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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  January 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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yes, well, iran, of course, the emirates, saudi arabia, yemen with the houthis, and ardania, which supports palestine, of course, syria, of course, turkey, and egypt, which also takes an anti-israeli position. moreover, the united states is even sending israel, because netanyaho takes a position directly different from washington, indeed, the americans are bogged down, our cause, rights and victory will be ours. the game will return at 10:45 p.m. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. mourning in the donetsk republic on the market square flowers in memory of the victims, a spontaneous memorial in moscow, at the mouth of the ukrainian dpr representative office. the strike will be the main topic
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of the un security council meeting, it begins: the survivors were brought to kabul, two are in the hospital, two have already been discharged, now it remains to be found out why the plane ended up in afghan airspace and what caused the disaster? protecting the interests of workers and the state approach to resolving social issues about the main guidelines in the work of trade union organizations, a big conversation between vladimir putin and mikhail shmakov. new. the headquarters of the election campaign , the president's trusted representatives have received identification and are ready to go to the regions; millions of signatures in support of vladimir putin have been delivered to the center of the election commission. the preventive measure was changed for violating the rules of house arrest. for the moskvoredsky court, blogger elena blinovskaya was sent to a pre-trial detention center for 3 months. premiere at the first, big house, about the exploits of the defenders of leningrad and the heroic work of ours. 21
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victims of the horrific terrorist attack remain in hospitals in donetsk at the mercury market. in total, according to the latest data , 26 people were injured and 27 died. ukrainian militants deliberately struck at a time when there were especially many people, hitting them with nato shells. the president was reported about what happened in donetsk, vladimir putin gave all the necessary instructions, measures to assist those who filed were taken, this was stated by the press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov. he called the attack on civilians a monstrous terrorist attack, emphasizing that the kiev regime continues to demonstrate your bestial face. today is a day of mourning in the donetsk republic; townspeople bring flowers to a spontaneous memorial near the walls of the market. report by sergei ponomarev. look, it’s a residential area, here are yellow houses, here are yellow houses, it’s inhumane. i was here yesterday, only after about 12 o’clock, probably.
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in general, there was horror, because here they were still clearing away the rubble, there were still people lying there, it’s terrible, we were passing by, my heart just bleeds open, i feel so sorry for the people, i feel so sorry for the people, anyone could have ended up here, we’re actually studying in another city, we’re just we just arrived today and the first thing we did was come here, at the donetsk mercury market, which was struck the day before by the kiev regime, now a spontaneous memorial, many flowers, red carnations, roses, people. they were bringing them all last day, and they are still carrying them today, in memory of the dead. nearby there are still overturned boxes and trays of goods standing untouched; several shells fell here. the day before, as always, on a day off there was brisk trade here, this market in the kirovsky district is one of the busiest places in donetsk on weekdays. according to eyewitnesses, the first shells fell at about 10 a.m., then, at intervals of 5 minutes, several more landed, straight into the market, until the ambulance arrived.
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27 people, another 25 were injured, including two children. additional operating rooms of donetsk doctors were deployed in hospitals, and colleagues from federal clinics provided consultations. additional surgical teams were brought in, everyone was coordinated, surgeons, resuscitators, operating nurses came out, everyone is ready at any time to fully provide medical care to our population. one woman is still in serious condition, the condition of many patients has improved and was transferred to...
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those killed as a result of the barbaric shelling of donetsk. well, just at these moments a meeting of the council begins in new york ; those gathered observed a minute of silence in memory of un security, at which this monstrous terrorist attack will be discussed. russia demanded to convene it, our head sergei lavrov is taking part, right now ... you see footage of a live broadcast from new york, our minister arrived in new york the day before, they will also discuss the involvement of the united states and european countries in the bloody crime of the kiev regime, because it is western weapons that are used to strike the civilian population of donbass. and today it became known that a draft
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appeal to the un has been submitted to the state duma in connection with criminal attacks by ukrainian armed formations against civilians on russian territory. the deputies want to call on the united nations to condemn the atrocities of the kiev authorities and consider the project. now about how the special operation is going, a report from our ministry of defense, air defense forces in the kharkov region shot down ukrainian su-25s. in addition, six stormshadow cruise missiles were intercepted, as well as 76 enemy drones. russian units are gradually improving their positions in all areas. the fiercest battles were in donetsk, only there the enemy lost more than 300 people per day, 10 tanks were destroyed, including leopard-2, an anti-aircraft missile tank.
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neska, who transferred funds to ukrainian militants, made several transfers for military equipment. now against him a criminal case was initiated under the article on treason, the suspect was taken into custody. today it has been officially confirmed that the two killed in a private plane crash in afghanistan are a married couple from volgodonsk. it was for their sake that a medical flight was organized. a seriously ill woman was evacuated from thailand to russia. route with two refueling stops. the first in india to pass the state. the plane did not reach the second one in tashkent, changed course and entered the airspace of afghanistan, where it was not originally supposed to be. the circumstances of the disaster are now the pilots will probably clarify. they, as well as two doctors who survived, are now in kabul. personnel: grigory
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emelyanov has all the latest information. footage disseminated by the afghan media shows that pilots and doctors from the crashed falcon themselves require medical assistance. the truth, as the afghan side says, is not too serious. their lives. in danger , those rescued were taken to the regional center of kafap and from there to kabul to a military hospital. our rescue team arrived at the crash site at the direction of our ministry. with the survivors, as you can see, everything is fine, they provide first aid, and now we are going to kabul, stories with planes crashing in deserted snowy mountains rarely end with a happy ending. the afghan province of badakhshan, that very characteristic eastern protrusion on the map of afghanistan, is, of course, not the very heart of peace, but close to it. footage from the crash site of the small falcon 10 is clearly demonstrated. afghanistan maintained constant contact through
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the government of russia, tajikistan and diplomatic channels, despite difficult conditions, extreme cold, snowfall difficult terrain, rescue teams worked hard throughout the night, their efforts leading to the successful rescue of four survivors. they took from thailand to russia a resident of volgodonsk who had become seriously ill on vacation. the woman was connected to the iv apparatus in flight. accompanied by her husband, the couple died. three survivors owe their salvation to the fourth. according to afghan media, medic igor syvorodkin, the youngest on board, managed to get to the nearest village and explain with gestures what happened. however, this is where the positive ends and begins experts still have more questions than answers. how did it happen that both falcon engines failed at once? this happens when there is a serious, very unlikely, as the pros say, electronics failure, or when the fuel runs out, but the plane, after all.
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uzbekistan and the flight to zhukovsky near moscow were not planned to enter afghan airspace, but for some reason they did? before each flight, a flight plan is drawn up, the type of aircraft, where it is flying, at what altitude, at what speed, which airspaces will cross which countries, and this is. the right, the legal right to fly over the territory, otherwise it could simply be shot down, it’s a different matter if this happened forcedly, but then the crew was obliged to inform the afghan dispatchers about this , why they didn’t tell, did they talk to the dispatchers at all, what problems forced them to change course , while one can only guess, violation of the flight plan is not the only claim, there are questions of a legal nature, the crashed plane was... known to be private, according to preliminary data, the company that operated it did not have the necessary papers giving the right to commercially
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transport people, this is a company that has not been given the right, has not been issued a certificate for commercial activities, that is, for the transportation of air passengers for the purpose of earning money, that is, this is a partisan, so to speak, company, which means took up the task. the commander's pilots have less than 25 hours of flight time, the co-pilot has three times less, they received documents confirming the completion of training for the falcon 10 less than a year ago, this is absolutely a small amount of flight time for the ship's commander, and the co-pilot has a total of 800 hours, they graduated from a dubious educational institution, not a flight school, a classical one, but some courses where they were issued a private pilot certificate. which also does not give him the right to engage in commercial transportation, that is
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, so far everything looks like the passengers were transported by pilots who did not have the right to commercially transport passengers from a company that did not have the right to commercial transportation, how did this gordian knot get tightened and what actually happened with the falcon in flight and in front of it, the investigator is now sorting out committee, the testimony of the surviving pilots will help fill in the blank spots in this story. in the gaza strip, at least 50 people were victims of israeli night strikes on the city of khan yunis. there are about a hundred wounded, palestinian media report. all this footage has emerged today, allegedly from a local hospital; due to constant shelling , the dead have to be buried right on the hospital grounds. tel aviv has been conducting a military operation in gas for four months, while about 140 israelis remain hostage from hamas. their relatives today. ripped off meeting in the knesset. people burst into the hall where parliamentarians were discussing the budget and demanded that immediate measures be taken to
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release the prisoners, who, amid the ongoing bombing, are also in mortal danger. life cannot continue as usual while our children are in the gas. protecting the interests of workers and the state approach to resolving social issues should be the main guidelines in the work of trade union organizations. this was discussed today in the kremlin at a meeting between vladimir putin and mikhail shmakov. he's already he has headed the federation of independent trade unions of russia for 30 years. this is the largest association in the country, with a total membership of about 20 million people. moment from the year ninety-three, but you , no, you won’t tell everything in 30 years, no, i just want to say that we are moving towards the congress, but we have another intermediate date, which is 30 years since the turning point from the ninety-third year, and it turned out that for 30 years i have been heading this organization of ours - i want to say that
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over these years of work, well, one might say collaboration. after all, you are often an inconvenient partner for the government, but still, yes, but still, in general, you approach solving social issues from a government perspective, of course, first of all, based on the interests of the working people, the interests of which you should to protect by law, by the very meaning of the existence of trade unions, but in general the state approach, it is of course very important, i... i hope that this will continue to be the case in the activities of trade unions. vladimir vladimirovich, interests of the state, interests of workers as a whole match up. this is where we argue about the details. i agree, i agree, exactly. citizens' signatures in support of vladimir putin's self-propulsion to presidential candidates were transferred to the central election commission. the documents were personally brought there today by the co-chairs of the election headquarters, the head
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of state vladimir mashkov and maryana lysenko, as well as proxies and volunteers. left 95 large boxes with signature sheets filled out in all regions, without exception, despite the fact that 300 thousand signatures were enough for registration, their countrywide much more was collected, millions. to date, 10 times more signatures have been collected than required by law, and you know, this is a record number of signatures in support of our candidate, the current president. the russian federation , vladimir vladimirovich putin, speaks of tremendous support for our candidate, and i would like to first of all thank all the volunteers who took part in collecting signatures. the collection of signatures actually took place during the new year holidays, people worked very actively, sometimes simply selflessly, seven days a week, despite
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holidays in remote regions, everyone had the opportunity to sign and... this is wonderful, and many thanks to all those who signed these signatures, because such unanimous support of the people is very important for our candidate, and we are together, together we will win. and today, at vladimir putin’s election headquarters in gostiny dvor , another group of trusted representatives of the head of state was presented with a certificate. the documents, in particular, were received by conductor yuri bashmet, head of the all-russian federation of rhythmic gymnastics irina winner, head of the kurchatov institute mikhail kovalchuk, rector of the academy. orenburg met with local activists. let me remind you that party nominees do not need to collect signatures. the program includes trips, communication with students and business representatives, as well as a visit to the industrial enterprise of the
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gidropress plant. we must support small medium-sized businesses and not change them. some standards of accounting and control several times a year, otherwise we will simply lose small businesses, this is now extremely important for the country, especially small ones business creates a large number of jobs, and of course we must look at the situation at taxes for small businesses, everything that does not concern endowment taxes for enterprises up to 50 people, all taxes must remain on... a single presidential candidate from new people and the party of growth vladislav davankov in the yaroslavl region in rybensk, a meeting with supporters and a test drive of a locally produced snowmobile; in yaroslavl itself, a discussion with the townspeople about the state of the local housing and communal services is planned. today i will present an idea that we have already tested in
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several regions of the rostov region, in particular how it can be done. less due to improved heat conservation inside the building, i will show how much utility bills have decreased, and this, of course, is a whole set of measures to improve housing and communal services, it is planned, this is a large part of my program. russians have become more active in traveling around the country. during the new year holidays, tourist flow increased by almost 20%. this was discussed at a meeting between mikhail mishustin and deputy prime ministers. it was noted that the level of service is growing, trips are becoming more comfortable and safe, it is important to continue to support tourists’ interest in holidays in russia and develop the necessary infrastructure. we discussed employment separately. youth, more about everything ivan prozurov. the russian economy needs qualified specialists, and in order to fill scarce niches with young personnel, a special program to promote
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youth employment was created. it is designed until the end of this decade on behalf of the president, the government has updated it, and it will now be possible to find a proposal on the work of russia portal for targeted training directly from enterprises. as part of the updated document , we will begin to create conditions so that girls and boys , even before... coming of age, can decide on their future profession, but gain the necessary experience, acquire the skills, knowledge necessary for their future specialty; for this purpose, we have provided for professional orientation for students of the sixth and eleventh grades classes, which will allow them to quickly decide in which field they would like to devote themselves. employment procedures will be optimized, in including temporary, children from 14 to 18 years old will be able to take time off from studying.
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with the ministry of emergency situations, rospotrebnadzor, the ministry of internal affairs, as well as regional and city administrations, and most importantly, the new year holidays passed calmly, without serious incidents, our citizens were able to enjoy their holidays in different parts of the country. the leaders of the new year season have traditionally been moscow, st. petersburg and the krasnodar territory. these regions received more than a third of the total new year's tourist flow. crimea remains an attractive destination. the peninsula was visited by 80,000 guests, this more than a year ago. russians showed unprecedented interest in domestic ski resorts: 150,000 people went to the sochi slopes, plus 75% compared to last year. in second place is the actively
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growing tourist cluster shirigesh in kusbass. the discovery of the year was a new complex in the murmansk region. such points of attraction are noted throughout the country. far east, siberia, altai, caucasus, northwest. open the gate, get the pirate. suzdal alone hosted the new year's capital of russia. 150.000 guests, despite the fact that the city's population is 9.00 people. also , holiday programs were organized for residents of new regions, primarily children, and not only in capital cities; on new year's holidays, more than 800 children from new regions came to the sverdlovsk region for the new year tree. the same events took place in mordovia and the nizhny novgorod region. joint efforts of regions, responsible federal departments and businesses, along with government support mechanisms. continue to reveal the huge tourism potential of russia, the state will continue to reveal the country's tourism potential, especially since the economic effect is visible, for example, the transport industry reported
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passenger traffic of almost 6 million tourists during the holidays. tourism is a multifaceted area, therefore it is very strongly influenced by related industries, we all need to do everything possible to further develop opportunities for domestic tourism in russia, this is, first of all, the creation of... infrastructure, convenient roads, comfortable hotels, hotels , opportunities including normal nutrition, rest, this is all that will help us systematically approach the development of such an important industry for us. and, of course, one of the key issues is the cost of services. on behalf of the head of government, the ministry of development, together with the federal antimonopoly service, constantly monitors prices. ivan prozarov, zulfey khakimova and andrey kirillov, channel one. a new twist in the high-profile case of tax evasion by blogger elena bolinovskaya. the zamoskvarets court today tightened her measure of restraint from house arrest to
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detention. when the decision was announced, she handcuffed. she will remain behind bars until april 26. the notorious author of the marathon of wishes owes the state nearly a billion rubles. according to investigators, receiving huge sums for distributing advice on the internet, bilinovskaya underestimated her income through drablés. the blogger flagrantly violated his conditions, threw a new year's party, where among the guests there was a witness in her criminal case, which was prohibited by the court, and as the investigator noted today, at the same holiday there was a lot of expensive entertainment, at that time the blogger is in no hurry to return taxes to the state. premiere on channel one on the eve of the eightieth anniversary. which
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are led by the same traitor 20 years apart. the plot is based on true facts and only recently declassified criminal cases. pyotr deryagin met with the creators of this picture. all five explosions must sound at exactly 9 am. smolny, palace bridge, state bank and telegraph. the most important thing for you is to send a big house to hell. siege of leningrad, famine and bombings. somebody here he sacrifices everything to help, but there are also those for whom the concept
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“that a saboteur operating in leningrad in 1942 could be involved in a new major case, but who is behind him, who pulls the strings, seen, allies, we drove these years, and they brought them all to ourselves, two times, two eras, one story, the story of how to remain human, despite the influence of evil, during the production of the series , special attention was paid to creating the appearance of besieged leningrad, here also used unique documentary
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frames. cities in assadi, mom, eat , give me the irishkas, this is insanely heavy material, you have nowhere to come, get warm there, i don’t know, and so on, just imagine this one thing, not to mention the hunger there, not to mention the bombings , not to mention the people who fell on the streets, passersby simply did not have the strength to lift them, when we are talking about the blockade days, these nine hundred, then of course there is... a national tragedy and great sorrow, we pay tribute, admiration, and thus, in my opinion, we are still forming ourselves. the series was created with the support of institute for internet development, and its detective part was filmed on recently declassified cases, the film reflects the true story, both about the activities of the henchmen of german intelligence, and about the various machinations of those who decided to profit from the tragedy of people during the blockade.
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he's like a vampire, he... he sucks on everything, he 's paintings, art there takes away all sorts of dying people, rows and rows for himself , nothing is sacred to him, this is pure slander, everything that concerns the forties and the great patriotic war, this my whole biography my own family, my grandmother here is a blockade survivor, she gave birth to a daughter here and gave birth to two more children, valentina and valentina, they died of hunger, you will give us a piece, and so that she can at least live until... tomorrow, when the actions of the big house are postponed in the year sixty-five, the plot has already acquired espionage proportions, a cloud is once again gathering over leningrad and, in order to destabilize the situation, western intelligence agencies are planning to kidnap a soviet nuclear physicist. oh look, professor. combining war cinema with an action-packed detective series, the big house series tells the story of the defenders of leningrad, shows their struggle, their sacrifices, their feat.
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how many? i remembered the punishers, traitors, money-grubbers, speculators, looters, traders, how many innocent souls you have destroyed, be afraid while i am alive. pyotr diraagin, maria emelyanova, pavel volkonsky, denis larin, channel one. so, the premiere of the serial film big house is already tonight, watch it immediately after the program. well, in conclusion, let's return to what is happening in new york, there. the meeting of the un security council began, convened at the request of russia, to discuss the horrific terrorist attack in donetsk committed by the kiev regime. at these moments , the head of our foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, is speaking, this is what he said at the beginning of his speech. today , it is quite obvious to the overwhelming majority of unbiased experts that the key factor hindering the search for ways to peacefully resolve the ukrainian crisis is the west’s continued support for the kiev regime.


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