main task is to wage a war against russia, to bring russia to its knees and then to establish our american order in the eurasian space, this has always been, you knew, the main goal has always been, but joe biden and the democratic party, so he started this conflict, when, well, in terms of nato expansion, and he stands for this conflict, and he wants to bring it to... thank you very much, john varoli, a political scientist from the united states, was with us at direct communication. they thought they had brought russia to its knees, and russia was lacing up the bertsa. a short ad and we'll be back.
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i am happy that i was born and live in a great country, russia. i love my small homeland, the city. relatives, when everyone loves each other, they understand, and this is at the same time the joy of life, good luck to everyone, with love, boris, everyone knows where to relax, of course, on the black sea, because if there is a paradise in the world, this is the krasnodar region, we are happy that we live in russia, that our country is russia, i love russia, and you repeat after me, strong beautiful, from earth to sky, love has grown, we must always be united, because, as they say, we are united, we are invincible,
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mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group, i cannot allow that on... a brilliant surgeon, they made a mistake, like could this happen? i want to remind you that now i make all the decisions. doctor preobrazhensky, new series. watch the time after the program. it was a mistake, i'm very sorry. you're sorry, gin cnop is a product of the stellar group, we're just
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friends, the bird is now free, but wants to go back to the maple if we erase it. memory we let's choose each other again, don't love me, don't look for me, no more parties, you 're painting old pictures, this sky is for you, these stars are for you, this sun shines only for you, it's snowing, it's snowing all the time. the very first new year, tomorrow is the first. the new year is always the beginning of a new stage, what
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will be the predictions, smanga said that everything will be fine in russia, you can confirm this, and the children who will be born next year, this is what they will be like about the exchange rate, how in this regard ? dollar, like everything there is in this world has its own zodiac.
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you give it away, but this is business, listen, marin , i can congratulate you, you are a mother, congratulations on becoming a father, i’ll take a photo of your child and bring you alexandra’s testimony as a gift, i’m afraid that in the event of a divorce you won’t get anything, but somehow, you we had a serious statesman, i’m ready to testify against him, if something happens to mine and you’re involved in it, i’ll kill you again, what are you doing here, you can’t be here, open apartments, do something , i'm so tired of hiding,
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container, new episodes, on sunday on the first, are you bargaining for your daughter, you don’t want to return her, three lemmas, no less, and you need the money in 2 hours. sad news: it became known that people's artist of the ussr, yuri solomin, died at the age of eighty-nine. recently he has been seriously ill , in november he suffered a stroke, the permanent artistic director of the small theater, naturally, his audience will remember him for a long time, for his bright roles in films, tasy is authorized to declare a bat, an ordinary miracle, but for me he was filled with... main roles in the film “blockade according to roman chikovsky”
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the acting was absolutely stunning, this is exactly the case when you watch and believe, believe every movement, every word, and of course, it’s sad, it’s a pity, the place and farewell to the actor will be announced later, we know , which will tentatively be stored on january 15 at the troekurovsky cemetery. further news, sad news, but well, this is... life, we will remember. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. yuri solomin, people's artist of the soviet union, has passed away. who was remembered by millions of viewers for his bright roles in films. his excellency's adjutant. authorized to announce an ordinary miracle, the bat and more than
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fifty films, while he considered the theater the most important thing in his life, he was the leading actor of the small, which he then led for more than three decades. recently , the artist was ill and suffered a stroke. just the day before, yuri methodievich was discharged from the hospital, this is sad news. he was 88 years old. a real aristocrat, they said about him, no less than noble roots, but he laughed, father. there are no nobles, no no one, that’s all. artistic director
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of the small theater since 1988. the young actors remember his highest praise, it’s not disgusting to watch, it’s not disgusting, they were ready to give their best. this is what solomin taught, his teacher, the legendary actress vera poshennaya. for the first time , eighteen-year-old yuri solomin saw poshennaya at the entrance exams to the theater. the train from chita to moscow was dented after eight days in a reserved seat carriage. he read mayakovsky so loudly with inspiration, that the fucked-up man was crying with laughter, and he didn’t understand why he was a dramatic actor. in the corpse of the small theater, a theater that he never betrayed, yuri solomin was enlisted in the year fifty-seven, he once told how fate connected him with marshal malinovsky, well, how it connected him, before his first premiere at the theater, solomin was summoned to the military registration and enlistment office, they were called up for compulsory military service and even managed to shave their heads. having recovered from the shock, the theater management decided to make a call. to malinovsky, the minister of defense was
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a theatergoer, and i was already 26 years old, i was old, he says, who needs him, of course, we will free him, he is in the theater at the cinema, he says, he will bring us more benefit for the army, these were prophetic words, there is still my conscience and the honor of a soldier, which i cannot sacrifice, yuri methodievich said with irony that without serving in the army , in his cinematic and theatrical life he was in military... uniform for about five years, no less, creating the very image of an officer that the male part of the country was proud of , admired by the female part, and the female part actually admired all of him roles, how pleasantly amusing that you like me very much, well, i like you even more so, it ’s nice, bang-bump-bump, his last year, and solomin taught at the shchepkinsky school
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for more than 50 years, he brought almost his entire staff in the fall of 2019 native small theater, where with already venerable colleagues, former... what is success? success is when everything is so clear to everyone that people either laugh until they cry or cry until they cry, there is no other option. the far east has opportunities that even moscow does not have. about this today vladimir putin said during a meeting with entrepreneurs in khabarovsk. we discussed the prospects for the development of the region, taking into account the significant reorientation of the russian economy to the east and the problems that have to be solved, in particular with expensive logistics. the meeting was held within the walls
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of the pacific state university, bringing together representatives of the business community from all eleven regions of the far eastern federal district, with their own difficulties. with their proposals, they all managed to adapt to the conditions in which we now have to work with, russian business, like our entire economy , has survived and is developing despite any pressure, also praise your colleagues, and if you look, yes, our preliminary forecast for this year’s growth gives 3.5% gdp growth, this is significantly more than the world average , but business analysts in russia, for example, believe that now we will calculate everything, by the end of the year it will definitely be more than 4% growth, more than four, more than four, well, we’ll see. well, maybe , yes, maybe i’m like we’re in decline, mikhail vladimirovich told me, before leaving here, we always thought the fall in 2020 was 2.1%, in fact it turned out to be 1.2, so the fear and the eyes are great, the count is constantly going on, so maybe it will be more, we’ll see , but this time, now
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look, vladimirovich, with us, what is this, what does this lead to, we are the first economy in europe in terms of purchasing power parity. we are the fifth largest economy in the world, and yet the gap between us and japan is so small that if we simply maintain this pace, or even in principle, as they say, we will move forward smoothly, we are about to overtake japan, but this is an amazing result, it seems that we are being strangled and crushed from all sides, and we began to buy in terms of volume in terms of the volume of the economy as a whole. first in europe, we overtook germany and took fifth place in the world. china, usa, india, japan, russia. number one in europe. one of the proposals that was voiced to the president was to increase the import duty on imported fish.
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this, as planned, could help domestic producers. however, the president with such i didn’t agree with the idea, remembering the story of chicken’s sharp imitation. import duties on our fish are set at levels ranging from 10 to 35%. well, somehow this is not very fair, well, besides, there is an export duty that we set for ourselves, it is 50% higher on our fish than on...
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election victories, thank you very much, we just can’t allow infidels here steps, because then you need these subsidized transportation for them to work, and then the duty or at the same time synchronize an increase in duties, because well, the import of eggs, you see what happened here, we simply didn’t get our bearings in time, it’s just that our production volume has not decreased, consumption has increased due to real availability.
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will not be able to achieve his goal, the governor of the belgorod region, vecheslav glodkov, spoke about this; he presented his region at the grand exhibition russia at vdnkh, his achievements.
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we do this because we understand our goals. our goal is the development of our region, despite any difficulties. we are a border region our country. unfortunately, almost every day today we experience terrorist influence from nationalist ukraine, but despite this, we stand firmly on our feet. we look confidently into the future, because all the national projects announced by our president are being implemented in the kursk region, which means
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roads are being repaired and built, healthcare, education, sports, and cultural facilities are being repaired and built, and industry is developing. the exhibition also presents orlovskaya region, visitors to her stand will be able to try local meat delicacies and lemonades, wait. various master classes, concerts, lectures, there will also be performances and film screenings, and most importantly , of course, a business program, new contacts and exchange of experience, an exhibition at vdnkh, where you can get acquainted with our entire country, unexpectedly, the british times mentioned in its newspaper , the publication is already being vigorously discussed by readers, of course, because the authors are essentially advertising tourism in russia, the message is initially skeptical, they say go abroad russians are now inaccessible, they are being asked to go. east, see cities, ghosts and former gulag sites, but this is figurative, what follows is a list of facts about the region.
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the far east is developing, housing is being built there, tourist centers and five-star hotels are being opened, new museums are opening, plus, as the times writes, unique nature, nature reserves, and resorts. in general, after reading, many people had a desire to buy a ticket there. 170 new pedestrian routes will be built that have passed safety certification. the largest russian airline aeroflot has introduced flat fares, thanks to which passengers can make a round trip flight from moscow to petropalovs-kamchatsky, the distance is approximately the same as from london to buenos airos, for 15,000 rubles. £130.00. tours of the valley of geysers, the world's second largest field of geysers, winter surfing and traditional dog sled racing will be offered as officials try to promote the region as an ideal destination for those seeking an active, fulfilling experience. the first industrial center in siberia opened today in krasnoyarsk medicine, a high-tech clinic will
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serve workers of industrial , including strategic enterprises. for those who work there, it is especially important to monitor their health, and now they have at their service doctors of all profiles, modern diagnostics, the most advanced treatment methods, a full examination in this center will take a few hours instead of several days. we are officially launching. center for industrial medicine in krasnoyarsk, which serves 15 large industrial enterprises, strategic enterprises, employees of these enterprises in their activities are associated with certain production risks, with sometimes especially dangerous working conditions, why is this so important, to establish health control and a system of preventive measures, the federal medical-biological... agency has preserved the system of industrial medicine in the post-soviet period, and for the last
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year and a half we are bringing the industrial medicine system to a modern level. moscow today was covered by a dense whiteout, a severe snowstorm, snow drifts and almost zero visibility, footage like from the film of the apocalypse. emergency services are advising drivers not to travel; in fact, it is difficult to imagine how anyone can get in. is gradually shifting to the south, but heavy snowfall, according to forecasts, may begin to fall again in just a couple of hours; other central regions of russia will also be under a white veil. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue, the program, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues, time will tell this program, we are working live. the failure of the counterattack sent ukraine into deep defense, the reuters agency reports, the dry landmen are urgently digging
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defensive lines. concrete barricades and coils of barbed wire stretch across open fields for more than a kilometer, trenches with rudimentary living quarters are being dug under cover of darkness, and artillery thunders nearby. new defensive lines visited by reuters near the town of kupinsk on december 28 show how ukraine has stepped up construction of fortifications in recent months, shifting its military operations against russia to defense and now war correspondent pavel kukushkin is in direct contact with us. let's find out what's happening right now. in the zaporozhye direction. pavel, hello, over to you. hello, alesya and ruslan. in the zaporozhye direction, fire pressure from our fighters continues, and artillery, tanks, and self-propelled guns are now working very actively to fortify the ukronazis, and assault groups are also moving forward, and now the western
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work is again making a slight advance, also in the area. verbovoy our paratroopers have taken a number of positions with the kronazis, that is, the pressure is intensifying, now processing is underway, right now , right now, at the moment, artillery processing is underway on this fire bag, in which the ukranazis locked themselves, this small ledge, several square kilometers, which is from rabotina they paved the way to verbolovov there at the cost of incredible losses for more than six months, and there now... they are working on them and methodically grinding manpower and armored vehicles. in general, the initiative there is completely on our side. here we are now they showed footage of how they are strengthening, there is quite serious equipment there and they are digging deep, they are preparing for a long defense, for a big one and are seriously preparing, or are these some kind of partial ostentatious events in order to show a beautiful picture of how they are ready for defense
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that they have a line of defense ready. ruslan , apparently, they are still preparing for defense, since their declared counter-offensive was a fiasco, everywhere, in all, in all areas where they declared it, now, of course, they have no time offensive operations, apparently, they are really preparing for such a serious defense, and especially since i just talked with the guys, with the fighters who are on the front line, and the ukranazis are already feeling a hunger for shells, less and less, they are responding to the work of our artillery, if before their counter-battery warfare , well, let’s say, worked quite well, that is, they immediately responded with fairly massive fire, now less and less, they also use quadcopters much less often, most likely this is already before them this shell famine has arrived, which we were just talking about earlier, and i
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don’t seem to stutter about new types of weapons, i understand correctly that nothing new is appearing at the front because of new products and... i mean the western military-industrial complex, yes, ruslan , so far there is nothing , moreover, even our guys haven’t seen the vaunted leopards lately during work, well, there is the forty-seventh brigade, this infamous one, which was unwound half the time, it had leopards in service, it was, as you know, transferred to another sector of the front, now they don’t see the vaunted nato equipment, perhaps, by the way, also because of the weather conditions. the germans themselves admitted the other day that all their tanks, strictly speaking, are only intended for the parade, and not for combat, well, they are dismantling them while we are dismantling them for spare parts, they are dismantling defects and will probably work on the mistakes if we will give them, they were given, that’s right, very, let’s say, very capricious, their cars are capricious, they require such repairs
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to be quite thorough, so i, unlike our technology. when i was with the guys working part-time for tankers, they, well, practically , if there are no serious breakdowns of some kind, they themselves, with the hands of deputies of technical engineers, go through the engines and carry out some minor repairs, without even sending them to rimbat somewhere in there to top positions, and of course nato equipment requires such more careful care, it is capricious and of course in the field conditions you can’t make such repairs with it, which of course with... from western equipment we will have two in our armed forces in the twenty-fourth year strategic missile carrier, nuclear submarine cruiser of the barii a project, also this year
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the work on setting up the sarmat missile system is being completed, remember how we talked about it, and so it is going on combat duty. in addition, it is planned to increase the production of daggers and zircons, and the navy will receive three submarines. just one year and 11 surface ships, why is it so important to develop our fleet now, they said in the stream of the popular front. svo - ground operation, the question arises: why are we now engaged in the fleet? as world history shows, all major land wars are ultimately won by control of sea communications. absolutely right, because even here we can remember the first events in syria, when the nato fleet approached... we had cruise missiles launched from the caspian sea, nato immediately moved away from syria and said: yes, this is your prerogative, we we will never touch this theater of military
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operations, where the caspian sea is and where the mediterranean sea is, and then we see that today there are precisely new ships, namely nuclear submarines, which carry very large stocks of nuclear weapons. this is exactly the strategy that is being built correctly today, we will actually soon, just like england and the soviet union once upon a time, carry out our geopolitical tasks with the help of naval forces, and this is exactly right, especially since , that we mainly have missile ships, and this is just important, especially since knocking out, say, a dagger or satan, is today not... really not a single armed force, so when i listed the entire list of new products of our military-industrial complex for the twenty-fourth year, i can directly imagine how nato generals ran to subscribe to the telegram channel stream
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popular front to make sure that there is never a need to fight with the russians , subscribe too, qr code on your screen. a short advert and we'll be back. i hate my face and want another one. perhaps you understand that the operation won’t help you anyway, your idea to remove the ribs is crazy, yes, what did you do with it, you won’t get away with it, but if everything we’ll do it carefully, the mosquito won’t teach you, you understand that this is really dangerous, my dear, it’s good to make a fuss, if you don’t get tired of the thieves’ patients, they will destroy you, are you worried about me? promise that you will never lie to me. only those who are directly related to the operation should have a pass to the institute. andrey ivanovich, i
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will correct both of our mistakes. it can't be fixed. something happened? yes, quickly follow me. to the operating room by dr. preobrazhensky, new ones from the series, watch after the program time, senior investigator of the obhs, major volkov, we are interested in the documentation of the cosmetology department, here is the search warrant, oh, monte shococa cognac, product. stellar group. the old new year is coming, the diagnosis is like a song. what examinations to do in the new year. dragon fruit. what is
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its use? you will come to us with pain, but you will leave without pain. eliminate pain in 5 minutes. the program to live healthy will tell you everything. tomorrow on the first.
2:20 pm
when i write complex songs, they say that i am an intellectual, i write something easy, i they say that i sold out , they won’t leave me alone, i often repeated, i know my boundaries well, so i break them, i returned the marseillaise to its original meaning, i ask you all to join me, without a filter, tomorrow at the first, if i get imprisoned to prison, i don’t care, at least i’ll lose weight, the new year is always the beginning of a new stage, what predictions will there be, vanga said that everything will be fine in russia, you can confirm this, and the children who will be born next year , this is what they will say about exchange rates, how about this? dollar - like everything that is in this world has its own zodiac sign, the dollar is cancer. the second half of the year
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will be very turbulent for him, we are ending a difficult era in the twenty-third year and starting a new one, but what will we get in the twenty- fourth? what was said to me, i tried myself on, everything came together, with a complete stranger, i was going somewhere to the mountains, i couldn’t stand it and asked what sign you were born under, because tanya told me what sign this person would even be under , well i was 6-7 years old, and my mother and i always had nothing in common.
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business, listen, marin, i can congratulate you, you are a mother, congratulations on fatherhood, i’ll take a photo of your child and bring the testimony to alexandra as a gift. i'm afraid you won't get anything in the event of a divorce. yes, somehow, you are a serious statesman with us, i was ready to testify against him, if something happens to mine, and you are involved in it, i will kill you again. what are you doing here, you shouldn’t be here. released the season, you have the child was stolen, i will destroy you, your clinic , i will ask you to write down all conversations with her, whether telephone or personal, i don’t know, pay the cops, hide the apartments, do something, i’m so tired of hiding, container, new episodes, in sunday on the first , are you bargaining for your daughter, don’t want to return her, three lemmas, no less, and the money is needed through in the usa,
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if not a day, then a new scandal, this time in the spotlight is hunter biden, the son of the american president, who came to congress to consider a case of contempt to the american parliament, however, when they started asking him uncomfortable questions, he ran away from the meeting and began giving interviews. today , some kind of grandiose drama is happening on capital hill. hantry biden unexpectedly came to the capitol for a meeting of one of the house of representatives committees, which is considering the case of his charge of contempt of congress. earlier, the president's son ignored a congressional subpoena demanding he testify behind closed doors in the impeachment trial of joe biden. instead, hunter suggested answering question. at the heart of the entire investigation
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is the idea that hunter biden made a fortune using the resources of his father, who is the current president of the united states, while the father was well aware of what hunter was doing, but there is no evidence yet that joe biden himself was involved in any of the things his son is accused of. hunter was supposed to testify and said he would do so publicly, but republicans are against it because it would be confidential information that could only be disclosed...
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behind closed doors, that's what brought us to today, mr. chairman, he has carried out your requests to a significant degree in good faith.
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showed up essentially unannounced on capitalist hill, the secret service arrived about an hour before the hearing began, no one was really sure what was going on. you know, earlier this week it was announced that filming would begin on a documentary about the life of hunter biden, and maybe hunter came here just for this kind of footage. our studio has specialist in hidden meanings, gevorg, what, what is the essence of the matter, i want to understand, because well, it would seem that we care about hunter biden, yes, honestly, he’s fed up with how much we talk about him.
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everything that hunter biden has already done greatly discredits his dad, who , in turn, staked his career on the war against russia in ukraine, so any blows that are made against the dad by the republicans in this case are beneficial to russia, because they defame joseph biden, in general, especially since this is all being done in period of the election campaign, and especially since this hat, a magician’s hat yes...
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because he will say, i’m the president, i didn’t even defend my son, because it’s a free country, we’re such cool democrats, so please, here trial over my son... and i’m not getting involved in this, what a fine fellow i am, he began to meddle, he stood up, and the republicans will expose it all, not just how he defended his son, because his son is under the secret service, but they will also drag him out, like him collaborated with my son in ukraine, because once again that’s it these things, all the hottest moments that the republicans have dug up about the bidens’ work in ukraine in recent years, you will all be laid out sooner, probably somewhere in the summer, maybe somewhere in the beginning.
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i like to quote him very much, who said that, in fact, he said in may this past year, in fact, the current conflict is a special military operation for the benefit of russia, because it showed the greatness of the spirit. he controls his hand, that would also be nice, but in general, if we are talking about america, then america was united
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immorality, the other day the press published declassified documents about an island for pedophiles, this is a specific resort organized for members of the elite, billionaire jeffrey epstein, one of the defendants in this scandal, ex-president of the united states, bill clinton, a famous libertine, today new details of friendship have surfaced clinton with... an american billionaire, it turns out that bill clinton actively used epstein's plane, which all those close to him jokingly called the lolita express among themselves. clinton's representatives said that he did travel to europe, asia and africa on epstein's plane. the former president met with the financier in his manhattan office in 2002, but bill clinton knew nothing about the horrific crimes to which jeffrey epstein pleaded guilty. actually the name is bill clinton. well, he is increasingly appearing more and more actively in this scandal, and even a photograph appeared that allegedly hung on
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the wall in epstein’s house, bill clinton in a woman’s dress, although many say that this could be photoshopped, but nevertheless this photo appeared, it appeared for a reason , it was distributed and continues to focus attention on it, there is a picture there, it really hung, it’s just that he didn’t pose, but he portrayed bill clinton, his friend epstein, in general the scandal with this sex... island has been going on for 2 weeks in the usa on american television, they tell in great detail what the american elite is doing. another batch of documents regarding the epstein case has been published. recently printed protocols a 2016 deposition shows that epstein accuser virginia giuffrey told prosecutors she was paid $115,000 to have sex with prince andrew in the 1990s and said she recalled at least two incidents in which the former president bill clinton visited
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epstein's island and had lunch with young girls. she could not confirm any incidents of sexual assault by clinton, however, when asked whether the former president witnessed sexual assault against minors, virginia said that yes, he was, because he knew for what purpose the girl came to jeffrey island, and clinton visited him several times. she added that there are photographs of naked girls in all the rooms of epstein's house, and this is something jeffrey is not embarrassed about. they dragged me in, so they say that epstein filmed the whole thing on video. when my friend had sex with clinton, prince andrew and richard branson, jeffrey epstein filmed each individual incident. god bless, she managed to get some footage that was clearly visible. clinton, prince andrew and branson during intercourse. unfortunately, epstein was not visible in any of the footage. he
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was too smart for that. when my friend finally plucked up the courage to go to the police in 2008 to report what had happened, they did nothing. she was humiliated at the police department, where she went to report what epstein, clinton, branson, prince andrew were involved in. it was epstein who was hanged, although they say that there is just a little bit of weight left. now the media is being taken away and
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lawyers are taking away, politicians and congressmen are peering at them, here, really unexpectedly, completely out of such political oblivion, bill clinton came to us, you ask the question, why? despite the fact that, of course, this is not just, so to speak , last year’s snow in the political sense, but this is the snow of the last century, because bill clinton is, this is... the story of monica lewinskaya, this is the history of impeachment, this is the nineties , a completely different era, when there were completely different relationships with america had russia, america was different
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, with monica, you see, in dresses made of blue velor, yes, so to speak, velvet, that means other star characters, we will see everyone, we will consider everyone, this is the meaning of our system, we have complete transparency , against biden’s background, nothing is owed, as for, and as for biden , besides hunter, he really is the breadwinner of this army of everyone, so to speak, the mass media, he also makes us remember.
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once and twice, it just so happens that that’s all these games in lgbt, tolerance and so on, this is the business of a conditional layer of the american elite, american activists who live on the coast there in democratic states and so on. deep america is still conservative, it is still for traditional american values. and these scandals, sex scandals, drag scandals, in
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terms of drugs and so on, of course, they hit ratings very hard and...
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it was hillary and bill, lyn forrester de rothschild, the current head of the council for inclusive capitalism, spent my honeymoon with roschild in the white house, and after that, on board the private liner of tycoon maxwell, a very famous person in the united states of america, she went to this very island, aproline forester de rothschald in company with the clintons, and the council of mclusive capitalism, by the way, clinton is one of the 27 guards, this is the organization that is headed.
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i observe how the west assesses the situation in russia over and over again. the facts are inexorable. russian troops are in complete control of the occupied territories in an attempt to convince the international community's demagoguery about the demoralization of russian soldiers and huge losses increasingly looks like empty dreams. ukraine is not capable of any counter-offensive. most likely , weapons and money will be sent to ukraine for some time, but this will not yield results. it is impossible for its authors to openly admit the fallacy of the chosen strategy. we are in two and three. years, we will remain at the same point as now, only the european union will probably lose 50 billion euros, and there will be thousands of times more graves in ukrainian cemeteries. loses
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not ukraine, the united states is losing, the washington post building is simply screaming with all its might that the ukrainian conflict will put an end to the hegemony of the united states. the expansion of russian artillery and drone capabilities, as well as the density of russian minefields, doomed ukraine's counteroffensive. if the disparity in opportunity continues to grow, as is inevitable if us aid is withdrawn, ukraine will face the possibility of a russian breakthrough. the united states is increasing production of its own ammunition, especially artillery shells, and these supplies are necessary for the defense of ukraine. if us assistance is not forthcoming, european states will essentially have to be prepared to exhaust all their ammunition reserves to ensure supplies to ukraine. the consequences of cutting off us aid would be simply catastrophic. the ukrainians will not stop fighting, but eventually... they will eventually lose the war, which will mean that the us will be significantly weakened as a world leader. a russian victory in ukraine would threaten us allies in eastern europe.
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the united states generally professes this “happy end” ideology, and of course, they do not expect a sad end. does gevorg feel that the conflict in ukraine is the last image conflict for the united states? i remember afghanistan, which was also called a loss, then ukraine began. now there are also a lot of interesting regions of mine. bear conflict, people kept saying that vietnam was the last, the last nail in the us coffin, yes , no, of course, the americans will continue to do what they are doing, but ukraine will the breaking of the backbone of american hegemony in the world , this is a fact, all western media are now writing and admit that the defeat of the west in ukraine is inevitable, the trend cannot be broken, the only question is how long it will take, and most likely it will be a long time, well, everyone seems to be talking about it and military experts and so on, but what is interesting is why fitso is so outspoken? why is fitz so honest? for one simple reason: he did not make the decision to start a war in ukraine. this is a new politician who came to power after the decision was made, and the more new ones come
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politicians in europe. for the west this is more than critical according to salevan himself, the national security advisor of the white house, who said that if they lose kiev, they will lose all of europe, he is confusing svebor personally, i apologize, let’s take turns, time is very limited, because as they say that there is power, you know, as who is a person, although the belly, loving you do not see the benefits, it’s the same here, power is a very, very specific thing, as soon as it is clear that akila missed, things will begin in western europe
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big events, american. in the event that ukraine ceases to be a protectorate of the united states of western europe, the united states will not be able to control the situation with an endless number of more than 20 million army of emigrants, who, in principle, are promised in the future, according to us plans, resettlement on the deserted southern russian plain, precisely here, where they are being destroyed everyone, including children.
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i would say sensible things, but there are two news here, bad and good, the bad is that of course, today his european bureaucracy cannot be heard, today his voice, like orban’s voice, cannot change anything, but the good news is that the situation is really changing, a new trend is emerging, evor spoke about politicians, european politicians, look what is happening now, now they are still setting the tone, who was involved in this conflict with russia.
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especially on the eve of the elections in the usa, they are ready to invest everything so as not to lose, this is a gesture of despair, but this cannot be changed, everything, everything, the situation is changing, these billions yes...
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this is all that they have gotten themselves into, what they, this is the trap they fell into, imagine the importance of our guys on the front line, who are now, in fact, deciding these destinies of the new world order, now war correspondent evgeny lisitsin is contacting us directly, evgeny, hello, hello , you probably heard part of our conversation and how our brave fighters in the kupinsky direction are deciding the fate of the world now, so now you can ask questions openly. in the koppen direction , positional battles continue in principle in area of ​​senkovka, our guys have seized the initiative there, part of the settlement is under our control, the rest is such a gray zone, while the enemy continues to dynamically retreat, and strikes by our aerospace forces and the russian federation continue, which are now hitting the suburbs of kupinsk, where the enemy continues to pull reserves. yesterday
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, the ukrainian delegation consisting of... the ministry of defense umerova, zaluzhno, shaptala visited positions in the kupinsk area. well, judging by their faces, the topic of conversation there is not at all rosy. except moreover, the western press has now become very active and writes that the russian army is preparing offensive actions and will create a fifteen-kilometer buffer zone, that is, you see, they do some kind of provocations all the time, and this is done so that zelensky can ask everyone for money, here in the svatovsko-kremen direction, continuing further, we move a little away from senkovka, there is a spot in the area, well, in the area of ​​​​the torsky ledge, our fighters are trying to break through there, they are breaking through. will not be assembled as quickly as we would like, but they are moving quietly, they have broken through the defense there to a depth of 3 km, also in this direction there is a withdrawal of the main main forces of the armed forces of ukraine on the front line, these are positions prepared there that
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they have further down, they will also dig in there, the state of the army in the ukrainian armed forces is absolutely demoralized, they were tormented by the cold, they were not given provisions, they were allowed to shoot only at targets due to the fact that they did not have a bull. bc uses, well, they have some reserves, but they do not use them exclusively only for the positions of our military personnel. ruslan, then yes, you confirm what the military correspondents have already started telling us today since months, that finally the moment of crisis with ammunition of the famine of supplies has arrived, they really do not have enough ammunition now, of course, of course, now they are saving as much as possible, because the west doesn’t extradite them, and nato countries don’t extradite them either. moreover, now there is a question. it’s being decided there in nato countries, this is based on private conversations, our fellow journalists there, who report our mother for russia, say that, in principle, there are no plans to extradite uh, ukraine has weapons, but zelensky will
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shout everywhere: “give, help, save, we understand this perfectly well, they are not going to take away the soldiers who are there in captivity along the entire front line, because they have nothing to pay at all, there is no compensation, it’s simpler than a person put".
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karinzh must choose, either he is a citizen of latvia or a citizen of the united states, he considers himself god’s chosen one, he is going to go to work in brussels, and he does not feel sorry for the latvian latvians. arthur skrišyani from karinzh, visiting latvian. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. rum. castro. product of stellor group. it seems like we are starting a new life. fell in love? oh, sorry, i didn’t
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introduce myself, this is lep preobrazhensky’s work. so it was you after all. i'm so sorry for you, leva. she knew about gestational diabetes and hid the tests... to get your place. doctor preobrazhensky. new episodes. watch the time after the program. be careful with your requests. everything has a limit. his destiny was talent, beautiful women, fame and constant provocations. i do song as a form of entertainment, without ambition.
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either they loved him or they hated him, but no one remained indifferent. why are you so angry with your contemporaries? because it is better to hit yourself than to receive hits from others. when i write complex songs, they say that i am an intellectual, when i write something easy, they tell me that i have sold out, they do not leave me alone, gainsbourg often repeated, i know well. my boundaries, that’s why i’m violating them, i returned the marseillaise to its original meaning, i ask you to sing with me, motodor, ginsbul without a filter, tomorrow on the first, if they put me in prison i'm going to jail, i don't care, at least i'll lose weight. you and i are just friends, the bird
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is now free, but wants to go back into the cage , if we lose our memory, we will choose each other again, don’t love me, don’t look for me, no more parties, you’re painting old pictures, this is heaven for you , these little stars are for you, this is the sun, speaking. on you, it’s snowing, it’s snowing, everything is flickering, the very first new year, tomorrow is the first, a new year is always the beginning of a new stage, what predictions will there be, vanga said that russia everything will be fine, you can confirm this, and the children who will be born next year, this is what they will be like? about exchange rates, how in this regard? the dollar, like everything
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that is in this world, has its own zodiac sign, the dollar is cancer, the second half of the year will be very turbulent for it, we are ending a difficult era in twenty years , we are starting a new one, but what will we get in twenty -four, what i was told, i tried myself on, everything came together, i was going somewhere to the mountains with a complete stranger, i couldn’t stand it, i asked what sign you are under were born, if the doctor says that he will place the child, then why bother? did you do your job and
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more? that’s it, vadik, of course, for you, i can ask what happened between you and the surrogate mother, she’s so worried about someone else’s child, because she’s just as worried about her own, i have it, that’s it, let’s go, for everything, thank you, that he made us feel welcome, she wouldn’t have pulled this off alone, he’s most likely involved in the crime, why did he come back, for justice, how much time do i have? you don't have time, vadim, i really need talk to you, we have somewhere to hide, container, new episodes, on sunday on the first, many people have been talking lately about the possible loss of america, the fall of the hegemon, but in fact america is going its own way. does not change the strategy, actively sponsors troubles around the world
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, incites hopes that something will win somewhere, in particular, it became known that joseph biden plans to send a delegation of american, supposedly former politicians, but there are no former ones in america, each carries a certain some purpose, a certain statement of the position of the united states, so these former politicians will go to the taiwan peninsula immediately after the elections, which will be held there on january 13, the western press writes that... this could seriously complicate relations between the united states and china, the main thing is that they don’t take the cookies, perhaps news on channel one. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. and we start the issue with the sad news, she didn’t.


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