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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 17, 2024 12:50am-1:36am MSK

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winners of slightly less significant festivals, finally, ozori here elements in the seventy- second year were nominated for an oscar, although the film lost to bunyela for the modest charm of the bourgeoisie. all this was truly in demand; for example, our film zhavornak took part in the cannes film festival in 1965 about how in germany during the war, on the anniversary of the start of the war. escapes from a concentration camp along with a training tank, the crew, the film, of course, was the forerunner of our modern film t-34, but it was much more honest. in the middle of the film the crew understood perfectly well that they were not residents, that they only had a few hours left to live, they decided to arrange a real dump in an amicable way to make all of this rear germany a nightmare with the harbinger of clanging and roaring on...
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the advancing guards tank corps, and the film was a success, but there were no prizes did not have, in the same year a wonderful film by yuri losenko was released, no mines were verified, he shot it together with a yugoslav director, whose name i will never remember, and this is a film about how our people, together with the yugoslav partisans, took belgrade, in the midst of general dancing and fun. hug, flowers, they suddenly learn that the city is mined, that groups of sappers and german saboteurs are operating in the sewers, and that the explosion is scheduled for midnight, this is the total contrast between the general fun and joy of liberation and the terrible stabbings, explosions, obscenities, shootouts that they constantly go to the dungeon just ten steps from the general people's council.
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did not participate or were on the dark side of the force, they so actively welcome our films, read completely wrong meanings into them, which the authors often had in mind. perhaps the trigger for the transition from romanticism to realism was the american film the longest day, in 1963, which told about the landing of american troops in normandy and showed a wide three-hour panorama. heroic actions of american
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paratroopers, american marines, american sailors and local french resistance, which, of course, was completely sucked out, because no french resistance existed in nature, if there were any actions of underground fighters in france, these were mainly armenian, yugoslav and jewish underground groups, the french had almost nothing to do with them, the film was in general... quite interesting and lively, but it completely pissed off the politburo because in a three-hour film i couldn’t find even a few minutes to talk about the actions of the soviet army at that moment, and despite the fact that it was not shown in russia, quite a lot of furious reviews came out in all sorts of collections like on the screens of the world, where in one of the texts, i clearly i remember the author compared this picture with
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the creations of the nazi channel lenishtal, i’ll be honest, there was no connection with the riefenschal films in the film, but the author managed to scold the film, in response to this film we launched a multi-part epic film called the liberation of europe. as everyone understands, the word of europe merged somewhere during the filming process, and the film ultimately... was simply called liberation, and the rhyme with the longest day - there - was in the finale, if the american film ended with the surf on amaha beach bech, where the american marines landed, a wave scattered the holed helmet of a murdered american hero across the sand, then in liberation, as everyone remembers, the whole story ended with nurse zoya... descending into the underground passage and
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seeing her helmet in the rising waters of the flooded berlin metro beloved deceased captain tsvitaev, and the rhyme was completely distinct, but only those who saw the film the longest day could count it, at that moment there were at most several dozen of them in the country, exactly from this at that moment, some kind of dry military prose began to penetrate into the cinema, production certificates, commandant patrols, some completely random victims without any kind of system, if in films...
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a picture, because in this film no one was killed , the fact is that mikhail alexandrovich for his homeland, by the way, was quite unique . sholokhov, who wrote the script, did not intend to write a small story, it is immediately clear to everyone who read it that a gigantic attempt was made here on a novel about stalingrad. but he simply no longer had enough gunpowder and some already crippling writing abilities, he limited himself only to rearguard battles in the don steppes before stalingrad, but since he assumed that all his heroes would fight in stalingrad and some
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would die there, he left them all alive, all these films were no longer included in international film festivals, and the world audience was no longer ready to look at our victory. later there were several more very important films, in the eighty-third film torpedo bombers, a year earlier, the wonderful painting rodnik with vladimir gostyukhin, quite little-known, but more serious and important, after the collapse of the soviet union, we have already moved, perhaps, to the fourth stage, which is already ongoing. sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if gravity, risk,
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danger, entertainment, and unpredictability did not affect them. incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, and flying on eve was like a dream, russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first, i have you alone. and we are husband and wife, and you , and we, goodbye, i’ll walk
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you to the carriage, don’t, i don’t like being seen off, what were you hiding, 3 years from my sister, i don’t like the garden, and play around i won’t be in it, you idiot, that’s what i’ll tell you, i see what you ’re worried about, well, really, zoechka, vegetable garden, let’s start a professional and furious, i hope, discussion, this is a picture that continues, on the one hand, the tradition laid down by in our soviet cinema, for example, as in the films love and doves, it is very difficult to make a decision, a feat of the heroine, to agree with what she loves and what loves her, with this colitis, just the question is, where are they? they are fighting, it was such a collegial decision of our film crew. on saturday on the first. with you is the podcast mount with fire and i, its host denis gorelov. our conversation today is about war films and the film officers. the main picture, without which
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not a single holiday on february 23 is complete, which is always shown on the air of central channels, especially the first one. a the film officers tells about... in the film a blue beret appeared, a new
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thing for our paratroopers, unfortunately it is in the final frames of the film, on all the heads of the paratroopers it is arranged according to the statutory order , a cockade in the center at a distance of two fingers from the eyebrows, like a person wearing this way 2 cap and earflaps, i’ll be honest that there is no more disgusting... type of headdress than in the position two fingers from the eyebrows, and the heroes there stand looking like pensioners who have gathered on the boulevard to play chess, so they pull theirs up in the same way berets , the appearance is quite disgusting, it looks like a pancake, but it just so happened that only in the seventies the paratroopers won the right to wear a beret on the side and side down...
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vladimir rogovoy, it so happened that soviet cinema was subordinate to two main centers of power, this on the one hand , the communist party, which, through its well-fed critics, promoted statist cinema, sergei gerasimov, sergei bondarchuk, stanislav rostotsky, on the other hand, the unconditional force was the creative intelligentsia, which very strongly lobbied for intimate cinema,
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the nations were completely unknown, to this day no one remembers or knows the name of the director of the most popular soviet film of all time, the peoples of the 20th century pirate boris durov. i think that people who listen to the podcast will forget her point after it ends. likewise, no one knew the horny one. some exceptions were stanislav govorukhin and
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7 million viewers. the script of the film was written by the well-known author, azor izdikhii, boris vasiliev, a paratrooper who once was blown up by a mine, after which, after recovery, he became an armored officer, in fact the most important writer writing for military romantic films. sometimes in honor of special sentimental effects, especially impressive. excited young ladies, he sometimes allowed himself the most complete nonsense, in
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particular , the final scene of the meeting of the two main characters caused a lot of complaints in the film. imagine that the commander of a tank division, major general, summoned to the new district commander, lieutenant general, might not know his last name, this is completely impossible, especially since the surname varava is quite rare. vasilyev always responded to this that he intended in the script and in the final film to carry out a line of arrests that wiped out our army elite in 1937. in army circles they say about him: a bad year, however, by the end of
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the sixties, after all, the central leadership decided to move away from exposing stalinism -
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yumatov was initially approved for the role of korchagin, but after the front, after the severe wounds he suffered there, yumatov after all, he was a drunkard, and after the first day of filming he started drinking, after which the film director and naumov removed him from the role
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and replaced him with lonov. lonovoy was not at all to blame for this, but it is absolutely clear that...
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business trips to spain. it is clear that the episode , but at a critical moment, she notices completely new holes in her husband’s back that appear after it looks like a rare overkill, it is clear that at
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the moment of return, the husband and wife were making love to the fullest, and it is strange that she did not feel ... to the touch new holes in her back husband, but after all, our sentimental people forgive the creator of the picture, this is a logical assumption, let’s look at the fragment: why can’t you at least once in your life bang your fist and demand something fast, i’m not even talking about myself, thinking about my son, i won’t allow him to be torn off in the middle academic year, he is already changing... the sixth school, is it really possible to scold him for his failures after that? and i’m also a person, alexey , a person, you know, i need to finally finish college, if you can’t take us into account, please, in the end, we’re already used to living alone, and when we go, alyosha, it is extremely important that the new hole
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in the back of the hero trofimov is not at all fake, these are real holes in the artist yumatov, georgy aleksandovich, who fought at the age of 14 as a torpedo boat cabin boy, at the age of 17 he was already a helmsman. in the year forty-three or forty-four i received a line of misser shmita right across my back, and the fact that in the picture you can see serious potholes in the back is real holes in the artist’s skin, and not some kind of imitation, so in general we can honestly say what are fragments over your head? and what is it that yellow flies silently and weightlessly from the birches. a sheet of a soldier's life, knew all the heroes of the film, and yumatov, the screenwriter, paratrooper vasiliev, and the film's artist mikhail fishgoit,
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a holder of two orders of glory for reconnaissance missions, playing the cameo role of a military assistant, evgeniy yakolevich, the messenger, commander of a fire artillery platoon and a huge number of others less significant persons, including, by the way, himself.
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of the film russian field , a tiny episode of the death of the main character nona mordyukova, a tanker on the damansky peninsula, was constantly shaved off in the battles with the chinese, finally, the picture of emergency, the most popular ukrainian film in its entire history, for some time even leading the distribution rating of the soviet union, was impossible to reach in any form, the film was dedicated. the seizure of the tanker by the tunkayishists, and i personally looked for it for schoolchildren at some smuggled screenings in the cinema of a repeat film, it was not shown on tv
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for 30 years categorically, now we will see the episode that was taken out of the film officers, there is a comrade commander, goodbye , a decision was made to help the chinese comrades, good. egorka is finishing fifth grade, can you imagine, this means his son, and lyubasha is studying medicine at the institute.
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in all central cities of the country on army and navy day. let's look at the fragment. but just imagine, all my life i was proud of my business, my father was proud, and my grandfather, but others were proud of their wealth or nobility, and we were proud of our profession. what kind of profession is this?
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to defend the homeland, there is such a profession as a platoon leader, all this is very familiar to me, my grandfather commanded a cavalry squadron in the twenties, then he was transferred, like everyone else cavalrymen to tanks, after the war he already commanded a tank division in germany, so all these moves, everything that concerns new holes in the back, in our case in the leg, my family knows very well, that’s all, guard junior sergeant gorelov finished shooting, it was a podcast, burn with fire and i, its host denis gorelov, with the history of war cinema of the soviet union and its successor russia. until new meetings, until new broadcasts!
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on the air the most. truthful podcast about medicine baden baden and i am its host konstantin severinov. today we will talk to vyacheslav dubynin about the brain and problems of neurophysiology. you know everything about the brain, right? well , of course, no one knows everything about the brain, but we’re trying. in fact, the brain is different levels, molecular, cellular, structural, the level of system processes such as memory or emotions. well, at each level we know 20, 30, 40 percent. that’s about it, well, most people are interested in how the brain works, that is, its final exhaust, let’s say , as we think, well, we think mostly in words for simplicity, but if so, although, of course, figurative thinking also exists, words are what pavlov , pavlov in his time called the second signaling system, words we designate some real events, sometimes words
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generalize something, well, in the end.. .a person , as his life progresses, accumulates vocabulary there in non-networks , well, apparently, the main zone where all this accumulates is the so-called parietotemporal-occipital region, there are more and more words there, and we begin to think with them, can i this is the very thing, because i feel that you are going straight ahead, when we accumulate words, well, to begin with, it seems that with age, the opposite happens, we don’t save as much as we lose, that is, we have places in our heads for every word. this is a dictionary, and we take these words out of there, and what is the material carrier? there must be a place, of course, but this place is not a molecule or even a cell, but a certain fragment of a neural network, that is, some neurons that, well, for example, are connected to sensory centers, different ones, some signs are collected in them, well, i don’t know, there’s an orange, for example, yes, that is, an orange, we we know what a picture, a picture, a mental
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picture of an orange is, yes, yes, there is not only ... not only a picture, because an orange is also a visual image, gustatory, tactile, and also the word orange, and in several languages, like that a kind of assembly... as those who do this say, multisensory integration, this is the basis of our speech centers, if you have an image of an orange, i have an image of an orange, they are located in one place in our brain, because when we were born, there was no orange neither have you and i didn’t have one, we had an empty brain, but, well, at least the empty cortex of the cerebral hemispheres, the new cortex, that is, there really are neural networks that are ready to learn, and then, apparently, from every person , for example, the same word is written... in different places, approximately the same as on the hard drive of a computer, that is , you have the same file for different computers will be written in different places on the disk, because there was free space, there were some additional prerequisites, which is why it’s so
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difficult to catch this during experiments, well in general, when we talk about science, the question always arises, how can you look at it, well, yes, so i approach it from this point of view, as a molecular biologist, in our country , actually.
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coordinates in the brain are most likely different for different people, but the connections, information channels should be the same, because we see the same thing, yes, but although the same orange, i think that in the minds of a person living on in the south in the mind of a person living there, i don’t know in murmansk, it will be a different image, because well surely a person who has seen how it all grows will add the word orange to the exact image of the color.
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for example, the same sensory inputs, then the whole system is capable of being excited, and let's say, they show you an orange ball and you say, oh, it looks like an orange, and then poets have different brains, because they are these associations, but you say about how one thing leads to another, one system, well , whatever that means, or a program, for some reason pulls up some new things, and among poets, yes, in fact, among us too, every the word is associated with other words. and we start at some point, well, psychologists, developmental psychologists, they say at about three years old, but the child already has so many words in his head that you can start driving excitement along certain circuits, and this is the basis of thinking,
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in fact, to invent some kind of a beautiful phrase, and even a rhyming one, is to find the correct trajectory in this complex of speech centers, that is, what pavlov called the second signal system: generalization, and as a rule, new words are an additional generalization, well, at least such significant words, although of course you can just see an unknown animal and give it a name, like a kangaroo, or something else in this kuzdra, glokoe kuzdra, but
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generalizing words that collect several specific words together are especially valued, well, by the way, in poetry this is exactly what hurts a lot of people, sometimes one thing. pharmacy, and you seem to be already immersed, some in st. petersburg, some in the perception of allergies, and so on, and in fact we are talking about the fact that this text evokes in you, in me, in the viewer some, something starts running there, that's how you you see, the current actually flows along the rails , like in an electrical circuit, well, in some kind of electrical circuit, yes, and the light bulbs are on, and the light bulbs are on, and it spreads throughout the whole brain and definitely touches the centers of emotions, because blocks begin to come out of you . memory formed in some situation,
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the situation, as a rule, means either a flow of negative emotions or a flow of positive emotions, and all this begins to live and vibrate. you're basically saying that the brain works because that's how it works, but in a sense you are some descriptive activity is going on now, you describe that we know that the brain works, we know that we can imagine an orange, we can learn several languages, then we simply say that it works this way, because in the brain. there are corresponding programs, they run , that is, our brain is actually made for all this, indeed one of the most important tasks of the brain, a complex brain in the course of life, is to create inside, to form inside a cast of the surrounding reality, and this, of course, does not arise in the course of evolution in order to write poetry, but in order to model situations and choose the most appropriate behavior, that is, since you already have a model of the world inside you, you go there...
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think, but you have it all built in your head, in your inner brain
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there is a picture of what you are telling, it is consistent, and you understand why you think like, all these levels, they still have some kind of material basis, but there are cells, a community of cells, contacts between cells , there are some molecules in cells, that’s what i understand, all of this somehow lives, works, eats, yes, behind these words there is a program, a system, a neural network, levels, you understand how it is put together. if, well, i would like to go to some level of specification and generally get there, because these are very general words , but then, well, konstantin, look, we have yes, the molecular level of genes, then it means intracellular work, there proteins assembled on their own, the cell in our neurobiology neurophysiologists, of course, are now very seriously working with genes and how to activate something there.
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eat it, that's it, and as soon as single-celled ones appear, you simply are no longer multicellular, you need to somehow put it all together, a nervous system arises, and we look at very simple worms or coelenterates, and we see neurons are already there , there are neural networks, similar mechanisms work, the same synapses, neurotransmitters, receptors, and then at the initial levels of evolution, mainly networks... already, as it were, innately given properties, that is, from the very beginning there is already a plan, a drawing, where everything is it is written what kind of grid it will be, what she perceives is already innate, we watch how it develops. pricerabditis, here is this wonderful worm , which has a little more than a thousand cells, and 300 of them are nervous, and we see that everything comes together amazingly the same, from worm to worm, but we are not like that, i don’t know embryology well, but i know that there are two types of development, one is so deterministic, but in our country everything develops more or less, well, not as god dictates,
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but in general in different ways, in our country everything develops quite stochastically in those zones that who are studying further? at the time of austin's disappearance, who was in the hospital, he was in charge of nuclear weapons, how did the president not know until this morning that it was cancer? for 3-4 days the white house did not control the situation, there was a gap in decision-making, allegedly from the hospital ward, he was managing the military operation in yemen. he was definitely removed from the scene. it was necessary either for him not to sign something, or for someone else to sign, revenge chat against lloyd osin, michelle flournoy. met biden in the oval office in '11, when she persuaded obama to intervene in libya, suddenly michelle obama pops up. i'm terrified of what could happen next election. the surroundings of the white house will change; the internal struggle for the seat has begun. they wo
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n't just resign lloyd osin. this will mean an admission of failure in ukraine; for joe biden, especially a presidential year is like death. the most famous operation. unfortunately, we have a small emergency here, the coach cheated on his student, this is a disgusting lie, you left because of her, she hid the tests so that to get your place, that i am leva, i became happier, but apparently not, because my scar, it’s here, leva, and here, did i meet someone?
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center or there is the center of hunger, there are few neurons there, in fact, they are located , apparently, in some rather rigid positions, this in the case of human development is laid down at some very early stages, we are there at first, well, you are now touching on one of the most mysterious areas of neurobiology, and how the network itself is formed, because not only that... all neurons must stand up into their places, at least again in those zones that will perform such an innately given function, they must also release processes so that a child is born to him, for example, some kind of sucking reflex works, and they touch the lips and this means that there are sucking movements, saliva is released
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and so on, and for this reason, are there children without this?


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