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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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there are all your arguments, thank you, dear girls, you are so wonderful and noble, but you know, in this case, this nobility, it plays, well, a cruel joke on you, if only women reacted in time, you would come and tell mother, i would ask someone for help, yes, that is, i would cope with my shame, guilt, this is this shame, yes, when i would rather endure than, god forbid , someone finds out what’s in me things like this happen to the family there, well, a little more strength, spirit... and you know, both such a weakened maternal protective mechanism, so the mother must win her child in any way, so you say, i ’m afraid, but i don’t care, i would come, take it, would destroy everyone, and then figure it out for yourself, this is this fear and, well, you know , there is a feeling of danger, well, around you, he really may not give you this clear position that they will help you, they will help you, the main thing is just believe in it, and a little more, thank you very much. i really hope that
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you can cope with this, the path is not easy, but at the end of this path is your child, so i i think that no matter how difficult it can be, you need to go through it, thank you very much for your support, first they pulled out my little daughter, katya, then they pulled out vika, so she managed to open, but did not have time to get out, two small children died, they burned, yes, they suffocated and were taken out already dead. from the house , i didn’t see any drinking or partying , i always came in when she was always smoking, well , what condition is she in, yesterday she asked me, she says, i feel bad, give me a dose, i say, no, why she bought drugs she received about 60 thousand for children, and she also gave birth to children on drugs, in withdrawal symptoms , both one girl and the other, yes, she herself was like that, and her son is to blame, and he let her try, let’s ask gregory this question, he too i arrived. hello, the big
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game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. today mourning has been declared in the donetsk people's republic. yesterday, nonhumans from the kiev anti-people regime attacked the city center, on the market square, with cluster munitions. on sunday.
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there wasn’t, then, already on the night of today there was a drone strike hit energy facilities in makeyevka in donetsk and the city was partially cut off from power; attacks on civilian infrastructure and civilians continue. and today president zelensky
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signed an amazing decree , which actually declared a significant part of the territory of the russian federation to be the territories of ukraine, and we are not talking about our new territories, not about donbass, not about zaporozhye , not about kherson, not about crimea, we are talking about the territories of the russian the federations that are marked here in red are part of it. bryansk region, kursk, belgorod, voronezh, rostov region, which have the honor of representing the state duma of the krasnodar region, that is , the inadequacy of the kiev regime, its danger is growing every day and i have a feeling that this simply reflects the agony of some kind of kiev a regime that continues to suffer new defeats on the battlefield. our resident
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military expert is monitoring what is happening there. boris aleksandrovich, good evening, and good evening, yes, and this decree, here are the terrorist attacks on donetsk, which they brought me yesterday. but apart from depicting the murder of civilians, it’s just another non-redundant fantasy, and they can document this, yes, they can do it at the front. somehow it doesn’t work out very well, if you look at what’s been happening on the front line in recent days, in the zaporozhye direction active pressure from our troops continues on the rabotinsky ledge, the enemy continues to be slowly pushed out west of verbovoy to the south , southeast, on the vremevsky ledge
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our troops are increasing pressure at the staromayorsky harvest, there is progress small near staromaisky, in the ugledar direction our troops are still few. there are also small advances in the bogdanovka area in the kleshcheevka area, in the northern direction our troops have an advance in the belogorovka area, our troops have also completely cleared the area near vesyoly and are developing further offensive there,
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in the svatovo-kupyansk direction our troops liberated a settlement over the weekend khramalnoe, more than 13 km of territory was liberated there; the enemy did not expect it there. strike, as a result the village was lost and the fighters are now fighting are now shifting to beristove , our advance is also underway there, in principle, if we talk about the front line, it belongs entirely to our troops, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the enemy to repel our attacks, it is obvious that in the near future the loss of new territories that they occupy in the donbass is inevitable, and we we will certainly see a lot more advance of our troops in the near- eastern and historical perspective. thank you very much, boris.
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the head of the main intelligence department, budanov, speaks and says the exact opposite, let’s listen, it’s unthinkable even to think that we can do without additional mobilization, the shortage of military personnel is noticeable, to say that everything is in order, is it not true? well, this discussion
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didn’t start yesterday or the day before, in fact , zelensky was the first to say about these five 5,000 that need to be mobilized, it immediately arose... a dump, zaluzhny made a statement in response, saying that the military didn’t say this at all , the ukrainian military has nothing to do with it, look, and therefore budanov, who seems to be in the middle, but he still gravitates more toward the military. he is trying to take control of this situation, he says that you will decide there how much is needed, but in any case, mobilization must take place, you know, it seems to me that it was significant in recent days that for the first time a ukrainian military commissar was shot, a man came, people take it away, it means they just put it in the answer, it was said about this that it seemed to be a fake, but in fact the situation turns out that this is not so, because there is even a video confirming it, not only... it happens, then there is an organized the resistance of people on the ground is growing
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, and they are basically taking it under control ; there is a collapse of information about the fact that women even go so far as to threaten the ukrainian military commissars with the most terrible punishments in terms of their male strength, and so on, and curse them and these people they run away, after all, they also, in general, live in society, and of course someone is a beast like a beast, that’s understandable, there are plenty of them there, but many simply don’t want to participate in this, well, kind of like you... when not, but why does this really happen, zelensky has only one resource , human, there is no other , he has no money, and all of his technical resources are provided by the west, well, that doesn’t exist either, which means what else can be presented, of course, the west, in words, the collective west says that human casualties should not increase, all this is terrible, shelling of civilians, like the gentlemen from the un for...
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they won’t, yes, a machine gun, two horns, and well , maybe someone will have a bulletproof vest, even there will be no sphere, that’s it, go ahead, everything else, all the money will be cut up, these same people understand, that their time is running out and they need to steal as much as possible, this is precisely the main priority in the statement of any numbers, 500 thousand, a million, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is give money for it, and how we cut it up is none of your business, well, the question of money , of course, for...
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to be honest, i haven’t heard about any initiatives lately, canada seems to be the same, that is, these sources of funding are clearly not enough, so we look at the ukrainian budget deficit, that’s the bad thing financed by foreign states, that is, there were months when foreign funding significantly exceeded the actual domestic ukrainian funding of the country, but now it’s the other way around,
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running a printing press differently, what does it mean to run a printing press on such a scale in ukraine, this means that you are simply starting the destruction of the financial system countries, the depreciation of money, then the decline in motivation of mercenaries, well, the soldiers of the kiev regime, including, as a result, everything falls apart when zelensky talks about what it means some kind of historical great ukraine, yes.
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ukraine, the united states has moved to form an essentially colonial administration in this country; according to washington’s plan, it will consist of ukrainians trained in the west who have sworn allegiance. interests. the united states demanded that the ukrainian president remove, under one pretext or another , from leading government posts people who had lost the trust of the white house. there are dozens of high-ranking ukrainian officials from zelensky’s team on the blacklist. it has been brought to his attention that otherwise washington will make public a lethal corruption dossier against members of his circle. zelensky realizes that
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the compromising evidence the americans have is capable of destroying him as president. under these conditions, he will continue to dance to the tune of his american counterparts. owners: yes, the state is bankrupt, this is generally the basis for the west to introduce a system of external control. this scheme is quite interesting, i ’m talking about the fact that in this case, at one time at the end of the 20th century, the international monetary fund assessed the following situation: if the state is bankrupt, can it be put up for sale and can it, so to speak, be taken under external management, which has never happened before.
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in reality, it arises that russia must renounce nuclear weapons, russia must do this, russia must do that, today we can say that we should not, that they should after everything that they have done, in fact, probably , one of the key questions for the future of the system of international relations will be what account we will present to our western colleagues for all that
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what they did on the territory of what is now ukraine. yes, the bill will be presented , it will be very, very serious , there simply cannot be any doubt, but you know, the west itself is now going through hard times, europe is not in the best shape, either economically or politically, america, on the eve of the elections, yes there are very serious internal disagreements in ukraine itself, we will talk about all this after the advertisement.
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statute of limitations german today after the program time old barrel cognac product of steller group. they give it to the russians for fighting shovels. russian soldiers were allegedly ordered to go into close combat using sapper shovels. they're running out of people. the shovel was, of course , it will be used, until now we have not even fully used the soviet reserves , not counting the fact that we are accumulating modern weapons, the russian language is supposedly a mixture of ukrainian and
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church bulgarian, they are inventing myths about themselves, about their past , about your future, very big surprise, there is no such language either in the scientific sphere or in conversation, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first day, dry air... air is dangerous, how to choose the right humidifier? chemistry of food, why do we need betakaratin, why does grabber increase blood pressure? program to live healthy, always ready to help, tomorrow first. female pilots and female technicians must demonstrate skill, courage and self-sacrifice. this is the movie you've been waiting for in the military.
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you need to take care of your dad, because it is your safety. if biden loses power, he will sit down. this is the threshold of a monstrous falsification of big elections. money he didn't report on his tax return - this is essentially theft of ukraine's budget funds. congress was able to get these audio recordings from the fbi of how zlochevsky discussed all these schemes of tribunalism. these wells in ukraine are actually wells where dollars are pumped. whoever is in power controls. zlachevsky made it for himself. there are no real
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globalists who understand how to turn the situation around, hunter biden, son of a bitch or notes from a hunter, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, the big game is live. as long as as the kiev regime suffers one military defeat after another, its policies become less and less adequate, well, the rats are fleeing the ship. the mayor of kiev klitschko made an unexpected statement while meeting with diplomats, this is how it all sounded as presented by the canadian globe and mail. according to the mayor of kiev, vitali klitschko, his country has been moving in the wrong direction, becoming increasingly
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autocratic, over the past 2 years. the main tv channels of ukraine broadcast the only program , the united news telethon, which, according to klitschko leaves little room for dissenting voices, while journalists critical of president zelensky and his administration come under pressure. klitschko is concerned that the freedoms and reforms that ukrainians fought for in two pro-western revolutions earlier this century are being eroded. “i cannot call the movement we are seeing now democracy,” he said. klitschko shared his concerns in conversations with western diplomats based in kiev, and when asked if any of them shared his concerns, he replied: yes. markeeva also said that a significant part of society does not understand exactly what is happening on the front line, and therefore does not understand the military’s demands for an additional 500 thousand recruits. so they came back again for this figure, yes 500,000, and you know, it feels like more and more ukrainian
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politicians will juggle with these 500 thousand, and then more western ones will get involved. well, to be honest, i don’t see what klitschko said that was so special, since he periodically tries to criticize zelensky, but extremely, extremely carefully, now the statement is that the country is not moving along a democratic path, but it was actually on this democratic track, it at least once moved in some direction towards democracy, but there is little evidence of what this is doing regime, in addition to the murders of those who disagree with this regime, which began even before zelensky’s arrival, that is... all this happened during the maidan and after it, but in fact, this probably seems like a paradox to some western journalists and experts, how come so, the maidan was organized as democratic revolution, ultimately brought to power not just the nazis, but also the nazis may even think that they are, as it were, even children compared to this regime, because they are so successful in destroying their own population and at the same time providing
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a democratic basis for it, well, even goebbels. yes, he didn’t know how, he still justified that it was like an imperial, that means , german views on world politics there, but not here, he says, this is democracy, for the sake of democracy you must die, moreover, die, you must surrender here their the last money, so mr. klyuchko didn’t say anything new, but on the other hand you were right, probably in the sense that the rats are fleeing the ship, of course, he is preparing for himself a clearly serious position in the west, especially since he has for this there are opportunities , it’s interesting how he...
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is now learning german, he actually lived there for quite a long time, ukraine was not very interesting to him, then he became the mayor, but the fact that he is also being played as a political card, because he himself then he can’t play any games, he can’t put two words together maybe, as a rule, boxing was his main profession throughout his life, he is played up, of course, by western politicians, but ukraine in the west is getting , well, less and less... some, well, i would say so, ardent supporters. well, for example, the european commission, because it was all for ukraine, was generally a mountain. and now the question arose of what to do with ukrainian grain exports to eastern europe. all eastern european countries began to introduce protectionist barriers. there was outrage in brussels. and what at the end? well, let's go let's listen to the statement of valdis dombrovskis
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, european commissioner for trade. we see that the regional impact of trade or export of ukrainian agricultural products is distributed very unevenly, first of all it is felt by the closest neighboring countries. we will think about how we can provide additional guarantees to poland and other eu member states, one way to do this is to introduce guarantees for specific countries. the european commission's proposals will be published this week and most likely will include measures to protect individual countries from the consequences of duty-free import of agricultural products from ukraine. vasili georevich, well, it’s clearly hard to imagine that the european commission is not helping ukraine. it's hard to imagine how grain can do anything. which, for example, cannot be sold in poland or hungary, will not get there if it enters the european union market. how can it not get there? actually, the indignation of the poles and their blocking of the border, and then in other countries, here
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similar actions, were due to this, that you can seemingly protect your market purely only, but only on paper, on the one hand, on the other hand, we do not see the european commission somehow coming down on those... zelensky is under pressure on his circle, conditions simple , we will give money, but only if ukraine is completely transferred to western control, all its resources will also be under the control of the west, that is , no autonomism, greenism, none of this will happen... there should be, but the economy of the european union from all these maneuvers can’t buy anything yet, the problem is that cheap food from ukraine has already filled the market of the european union, has already enraged farmers in germany, france, and
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other countries, they are now forced to build barricades from tractors, yes, but barricades from tractors it also wouldn’t hurt to get into the grain if it hits the markets of the european union, but... other countries took a tougher position, where it’s not farmers with tractors protesting, but already at the government level, well, let’s listen to the minister’s statement foreign affairs of hungary siaito. we are not ready to take part in any process that will lead to an increase in arms supplies to ukraine. according to the european commission's proposal, hungary will have to pay up to 60 million euros within a year after the decision is made to others. countries supplied weapons to ukraine, it is obvious that hungary will not support this and will not supply weapons to ukraine, and let me remind you that these supplies came from the european peace fund, peace is war, war is peace. you know, well, we
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are present now, maybe with a very interesting development of events , in fact, continuing the topic that we have already started, we constantly talk about the assistance that the west allocates and plans for ukraine, today we see that about... such an interesting reversal of polarity is taking place, given the growing economic difficulties in countries of the european union, in the same united states of america, there is another question, perhaps how ukraine can help europe today, how they can help the united states of america, that is, the understanding that today indeed, the economic resources that ukraine has should already be working to the west, not to ukraine, to the west, and this is also, if you like, a formula, well, supposed to happen later. military settlement, this is what they are talking about, what the next world should look like, it doesn’t matter what the borders will be, another situation is important, the economic component is that it is not the outside world that should, as they say, help ukraine overcome the consequences of the war , and ukraine
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must compensate for those multi-billion dollar hundreds of billions of euros and dollars that the west spent on senseless military action in ukraine, this is how it is happening today, or you can read what is happening now.
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that mexico will be included in a military organization in which russia plays a decisive role. what would you do? this is a rational argument. ukraine is not a sovereign dependent country. ukraine is under complete us control. well, i would really replace mexico with texas, probably for a generally more accurate comparison, ukraine is still not a completely different state for us language and so on and so on, but in general the assessment is quite correct, this is the conclusion that robert fitz draws from this statement of his, let’s listen, i’m coming to the ukrainians with humanitarian aid, we will confirm that they will not receive any weapons from the slovak army from state warehouses, i will say. that there are things on which our views are completely different, regarding their entry into
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the european union, we respect that, but they must comply with the conditions. i will say that i am against ukraine's membership in nato, that i will use the right of veto and block it, because its entry will become the foundation of the third world war. well, the more, the further the situation goes, the more sensible voices will be heard within the west, because the west is obvious. fails, he will look for a way out of this situation and more and more sensible voices will appear within, in fact, this is what we hear now from slovakia, what we hear from hungary, this will be a logical development of national identity within this the most collapsing west, i absolutely agree that he must rebuild and receive resources, he will fight for them in ukraine, he will try to pump out everything that is possible, why, because in the united states they are accustomed to this very... vassalization, yes, there are vassals, they are, and
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in principle there can be nothing else , accordingly, there will be a struggle with this , this struggle will grow, we already see it in the western world, let alone what is happening outside of this very western world, countries are no longer ready obey this very aging hegemon , well, it should be said that the aging hegemon, he cannot ensure economic prosperity, germany, great britain, in recent days there have been a lot of statistics that say that the situation there is bad, mercedes is closing in germany, mercedes is closing its offices , closes production, well, this is a symbol of germany, yes, they’ve already jumped in the uk, it turns out, the financial times, today’s article is being written, 47 british enterprises are close to collapse, they are on the threshold, on the threshold. bankruptcy, this is also a limiter, of course, for
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helping ukraine. investors promise to completely close steel production, steel smelting in great britain in the near future, the island returns to where it was before the norman conquest, probably yes, in terms of the type of economic activity, no coal, no steel, no industrial power, after a while they will also lose positions in world politics. thanks to this, germany is following the same path, only here it is the absolute leader in europe, because no one is destroying its economy as intensively, as actively as the german government, the german economy, and here there are failures in all sectors, including the chemical industry, they are really trying to attribute these failures to the middle east aggravation, due to the fact that supposedly they can’t get the required amount of oil. for processing for the chemical industry, but it is clear that
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germany will cease to be an industrial power, but here is a curious situation: churchill dreamed that germany would cease to be industrial country and there they were engaged exclusively in agriculture. it turns out that germany will be engaged in some very primitive, perhaps agriculture, and the united kingdom, the british too, well, farmers there are known to be protesting now, they are not doing this. they will probably manage without farmers in agriculture . there is also a serious political limiter in the united states in the form of the election campaign, where trump is undoubtedly in the lead; in his last speech he said that he would cleanse the country of deep-seated states and from warmongers, that is, from warmongers, many already perceive him as the future president, and many newspapers and magazines in the west are coming out with a headline there, some with horror... then with joy that the president is already trump, in
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fact , although this is still far away, tomorrow the primaries in new hampshire is quite interesting, because in this state the primaries are open, that is, democrats can vote for republicans in the primaries, which means that naturally a last attempt will be made to fight trump in the primaries, all the bet is on nick hale, landing party. withdrew his candidacy in favor of trump, well , trump himself is in good shape and threatens the entire american media and the law enforcement system, which.
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magician, magician, we must stop the magician. what does maga mean, joe? make america great again, we have to stop this. just think about it, we don't have to make america great again. you know, i don't really like to parody biden, because every time i do it, it's all these fake nbc, cbs. abc, not to mention other channels, like cnn and fox news, present it as donald. so, well, in short, we can say that yes, in america there is a lot of interest in these elections, in the primary elections, in tomorrow's elections, but i want to dwell on one feature of these elections, yes, apparently they
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decide little in terms of the subsequent race , because what happens in iowa and what happens in new hampshire, the votes there are distributed according to the principle. someone gets as many votes as they get in proportion to the votes of delegates at the congress, but then the race goes south to the west, where the republicans still retained their main principle, the winner takes all, even if one more vote is better than their rivals, there are no rivals left, so many believe that in principle this is all a foregone conclusion in terms of nomination trump for the candidate of the republican party, this was shown very desantis, he really... as they say, left the race, supported trump and you can even say that you can count on me, we will help you in november, and trump in general said that yes, as they say, i need you, of course, 29 electoral votes and, well, let’s say, do not
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lie on the surface of the atlantic ocean, but there is one feature, why such a choice today is... they are waiting in the united states of america, it will happen is this a sign from heaven or not, it will mean that if something happens there, we
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won’t talk now, it will mean that trump may not reach the finish line, and the main one who can help him here interfere - this is nicky. that's why i say that this is decisive, the last decisive the pain of the deep state against trump, they can still harm him in new hampshire, because they simply have no chance further. well, in 2000, let me remind you, the supreme court made its decision on the basis of a recount of votes, just in the state of florida, where the brother of the future president bush was the governor, so all this really goes around in america in such ... electoral circles, well, another, of course, limiting factor for possible american assistance to ukraine is the situation in the middle east, where the united states, in my opinion, is getting stuck deeper and deeper, about this after the ad.
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i would like to wish our...and the citizens of the russian federation every one of us good health and good health and happiness for all our loved ones. the calling card of the orenburg region is our orenburg down scarf. its special feature is that it can fit through a wedding ring. and we are happy to believe that there should be a miracle in everyone’s life. we worked at a school camp and the leaders had a planning meeting. and she, we were in different squads, invited her to meet. she agreed. overall it was just an explosive day because that i experienced such emotions, i want many on the planet to understand that only in friendship and love can we live together, i love my country very much and... best of all, the new
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season, on sunday on the first. stirsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. russians are given shovels for fighting. russian soldiers were allegedly ordered to go into close combat using sapper shovels. they run out of people if they need to use a spatula. of course it will be used, until now we have not even fully used the soviet reserves, not counting the fact that we we are accumulating modern weapons, the russian language is supposedly a mixture of ukrainian and church bulgarian, they are inventing myths about themselves, about their past, about their future, a very big surprise, there is no such language either in the scientific sphere or in spoken language, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. girls pilots.
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definitely air, because of course it was a dream to work with alexey german , they invited me to audition, then they didn’t call, i thought, probably not, and so i thought with despair, well, there was an opportunity, unfortunately, probably not, look how the lines fly , this means that everything is not in vain, this technology, a completely unique technology that we tested,
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the wells where dollars are pumped, whoever is in power, these wells in ukraine, actually controls it. zlachevsky made himself a new roof, he reached the supranational level. there are many suspicions that he was basically already killed, because the man knew too much. a witness who was supposed to testify exposing biden was found dead. here are the roots of real globalists who understand how we need to turn the situation around. hunter biden, son of a bitch. or notes of a hunter, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first,
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look carefully, you recognize him, grandfather, in the center, we are a coward, money and gold do not interest me, you will go to russia today, return the sacred treasures of the nation, treasures, my father , excuse me, of course, but all this doesn’t look very plausible, yes. german, today is after the program. big game live. the weekend was marked by powerful protests, including many countries of the middle east, including israel, where... there was a huge rally for netanyahu’s resignation. netanyahu finally announced that israel stands across the border from
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the river to the sea. that is, meaning all of israel from the river to the sea, including, of course, the palestinian lands. but the response, including to this, was a very powerful rally that took place in sanaa, in the page, the capital of yemen, where the houthis brought more than a million people onto the streets, complex, mostly, again, anti-israeli, and anti-american, and let us note that netanyahu clearly contradicted the american one. which did not go unnoticed in the united states, american military bases in the region, primarily in iraq and syria, were subjected to very serious bombing, not to mention the fact that the houthis continued to fire at ships in the red sea. the united states is getting deeper and deeper into this situation, turkey is taking an increasingly tougher position, and president erdogan actually
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made such a statement. let's listen. to western countries and international institutions, failed the exam on gas, there is no more trust left, their fascist faces are exposed, they have not taken a single step to prevent violence like in iraq, bosnia, syria, yemen, myanmar, somalia and afghanistan, organizations responsible for ensuring global security , failed, suffered serious reputational damage, they silently looked on from the sidelines at the barbarism tantamount to genocide against the palestinian people.
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erdogan consistently advocates reform of the un security council for transformation system of international relations of transition to a polycentric world, in fact, this is part of this very line. the second very important question is that the west is losing trust , a very important word, because it is not an empty phrase in the middle east, in the east in general, trust and interpersonal communication are very important there, in fact, erdogan is thereby saying that the west is all with my... actions and inactions i lost trust, that is, i lost normal perception in the region, in general, you said it very accurately, the word gets stuck, the americans are stuck in the region, and there is a third word, the third part of erdogan’s speech, this is, of course, another rather harsh , quite anti-israel, or rather anti-government attitude of israel statement, the fact that netanyahu is the furar, this is a continuation of
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erdogan’s line on... professorship in spain , let 's listen to what he said: we believe that in order to achieve peace it is necessary to impose from the outside a solution to create two states for two peoples, although i repeat once again, israel does not want such a solution, for this they decided to create hamas, yes, yes, the israeli government financed hamas to weaken the fatah movement in the palestinian authority, if we do not intervene decisively, the flywheel of hatred and violence will
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spin stronger and stronger, with the change of generations with... every new funeral, we will see how the seeds of hatred sown in gas today will bear fruit. the anti-israeli speech, it seems to me, is fear, it is the fear that israel, of course, can continue to flood the streets with blood, but the west will have to pay for this as a whole, because the west supported israel, and the european union supported israel and supports israel, while the medium and long-term consequences will be absolutely not in favor of the west and not in favor of israel, and this is fear. there is confusion in america, because netanyahu’s statement from the river to the sea, it simply caused a shock there, in my opinion, let’s listen to kirby, the national security council, whether the president, in a conversation with netanyahu, touched on his use of the phrase from the river to the sea, the white house i said earlier that this phrase is divisive, you condemn his use
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of this phrase, listen, does this phrase have? there is a certain subtext, we talked about this before, when you say the words from the river to the sea, you repeat the hamas mantra, this is literally a description of the geographical boundaries of the land that they call palestine, if...
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precisely that russia is in this region precisely led to the fact that the destruction of the region as such did not occur, although it was the terrorist forces with the connivance, and sometimes with the support the united states had every opportunity to blow up syria and blow up the region as a whole. then they looked at us with hope, even despite the rhetoric of the united states, and therefore now this is a consistent position of russia, and indeed there, by the way, they were talking correctly about the concept of trust, and in the middle east,
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those who worked there, everything is fine knows that such and such steps inspire confidence, this just means that who is the arbiter , russia, russia, and that means they won’t bomb damascus, obviously, but now we really. the emirates, saudi arabia, emen, with the houthis, yes, jordan, which supports palestine, of course, syria, of course, turkey, and egypt, which also takes an anti-israeli position, moreover, the united states is even sending israel, because netanyaho takes a direct position excellent.
6:00 pm
hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. the public on the market square flowers in memory of the dead.


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