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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 11, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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everyone had shoes on, and it all burned down , someone will definitely help us, so we ’ll get dressed and go, well, we have to live, yes, guys, yes, of course, the popular front and channel one couldn’t leave the children without new year’s gifts, to the guys our friends from moscow came to congratulate them personally, pay attention to the costume of santa claus, it is truly iconic for all children, the fact is that during the hostilities everyone is dressed up... order, this is such a new year's miracle, today the builders managed to find him and bring him to we have special guests from moscow, and santa claus, they brought you sweet gifts, as well as costumes, let's invite our guests.
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now you will see a completely new performance on stage in completely new costumes, which were presented to us by our dear friends from moscow. this is the most sacred thing that remains in me, it protects and heals us, like god’s grace, this is something that cannot be bought and cannot be taken away, this is something that cannot be bought and cannot be taken away.
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if you know someone who needs such help or are ready to help yourself, please contact our editorial office, why is there no light, because of debts, a million rubles, how much did you have to not pay? susha refused our help and ran away from the crisis. center with the child, but what about the debt? everything remained in its place, where did you go? you rented a room with maxim, is your child safe with you now with maxim? well, yes, but how can he be safe with you if you beg money from everyone, you don’t have it? she does not feed her child, maxim is not, not the father of the child today, she had a young man, this young man had two friend and she had sexual intercourse with all three of them, to support ksyusha, her friend elizaveta came to us today, let’s call her.
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i want to hear this support, good evening, the big game is live, and i, vyacheslav nikonov, russian president vladimir putin continued his trip to the far east, the greatest interest, of course, was attracted by his meeting with representatives of the business community.
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more than four, more than four, well, we’ll see, of course, but maybe i’m like we’re in decline, mikhail vladimovich told me, before leaving here, we always counted the fall in 2020 at 2.1%, in fact it turned out to be 1.2, so the eyes are big, the count is constantly going on, so maybe there will be more, we are the fifth economy in the world, and at the same time the gap is us and japan are so small that if we simply maintain this pace, or even in principle, as they say, we will, we will move forward smoothly, we will overtake japan in any moment, yes, this is an amazing result, it seems they are strangling us from all sides, putting pressure on us, and we began to buy by volume, by volume, by the volume of the economy as a whole, the first in europe, we overtook germany and took fifth place in the world, china. usa, india, japan, russia,
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number one in europe. note this, indeed, despite the most stringent sanctions.
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in north asia, record low prices for liquefied natural gas, that is, they, through the policy of expensive credit, the policy of weakening their own markets, their own economies, their own credit activity, tried to destroy the export component of the russian economy, as a result it began to develop successfully and rapidly the manufacturing sector of our economy, the manufacturing sector, here in many segments will grow by tens of percent in 2023 , so it’s quite possible. it cannot be expected that with the further, well, probably final calculation of gdp for the twenty-third year, we will get growth above 4%, that is, not even 3.5%, as the president said on the direct line, but about 4%, while the russian economy , it was strangely supported by sanctions,
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that is, the west seemed to be trying to strangle us, but at the same time it was strangling us through self-destruction, we can bypass germany itself was helped... germany, because germany was engaged in economic self-destruction, if not to say that it was generally engaged in economic suicide, that is, all that german economic miracle that started back in the 19th century, back in the 1830s, then in the forties and fifties years, a miracle of german, prussian, and above all industry, it is all being destroyed with incredible speed. japan is still holding on due to the very low rate of the bank of japan due to simply credit pumping of japanese enterprises. ineffective, we need it say, often, but russia will still bypass japan, we will inevitably bypass japan in the future. by the way, it’s interesting that information has now arrived that in japan the idea of ​​supporting ukraine with the next tranche is somehow evaporating as they have calculated how much is needed to eliminate
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the consequences of the last accident at a nuclear power plant, so this will soon be the case with japan the same, i think, as with the united states and europe. will also join the list of those countries that will not support ukraine. regular spectators of the big game, probably we were surprised that it didn’t come out today - for the first time, probably in all our time, our two-hour release. we really took a walk. but we had a very good reason, because today in the white house, in the house of the government of the russian federation, the presentation of the government of the russian federation award for 2023 took place. in the field of media and among the recipients was the big game program, so today we received certificates and corresponding medals that go along with this
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government award from the hands of the head of government mikail vladimovich mishustin. of course, this is a very big job, behind which there is a huge effort. of course, great credit goes to those who make this program, those editors who are now working in the control room, those operators who are now showing us this studio,
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our guests, sound engineers, thanks to whom everyone can hear us, make-up artists, costume designers, well, i won’t , probably, to list everyone, because... a huge amount of work is behind all this, by the way, today, speaking in response from the awardees, i managed and... first a special military operation in 1482
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, today 1483, and this is really a big, serious work, our program, which began as a weekly and analytical program, has become such a combat, informational and analytical leaflet that is already published several times a day. a huge... credit for this goes to our military experts, including boris aleksandrovich rozhin, who is now with us in the studio, boris aleksandrovich, so our congratulations to you too, the government’s high assessment of our program, and, as always, we are waiting for fresh news from you news about a special military operation. good evening, thank you, yes, well, we all work together until victory, and well, the main work, of course, is primarily done by ours.
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enemy positions in the staromaisky area on the vremevsky ledge in the ugledar direction, fierce battles continued in the novomikhailovka area, the enemy was now able to stop our advance directly in the very outskirts of the village, but at the same time weakened its positions south of the village, we , our team, took advantage of this, in a timely manner hit and accordingly now our main successes are to the south of the village, fierce battles also continue to the northeast of novamikhailovka in the marinka area on... our troops continued to successfully advance in the area of ​​​​the outskirts of georgievka, there
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are battles near the temple, which is located on the eastern outskirts, also our troops have already latched on to the residential buildings of georgievka, well, we can expect that in the coming week we will gradually advance both in the georgievka area and in the village itself, the enemy is now hastily strengthening the defense there, but nevertheless there are heavy losses there, including and prisoners, north of marinka our troops continue to fight on... we also have successes today, we have advanced in the kleshcheevka area, there is an advance to the west of artyomovsky, there is an advance at bogdanovka, our troops here are gradually advancing in the direction of chasy yar, strikes in this area they have now intensified, on the northern ledge the situation as a whole was without... positional battles were going on, just like in the krasnolimansky direction, in the svatovo-kupyansky direction, within 24 hours our
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troops took one opornik on the eastern bank oskol, here our troops also retain the initiative, and at night they struck a hotel in kharkov, where foreign mercenaries were quartered, there was a very precise defeat, a very important location in dimitrov was also hit, this is in the krasnoarmeysky district of the dpr, that is, the strikes were not stop, too. it can be noted that attacks on the northern regions of the kharkov region have intensified, where the enemy, which the enemy used for terrorist attacks, it is important to note that our sabotage groups worked actively in the sumy region, the enemy suffered heavy losses in manpower there , prisoners were taken, including border guards who voluntarily surrendered in the amount of five people, the enemy notes that the organization of border security is very poor, despite all the propaganda, the construction of walls, mining, nevertheless...
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but not all norms can be supported, some provisions directly violate human rights, some are not optimally formulated, we openly told the military command about this, but all politicians understand and support the need for mobilization, based on the results of the meeting , the bill is returned to the initiator, at the same time we pass on the proposals developed during the committee meeting in working groups. well, indeed, the situation
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is developing into a kind of deadlock with regard to democratic processes. i would say that the situation is a dead end for the entire conscription in ukraine, taking into account the fact that today, even by the quality of prisoners of war , we can approximately see where the ukrainians intend to, well, at least somehow hold the line, and where actually they are simply stuffing live meat, god forgive me, into those positions that will somehow be similar to those in the serebryansky forestry, not only complementing what the deceased kasat said, they will most likely be surrendered soon. i ’m talking about the direction, of course, kupinsk and so on, the kharkov region, and why i say that, because the quality of training of those fighters, if they can be called fighters, who enter the front line, the front line makes ukrainians understand that they have a conscription process - this is the interval between civilian life and the grave , that is, naturally there are no chances
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of survival, these are not empty words, taking into account the fact that now drones have said a new word and in fact, if a person does not know how to conduct combat work, the ukrainians have now begun to understand this, then he automatically finds himself in collimator of all those systems that reset it, therefore, i think that there will be very few people who will support the released, so to speak, this very carbonless, what’s her name so to speak, called anna molyar, which is a form for pregnant women, tried in every possible way to advertise for the front line, well, actually, this initiative is together in civil life, he she is together at the front, although of course there is... slaughter or slaughter, excuse me, of ukrainian citizens, they are simply being spent ineffectively, you know what
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has already come to the fact that we are talking about putting children at work machines, in fact, maybe sending some kind of hitler yugin. how is this already being done in odissa at present ? well, the real problem is that for this you still need machines, like these in ukraine no, there is no military production there, so when someone says that children need to be put in charge of machines so that they can make shells, well, at least we need at least one factory where shells can be made, that’s another problem , they won’t put the children , it would have been better, i must say that the award of the government of the russian federation in the big game is also... a great merit to our front-line correspondents who constantly come out, we also congratulate dmitry anatolyevich medvedev, our permanent war correspondent, although he represents the newsfront agency, nevertheless, we also consider him ours. what news, georgy anatolyevich? yes,
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hello, colleagues, congratulations on your absolutely well-deserved award, i remember how we left. on the air at the very beginning of a special military operation, how millions of people watched the situation in mariupol, how we liberated the port city just through the air of the big game, when operational personnel we were just returning from the front, caught the internet first, so that send the latest video of our progress, our successful liberation of the city, they immediately went on air with the latest, latest news, i remember this is a very warm memory. knowledge that will always be with me, so i congratulate the entire team of our program, this is indeed a very well-deserved, absolutely deserved award, but we do not stop there, especially since the special military operation continues on all fronts, until now, attention, the epicenter of attention has been riveted to other front lines in view of our active advancement, or, on the contrary,
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attempts by the enemy to do something at the front, to somehow change the situation, but after the liberation of the marinas by our troops. points, they are interconnected, in fact it is one line, here on the ugledar front, the epicenter of attention is the most active phase of the fighting marenka, ugledar and a whole series of other populated actions, the hottest, heaviest, this is now in the area of ​​​​the settlement of novomikhailovka, earlier there was information about that we have already liberated this village, no, unfortunately, it is not yet true, the fighting continues, what complicates this is that... the enemy occupies several dominant positions, which do not allow us to fully launch an offensive operation, but literally today we were in touch with our servicemen who are fighting there. told us some news , details, we cannot report them yet, for obvious reasons, but we hope that in the coming days we will tell you about how
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the fighting is going, what tactics our troops use and, most importantly, what successes, but while the active phase of hostilities continues, the enemy is indeed snapping back, indeed he is still managing to partially hold the front line, but there is no doubt that it will continue to break through there too. yes, thank you very much, georgy anatolyevich medvedev.
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that this is really dangerous, my dear, it’s good not to cheat, if you don’t resist thieves ’ patients, they will destroy you, you ’re worried about me, you promise that you’ll never lie to me, only those who have a pass to the institute should have direct attitude towards the operation, without making my mistakes, light, three, four. andrey ivanovich, i will correct both of our mistakes, it is impossible to correct. something happened? yes, quickly follow
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me to the operating room. doctor preobrazhensky, new ones from the series, watch after the program time. senior investigator obbas major volkov, we are interested in the documentation of the cosmetology department. here is the order. for the search of gin сnop, a product of stellor group. the old new year is coming, the diagnosis is like a song. what examinations should i do in the new year? dragon fruit, what are its benefits? you you will come to us in pain, but you will leave. no pain, eliminate pain in 5 minutes, program to live healthy, will tell you everything, tomorrow on the first, fantastic, the best, tomorrow on
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the first, you and i are just friends, the bird is now free, but wants to go back into the cage, if we erase memory. let's choose each other again, don't love me , don't look for me, no more parties, you paint old pictures, this sky is for you, these stars are for you, this sun shines only for you, it's snowing, it's snowing everything, the very first new one a year, tomorrow on the first. the new year is always the beginning of
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a new stage. what will be the predictions? vanga said that everything would be fine in russia. can you confirm this? and what will the children who will be born next year be like? about exchange rates, what about this? the dollar, like everything else in this world, has its own zodiac sign. the dollar is a cancer, the second half of the year will be very turbulent for it, we are ending a difficult era with the year 23 and starting a new one, but what will we get in the twenty-fourth, what was told to me, i tried on myself, everything came together, i was going somewhere to the mountains with a complete stranger, i couldn’t stand it and asked what sign you were born under, because tanya told me what sign this person would even be under, that i was 6-7 years old, but my mother and i always had it.
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the united states of america immediately decided, together with its european colleagues, to freeze.
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a bill that has been introduced in the united states congress in order to use these frozen assets for the benefit of ukraine, let's listen, the presidential administration biden is backing legislation that would confiscate some of the $300 billion in frozen russian assets to help pay for ukraine's reconstruction. the measure already has bipartisan support, with 14 senators from both parties and 62 congressmen in the house.
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then, what are they frozen in, they are frozen in some assets, and assets are most often debt obligations, that is , are they going to transfer their debt obligations that we bought from them to ukraine, or what, so that ukraine i owed them, i actually i don’t understand how they are going to do this; this initiative stems , apparently, from the understanding that the united states congress will not allocate the 60 billion that... the administration requested , moreover, maybe congress will allocate something, but the minimum amounts, that is , practically today the allocation of budgetary funds in this direction can be put an end to, this is the most important thing, why the administration turned to this particular source of funding, one thing can really be said about this source, not going into all the legal details, there are several aspects: first:
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most of them are frozen or located in europe, approximately 200 billion dollars, they are there in the accounts of one belgian company, but in any case they are in europe. as for the united states of america, according to the americans, this is no more than 5-6 billion. this absolutely means that america is ready to shift its concern about ukraine to europe. and moreover, this is perhaps the main political problem today, because here...
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to solve the problems of the eurozone and europe, which have already been punished in a state of recession, they go somewhere unclear to ukraine, but in any case this is a completely obvious thing in this case, secondly, these are precisely financial things, the point is that europe will never was not involved in the military, especially in the supply of military equipment, then the question arises: how will these funds be used in general, for what? they will go to the economic, to the humanitarian, it turns out that the military component is also making a fifth corner, in this regard the last one comes up , maybe i’m not talking now about the threat of the dollar, about new rules in the system of international economic relations, when expropriation of expropriators becomes the norm, so to speak life, now every country can make its claims for sovereign assets other states, but the whole point is
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that the practice of american assistance. when the americans allocated their 100 billion, they still had not reported on the audit, they still could not provide a report on how how they... used these budget funds, how today the question arises, what will be the report on private funds, which, in general, in this case are expropriated and transferred to the kiev regime, but this is essentially inviting the kiev regime, these the funds will also be stolen, so i think they won’t even reach the kiev regime, they will be stolen by the kiev regime, but there are really questions here.
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firstly, it must be said that the united states can, if it confiscates russian assets, always when restoring diplomatic relations, return this money , because it is not enough, a small amount, it is not at all the 200-odd billion dollars that are in the european union, it is only about 6 and a half billion dollars, that is, it is not enough money, that is therefore, they can pass the law with the appropriate reservation that in the event of normalization of relations. this means that this money will somehow, that means, compensate russia on the basis of some kind of mutual agreement, that is, they can here go for a little trick, and a vague wording, but in principle leave for themselves a small, sort of space for
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retreat, on the other hand, they can play even more interestingly, they can not touch russian money and, in fact, push towards a similar policy, first of all, the european union, that is, if the european union is russian. touches sovereign assets, then in this case relations with the european union and russia will be damaged to a much greater extent than now, return this money to russia to the european union will no longer be able to, because the amount is very large, the european union, it seems to be losing its financial, economic strength, but at the same time it will be involved in the conflict to a greater extent, these are the circumstances, so to me, despite the fact that it seems like the democrats and the republicans agreed that they can take russian assets, it seems that perhaps they will come to their senses and shift it all to the european union. i see that aleksandrovich also wants something on this topic, well, i would because, thank you, alekseevich, because i told vasili georgivich, i would add that firstly, of course,
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most of these funds, even if it is possible, it will be somehow unblocked, in a completely unjust way, will, of course, remain in such corporations as rayton , boging and... the usa, because it is clear that these are related loans and that the funds go to the development of the same defense complex, and the states themselves have something to develop, taking into account, pay attention, colleagues, when they show a video of some kind of shell factory in the states then there is actually manual production of shells, there is actually no automation there, this is some kind of factory from the era of forty years ago, like that, especially since they have two such factories, only one tank, that’s why the means are insignificant, but they do. .. for the development of what, well, in terms of europe, here it would be necessary to ask how much of these funds the europeans have in a living form, because after all, including in the russian federation, there were securities and vaars, and we can sin under them and make a mission, because they still remain our funds, and
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until recently, our central bank, which then, even before the president’s decision, was not entirely subordinate to us, prevented us from coping with the money supply deficit in the russian federation, and that there are two interesting sides here, the first side concerns the fact that ...
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and thirdly, what has already been said here is the idea of ​​what is called a currency board, yes, that is, the issuance of one’s own currency, and the mission of one’s own currency to ensure that. that congress cannot pass
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a bill to support ukraine, and chuck schumer, the leader of the democratic majority in the senate is already simply sounding the alarm , let's listen, here in the senate we must act quickly, because ukraine is experiencing a dangerous moment in its war against putin, the ukrainian armed forces fighters remain determined to defend their homeland, but they are losing ammunition and weapons in supply , of which america played a leading role, this... assistance is cut off largely to putin’s joy. every senator must understand that if the senate does not approve an increase in aid to ukraine, then in a month the war, which is already going rather according to plan, will for russia, a turning point may suddenly occur in its favor; this turning point is already in sight due to a shortage of weapons. as i mentioned yesterday, i quote a ukrainian officer. for every five salvos that the russians fire at his positions, the ukrainians can respond with only one. a russian victory in ukraine will begin an ominous domino effect throughout the european continent, expanding russian influence. this. not a world any of us would like to return to. in past generations
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, democrats and republicans would have moved mountains to oppose russian dictators. we if we don't show any weakness to the thugs and autocrats who are invading their neighbors and hoping for the decline of america, we are in a new period of history where democracy is once again under threat. it must be said that he repeated these same thoughts several times in this speech. but really, this is some kind of impotent anger, or what, what is it? well, this is the last attempt to use what is called this rhetoric, that if congress does not allocate these funds, then the west or the collective west or the united states the states of america will suffer a strategic defeat, and this will almost be equivalent to the defeat of the united states of america, in the confrontation with russia. naturally, this is nothing more than rhetoric; today, as they say, this is not perceived, at least by the republican party, as accurate. and here one thing must be said, that today
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the congress, and why the congress is unlikely to deal with the problem of allocating aid to ukraine, and maybe even to israel, for one simple reason: now the congress is simply busy solving budget problems for the year 24, this one, which ends on september 30, in order to avoid the closure of the government and generally regulate these normal budget processes. because what is going on to help ukraine, israel, and taiwan there are additional budget expenses, god forbid we decide on a regular budget, and only then deal with additional expenses, so yes, today the administration is overwhelmed, yes, maybe it is trying to help someone - to shoulder the responsibility, but essentially today everything they are beginning to understand that the main thing today is that the key to solving these problems, oddly enough, lies within the united states. on the american and mexican borders, this
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is an increasingly growing understanding of where the fate of the united states of america, and national security problems, and the outcome of the presidential elections are really being decided today, well, it is being decided in the middle east, in ukraine, there are many there are seats, but when you said that congress deals exclusively with the budget, that’s not entirely right, because yesterday congress dealt with a completely different matter, they were deciding the question of whether hunter biden should be held accountable for contempt of congress, he did not appear at the hearing dedicated to him, the actual adventures and i'm doing, a hearing began in the rules committee on whether to hold him accountable for disrespect for congress, by the way, prison, in general, from experience, this is one of the serious crimes, absolutely true, and when they began to consider this in the committee, suddenly someone showed up there? he seemed to show respect
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for the congress, but his appearance immediately caused very strong reaction from a congresswoman from north carolina. let's listen. first of all, who brought hunter biden here? secondly, you are the personifications of white supremacy, you spit in the face of our committee, you ignore the subpoena? what are you so afraid of? don't have the balls to show up for the summons? i think hunter biden should be right here and... i give the floor to ms. taylor greene, r-georgia. thank you, mr. chairman. sorry, hunter, it looks like you are afraid of my words. mr. chairman, i would like to take time again. oh what a shame. i think it's obvious to everyone now that hunter biden is afraid of strong
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conservative republican women, because he can't even listen to what i had to say to him, what a coward. i can understand how this will help his father or i don’t care about all his antics, i’m just not a member of the democratic party, can you explain to me? i completely agree with you, in reality, hunter needs all these antics for his film, hunter biden entered the courtroom surrounded by his lawyers in the company of his business partner kevin. morris, and there was also a man with a camera, you see hunter is making a movie in which he wants to portray himself as a victim, although we are absolutely convinced that in reality he is not a victim at all, but a real criminal. i know that he was afraid of my words, because i was going to talk about very serious crimes that he committed, we
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have evidence of this. in particular, he violated the law of mann and trafficked people for the purpose of sexual exploitation. and i see a clear irony in this. joe biden. guilty of trafficking people because of his border policies, and his son hunter is guilty of sex trafficking, we have proof of that. well, when hunter biden left the hall, journalists ran up to him and started asking questions. let's listen. what kind of crack do you usually smoke, mr. biden? hunter, hunter, what's your favorite type of crack? are you on crack today? what do you prefer, snorting cocaine or smoking crack? mr. biden, why did you call your father? if he has nothing to do with your business, you called him several times, so that he talks to your business partners, why? do you have dads? yes, he calls you, yes, and you answer him? yes, but why did you talk to him during your business meetings if he has nothing to do with your business? well, the house of representatives
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approved a draft resolution calling for contempt of congress, brilliant, he could also say that he was insulted. because they really didn’t communicate with him very politely there, and it’s possible that in the film he’s shooting it will sound like he came to congress after all, he came hearing, here these insults poured in, and even from strong women who do not value the weak, unfortunate sick son of the american president at all, but he is kind of sick, yes he is completely sick, difficult difficult days for biden and his son, but i must say, that... not only there are serious problems there, in my opinion, much more serious problems have now arisen before the government of the federal republic of germany, where , apparently, a general strike has already begun, which has simply paralyzed this country, not to mention the fact that the whole world begins to boil in the most unexpected places,
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more on that after the advertisement. i am happy that i was born and live in a great country, russia, i love my small homeland, the city of springs, when everyone loves each other and understands each other, and this is at the same time the joy of life, good luck to everyone, with love, boris, everyone knows where to relax, of course, that on the black sea, because if there is a paradise in the world, this is the krasnodar region. that we live in russia, that our country is russia, i love russia, and you repeat after me, strong is beautiful, from earth to sky, love has grown, we must always be united, because, as they say, united, we are
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invincible, monte chococa cognac, a product of the stellar group. telikon will change everything, well, who wants to cut their face when you can achieve such a result. your friend turonova is hanging by a thread, she will put someone of her own in her place. the operation is over, we wake up. you are going to tell him about what just happened. they are taking him away, they are not opening the doors for the detainees, doctor preobrazhensky, new ones from the series, watch after the program. a man must love a woman a little more than she is him, then everyone will be happy, but for now you are doing everything
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the other way around, come on, all together, spread your ears, follow your star in advance, southern, god, what a man, i want a son from you. i want this to be a dream, but in my opinion i’m not sleeping, i thought it was spring, but this is from now, the light will fade, the night is zero, they won’t catch up with us, they won’t catch up with us, ah!
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fantastic, the best, first thing tomorrow. you and i are just friends. chka is now free, but wants to go back to hell, if we lose our memory, we will choose each other again, don't love me, don't look for me, no more parties, you draw old cortina, this sky is for you, these stars are for you, this sun shines only for you in your dreams. snow is falling, snow is falling, everything is flickering, floating, the very first
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new year, tomorrow is the first, everything is so easy for you, not the first time, the third, and that every time you just take it and give it away, well, this is business, listen, marin, to you you can congratulate, you are a mother, congratulations on fatherhood. i’ll take a photo of your child and bring you alexandra’s testimony as a gift. i'm afraid you won't get anything in the event of a divorce. yes how is that? you were a serious statesman with us, i am ready to testify against him, if something happens to mine, and you are involved in it, i will kill you again. what are you doing here, you shouldn’t be here? vadim, they released the season at night, your child was stolen. i will destroy your clinic. i will ask. write off all conversations with her, whether telephone or personal, i don’t know, pay the cops, hide the apartments, do something, i’m so tired
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of hiding, container, new episodes, on sunday on the first, what are you bargaining for daughter, if you don’t want her back, three lemmas, no less, and you need the money in two hours. the big game in the first, unexpectedly, or maybe not unexpectedly, germany boiled over, and boiled up in earnest. it was started by farmers who on january 8 declared a general strike due to rising prices, lack of subsidies and the unprofitability of all agricultural production; they were already joined by railway workers. according to the latest information , doctors are joining and, apparently , germany may soon be overwhelmed by a general strike, this is what the british newspaper writes
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telegraph. germany's transport system was on the brink of collapse when train drivers went on strike, forcing commuters onto motorways blocked by mass farmers' protests. a 64-hour strike by drivers paralyzed the work of the city metro and... 80% of long- distance railway networks. doctors also threatened to go on strike this week, putting pressure on olaf scholz and his government. german agriculture minister jem odzemer warned of a dangerous split in german society, as in usa, where people blame each other for the causes of all the world's evil. chancellor scholz has already tried to find a compromise with farmers by abandoning a previously adopted plan to cut some tax breaks, but this did not reassure the farmers. they intend to protest. and further. how serious it is, i must say that this has very serious consequences. the point is that not only is germany deindustrializing from an
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industrial point of view, deindustrialization is taking place. economy, it must be said that the basis of economic prosperity germany, which we were talking about, had relatively low prices for food, water resources, energy resources, today we see what the increase in energy prices has led to, if the same thing happens on the food market, then this can really put a sharp barrier in general ways of further socio-economic development of germany, not to mention the fact that the united states of america with its... i must say that in general the reasons are really economic, but not only because these are the results of great public disappointment, tucker carson spoke about this in a conversation with a correspondent
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who is in germany, let's listen. the media prefer not to tell us that in other countries, and not very far from us, say, in europe , events of a grandiose scale are now taking place, this could change the entire course of modern history, but in the usa no one is aware of this, especially , why is this happening, something similar is happening now in germany, the most powerful country in europe, which is also our key nato ally. german farmers blocked roads across the country, if similar mass protests took place in the usa, the whole country would be on its ears, but because...
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they consider themselves unnecessary and that in essence they are being driven out of their lands, they are tired of that they are deprived of the right to exist. farmers feel that they are controlled by people who hate them, and i think they are right, the german political establishment seems to hate everything that both farmers and ordinary people stand for.
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germans stand in solidarity with farmers, railway workers, doctors and others who are now protesting. we must add to the fact that we have already heard that the united states has big plans for germany. first, the longtime enemy of the european bureaucracy of the united states is the farmers of the european union. and now german farmers are being attacked from different sides. on the one hand, since the beginning of the special military operation, the european union has abolished quotas. for supplies food from ukraine and cheap food, primarily grain, flooded the european union market; on the other hand , gas pipelines were destroyed, sources of relatively cheap energy supply to the german economy, including agriculture, were destroyed , subsidies are now being canceled and farmers will then die en masse, this is wonderful from the point of view, let’s say a company like black rock can
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take over not only land in ukraine, but also land in germany, throwing it out onto the street.
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the ability of the united states to influence these governments and in general the united states in general has recently begun to wipe its feet on them, imperceptibly, imperceptibly, but it has become a habit. here is blinkin in palestine with mahmoud abas , let's see, the picture of the reception, there is a palestinian flag , there is no american flag, they didn’t even put it up, they took it and didn’t put it up , the government of djibouti, the americans asked to place their missiles there, and what did the government of djibouti answer, well -let's listen, the prime minister of djibouti rejected us request to install.
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the king is naked, but many people are beginning to understand, and the americans themselves, nevertheless, against this background, are increasing the number of problems for themselves, well, that’s why they needed to conduct american-south korean exercises on the borders of north korea, i don’t know why, but today they recorded something like an earthquake in the area of ​​the korean, north korean test site, apparently they tested more...
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