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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  January 25, 2024 4:05pm-5:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] doesn’t cut it, what’s fashionable today, why do i wear such huge jackets, it’s very fashionable, it’s very fashionable, rose, yes, an interesting groom, my peer, wow, what a great fellow the editors are, so what does it mean they’re calling you ? editors, editors, editors are calling you, and why, i was literally just getting ready, you were married, yes, la, wait, yes, yes, this, let's call all the brides, girls, come here, we have this, we are getting married showed up, what happiness, now he will tell us everything, sit down, sit down, now quickly through life according to him let's go over it, we were married, yes, we have children, well, more than
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once, twice. i have a senior and a junior literally, how many and how many? and 20 and 10 from the same woman? yes, yes, why did you break up? well, as always, we lived quite a long time, that is, we lived for 16 years in marriage, that is, we had one hobby, we competed in weightlifting, triathlon, and both of them are international-class athletes, well, as always , the relationship was polished, there somewhere life may have gotten worse, and somewhere maybe... well , no one cheated on anyone, didn’t party on anything i didn’t get anyone on the side, no, well, look , renata is the youngest, renata is 47 years old , the child is 8 years old, a girl, the only one, now , as they say fashionably, in sports, in the resource, you know such words, oh, she knows, you see, right for her fundamentally, she
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described you without seeing you, a dream, you. i fell in love with them, you know, but you have an apartment here, and you can go to some other city like a dacha, everything changes impressions, mood, in short, dmitry, today you are walking around the buffet, so either you take a closer look, it’s always clear, yes, who doesn't yours, it takes time to find out who your person is, laris, i propose this alternative option, we will now send the girls to their rooms, talk to dmitry, and send you to choose, okay, go, girls, thank you, thank you, what a wonderful program, i just like it more and more, i like it, well, watch it, watch it, now the doors will close on you , they closed it, that no one heard, renata, and the groom is an athlete who works with children, it seems to me that you are very interested in him,
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watch , i see you for the first time, like they say, but thirty years of professionalism, as they say, you can’t get away with it, i think that anna suits you best, and why anna? because moscow , because it suits his age, she is calmer, i took off such biceps from him, yes, that you are just like that, but you got a good look at him, yes, anna, she has already become close to flowers, to the life of a lonely woman, you are too active for her, you are at sports, you are with the children, she will not catch up with you, and olga is the second, she is very imaginative there, “ it seems to me that you definitely don’t need this, you are a person simpler, an athlete, i have a brother, an athlete , i know what it is, you are tormented there , who has to figure out who who, it’s already a pity for this time, renata came and described you, as if
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she saw you in a dream, she said directly, i want yours age, appearance, to play sports, to look like this, old age won’t find her at home, now she’s been pushed to do sports, if he comes in, will you come out? yes, i’ll come out, i ’ll come out to support him, i’ll come out , we’ll talk there and see how it goes, yes, of course, but let’s hope that it will be so, i invite
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come out and support everyone, oh, how glad i am, hello, dmitry, i liked you. i chose you, you are the same for me, and that’s pretty much how i imagined it, well , of course, so sporty, honestly, i like a sporty man, active, sporty, not close to your direction, i ’m interested in them, so i liked you, great, and you tell me, in spite of everything, in spite of everything, today we have a couple, dmitry and renata, if you are single. or you liked one of the participants in today's program, write to the channel one website, and i larisa guzeeva, i wish that your loved one would definitely tell you, let’s get married,
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advice and love, doctors say that the child is poisoned with nasal drops, the child was initially born weak, how was childbirth? passed , she gave birth at home on the sofa, not on the sofa , i gave birth in the bathroom, and your child had some external symptoms, she began to spit up like a fountain, this box contains nicotine in very large quantities, you couldn’t take it away, tell me , that it’s easy for me to get her out of my sight, you know, but she’s not mine, she’s a good mother, that’s where this mess comes from from her, she doesn’t have time to clean it up, dima doesn’t work, they live on children’s benefits, they should have helped her earlier so that she... wouldn’t give birth to so many children from him, i helped, now lyudmila parfonova, who also helped before , will come to the studio tatyana, well, but as we talked, i made an absolutely disappointing conclusion for myself, so let’s find out what this
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conclusion is lyudmila, come to us. hello, attention, i will now just quote the headlines that have spread throughout the news media. in st. petersburg, a three-month-old girl was admitted to intensive care after i received nasal drops. these headlines have excited the entire public and investigative authorities. well, naturally, the mother of many children completely denies her guilt and believes that it is the doctors’ fault. well, let's figure it out. today in our studio is a former friend, that same tatiana,
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a mother of many children, whose child was hospitalized. hello, olesya! hello! are you an ex-girlfriend? yes, i was friends with her, but then with... pestered, uh-huh, please tell us what happened to the child, the child was initially born weak, spent a month in hospital, then was discharged. and the child was lying in her hallway, in a stroller, and one night she went to the toilet, uh-huh, she saw that the child, well, wasn’t reacting, only three hours later she called an ambulance, and how many children does she have in general, besides this little sonya, she has dasha 4 years old, michael 1 year old and sonya, i asked her... did you go to the doctors for an ultrasound,
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to which she answered me that no, why? i didn’t do any tests at all! so in the end, how did the birth go? how was the birth? she gave birth at home on the sofa, well then she did you at least call an ambulance? yes, she called an ambulance, she went with him to the hospital, the child was in the hospital for a month. so, then the child is discharged, she takes her, yes, accidentally going to the toilet at night, as you said, she saw that... where did these drops even come from? why is everyone talking about drops? i learned from the media that there were drops, that she had some kind of liquid in her head, that she was poisoned by the drops, so i see, yes, they supposedly treated her with nasal drops. do these children have a father? there is a father, but he is not included, that is, he just like a roommate, yes, yeah, a roommate, just yes, just a roommate, he doesn’t care at all. children, but he at least lives with her, yes , and where do they live, how do they live in
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a three-room apartment, she used to live there with her family, there with her grandmother, there with her sisters, but in the end they all died, so he appeared here this dima, dima works somewhere, no, he doesn’t work, they live on child benefits, and they drink, no, no, they don’t drink, they don’t drink, there are no drugs there, and there are no drugs, but tatyana and i talked, asked to show how... he lives and most importantly tell your version of what happened, this is what we got, well, this is how the children live, there is a place to play, we love to play, there are a lot of children, there is a lot of laundry, there is just something that needs to be ironed. come here, oops,
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we live like ordinary people, there is nothing supernatural , here dasha sleeps, tattered, this is our art, he likes to draw on the walls, he likes to peel off wallpaper, no matter how much there is no point in scolding. misha sleeps here with us, we bought a bed for sonya, but the bed came defective, so for now the child had to sleep in stroller, until everything happened to sonya, everything was fine with us, i put sonya and i to bed here that day, due to the fact that dasha had chickenpox, naturally, i placed the stroller with the child so that i it was visible and heard, we were standing right here, the door was open. i heard that she was breathing heavily, she did not
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react to anything, but naturally i called an ambulance, the doctors claim that the child was poisoned with nasal drops, the child was absolutely healthy, it is not clear where these nasal drops came from, after everything happened, well, naturally they tortured us, they go and check what they are checking, i don’t know, it’s like my children have everything, it’s socially dangerous. there are no conditions for them either, i miss sonya madly, i miss her a lot , tatyana came to the studio to see us , she is still ready to fight to prove that she is a good mother, but she does not admit her guilt , she doesn’t admit her guilt, tatyana, come to us, hello, yes, well, i want to start with the fact that i didn’t give birth on
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the sofa, i gave birth in the bathroom, but well, that changes of course it’s true, yes, yes, as if i gave birth to her in the bathroom, but i immediately called an ambulance, why didn’t you give birth in rudny, because i went through contractions for a whole hour, i thought that i had intestinal colic, as if during listen, did you register for pregnancy where you stood in the women's register? how many screenings have you done? two. what month did you give birth to your child? at the thirty-seventh week. was the child born with disabilities or not? no, she was born completely healthy. but underweight and weak, because of this she seems to be hers they took me away immediately in the hospital, that is , the child was healthy at birth and spent a month and a half in the hospital, well, because she was underweight and weak, but what was her weight?
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2,350, 2,370, and height? and 54, in my opinion, a child at the thirty-seventh week simply cannot be 54 cm tall. let’s not even argue . sofia stayed in the hospital for a month and a half, then she was discharged, they gave you some recommendations without a diagnosis, and what should you see from a neurologist, and why, if the child was born healthy? because she had problems with the central nervous system, well, that means i wasn’t born healthy, well, as the doctors explained to me, it’s all treatable, okay, in order for it to be treated, you need to go to the doctor, we went out and we went, we’ll go after. the hospital went to all the doctors we needed according to the list, all of them, a neurologist, then this one - a cardiologist, we did an ultrasound, can i, can i read to you what you told us before the program, i wrote to the nurse that we need
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an appointment to a neurologist, but we didn’t get to a neurologist, your words, no, we saw a neurologist before the ultrasound, and after you... this was done and it was, but the dilated ventricles were still in the brain, the child had a neurosm, so the fact that the mother did not see a neurologist is significant for the child’s health, but significant because these processes need to be controlled so that they do not have not developed so that they are still under the supervision of doctors,
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so that emergency medical care can be provided in a timely manner, so let’s move on, where did the version of poisoning with nasal drops come from? but it’s as if this diagnosis appeared only after the ambulance took us to the hospital. the world is changing before our eyes, to understand it, to imagine what it will be like tomorrow, you just need to look back and take a closer look at the diversity of great human
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civilizations, the vast majority. the latter remained, if we weaken, if ours is destroyed, there will not be a country that, spiritually and in its social life, is trying to preserve the laws of god. premiere,
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civilization project. today is the first one. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellor group. child and this became the decisive moment in my career. i just always believed in him, looked at everything soberly, well, after all, i’m
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a nartologist, i look at everything soberly. tomorrow. on saturday at the first celebration of leonid yarmolnik’s seventieth birthday, my favorite student, leonid yarmolnik. i saw such a young boy, slender, very flexible, this freedom and lightness, it seems to me, was what distinguished lyunya in general. well, leonid usakovich is a very demanding person, but he really is a demanding person in life, he is a true friend. whom you can call at night and say, lenisavich, i need a taxi, i have never i saw him turn away from some problem or from some request to
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him, i was so lucky in life with the one with whom life brought me together, there was someone to look up to, someone to imitate. the documentary premieres on sunday on the first. and what happened next, the ambulance takes you to the hospital. well , the child is taken to the intensive care unit, i fill out the paperwork there, while i’m filling out the paperwork , a doctor comes out to see me, well, to take an anamnesis , she seems to have taken an anamnesis, she asks me, what can you say about poisoning, i say, what kind of poisoning, i say, there was no poisoning, but how did she find out, well , apparently from the emergency diagnosis, after all, as a result, what kind of operation was it and what
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prognosis did the doctors give? he said that the operation was successful, but the first day, it was like a 50/50 chance, that is , he would survive, he wouldn’t survive, and at least at that moment you understood that everything was very serious, i already understood that everything was very serious, because that even at home everything was clear. that the child is very ill, how sofia is feeling now, she’s still in the hospital, yes, yes, she is now in the hospital, but now she is already on the department, that is, not in intensive care, no, she is already on the department, she is now on the infectious diseases department, and why infectious, because she had contact with chickenpox, now let's so, it means that you are returning from the hospital, you are visited, as i understand it, by the police, and the pdn, and the guardianship authorities, right, from some? the district police officer, the first one who came on the same day when we
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were admitted to the hospital, the district police officer came, as he said, he came to get an explanation about the poisoning, you said that there was no poisoning, he took these explanations from you, you signed everything, but how, where did pdn custody come from then, the district police officer didn’t tell me that a pdn inspector would come, so how would she also take the same explanations about.. .. before this same poisoning, look what i’m trying to understand, here the district police officer comes, yes, and if he doesn’t see any reason to worry, why should he call the pdn and the guardianship authorities, why does he need this, then he saw something such that he considered it necessary, simply his duty , to inform the pdn what he saw there, that’s the same the most that we see now, well, probably, but you think that you have decent living conditions for small children, well, it’s like... the children are not so bad here, the children have everything, there is food, this, what is the child doing now? well
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, she’s playing around with who? i don’t even know what it’s called, because it’s not mine, i know what it’s called, and i also know that this box contains nicotine, and in very large quantities, you couldn’t take it away, tell me, i didn’t even knew she had it, okay, okay? you couldn't do it at all remove it, i didn’t know she had it, something on me, just remove it from my eyes, you know, it’s not mine, why are you yelling at me now, but whose is it, it’s just that your child still knows how to use it, well, she looks like dad, she’s seen enough of dad and what , that is, you have all these smoking rooms at your disposal, which , i repeat once again, contain nicotine, they don’t cost 3 kopecks, well, maybe dad works, and dad works? does dad work and how much does he earn? where he works? well, somewhere around 50-70, what are you telling me now? he is everyone
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he sits at home all day, he works. yes , listen, since we’ve already started talking about him, let ’s look at one story, a day, let ’s talk before you go to work, come on dmitry yuryevich, they’ll take the children, you don’t understand this, i don’t owe anything to you or tell you or not, look, well, it’s a child, together - it’s also yours, i’m not interested, i’ll talk to you, why are you running around? you are asked to come with me, help with the children, that’s it, you think that the doctors are to blame, i think that we need to figure out who is to blame, what’s wrong here you understand, well, your participation is also needed , at least the slightest drop, so the first one should have come here instead of you, and then decide everything else, that is, we needed to come here with our retinue, you don’t understand that from the hospital i can do it
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i can’t take it away, i won’t say anything, mom, you’ll lose one object, you’ll find another, come on, stop it, i’ll lose it, every time i lose trust in myself, i’ll lose my job, well, i’ll actually take the children, okay, bye-bye, we’ve seen, the owner of life, yeah, dmitry yuryevich, who has every, every second, and he also has a very subtle mental organization, which we generally have. dare, it seems to me, to violate, well, he said that first they had to hire a psychologist, then go in themselves, yes, but no, seriously, you said that he works, who does he work for , does he do repairs, what does he do, repairs , he doesn’t do anything, with such a spiritual organization, he does repairs, well, as he says, yes, you came here, thinking that you will now sit, tell what a great mother you are, and the guardianship authorities will leave you behind, no, not will fall behind, no, i know that
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they will lag behind, and in order for them to lag behind you, as a birth certificate, and why? why? doesn’t want, he doesn’t want, he doesn’t want , i don’t want to depend on him , there’s enough dependence on him now, he holds me rather than by force, and when on which child did you want him to get out of your house, i just interesting, on the second, but even when misha was pregnant, i had a row with him, he twisted my fingers, and then i accidentally
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became pregnant with the third, well... so if he takes you by force, and you are not married to him, it’s yours apartment and he is a complete stranger there, it’s called rape, and this is an article, we have a lawyer in the studio who will help you competently draw up a statement today, we will immediately hand it over to the police , they will come, they will close it, while the investigation is ongoing, you you won’t see him, if what you say is confirmed, he will go to prison for years... and you won’t see him again, let’s go this way, do you want? yes, great, so today you are writing a statement of rape against your partner, i suggest now that you listen to the doctors, because after all, there was an operation, a thorough examination, the child is now under the supervision of doctors, let’s see what’s going on with the drops,
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my sophia has been in this hospital for 10 days, i miss him very much. i brought her things, i hope they’ll let her in, this is mom sofia, we can go to the division, uh-huh, but we can give her things, uh-huh, thank you, visiting is prohibited, hello, tell me how you like, this is a 4:21 conversation with... thank you , they told me that you came today, you are aware of the diagnoses, i don’t know, no diagnoses, i don’t know, no results, nothing, and you called the intensive care unit, usually the parents call and the resuscitation specialists and tell us everything, she came to our department only with a contact for chickenpox, i have an infectious-surgical department, in general her problems are neurosurgical, but
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you have a perinatal lesion , uh, delay. intrauterine development, against this background there are such spontaneous hemorrhages , all this was removed from her, but regarding the poisoning, which was immediately canceled for her, this is as soon as... on the first day all these examinations were done, we figured out where she got it from diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis, what is this? there were regurgitations, this is presumably , i am removing this diagnosis for you, now her main diagnosis is subdural hemorrhage, hemorrhage in the brain, well, of course , she will need to be monitored further, then we will write it out, all recommendations will be given, okay, thank you, i understood, please, well... it should be noted that the diagnosis that was made by the media was not confirmed, thank god, no hapel and no it was immediately removed, that’s right, there was no poisoning, but we once again we were convinced that if you had gone
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to a neurologist in time, perhaps such manifestations could have been avoided, or am i wrong, tell me, yes, everything is correct, you still had to look at the brain, observe and do an mri of the brain, perhaps there was a development of a brain aneurysm, as a result of which it burst and such a thing arose... the outpourings are understandable, you know, but now i want to invite to the studio a person who has known our heroine a little longer than we consider her a good mother , this is your cousin veronica, why does she think so , we’ll ask her now, tanya is a good mother, she was simply slandered, uh-huh, they told all kinds of lies, uh-huh, who and what exactly, well, look who and what exactly the doctors slandered. official diagnosis: cerebral hemorrhage, where is the slander of doctors? in terms of what drops, what drops , listen, when a child is admitted to the hospital, he is admitted with a preliminary diagnosis, with a preliminary,
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unconfirmed one, when the doctors carry out all the examinations, they either leave this diagnosis or remove it, they removed it they immediately diagnosed a bleeding in the brain and performed an operation, where is the slander of the doctors, it would be good if they removed it immediately, if only it was normal. “today you will go to russia, return the sacred treasures of the nation, this box contains all
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the most valuable things, dad, only letters from the second world war disappeared from the house. where there are valuables, there is also a crime, now we’ll figure it out, your operation.” there are secrets that have no statute of limitations. german. today is after the program. mancacher whiskey is a product of stellor group, what else i, either a brotherhood of stern male revolutionaries based on love and devotion
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to whom my soul could finally rest, or i am looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, at all costs, love, edechka loved very much myself, it was even sometimes simply
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charming, because i was transitioning. there will be some problems or yes, it is, so the guys sometimes beg clients to forgive them, sometimes they even fall to their knees, and you are a unique man, a manicurist, there are many of us here, you like to go to a man for manicure, i love it, i recommend it to everyone, here is this phrase “for children, ice cream blooming flowers does not work, because the ice cream is with vodka.” for us this is a bestseller, if there is deception all around, just ice cream with lemon, the life of others, the premiere.
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on sunday at the first, and what did she do to ensure that her youngest child was healthy, she dresses her, walks with her, she feeds her, she looks to somehow help all those diagnoses that the girl was given at birth, here where did she get this mess from? she doesn’t have time to clean it up, plus, if she did the repairs, that’s all anyway, this... dmitry would have destroyed everything , listen, that is, you are aware of the situation, so i’m surprised, you know, i’m just surprised, you’re her sister came here to stand up for her, you should have helped her earlier so that she has so many children i didn’t give birth to him, i helped, just like i helped with money, i came to her when he needed help, she ran from him, but the most important help that she needed was not even money, what to do in
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a critical situation, pour it out to everyone it’s clear here, we heard about the benefit while you were screaming, that’s all the benefit goes only to dima, that , as she said so far, that dima works here, yes, dima works, he doesn’t work, but don’t contact her, tell us about dima, about the benefit, about that how they live, we don’t know anything, but she was walking with alesya recently, and we also
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know a girl there. there is a child who came out in a fleece suit, he was without a jacket, without a hat, there was sonya, who was in a stroller, les asked her what the weather was like outside, well, it was cold, it was cold, i was already wearing a winter jacket i changed my clothes, i asked her , did you take the pret, she’s lying there in the stroller, but there’s no blanket there, uh-huh, i don’t understand, i just don’t understand how it can come to this, i’ll go into more detail, i know this family of the sixteenth year , during this time, dima did not work at all, not once, in general, he sat, he just played, slept, played, ate, everything, mostly him, and what does he play, the computer, he has his own little world there, what does he need? he eats on child benefits, listen, well, over all these years she may have complained to you about him, maybe i need help, no, i know from rumors that she complained, yes, when the power was turned off at home, she went around whining to everyone, asking to borrow money so that she could pay. the lights were turned off, dima left, she
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was alone with the children, sitting in the dark, and how was she taking out another loan for dima? tell me, how many loans do you have? well, i have three loans of mine for what amount? 2000, what did you take for? credit? well, i took out loans, i still had nephews under my care and my grandmother wasn’t working then and i had to survive somehow, please tell me how much what benefits do you get per month? well, now it’s already 70, before that it was 50, it’s already 70 , which means you have enough to clothe, put shoes on your children, feed, keep the apartment clean, and also this redneck, who , as we found out, has never worked anywhere at all, too to feed, that’s enough , well, he buys food for himself, from you, how much do you pay a month, i don’t pay anymore, i have all the loans from the courts, what does that mean, that ’s what they mean from the bailiffs, from the bailiffs, yes .
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well, you get child benefits on your card, they will write it off the card , they won’t touch child benefits, just forget for a second that you still have property, that’s right, yes, but what is the debt on the apartment, 40,000, the apartment has been privatized, yes, it’s yours, yes, how could you be nephews under guardianship? we have nephews under our care because the guardianship authorities are in very close contact with us, let’s say, because i myself. i grew up under my grandmother’s guardianship, at the time when we were formalizing guardianship over our nephews with our grandmother,
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as if the head of ours. the family has been registered with us for a long time ward child. tatyana was her nephew's guardian. at her request, tatyana was released from acting as a guardian due to family circumstances. certain events took place in the family, the grandmother died, tatyana’s child was born, and yes, she didn’t just begin to cope with her epic responsibilities. this was in twenty-one. subsequently , we did not hear anything about this family, and the family also did not come to the attention of the subjects of the prevention system. trouble was not reported, literally when in the media information appeared that a two-month-old child was hospitalized, so we went to the family to check the apartment was tidy when we arrived, the apartment really needs cosmetic repairs, but this is not
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a basis for holding any responsibility, the children have everything they had what was necessary, one of their rooms was closed, they didn’t use it, there was still a share there of a boy who was a ward. administrative code for improper performance of parental responsibilities, but we are reliable yes , we don’t have such information, whether there was this protocol or not, if there was a protocol, it will be considered by the commission on minors’ affairs within 2 months, based on the results of the commission’s consideration
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, one of the decisions will be made. either a lawsuit is filed in court for restriction of parental rights, or for deprivation of parental rights for one or all children, and i would also like to draw your attention to the fact that everyone is worried about the youngest child, but you are somehow loyal to the eldest to the fact that she took this smoking device, in fact, it’s 5 minutes of asphyxia and there’s just no child, i didn’t see it at all, besides, you just look so calmly, like a mother, at many of the things that we see, and we just get shocked. yes, i also want to attract the attention of parents that this is not a safe story, this is a drug, and a device that can kill a child in literally 5 minutes, because this is a child’s body, and this is at a minimum asthma, at a maximum it is asphyxia and simply brain hemorrhage is the same, you just don’t have an eldest
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daughter, our heroine doesn’t work, this is understandable, children are small, everything matters, but if a decision is made to deprive parental rights and the children are taken away, then the question... based on the fact that she is in her apartment, in this very one, where the children live, and so on, she registered 15 people , migrants, one of them committed a crime, naturally , the police came to the place of registration, and there it was revealed, this whole fraud, that is, she lives not
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only on benefits, but also on small income from illegal registration, in her apartment, so yes, but do the guardianship authorities know about this? interesting or not? criminal record, excuse me, this is characterizing data, this is all we saw, after the release of this program, there will really be serious consequences, children have the right to live, and your task is to ensure these rights, you are not doing this, it is absolutely obvious that you are not able to cope with a child who has such a diagnosis, you just won’t keep track of her, that’s
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all, it’s obvious to everyone, yes, i understand. complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the enemy is marching into leningrad, and you are looking for an excuse, burn! hey comrades, tank from the bottle and corinne! lush frontier! if even one german breaks through into your area, even on a tank, even on horseback, i’ll shoot you! pulkovo meridian! bread! i ruined the bread!
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strong! i will not run away from the enemy, if necessary, i will be able to die where i stand. he was a genius in his fanaticism, a cynical politician, a man who put the idea of ​​communism above human happiness and even life. i bow to peter the great, ivan ii and ivan iv the terrible. vladimirovich’s greatest merit. he saved this inheritance. lenin would like to allow rent our country, kamchatka, for example, should be leased to the americans. moreover. further developed, we must learn to trade culturally, to solve problems culturally.
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confiscating all property from everyone was not a very right idea in my opinion. the lenin chervonets, gold, became the most powerful currency in europe, and women received 21 privileges. it’s definitely impossible to say that lenin was a supporter of family values. one of the first, precisely lenin's decrees, to facilitate divorce. but i read einstein and he said such people like lenin. renew the conscience of humanity , he was not a humanist for the happiness of working people , putting a very large number of working people , while, i think, no one in our country, outside the country, will deny that this is a great figure, a man who changed everything, premiere, on sunday on the first, now
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a project on... i'm vova, i'm 15 years old, i live in pervomaisk, this city near lugansk. i’m getting water, otherwise there are problems with this water, we have shortages, and my mother needs help, she won’t get it on her own. vova is the eldest child in the family, reserved, taciturn, he is always ready to help. recently, the boy had to become a real support for his younger brother and mother. and sisters, i came,
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quietly, calmly, handsome, and brought it, let's go drink tea, tea, tea, now 2 seconds, since 2014, the city of pervomaisk-lugansk region. he recently turned three years old, he’s three, so
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happy birthday to you, yes, these are the eldest of the youngest sons, hello, they like to play around more. get busy, guys, tell me how you help your mom, i’m with tima i’m sitting, veronica with polina, your mother said that you are no longer afraid if something explodes somewhere, yes, we are no longer used to it, well, there was an arrival, there was a hit in the fifth entrance, our balcony was dislocated, this what, look, these glasses have completely fallen out and here. for 2 months, the children hid in basements from shelling by the ukrainian military; their grandparents still cannot remember these days without tears. dad, deka, oh,
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my grandchildren, you are dear, where have you been, and at home they have come to tell you news, well done for at least us. don't forget, come on in, we'll show you where my grandchildren were hiding, it was very scary when they shot, i’m afraid that i can’t get down there, my grandfather is worried, i say, what if they overwhelm us, i’ll even have to shovel. well , in general, it was very difficult, we even lost him, we cry day and night, no messages come through, there is nothing, grandma, well, no need to cry, but i’m not crying, then i have tears, don’t be upset that you’re in the guests came to their grandmother, sergei evdakimov contacted him for the last time on september 9, said that he was going on
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a mission, asked not to worry about him, in 2022 he was sent to the dpr. he called me back on the evening of september 9, he said i won’t get in touch, well, for a certain period of time, i said, okay, don’t worry, 5 days later i found out that he was missing, i’m sitting, waiting for him to sit, because i don’t i know who i am, i’m either a wife or a widow, who i am, since dad left, everything began to fall apart, very often... someone breaks down, this never happened before, i’m already looking for at least a body, at least some kind - evidence that he is in captivity, and you are still waiting, sergei, do you think you feel that he has that he is alive or, well, there are two sensations, yes, the heart and soul believes that he is alive, and the mind, yes, and the mind is already realizing that
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, well, it’s true, a year, a year, too, this is the same time, this is not a month has passed, of course, but do you remember the last one? what did he tell you, when you are with him, i will return, we will get married, while victoria’s husband is listed as missing, she still has hope that he is alive, she prays every day for his return home, since our dad is a military man, john warrior, these are the patrons of military personnel, they support, help and moral too. you need it, and you also know that you always have to thank the guardian angel in church, also when you come, yes, you communicate with him, and you can ask him for everything, too, i always ask him to at least please my mother, this is so that dad returns, i have no more desires, well


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