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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 26, 2024 2:55am-3:01am MSK

2:55 am
things like spices, rosemary, sage, tarragon, cloves, allspice, turmeric, these all reduce the formation of glycation end products, but when we add these tasty substances, we increase the appetite and the ability to eat more, because the tastier, the more i want to, so be careful in this matter, there is also an excellent remedy that reduces, greatly reduces the formation of high-quality glucidation products - this is sulforophane, right? such a complex chemical name, in simple terms, this is what is produced in all types of cabbage, in turnips, in radishes, and for it to form, we either have to worry about it carefully, if it is a fresh product, that is , the same broccoli, but not everyone likes or just cabbage, but in fact, when we chew, we have in the oral cavity, our body produces a special enzyme called myrosinase, and interacting with this very broccoli or other cabbage, we have a wonderful substance,
2:56 am
wonderful and so on, some people use it in the form of capsules, but, by the way, there is tricks if you decide to cook cabbage, instead of eating it raw, you need to cut it, leave it in the air so that interaction with oxygen occurs for an hour and then sulforathan is formed, which fights the crispy crust, in fact, you can fight it anyway, just don’t cook it, just don’t fry or
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microwave, yeah, then it certainly won’t become a healthy product, but the amount of glycation products will decrease exactly 10 times, yes, that’s right, there are also interesting numbers, steak, 100 g of raw steak is 800 units - the end products of glacuration , if you fry it on a grill, then it’s already 7,500, already by an order of magnitude, an order of magnitude increases, yes, but if you fry it in a frying pan with olive oil, which would seem to be the case... some kind of bottomless barrel here with these end products of glacuration in 100 grams there are 12 12 12 units, yes, and by the way, our native unrefined sunflower is barely 400, that is, in our native sunflower there are more fat-soluble vitamins and polyunsaturated fats. acids, so not
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necessarily - for everything overseas, but somehow so actively follow, quite worthy, there is a lot around us, eat domestic is called, yes, by the way, yes, the substance deception podcast is with you again, this is olesya nosova and zukhra pavlova. we discussed frying, there are also useful ways of cooking foods, of course, this is suvit, suvit is low-temperature cooking, that’s it. tell me how you can just suvit, what it is, many have not heard about this suvit, this suvit is a saucepan, yeah, in which a certain temperature is maintained all the time, you pour water into it and there all the time the temperature that you set is maintained, 40, 40°, 50, 60, well, actually up to a boil, so for several hours what you put in there is cooked there, meat, vegetables and so on, it’s all put in special in vacuum -sealed bags, i was very keen on it, our
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whole family ate exclusively from sous vide, the most delicious, you know what the sous vide dish was, you won’t believe it, boiled eggs, that’s if - eggs by the way, you don’t have to vacuum them, you can throw them in like that, you put it there for an hour and a half at a low temperature eggs and this is an absolutely divine dish, absolutely, i haven’t tried it, but i’ll know, okay, and these products are cooked in their own juice, they turn out very tasty.
3:00 am
yes, there is still a big misconception about what to bake, that’s what they say, no, i don’t fry the cutlets, i bake them, in fact , the same thing happens, the same iron, yeah. which is there from top to bottom or whatever you like, well, that is, it’s still a frying process, but if you bake it in a sleeve, or in foil, and at low temperatures up to 150°, then the amount of advanced glycation end products is significantly reduced, and there is also a wonderful method - a pressure cooker, it does not take time, you put everything in, turned it on , it cooks, you work or mind your own business or just relax, there is also stewing, but us as usual. first i fried it, well, yes, that’s it, and then i poured it with water, now the whole product is already spoiled , that is, we immediately pour water under the lid, it is stewed over low heat, and what else do we have left, yes, we have a wonderful a method of cooking that few people actually think about...


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