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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 24, 2024 2:25am-3:01am MSK

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was destined to become the last lyceum student who celebrated the day of the lyceum, entirely alone, who outlived all his friends. in this poem, pushkin also remembers anton delvig, his closest friend, also a poet, he was the author of the texts of famous romances, based on his poems, on delvig’s poems. just as their neighbor in dortoir in the fourth wrote music to pushkin’s poems, this is mikhail lukyanovich yakovlev, at whose apartment yakovlev the lyceum students gathered in recent years. pushkin adored delviga, when the wrath of fate overtook me, a stranger to everyone, like a homeless orphan, i panicked under a stormy head and waited for you, prophet of the permer maidens. and you came,
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inspired son of laziness, oh, my delvik, your voice awakened the heat of the heart that had been lulled for so long, and i cheerfully blessed my fate. the service of mus does not tolerate vanity, the beautiful should be majestic, but youth advises us, crafty and noisy, dreams make us happy, we will come to our senses, but too late, sadly. we look back, not seeing any traces there, tell me, wilhelm, wasn’t that what happened to us, my dear brother, according to the muse, according to fate, here they are another friend, another poet , his police nickname was kyukhlya, this very kyukhlya, the kindest person, a wonderful comrade, a reliable friend, but nevertheless he was a very hot-tempered person and...
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and of course, here is pushkin, when he found out that kuchelbecker came out of synata square, and even tried to shoot with a pistol at grand duke mikhail pavlovich, of course, this struck him to the core, here is the drawing of pushkin, which we now see, precisely depicts kuchelbecker, who with a pistol went out of synata square square, and next to rayleigh, poet. one of the leaders of the december uprising, pushkin knew nothing about this uprising , he didn’t even feel anything, but somehow he felt an urgent need to go to st. petersburg, and he ordered to harness up, he had already drawn up the relevant documents, he sat down in dignity, and a woman with an empty bucket crossed the road, a bad omen, pushkin got angry, then the hare began to rush literally in front of him, and alexander sergeevich canceled his decision.
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came back in two evenings, wrote, for december 13 and 14, wrote to count nulin, when the poet learned about the events in st. petersburg, he , having the habit of putting the date of writing his works, he added a phrase that is often remembered, there are strange connections, telling this story, and of course,
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steps, barriers were set up, a duel began, just like that, as depicted here, kichelbecker began to aim at pushkin, delvik was a second, paodel stood, and kuchelbecker, being short-sighted, his hand was shaking, he could not shoot, pushkin even turning to delvik said: “delvik, stand on my place, it’s safer here,” but then a shot rang out, and ... this is how contemporaries recall, several versions of the story about this duel have been preserved, but the duel really happened, and it was literally a year after the end.
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and the kings fell, the blood of people was the glory, either freedom or pride, the altari was crimson. this is a fragment of a poem that pushkin wrote on october 19, 1836. he could not finish reading it. as one of
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the participants in this meeting recalls, tears choked him. pushkin put these pieces of paper aside and went to window. some of those present. took and read the poem to the end, after 100 days there was a duel, pushkin passed away, and his comrades were getting old, and it so happened that by the mid -fifties of the 19th century, few people were alive, that’s when mikhail ukranovich yakovlev came to his fellow student madest andreevich korfu, who headed the imperial public in a stupor. in order to donate those pushkin manuscripts that he had, those lyceum relics that he had, perhaps this would have happened, but general miller, the head of the imperial lyceum, was also present at this meeting, and
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here it was decided not to leave these things here in the library collections, but according to...
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the state remains as relevant today as it was in those days when the outstanding russian reformer mikhail mikhailovich spiransky. proposed the creation of a new educational institution and wrote its charter. in one of his letters, spiransky wrote: “the idea of ​​the lyceum belongs to me, and onov’s charter was written by me, although others stole all the glory.” it was a podcast of precious stories and i, it presenter, director of the all-russian museum alexander sergeevich.
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hello, i am still dmitry bak, i still host a literary podcast called, let them not talk, let them read, how much debate is there now about the classics, is it relevant, or is it forever? we are talking about dostoevsky for a reason, this year marks 150 years since the publication
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of a separate edition of the novel demons, and taking advantage of this occasion, we will talk about the novel demons, about dostoevsky, about creativity and, most importantly, about today. vladimir ivanovich, how dostoevsky appeared in your creative destiny, because you filmed the dostoevsky series in 1111, and then the demons, partly the reason for this is the architectural institute, which... i graduated at one time, because we have a completely safe place in the architectural institute of that period these groups , rock groups, and mozart, and wagner, and high literature, everything, got along quite happily, and then, in general, i became interested in nabokov’s lectures, lectures on russian literature, yes, nabokov, professor, and i was surprised to read that nabokov is extremely was disrespectful to f and then
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fate turned out in such a way that i was offered to make a series about dostoevsky, and i suddenly recalled the impression, i re-read, first of all, i remembered, naturally, constantly, or rather i remembered, i thought about nabokov about this internal polemic , but nabokov didn’t convince you, you...
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weren’t afraid at all. now that seed that was once sown at the architectural institute has sprouted, it just sprouted. and i dived with him, i reveled in dostoevsky, life, nuances, his character, a complex, even harmful character, not everyone, i imagined how i could meet him, for example, he was with a fat man, they missed each other, thank god, i told myself, they were at the same lecture, they were at the same lecture with solovyov.
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dostoevsky on this one, well, he is susceptible to such messages, he really wanted to get to know each other, he’s letters, even in any case, i’m now, for example, i’m now, for example, in horror. i suddenly imagine that fate would not give me such a gift, because today i am without fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, this is not a beautiful word for the occasion, this is not a figure of speech, i can’t imagine my life, that’s why i have a heavenly reference book , karamazav brothers, i can do it like this, i enjoy it and constantly polemicize, that’s how they used to read, that’s how they opened it, they read it, i
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read it like that, and i revel in it, yes
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i have... dostoevsky's notebooks , which he was preparing for a novel, idiot, pre-revolutionary edition became interested, found somewhere at the very bottom, moreover, an uncut book, still uncut, unread, i arrived with rapture under the light bulb at home, which means i started read this and was shocked how these notebooks are, well this
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one might say a separate work, only in the eighth notebook he writes the word in calligraphic handwriting of dostoevsky: prince at the beginning of the page, from this word everything begins to take shape for him, yes, this mechanism begins to twist everything for him, because those features that ganyu had, he throws it on myshkin, myshkin has traits that he had, he throws it on rozhin, this mechanism that he himself triggers from a single word, it’s incredibly charming, my interlocutors are amazing, you feel how advanced they are in this matter, i wanted you.
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i wouldn’t just live my life, yes, but would be in dialogue with it, in a collision, then it turns out to be polyphony, then it turns out to be interesting to perform, interesting, of course, to observe, as for the historical or modern, the main thing here is that there should be this flaming core vertical. which, in which you want to dissolve , immerse yourself, and then unfasten yourself from yourself, because so that it does not migrate to other roles, when you begin to encounter dostoevsky, and i played him in the theater, in the cinema, when you begin to encounter his text, it is so energetically and highly charged that it is impossible
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to learn it right away, let’s say my daughter, for example, he begins to put pressure on you, he sits down on you, and you can like... a little tongue-tied , repeating such a brilliant non-turgenev disharmony of his amazing text it is precisely its disharmony which, but the thought at the same time is extremely strong and dostoevsky is not lost, what makes dostoevsky strong is this block of meanings and thoughts and not reasoning , well, i really love not a single turgenev, well, a wonderful russian writer, but imagine dostoevsky the sun was setting beyond, well, it’s simply impossible. although, although he wrote for money, as it were, yes , that is, his, well, not, his main idea was for money, yes, but he was always extremely in need, so he could. to sit on these rails
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and describe nature for 20 pages, but he doesn’t have that, he’s into the grain, he breaks through to the meanings, although of course it’s difficult to read him, i’m vladimir ivanovich, excuse me, anton, i ’m enjoying the conversation so much that i want just stop and give you the floor to talk to each other, but not... very important to ask you everything that was in my head, that’s when you read the novel demons, and did you know what was connected with it in soviet times, you knew, or it was just somehow behind the scenes, and behind the scenes, the matter the fact is that i once read it in the school curriculum, that’s how the plot is, i read it as a plot, no, well, it wasn’t in the school curriculum, no, i mean, when i was at school, i still read it , i’ve already read the demon, but according to which edition, this is a grotto in the agrarian peter’s academy, now this is...
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because, since the roman demons of the revolution, he is against the revolution, it’s not strange to imagine now, but in soviet times, demons were not published, they were published once and withdrawn, so i was finding fault with you, and what pre-revolutionary publications are, this is an important story, and the novel was based on absolutely hot events , because in november 1869 , near this grotto that we saw, a group of revolutionaries, terrorists, conspirators, whatever, killed their like-minded person, a very modern topic, a sect, yes, which you can enter, but you can no longer leave , his name was ivan ivanovich ivanov, well, such an intricate surname, so they killed him, sergei
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nichaev led them, there was a trial, just this unenlightened, strange, drooping, in my opinion, face, strange, you can read a lot here, these are notes for every time my face is the notes, after this there is a trial.
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test for verkhovensky, to which vladimir ivanovich said that no, the artist is approved, you are approved for kirillov, the conversation is closed, i still persuaded about one test, where i showed three versions of one scene, and after 5 days i was has already been approved for verkhovensky, but what’s interesting here is my inner message, so to speak, why it was important for me to play it myself. verkhovensky i believe in order for it not to germinate in me and not remain, i needed to perform it, play it and unfasten it.
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so that he was told how much to let in, how much you didn’t know about it, but when at the tryouts the game was there, there were goals, we talked a lot about this, in general, in fact, we let in a lot about it, how important it is, how important it is to hear , because these are completely different people, after all, kirillov is such a monomaniac, he has the idea that suicide is the only free act, he lives only by this, and verkhovensky’s proof of his freedom, in fact, and verkhovensky is so complex after all. it seems to me that the trigger in verkhovensky’s pyotr stepanovich himself manifests itself precisely with this trigger, because it is this dislike that the dispute with his father
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gives rise to in him. this is the number of demons he already has, how interesting it is, and how new it is, anton, that is, stepan trofimovich verkhovensky is such a liberal of the forties, who is still obsessed with the fact that the government is looking for him, watching him, looking for him, he is like an oppositionist, in fact, he is an absolutely unsuccessful person who is not even capable of loving his son, treat him like a human being, he is focused on his figure, but his figure is absolutely empty, atepanovich cultivates all this. and extends it to the country, already to the people, trying to subjugate them to himself, with his own plan and some kind of complex, this is me this is the thing i want to say , it’s extremely important, you know, there is such a generally accepted formulation, for actors, it’s holy, not to play the text, of course, it’s not even entirely clear to a simple viewer, but for actors it’s understandable, in no case is it a grotto, imagine, how difficult it is to work with the text...
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if you don’t curb it, you as a performer simply dissolve, because when you start learning it, and then you start playing it, i’ll say a strange thing now, but even to my physiological, but insides.
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now, if you allow, i will do what i have us always happens in the middle of the program, this is a few minutes of solo host, and in this fragment of our conversation i would like to read the texts of captain libyatkin, without any choice, by the way, yes, this is the first abereut, and captain lebyatkin, speaking of a sense of humor , this is a wonderful comic character, i just wanted to say. my own fable, this is what he reads: there lived a cockroach in the world, a cockroach from childhood, and then he fell into a glass full of fly-eating, lord, what is this, varvara petrovna exclaimed , a cockroach took the place, the flies murmured, log very our glass, towards jupiter, they screamed, but
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while they... there was a scream, nikifor, a noble old man, came up, well, i’m not finished yet, the captain was chattering, nikifor takes the glasses, despite the scream, splashes out the whole comedy, oh my god my, what is this, this is absolutely, this is not a krylov fable with a moral, with clearly defined good and evil, in the end, but this is just a cult of the disgusting , disgusting, further afanasiyavichfet, an absolute russian poet, even to the point of boring. sometimes, because he writes about the most important thing, well, about how the sounds of a moss in the evening crowd, my god, and i don’t know what i’m going to sing, but the song is just maturing, says fet, yes, he’s not talking about something in the world, about the way he sings, this is absolute poetry, that’s what it comes from captain lebyatkin does, and he just starts word for word, well, he’s such a postmodernist, in fact, he repeats feto word for word, i came to you
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with greetings, he says, to tell you, there’s a story there, that the sun has risen, that it a hot light fluttered through the forests, to tell you that i woke up, i... damn you, i woke up all under the branches, there the forest, as if under the rods, every bird asks for thirst, to tell me what i will sing, i don’t know, i will drink, well, i don’t know what i will sing, but only the song is ripening, and here is this terrible twist, monstrous, twist of the tongue and a feat of consciousness, of course, because these conspirators are preparing a revolution.
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he always promises, but as soon as you worship him, he says: nothing happened, i didn’t promise anything, this nothing exists, but how do you even interpret the name, that’s why demons, and not... devils, for example, well, because that this is a herd of pigs, well in the epigraph they say yes, a biography, that’s why we did , in general, this number is very important from my point of view - it’s a dance, verkhovensky with pigs, you know, sometimes some things cannot be formulated in words, that’s all, you can feel it, in this complex of it, here it is plastics and these pigs.
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we rehearsed his monologue very carefully, because the words were too on the surface, something else was needed , there was a need for a break, we had to look from the tovargin, and how was he there, and how did we manage to enter it, no, we managed, no, but this is a topic, maybe it was just now said that stovrogin is such an amazing character, he is a wonderful person, only he decided to find such a will from the lord, to commit such a crime for which the lord would not forgive. i didn’t forgive, because they are all simply in the absence of love, that’s all, they have no love, this is, in principle , the correct formulation, this is correct,
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well, it’s not the worst thing when the absence, i then wrote down this dostoevsky butterfly doll , that is, i am a confirmation, i brought a butterfly, it is not in the novel at all. why is it important that you directly transferred this episode from the gospel, revived it additionally, and
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there, too, christ heals the demoniac and resettles the pigs, the demons themselves ask the pigs to say yes, that is, they ask him for permission, this is very important. the slug of a child, the ramazov brothers, brings a girl to death, at the moment when he knows that she commits suicide, he looks at the little red spider, stylized, this one not only does not know love for a person.


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