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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 16, 2024 10:50am-12:01pm MSK

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so how many days have passed since the procedure? up to two weeks, if i’m not mistaken, 2 weeks ago, 33 years old, a year and a half with a cane, this is normal, and the man was looking for help and did not find it, and the women around him were soulless and no one was ready to help, but we helped you too we will definitely help you, you see how top yaroslav is, well, how soulless a girl is so beautiful. you are soulless, whether you take it or not, i take it, but the man agrees, i don’t know what decision you will make, i take it, go, and we are waiting for the next guest, well, leave it, let’s, let’s, very far, far beyond... i reached it
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, well, just as i wanted, so serious , a stately man, stately, a man is like a woman to you, but it’s wonderful, he’s very handsome, come back, germanshavich, what’s troubling us, let’s measure it we need to measure his waist, a man’s waist, that a serious relationship, excuse me, so then, so hermushe. you are grasping somehow strangely, so, our waist is 117 cm, 100%, the testosterone level is low, and accordingly, something is not working, there is something else with breathing, if we were talking with breathing, low testosterone is a full chance the development of atherosclerosis is higher.
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these are the vessels of the lower extremities, these are the vessels of the heart, these are the vessels of the penis, if they are clogged with a plaque, there is no erection, testosterone is low , there is no erection, so why do you need it, well, there is no cure for it, everything can be treated if you lose weight , if he becomes like you, everything will increase, everything will return, that’s how my friend, the chances are decreasing, you need to lose weight. the man is speechless, we are giving it to you, do what you want with him, please sit down, friends, of course, we wanted to tell you in a humorous way about the most important signs of male ill health, women, pay attention to this, tell your fortune today, someone will get a betrothed, a mummer, someone might actually have a good fate, cast.
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great, we had a good time with you, let the information channel live on the first one , the broadcast begins, the program time will show the work. live in the studio of oles losev ruslan astashko. the attention of the whole world is again not on the side of ukraine. yesterday another big war could have started in the middle east. iran carried out an attack on the us military at night base, consulate buildings, as well as the headquarters of tsahal masata in iraq and syria, but the white house decided to release everything on the brakes , calling the strikes reckless and inaccurate. there will be no retaliatory action, at least for now. in ukraine they exhaled joyfully and sent it off.
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could not be distinguished from the war, but who will have the final say immediately after a short advertisement, for me happiness is no matter how strange the water sounds, in russia, in almost every region you can find this very place where you can just sit on the shore and be happy. from contemplation and simply
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dissolving in this element. happiness is what makes our life better, more interesting and fun. every time i come to vladivostok, it’s just incredibly beautiful, incredibly warm. incredibly fun, i really liked it there, but with the exception of the jellyfish, and i want to wish my great country russia that it continues to develop, become as digital, because a great future awaits it, i love this country because i love it love, gin sheaf about...
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or the interpreter of globalist dreams of the doll of the heir tutti today at the first in the debriefing area, the director of the film air alexey german, the performer of one of the main roles elena lyadova. we chose
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the most idiotically difficult way to shoot this picture. the first plane was made with a mistake, it was just shorter, then we called this plane a good one. but are you still on your own?
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premiere tomorrow on the first, every time the same question: how do they fall for all this or agree, i don’t know, you i’m alone, and we’re husband and wife, and you and we...
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goodbye, i’ll walk you to the train, don’t, i don’t like being seen off, what i was hiding, 3 years from my sister, i don’t like the city and playing around i won’t be on it, you idiot, that’s what i’ll tell you, i see what you’re worried about, well, really, zoechka, garden, let’s start a professional and furious, i hope, discussion, this is a picture that continues.
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russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first. our troops continue their successful offensive in the rabotin area. the ministry of defense published video of the surrender of ukrainian military personnel in the zaporozhye direction. the footage shows how three ukrainian soldiers emerge from a dugout surrounded by our soldiers with their hands raised, and this is only what was captured in the frame, this is happening more and more now there and we learn the details of this in direct communication from the zaporozhye direction , special correspondent of the battalion.
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due to weather conditions , the number of captives surrendering has actually increased; in fact, all of them are surrendering to us in captivity with frostbite, over the past 2 months the orekhovskaya direction has been plugged into the ssu, by newly mobilized ukrainians, often not even caring about their support there in these positions, it is reported that tactical success is indeed reported. successes of our armed forces in the populated areas of rabotina and verbovoe, in general
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, now the initiative is being intercepted along the entire front and we are really pressing, but there are no attacks, serious assaults, or forward movements, but nevertheless the initiative has been intercepted and along the entire front line we we are pressing the apu, putting pressure on them and in some places they are really bending, and a very interesting situation is developing in the sky now, we are experiencing a blizzard. either a blizzard , or rain, or the sun is shining, on the one hand, this interferes with the operation of unmanned aircraft, but on the other hand , at any second, as soon as the blizzard leaves , the sun appears in the sky, the air in the zaporozhye direction simply begins to hum from the number of copters, the situation like this, i’ll keep you posted, but how are things going with the surrender, the ministry of defense is publishing footage, there they also say that this trend is gaining momentum. you know, the number of those surrendering
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to the enemy has increased by an order of magnitude over the last month, in my opinion, this is primarily due to difficult weather conditions, secondly due to the poor supply of these dry-vessels in positions , thirdly, after all, as soon as we have seized the initiative, the moral component of the average soldier in so, it , of course, has now sagged very much, because we attack where we want, we... cover the positions we want, and of course, our enemy feels it. thank you very much, georgy mamzurov was in direct contact with us. the cries about nato's war with russia are becoming louder, first the german publication bilt rolled out a certain plan for our country to attack the north atlantic alliance, and now the british defense minister grand chaps said that in 5 years london will be drawn into five wars at once, all due to the fault of russia and vladimir putin. today's world, unfortunately, is much more dangerous. in 5 years
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we may be considering several theaters military actions involving russia, china, iran and north korea. 2024 should be a turning point. for ukraine , this will be the year when its fate may be decided. if we want to protect our homeland, we must ensure that our entire defense ecosystem is ready, from the pilots ready to take off at a moment's notice to the soldiers defending.
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anyway. bilt wrote about a training scenario, which is always an armed situation to test military capabilities in a particular area. previously the scenarios were completely fictitious with non-existent countries and geography, now real countries and geography apply. alexey alekseevich, well, i would like to understand what the essence of these contradictions is? that means, we hear from one of the nato representatives that yes, a big war is about to happen with russia through russia’s fault, then suddenly... in general, everything was written and incorrectly, what they are striving for in the north atlantic alliance, this is on the eve of an exercise, no there are no contradictions, in fact, strategic certainty has emerged, at this stage nato no longer embarrassed to call their opponents, already incredible, and their opponents by names like russia, putin and so on, in
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fact, the british ministry of defense gransheps went through all the pain points. when you need to go through all the pain points, when this kind of military acupuncture is used, first of all, when there are no victories, no successes, sponsors, in this case the sponsors are parliamentarians from different countries who are actually responsible for allocating money, you need to scare, therefore almost everything from swedish, ending with british politicians, here, they begin to scare their congressmen, parliamentarians with the fact that the evil putin will come, that he will come... aggressive russia, which is in a permanent and aggressive leap against europe, everything, everything will go to dust, so highlight them under khokhloma, tell alexey alekseevich, does this really work, does it really still work, because they have been scaring them for so long, alesya, well, first of all, they have been processing the population all this time, and parliamentarians are also representatives of the population,
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with their propaganda, where these keywords are putin, aggression, russia, they sounded constantly. that’s right, here’s the big question, because western politicians have now driven themselves into a trap where they either have to answer , leave in the best case,, in the worst case , be held accountable in court for the decisions they made, or continue what they are doing, they chose a path that in russia
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is very succinctly characterized by one word, it is absolute, i cannot apply it here, but they follow this deliberately direction. constantly and are leading the world, the european continent, to disaster, in my opinion. viktor nikolavich, let's analyze the capabilities of the british army , they are analysts talking here, in 5 years there will be 5 warriors, and they generally have the strength now for five wars in britain, well, in terms of its total power, in terms of its rating, today the british army is not even included in the top five most powerful armies in the world in recent years... in the british army there were very serious trends of collapse in air defense systems, armored vehicles, they are now left on the move, once there were 660 tanks, they now barely have 200, 200 tanks, which, throughout britain, yes, they boast, of course, of having two of their
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aircraft carriers, old, quad-nuclear submarines, but you know , there... there is more bravado, there is great britain in the military sense, or figuratively speaking, it is a sworn lap dog of the united states of america, it acts entirely only according to the patterns that are given to them from brussels and washington. here it was really absolutely correct said, and you correctly posed the question, why washington all the time.
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there is a british line, you know, to work on the sidelines, but now the time has changed, now washington slammed his fist on the table and said.
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colleagues, i will say that, of course , the british and the americans have a different game in ukraine, in europe, and their interests are completely different today, and the piece of paper that they signed in kiev,
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of course, has nothing to do with defense issues and military issues, and to be precise and correctly formulated, and sunak and zelensky are downed pilots who will most likely end their tenure in 2024, zelensky is 50/50, as they say, sunak is 100%.
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which iron ore ukraine refused to the american specifically, zelensky’s office refused to black rock, which already owns a huge amount of real estate and assets in ukraine, to buy out this sweet asset on the day of sunak’s visit, again affiliated with the british to an australian company and where the beneficiary, a british citizen, were actually given two very sweet lithium deposits in ukraine, that is, in fact, everything. it’s just that the british, the outgoing winzers, let’s call it that, a group of conservatives who are definitely merging in the fall , are given sweet assets, and what the borista will do there, this is the tenth thing for them , zelensky is given a tranche, which he also
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saws - with pleasure and happiness, that’s all history, money, money, money again , nothing but money, traditionally, the balts decided to make their contribution to all this military rhetoric, where would our beloved, famous estonian intelligence be without them? there is... reported that europe has a period of 3 to 5 years to prepare for an attack by russia. estonian prime minister kaja kalosa decided to disclose intelligence data. according to our intelligence estimates, the return of the kremlin as a serious military threat will occur in 3-5 years, and will greatly depend on how we manage to maintain the unity of our position regarding ukraine. in general , estonian intelligence obtained another very important secret data. how many beech letters are in the russian alphabet, in general estonian intelligence ruslan prav - this is something so comical, axumaron, real, not yate, did you think? i don't know how to get everyone's support. west
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, and not just the baltic states, vladimir zelensky went to the dovoz economic forum in switzerland, representatives of various countries had already gathered there to discuss the ukrainian peace formula, but the only achievement of this very meeting was only a photo with a slightly larger number of participants than the last time . for western national security officials present at the negotiations, the main achievement was simple, larger and... more diverse joint photography than last time , representatives of 83 countries were present, but the decision of china, moscow's most important ally , not to participate in the event undermined its significance, photographs, everything is always good in the photographs, the main thing is that there is a lot of playing to the public and, importantly, a lot of hope. in general , the bloomberg agency also reports about the failure of this meeting, but other western journalists are trying to find at least some
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positive aspects in this delivery. the snow-white alps are billionaires, the world elite, this can only be dovoz, where the world economic forum is held annually. this year the international economic forum is taking place in the most difficult geopolitical and geo-economic conditions in recent decades. world leaders are already grappling with the issue of russia's invasion of ukraine. kiev's long-awaited counteroffensive has not gone entirely according to plan, and foreign support is not flowing as freely. also on the world stage, the second military conflict between israel and hamas is growing, the war
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could potentially cause. representatives of more than 80 countries held talks in search of a common position on a formula for a peaceful settlement of the russian-ukrainian war, and the ukrainian leader will try here to attract the attention of the international community to the issue of ukraine's defense capability against the backdrop of weakening support in the west. the swiss city of zavoz is co-hosting an international conference with ukraine to drum up support.
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will win, do you need to sit down at the negotiating table with the russians now, because otherwise, it could be a frozen conflict that could potentially drag on for another 10 years.
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came through in the questions of western journalists , including ermak, because the introductory part, even now of the quoted journalist, you understand that it is not an obvious fact that ukraine will win, that is , you understand, before it was even forbidden to talk about it , now they are talking about this proposal, the proposal of the swiss regarding the organization of a conference, they are proposing a global summit, a peace summit and so on, ukrainians, these guys only agree to a non-binding conference...
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hints that our victory depends entirely on the west, as i understand it, a play on words that implies that in no case should we be thrown into thorn bush, because if you abandon us, we will lose, our loss is your loss, then read this western propaganda blog about how russia will immediately rush to europe and so on. mikhail, did they really get any goodies there? according to the buns maybe and they got it, no goodies, actually nothing, of course they didn’t get it, on the other hand. friends, you need to understand that from a political technology point of view, this whole party, well, how would they use it, work it out within the country, they have a very bad downward trend, in fact, both electoral, in matters of support, and social, well, whatever , they don’t have
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good trends, so it’s like they had to organize this whole get-together, only for internal purposes, exclusively, it didn’t have any impact on the real situation, and the true story , at least a little close to the attempt... some peaceful strategies, perhaps, were only in the middle east in the gulf of prestiti, which took place earlier, in the summer, if i’m not mistaken, this is the whole story and what then, by the way, the swiss themselves said that this was probably the last meeting in this format in this status, well, as they said, they forgot, because it was senseless and merciless, as they say, they did not receive any financial instruments, they did not receive any guarantees in this meeting, they didn’t even receive promises as such... to work on this very peace formula of theirs, a conference or peace forum - this is not a forum that will be held according to some zelensky formula, not at all, in fact, even in this sense the swiss they didn’t lie and said that we are ready to carry out, but we will talk about peace, talk with different,
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let’s say, representatives of different countries, the global south, asia, europe, not discuss zelensky’s peace formulas, therefore, but it seems to me, from the point of view of international law , international politics, nothing is impersonal, only internal. the beginning of 2014 and today london will become such a major, main supplier of drones to ukraine, so the british minister of defense, the same shapps, made another speech. here in the uk our programs have already trained over 60,000 ukrainian troops since russia invaded ukraine in 2014. great britain was the first to give ukraine what it needed. we will now become
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the largest drone supplier. behind the past few years have seen terrorist attacks on the streets of london, an attempted murder in saltbury, the collapse of intellectual property, attempts to interfere in our political processes, and the costs of coping with the life crisis that putin has brought to you and that is hurting our families at home. here, taking on the role of a prosecutor, reading out what is already generally known to everyone. accusation shabs simply went all out, mixed everything into one heap, said a lot of things, but in the end he ended up russia and putin are to blame for everything, well , as for the drones, it is unclear whether they will have time to reach the ukrainian front before things start to go really badly there; the polish ministry of foreign affairs warned kiev about the possibility of a collapse of the defense in the ssu. we cannot exclude that the russian offensive will lead to a shift of the front to the west and will entail an arrival. millions of additional ukrainians,
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mostly women and children, to poland, this would be a huge burden for our country, polish society must be ready for this, well, ukraine began to hastily build defensive structures in the temporarily occupied part of the donetsk people's republic; what kind of fortifications these were were told by experts from the people's front stream. there was information that ukraine began to hastily build serious defensive lines.
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the russians know how to adapt, do not underestimate this ability of theirs, they have learned something from their experience at a great cost, and now use aviation much more carefully. the same applies to armored vehicles, for our ukrainian friends today, two things are most important: firstly, additional mobilization is a pressing internal issue for ukraine. ukrainian soldiers cannot be replaced by western ones, otherwise. the west will find itself in conflict with russia, and this is a red line that everyone does not want to cross, that is, personnel losses cannot be made up, this issue is of practical importance this year. if ukraine falls, it will bring russia close to
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the threshold of nato, where, according to the treaty, an attack on one is an attack on all. this means that the united states will have to go to war. and it won't cost less than 1% of the budget, it will mean trillions of dollars and your efforts on earth. in the 30 years that have passed since the end of the cold war, we have calmed down, told ourselves that this will not happen again, there is no longer a reason for this, we have nuclear weapons, so we, if you like, do not have enough funds, not only in ukraine, but throughout europe, in all nato countries. hello, well, of course western tv channels will listen, but in general in ukraine everything is somehow difficult, with on the one hand, on the other hand, we are so insidious that we prepared so much, they relaxed, it turns out they did nothing, i read on your telegram channel this morning that due to the weather,
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the front line has now practically become more active along the entire length, here you can go into more detail about this, but the weather is absolutely kind of conducive for us... accordingly, the ground is frozen quite densely, and this always contributes to the intensification of hostilities, because in fact the thaw ended when it will begin further in the spring, this is not yet clear , but this allows us to advance, and what to expect from the west, now, what steps that zelensky was able to beg in dovos, could the british
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promise some kind of high-tech drones there, what are we talking about, well, really in fact, nothing extraordinary happened, they... tried to organize a fake conference on the future peaceful regulation of the ukrainian crisis without russia, and immediately at this conference some countries participated, well, which is not entirely correct put it on the agenda, they said: what are we doing here without russia, the point of discussing something without russia, well, it’s clear that it couldn’t lead to anything, it didn’t lead to any serious effect, this is a big defeat for zelensky on the outside contour, which of course he glosses over, i’m just paying close attention... to the internal ukrainian information contour, it’s not advertised there anywhere, the victory isn’t particularly presented, which means everything is bad for them there. regarding ultra-technological drones, well, actually, what is meant by the word ultra-technological drone, even the old drones that were delivered to the ssu, they are also super-technological, the question is not technology,
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the question is which technologies are effective, which are ineffective, and the most important question is their use, the same drones, for example, me.. .. i just know firsthand, already from our guys, yes, an experienced crew, an inexperienced crew, one crew says the drone is bad, and another experienced crew, an awesome drone, you know, that is , a lot depends on the calculation, again, technology, there is technology, which is high-tech things, at the front they are absolutely useless, no matter how high they are, and there are technologies that are not so technologically advanced, but they simply make a splash at the enemy’s front and then simply drop in places.
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a factor in the survival of ukraine is the question of the necessary additional mobilization , they are directly pushed towards this and openly say
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: guys, until you go to die, strictly speaking, we will not give you anything, this is generally a question of your life and death, but against the backdrop of the fact that the law the new mobilization was sent to and there were changes, additions, rethinking, does this mean that this law will be adopted in the near future? do you understand what the problem is? this law , even while it has not been adopted, it is already in effect, that is , according to the unadopted law, they are already raking everyone in a row, not letting the rest go, and accordingly, thus increasing the number of replenishments in the ssu, the fact that for the enemy, personnel shortage is the main problem, this they also lost the secret, everyone has been talking about this for a long time, and of course the western media picked it up from us, and from ukrainian sources, indeed there is no longer a personnel army there... there were a lot of losses among the elite units in the summer campaign, again in the autumn campaign, because they repelled our first attacks, autumn and
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december, primarily not these recruited bunch of people who don’t know how to do anything, and the military officers and officers talk about this , namely the elite units, which also suffer heavy losses, the same example of kryn, where three brigades of rather highly qualified marines were killed, the same, for example, the azov men abandoned them in the fall in different directions, they were noted in ovdeevsky direction. they worked very hard in the artyomovsk direction and they were exposed even in the kherson direction, that is , these units plugged all the holes, the same forty-seventh elite brigade, which was a shock brigade in the summer, so it dealt the main blow, the first powerful blow, it was also hastily transferred to the avdeevka direction, where the new composition of this brigade was largely supplemented by those that had suffered losses, and was also ground down; in fact, these units were everywhere. they rush to plug holes they will shut up everywhere as long as they are there , that’s the number, they already understand that our numbers are higher, accordingly, our potential
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is higher, the technical equipment of the army is higher, potentially we will only increase this gap, and for them it is really now the only possible option to continue war is effective - this is an increase in the number of personnel, if this is not done, no supplies from the west will turn the situation in their favor, hence such essentially ultimatum statements from the west, out of control, yesterday the houthis were struck an american container ship in the red sea, by the way, this was confirmed by the pentagon.
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regarding the situation that is unfolding in the red sea, you can see a tweet from the british maritime trade organization , which states that the ship was hit by a missile near yemen. and also the british security company amria provides details according to their data, an american cargo ship flying the flag of the marshall islands was hit by a missile, which caused. fire in the hold, but the ship retained its seaworthiness. report of casualties not received. also, according to ambry, the ship was not associated with israel. of course, at this stage we are not sure where exactly this missile was fired from, but we do know that the houthis were targeting ships passing through the red sea, past their territories, in solidarity with palestine, trying to influence israel. and so the houthis said that they considered all the us and british ships they used to be absolutely legitimate targets. to strike yemen, a representative of the movement said. we appreciate everything american and british ships that
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are participating in military aggression against our country. enemy targets, we will continue to conduct military operations to prohibit israeli vessels from crossing the red and arabian seas. viktor nikolaevich, if the un secretary general’s fears come true, the situation in the red sea gets out of control, what development awaits everyone, in particular us? well, here one of the most likely options may be that in the funnel of this conflict , e.g. more and more states will be drawn in, we see today one coalition, which is headed by the united states of america, there is britain, there is australia , there is bahrain, we see it, yes, even the netherlands is there, on the other hand, because you look who is on the side of the houthis, on the side of the houthis syria, on the side of the houthis hezbollah , iran is on the side of the houthis. and even
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saudi arabia, which was beaten quite seriously by the houthis not so long ago, somehow took the place of such a neutral one in this conflict, so we see that, in general, two such military-political fists will be formed, but the question is, now yes, american ships are hitting the territory, destroying their positions. but for some reason the world forgets how many houthis are under arms today in this country of thirty million, they say several million, yes, there are 30 million , while some are counted as 25, but the houthis themselves, who today have put together about 200,000, and these are not boys for beating , you see what knocked down the missile, it’s an
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anti-ship missile, they have it. missiles of different classes, there are middle class missiles, there are missiles that fire at 300, at 500 and so on, so yes, at 1200 there is, so quickly bring the houthis to their knees, who , by the way, have recently grown quite tightly into their own society, you know, we say the houthis, and there in general the yemeni people begin to rise up against this american adventure. here the question arises: well, they will shoot, they will shoot , they will destroy some part of the kutite, although this is a very difficult problem, then there may or may not be a land operation, but the americans, in extreme cases , decide on some kind of land operation, the houthis can turn the fighting in such a way that the americans will simply be forced to launch
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a ground operation, because what... the houthis are doing is for the americans, and for other countries that actively use these sea passages, this is a bone in the throat, you see how served, we are not only suffering from american ships, not only british, world courts in general, please, in japan some income from sea vessels immediately decreased by 20%, so there is such a campaign, let's create a team again, let's create a coalition, let's strangle and... and yemitsov and i will say from a selfish point of view, for russia this is very profitable, you know, here for america ukraine is boiling, here in israel there is also money, give us weapons, here you please yemen, and there the temperature rises high there in the far east 99°
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around taiwan, yes, this too must be kept. it is clear that arsonists always have a specific goal, they do not skimp on matches, the americans demonstrate this. mikhail, what do you think the americans are pursuing, because to hope the fact that they mistakenly suddenly began to disperse like this is also not worth it. no, of course, in fact, they in general, having achieved their tactical objectives in the ukrainian crisis, are now trying to get out of it without conflict and in a comfortable way, and at the same time
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, for them there is a key task so that the ukrainian conflict... does not affect election campaign, for this they need other areas of tension, that is, the middle east, specifically palestinian gas, and amen - these are the areas where they work out. its long-known technologies, technologies of distraction, on which they can now still demonstrate success, demonstrate some kind of victories, some achievements, and these are specifically the interests of the biden administration, for us, i think, this is thank god , especially since what is happening now in the gulf of ada correlates very well with the drying up of the panama canal and its capacity, so everything in the sea becomes completely exclusive. for asia to deliver goods to europe and the atlantic, so let they play their games, they are in our favor in any case , another game is going on in berlin, there is the largest farmers' strike taking place at the bradenburg gate, which
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is attended by about 10,000 agricultural workers, the demonstrators blocked the streets in the city center, in fact, they put trucks and tractors there, and, as usual, protests in germany began to acquire the status of very... democratic, which means that the police are not shy about using force and means. we begin our issue from berlin, where we have gathered from all over germany has thousands of tractors and trucks. this is how angry farmers protest against cuts in agricultural subsidies and against increased regulation. the demonstrations caused a wave of discontent in german society. thousands of tractors are driving through the streets of berlin, thousands of people are protesting against government plans to cut fuel subsidies for the agricultural sector, and farmers say they are fighting for their
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survival. today i am here so that my son and his friends will continue to have german agriculture in the future, and there is no need everything must be imported from neighboring eu countries, southern europe, south africa or latin america. farmers blocked all entrances to the highway and made traffic difficult. today is the culmination of the protests that we have seen for 8 days, today is the day when all farmers, farmers from all over germany, came to berlin to appear before the bundestag, before chancellor scholz and express their dissatisfaction with the actions of the government, which has the lowest rating chancellor's approval since 1997. this is a very tense moment for germany and the political consequences will be enormous. finance minister lindner came out to the protesters in berlin, for some reason he decided to suddenly tell the protesters about ukraine, as a result they booed him, and some even lit house bombs. minister of finance, christian liedner.
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wow, we were just listening carefully to this lindner, as soon as he started talking, we all shuddered, and i immediately
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thought that after the first world war, for some germans, apparently the second was not enough, now a political scientist, an independent journalist , is contacting us from germany , gregor shpetsin, gregor, hello, good afternoon, gregor, well , look, despite all these protests in germany, farmers there are different. character, the scholz government is holding its line, how far can scholz go and how can this directly threaten germany itself? well, yesterday it was decided that by thursday the government would develop a roadmap on how to solve the problems of farmers and present them to the strike committee itself for discussion, but most likely the farmers are determined to go all the way ; they will not be satisfied with partial concessions, because christian linner, whom you mentioned, he proposes not completely canceling the abolition of subsidies.
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and the ministry of economics of robert habeck is not doing anything in this direction, so farmers have the support not only of, let’s say, the railway workers’ union.
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in this case, the most reasonable thing would be to simply accept the offer of the farmers to make their lives as favorable as possible, and it also seems to me that it would be reasonable to cut aid to ukraine, where german taxpayers' money is flying into some bottomless black hole, and frankly speaking, here the budget hole that has formed in the german budget of 17 billion euros is very similar to the amount of assistance that germany provides to ukraine, and german farmers are not ready to pay out of their own pockets for the government’s mistakes. i hear that if
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germany had not helped ukraine financially, the germans would have had enough money to close the hole in the budget. german politicians, of course , will argue with me, but i think that you are absolutely right, namely, if there were no uncontrolled aid to ukraine, where they really fly some absolutely crazy money, german farmers simply wouldn’t have these problems, because no one would be going to rip them off like a stick, treating them as a separate population in some feudal europe. thanks, that's interesting, gregor. with us in direct contact, now a short advertisement, and we’ll be back, a specialist on the past and future in one bottle, a writer of a short history of the world to order, a favorite of transnational rich people, pseudo-scientist yuval noah harari. the most important thing to know about the future is that that people can soon be hacked. biotechnology will be used to grant a small elite superhuman status. the globalists are behind him. he
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voices what they always wanted to hear , see, they want to feel like a god. starali is a preacher of transhumanism, but most importantly of depopulation, the destruction of a significant part of humanity, computers will surpass us in most tasks performed, and people will simply become unnecessary. this is 21st century fascism, only beautifully wrapped and promoted globalists. they say that satan is the monkey of god, but harari is the monkey of a normal person. tutti, today on the first one, monte shococa cognac, a product of stellor group. in the debriefing area , the director of the film air, alexey german, performs one of the main roles.
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it was flooded, i was completely dumbfounded by what you built, a rather complex structure, invented specifically for the film, that lifted a plane weighing a ton, and then spun it up. "i can imagine how you felt during these evolutions, when your wing is on fire, oil in your face , and also smoke, in fact i was scared, they conveyed this feeling of human existence in inhuman conditions, i just had a lump, i believed it, podcast paws, today on the first, say, ready, i think that cinema only shows love stories, films, we are talking about the love
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of guys for weapons, in gangster films, about the love of guys for robberies, it really is rubbish, and the new wave brought love for cinema, without love there are no films, he the child of a cinematographer, he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris, he knows the role of watching old films, films are not good enough for the audience, but the audience is often not good enough for... films, they say that people don’t understand my films, so what, i don’t understand them myself, matodore, jean -luk gadar, two or three things that... i don't know about him, on friday on the first. sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if
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they have wings behind them, as if gravity does not affect them, there is a risk of danger. entertainment 3.5 and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything, why we love it, figure skating, that was great, and flying on eva, like in a dream, the russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend at the first one. you are alone with me, and we are husband and wife, and you, and we
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, goodbye, i’ll take you to the carriage, don’t, i don’t like it when someone walks me out, what did you hide, 3 years from your sister. i don’t like the garden and i won’t play around in it, you idiot , that’s what i’ll tell you, i see that you ’re worried, well, really, zoechka, garden, let’s start a professional and furious, i hope, discussion, this is a picture that continues, on the one hand, the tradition laid down in our soviet cinema , for example, as in the films, love and doves, it is very difficult to make a decision, the heroine’s feat,
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anxiety, a lot of events are happening in the world, that night attacks were carried out on american targets in iraq and in other countries in this region, we will definitely discuss this whole matter today, because events are developing rapidly and the consequences will be serious, but the consequences will really be serious, the question is for whom, for the one who sets the fire or for the one who wants to repay, i think that there will definitely be no consequences, now the news, and then we’ll come back. hello, on the air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. and at the beginning about the work of our military in the special operations zone.


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