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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 18, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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and let's start with this, let's start with the video , which many of you, i think, have seen, but it's nice to watch it again, in these frames, as this video is described, a fighter dodges an fpv drone aimed at him, look, look, look carefully, well, yes, it’s been a few days already, yes yes, it’s yes, it’s really not the freshest video in the world, in my opinion it’s been a couple of days already, but nevertheless, nevertheless ... listen, this is a reason, well, to admire,
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of course, endurance and composure, you you understand that it’s there - it’s not a matter of dexterity , it’s not a matter of dexterity or or not only agility, it’s a matter of composure, of course, in how, well, i don’t know, then he got up and went somewhere about his business, well this of course, it’s simply amazing, but this is still a reason to talk - this is a reason to talk about military technologies, about how war has changed, how it is changing before our eyes, and about how military experts remember us, i don’t know, futurologists are there they painted the war of the future, what it would be like, everything was somehow shiny, varnished, nickel-plated and so on, here is artillery, you’re nowhere, even though you can’t get away from it, this is the queen, so to speak, of the wars of the fields, and drones, and drones, which have become such, well, just one of the key forces in general, elements in this war, but essentially there is an arms race going on, yes, it’s impossible to tear yourself away, it’s simply amazing, look, right now, right now is my favorite moment, that’s it, yes, well, i’ll go.
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here is an arms race among drones, who has the technology, who has it, so to speak , is better, he will have an advantage, in the end i i don’t know, excuse me, he’ll probably win this war, look, they’re publishing a video on social networks in which a new jet-powered loitering munition is presented in ukraine, look, it doesn’t look very impressive, but, actually, it looks quite dangerous, so let ’s talk about this, friends, about modern technologies, specifically about drones, and about what prospects we have for them, about them, by the way, we will then talk separately about the coalition, so to speak, drone, pro-ukrainian, also sounds quite unpleasant, please, alexander nikolavich, let’s go back to that video where our fighter dodges.
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basically lethal, that is, i won’t , that means, well, that is, a person can, in principle , be torn apart, this is a very scary thing, fipividron, and what are the main indicators, that is, its operating range, so that it can be controlled there from 5 to 10 km , this is the maximum range, i mean 10 km today, and the amount of speed at which it works so that it can bypass the pressure and load that it can carry. that is, sometimes you have to sacrifice the mass of the warhead at the expense of range , that is, in order for it to fly further, you need to make the mass of the warhead smaller, so now they are fighting for these three indicators: for a stable video camera to have a good video link, because there are such rap systems that the signal cannot be interrupted, but the signal of the video image that the operator sees, they cannot control, and such.
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of course, they radically change the course of hostilities; firstly, accordingly, he can stay in the air for a certain amount of time before detecting targets. secondly, an fpv drone, as a rule, works in tandem with... that is, at a higher distance , there can be up to a kilometer at an altitude , or a reconnaissance drone works at several kilometers, which finds the appropriate targets, then the operator rises up this vipivedrone aims at an enemy dugout at lightly armored targets, this infantry fighting vehicle can also work against enemy tanks and at individual servicemen or machine gun crew. accordingly, if you want to hit the enemy with a mortar, then you will naturally expose yourself when the mortar crew starts working, the enemy, he also has counter-battery warfare, special stations, after two or three shots they calculate the coordinates of the location of our artillery installation or
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for a mortar doctor, in order to properly practice using small arms, you also need to get into the line of direct fire, that is, take aim, and so on, with regards to fpv drone, you can work. into cover, that is , the enemy cannot detect where you launched it from, if you move , the supporters sit in cover, but it turns out that this is such an army, including, if let’s say you didn’t reach the target the first time, you can accordingly fi to go to a new level with a drone, it means a revolution, it is also a driving target and therefore this is a very serious weapon on the battlefield today, it solves a lot of problems, there cannot be many of them, so we must take seriously the applications that are voiced.
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well, of course we have this, we have always had competition between the projectile and the thickness of the armor, between drones and air defense systems, we have very powerful air defense systems, we have powerful drones, but i want to say that the lancets are very good, powerful, all of this we need more, i ’ve said this many times, that’s all.
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just about the coalition, let’s talk about the coalition and discuss it, in latvia they said that they are working on creating a coalition from almost in latvia, why, lord, okay, from almost twenty countries to arm ukraine drones, here is the head of the ministry of defense, they have the ministry of defense of this country, which means andre spruts
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in a conversation with bloomberg said, bloomberg interviewed him for some reason, please, latvia is making progress in creating a coalition of almost twenty countries to supply the armed forces. the main goal is to do everything to ensure that as many drones as possible are delivered to ukraine. this arsenal will help the kiev military in the conflict with russia. there, in fact, it’s not said here, but there these numbers sound quite, i don’t know, so impressive, some serious in the tens, or if not hundreds of thousands, the alleged intentions of this coalition to produce supplies to ukraine are measured there. we have a call, by the way, on this topic, if i understand correctly, the signs of our operators, please, yes, what is your name, hello? hello, hello, dmitry, blogger, blogger , listen, well, apparently, it seems to me, in the west they are trying to resuscitate the corpse of the ukrainian military, which no longer seems to be moving much, and so you said, that’s just about this topic , about the supply of thousands of drones,
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i wonder if here in ukraine people have already run out of people at the fronts, they are trying to somehow help with some kind of equipment that can work relatively without people there... or this equipment is being tested, but these are the prospects we have are related to this news , because, as it seems to me, europe has nowhere to get these thousands of drones, because when there are abstract numbers, thousands, they are called concrete, then these are most likely fictional ideas, it is useless to send equipment there, because the europeans, like i think he was the plan is that some kind of delusion or leopard is leaving on the battlefield, the russian soldier sees this and immediately runs, it turns out that the russian soldier sees the leopard burns him and...
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they can’t cope, it’s not so difficult for them to collect drones, and they have money after all, yes, that is, well, they made several factories there in latvia, somewhere else they assemble drones and send them to ukraine, each such drone is a dead soldier of ours, well, we are developing rap systems, that is, in principle this is a useless process that doesn’t really... affect the situation let's discuss, we just don't know, but no matter how i 'm at the front, maybe it won't be what now i would just in case, just in case, even though i also saw this, remember, it's unlikely you remember, sidrik peren, there is such a person , this is the head of the french senate commission on foreign affairs of the defense of the armed forces, so he says that france produces as many shells in a year, nato caliber 155 mm, as ukraine spends there over the course of several days, three, therefore.
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to treat this information so frivolously, especially since there is, we know, that ukrainian soldiers do not have a shortage of such small drones, they do not have a shortage, and if 20 countries get together for some reason, throw in money and make a thousand, 10 thousand, 20 thousand of these drones, then this becomes a very big problem already at the front , in fact, it’s easier for them. spend money on such small drones, which are not so expensive, than bringing an f16, if you choose
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between an f16 drone, only guys, this is what i’m getting at, that they are much more dangerous, because the f-16 is all clear with it, it took off, it apparently, we have good air defense, they will be removed on approach, and here and there, as they did with tanks, with some and with others, with helicopters and airplanes, and these...
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at the front, they are very effective and they have good stable range, they are good at handling and carry a good amount of explosives, so if you see some kind of event, and there are some going on there... as for the baltic countries, yes, well, instead of saying thank you for them painlessly, bloodlessly gained independence, they were released from the soviet union, while preserving their
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statehood until they are destroyed, which means they are constantly trying to make themselves known as... to declare, which means that the total population of these three baltic republics does not exceed 3.5 million people, what they can produce there, that’s understandable that it’s okay, all they can do is provide their territory, because ukraine understands perfectly well that all defense enterprises that will operate on its territory will be subject to an accurate missile strike from the russian army, but if they place some production not far from ukraine on the territory of the so -called nato members.
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from the russian federation, these are countries that have unofficially declared war on us, that is, 54 states, these are the most desperate of them, i want everyone to remember them, to know them, these are the usa, great britain, france, canada, the netherlands, estonia, spain, sweden , latvia, lithuania, norway, denmark, poland, the czech republic, germany, italy, these are the countries out of these 54 that provide ukraine with as much assistance as possible, military-technical, directly supplying weapons and money, therefore. here all we can count on is our own strength, so many thanks to all those who help the front, volunteers, our wonderful women who weave camouflage networks, businessmen who sometimes try to remain, as if unspoken, because they are they do it from the bottom of their hearts, and those people who are representatives of political parties provide assistance, many thanks to them, but once again i want to say that we must always consider
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how much an fpv drone costs, how much a missile costs to shoot it down, absolutely. in this regard they are trying to work towards economic depletion, so we need to make more of our own rons so that our artillery will work at a long distance accordingly, that’s all that concerns lbs, this is a close distance, 5, maximum 10 km, these are fipividruns, everything that is further than 10 km , our artillery is already working, respectively aviation, high-precision weapons, i understand, by the way, we’ll ask now, alexander kamin, the developer of uavs and fpvs, exactly those same drones, is in direct contact with us , hello, you are with us, hear us, hello, great, yes, good , i’m the only one who, as a - i don’t know , an epigraph to our conversation, i want to say this, well, not really say, alexander nikolaevich said everything quite rightly, it’s hard to argue with it, but i don’t think that our main problem in the production of fpvidrons and drones in general is the lack of money, it is clear that it is better
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to send whatever it is to the fronts for victory than, i don’t know, than to some kind. .. rubbish nonsense, this is of course true, well, why argue with it, yes, but is our main problem the lack of funds, and in general do we have a big problem with the production of ipividrones, if so, where is it ? by various volunteers , there are actually a lot of drones being produced now, and there are even many drone manufacturers that are already stuck, that is, they don’t have time to ship, that is, they no longer have time to produce, yeah, yeah, because, well,
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everything is there are volunteers. naturally they produces, but you must take into account one thing , that we, what did they say about the coalition, and of the twenty countries that the baltics are trying to do there, the baltics themselves cannot do anything, just like those countries that are part of this coalition, everything depends on components from china, that is, all etidrons are inexpensive, that we... that any other countries, they either buy ready-made drones in china, or make them from components from china, so everyone is limited to exactly the quantity that produces. china components, that is, listen, amaze, excuse me, an amazing story, that is, with one movement china can end all this, all this history, just like that, no, they will
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never do this, that is, how should you understand that that is, as it were they simply produce electronic components, and not everything is under vladimirovich’s control, and we cannot gradually begin to produce, for example, but the parts that we are purchasing now in china are starting to be produced by ourselves and will not be able to.
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we have a very serious situation at the front, everyone is saying that we don’t have enough of these drones, you say, there are so many of them that they are already stocked up, as if, well, yes, since i didn’t understand, i think the audience didn’t understand , tell me very clearly and briefly, we have enough of them, we will make as many of them as the front requires, we will use them as needed, that ’s all, we don’t need anything else, about the price and everything else, i’ll explain, i’ll explain, it’s just there.
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it’s clear, it’s not that this is such a direct problem, but in light of what we said at the beginning, that this is a war in general, a war of drones and confrontation between drones, of course
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there are never too many of them and the more the better, and of course , if suddenly there are some extra funds, yes, yes, i don’t pretend that i discovered america economically there, that i will be taught in higher school of economics, well, just in case, it’s clear that if suddenly, this is what aleksandrevich was talking about, if suddenly there are some extra free ones. means, so to speak, it is better to send them or direct them, even now i’m not talking about not about our, everyday, so to speak, our some kind of realities i’m speaking in general about state-owned ones, then of course it’s better to direct them to the production , so to speak, of drones, this is absolutely correct, because there are never too many of them, but this is the most important thing, all drone manufacturers naturally have a problem, that is, a lack of funds.
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let's listen, but first let's listen, so now we are the same american , after all, zelensky never tires of striking the imagination, it means he didn’t want to now with the chinese prime minister, who is he who is saying anyway, what does he decide, well, that’s us already discussed, okay, look what an interesting story here, so you probably saw, yes, what they put in russia, i am very skeptical about these ratings, so to speak, but i just don’t care about
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them, we need some kind of ratings someone there to come up with. he’s sitting, writing something, what ’s the difference, but nevertheless, here was the rating, which means russia is the second army in the world, and america is the first, and ukraine, by the way, is the eighteenth, and so on, and what, yes, yes, what’s the difference , yes, but zelensky gave his comment here, guys, just prepare it, sit down if you stand, fantastic, of course, here's a guy , remember, there was one of murphy's laws, in my opinion, the peter principle, it was basically called, it said that a person reaches the level of his incompetence, after which, so to speak, well , inevitably, it’s always like this he moves up the steps.
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he’s talking about the fact that it’s not that there won’t be enough to win the war with russia, he doesn’t talk about winning at all anymore, he says that there won’t be enough to withstand even the war with russia, in general the guy is like how expressed himself, no, he doesn’t give up, of course, but the guy swam, as alexander nikolaevich said, the guy swam, so now we’re looking at another intellectual, his name is chuck schumer, these are senators. american , he calls on the united states to urgently resume support for zelensky, remember, the americans now have a new, so to speak, motive, they say that there is no magic pot that you tell him to cook, and he cooks money for you, if you say, don’t cook, he he’s still making money, like that , he says, we don’t have anything like that, that’s why he says for now, we can’t help, but chuck schumer is optimistic about this, so to say, considerations, please
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, i am optimistic, for the first time i believe that the chances of achieving funding for ukraine in the senate are higher than the chances of not achieving this. ukraine is already suffering from a weapons shortage and if it fails we will suffer the consequences for not months but years, we cannot stop fighting, we will fight and we will get our way. at first i thought, when i listened, i think we will fight, he ’s like, we will fight, but with ukrainians, now, and not, he means that they will be in the senate to fight there in order to... it’s interesting , by the way, there is such, you know, such a general, commonplace, already such a political science consensus, that small america pushed this problem, so monstrous, somehow incomprehensible and generally incomprehensible where it is developing for they crossed themselves to europe or whatever it is now customary for them to do instead, that’s all they said, phew, my god, my god, but chuck schumer nevertheless has optimism, well, judging by what we just heard, optimism after all it's about
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debates in congress itself and... all the questions, mr. biden, and then we will talk about it, talk about it, so in this sense, of course, everything is not going so well, and i don’t know where the optimism lies, as for the pot, and for me it’s simple, well, it’s just kind of fun, just look, remember , they’re really, here are the journalists, mainstream and political scientists and american politicians, it’s like, they’re not like, they’re just
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talking in clichés, about the potty. from whom we have not heard, remember, biden, and the representative of the state department, and the representative pentagon, they would refer to the manual, well , listen, there is a definition there, so do you. like for fools they say all this, here we have a pot, everyone understands , and there is gold in the pot, they pulled out and understood everything, let’s go, i want - well, probably to disappoint many who think that - the americans pushed, shoved, sent the europeans have this problem, no, they didn’t push anything, they didn’t push them away, they will hold on to it for a long time, stubbornly, persistently, maybe more cunningly, but now they don’t have time for that yet, just like that, directly, so of course they called scholz yesterday and... and he said: yes, yes, yes, instead of four, i will send seven billion to ukraine, instead of four, seven, that is, all his streets are littered with manure, and he says: i will send this billion to ukraine, that is , is a question of the competence of these people you are talking about when a disaster occurs, because
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zelensky is not the only person who is a disaster, all european leaders, this is a disaster, a funder, this is a german shepherd, you understand , everyone else, they generally think quite straightforwardly, that means... russia, it must perish, russia must be destroyed, returning to macron, remember, at the beginning of the program i said about macron, i watched it, when he scared the russian people again, the russian president said that i myself would go in a few months to ukraine, now i will send both caesar and mezar there, all this and well, not the cheese, of course, he will send everything else there, and we will win, but the face is a face.
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no one feels sorry for you or considers you, alexander nikolaevich said, the russian federation feels sorry for you, only us, thank you for attention, friends, see you soon on the air. prince gary and meghan markle suddenly found themselves at the top of american
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news again, but why now? prince harry and meghan markle were paid millions for doing absolutely nothing, figuring out how to make it so that they could give money to harry. they got into the flow, everything is collected in ukraine. meghan markle may be a hidden us government agent. it was she and her influence that led to prince harry being excommunicated from the royal family. here he is with a swastika appears. immediately a video appears where the royal family makes a nazi salute, sending out a certain message to the masses that the royal family there are terrible racists. meghan markle's work is a planned conspiracy to destroy the world's aristocracy to destroy great britain as a center of political power. if they suddenly ascend to the thrones, the institution of monarchy will end. prince harry a pawn in the games of opposing globalist clans or a real fersy who is about to bet mat. when harry met the usa. dolls
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of the heir tutti. today is the first one. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. where does your immunity live, we check the spleen, prunes, are they better or worse than fresh plums. lymphatic drainage massage, does it help? program to live healthy, helps educate, tomorrow is first. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellor group. ready. i think cinema only shows love stories. in war films we are talking about guys’ love for weapons, in
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gangster films about guys’ love for robbery, things are really rubbish, and the new wave brought love for cinema, without love there are no films, he is a child of cinema, he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris, he knows the role of watching old films, films are not good enough for the audience, but the audience is often not good enough. for films, they say that people don't understand my films, so what, i don't understand them myself, matodore, jean luc gadar, two or three things i don't know about him, tomorrow on the first, sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this. as if they had wings behind them, as if they were not wearing
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gravity is at work, risk, danger , entertainment, 3.5 and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, it was great and... flights to eva were like in a dream! russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first.
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private screening with alexander gordon. so do you like the movie? an absolutely original and powerful film language. the genre breaks down, suddenly they go into such an oops and monologue. have you already understood what you are talking about at the script level? yes, sure. the viewer must see what happens to these characters from beginning to end. they are real and alive all the way. tomorrow may no longer exist for you, he asked me
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to tell you that he loves you and is still looking forward to it. doctor preobrazhensky, final episode, watch after the program time. i would like to interview you as the head physician of the institute of beauty. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. at the beginning of the special operation, our artillerymen defeated the assault detachment of the ukrainian armed forces, which was preparing for the offensive. strong point intelligence identified the militants in the forest belt, and the coordinates were promptly transmitted to the point. a series of precise strikes were made against the enemy from gvozdika self-propelled howitzers; these
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are the crews of msta b howitzers, their tasks are to fortify the area and enemy armored vehicles, artillery mortar batteries, firing range up to 30 km, they hit both from camouflaged points and direct fire. this time, our fighters covered the militants in the southern donetsk sector with heavy fire, and before storming their positions, motorized riflemen were dispatched. fire adjustments were made with drones, destroyed enemy strongholds in the area of ​​​​the village of beristovoye. our fighters attacked the enemy with fpv drones. the west is trying to maintain undivided world domination, but is encountering obstacles, including our country’s position on...
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quarter 95, now, perhaps, it will be called something else, we do not object to the agreements that are concluded other countries with ukraine, but this does not change our goal at all, this was confirmed
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just the other day by president putin, we we will achieve the goals of the special military operation consistently, persistently, the united states, the head of our foreign ministry recalled, the white house has destroyed the system of agreements between our countries that relate to arms control. when convenient, the american side returns to this topic in order to resume inspections of our facilities. lavrov called the us behavior in the nuclear dialogue indecent. meanwhile, in washington, at a meeting between joe biden and congressional leaders , the fate of the sixty billion tranche for ukraine was being decided. the discussion took place in closed to the press, the white house promised to provide parliamentarians with some secret information. however, no matter how hard the president tries to push through the bill, the idea of ​​spending money on kiev against the backdrop of the states’ own problems is, to put it mildly, unpopular. mikhail kinchenko, more details. for the first time in several months, since the american president
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has been unsuccessfully trying to push another financial package for ukraine through congress, biden decided to have a personal meeting with the party leaders of the senate and house of representatives. before until now, he had preferred the formats of ineffective television addresses and telephone conversations, but judging by the statements made from the white house a few minutes before the start of negotiations, the time for waiting and reflection was over. this is an opportunity for the president and national security experts to make sure that members of congress fully understand the critical need to continue to supply weapons and equipment to the ukrainians, certain types of weapons that the ukrainians have quickly.
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attention and there was an understanding that if we don’t if we come to an agreement on allocating money to ukraine, the consequences for america around the world will be more than destructive, and in a year we will find ourselves further from the goals towards which we are moving now. the most important thing is that it was possible to reach an agreement between democrats and republicans on the need to support ukraine. what's new here remains unclear. the majority of republicans have never directly refused to allocate money to ukraine. their main requirement is the correct prioritization. first , cancel the open game policy.
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this is important and we understand it, but we must insist, we must insist that our border is a priority. it is not surprising that president biden did not personally assess the outcome of the meeting. the white house made do with a press release with general words and an appeal to legislators not to delay. prospects for congressional approval of a $61 billion financial package for ukraine remain dim. in a short time, gaining the required number of votes, given all the skepticism of the republicans, will clearly be a matter not easy. as the ukrainian disaster approaches its sad and inevitable conclusion, american taxpayers face the inevitable risk of going into the bank for half a trillion dollars.
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but even such a faithful promoter of american interests as german chancellor olaf scholz , after a telephone conversation with biden , promised to increase spending on the military needs of ukraine to only 7 billion euros, but it is not a fact that he will be able to keep his promise; there is nowhere to get the money, the german minister of economics admitted and added that declines will have to pay the german economy, however, it has already arrived, here the german government also had problems with its parliament, exactly the same, by the way, as...
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russian investigators discovered documents in mariupol that relate to the military operations of ukrainian armed forces against
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civilians in donbass . this was discussed at an operational meeting in lugansk, chaired by the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin. electronic media with evidence of crimes of the kiev regime were found on the territory of azovstal. more likely ukrainian officers hid them. a preliminary examination of the information received established the presence of copies of documents signed by the highest. the military leadership of ukraine, the staffing structure of the battalion brigades that were involved in the operation, information regarding the introduction by the armed forces of ukraine of military operations and shelling of the territory of the ldpr in the period from 2015 to 2016, a good interesting find, you mean documentary sources, that is, this explanation why did you start a special military operation because they were destroying residents of donbass during this period and documents that... the most important date in the history of our country. 81 years ago, soviet troops managed to break through the siege of leningrad
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as a result of operation iskra. there was still a year left before complete liberation, but this was a turning point that brought victory closer. we remember the feat of our soldiers, the courage and incredible resilience of the city's residents. they went through real hell, were able to withstand all the horrors of those days, bombings, hunger, death at every step, but did not surrender to the enemy. a memorable event in st. petersburg. including on victory square. flowers were laid at the monument to the heroic defenders of leningrad. representatives of the authorities, public organizations, and, of course, veterans took part in the ceremony. a large-scale film is dedicated to the siege of leningrad, pure heroism, and human destinies during the great patriotic war. air of alexey german the younger. the big premiere of the film is already in cinemas across the country today. immersion in history, in the very truth of life, where
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very young girls, pilots, who challenge a seasoned enemy, perform feats. incredible in terms of complexity of shooting, maximum effect of presence, eye-to-eye aerial combat , a poignant story of love, fidelity and tenderness that cannot leave anyone indifferent. about the premiere in st. petersburg alexander lyakin. it was straight, you know, well... there was such a feeling in my heart that i wanted to be in their place, i wanted to help, in the very first minutes of the film the audience's palms clenched into fists, german planes were shooting at a convoy of trucks with children, the beginning of the film seemed like a blow to the face, that is, very scary, very uncomfortable, that is, i i was even physically uncomfortable when at first they showed the children who were being taken away, i was scared and sorry for them, i cried. frail girls on fighter planes, far from technical perfection, also had to engage in battle against seasoned german aces. young girls on partly
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wooden planes, partly percale.
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from their own machine guns echo metallic rattles in the cockpit, a salvo from our yak or a german misterschmitt is 6 kg of lead per second, an air battle is like hand-to-hand combat, where opponents often saw their faces each other. i really liked how the plane maneuvered in the air space, i even had the feeling that it was as if i was inside, there were also shots of artists, actors, how they sit in the cockpit, their emotions, how they worry. the main part of the film's action takes place around besieged leningrad, so the location for the premiere screening was not chosen by chance. the aurora cinema was one of the few that showed films during the blockade, and the screenings here were interrupted more than once due to air raid raids. movie air, just about those who defended the sky above the city. incredibly complex filming, precision in the smallest details, all in order not only to show the truth about the war, but also
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to give an opportunity to feel what was happening then. i really liked the movie.
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today is epiphany eve for the orthodox, the canon of one of the main christian holidays. on the feast of epiphany, believers remember the baptism of jesus in the jordan river , the appearance of the holy trinity to the world described in the bible. patriarch kirill performed a solemn liturgy in the church this morning christ the savior, services will also be held in the evening, followed by the rite of blessing of water. many believers then plunge into the ice hole - this is a folk tradition, not a church ritual. and here it is important to follow the rules: firstly, dive only in special places, and secondly, really evaluate it. state of your health. doctors warn that due to a sharp change in temperature, an unprepared person may experience vasospasm , the consequences of which can be critical. heavy snowfall is approaching central russia. the cyclone has already covered smolenskaya, kaluga, bryansk, tula and lipetsk regions, at these moments it is approaching moscow. the snowstorm is forecast to be the worst in 10 years. in some places, the height of snowdrifts
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is expected to increase by a quarter of a meter per day. avtodor.
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the shortage of large-caliber ammunition , that is, the shortage of artillery ammunition, is covered by the number of manpower, most often unprepared, that is, it is precisely because of this that they suffer such colossal losses every day, and which specific donetsk direction is now the hottest? in the donetsk direction the hottest industrial zone, as usual, which we continue to move to clear, is 100-200 m per day in order to save our energy and spend it as much as possible. enemy forces , in the northern region of khimik , clashes continue, there is no progress there, but again a tank was destroyed there, the enemy continues to experience colossal losses, then
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what you said, airborne forces strikes are still being carried out on the enemy, the strikes are effective, these strikes allow our infantry, again , to safely overcome these 100-200 m per day, under the cover of, of course, artillery of all types. well, but thanks to aviation, all this is working out, our guys are succeeding. thank you very much, andrei komyzhikin, war correspondent, was in direct contact with us. in the ukrainian terrarium of friends, a new fight. zelensky has already, well, for at least six months , been in a difficult, confrontational relationship with valery zaluzhny, trying to blame everything on him, but it became known that zelensky seems to be preparing to appoint zaluzhny’s kirill to the post. budanova, chief of intelligence, this is what the former deputy minister for temporarily occupied territories said about it. just an hour and a half ago, i was informed by friends who,
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let’s say, are involved in the special operations forces and the general staff. the point is that zelensky decided to replace valery zaluzhny. they plan to transfer him to the national security and defense council in his place. it became known that in ukraine a tender was announced for almost 8 million hryvnia to monitor social networks for mention of both zelensky and zaluzhny, and this is in at the time when zelensky says that
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there is no money in retirement, interestingly, in the west they continue to rely on zaluzhny, this was discussed in the stream of the popular front. a scandalous law on mobilization has appeared, and the situation with it is still not very clear. missing set, but i would like to point out that zaluzhny very gently walked away from that, disowning the fact that he did not order these 5000, it was a team from the ocean that came, zaluzhny realized that if only he would take it upon himself...
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today there is , that’s right, no way, it does their instructions, zaluzhny has already been made clear clearly from overseas, that he is the next candidate after zelensky, so he is now trying not to stick out, not to interfere anywhere, not to run into any sensitive political moments, and he is trying to preserve himself, it is most likely that the prospect of further cooperation with new forces with the new authorities that will come after the elections, and not in vain, when the last time i came to...
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or not is the question, but in the event that budanov is appointed instead zaluzhny, will this have any effect on the balance of power? first, of course, there is a conflict, you are right, the last time they were seen together was somewhere. at the beginning of last summer, and if even the supreme commander-in-chief and his commander-in-chief cannot meet for more than six months, this is already evidence of a conflict, and when they began to mutually accuse each other and exchange jabs in the press, then this is once again confirmed this conflict, and zaluzhny cunningly avoided these accusations, but then it was said that he allegedly did not ordered, he just doesn’t say what number he ordered.
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a state where they will no longer return to the battlefield. the data was given by zaluzhny, therefore zaluzhny is an ardent supporter of the american theory of going on the defensive, freezing the conflict and reorganizing the line of confrontation with the help of festungs and fortified lines of the class of general sorovikin’s line. budanov has neither experience, nor soviet military education, nor knowledge. a very gifting operation to enter armyansk, as a result of which he was wounded not in the frontal part of his body, the whole group died there. which he headed, i’m talking about the ukrainian drg. in this regard, it is clear that such a person can , with his extreme actions, collapse the front line, lead to extreme discontent of the ukrainian military, who also have a certain hierarchical loyalty to their leader, case zaluzhny, well, actually , if they turn their weapons against the banking sector, it is probably unlikely we will object, so good hour, we would of course take advantage of this, but we’ll see if it works out, one of the main problems of ukraine is
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according to ukrainian law, you must be in ukraine, and this is a fact, and then you will fight or not fight, you will work, because, as i already said, in ukraine you cannot just breathe the air. we are at war, so you either work or fight. many potential victims of ukrainian military commissars are afraid to leave their homes; a video of a besieged man is going viral online.
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on this mobilization, to make good money, a man from square rents out such a secret dugout shelter, posts this ad on social networks, rents it out for a price apartment, the location is very carefully hidden from this shelter from local military commissars. another very profitable business, in poltava they offer relatives of dried-up workers to replace their mobilized family members with life-size dolls made of cardboard; to order , relatives are asked to indicate height, weight, etc., especially.
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most of my readers write that the correct approach to mobilization is through a lottery or drawing lots. the state randomly selects a day and a month, and those people who were born on these days are mobilized. others don’t, and to do this for each wave of mobilization, well, yes, life is like a lottery or death, on the contrary, i don’t know, like a lottery, it can be interpreted in any way you like, but it is clear that the closer to the front line, the less enthusiasm of ukrainians. vladimir vladimirovich, what can this mobilization under attack lead to, how effective can it be directly at the front? well, everyone admits it, even ukrainian officers, who were not interviewed by the western press. everyone unanimously admits that there is no point in these by and large, there are no forcibly exiled people, no mobilized ones, that is, the life of such a military man, as ukrainian officers in the kharkov direction recently admitted in an interview with the british press, lasts, well
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, several days, one even said there, i don’t even assign call signs to them anymore , because they still change quickly, quickly go to the next world, accordingly. but at the same time we must understand that i could say, as some of my colleagues often say, that we will expect resistance, ultimately this the spring will unwind, now everyone can see footage of people shooting from pistols and military commissars, but you have to understand that, of course , many have fled, many are hiding, many are sitting in various caches, that is , such an organized movement to resist this very thing...
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.their death, in principle, in my opinion, there are no such second ones in this world, but on the other hand, we need to look carefully at the ethnic composition of the people at the front, while they took as many people as possible from eastern and central ukraine, they took raguli as a minimum, that is, western ukraine, where there are a large number of people, because the ukrainian population is quite deftly opening up from mobilization, and a large number of people are arriving there, who moved there from the kharkov region, from central ukraine , from krivoy rog, from other places, all of them. somewhere in the west, and if you just look at the payroll, answering your question, now there are at least 19-20 million people in ukraine, a simple proportion, purely statistical data, calculations for you... will prove that 3-4 million men of childbearing age they clearly have, therefore, to collect 500,000 of them, if
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there are methods of catching those same western ukrainians who shouted at the muscovite-nagilyak, shouted about their own independent great nation, they have such methods, stop making sure that only people who speak russian die, while the ukrainians this suited, well, this , by the way, suits the united states of the british, including, here anthony blinken, while in davos, said that absolutely...
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send weapons to ukraine, stop supporting the murder of the slavs, if this is not stop, then we, the slavs , will unite as brothers, and i believe that we will unite and raze western europe to the ground, i’m sure no one here wants this, the conflict in ukraine is a problem for the united states, a problem of their interests, the european union is a pawn in the american game, we must begin peace negotiations, but without the participation of the americans in them.
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for 6 years khmelnitsky was refused, for 6 years moscow prepared to accept them under its citizenship, since they were preparing for a war with the poles that would be inevitable after such a step, only when the muscovite kingdom had already decided that it ready, they took under their wing these people who most humbly asked, well, who then began to be called ukrainians , regardless of whether they wanted it or not, but what do i mean, in this regard, really ... this is iconic date, it prompts reflection on whether it is now also possible
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to look for people there who can bet on, there, let’s say, we are talking about uprisings in the army, perhaps riots and so on, well, we remember, they turned to the military, because they went over their heads zelensky, let's solve this issue, one could hope for this, after all, zaluzhny had a soviet military education, whatever, and we remember what kind of bust zaluzhny had, yes - a bust of stepan bandera. so that we also don’t have any illusions of any kind, absolutely no one has any illusions, maybe there is something there, but at the same time, we really have to bet on the same thing that we bet on in the 14th century and then repeatedly, if we want to be successful, on tear things apart between them, for these skirmishes between them, for the formula, devour each other, this is what needs to be supported inside ukraine, there in the west, and accordingly we will continue to look for formulas that would lead. are there different doors for the us and europe to
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exit this conflict? i would say that for the united states, perhaps, there is the same way out of the conflict as for nato, so i don’t believe in a way out of the conflict under any presidents, because in 2017, under the wonderful trump, it was announced that russia is still an existential enemy of the united states of america. therefore, faith in the good master will somehow change the states now my position is stupid, as evidence i can tell you that in the second half of december a meeting was held in washington, which was attended by zaluzhny, antonio , aguta, who is now in kiev, including other pentagon officials, they all unanimously determined the need to use nato arsenals in the absence of budget funding. usa for new supplies. i will explain, this means that nato directly opened its warehouses and provided
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its weapons now to the ssu. and he directly appointed his boss, antonia aguto. which commanded by alexander syrsky, i consider koevo a traitor, because he was born in the vladimir region, unlike zaluzhny, he is simply russian, therefore, based on this, neither europe, macron just said that russia cannot win, and neither the united states they will not come out of the conflict, someone will be carried out of this conflict with their heels first, i hope that the west. well, okay, this is what miroslav radakovsky said, in your opinion, alexander germovich, as far as he can have, i don’t know, a real embodiment.
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may well adapt to the russian army and we will see the rapid denossification of ukraine, why can a certain position of the hungarian-slovaks be put in place, i don’t mean that the hungarian-slovaks, who else can follow them, although the hungarians are naturally not slavs, but i don’t mean naturally any military bloc against western europe, i have. the fact that inside western europe there is a deadly virus called many tens of millions of muslim emigrants, they must be fed three times a day with hot meals, they live as parasites of clients, in many ways, and how they will behave in the event that the west begins to lose, the currency fails, and food products become rare, this will be a very interesting level, and also the ukrainians have come to them in europe and in general
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the prospects, to put it mildly, well, in europe they already understand perfectly well, that at the bakery they eat not only bread, but what’s on top is advertising. let's get married, the premiere, today is the first one, so, my cats are lazy, love everyone, everyone should get married. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. this city is sometimes called far eastern st. petersburg. and the main one the owner of these places is the majestic amursky. tiger, we are in khabarovsk, friends, baller, why the baller and where this ball actually is and what kind of bank, no one will tell you now, we take a sample, black caviar is cheaper than snail caviar, about 150 thousand per kilogram, delicious, you can do more, what can you make from fish skin, shoes, mittens, we roll it up like this,
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and crumple it until it becomes soft, you spent 3 years sewing a robe, yes, how much does it cost? i was there when i was talking to a bartender abroad, and i said, i’m working on that five-thousandth street bill on this bridge, yes, he was so pleasantly surprised, we can admire the view, i personally am delighted, the life of my own, the premiere on sunday on the first, cnop gin is a product of the stellar group. famous godparents and their godchildren met in our studio, i am a very responsible person, one of my goddaughters ’ mother died, and i immediately said that i ’m taking you to live with me, lenochka, i know that you, too, have been with your godfather several times , the oldest is 16 years old, the youngest is 4 and a half years old, we filmed the wall together, on
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alexander mikhailovich solemnly wrote me at the time of the ceremony, he sprinkled you, they say this is a good omen, i have a godson who was wounded in the northern military district, he is now in the hospital, i am very proud of him, baptism is when you understand who you are , to whom you belong, and you don’t run around, and you don’t ask, but how to live, this is a day for the lord, we put off our everyday activities, we go to the temple, when a person has some kind of trouble, the soul begins to suffer, the temple, there is an answer to questions that sometimes... formulate cardiac arrest occurred my son, we lost him and katya saved me, katya says to me: be a godmother, for me it was such a gift, we have the best godmother in the world, on saturday on the first, we are not boiled, we are not raw, we are not we’ll give up, we’ll get angry, you’re
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always very beautiful, ha, you brought it to me. but it’s loud, it’s not there, it’s not there, a spider ran away, you have some kind of special finger, it’s probably there. spin it up for you, spin it up, as they call girls who play checkers, checkers players, it seems like everything started off well for me, now it will end badly, the best of all, the new season, on sunday on the first, you eat buns, very rarely, what if? a kind mother can allow it once a week. prince harry and meghan markle suddenly found themselves at the top of american news again, but why now? prince harry and meghan
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markle were paid millions for doing absolutely nothing. they were figuring out how to make it so that they could give money to the same harry. they got into the flow, they are collecting everything for ukraine. meghan markle can to be a hidden agent of the us government. it was she and her influence that led to what prince harry had. excommunicated from the royal family, here he appears with a swastika , then a video appears where the royal family’s nazi salute gesture gives out a certain message to the masses that the royal family there are terrible racists, meghan markle’s work is a planned conspiracy to destroy the world’s aristocracy for destruction of great britain as a center of political power. if they suddenly ascend to the thrones, that will be the end of the institution of monarchy will end. prince harry the pawn is opposed in games.
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lugansk, when i first talked to him, he told me about his plans, about himself, suddenly fell silent and asked: “are you really interested in this?” there is a lot of pain in these words, but there is hope in them, hope that we care. at that moment i realized that helping dana was my responsibility. my name is danya, i am 17 years old, i never knew my mother, i unfortunately lived my entire adult life with my father, i cannot say that these were happy years, my father
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regularly beat me, in general it’s so strange that you’re filming me, by the way, i still thought that no one needed my dreams and any hopes, i have a dream, since i was 11 years old i’ve dreamed of being a doctor, for example, a paramedic ambulance, i want to feel like i can be useful. that someone needs me, even strangers, this is the lugansk regional hospital, i sometimes come here to see how doctors, ambulances, nurses work, this helps me get morally closer to my dream, to become a doctor, if i don’t succeed in becoming a doctor, then at least a paramedic or a nurse, i’m not very sure that i will succeed, it’s very, very difficult, danya was born and raised. for orphans and the worst thing about this is that danya is not an orphan, children left without parental care, but he has a natural father and a natural grandmother,
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it turned out that i never knew my mother, i don’t remember her, my mother systematically used drugs and dad took me away from her to raise me, but then everything was n’t very good, he spent all his free time and didn’t free. he devoted himself to work , he supported me, he supported his women, in general , dad had a lot of women, dad played music, he played in a large number of musical groups, taught guitar lessons, in general, a temporary musician, i went to the clip and drums, even not because i personally wanted it, i thought that if i started doing something that was closer to his liking, then he would pay attention to me and... say, son, you’re great, it all became unimportant because that my dad betrayed me, he beat me,
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3 days before this incident my stepmother disappeared wallet, it all came down to the fact that i did it, he woke up, went into the kitchen, when i wished him good morning, he grabbed me by the hair and dragged me into the room. i think in those moments absolutely everyone heard my screams, the neighbors passing near the house, it even seemed to me that he was... trying not to beat me in order to punish me, it seems to me that he was trying to take my life , it would seem, nothing like that, well, whitewashed, but for me, for me, this led to problems for the rest of my life. after this incident, i completely lost confidence in him, in fact, why do i think this is my stepmother? firstly, she didn’t really love me, mostly her money disappeared, and dad returned the money to her accordingly, and everyone thought about me,
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of course. my mother drank them away, well , i won’t say that she has straight alcoholism, but such everyday drunkenness as my dad’s, i can’t say that i forgave him, i don’t feel anything for this man, he died a lot for me years ago, when a special military operation began, dani’s father abandoned him and fled abroad, the boy stayed to live with relatives, for whom he soon has also become a burden, danya is actually very lonely, now my home is... here, this is a luhansk technical boarding school, and here i study at portnovo, i can’t say that i feel bad here, no, i just have a feeling that i’m here superfluous, and this is not mine, this is not the place where i was supposed to be, i'm impatiently counting the days until the moment when i can leave here, this is our dining room, here... we usually
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have meals, that table over there, the main table where i sit is away from everyone, i don’t have much of an appetite, here we have a healthy food, soups, cereals, everything according to the guest , the food is insanely delicious, oh my god, i can’t, it’s so smoky, but there is a place that i like better, let me show you, this is a medical office, this is the primary care office, this is where medical procedures are performed , and here is a physiotherapy room, i love being here, despite the fact that this is not my field of medicine, here we have an electrosleep machine, then we have an ultrasound machine, which the people's front handed over
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to our technician. it’s interesting to be here and watch other people being treated. on this floor we have classes, practice, basics of design, basics of technological sewing of garments. here is our schedule, we have practice tomorrow. i think we'll sew now. the jackets are seasonal, i've already spent a year here, so i can sew a t-shirt, a skirt, a pencil, uh , shorts, trousers, on avolochki, bed linen, a set of bed linen, beautiful bed linen, that's what i can sew, this is my room, with i have two other guys living here. this is my corner, to which i don’t
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let anyone, i really value personal space and i appreciate it when no one touches my things, these are excerpts from the atlas, anatomy, so that every morning i get up, look and have something to strive for, well, it’s easier to visualize and remember, i can’t make out the muscles at all, the bones still somehow went at the beginning, everything else isn’t going very well yet, but i’m trying, this is my stethoscope, it’s really pediatrician. but it allows auscultation of the lungs well, the heart, my first aid kit, there are plasters, some types of medicines and test tubes with swabs for brains, and this is the most valuable thing in my room, my small collection of medical books, literature, this book is my favorite, then old books are very, very good, especially
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anatomical atlases. we managed to create a miracle; we got denmark an internship at the lugansk hospital. i ... was surprised that they invited me to do an internship, i even thought at first that maybe it was some kind of mistake, maybe someone else, but as you can see, it turned out that no, that i was very lucky, hello, very nice, the uniform has a medical word, yes, let’s go
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change, when they met me at the hospital, they told me to go change, to put on the uniform, i honestly thought that it wouldn’t be useful, what i have... they’ll just show you, give you excursions and send you home, when i put it on, i felt like, well, one step closer to medicine, i felt like a doctor myself. today we need help from the dressing room, i hope you’re not afraid of blood, no, now let’s see what brought you to medicine, i’ve wanted to be all my life. here we have a dressing room, colleagues, good morning, hello, today we have an assistant, a volunteer, his name is daniil, what are you ready? yes, now you put napkins between your fingers like this, and now
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you apply it like this, yes, oh, well done , it turned out beautifully, it doesn’t hurt you, no, what kind of injury do you have, and you prescribed ivs for him, let’s prescribe an iv, what medicine , hexsomitozone, everything. when i got to the dressing room, and this was my first serious patient, yes, with whom i really need to carry out treatment, that is, do a dressing, but i somehow didn’t get confused, i felt in my element, i wasn’t afraid of getting dirty with something something biological liquids, no blood, nothing like that, i felt confidence, very strong confidence, to remove, well, how did you get wounded, with cassettes on what wounds, shrapnel, can i please have a napkin with ointment?
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this is the only patient who scared me a little. this is the man whose wound i was packing, he began to twitch, and i can imagine how painful it is, because firstly, this inflammatory process has begun, but if i stop, then well, then there’s no point in my work, daniel, well done, for first time brilliant, great, really cool very interesting, when i left the office, i felt some kind of upset, even a little, that everything was over so... quickly, but it became so interesting to me when you feel in your element, when you are doing something that you love and which you like it, there really is a second wind, before there was such a thing as
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a son of a regiment, but there was no concept of a son of a medical detachment. yuri igorevich, thank you very much for inviting me here and allowing me to practice. well, what did you do today? assist? useful, noble, good thing, there are so many guys who need our help, i really liked the chief doctor, part-time commander, a person worthy of respect, it is clear that he is a professional, this communication inspired me, to continue to achieve , to continue to strive, probably, such things inspire me these are the people, you have some plans, maybe you want to excel in some aspect of medicine, yes , disaster medicine, i would like to be an emergency medical technician, you need...
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danil, we invite you to our college, let's go see what we have. now we will visit the room where therapy is taught. practical skills are being developed in measuring blood pressure, inserting a probe, injections are being performed, today we are talking about resuscitation. patients, here we can perfectly practice the practice of indirect cardiac massage on this mannequin, we put two hands, hook them into a lock and we perform compressions with our whole body, one two. three, four, we can inject in this place for now,
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a red signal will ring, indicating that that we got to the wrong place, this means that we hit the right injection site, the return is taken in such a way that it is 1-2 mm larger, it is applied from below and pressed like this, so that the young man enters our college , he must pass a medical commission, psychological testing, after all this... he will participate in the competition, children, orphans in care, they have additional preferences, if they have equal scores with another applicant, then they are in first of all, they have the right to admission, i really hope that danila will pass all the tests and go to college, i’m afraid of not getting into medical college, i’m afraid of stumbling along the way, despite the fact that i realize that there will be many more falls in my life, i still see myself in... that is, this decision is final, even if
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i fail to enroll, they won’t take me or something like that, there is always a choice of self-development, that is, the profession of doctors is really cool, really, it’s cool, this is my path, which is probably destined, which i am sure that i will pass in any case, of course, danya’s path to fulfilling his dream will not be quick and easy, but the main thing is that the first steps have already been taken, danya was able to truly believe in himself. and now he knows for sure that being a doctor is his calling. hello, on the air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. at the beginning there are shots from our ministry of defense. soldiers from the southern group destroy enemy positions in the area. from the village of berestovoe use fpv drones.
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a small, very maneuverable drone is capable of flying into almost any enemy shelter. always hits the target. these birds are controlled by operators wearing special vr glasses. in the krasno-liman direction, tasks are carried out by tankers in the area of ​​the tor ledge. using heavy t-80 vehicles, they cover places where militants gather with fire. shooting is carried out continuously in order to wear down the enemy. the activity of our troops does not allow rotation of the armed forces of ukraine. and transport ammunition. kupinsky sector, camouflaged enemy positions are destroyed by artillerymen using hail installations. combat vehicle crews are in 24/7 duty. the task requires quick response and maximum concentration. in those territories from which we managed to drive out ukrainian militants, there is a lot of work for our sappers. first , special demining complexes are in action, then the russian military and units of a separate engineer battalion get involved. sometimes they have to literally dig out unexploded ordnance by hand.
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dmitry tolmachev spoke with our specialists about the intricacies of military affairs. the fallen snow seemed to cover me with a blanket a minefield discovered the day before. in such conditions, a remote- controlled robot sapper makes its way. it destroys anti-personnel mines. if we find an anti-tank mine, we are already working. it seems that it is no more difficult to manage a demining complex that saves lives than a child. there are several types of anti-personnel,
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so we work with everything very carefully. the unit was formed as a sapper company back in mariupol at the very height of the battles for the city, now a separate engineer battalion of the 1st army corps, with vast experience behind it. in one of the difficult cases, we are currently working on a tunnel, due to the fact that it is a very narrow space, it is covered with earth, there... there are a lot of explosive objects, you have to climb in there, dig it all out manually, from the ukrainian authorities in the liberated territories as a rule, there remain a lot of such surprises, until recently the line of military contact passed here, so engineers still discover entire minefields in these parts, sometimes so vast that clearing them manually is time-consuming and unsafe, so mines are detonated right on the spot with an overhead charge, this is a detonation of a couple of dozen anti-tank mines at once. another field has been cleared,
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but there are too many of them here to completely clear the mines of the entire donetsk people's republic, given that there are still fierce battles on its territory, as sappers say , it can go away. the united states has thrown aside all the principles on which the joint dialogue on arms control was previously built. sergei lavrov stated this at the annual final press conference. the head of our foreign ministry emphasized: new centers of influence that are ahead of the west in development. moscow will do everything to make international relations more democratic. russia will continue to promote.
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effect on our inner life. a special military operation united our society in an unprecedented way and contributed to its cleansing of people who, in general, did not feel their involvement in russian-russian history and russian culture. some of them left.
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parliamentarians, among them those who previously supported ukrainian militants. joe's meeting ended unsuccessfully biden with congress. the president of the united states the day before tried to persuade the party leaders of the senate of the house of representatives to send kiev a new tranche worth $61 billion, but congressmen, unlike the head of the white house, understand when in their own... there are many unresolved problems in the country, speeches about gigantic influences in ukraine will be can not. how are space satellites created, what are the features of unmanned ships, when will we ride the trains of the future? answers to these not only questions can be obtained today at vdnh. at the grandiose exhibition russia is
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mechanical engineering day. a large stand with the latest achievements in this industry, lectures on the most pressing important topics, for example, industrial sovereignty. set by the country's leadership, the efficiency in their implementation, finds itself , with enviable frequency, facing more and more ambitious tasks. this year , the president responded again by instructing the government to give sirius the status of a national methodological center for identifying support and developing abilities and talents
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among children and youth throughout russia. and you know, probably today, work centers have been created in 79 constituent entities of the russian federation. a powerful cyclone is approaching central russia, which will bring record snowfalls. in the next 24 hours, in several regions , snowdrifts will grow by another half a meter. the storm will affect the smolensk, kaluga, bryansk, yaroslavl, tula, lipetsk, voronezh regions and the capital region. city utilities in moscow have been placed on high alert. the snowstorm, according to weather forecasters, will begin around lunchtime. visibility will drop to several hundred meters, drivers are urged to be extremely careful, and the frost will subside. in the capital region for baptism. it will be up to -6. a day that we remember with pain in our hearts and pride for the soviet people of our soldiers.
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exactly 81 years ago the blockade of leningrad was broken. the offensive operation iskra drove back nazi troops from the shore of lake ladazh. a railway has appeared, a road approaching victory. there was still a year left before complete liberation, but the beginning it was supposed to. there are many events in st. petersburg today that the city honors. the memory of those who withstood the terrible trials of that time and did not give up. the ceremony was held on victory square, where flowers and monuments to the heroic defenders of leningrad were laid. veterans, blockade survivors, governor alexander beglov and other government officials, social activists and more . this is a shared pain that the entire country will never forget. leningraders who survived the siege are very special people, strong, persistent, unbending. one of them - alisa konstantinovna. shokova, she is 88 , she met that terrible time as a child and remembers well how her stomach was cramping from hunger, how her neighbors were quietly dying, how she was waiting for her dad from
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the front, now her thoughts are also about our defenders, whom she awaits with victory, like relatives. good afternoon, dear dad, dad, we have a nice christmas tree, we celebrated the new year, it’s boring, dad, come quickly, without you. we are very bored, i kiss your daughter alla zolina, neat and slightly trembling handwriting below, a touching butterfly, this was her first letter, to dad at the front, he is a protector leningrad, she and her brother and sister in a besieged city, in the first winter of the siege, she is only six, but the little girl will remember each of those painfully long days, 30°c, that is, it was terrifyingly cold, and of course there was no heating or electricity did not have. then our windows had glass panes crosswise, which means they were covered with paper during the blast wave so that they wouldn’t fly
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into the glass. in the frozen mulberry apartment, the flocked children were waiting for the hissing of the kettle to be heard, suddenly they would give them something else to boiling water, but sometimes a piece of bread is all that mother and grandmother they could feed you, this is a state of such hunger, when everything inside you is inflamed, it’s tight, it hurts. and well, it’s simply impossible to endure, mom brought carpenter’s glue, they dissolved it, made it like a broth, but it was terrible food, of course, it just made you sick, but at least somehow the stomach could be deceived. in the working-class area behind the neva gate, alochka, as alisa konstantinovna was affectionately called, in the family, lived through the entire blockade, all around it was quiet, neighbors were dying of hunger, on the landing, on the street, only...
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behind the military actions in ukraine, i am very worried, we wish everyone victory, to return home, we believe, we are waiting, you and i, thank you people who exist and believe in us, thank you, a year ago.
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exactly 370 years ago, the pereslavl rada took place, at which the zaporozhye cossacks, led by bogdan khmelnitsky, swore allegiance to tsar alexei mikhailovich. in soviet times , this was celebrated as the day of reunification of ukraine and russia, on which i congratulate everyone. then, when they celebrated the anniversary, nikita
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sergeevich khrushchev gave crimea to ukraine. was done even earlier, when prince vladimir converted to orthodoxy in kiev, so happy reunification day to everyone, and what is happening now is a continuation of this process of reuniting fraternal peoples or one single people, and a special military operation is
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really what is doing now russia... not even a great power, probably a superpower, that it is opposed by all, without exception, western powers, and some of them suffer serious losses. our ministry of defense is always, firstly, very stingy with information, but if it gives information, then it is certainly verified. listen to what the ministry of defense reported about the strike on kharkov: on the evening of january 16 , the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a high-precision strike on the point ... of the temporary deployment of foreign fighters in the city of kharkov, the basis of which were french mercenaries, as a result of the strike, the building in which the mercenaries were stationed completely destroyed, more than 60 militants were killed, over twenty were taken to medical institutions, so here’s a big hello to macron, who said here that in no way under no circumstances will he allow russia to win, but the truth is, there are big doubts that in france
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they will, in principle, learn about this event, since the free... media simply do not provide this kind of information. boris aleksandrovich rozhen is in direct contact with us, who is following the events on the fronts of the northern military district, a really sensitive blow to the french mercenaries and good greetings from moscow. yes, good afternoon. yes, indeed, this blow, of course, is a kind of greeting to macron, who is now trying arms supplies will demonstrate that france is still a great power, although we see that in africa it is not.
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naturally, they deny these losses, but the deputy reports that a large number of foreigners were taken to hospitals, the enemy modestly states that only 17 died, but the number is, of course, much larger, here we can say a big thank you to those kharkov residents who helped track down this location and who transmitted information about this to our military, bringing closer the moment of decupation of the city from the nazis regime, well, besides this, besides... no, unfortunately, all sorts of troubles happen on the air, including, of course, a connection interruption. zelensky, in recent days , has been producing a lot of pearls, having appeared in davos, he decided to salt again, but it would be better if he had not appeared there, but he made one valuable confession, which reminded me of a film about
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james bond called and the whole world is not enough, so zelensky for the whole world is not enough to help him, let's listen, let's use the butt, let's take 155 mm caliber shells as an example for our artillery systems. enough for the ukrainian army to withstand a war with russian forces, without additional help we will become weaker on the battlefield, we will have a huge shortage of artillery and ammunition for air defense systems. boris aleksandrovich rozhen is back in touch, now we will continue discussing the situation. there are obviously lines of military contact, taking into account zelensky’s statement that the shells of the whole world are not enough for him to hold back the russian offensive. boris alexandrovich, you have the floor. yes, if we talk about
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the fact that it is devastated, this is noted by our military, in a number of directions, the enemy has sharply reduced the use of ammunition, they have introduced rationing, this certainly also affects the course of hostilities, because without intensive artillery support in a number of directions it is difficult for the enemy. to restrain the offensive activity of our troops, and thanks to this, our troops are now moving forward in a number of sectors, that is , if there have been no special changes on rabotinskaya in the last 24 hours, then the advance of our troops continues in the ugledarovsky direction, this is the regional direction to the south of novomikhailovka, there are progress in our favor, there are small advances on the vremevsky ledge, where we are attacking in the staromaisky area, and there are progress in our favor over the past day in the georgievka area, this marinka, this is already to the west of, that is, here the rate of advance is somewhere around 100-300 m per day, that is, gradually opornik after opornik is further advancing, the enemy cannot stop it yet, in the donetsk direction there are no changes in positional battles, on
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in the artyomovsk direction, over the past 24 hours , our troops have still advanced near kleshcheevka, they have also advanced to the west of artyomovsk, and there is also progress in the bogdanovka area, that is, in general, here we seem to be saving ourselves, we have tactical successes in the area... obviously now and the equipment there is already running out and now, in addition, it does not start in the winter, but so far our progress is very, very careful, slow in the same vein with
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saving manpower, in your opinion, when it can affect some kind of, well if not to a decisive extent, then to a significant extent, there is a shortage of ammunition, weapons on the ukrainian side, well, you need to understand that ukraine really led. rationing, they still have a certain reserve, because they have been talking since the fall that they need to collect supplies starting this year, that is, this window of opportunity is shrinking, about a certain stagnation at the front in terms of movements along the front, this is due to weather conditions, well, a very important factor is the emergence of new means of destruction of unmanned aircraft of various types types into pividrons, so here, of course , to go forward without having an umbrella of reps, protection , everything else, this can cause large losses on the part of the attacking units, so now the methods of warfare are being reformatted, we are increasing our combat capabilities, we are starting to use
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a completely new type free-gliding bombs, there are, relatively speaking, one and a half ton volumetric detonating bombs, which allow deepened command centers to be opened, new ones are being prepared, relatively speaking, equipment and the use of this kind of ammunition, therefore, in the near future...
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also from marxism, and we see this now in different directions of our, our special military operation, including in the ugledar direction, where andrei komyzhikin works, military correspondent, andrei anatolyevich, the floor is yours , greetings, yes, indeed , the ugledar direction is noisy as always, the fighting does not stop here, the day before the fighters of the 136th brigade of the armed forces of the russian federation repelled a large attack of the enemy. near
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the village of urozhaynaya, burning in the process two american-made armored personnel carriers left a lot of bodies on the battlefield, but in general , fierce battles are also continuing near novomikhailovka, which they are now trying to sort of bypass from different sides, occupying forest belts, and so the advance along these forest belts is covered, of course , by artillery, simply disposing of everything, what is in the way of our guys, progress, yes, as they said, 100 to 200 m a day, systematic, but most importantly, safe for our guys. all this, of course, is covered from the sky by attack aircraft, despite the low cloudiness, bad weather, fog, they still work, they strike at the enemy’s near rear, smashing them to pieces, there are control posts, warehouses with bull and places of deployment of personnel, but how would you assess the morale of the enemy side now, are there any then signals that there is already a certain breakdown there? signals are received daily, this is the quantity.
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some others appeared supported from eastern europe, but this is very symbolic for today’s ukraine, which, having broken with russia, was actually unable to create anything, including its own statehood, which is now under big question, especially when the west does not offer help, more on this after the advertisement. prince harry and meghan markle suddenly found themselves at the top of american news again, but why exactly... an hour prince harry and meghan markle were paid millions for doing absolutely nothing, figuring out how to make it so, so that money could be transferred to the same gary, they got into the flow, they are collecting everything for ukraine. meghan markle can to be a hidden agent of the us government. it was she and her influence that led to prince harry being excommunicated from the royal family. here he appears with a swastika. immediately a video appears where the royal family makes a nazi greeting gesture and gives out a certain message to the masses.
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the program to live healthy, helps and enlightens, tomorrow at the first meeting in our studio. famous godparents and their godchildren, i am a very responsible person, one of my goddaughters’ mother died, and i immediately said that i am taking you to live with me home, lenochka, i know that you also crossed five several times, the oldest is 16 years old, the youngest is 4 and a half years old, we removed the wall together, alexander mikhailovich solemnly wrote on me at the time of the ceremony, he sprinkled you, they say, this is a happy sign, a good omen, i have a godson who was wounded in... tsvo, he is now in the hospital, i am very proud of him, baptism, when you understand who you are, to whom you belong, and you don’t run around and don’t ask , but how to live, this is the day for the lord, we put off our ordinary classes, we go to the temple, when a person
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has some kind of trouble, the soul begins to suffer, the temple, there is an answer to questions that are sometimes difficult to formulate, my son’s heart stopped. we lost him and katya saved me, katya says to me: be a godmother, for me this was such a gift, we have the best godmother in the world, on saturday on the first, hey, hey, this city is sometimes called the far eastern st. petersburg , and the main owner of these places is the majestic amur tiger, we are in khabarovsk, friends, the heat is ban. why charabanc and where exactly is this ball and what kind of bank is it, no one will tell you now, we take a sample, black ekra is cheaper than hekra of snails, about 150,000 per kilogram, delicious, you can also do what can be made from fish and leather, shoes, mittens,
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roll it up here so, here we go, until it becomes soft, you spent 3 years sewing a robe, yes, how much does it cost, it was when we were talking to the bartender abroad. i say: i ’m working on that five thousand dollar bill on this bridge, but he was so pleasantly surprised, we can admire the view, i’m personally delighted, life of your own, the premiere is on sunday on the first, and how are you going to do it so that you get everything from him, let's go, where on the way, i'll tell you, let's go, oh, oh, why are you looking at the folder, swearing, just don't get picky to him. this is dangerous, the reputation of the clinic and mine personally are very important, i need all his schemes specifically, where he hid it, where he transferred it, vadim will be there for a long time , if you can come to an agreement, i will do whatever you want for you, maybe you will take me into account at least a little, i i won't live by your rules
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that's enough, something i don't like is that you perceive me as a business, delazers, container, new series. on sunday on the first, a child, he is more important than money, doctor preobrazhensky, final episode, watch after the program time, big game live, today.
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the second year, when, on the orders of boris johnson and other anglo-saxons, kiev was prohibited from signing the already agreed settlement agreement with the russian federation, history is well known, it was in april of the twenty-second year, and speaking at twenty the second year on this matter, the president said once again we are not refusing negotiations, but those who refuse must understand that the longer they delay, the harder it will be.
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independently determine the amount of assistance to ukraine acceptable to oneself. this is their sovereign decision. ukraine has received unprecedented international support, but listen, they 're all looking at us too. they will look at how the united states will act in this situation. i think we can expect some countries to follow our example. if we we fold, we don't get any funding and we decide that we're not providing anything to ukraine anymore, we're definitely going to see other countries that want to follow suit. american leadership on this.
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for free, tomorrow there will be money, but today you fight for free, but what if tomorrow, well , not tomorrow you fight for free, then, then you fight for 3 days for money, then for free, it seems to me. that the west is teaching ukraine to fight for free, that’s the feeling i get, because they want to reduce their expenses for ukraine, they do not want to allocate so much money, if only because they are convinced that most of these funds are embezzled and spent ineffectively, this is generally a normal situation with american proxies, because
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no matter who they invest in, south korea, theft, southern vietnam. incredible thefts, afghanistan is also thefts, everyone they supply with money uses forces as a proxy, everyone steals, and the only problem is that in the european union the idea of ​​allocating money has become very unpopular, that is it would seem that everything could be blamed on the european union, please, here it is the united states treasury, but unprecedented protests are unfolding there, unprecedented indignation, this indignation is primarily about the consequences for germany, for the netherlands, for belgium.
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and most importantly, they are now forced to do this with some kind of retouching, that is , not to show their population that they are ready to give everything to ukraine, because people say that nothing needs to be given to ukraine anymore. yes, especially since the future of ukraine is completely it’s not clear what they were actually talking about, and the sentiments are largely the same in the federal republic of germany, well, we know that germany promised first 8 billion, then four, then biden talked to scholz and it seems like they’re 7 billion euros this year. they want to transfer it to ukraine, but, for example, in the bundestag the mood is completely different; yesterday they voted on the issue of sending tauras long-range missiles to ukraine. and here are the results. let's listen. the decision remains unchanged. germany will not supply taurus cruise missiles to ukraine. in during the voting
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, 178 deputies voted for the bill, 485 voted against it. three abstained. dropped in whole packages from military transport aircraft, such a block, an operational-tactical missile, plus it can , and for us it poses a very serious threat with good ranges, it flies for 500 km, it is possible to make such a very large mass salvo and overload the systems air defense, why did we tell the germans through various channels that this very serious red line is unacceptable for us, therefore
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, under the influence of the work of our diplomats, under the impact of the work of residents in germany, who in berlin have now expressed their... by the way, a very interesting point, 7 billion that are sent to ukraine, this is the question of why they didn’t find 500 million for compensation for agricultural enterprises, why they reduced social payments to german children for illnesses , for everything else, ordinary germans do not understand why ukraine is more important than what is happening in their country, but most importantly, the advanced economy of europe is 25% in a negative economic, relatively speaking, state of recession, and russia has now become first place first economy.
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this is a serious logistics operation, we also know the amount required for this, it would be acceptable for our budget, but first we would like to try the ramstein format, maybe one of our friends or allies will not only say that this is a good idea, but he will pay for transportation, as you like the bulgarian comrade, charmingly, that is, well, firstly, well, the comrade himself, of course, this is a separate story, and with his other radical statements, but the very fact, the very fact that this is already inside once a monopoly. ramshtein has now started throwing such hot potatoes from hand to hand, that is, he says: maybe first you, maybe you will try to send, oh well, we are ready to supply you with an armored personnel carrier, that is, let you pay for their move, let you ... give drivers who will take you there, let ’s do something else, so now this is a division of responsibility, here the eu is still opposing germany, saying: wait, you mean, why are you giving it
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yourself, and not in general, this is the european peace fund, because we need your money to be distributed to everyone else, so this is a redistribution, he’s already talking about, you know, this table started to rock, really it’s fried potatoes that everyone is just throwing around or a suitcase without a handle that they don’t know what which it does, by the way. in bulgaria in plovdiv they decided to demolish the monument to alyosha. bulgaria - russian soldier - a symbol of our friendship and the repeated liberation of bulgaria. so, people came out to defend the monument and, moreover, occupied the municipality of plovdiv, protesting against this. so no it's so simple. and it’s not at all easy in the middle east, where the situation is becoming more and more tense, and the number of players is simply increasing. after advertising,
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the russian soul is about spiritual wealth, the love of your country that you give, it returns it to you many times over, back in 2008 i was preparing to enter the aviation institute. let’s better become a teacher, here he says there will be a lot of girls in the stream, i’ve been working as a teacher for 10 years now, surgut, my favorite city, where i came in 1978, i worked on a tower crane, built a city, did my bit, i always dreamed of a cat, i still get overwhelmed, this is my greatest happiness for all our fellow citizens, not to lose heart, to do what you love, to love your relatives, call them more often, our dear people, love and take care of each other,
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romcastra product of the stellar group, where your immunity lives, checking the spleen, prunes, are they better or worse than fresh plums, lymphatic drainage massage, does it help? the program to live healthy, helps and enlightens, tomorrow on the first day, ready, i think that cinema only shows love stories in war films we are talking about the guys’ love for weapons, in gangster films about the guys’ love for stealing, the truth is crap, but the new wave brought love for cinema, no love there are films, he is a child of cinema, he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris, he knows the role of watching old films,
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films are not good enough for the audience, but the audience is often not good enough for films, they say that people don't understand my films, so what, i don’t understand them myself, matodore, jean-luc gadard, two or three things that... i don’t know about him, tomorrow on the first. sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they have wings behind them, as if gravity does not affect them, there is a risk of danger. entertainment and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure
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skating, that was great, and flying on eva, like in a dream, the russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on the weekend at the first one. private screening with alexander gardon, so you like the film, it’s absolutely original and
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... it’s worth it, it happened when we were talking to a bartender abroad, i said, i ’m working on that 500 note on this bridge, yes, he was so pleasantly surprised, we can admire the view in person i’m delighted, the life of my people, the premiere is on sunday on the first, my mother says, you can’t forgive this, that you ’re just like him, as if the patient is ready for surgery, we need to start, without mikhailov, do it today, tomorrow may not be there for you maybe he asked you to tell me that he still loves you i'm really looking forward to it, doctor preobrazhensky, final episode, watch the time after the program, i would like to interview you as the head physician of the beauty institute.
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the big game live: a sharp deterioration in relations between our two shanghai cooperation organization partners between iran and pakistan. the foreshadowing stone was baluchistan, on whose territory there are groups that both sides consider terrorist. and they get hit. the first was the blow that iran struck, this is what the iranian foreign minister said then, hassein abdalahian. we have very good relations with pakistan. we have repeatedly discussed the need to combat terrorism and ensure security along our long common border. an iranian terrorist group called jaysh al-adl has taken refuge in pakistan's balochistan. this group
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acted. over the past years, in our interactions with iran, pakistan has consistently expressed its serious concerns about the safe havens being used by terrorists of pakistani origin, calling themselves sarmachars, in areas of iran not controlled by the government. pakistan
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fully respects the sovereignty and... of the islamic republic of iran, the sole purpose of today's act was to ensure the security and national interests of pakistan, which are of paramount importance and cannot be compromised. iran is a brotherly country and the people of pakistan have great respect and affection for the iranian people. we have always emphasized the importance of dialogue and cooperation in confronting common challenges, including the threat of terrorism. and we will keep trying.
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well, india. an organization that we consider truly powerful and a significant core around which the unification of, well , let’s say, anti-western forces takes place, and this really causes serious concern in this sense, so here, of course, the state
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must unite on the principles of the fight against terrorism, that is, then, when there are uniform rules, when there are agreements that avoid the existence of certain groups that influence the relationship between states and which create such tense relations, so now... the interest of both sides is visible, who do not want to unleash a serious conflict, so here it is necessary to make some kind of negotiation efforts, mediation, in any case, to achieve agreements that would lead to fruitful solving the problem, at the same time reducing tension between members, this is an international organization on which we are placing the most serious bets, because today the minister said that russia treats extremely considers extremely important.
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iran, which in recent days has actually been striking terrorist targets in iraq and syria.
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itself the same way the us would. do you think iran has the right to defend condemn these strikes, we have seen iran violate in the last few days. the sikhusites, who in the red sea have now practically imposed a blockade on american merchant ships, their navy, which is located there, the coalition that they tried to create, can’t do anything about it maybe striking the desert in yemen,
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on those objects that are underground, as we said before the broadcast, the americans carved out the sea, that’s why there are actually no results, and this problem can only be solved by creating a buffer zone, introducing a ground contingent , they are always used to doing this. by someone else's hands, they would really like the army of saudi arabia or the united arab emirates to continue the war with yemen, send their troops there and make a gift for the americans, but unfortunately, the arab world has now united, muslims also support the general concept of stopping the fighting in gaza, and here the americans are on the opposite side for them, supporting israel, but unfortunately, the arab world has not united, it takes different positions regarding the houthis, it is clear that the saudi ... to the united states, so the situation there is quite complicated, of course, but the fact that the houthis are not going to lay down their arms and the fact that the american strikes really
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resemble attempts to carve out the sea, strikes on the yemen desert, this is of course serious means of deterrence, but not the most effective, at least yemensky. carried out an operation to strike the american ship cenku picardi in the gulf of adon using a number of appropriate ship-based missiles. the hit was accurate and direct. yemen will not hesitate to strike all sources of threats in the arabian and red seas within the framework of the legitimate right of self-defense and will continue to support the oppressed palestinian people. well, the united states came up with another means of severely punishing the houthis. and the same miller, press secretary state department announced this. let's listen. is it true that houthi militants or
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suspected houthi militants can apply for visas to enter the us. i would not like to talk about this until i have verified all the details, but i do not think that any houthi fighter who has applied for visas to enter the united states will expect this visa to be approved in the near future, to put it mildly. we always carefully consider any visa application. i think it's safe to say that the houthis are not will see the approval of his visa for... the united states , that now the houthis will not be issued visas to the united states, the houthis have equated the houthis to deputies of the state duma of the russian federation, that is, they will have to submit a special request, i emphasize that they are houthis, and not go over the border is illegal, do not cross into the caribbean sea, where the border is generally open, and this is a very convenient route, the united states seems to be quite confused, but we also see that they are trying to overload iran, so... with since sadiq khan was removed
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from power in pakistan as the head of the pakistani government several years ago, the united states appears to have increased its influence over that country, and it may now be trying to influence afghanistan, trying to instill what is needed act against iran rather than act against pakistan, which is known to be very unloved by the taliban and pashtuns and is very fragile. pursues a very specific policy towards various extremist organizations, they can be prohibited and can act absolutely calmly, can control entire areas of the country with the permission of the local military, that is, pakistan is something that has yet to be decided, in this sense , iran’s actions against pakistan are logical, that is, iran has shown here that it is not afraid escalation, the next question is whether they will be reasonable enough in afghanistan. because if afghanistan understands that it is not profitable for them to play for
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the americans now and it is better to maintain a neutral status or remind pakistan that a significant part of afghanistan is pakistan could be part of afghanistan, these are old contradictions, and thus block the crisis, yeah, the situation is really very complicated, it is getting more complicated, the united states really wants to overload iran, this is obvious, but the united states itself turns out to be absolutely. near the borders with north korea, the american
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parliamentary delegation is going to visit taiwan, that is, the united states, in my opinion, wants to invite itself into all possible conflicts that are possible, which means that this superpower, it is acting so overloaded with various kinds of obligations that she is not able to fulfill a single obligation. the united states now looks like this kind of biden, who can’t do everything. our cause is just, victory will be ours. we 'll hand over to the news and see you again at 5:00 p.m. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. large-scale infrastructure projects were discussed today in the kremlin. vladimir putin received the head of the bamtany group.


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