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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  January 22, 2024 10:45pm-11:56pm MSK

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in the international arena, and the secretary general of the united nations , gutierres, unequivocally condemned this, and the united nations security council, at the initiative of russia, has already met and discussed this situation, from our country sergei viktorovich lavrov, the minister of foreign affairs of our country, who is now in new york, we, for our part, also express our indignation at the policy of kiev and express condolences, sympathy to the relatives of the deceased, to all danish residents, we wish at this moment fortitude and courage, the head of the donetsk people's republic denis vladimrovich pushilin is in direct contact with us now, denis vladimirovich, i understand that it’s hard for you now, well... what is
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the condition of the wounded? this is probably the main question that worries many now. hello, vyacheslav alekseevich, yes , indeed, the situation is tense now, such moments, of course, you understand, but that there is no other way to cope except by not winning, except by not taking all the necessary steps.
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where exactly the 155 mm gun was fired from, that is it can still vary now, well, the fact that this is a nato type of weapon is absolutely certain, they fired from the direction of kurakhova, kurakhovo is a populated area that is still under enemy control, but in this direction our units are advancing by... as far as possible ? well, indeed, recently there have been serious advances into those settlements from where they were shelling, donetsk, marinka has been liberated, now very serious military operations are taking place in avdeevka, the number of shellings has decreased, at least there in quantitatively. it is clear that the intensity may be from those areas that are still controlled by the kiev regime, it can now be really very serious, because they see that they are being defeated, but they still managed to push it back a little.
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here now the enemy is winning back, it is possible to push back, but you see that , unfortunately, on the civilian population, they are using other weapons, longer-range ones, that is, while there is such an opportunity to reach our populated areas, yes, this is no longer easy. what is possible it would be somewhere to write off some kind of trick and so on on the prank of some random soldier of the armed formations of ukraine, and now this can be said absolutely based on targeted attacks like this, if these shells arrived at the market of the kirov region, then this is absolutely conscious, but taking into account this... such a war
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crime, that is, in many cases our services find specific names and surnames, who gave the order, then carried out the order, as far as possible, of course, not 100% cases, but we need this information, and as the liberation of mariupol and subsequent actions showed, we see that the courts pass sentences almost a week, every other week, every week, and this is still happening. because there is a lot of evidence, a lot of witnesses, civilians, against whom war crimes were committed by the armed formations of ukraine, also these are fellow soldiers who are also in captivity and testify against each other, now it is possible to collect something absolutely clear and
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transparent for adjudication led to, the investigative committee of the russian federation has already opened a criminal case and is accordingly carrying out investigative actions against... these criminals, they will certainly be punished, please tell me, do you have information, from the battlefield of the donetsk people's republic, what serious advances were made there by our armed forces in recent days? in all serious advances, it is now very selected, the ministry of defense reports, here so as not to cause harm here. our units, so as not to harm the guys who are definitely absolutely are moving forward in many directions, that is, we are trying to refrain from such comments, that is, the information is certainly there, because our friends, our loved ones are serving, fighting, liberating our land, but
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for now it’s advisable not to give out this information publicly field, we are holding off for now. konstantinavich zatulin has a question? no, i don’t have a question, i’m just denis, i want on behalf of myself and my colleagues, deputies of the state duma, to express condolences to you and all the residents of donetsk people's republic in connection with this act of terrorism, say that tomorrow there will be a plenary meeting. the state duma, at the proposal of chairman vyacheslav volodin , will begin with a minute of silence with the adoption of a special statement of the state duma, which we want to convey not only to the citizens of russia, but also to the whole world, in connection with this blatant shelling of donetsk. of course,
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during this time we have already seen many different kinds of events that are nothing other than barbarism and the desire to kill as many as possible and our exes. fellow citizens and russian people in general are not you name it, but against all this background, what happened in donetsk now, or what happened in belgorod on new year’s days, simply once again characterizes this regime, which cannot, in fact, behave differently in the conditions , when it suffers a defeat, it means that this defeat must still come, alekseevich, can you little, yes, please, i join konstantin fedorovich, i think that we all express our sincere condolences with this barbaric act, all our people, all our citizens, but the question is this, tell me, denis, in your opinion, what do these people generally count on, these, i don’t know what to call them,
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not people, not even people, but non-humans, that’s what they count on, what is it, what are they will go unpunished or that this will contribute to their victory, that’s why they are committing a terrible crime, for what? first of all, thank you very much for your warm words, for your condolences and support, konstantin fedorovich, please convey my gratitude to your colleagues tomorrow, because during this time, that is, yesterday, for today there were a lot of calls and messages, that is, and we see that all sensible people, all russian people, that is , such events can simply pass by, well, just humanly.
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what they do with their own, we already see how they send them to the front, we see how this happens, we see how they catch absolutely people on the street who do not want to take up arms, that is... trying to get away from it, understand the absurdity of these events, well, well, what can be expected from them, here are just the tasks that he set for us by all the president in relation to the rest of ukraine, synocification and demilitarization, so that there are no weapons and so that that ideology is eradicated, behind which it is possible that there are such posts that we see now in donetsk, we see in belgorod, but...
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but if take it in military terms, well , somehow these shellings there of belgorod, donetsk, well, no, absolutely not, well, our guys, the families who live here - in donetsk, and in other cities, but they only became angrier and began to move just faster well, i know this and we also talked to the guys, of course we have the opportunity to discuss this, so they are thoughtless, stupid and self-destructive. this is such a machine , it has already been launched, who benefits from it, well, those who
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would like the slavs to be destroyed, for russia to be destroyed, but we have other goals, we have other tasks, a different vision of how the donbass should develop , of course, there is every reason to be proud of your courage, which has been manifesting itself in the last 10 years, and not only, the genes of your ancestors, they make themselves known. already done in the republic
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recently, you know, the greatest achievement that i see now for the donetsk people's republic is that, upon returning home, we immediately found ourselves among such support among so many like-minded people...
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that we still have such an opportunity, yes, the fighting prevents us from fully enjoying our return home, yes, we understand that it still takes some time for the situation to be completely correct, but we now see, in parallel with this whole process, those these are the changes that, well, affect everything that surrounds us, be it transport, as he says about buses, which... we now have people coming under federal programs, we
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see how our roads are changing, and the quality of the roads is completely different, and this accompanying arrangement of infrastructure, this is really great, but what is also important is that we are now aimed at developing the economy, ensuring that donbass is restored and there is enormous potential, it has been preserved, no matter what, and with that interaction, and then re that with that reorientation with that reorientation yes, which now one way or another - we must explore. with other regions, well, i’ll emphasize once again that i’m extremely optimistic, we’ll handle everything with the hostilities, and donbass, well, will regain its glory as the industrial center of russia, that is , it will work for the benefit of the whole country, and of course, now we are subsidized, this is a very unusual state for us, and of course we are ready and will
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work hard, work hard, donbass will not remain in debt, absolutely for sure in this sure.
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dangers, it is clear that western countries will in every possible way block the adoption of any decisions in this direction, but how much does this international reaction really matter to you? i’ll tell you honestly, that’s when emotions play and when we see everything that’s happening , what the enemy’s actions bring, of course, i would like a different result, but i know that diplomacy works, it must work in exactly the same way as it does now all this is being built by our foreign policy department, that is, stone, stone like water, it’s like a water stone is sharpening, why because well, this is an important point, it’s even important, you know, not
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for enemies, the enemy, the enemies know everything, the opponents know everything, what’s going on, they don’t need anything, let’s put it that way. what is the west like now , which supports such actions, that is, supplying weapons, sending mercenaries there, and committing a number of other
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actions that are fundamentally contrary to common sense and moral standards, and for... the country, and i'm sure the majority of humanity, who understand perfectly well what is happening in the world, no matter what we say from kiev, from western capitals, and we mourn together and together express the hope that...
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in fact, with the criminal regime itself, awareness of the commonality of civilization flows from the recognition of the commonality of the past, present and future, when the first our people. discovered siberia, they hardly thought that they were walking through lands rich in oil and gas, well , we were lucky geographically, we didn’t sail anywhere abroad to expand, it expanded naturally, so peoples
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poured into the empire in a normal way, we always helped, this is also part of ours, people say, let ’s not help anyone, it won’t work, your children will start helping, this is the feeling of the land, patriotism and faith and responsibility for this land, this is the basis of a truly national... candidates for world domination have always underestimated russia and have always destroyed russian civilization. our heroism is massive and often anonymous. today there is a war of self-preservation, moral, national, historical, cultural. premiere. civilization project. the first film. russia on thursday on the first. to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the enemy
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is marching towards leningrad, and you are looking for excuses. this is the siren that sounded on the air. the feeling of hunger is terrible, this is when everything is over. time i want to eat, but there’s nothing to eat, i don’t have the strength, maksimovich, i can’t get to the life, it was hell, hello, borshov, hello, can you hear me, tanks and infantry broke through to our positions, i ask for support, well, here’s a familiar room, here an embrasure, which means a cannon, if at least one german breaks through in your sector, even on a tank, even on horseback, i’ll shoot you, we endured everything. believed that the war would end soon, breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, it is our duty
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to leningrad, on january 27 on the first, a big game live, president zelensky signed today an amazing... decree, which is called about historically populated ukrainians territories of the russian federation, in which he made, well, actually claims to the regions of krasnoyarsk, krasnodar territory, uh, bryansk region, kursk region, belgorod region, voronezh region, rostov region, and even krasnodar region. in general, of course , an absolutely unprecedented decision, but in conditions where kiev...
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is the land of the all-great don army, the border of which ended at the kalmius river, that is, this river flowed through the middle of the city, in the middle of the city of donetsk.
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everything that was on the other side of the river was called slobozhanshchina, together with the kharkov region and so on, these historical lands where little russians or, if you like, russian ukrainians moved from polish oppression from the territory of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, not to mention the fact that the kuban, which they always dream of, and from which i am a deputy in the state duma, is an area that was historically inhabited. on both sides, including the zaporizhzhya cossacks or the black sea army, and the don army, together, how the heritage of ukraine can be seen in all these territories is known only to zelensky, but it is clear that the decree that he signed today, he signed another decree on plurality of citizenship. finally a collision that in the first days of ukraine's existence,
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a ban on dual citizenship arose. ukraine, which was never maintained, because persons with an american passport, with an israeli passport, quite easily became both ministers and deputies, at the same time, if someone tried to obtain russian citizenship, then this was the subject of various kinds of accusations , now the new decree of president zelensky says that you can have any citizenship, except of course russian, russian is prohibited, all this clearly positions mr. zelensky and... it is clear that all these attempts to invigorate ukraine with claims against russia already on the territory of the russian federation pursue purely propaganda goals. we have argued many times, in my opinion, it is obvious to everyone, that if mr. zelensky is a specialist, it is not in public administration and not in the supreme command, in pir-actions, this is what he actually does 24 hours. yes,
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sometimes more, sometimes more. that he is still in dreams, as is known, his last performance, his face, his facial expressions, gesture , it’s generally amazing, it’s clear that now the situation on the battlefield is such that ukraine clearly does not have enough reserves, they are unable to plug all the holes that are now forming in the line of combat contact, ours are leading retreat in a number of directions, the issue of mobilization is becoming , in general, very serious for ukraine, the bill...
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to think that we can do without additional mobilization, the shortage of military personnel is noticeable, to say that everything is in okay, it’s not true, you know, alekseevich , that they don’t have enough people, i’m already light from that, you mentioned this, today information has appeared, in fact already confirmed, that a continuous line of combat contact as such no longer exists, the gaps are multiplying , our air assault groups are already entering the ukrainian rear. the troops are taking
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strongholds from the rear, so they need people, another thing is that calling people up means, of course , mobilizing, catching everyone who can, you can, of course, reach an agreement with some european countries, in order to deport people of military age there, all this can be collected, well, half a million, of course, is a lot, and they could have collected 1,200-300, but... they need, firstly, to be bred, they need to arm , it is necessary to form units that also need to be armed, including with heavy equipment, which is no longer enough, not to mention those unfortunate ammunition that their western partners collect around the world, but taking into account , so to speak, the limited production
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capacity. the states in europe have now begun for asia, but in asia there are already, i mean in korea and japan, there are no longer enough of them, so the question is.
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in an increasingly autocratic direction, for the past two years ukraine's main tv channels have broadcast a single program , the united news telethon, which klitschko says leaves little room for dissenting voices, while journalists critical of president zelensky and his administration come under pressure. klitschko is concerned that the freedoms and reforms that ukrainians fought for during two pro-western revolutions at the beginning of this century are coming to naught. i cannot call the movement we are seeing democracy. - he said. klitschko shared his concerns in conversations with western diplomats based in kiev. to the question: do any of them share his concerns? he answered: yes. markeeva also said that a significant part of society does not understand exactly what is happening on the front line,
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and therefore does not understand the military’s demands for an additional 500 thousand recruits. well, are the rats running or are they something else? processes? well, in principle, i must say that it is here. there are some elements of schizophrenia on the face , in my opinion, especially in zelensky , absolutely, yes, well, in klitschko, probably too, in klitschko to a lesser extent, but in zelensky, it’s just a completely clinical case, in my opinion, a clinical case, i don’t know , or is it the influence of some kind of narcotic drugs, or maybe it’s just some kind of complete loss of some connection with reality, but what he is carrying is something completely unimaginable, in my opinion, at all a very difficult text for klitschko. klitschko , yes, it is clear that the text was written, i am sure that he is being played simply like a card, because he himself cannot play at anything, well, yes, well , it seems to me that in general, in principle, because the question of questions is holding or not holding presidential elections in ukraine, because the term of office is ending, and
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as i understand it, western advertisers of this regime are embarrassed by the fact that now it will be very difficult to talk about the fact that democratic ukraine is fighting the empire evil, where elections have just taken place, yes. made interesting reports today that the americans are now promoting the colonial administration, but... to ukraine for the post of prime minister, ambassador of ukraine in washington oksana makarova, who was educated at indiana university, minister of finance, deputy head of the ministry of finance alexander kava, who studied at harvard, minister of economics taras kachka, who is a graduate
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of the polish national institute of public administration, let’s listen to sergei evgenievich, as part of the line on total vasculization of ukraine, the united states moved to form an essentially colonial one in this country. administration, according to washington's plan, it will consist of ukrainians trained in the west who have sworn allegiance to american interests. the united states demanded that the ukrainian president remove , under one pretext or another, from leading government posts people who had lost the trust of the white house. there are dozens of high-ranking ukrainian officials from zelensky’s team on the blacklist. it has been brought to his attention that otherwise washington will make public devastating corruption dossier against representatives of his circle. zelensky realizes that the americans have compromising evidence. capable of destroying him as president, under these conditions he will continue to dance to the tune of his american masters. well, they already have a spiders in a jar situation, but now, in my opinion, the americans want to fry this jar. well, in fact, if they don’t get him to hold elections,
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they will at least pay for it by changing people in his administration. here in front of him, as if just like in front of buredanov there is a dilemma between the two: either hay from straw, or that means water, something needs to be chosen. and well, of course, it cannot be at all that he does not make any of these two decisions; most likely, of course, he will change people in his circle, because the elections are in ukraine, which made a wonderful statement about how he sees a peace
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treaty with the russian federation, let us listen to this highly intelligent gentleman. all wars end at the negotiating table with the signing of certain documents. i think the same thing will happen in in our case: agreements will be signed on one side of a coalition of states supporting ukraine with the other, russia. this document should include russia's renunciation of nuclear weapons, since it... to create a demilitarized zone there 120-200 km wide, where to place, on russian
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territory, of course, where to place foreign contingents, but the foreign contingents are obviously nato countries, that is we are talking about various options for an act of complete and unconditional surrender, if you look at the state of affairs at the front, if look at the prospects with which they agree, well, there are a lot of such objective ones now...
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and the russian empire of the soviet union, well
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, fitz’s position regarding the supply of weapons to ukraine is also very clear. let me listen. i am going to the ukrainians with humanitarian aid. we will confirm that they will not receive any weapons from the slovak army from state warehouses. i will say that there are things on which our views are completely different, regarding their entry into the european union, but we respect that, but they must meet the conditions. i will say that i am against ukraine’s membership in nato, which i will use.
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president, whose term expires in april zuzana cheputova, slovakia has become a hub for collecting all soviet weapons from all european countries in order to transfer it all to ukraine, and the overwhelming majority of slovaks, almost 85%, are against this, they advocate good relations with russia and stand, so to speak, on russia’s point of view in this conflict, at the same time the elite korya was raised there over the years. well, with the exception of fitz and his like-minded people , this is a good exception, yes this is a good exception, but nevertheless, the struggle there will certainly continue, and of course there will be those from the european nato union who will try with all their might to create problems for fitz, just as they are creating problems for orman in hungary and the question of the stability of the government -
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this is an important issue and it is important that all this is supported by the citizens of slovakia itself, of course ukraine can... count on the united states, but they themselves are increasingly getting bogged down in their own election struggle in the conflict in the middle east, where they are finding more and more enemies, more about this after the advertisement. today you will go to russia and return the sacred treasure of the nation. grenade! this box contains all the most valuable things.
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there are secrets that have no statute of limitations. german. tomorrow after the program time. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellor group. the committee of 300 or the world government, the 300 most influential and wealthy families, you are ours.
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on the first. big game on first. situation in the middle east is becoming increasingly complex and tense. an increasing number of players, both
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global and local, are being drawn in. the protest movement is also gaining strength in israel, a powerful demonstration with demands. the resignation of netanyahu, who is already viewed by a large number of israelis as a man who does not fulfill his promises and is unable to ensure either a military victory or peace. netanyahu himself makes a very harsh statement, demanding new borders from the river to the sea, meaning the jordan river and the mediterranean sea, that is, the elimination of the complete palestinian autonomy. anywhere, and turning it into israeli territory. obviously, this contradicts the position of not only all regional players, but also the united states of america, which insists that it be independent.
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they will pack their things and everyone will leave, it’s not worth it, it shouldn’t be , there are a sufficient number of local elites who link their fate to one degree or another with america, there is nothing surprising in this, but what is most important is that the americans show, in my opinion, amazing some kind of, i don’t know, stupidity or something, hoping that they would succeed together with their...
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there lived poets, rhetoricians and a city where people from all over the middle east tried to come, where
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there were many waves of conquests, because the place was beautiful , there was a good climate there, and in general it was believed that the standard of living there was very high, this is true, there, by the way, back in the days of the persians in the 6th century bc, the persians, when they later fought with the greeks, they were digging tunnels in soft soil for gas. this tunnel war, it already includes - many, many centuries, and all this is in the sources, they tell how it was when the persians fought there with the greeks and so on, but today the local residents, there are 1.5 million of them, and somewhere else 800,000 - that’s mostly refugees who live in camps, 2 - 300 in total, they have this memory very strong, they remember this, they believe that this...
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in many ways - they are invulnerable to the americans, they are indestructible, so to fight in these mountains yemen, i had to stay there for several years in yemen, work, and i know how it’s hard to even just move around there, that’s why supposedly someone will come there and defeat these people who are used to living in these completely spartan conditions, fighting, who have unbridled, reckless courage, it’s impossible to defeat them. i 'm afraid the same thing will happen to hamas. in general, it is difficult for americans to understand ancient civilization, since a country without roots and gas
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is really concentrated. absolutely, and here’s the formula from the river to absolutely nothing, these are the same barbarians, the seas, it’s, well, it’s clear, yes, destruction palestinian autonomy, but in america it caused some shock, first of all among everyone who behind this question has a polish term, from sea to sea to sea, yes, but they also mean the baltic and the black sea, and here actually from
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the jordan river to the mediterranean .
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the current israeli leadership, and they are even against this, well, truncated palestinian administration in ramala, which , well, has some state attributes, but only some, because israel controls everything there , if you need to arrest someone, it arrests, if it is necessary to carry out some kind of raid, they carry out a raid, that is, this is territory completely controlled by israel,
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and the fact that the non-taryakh, i must say that this... in my memory, for the first time in my memory , the israeli prime minister said so openly that he would not no palestinian state, but in any case, while he is in power, as for the mention of bases, i must say that not all united states bases in this region are such, you know, impregnable fortresses, but i don’t take it there is oman, qatar, bahrain, there... iraq and syria are quite good targets for launching both missile strikes and simply carrying out terrorist attacks, because they are not very well fortified plus they are in a hostile environment. well , even if the united states admitted that over the weekend 70 people were wounded at these bases, then i can imagine the real losses there, and the americans. but this situation
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creates really big problems for... the usa, because they allegedly, in words, advocate the creation of a palestinian state, create problems for biden in the election campaign, because the majority of democrats in america are for a peaceful solution to the problem for an independent state, and huge problems are created for european diplomacy, which also advocates the creation of an independent arab palestinian state, on this topic began to express.
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the government financed hamas to weaken the fatah movement in the palestinian authority. if we do not intervene decisively, then the flywheel of hate violence will unwind more and more, with the change of generations with... that the masses of the population of these arab countries are increasingly moving, and the statement that there will be no palestinian state at all, i think, is intermediate to the fact
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that there will be no palestinians at all it was, if they all disappeared altogether, were destroyed, deported, went to egypt, as was initially assumed, all this, of course, corresponds to the plan for clearing the territory and cannot in any way reconcile one with the other in the united states. it's the same in europe. barel this is not the first time she has expressed herself in a certain spirit, but if we listen to mrs. vonderen, who in the very first days managed to visit israel and fully approve of everything related to the military operation, continues this line, then we see that in the european union, in fact hawks and doves clash on this issue all the time. that is, this is a very inconvenient conflict for the united states and its allies.
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talk about the process of creating two states, peace is a vague concept, there can be many different worlds, what kind of world are we talking about, so let's start talking about what we want to achieve, and we want to create two
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states. of course, israel is trying to destroy hamas, but that is not what they are doing, they are cultivating hatred that will last for generations. we remember what hamas is and what they have done, and of course we condemn it, but peace and stability cannot be built solely through military means. i think they don’t know now either that they are almost close to this, in any case, just do, that’s what borel should do in this situation, when israel puts them in such a situation the situation is completely stupid, simply like cancer, speaking in russian, if in russian, then that’s exactly it, because everyone really loses. they are losing by supporting israel, by supporting israel at the initial stage of the operation, when all these bombings were going on, they lost everything, they lost moral authority in the vast majority of countries in the world, but in these
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conditions russia, in general, kept such a low profile, i think , trying not to cause any waves in this region, while at the same time maintaining their traditional allies, the other day a very important statement appeared, in my opinion, our...
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on the territory of syria on damascus, this is exactly what it means, because now we have forces, we have menim, we have the appropriate forces and means there and those agreements with israel, which, well , existed when they... supposedly attacked targets on the territory of syria that belonged to iran, which, uh, that's all, well, yes, that's iran, where they concentrated, concentrated...
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egypt, saudi arabia , jordan, not to mention syria, lebanon, iraq, the united arab emirates, iran, turkey, which is taking an increasingly tough position. the united states is getting involved in a conflict in which all countries actually either oppose the united states, openly, or simply ignore the united states, or sabotage the activities of the united states of america. america has never faced such a situation in the... east, well, our cause is just, victory will be ours. all the best, good night, see you tomorrow, take care of yourself!
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many things make me, this is first of all travel, travel around the country, when everything is fine with your loved ones, our lands, our fields, our forests, our daisies, meadows, flowers, trees, this is all our native, this is the only country in the world that i love and will love very much sincerely. as a child, i loved to braid pigtails and ponytails for dolls , and now i want to become a hairdresser, i have a house in the center, and i am surrounded by five churches and... the bells are always ringing, the mood becomes even better, love our beautiful, huge country, in there are a lot of possibilities once you do it you will understand, they will come to you. i am incredibly glad that i live in such a country and can travel around our russia.
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hello, dear tv viewers, you are incredibly lucky. today my guest is a person who is celebrating a milestone this year : leonid ermolnik. the year of leonid isakovich’s seventieth birthday has arrived. hello dear. it's very nice to see you. sergei asokin helps us, he knows the instrument, which, by the way, you also mastered as a child, i know that you. we have a podcast melody of my life, we do a lot we’ve known each other for years, and i just want our dear tv viewer to know a little more about you and so that it’s not somehow callous, but in a friendly way, what kind of editing i have with music, well, well, let’s start, to be honest, i was very surprised, for some reason i knew that your childhood was spent in lvov, but your birthplace is much further east, much, much. tell me, this is
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the primorsky region, this is a village that still exists, it used to be called grodekova, now it’s called border, there’s literally 2 km to the chinese border, and because after the war it was very fashionable , young people all entered military school, my father entered, he was given a lieutenant, then with my mother, who was pregnant, they were sent to the far east, there they walked on foot to the maternity hospital, there i gave birth.
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we already had a stove in our house in lvov and before the new year on a stool, i always wanted to do something to attract the attention of my family, i still somehow had this in me since childhood: no, look at me, me, me, i'm here to entertain you, the most popular song that they repeated it many times, there was the buchenval alarm, and i learned this song by heart, and i sang it on a stool, this, well, remember this song, let’s take 65 years . people of the world, stand up for a minute, stand up, hear, hear faster, with from all sides, this is heard in buchenwald, the ringing of bells,
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the ringing of bells, it rows throughout the entire planet.
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all my school years are lviv, now in lvov you have a nose, this is the first time in the second grade i collected scrap metal and i was so nimble that there was such a long wire slept with a thickness, yes, wrong, can you imagine how it has to be assembled with metal so that the end of this wire gets in? in the nose , that is, not like that, no, like that, yes, it hit me in the nose, that was the first, second, in my opinion, in the fifth or sixth grade, i used the money i saved from gambling , there was such a game, clack, this, well, such a bat is made of lead, and
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the change was folded on the ground, who would throw it closest to this line, then we turn it over, these bent coins, i won so much that i bought it. then this belmandovsky one turned out bend, yes, bend, yes, yes, this is it , it was my childhood, that even as a child i really loved showing pantamimes, i adored, naturally, ingebarov and copied what he showed, by the way, before entering the
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shchukin school , when i already arrived in moscow, i met...


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