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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 24, 2024 12:55am-1:41am MSK

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first of all, storage, when all the tankers were floating full and the problem of expiration of this april expiration was the repayment of supply contracts, when everyone was ready to pay money for this oil to be taken from them, this is what a negative price is, this is when you, together with you say in oil, i ’ll pay you again, just take it, well , it didn’t last long, it was literally there for a few days, but nevertheless it took a long time to recover, and i hope that angola’s exit from tutelage plus is...
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the european union, consumers from the east, no they don’t really like high oil prices, they will put their political efforts into trying to somehow get away, again, the us elections in november, of course, the united states, despite the fact that they are also one of the biggest beneficiaries of this process, such high prices may not be so beneficial for the country as a whole, yes. they will
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also try to put pressure on russia in this way, i hope that the cartel will survive, i hope this is from the cartel’s side, we still have demand, i hope that china next year will grow a little faster than expected, that demand here will recover, the european union will not sag either, although it would seem that with the rates that are now potentially increasing, well... i would say so, i just dreamed in the place of officers and financial and simply leaders of the european union that the economy would withstand, well, let’s hope, i think , to summarize, i would like oil to be 80 plus, somewhere in the range of 80 - 100 dollars, you use oil in their stock speculation, in trading, this is oil is included as an instrument in your area of ​​attention, no, as a commodity it is not included, especially now a commodity is a raw material, it is...
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instruments such as copper, nickel, gas, yes, now, unfortunately, international ties are severed, due to we can’t impose sanctions - we can adequately get pricing on the moscow exchange there, if something happens tomorrow, you will be cut off from something, on the moscow exchange contracts are traded tied to american quotes, like let’s say, you ’re just watching oil, you’re just watching what it’s like .
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i looked at everything soberly, well, after all, i the narcologist looked at everything soberly, tomorrow is my mother’s birthday, i will give her a car, this is honestly earned money, you lost your spouse early and you raised your son alone, yes , i was 38, i knew that... thanks to our parents for their contribution in the formation of all of us on saturday on the first. to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the evacuation of theaters began in the late autumn of '41. the theater
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became the only group that deliberately remained in the besieged city. the muses were not silent, they sang all 872 days in leningrad operetta. friends! but we don’t go down, like the artists of the bomb shelter, the performance continues. premiere, blockade runda. on saturday on the first. it was a feat. a feat in the name
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of art. the world is changing before our eyes, to understand it, to imagine what it will be like tomorrow, you just need to look around.
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without colonial oppression, modern western europe simply would not exist, we are the last ones left, if we weaken, if ours is destroyed, there will not be a country that, spiritually and in its social life, is trying to preserve the laws of god. premiere, project civilization from january 25 to thursdays, on the first. this is a podcast. e money, our guest is maxim marlovsky, presenter, one of the best investment experts in russia, and today we are discussing the results of the twenty-third , plans for the twenty-fourth year, let's go back to where we started, to bonds, now bonds are on twenty
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-fourth year, state, i’m talking about ofzs, about federal loan bonds, this is an interesting instrument for investment, not yet, why the markets do not yet fully understand how long long-term rates are. high let me remind you now that the rates are now 16%, but rumors are already leaking out that in 24 we are forecasting, or rather, leading analysts are forecasting a decline, the boldest predict a decline as much as 12%. let's see, let's see what happened in the twenty- third year, we start the year with a rate of 7.5% , we end with 16 rates, bond yields.
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well, at the moment, if you and i buy, it’s 14, there’s 15% at best, yes, that’s the maximum you can survive from there, whether you need to do it or not, maybe at the moment the best instrument, probably since august this has been one of the best instruments, these are money market funds, what are money market funds, funds that broadcast to you the daily repo rate, oh s... secured repo, let's do this , it’s even simpler, that is, there are some investment companies that have funds that invest your money, daily at a rate, consider it practically on the interbank market, that is, they actually
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issue loans, to put it simply, they they provide your money on credit to those who need it, it all goes through the stock exchange, it’s all secured by the best bonds, that’s all.
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invest in money funds, because they do approximately the same thing and with the same profitability as banks do with your deposits, but liquidity, that is, the opportunity to use this money here now at any time, if in the case of a bank deposit you only have there, well, in the best case, in six months, if you have a deposit for six months, or even in a year, because it is for such periods that you will have rates of 15-16%, 3 months, probably, well, 3 months there, i don’t think they will give the fifteenth income, they will, yes? well, in any case, this is 3 months, and
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here you actually get liquidity on a daily basis, if you invest in money market funds or overnight bonds, it depends on which broker you do through, what commissions your broker puts on this or that instrument, well, this is a separate topic for study. i highly recommend this from the words of maxim, as a respected expert, turn your attention to money market funds, study how it works, it’s not difficult, we’ve just talked about the general principle, and this is now the fourteenth, fifteenth income, that is, 14, 15% per year, 15 plus you can earn on such instruments, well, we we believe that this is a risk-free return, and relatively risk-free, and in dollars, what is the current return, by the way, considered risk-free, and what instruments, dollar, or others. interesting currencies are considered to be the basis for a risk-free asset? if
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talk about dollars or euros, then you see that the bank is not giving you any good rates now, so, these are all rates around zero, still, despite the rate, because banks really have a problem with open foreign exchange position, this is what is allowed from the current regulation to have on top of what they brought you in... in assets, so banks, on the one hand, are forced to sell some bonds, on the other hand, squeeze out their investors, bringing this position to required position, well in the russian federation you can buy government bonds denominated in us dollars, bonds that have a yield, about 5-6%, someone's bonds? the ministry of finance, the ministry of finance, that is, these are government bonds that are issued in dollars. have a yield of 5%, 5-6% depending on the term, and accordingly, you also have a whole
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corporate sector, the so-called replacement bonds, which companies issue in return for eurobonds that were once placed on the international market, now everything is starting to be traded here, the first half of 24 , this process will be extended and almost all the papers will arrive here, and here , depending on how you feel about risk, to some names. you can find securities with a yield of up to 20% in foreign currency, but this requires your time, or the time of your manager, that is, if you trust someone, some investment company or broker, you have checked their work, yes you you know that these are reliable people, they will not let you down, and this requires their attention and study of this issue, or your own study, that is, just like that, let’s say again that a 5% yield is... a yield that is available relatively easily and simply, with no minimum
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studying this market, and the profitability that maxim spoke about, in dollars, is 15-20%, requires a more careful immersion in the topic, already working with one or another, as they now say the stories of individual corporations, you need to look at what kind of management, as far as they report, transparently, whether there are any skeletons in the closet, read the reports, that is, if you are ready to do this, then the fifteenth reward awaits you.
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the coupon ceases to be paid, and multi-holders , holders of vtb subordinated debt in the twenty-third year found out the hard way what it is, or the denomination of the nominal can be written off, so you gave it there, let’s say 1.00 dollars, it costs and now you are only owed 500, let’s assume , and this will be an unequivocal decision of the issuer of the one who issues it, it’s all written in the prospectus and accordingly, a prospectus is a document that describes itself. there is a mechanism and if your capital adequacy falls , the issuer, the central bank , you are satisfied, the eastern bank has declined, we had such an example, that is, again, i just want to record this in the minds of those who are listening to us , and once again i’ll talk about free cheese in the mousetrap, that is, if it’s not by chance, i’ve been talking for so long about the fact that this is what we consider a risk-free rate,
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that is, now it’s 5% in foreign currency, if anything somewhere you hear other returns. you must understand, our dear viewers and listeners, that behind this high profitability, if this is not outright fraud, then there are certain risks that are always honestly spelled out in documents, well, called an emission prospectus, which describe what will happen if that same risk will come, and how much money you can lose and how it will happen, in fact, i think that this really requires some study, not by chance... people are financiers, you know, as he says, what do you get for money? this is what we get paid for, for what we study, read carefully, every day we wake up, fall asleep with the news, we follow everything that happens in the markets, the stock market, it is in your area of ​​attention for 24 years, yes, you think that stocks will are still interesting in 2024 and after
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some pause, now since august, as soon as the rate increase began. you and i see that the micex index is constantly falling with rebounds lower, lower, lower, that is, people are considering for themselves the very profitability that we discussed with you like this for a long time in the money market, these are deposits , these are money market funds, these are bonds, and money is de facto withdrawn from the stock market, yes, it is transferred, or it is not received, yes, let's say, absolutely true, so, so, and we see an overflow, a sharp increase in investments in money market funds, accordingly, no, deposits are growing, there is no fresh money for the stock market, the twenty-second year, exactly, exactly the same situation, a high rate, led to the fact that people were not interested in watching at all to the stock market because here risky return, that is, shares can rise or fall, and here it’s not that you earn, yes, but you also lose, as in the case of, well, well, plus, you always compare when they tell you,
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look, this company, it has a dividend yield of 12%, you think so, the rate is eight on the deposit, here... they give me 12, i have some kind of protection against inflation, some potential that the company will grow, or maybe , a little more profit will be given to me in the form of dividends, uh, this is comparable, you are paid for the risk, but now, when the profitability the best companies are from 10 to 15% , at a rate of 16 it doesn’t look so attractive , you also need to understand this, yes, the presenter also says that you need to read some materials, study what funds are, then i just took it to the bank , well, reliably. yes, well, i think it’s quite an interesting investment, in principle, to summarize this part of our conversation, i think the advice is that we say that six months, three months, months, 6 months, it would be good to take a break in order to to see what will happen to the rate and what will be with the stock market, for these six months it is very reasonable to open a deposit right now
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, get, well, if we are talking about the fifteenth return, then in six months you will receive... 7.5% of income, then receive this income with cash, yes, which , as you know, remember this phrase , cash is also a position, yes, right now one of the best positions is liquid cash, either in money market funds or in bank deposits, and just around the summer it’s time to look at market, to the market, and like this, maybe earlier, maybe earlier, i i would say here about three months, after all, we live in such a rather turbulent world and let’s see what will happen, what will happen to the ruble, what will happen to oil? how our diplomats will work, how everything will be , the diplomatic confrontation so that we are not squeezed, so that we as a country, as an economy , develop and live, yes, then the price of oil, of course and... everything else, and we are on all these factors we look at the quarter, and we look at it for a reason, but if you, well, say, are too lazy or don’t have the time to study the topic of money market funds,
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you simply open a three-month deposit, after a quarter you return to the history of investing in the stock market, looking at where a is now - the rate, where b is the price of oil now, what stage are we in, at what level are our negotiations with... the rest of the world, because no one has lifted the sanctions. this is an easy money podcast, today our guest is one of the country's leading stock market analysts, maxim orlovsky, and we are discussing the results of the twenty-third year, and most importantly, the prospects for the potential of the twenty-fourth year for investing in stocks, bonds and more. let's talk, here's another point, yes, we talk a lot about how you can make money on the stock market and how... you can make money with the help of institutions, that is , those who work in this market, these are banks, brokers, investment companies, management companies, hash funds and so on, but how can
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you lose, and not just on the price fluctuations of prices for various assets, but on elementary fraud, and now we won’t talk about the huge number of fraudulent schemes, when you are simply engaged in phishing, that is, we lure you out of fishing. yes, your personal data, because while talking about cybersecurity, i came to a certain conclusion for myself that we can talk as much as we like about the highest level of hacking there, and so on and so forth, but all the losses lie in the field of social engineering, then there is the person himself who actually gives up his data and is already a victim of scammers, returning to the original question, let’s talk again, what is it worth? look, that's what is the first sign of fraud in terms of profitability, these are the returns that are the reason to take a closer look and think about whether this
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is how people will earn this money that they promise me, for dollars, for rubles, in principle, to promise some kind of then profitability is prohibited, that is, the very fact that you are promised profitability already speaks about if we are talking about trust management - this is prohibited with your money, all the securities that are traded on our stock exchange are all transparent, you can see for yourself what there is a profitability, at the moment, if you are offered to earn more in bonds , 17%, this is a big question, that is, this is already a reason to think, this is a big question, in the stock market you cannot promise profitability at all, you can talk about forecast dividends , well, how the shares will behave is a big question, in general, everything that... you are promised more of these values, let’s say it again, that is, more than 5% in foreign currency, 7 or 8% in dollars, this is achievable the result
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if you are told about rubles in profitability up to 20%, this is an achievable result , now it’s realistic now, but for a short period of time, it’s not a fact that it will be further , a short period of time is 3-6, everything else will be connected, the further we move from these numbers, then does the risk mean more? greater
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risk, two or more times higher, and this is really one of the largest fraudulent schemes of recent times, i don’t know, several decades, it would seem that at low interest rates, well, that is , let’s summarize, what if you you see the profitability is now within 5 dashes of 10% per annum in foreign currency, i really like your definition, this is an achievable result, and you can get your bearings, you can start studying a company that offers similar returns, respectively, if we... and this is the amount that is achievable, above this return, you need to really look carefully
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at what kind of people they are. what do they earn and are you ready to take the risks that, if they are honest people, they declare and are you ready to take them yourself by investing in your money. well, the very best, i think the best advice, which is very suitable for a russian person in his twenty-fourth year, at least we know how to meet the beginning, along with advice from maxim orlovsky, that you invest your money either in money market funds or simply in a bank deposit. for 3 months, you get your legal ones, how much is 15/4, three, 3.75%, and after a quarter you are completely with money, with an income of 3.75%, which is ahead of inflation, of course, you look at what is happening in the market, primarily on the central bank rate, on trends in currency changes, on the price of oil, even the same ruble exchange rate at how the stock performed this quarter. and
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bonds and bonds, excellent, maxim , thank you very much for your authoritative opinion, for the way you talked about those tools that will be interesting, what happened, what will happen in our twenty-fourth year, thank you, thank you , hello, this lisenstein's witness podcast and today we have a special episode dedicated to the centenary of director sergei parajanov, we have a special guest, olga lbovna sviblova, director of the multimedia art museum, and director, art critic is a big fan , a lover of the work of sergei parajanov, a fan, parajanovat, you already told us before the start of our recording that for you one of the first,
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in general, meeting with parajanov, it was a theater that no longer exists in moscow, today there is a theater gate, but that historical building, in which there was a cinema for many decades, became a meeting place for you with parajanov, tell us what kind of film it was and how it was, what aesthetic impression it made on you, was it the end of school or the first course, but i live a long time, so it was no later than the seventieth year there, and it... was hertsina street, and not nikitskaya, as it is today, on the corner, where the theater is today, and it seems that it always stood there, it was there a wonderful cinema that showed good films, in moscow there were two cinemas where you could watch films, it was of course an illusion, where you sometimes had to stand in the cold for several days, well, hours, necessarily, in order to
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watch world classics. i already saw the amazing impression of rublev and ivanov in childhood, then in my opinion i was already stalker, well, that is, torkovsky was already the most important dominant figure and i even went to some of torkovsky’s lectures at higher directing courses and tried to write for myself absolutely for myself as a child girl something about what i saw, how i understood it, what
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he has symbols, which... this means, because torkovsky’s poetic world is also formed very early, the symbols are the same, they may transform, but from one of his films they flow into another, and of course parajanov was the second so strong shock, because in valezione we saw the fillet, we saw the greenery, yes, which for the projans... played a huge role, but parajanov himself was a shock, and this was the first love, but then pomegranate flowers followed. parajanov, an absolutely overlooked director, the time to discover it today, to rediscover it today, it just came today, because in its aesthetics, as befits any serious
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art, it always... sprouts from a root system, and porojanov sprouts from a colossal , just yes root system, this, of course, is, first of all, visual culture, if we are talking about what is... basic yes culture, we say music, and we say image, and even if we watch parajanov’s first film, which i absolutely honestly watched just recently , the first guy is the first guy in 1958, we’re already seeing how this is a movie that hasn’t received much recognition, uh, because it’s like, well , the dawn of terry socialist realism in cinema, which, by the way, produced masterpieces, and we’re happy . reconsidering for the new year, because this is always the wonderful life that should have been, but it falls apart for him, his own poetics, uh, visual, is already falling apart, and shows that parojanov could actually shoot perfectly well
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, let’s see an excerpt, we have a small excerpt from the first guy , just what the left winger mastered, a pass into the penalty area, a shot, brilliant...
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until exactly a little over 20, when the canons of socialist realism appear, certain mythologems of soviet myths are formed, he plays with them, and there is also a red ball, which in fact, the red ball, this is his red ball, which will then move into color, into garnet, and into everything, but the fact is that football is a myth, but he will still dance around love, he should always have love, but this red football ball...
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in this film there are also couples in love, yes, everything that is supposed to be everything that leads to a happy crown and should be, but there are unexpected drops in both rhythm and aesthetics, there a girl can run across a field at night in white dress, this is an absolute ghost, beautiful, runs, runs for a long time, violates all the canons of rhythm.
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i love the word mysticism, this is poetry, from alery starkovsky, that, well, in general, here, here, you can say, blew your mind, yes, here, here, this is what made me find in the soviet union, bregel’s album , in general, it was as if nothing had happened, everything was , you know, there, i don’t know why my mother, a german teacher, had such huge folders from engravings, with reproductions. i still don’t understand where they came from and where they disappeared, but i found bregel’s albums, uh-huh, and bregel is still for now my favorite artist, and i think that perasmania was also closest to this, because there are two types
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of perspective that painting uses known to us, yes, this is direct perspective, which comes from durer, who essentially invented devices such as cameras. which allows you to build a first plan, a second plan, and the observer is you, and you are the point of what looks at the picture, there is what was before. the tiyan icon came into our yes icon, this is the opposite perspective described by our great religious philosophers, scientists, culturologists, reverse perspective, icon slides, when in fact the observer is there, uh, behind the picture, these icon slides then come to life, there is a third perspective and it is bregelian, this is when... the observer is in the sky, you can
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call it like whatever, an angel, god , i don’t know, space, but someone is looking at us from above, and bregel sees everything from there, he sees each of us in details and details, and he sees incredibly, but the whole panorama of our existence, and these forest landscapes, he has vices, there are illustrations, humanity, a proverb...
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this does not matter, because the artist at the moment when he creates, he is just a hose through which the whole culture flows, if he is able to launch it. we bend according to science , unexpected ways to reduce sugar, the birthday of canned beer, is there at least something good in it, a pain point, we save people from pain, the program to live healthy, helps and enlightens, tomorrow on the first, on the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from fascist blockade. enemy in
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leningrad is marching, and you are looking for excuses, comrades, the tank is on fire from a bottle, the luga line, if even one german breaks through in your sector, even on a tank, even on a stick, i will shoot the punko meridian. bread, i ruined the bread, i don’t have the strength, maksimich, i can’t get to the factory, leningrad metronome, breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, this is our sense in front of leningrad. operation spark. i have never wanted to live as much as i want now, i want to live until victory. cinema epic. blockade on saturday on the first. i don't
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i will run away from the enemy, if necessary, i will be able to die where i stand. i remind you that this is a podcast of esenstein's witnesses, dedicated to the centenary of the great soviet artist and director sergei porojanov, and our guest is olga sviblova. this is how i perceive the film, that it always feels like a delight. will see for the first time a pirosmania, the work of pirosmania, and he wants to convey his impressions on the screen, visually, passing through his own perception, to show us, in fact, an admiring attitude towards this aesthetics, to this world, his aesthetic is quite fixed , there is not much visual means in it, he endlessly changes the perspective, if you look at his first masterpiece, which makes him famous in the world...
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technical innovation, firstly, how he does it, look, face vandrish, these faces at different ages will be repeated everywhere, this is one face, and this is the face of a boy from paintings of the early renaissance, it will be everywhere.
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he will already introduce the beginning of his aesthetics, this will be the first guy, yes, who, if you don’t know parojanov and don’t like the late parajanov, starting from the shadow of forgotten ancestors , it’s strange to watch him, because it all falls apart for you, but you understand what a cool genre director he could be, because when we talk about auteur cinema, we often think, in fact, completely fair reproach, there are video works , video is a popular genre of contemporary art , we say bill vyula, he has water, he has fire, sorry, i’m closer to the generation of more people, how are performances fashionable today, which everyone launches there and uh in the largest museums and
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perfum become part of the video post, he has a brilliant choreography, everywhere, it’s an absolute perfum, i started telling you the color of the garnets on... look, this is a white compartment of a modern museum, then there were no such things, he didn’t see, that ’s just what he foresaw, and look , he laid the floor there with white lace, if you see carefully, the floor is white, which happens today in modern museums, it’s chic, but it ’s not exactly white, it just has this ornament, and we again - we ask the question, why in history, when... there was nothing to eat, when there was no electricity, there was no gas , it was cold in winter, and people made lace , people embroidered, people needed beauty, we are such a biocinosis, homo sapies, we need beauty, it has always been, it has always been popular, it
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cannot go away today , it is changing, today murakami is a worldwide success, you know, but still these are the roots. they will be, and it’s interesting how parajenov felt it then, because the time when he begins, the shadow of forgotten ancestors begins, the year sixty-four, this the thaw is flourishing, at this moment everyone is thinking about the future, about the present, of course he knows the owl, of course he knows bregel’s blind men, because they will often be behind him.


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