tv PODKAST 1TV January 20, 2024 5:05am-6:01am MSK
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we can prepare viewers if we talk about the fact that this movie is not for everyone, on the one hand, this seems to be correct, on the other hand, it seems to me that these films should be watched, it seems to me, parajanov, he makes any viewer, regardless depending on age, regardless of education, it makes a person think, think in an artistic direction, so it seems to me that you just need to absorb it, that’s how you eat a pomegranate, it’s delicious, you absorb it.
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that out of the entire 19th century , only three russian writers are relevant for the whole world: leo tolstoy, fyodor dostoevsky and anton pavlovich chekhov, is that how you feel about this? very positive, only from my point of view there are not three of them, much more, it’s just that the whole world, as if for itself, decided this way for the end of the 19th and the entire 20th centuries and this is carried over into the twenty the first one who still knows how to read, and what in russia there is... maybe the direction is so bright and so different, because dostoevsky tolstoy is not drama, but chekhov, in addition to stories, this is great drama, on which very much russian theater was brought up. well, i would probably also, speaking from someone who knows who in the west, i would still include ivan sergeevich turgenev, of course, maybe at first they knew him even more than dostoevsky and leo tolstoy, well, let's say the sixties.
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you gave us some wonderful ones, well , first of all, about turgenev, of course, turgenev is a european, all this is understandable, but over the years, you said correctly, it turned out that he is such a homely russian, yes, this is a man who for years dined with flaubert , was friends with mapasan, well, can you imagine the fat lion who has been dining with mapasan in paris for years, well, it’s some kind of absurdity, that is, it’s understandable russian, from this the significance of ivan sergeevich’s work is no less, but much more.
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professional growing up, like chekhov in appeared in your life, well, chekhov appeared in childhood, how to tell how any normal child from an intelligent family has funny or not, all sorts of things, all sorts, but i want to say that when we studied chekhov at the institute and i did independent work, i had chekhov was associated with anguish, with some, oddly enough, i would say more gorky intonation, that’s how we are students of chekhov. you have to live, you have to suffer, i remember sarah ivanov once, and then - in my life there was such an amazing meeting with ratfield, i know that he was very many people don’t like him, but the point is not that someone loves him or doesn’t like him, let’s tell our interlocutors that rayfield is the author of a biography
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the person, that is, there is a lot of too human, a lot attention is paid how he lived, how he entered brothels, for example, this... occupies a very important place there, and so on and so forth, his illness, hence all personal relationships, including sexual relationships, well, the artist chekhov, in my opinion , here i ’m speaking on my own behalf, after all, they’ve been pushed somewhere into the distance, i don’t even really understand, dear mr. donald rayfield, whether chekhov feels like we do, like you do, that is , well, not everything is so indisputable, but the fact that he he once hit you and made you, he hit a lot of people.
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i, well, of course, also from stories, but in much more from the plays, i will tell you , in general, very early, i was probably 7, 8, 9 years old when i began to read his plays, the fact is that it is clear, my father adored the art theater, shelves of books - it’s not only the writers there, but everything that was about the artistic theater was written and published there in 900, tenth, twentieth. he is a brilliant translator of proust, don quixote and many, many others, so these books, thank you, but in this case it was, it was a theater, so everything
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there, say, brochures by nikolavich and fros, dedicated to three sisters, the cherry orchard, pictures first and photographs, and then text. and for me, let’s say, well, i think that chronologically, i have three sisters, a cherry orchard, a seagull, uncle vanya, maybe yes, and i also read ivanov before many of his significant stories. hello boris viktorovich tomashevsky , wonderful pushkinist irina nikolaevna medvedeva tomoshevskaya. she came to our
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house. and dad says: this is irina nikolaevna. this is what my parents told me. i said like arkadina. in my place an eight-year-old child, she looked at me with some horror, because in general an eight-year-old child should not know the name of arcana. that's why of course through. plays, however, i must say that after all , chekhovo in my early childhood, or these were old and dying performances of the art theater, yeah, which, say, had little left from the direction of nirovich danchenko , and there, well, dmitriev’s marvelous scenery and so on then there are individual acting works, there are gribov, chabutykin, orlov, kulygina and so on, everything else is the same livelier, this is the chronicle of the waning. for a long time, it just so happened that i was fertile, and this is how it has been going on for quite
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the last 10 years, i am reading at nikita mikhalkov’s academy that such a strange special course on the history of russian culture from the times of chekhov and bunin, this is a free, so to speak, author’s course, i am starting this the story is there, here is chekhov’s childhood, here is bunin catching up with him, they are 10 years apart, this one is already writing his first stories, here he hasn’t... written them yet, he is still being kicked out of the gymnasium, here are bunin’s first poems and stories, and already the receipts i went to sokhalin, and so to say, as far as i can run, i’ll get there , but at the same time i have to re-read it again - some works about chekhov and some of his stories that i haven’t read for a long time, this is again my next question: is there a favorite thing not dramatic student, student, i can say this for sure, yes, a student and this is a story from... how seminarian ivan velikopolsky returns from
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hunting in bad weather and sees that everything around is terrible, and there is a phrase that there was a sound, as if someone was blowing into an empty bottle somewhere, this is brilliant the thing is absolutely so chekhovian, and then suddenly it turns out that everything is connected by a single chain with those times where the apostle peter denied christ three times, and that bad weather does not interfere. this is an amazing story, but many say that it is not the most chekhovian, because there is light, not everywhere in chekhov there is light, there are things where no one knows the real truth in a duel, or why cranes fly in typhus and so on, very it’s hard to choose a favorite, but
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for the last few years, laugh at me, boris nikolaevich, no, but story i want to sleep, i defeated everyone, that you, because i so often want to sleep to such an extent that under chekhov’s, yes, that’s when they ask me, well, now what, i say, now i want to sleep, right? no, well there - he has some kind of poignant and bright, and tender and uh sublime and some kind of , how can i tell you, he is somehow so that a person is perceived by him realistically, you recognize a person, you recognize his character is so amazing, the characters are written in his stories, in his plays, they can be changed from one to another side, how many options, how many directors.
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also doesn’t seem to save, but everything is one another, this snowball, their shterby for me, you know, charlotte is something amazing. a new version of the jester , uh-huh, of course, of course, this is such an amazing new version of the jester in the wonderful russian drama, and charlotte, that’s when she talks about her life, because she’s a tragicomic character, of course, that’s when i suddenly returned to the echsterbe, i thought not about the doctor, i thought it was
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charlotte, that it was some kind of champagne, that there was some kind in chekhov. such an acuteness, you know, of the perception of everything, and this is a disease , and this is a discrepancy, in his love the keeper is leaving all the time, this is happiness, which , strictly speaking, does not exist at all, and in general , yes, he understood that he was leaving, he i understood that he was dying, this champagne , you know, this has become a household name, so i think that this is their shterbe, as it were , to take off, yeah, well, i want to sleep too, there are other phrases, well, for example, the famous phrase from the letter olga leonardovna about carrots, yes, you ask what life is, he writes , i’m roughly paraphrasing, chekhov writes to his wife, well, it’s the same as if you asked what a carrot is, a carrot, it is a carrot, he says, you can’t say more precisely, yes, but what follows is the most the main thing, and
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nothing else is known to anyone, well, that is, we are used to thinking that a hand is... a limb , a sofa is furniture, a christmas tree is a tree, that is, we learn in this way, as if yes, by generalizing, but he says, that a tree is a tree, a carrot is a carrot, a hand is a hand, you don’t need anything there is no way to sum it up, but in my opinion, there is still a paradox here, yulia ilinichnoy, maybe you will not agree, but the light breaks through very great pessimism, yes, yes, this is its value, because petya trofimov says, that we will plant ours.
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but in general i wanted to say, galya, ksyusha, kudepova, yes there, polina, get on the train, i heard this in the reading by viktor rozhakov, the reading was like that, well, the first one with the troupe there, and it was very fast, i read it quickly and familiar text, just to get used to it, and i thought the same thing, what’s in the way, what obstacles, with all the beauty , sublimity, tragedy of masha and - this very verkhinina, yes, at the same time the orchestra sounds, it goes away, yes, and at the same time it still feels like, wait, girls, everything is like this, why don’t you they took at least some step, but wild garlic is garlic, and tararaboumbia, i’m sitting on tumbia, it’s hot in africa, somehow paradoxically it turns out that the most important phrases are empty, well, he
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also writes in letters, he has a serious account intelligentsia, guys. in it, because well , it’s amazing when the russian-japanese war began war, and it is already clear that he will soon tell them to shterba, but still he is a doctor, he says: i will go to war as a military doctor, honest mother, just before my death, yes, and he, so to speak, perceives it in this way.
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only one , no one paid attention to pianism, only one person came up to rachmaninov and said: you have an amazing face, you will be a great man, and rachmaninov wrote that when i die, i will remember this with great joy, and then, when he was already in exile and wandered around everywhere, america was already there, tsuriya khveno, he wrote that i’m currently reading chekhov’s four-volume work, i’ve already read two volumes. what a horror, when i read the rest, my conversation and contact with him will end, with horror, because he relied so much, for him... chekhov was, like bunin, somehow so huge, they even look similar in some ways well, this type, they could actually be relatives, because,
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because the sister could get married, yes, but she married her brother as a nun and devoted her whole life, well, my dear guests, to in the middle of the program, we do one of three things with you, either comment on a poem, or show an old book, or quote a classic. chekhovo collected stories that were mostly published in the newspaper novoye vremya, which he also published, and offered to publish them, look, what an anecdotal story, chekhov
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sends a list of these sixteen stories and wants to dedicate them to grigorovich, and indeed there is a dedication to grigorovich here, but he writes in his own spirit, a comic dedication to the gentleman of russian and foreign orders, he writes to his brother, brother... just for fun, he inserts this into the proof and sends it to the czech, then he is horrified, well, can you imagine , a book comes out with this ironic dedication to grigorovich, the most respected author, alexander pavlovich dissuades him, but no, this i was joking, in a word , there are many wonderful stories here, by the way , such a dialogue arises between them, in the twilight, the name did not appear right away, it is such an ambiguous name, as if on the one hand it is peace, when you can... someone think about it, on the other hand, this is some kind of darkness or twilight, yes, this anticipates the next , one of his next collections, which
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is clearly called gloomy people, alexander chekhov writes, well, twilight, a bad name, not very many butterflies will fly at twilight, come up with a name like the railway, like the death of the executioner on the ashes of judas or part from the tree. athens coadu with feet on the right and so on, that is, this is an endless comic exchange procedure, and here reviews are offered for all the stories, here is agafya, here are the enemies, here is such a beautiful witch, a wonderful story, a wonderful story, you you know, i thought about this, i want to sleep, and every year the students at the academy are different and everyone.
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his house on sadovaya kudrinskaya, from the komoda house, right where the museum is now , come, and then it’s melikhova, this is, on the one hand, prosperity of some other level, on the other hand , a tragic distance from moscow, from the theater. further yalta to the south, to the south finally badenweiler, this place is not there, there is still his house in gurzufi, an amazing season, yes, it’s a dacha, so tiny, who hasn’t been there, what happened with rachmaninov, with buneny, the stanislavskys and artists come there , such things happened there, so tiny house , everything there is imbued with this spirit of communication and you see how chekhov influences people, well , tolstoy’s famous phrase that... shakespeare, of course, is a barbarian, but your play is even worse, he says, yes, but it’s important that it’s leo tolstoy says, three writers who were named, and tolstoy couldn’t stand chekhov, well, of course that’s how
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a playwright who... yes, yes, as a playwright, but did not favor bernard the show , bernard the show, shakespeare too, therefore shakespeare, it seems to me, there was, well, not feigned, but something annoying, tolstoy, because there is a famous phrase when lev nikolayevich says that he looked at uncle vanya, uh-huh, he got furious, he came and sat down to write a play of living trumpets, that’s precisely because they hate him, they hate him too much, they don’t just don’t like him.
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dodintsy and katsmanovtsy, she, and especially seryozha bekhter, i’ll honestly tell you what year, oh, shaggy, 30 years ago, good, and grisha kozlov, and we are just a second, it means that poyarkov wrote to us, conceived such an idea that all the climactic scenes from all the plays, i was one woman, and the guys, everything that happened there in these performances, fantasies, i remember it as such a miracle,
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because at the beginning i went out. like a firs who was dying, i was four czechs, they were all in different clothes, dressed in the same thing, they dissected me, at some point, when they didn’t want to cut me, i threw myself off, it turned out to be charlotte, then i was in the varia everything, everyone changed , my god, in different directions, it was an amazing performance, and i remember that one day, a blanket was thrown backstage, and it landed on the tiles, a terrible stench began, and seryozha bekhterev asked in all seriousness, does it smell like something? no, to which vanya latashev answers him, with what, with what, heliatrope, yes, that is , we were so all and we, you know, i think that chekhov was still blessed with us, because one day vanya and i, i it was a shame, it was something impossible, and that means the last thing we learned on these stairs was how my deceased woman walked, loved to walk mom, this scene just doesn’t work out, it’s already like the ninth or tenth, and grisha
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kozlov is terribly angry that... nothing is happening, and we are waiting for vlasov, who is playing as brothers and sisters, and vanya and i are hammering out the text , suddenly he says: well, let’s go for the last time, i say, yes, my late mother went up these stairs to love, vanya closes the book, says: where did your late mother go to love, you tell someone else, and we start laughing, just excuse me for this word, because it’s not laughing, it’s just laugh, the next day at rehearsal, we get to this scene, and i’m talking around this room... only you’re right, i have such crazy eyes, a smile, i say, my late mother loved to walk, it’s just, suddenly grisha says: stop, what happened just now, why like this? he says, it’s so wonderful , that’s how it was to remember now, yes , you know, there are some things that are very difficult to explain, with zholdok, it was such a tarantino performance, but there were
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such amazing artists and he... offered us such a tempo, because it’s like there if there were all schools of mastering chekhov in different ways, there was mirholt, there was gratovsky, antanen artaud, it was not my theater when we... and in the second part it was already a classic, when my beloved galina borisovna volchiki watched this performance said: this is a seagull, yes , and then we went to poland, among other things, and you know, vaido came to us, vaido came backstage, rushed over, said: don’t change clothes, take everyone’s hands, take my hands, and he says: tell me, what did they promise you, that you play like this? i've never seen it like this the theater artists played what they promised you, it was somehow wonderful, in general i was left with some kind of flight of ours, so we were all like seagulls with
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strings, it was half a clown, so we tried to find some other space, our performance won at this olympiad , it was the most jabbering attempt and... new forms are needed, and we tried to fill these new forms, you can imagine, we all had two casts and tanechka drubich plays nina, she is on a high high there's a platform, like that, here's her head, suddenly she throws off the rag, her head feels like a huge dress and people, lions, eagles and partridges, solovyov came that day, she was terribly worried, it was not me who played, natasha kolikanova. you can imagine, i’m in the hall , suddenly tanyunya, beautiful, tanechka drubich, simply, she says, people, lions, eagles and partridges, and even under the spotlight up there, we see how she turns white,
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i played senselessly, i didn’t know what to do with my hands, i didn’t know how to stand on stage, i didn’t have control over my voice, you don’t understand this state when you feel like you’re playing terribly. “i’m a seagull, no, that’s not it, remember, you shot a seagull, a man came by chance, saw it, and , having nothing to do, destroyed it, the plot for a short story, this is not what i’m talking about, but i’m talking about stage, now i’m not like that anymore, i’m already a real actress, i play with pleasure, with delight, i get drunk on stage, and i feel beautiful.” and now, while i live here, i keep walking, i keep walking and thinking, thinking and feeling how my spiritual strength is growing every day, i now know, i understand, i understand, kostya, that in
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our business, whether we play on stage or write, the main thing is not fame, not brilliance, not what i dreamed of, but the ability to endure , know how to carry your cross and believe, i believe, and it doesn’t hurt me so much when i... think about my calling, then i’m not afraid of life, great, today we talked about chekhov, prose writers and playwrights, and people, thank you very much, dear friends, it was a podcast, let them not talk, let them read, hosted by dmitry bak.
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an old joke says that science is a way to satisfy one's curiosity at the expense of the state. hello, today we have gathered our thoughts about science and how to get young people involved in science. nikita yurievich anisimov, rector of the higher school of economics, egor borisevich prokharchuk, dean of the medical and biological faculty of russian national art'. medical university, i said this , hello, i’m vladimir ligoy, we’re starting, dear friends, i want to ask you, as a warm-up story for this story, to think a little about this very joke, how applicable is the famous thing that in every there is some truth or some joke in the joke, i don’t know what is the right way to say it now, because it’s possible either way, that science is a way to satisfy one’s curiosity at the expense of the state, well, it’s a great joke, i think that’s partly it truth.
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, well, it seems to me that one of the missions of the state is to generally satisfy its citizens, so on the one hand these are jokes, on the other hand this is reality, because the state is also relations with citizens uses them and the effectiveness of fundamental science, because about maxvill, too, no one canceled his effectiveness of investments in fundamental science, but in the applied part of the state he orders. the report result, of course, receives a very specific result from this curiosity and interests of citizens, capitalizing them tangible. i really wanted to talk about how to attract, but again it is well known that in order to answer the question how, you need to answer the question why, yes, but how for a young man who is thinking about what to do in life, here he is interested in this, and curious, and this is what to tell him about the world of science, for what, what is this world like, for what? a person to engage in science so that he
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gets carried away and at the same time understands whether it is his or not, what could be the approach here? the approach of mistakes, what is the standard approach when you try to do this, this, fifth, tenth in childhood, in youth, maybe yes, the sooner you understand who you want to become and what works for you, what most importantly brings you pleasure in life, so much the better, but i know there is such a singer of our state, in general a statesman, he left there, as i remember, because it simply turned out not to be his, he could not be in this routine, come there at 8 to sign, go to 6 sign, it’s quite complex, well, it’s a different structure, that’s not what science is about, no, i ’m talking about the fact that well, this is his search, he needed freedom, of course people need it in science. freedom, this is number one, of course , you don’t need a lot of money, and you need
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to understand that people definitely don’t go into science for money, that’s absolutely absolutely true, and then you have to understand whether this knowledge gives you interest, but in resonance your soul enters with the fact that you are doing something first, something new, that you are different from others, this is a very painful process, you don’t sleep at night, you think about it, well , basically around the clock, you...
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in this case, the question is for the rector, yes, that’s what yegor borievich just said, that’s it, well, relatively speaking, the philosophy of science, the life of a scientist and so on, here’s how to weave this, so to speak, into the educational process, into the fabric, how to convey this to students, this is only informal communication, well, that is , let’s say, to those students who think, go to graduate school, don’t go, start taking this path when you won’t sleep at night, not become, that’s how it fits with the tasks of the erectorate there, for example, there is such a very good one...
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but in soviet times it was much more powerful, it was easier for a person to choose this pursuit than now, because now there really is no just an offer from business , an awareness, you know, the offer can be rejected, so to speak, according to the gospel principle , where your treasure is, there is your heart, so from childhood everyone at school tells you that well, you should, so to speak, fine to earn money, then this choice is very difficult to make, no, it seems to me that now we have returned to that value paradigm when scientists... this is a worthy, prestigious paid profession, where you don’t just satisfy curiosity at the expense of the state, curiosity is very good instruments, with good reagents in communication with leading world teams and the number of incentives is much greater even
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than in soviet times, so it seems to me that we have finally overcome this period when the profession of a scientist and the profession of a teacher, i’m like a grandson... how they get involved, no, it seems to me that we have passed this period of formation of the value and significance of the profession of scientific researchers. egor bivich, i saw a time when there were no reagents, when there was no equipment, yes, but what motivates a person in such a situation? well, firstly, they
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still don’t seem to exist, by and large, what can i say, let’s be honest, well, at least in the science that i do, they practically don’t exist, right? he is, of course, such a creator, he is such an ascetic in the world, a monk in the world, by and large, and and this is not only in russia, in america, but in general, white americans are not very willing to go into science. of course, in america this is not a super-prestigious story, just now we were talking with evgei ivanovich rogaev,
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a full professor in america, he cannot, even if he works everywhere, everyone pays him, in my opinion, 200,000 dollars, that sounds like a lot per year, yes, sounds very proud, but, for example, an education at mit, where one of his relatives was supposed to go, costs 80,000 a year, yes, plus insurance, plus housing, that is. i bought some enzymes, yes, my parents gave me some money, it was such a very difficult time, but since no one was there, everyone
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left, they told me, well, do you want to be the head of the laboratory, i’m a graduate student, well, how’s that going? there is nothing, please, the head of the laboratory is no problem, but empty , half-empty institutes, which means that this is certainly not the same story now, progress, certainly significant progress, well, this is the scientific atmosphere, scientific richness. regulate, but agree with my colleague, dear, there is certainly progress,
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i don’t think it’s possible to say that everything is good, but there is certainly progress, if you like to collect your thoughts with us, you can find all episodes of our podcast on the website of the first channel, be sure to watch, and today we gathered our thoughts on the topic of science and education. yes, but the profession of a scientist appears after a few centuries, you know, like with philosophers, we say, there is a professional philosopher, yes, but his difference from
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some of the same socrates there or there i don’t know plato, that for these people , life is just an occupation, but they were one thing, here, so to speak, an academic philosopher came and said something like that, and then he went there , i don’t know, mind his own business, there’s this gap, science has lost its the emergence of the profession of a scientist, i’ll ask you out of the blue, because you talked about it as unconditionally... positive, i understand why, but are there any disadvantages in the emergence of this profession of a scientist? you know, it seems to me that any ordering narrows the scope, in this regard, in this regard, of course, before the advent of rome, the absence of roman law probably gave people more opportunities when we regulate this or that profession in a certain way, today we are discussing the profession of a scientist, of course this narrows the opportunity. and to be honest, very often the manager is the first to speak to
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the scientist, which is not very correct, begins to dictate to the scientist unnecessary rules for the very purchase of reagents, instruments, to complicate procedures that would seem to be more attractive in other places and may just these very young people that we are talking about today should be reoriented, because well now... the race for talents and not only with salaries, but also with such implicit conditions, with the presence of certain limitations of opportunity, and a scientist needs freedom, we can attract or repel, so of course, in addition to institutional decisions, which i spoke about very carefully, investing in creating projects, attention to each person, his needs and, by the way, the needs of his family, uh, because he’s not always a scientist is very important. . makes certain decisions about his future, only relying on his everyday experience, but on the everyday experience of his family, especially a young scientist, there are many such
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interesting turns that immediately open up, yes, but since... i have already stated that we will talk about how to attract young people , look, let’s say, there are areas, well, sports , for example, where it’s clear, yes, you want to do figure skating, well, how old are you? 12, goodbye, you’re sick there, yes, why don’t you came 5 years ago, is there something similar for science or is it fundamentally different? history, and you can become a scientist quite late, it has already been partly said that you need to try the trial-error method in school, these are the kind of patterns, so a person can start doing science quite late. well, first of all, about the profession of a scientist, a priest is a profession, if we are talking about christianity, then within christianity, it is a calling, yes, if this is a famous, so to speak, profession or calling, the priest must hear this call, as they say, well, a scientist should too hear the call, but he can, that is , relatively speaking, well, he still has to prepare, but it’s not for nothing that i gave this example, well, that is, you know, vladimir
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romanovich, that’s an internal driver, a bad word. an internal motivator, and to study, read, uh, in this profession, well, it’s not like your boss will scold you, or they’ll pay you less money, by and large, it’s only the internal, internal motor that sits inside you, he is a voice, i don’t know, well, what a calling, whatever you call it, he will move you, that’s why you won’t steal money from your grants, well, because you decide what? you need, you want to pay yourself a salary or do business, but that is, maybe you will sacrifice part of a smaller salary, more for reagents, since a grant is such a difficult story, then you will not work there from 10 to 5 pm, you can sometimes work there around the clock, maybe it’s sunday on saturday, or maybe then you ’ll get tired of everything, you won’t come to work for a week, it’s just you inside yourself
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you determine how to do it, that is, in general... so this is not an easy story, this is really very important, interesting, i just apparently didn’t manage to say , i meant that well, a man comes, he has my eyes are burning, i want to hear a voice there, everything, and you tell him: old man, you are 30 years old, high mathematics to wash the dishes, let's see how he is first, whether he has a voice or not, but he will wash the dishes, he goes around reading books,
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