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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  January 16, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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in kiev, grandfather was from brestlitovsk , present-day brest, grandmother from zhytomyr, so they met there in kiev, lived, then little volodya was born, here is grandmother dora, here she was, married to a local malaros and a ukrainian, took a surname so that, by the way, this saved her during the nazi occupation, she turned from dora into daria and thus... ossr, he came to kiev, stayed with his beloved grandmother, often visited there, now there on ivan frankov street, i hope someday he will be there generally a monument, and a memorial plaque, and maybe even a vysotsky museum, of course, he was in odessa many times,
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survived during the war, this is forty-three, forty-four, in my opinion, yes, already there towards the end, uh, he was a front-line soldier, bart, first of all, for many he is a poet , an inspiration, a man born in moscow, died in paris, he simply by definition could not have any connection with ukraine at all, maybe he toured there someday, thank you very much all the best , i think that at the end of our program it will be great to remember one of song of bulat akudzhava. here the birds don’t sing
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, the trees don’t grow, only we grow shoulder to shoulder into the ground here, the planet is on fire, the planet is spinning, there’s smoke over our homeland, and that means we need one victory, one for everyone... we won’t stand up for the price, one for all we will not stand behind the price, mortal fire awaits us, it is still powerless, doubt goes away into the night, separate, our tenth airborne battalion, our tenth airborne battalion. without letting the fire burn out,
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another order sounds, the postman will go crazy, if i look for us, a red rocket takes off. this hits the machine gun like crazy, and that means we need one victory, we won’t stand alone at a price for all, we won’t stand at a price for all of us, and these are probably the most important words that can be drawn right from those times, in our modernity, we really need one victory, one for all, it seems to me that now every person has such an opportunity. somehow not even at the front to contribute to this one common victory, so be sure to do this in ways you will surely find, thank you very much for you came to us today, as always, all the best to you and a speedy victory for all of us, channel one presents.
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let's do without drugs, unexpected ways to lower blood pressure, what ketchup contains , exposure, saying goodbye to glasses, laser against myopia, the program to live healthy, helps and enlightens. well, friends, unexpected ways to lower blood pressure, you know very well that we are professional doctors, we have a whole arsenal of pills, suddenly dr. gandelman and i are talking about, and in
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some cases you can help yourself without pills, we have amazing guests, firstly, these are pets, and secondly, people who adore them more than life itself, who is our first guest, come to us... pet lovers, so come here, dog, well , pet do you have animals, yes, who , cat, cat, do you think pets somehow affect blood pressure or not, i think so, because at least they make you calm down, set yourself in some positive mood , and i think that the pressure will normalize on its own. what blood pressure is considered normal? in depending, of course, on age, but i think that somewhere around 120 to 70 - that means, look, blood pressure does not depend on age, if you want me to take a cat from you, give the cat to a woman, help her, answer the question, do
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pets reduce pressure, but start with what pressure is ideal pressure 120 to 80, death blood pressure, it will be, for example, from 135 to 80, now i pet the dog, in 10-15 minutes my blood pressure will drop by 15 mm of arterial , because let's show this figure:
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stroked a dog or cat minus 15 mmhg, but that’s not all, this is scientifically ordered. those who have pets are 62% less likely to develop hypertension than people who don't have pets, can you imagine that, 62% less likely, that's what these animals give us, besides giving us them we pet them, we walk them, if it ’s a dog, absolutely right, that is, there are people who especially have dogs, they walk the same 30.40 minutes a day, because you need to walk the dog. that's it, dear friends, pets in homes are radically affect blood pressure. once again , shocking numbers: i stroked -15 mm of the voodoo column after 10 minutes. iron it, carry it through
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the rows, let everyone iron it, because it ’s worth it. we are waiting for the next guest, please come and join us. so doctor, i drink green tea, green tea too.
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we don’t say that, we are simply saying that there are non-medicinal ways to lower blood pressure, which we neglect because we know nothing about them. once again, music, what's going on? music primarily affects the brain, here it is, the brain, and changes the rhythms of the brain, the brain, and thereby decreases the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, it should sound in homes, because
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we live like this, 10 fingers in the socket in the morning pummel us, we need pauses, sat down, turned on the music, turned off the tv, if this is not a program to live healthy, but if... a program to live healthy, we turned on specially classical music, he listens to our music, you want it with tea, you want it with a cat, minus 15 due to the cat and dog, minus nine due to the music, went to moscow longevity, danced, another minus 5-6, total -29, german shaich, -29. “please sit down, what’s wrong
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, we’re waiting for another guest, we’ll find out what she ’s doing with her blood pressure, hello, hello, how do you lower your blood pressure, unusual, we’re not counting the pills for today, although we love them, respect them, and they’ve done revolution in the treatment of hypertension and the prevention of heart attacks and strokes." but what without pills? my blood pressure actually doesn’t rise very often, so as soon as i, if this suddenly happens, i take a hot shower, it’s wrong, why is it wrong to lower the pressure when it’s already because, in principle, we direct everything so that the pressure does not rise, and the fact that you find that your pressure has increased, in some way, to make you feel bad. everyone in the studio, and found out
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that half of them have a blood pressure above 160, and people feel great, so this is absolutely illiterate, at the moment the pressure rises , a stroke can happen, you will feel fine, everything will fall, and then there will be drama, so the pressure must be measured is normal and take medicine so that it doesn’t... wash, okay, wash the bones with a friend or read a book, that such a choice is downright scary, i would love to read a book, i am a woman of the old generation and i like to read books, that’s right, because reading, if you take the person who speaks. and who reads, so the person who reads, the pressure is also about 15 mm
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cooler than the person who was talking, by the way, yes, by the way, you can’t talk while measuring pressure, because talking will increase the pressure, so we're on the verge here now, hermansche, look, friends, so, you read what happens when you read, here is a vessel, calm down, the vessel is expanding, and if the vessel is wide, then the blood pressure is lower. i see, thank you, another -15, reading reduces blood pressure by 15 mmhg, why? because we are not that bastard, but you know that he is married, and there, and masha, you heard, you heard, she has a lover, she saw her lover, he bought her a fur coat, the bastard, that is, we have 10 fingers in the socket, we are in active discussion, you took a book, you're reading a book, yeah, you have a sympathetic
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tone decreases, sympathetically increases, blood vessels dilate, and you realize that you. you learn something, you may not understand anything, but you calm down, this is 100%, minus 15 mm of the mulberry column, it’s just a shock, my biggest shock while preparing this program, i stroked a cat, a dog minus 15 mm in 10 minutes, this shock, guys, i also have a cat, you also have a cat, i also have a cat, no, when you get home, we have a small dog,
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well, three completely shocking ways to lower blood pressure without pills: homemade animals, reading and herman schech, classical music and dancing, take advantage of these ingenious and simple methods, and we will pause for a moment and then continue, what a disappointment, 35% of ketchup is sugar. that is, for 100 g of ketchup you have 35 g of sugar. the whole truth about the most popular sauce in the world. say goodbye to glasses. you can get rid of myopia in just 15 minutes. a laser beam will help. you can't escape fate. epiphany
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fortune-telling in our studio. so what do you think? go, go, go? two more steps, walk, how do you like our betrothed mummer, something is he limps what to do if the betrothed is not in fabulous health, in the debriefing area, director of the film air alexey german, performer of one of the main roles elena lyadova. we chose the most idiotically difficult way to shoot this picture. the first plane was made with a mistake, it was simple. in short, then we called this plane godyonyshe, but you also took on incredible work, you started filming in the winter, all our planes were blown away, we built a runway, it was flooded, i was completely dumbfounded by what you built, a rather complex design, invented specifically for the film, lifted a plane weighing a ton, and then spun it, i can imagine how you felt during these
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evolutions, when your wing is on fire, oil in your face, and also smoke. in fact, i was scared, they conveyed this feeling of human existence in inhuman conditions, i was just proud of someone, i believed it. podcast lab is on first today. stearsman bourbon, a product of stellor group. you are the only one i have. and we are husband and wife, and you? goodbye to us, i’ll take you to the carriage, no, i don’t like it when people see me off, what were you hiding, 3 years from my sister, i don’t like the garden and i won’t play around in it,
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you idiot, that’s what i’ll tell you, i see what you ’re worried about, really , zoechka. vegetable garden , let's start a professional and furious, i hope, discussion, this is a picture that continues, on the one hand, the tradition laid down in our soviet cinema, at fittings in the films love and pigeons, it is very difficult to make a decision, the feat of the heroine, to agree with that , what she loves and what loves her, with this coleito is just the question, where they would go, it was such a collective decision. of our group's filming on saturday at the first, well, friends, we're in the kitchen, actually... melancholy cutting, what are you cutting? onion parey now, onion parey, but today we have a serious topic, we called it
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very simply: ketchup, exposure, let's start right away with exposure, drop the knife, andrey petrovich, he is preparing a healthy ketchup, a white preparation for our ketchup, if you look what it consists of, we have collected the composition of ketchup, if you look at 100%, then 30. 5% of ketchup is sugar, 35%, then there is for 100 g of ketchup you have 35 g of sugar, seven tablespoons of tea sugar per 100 g of product, this is the most basic composition of ketchup tomatoes, if anyone thinks that this is the main ingredient, they are mistaken, because there are no more than 30% tomatoes, more moreover, sometimes there is from 10 to 30%, of course we understand tomatoes... 10% in ketchup, in tomato, and it will be considered tomato ketchup, then water is about 30% and 5% is salt, spices are mainly salt, then there is 5 g
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of salt per 100 g of ketchup, i also recently bought ketchup, it says either ketchup natural, or italian type , natural from italian tomatoes, when i read the ingredients, it turned out you know how many tomatoes? 5%, 5%, and as they say, there are italian tomatoes, yes, that is, this is not a lie, they are probably natural, but they are only 5%, and the rest, remember this unforgettable picture, we asked all types of ketchup to be included in our studio, let's go, here it is ketchup,
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its functions it turns out that people with age-related mocular degeneration have a reduced amount of lycopene in the body, and if you if you don’t want to have it, i mean age-related macular degeneration, and macular degeneration, degeneration is blindness, then you need to eat tomatoes, lycopene, because tomatoes are champions in lycopene content, and tomatoes need to be thermally processed.
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eat half a glass of water with seven teaspoons of sugar, they put it in ketchup, applesauce is often added there, that’s why.
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well, of course, the revelation is that it is ketchup, precisely ketchup, that is a product containing an avalanche of sugar. and even good ones heat-treated tomatoes will not cope, because this drama will occur in the blood vessels of the eyes. the professor is not with us, because he is now looking at patients at the medical site, this is exactly what is happening in the vessels of the retina, we have said many times that it is sugar that is the cause.
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for this we will take at least 60% of boiled tomatoes like this, already peeled , i have them here from s if it turns out that means that for 500 g of the finished product we will have 300 g of tomatoes 60% this is accordingly i take parey onions here for taste i take approximately approximately gram 50'. 70 50 g a couple further and i also take celery for the taste of fiber, also about 570 g, so i take paprika, paprika, to taste, to taste, of course, i also take dried herbs, parsley and cilantro, after we’ll beat it all up, i think it’s best if we give it another three to five minutes. about
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boiling datrovich, vrubayka, pay attention, we didn’t add a drop of sugar, not a drop, but it will be delicious, i guarantee you, come on, in fact, we prepared tomato paste according to our recipe, since i’ll repeat once again, we already had everything ready, this is salsa, it actually turned out, oh, it’s a total drag! you can add pepper , you can add spices, but i suggest giving this one to everyone to try, we have special ones here, now the professor will arrange everything for you according to these , treat you to such little things, just like that, oh, what a fairy tale, finishing with ketchup in every 100 g of ketchup, seven teaspoons of sugar, you want, eat, you want,
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100% tomatoes and spices, there is nothing else, use banal tomato paste, there or cook it yourself, we just did it, it turned out really very tasty , i’ll pass all this, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, maria vladimirovna, since we now need to work with european politicians, you are working with european politicians, the minsk agreements gave ukraine more time.
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it’s as if they have wings behind them, as if they are not affected by gravity, risk, danger, entertainment, and unpredictability, incredible complexity and the struggle of nerves, everything that we love about figure skating, that’s it. it was
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great flying on eve was like a dream, championship russia on jumping, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first.
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well, dear friends, right now, after this laser show, professor kanavalov is examining a patient, it is the laser that saves people from all sorts of things...
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so i’ll show you this picture, from here from afar, maybe you also see merllin monroe, yes marilyn monroe, from afar, if the camera shows up close, then albert einstein is there, the same thing happened to you before the operation, that’s right, what was the degree of myopia minus. 75 and 3.25 i had astigmatism, -2.75 and minus plus astigmatism and -3.25, what is the general problem of people with nearsightedness, what was difficult? you know, i’m also a doctor
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, in an emergency room it’s very difficult to wear glasses, the schedule is quite hectic, and contact lenses bring a lot of discomfort, yeah, so i decided to get surgery, well, yes, but myopic people see well up close, okay? people don’t even see one line, so when a patient comes in and wants to have an operation, it’s understandable; our task, as doctors, is to assess the situation and examine patient in order to identify those patients who cannot do this and...
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well, for 20 minutes, two eyes, the laser itself works for seconds, that is, the process itself, when we evaporate the cornea, is literally seconds,
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because let's look at the screen, what tell us, waving our arms, when everything can be shown, we go to the operating room , where our genius mikhail egorovich kanovalov works, our task is to change... the outer shell of the eye called the cornea, and your task is always to look straight, tatyana, straight at the green blur. you are the light. the operation takes place in two stages. each one uses a specific type of laser. the patient lies on his couch and moves towards the desired machine. first , a special corneal flap is created using the first laser. here we see how the laser exfoliates the cornea from the inside, that is, the surface of the cornea remains intact. now. makes another incision, that’s it, the procedure is over,
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it lasted 15 seconds, in 15 seconds a special corneal flap is formed, then this flap opens the way for another machine, with a different type of laser beam. this is the second stage operations. this laser, it evaporates the cornea, that is, due to. the impact at each specific point is literally two or three microns, this is the area of ​​impact that evaporates. so, under the influence of the laser, seconds are counted. the cornea takes on the desired shape. now the image will be focused on the retina, which means that the patient no longer has myopia. the last stage, the doctor puts the corneal flap in place. covering the place of evaporation, the operation is completed, now
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everything will be a little visible in the fog, then there will be fog pass, this is normal, but you will immediately see better than you saw before without glasses. it means, look, this outer lens was changed, the person had myopia, this is a normal eye, what does a myopic eye look like, blinking, what an impression, i remember elena obraztsova told me, she says, i suddenly
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saw leaves on a tree, uh-huh, i suddenly i saw leaves, it was all a green mass, what’s wrong with you, you know, i saw a bright light, the rays of the sun could be determined that these were rays, and not just a cloudy white spot, in general mikhail egorovich gave me a great chance to see the world clearly. what to add here is truly great technology, brilliant hands, because this is a very delicate operation, even though there is a laser everywhere, machines everywhere, the instrument is in the hands of the surgeon in any case, of course, we need to correctly calculate the parameters that we put into this laser, and we need to do everything clearly and right, then there will be a result, we adore you, professor, what can i say, right?
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group.
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private screening with alexander. gordon, do you like the film, absolutely original and powerful film language, the genre breaks down, suddenly they go into such a big bang and monologue, have you already understood what you’re talking about? at the level of the script, yes, of course, the viewer must see what happens to these characters from beginning to end, they are real and alive all the way, he plunges into the depths of human relationships, i looked at the picture and forgot about it, and in the morning i wake up, i have suddenly it’s a bastard that in the end, they are together or not, the start of the sessions is from january 20 on saturdays on
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the first, dear friends, we have a fence in studio, why is it worth it to us? because today is the night of epiphany fortune-telling, and girls in russia threw felt boots over the fence, and came out from behind the fence, betrothed by a mummer, there are more girls in russia than boys, we generally have a larger female population than men, we have felt boots. the girls who want to marry the betrothed mummer have come to us , we will throw away the felt boots and wait to see what kind of betrothed mummer will come out of there, we are waiting for the first girl, this one in the same color as when i bloom,
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there is no better moment when my dear one is walking, tell us about yourself? and my name is christina, so i came here, how old are you? 34, what is your profession? and a yoga teacher? so, yes, the girl is slim, tall, who are you looking for? and a man so healthy, of course, so serious, and love, but feelings are of course important to me, because for now we are only responsible for health, feelings, above ours. so that the children are healthy, this is also right, well, it’s an important moment, throw the valinok, don’t kill the masked betrothed, back to the fence, back to the fence and throw, and our man
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i have to come out with our felt boots, is there anyone there at all, come out. how do you like our girl, beyond all praise , she’s a dream, beautiful, really, tall, thank you, slim, well, take it, so what about her health, everything is fine, i’m ready, okay , i’ll take it, yes, wait. wait, let’s examine it then, i’ll take it, then we’ll examine it, what to pay attention to, well, you know, everything seems to be fine, but i noticed something here , make your hands like this, palms, show me, palms, what’s wrong palms, what's wrong with the palms, what's wrong with you, red palms, red
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palms, what does this mean, what do you think, well, yes, german sheichas looked at his own, it really is. and this may be for one reason why the vessels suddenly dilated so much, because men and women have this hormone estrogen,
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men have little of it, but it is the liver that processes it, estrogen is metabolized, when the liver is sick... then estrogen is not processed , and this leads to the fact that the blood vessels, especially small ones, dilate, and the feet and hands and palms turn red, this is a typical sign of liver disorder, of course, in this in this case, we painted the palms, because we wanted to talk about this feature in an interesting and playful way, his palms are good, so take a seat, my name is yana, and i’m 33 years old , i’m looking for a man who will love me, it will be mutual, back to fence, throw
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a felt boot, i’ve always dreamed of doing this, wow, the cut-up betrothed comes out, how do you like it, go, go, go, two more steps. come in, how do you like our betrothed mummer, well, he ’s limping for some reason, how do you like the girl, it’s very beautiful, whether you take it or not, but what about your health? well, well, the lower back hurts, the lower back hurts, take it, but what’s wrong with the lower back, i don’t know yet, well , we need to first diagnose and check what ’s there, don’t throw yourself around with men like that, my little thing, there are a lot of men in russia. less, in short, you don’t take it, yes , girls refuse good things, why good things, the lower back can hurt, mikhail egorovich, even
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for a young person, why, that this is a symptom of an intervertebral hernia, now i’ll tell you, these are the vertebrae, this is the disc, and here such a hernia appears, intervertebral, and this is a nerve, it is compressed, pressing on the nerve, accordingly arises. pain, lameness, sometimes some other organs also suffer, but this is not the threshold, she limps a little, it’s not so scary, the main thing is that the person is good, of course, she refused, but we treat such people, now we’ll show you, the treatment is ideal, interventional procedures, we go to the pain clinic, we help young men with lower back pain, they leave us like cucumbers, what do you have? worries, worries the lumbar spine with pain radiating to the left leg,
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hip and knee. yaroslav came to us with with a stick, due to pain in his lower back leg, he cannot walk and limps. dr. protsenko will solve this problem in 10 minutes. the procedure is called interventional pain relief and is carried out strictly under x-ray control. first, the doctor finds a place. pain, and then gives a special injection directly into this place. before giving an injection, contrast is always injected, the contrast proves that the medicine will get to the right place. now you see how the contrast has been introduced, it illuminates the entire nerve along its course, the doctor injects it directly into this place medicine. this is how this procedure went, and then this yaroslav. came to our studio absolutely on his own feet, how many days passed after the procedure, up to two weeks, if i’m not
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mistaken, 2 weeks ago, 33 years old, a year and a half with a cane, this is normal, and the person was looking for help and did not find it, and women about there were soulless people walking around him and no one was ready to help, but we helped, we will definitely help you too, you see how yaroslav is stomping, well... they threw him far, the elif ran, well, how?


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