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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  January 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:41pm MSK

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they put weapons there, well, some countries have now tried to accuse israel of genocide through the international court of the united nations, today the court made a decision, the decision is such that it is a call on israel to avoid committing actions falling under article two of the genocide convention, yes, but in fact, well, guys, shoot, but somehow more precisely, yes, that’s all, the world is outraged, the south african government, which initiated this, is outraged. the cause is right, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, everything good bye, see you next week. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. the fifth in the series of the largest and most powerful in the world took place in st. petersburg today. laying down of a new nuclear
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lidobreaker. vladimir putin took part in the ceremony. the main task is to provide each fighter with everything necessary. and the production of weapons and ammunition has already increased significantly. today is a single day for the acceptance of military products. the missile launch point has been established. work is underway at the crash site. decoding of the recorders began. last news investigation of the tragedy with il-76 and details of a difficult meeting. survivors of a plane crash in the mountains of afghanistan, four russians, pilots and medical workers returned to moscow, what they say about the causes of the disaster, rumors about money on board, a conflict that could split the united states, the governor of texas, in defiance of biden, removed the feds from guarding the border and assigned his own guards , half of the states supported him, the president responded with an ultimatum. this is the third final. at the australian open, our daniil
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medvedev won in a difficult match alexandra zvereva from germany. the russian managed to win back with a score of 0:2. let's tell you how it happened. today in st. petersburg the laying of a new nuclear icebreaker took place at the shipyard of the baltic shipyard. the president gave the start to its construction. russia is taking another step in strengthening technological sovereignty. vladimir putin spoke about this at a ceremony dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the lening blockade. at the request of veterans, the nuclear-powered ship will be named after the city of the hero, thereby perpetuating the memory of the heroism of its inhabitants and defenders. he's special will bear the name leningrad. tomorrow we celebrate a special sacred date in the history of the northern capital, and the entire country, the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the enemy nazi blockade. and a new powerful one. the icebreaker will be another
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tribute to the memory of the immortal feat of leningrad, the courage and unbending will of the defenders, the inhabitants of the city, who did not submit, overcame everything, withstood everything and crushed the nazis. the life, unity, cohesion of the generation of winners will always be a great moral example for us. i. fight for sovereignty, for freedom, for our homeland, will be a good example in labor in battle. today , together we are taking another step towards strengthening the technological and industrial potential of our country. the powerful, modern nuclear icebreaker leningrad will become the fifth ship in its series. russia today has a unique, and
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i want to emphasize this, unique, largest icebreaker fleet in the world, and this is our huge competitive advantage, enormous opportunities for the development of logistics, industry, the creation of new jobs, for the integrated development of arctic towns and villages, implementing projects of a truly global level, for international cooperation with our partners, with friends, with everyone who wants and is ready to work with russia. the series of nuclear -powered ships, to which leningrad belongs, are the largest and most powerful icebreakers in the world: a giant sixteen-story building, a real all-rounder, can make a way in heavy ice to carry out tasks at the mouths of polar rivers, thanks to the most modern power plant, it is capable of more to work for a year without calling at the port , next year another icebreaker of this class will be laid down at the baltic shipyard; the name for it was also chosen symbolically.
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your decision approved the initiative of the blockade veterans, supported by the federation council, and the proud name... i am glad for the new powerful icebreaker, and we are developing the tradition when our icebreakers are named in honor of the brightest, in honor of the most significant regions of our country, here on the stapele stands chukotka on the water, yakutia, and we are laying down a new icebreaker, another one will be laid down soon, alexey evgenievich now he said that more ships of this class will be laid down, in 2025 we will lay down another ship, an icebreaker like this. the baltic shipyard is well aware that the fulfillment of this most important high responsibility, which the state order places on us, certainly its
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implementation will contribute to the achievement of the goals that russia has in the arctic. i want to assure you that the construction will be completed exactly on time. with high quality. now about how special operations are going, breaking news: russian in a week, the army destroyed four launchers of nato anti-aircraft missile systems, including two american patriots. the official representative of our ministry of defense, igor konoshenkov, announced this a few minutes ago. air defense aircraft shot down a ukrainian su-25 aircraft, destroying six storm shadow and 4.u cruise missiles. the enemy is suffering huge losses along the entire front line. tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery, groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation, over the past week , four launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems were hit, including two: petriot made in the usa, samp-t
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made in france, irist made in germany and three radio stations for them, as well as the radar of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system and six field warehouses ammunition of the armed forces of ukraine, aviation , air defense means, in a week the plane of the 125th air force of ukraine was shot down, six storm shadow cruise missiles, four tactical missiles.u, 28 missiles were destroyed hymers and vampire multiple launch systems, as well as 361 unmanned aerial vehicles. russia has significantly increased the production of basic weapons and ammunition. in 2023, defense minister sergei shaigu announced this today on the single day of acceptance of military products. according to him, the main task at the moment remains to provide each unit of each fighter with everything necessary for the successful completion of assigned tasks. this year the armed forces will receive more than
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36,000 units of military equipment, many times more than in the previous 2 years. andrey golderev saw how the state defense order was fulfilled at ural-vagonzada. at a special training ground in nizhny tagil, work is in full swing, tanks are passing one after another, while the t-90m's chassis is being tested for a breakthrough. the ut-72 is already at the shooting range, the sights are being checked. it’s also true that there is a lot of work in the workshops of the ural carriage works , which is part of rostec. last year we. here they have more than doubled, in parallel , the designers continue to improve the tanks, of the latest improvements, which, according to the results of the svo, were developed by the designer, this protective-remote machine gun installations. the special operation showed that it was necessary to increase security; all last year
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new elements were added to the turret and hull of the tank. as for protection, for example, along the entire perimeter of the t-90m breakthrough tank, a dynamic protection system is installed, here it is, these are the plates inside of which. explosives, that is, how does it work? when a projectile hits, an explosion occurs, which either repels or destroys the projectile completely and thereby protects the crew, but that’s not all, soon combat vehicles will be equipped with additional protection against drones. the specific complexes that are most suitable for the conditions have been determined, we have tested them, in the near future, literally one of these days, they will be introduced on an industrial scale, what will it be? each tank will have... a special complex installed, this is an electronic warfare system that will create an invisible dome that will protect the tank from fpv drones; they simply will not be able to fly up and break through this dome. the troops are supplied with new modernized tanks under state defense orders. today is united
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the day of acceptance is received personally by the minister of defense via video link. thanks to the effective work of the russian ministry of defense and the organization of the military-industrial complex, this was achieved significantly. to forgive the production of basic in-demand weapons and ammunition, in particular, this was facilitated by the expansion and modernization of production capacities, as well as an increase in... labor productivity ; new workshops, lines, and areas equipped with high-tech equipment were put into operation at many enterprises. they arrive troops and the latest k-52m helicopters, a modernized version of the alligators, now they have become even more convenient and longer-range, thanks to the ability to install new missiles. you can maintain a greater distance so that the crew spends less time after the launch. on the combat course it hit the target and immediately retreated, in my opinion and - in my opinion
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, the best helicopter, to join the ranks of air transport workers, the military accepted the heavyweights of the modernized version of the il-76md. the new aircraft has more powerful engines, and this means it can transport more and further. now we can operate the aircraft in different conditions from very low temperatures. also up to positive and we can safely launch in the conditions of the far north, today we talked not only about weapons, but also about the development of infrastructure, residential buildings for military personnel and their families were commissioned, new berths appeared in several port cities, the arrangement of the main base of the caspian sea continues flotillas plan to complete the construction of the building this year headquarters, fully provided the infrastructure and nuclear forces of the country, in 2023, within a short time frame while maintaining high quality. of the work being carried out, objects were commissioned for the needs of military and special purpose operations. the main
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efforts were concentrated in creating infrastructure for the deployment of nuclear deterrent forces. improvement of the airfield network, naval basing system, development of new subjects of the country. a total of 2,772 buildings and structures were built. so, for example, in mariupol, a new microdistrict with well-equipped sports and playgrounds, a kindergarten and a school. according to the head of the city, there are already five thousand schoolchildren studying there, and this is not the limit. the school for 1,100 students includes 68 classrooms, laboratories for physics and chemistry, classrooms for aircraft modeling, robotics and e-sports. to fulfill the entire state defense order, many enterprises of the military-industrial complex continue to work around the clock. it is necessary to continue work to ensure russia's technological independence. under the current conditions
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situation, it is unacceptable to reduce the current pace of military production. and for particularly popular samples, it is important to increase their production. here i emphasize that we have a serious, big task to continue building up especially popular weapons. the task is to. this year, the armed forces received many times more equipment and ammunition than in 2023. andrey goldrev and ktoraveren ilina shtoklovo, dmitry olin, alexey ivanov and kirill danilov, channel one. decoding of on-board data began in moscow today recorders of the russian il-76 shot down by ukrainians. it is reported that their technical condition is good, investigators are working at the crash site, and today footage of the consequences has appeared, showing the scale of the incident. and the investigative committee reported that...
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she knew about the route and method of transporting soldiers to the place of the pre-agreed exchange,
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as the preliminary investigation shows, this terrorist act of the ukrainian armed forces was carried out using an anti-aircraft missile system. the missiles were launched from a populated area libtsy, kharkov region. much indicates that it could have been either an american petriat or a german-made iriste, that is, the very weapon that western countries have been pumping into the regime that seized power in kiev for several years now; all assurances are that those who spoke at the meeting, all of them hypocritically are not talking about representatives of western countries, as they repeated the text as a carbon copy, the essence of which boils down to one thought, that there is
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no certainty that exactly what happened happened. russia says that the plane was transporting... ukrainian prisoners of war, light should be shed on these circumstances. in any case, it is strange to hear that russia is complaining about the fate of ukrainian prisoners of war. we agree with zelensky that it is urgent to establish the facts. it's too early to draw conclusions. the representative of the kiev regime, who was invited to the meeting, did not lag behind her western curators, having agreed to the point that ukraine allegedly knew nothing about the fact that prisoners would be taken to the exchange site by plane, and in general, there were not passengers on board, but cargo. according to our military intelligence, only five bodies were delivered to the belogorod morgue and no human remains can be seen in the footage from the plane crash site. for the blind representatives of the kiev regime and their western leadership, we repeat the footage with the remains of bodies and a hand with a tattoo of ukrainian symbols, filmed at the crash site, or here are the documents collected there, these are the same people,
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ukrainians, who hoped to return home, but who were killed by their own own government. these are very primitive and cowardly attempts by representatives of the kiev authorities, contrary to obvious facts, to shrug off responsibility for this crime. by acting in this way, they have already openly lied, become confused, and are burying themselves in this lie more and more. the representative of our country recalled that this is not the first time for the kiev regime to kill its prisoners. in july 2022, the ukrainian army attacked the colony in yelenovka, which resulted in the death of more than fifty prisoners. not the first time to shoot down planes with passengers on... as happened in july 2014, when a ukrainian missile destroyed a malaysian boeing, each time western sponsors not only turned a blind eye to these crimes, but also announced additional support for the ukrainian authorities. the russian foreign ministry does not rule out that it was precisely for this reason that the plane carrying prisoners was struck. by committing such atrocities, the kiev regime hopes to warm up the fading
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interest of the world community in the ukrainian crisis, to encourage its sponsors not only... time in the west, it seems, it has never happened didn't hear. mikhail akinchenko, andrey mikhailov, alina abdyukhanova, channel one usa. the united states finds itself on the verge of an internal conflict, which may well develop into a heated confrontation and, in the future, even end in the collapse of the country, the american press is already writing about this. the governors of 25 states at once, they highlighted in red on the map,
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accused president biden of unwillingness to protect the american border, this is stated. joint statement, the reason was the confrontation between the president and the governor of texas, and the root cause was the crisis in border, in december alone , a quarter of a million illegal immigrants crossed from mexico, and the head of the white house demands that no obstacles be created for them, governor abbott, who by the way was supported by donald trump, fundamentally disagrees with this , and sent local national guard units to the border with mexico, blocking access federal border patrol officers there, after which biden gave... biden is violating the us constitution and encouraging lawlessness. today , four russians who survived a plane crash in the mountains of afghanistan arrived in moscow. the pilots finally revealed what, in their opinion , could have caused the crash, and also commented on the information that
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a large amount of money could have been carried on board. was among those meeting. bandaged legs and wound. in tanks, in consumable tanks, we were engaged in an emergency landing of the plane, we determined the most advantageous place where it could be landed, we found such a place, this is a floor mountain, a private ambulance flight was flying from thailand to moscow, the plane was carrying a russian woman
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who needed help, a woman and her husband died in the crash, two pilots and two doctors survived, but if we hadn’t seen the village below on approach, we could have simply frozen in the mountains, we actually landed the plane, we didn’t fall, we landed on the peak of the mountain, we spent one and a half acres in the cold, of course, we are there in the cabin, we were able to cut them out only in the late afternoon, when we prepared a place so that when we get them out, having already climbed the slope, igor saw another slope, and having climbed sadly, he saw a village below,
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and, accordingly, seeing traces of people, followed them, they sent a nurse for help igor serum, the first rescue team was formed spontaneously from local village residents, at first with gestures, then a man came out who spoke very little english, an agreement had already been reached with him and... after the crash , information appeared in the afghan media that the plane more than a million dollars in cash was transported, and local residents allegedly embezzled the money. none of the crew members confirmed the information that such amounts were transported on board. in any case, we refueled in india and, as far as i know, in this money was not declared to india in any way, therefore. i honestly haven’t seen anything like this about a million dollars, i can’t say who had them, but i honestly know that if i had it, a million dollars would
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be enough for me, i would not participate in sanitary evacuations and would leave to retire, because it’s still a risky job, which is there, well, i can imagine how our relatives felt, the relatives who there for 24 hours thought that we were dead, i already prayed, i think, even if he crashed, at least he saved him. .. life. final the cause of the incident will be investigated by the investigation. the wreckage, routes and all information about the company providing private sanitary transportation services are now being studied. pyotr deryagin, andrey melikhov, sergey parkofyev, channel one. now let's move to moscow to vdnkh, where the grandiose russia exhibition has been running for three months. our studio allows you to watch live what is happening on the territory of the complex. for example, such a beautiful view opens from the ferris wheel of the sun. and not far from the friendship of peoples fountain is located a small but very important pavilion, number 457. the government's coordination center is located there. today
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, leading entrepreneurs gathered at its site to discuss a moratorium on business inspections and how else supervision could be improved. the task of control bodies is not to fine, but to prevent violations. deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko spoke about this. if a violation is recorded, then it can always be protested, for this purpose on the state services website. last year, pre-trial appeal was launched, yes, we started with a pilot, with an experiment, but how for control and supervision, if you don’t agree with the form or the content or the refusal, somewhere someone thinks something is unfair, he wasn’t given a permit or license, you can also write a complaint, appeal, through the goslub portal, it will also be considered in the same digital, in the same convenient, transparent manner - you watch the evening news, and then we will talk about daniil medvedev’s strong-willed victory in the semi-finals of the australian open about the triumph of russian ballet
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in the middle east, do not switch, the picture air six aerial battles , which it was necessary to film in the pavilion so that they were there. we used all sorts of ways to create special effects, for example, a screen, this is the size of a four-story building with four entrances, as it turned out , there were no airplanes of that time, and there was nothing left but to build them, we are pioneers, we began to develop a gimbal, these things that an airplane life -size is held in the air and turned this way and that, through the door frame, your gimble swings, shakes, turns over and... helps you experience genuine emotions, like fear, such a toy, of course, but it seems that they really knocked you down, here there is a feeling of complete reality, for people not
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initiated at all: just like the reality of the air, premiere, today on the first, vodka veda, a product of the stellor group, on the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade , he’s heading to leningrad, and you’re looking for an excuse, this is the siren that sounded on the air, the feeling of hunger is terrible, it’s when you want to eat all the time, but there’s nothing to eat, you don’t have the strength, maksimich, don’t even give it to me, it was hell , hello, borshov, hello, you
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do you hear me? “tanks and infantry broke through to our positions, i ask for support, well , here is a familiar room, here is an embrasure, which means a cannon, if even one german breaks through in your sector, even on a tank , even on a stick, i will shoot you, we endured everything , counted, that the war will end soon, breaking the blockade is not just a military operation , no, it is our duty to leningrad. tomorrow on the first, oldbar cognac is a product of the stellor group. for the birthday of vladimir vysotsky. i will spread it, pure gold. we only hope for
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strength of hands, in the arms of a friend and... broken hook, how close and affectionate you are, my climber, my rock, my caress, i carried my misfortune across the spring field, i loved the past sadder than graves, everything tender in me without wings you with a tripod , i fell in love with the bed, vladimir semyonovich, how... what difference does it make to you, it really wasn’t possible to live longer, we didn’t have time, didn’t have time, didn’t have time, didn’t have time, didn’t have time, look back, and the sons are leaving for battle, the premiere, their own rut, tomorrow on the first day, you can understand that i didn’t take the child because of the money, how impudent i have become, look, i tell you i’ll arrange as many problems as possible, container. new
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episodes on sunday on the first. you watch the evening news on the first, and we continue. there are events in moscow today dedicated to international holocaust remembrance day. it will be celebrated tomorrow. for our country , the memory of the death of millions of innocent people during the war at the hands of the nazis is sacred. this was stated in a telegram from vladimir putin sent by a participant in the ceremony. it was read by the chief rabbi of russia berel lazar, who in turn condemned the revival of nazism, which is already led to tragedy in ukraine. i was sure that never again would this ideology show itself again. and today we see how this wave of fascism and anti-semitism throughout the world, unfortunately, is rising again. and what we see even in neighboring countries.
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some actions that show that they are collaborators, there are esvtsy, unfortunately, they again show that it is as if they did some good deed, they call the streets by their names, this is scary, what happened in israel, october 7 , for me this is a new holocaust, in the jewish museum and center tolerance today, terrible testimonies about the crimes of the nazis were heard again, a famous artist took part in the mourning ceremony. they read excerpts from the memoirs of holocaust survivors. the soldiers take away the women and their children standing at the end of the line. at first no one understood anything, but suddenly a terrible cry arose. mothers rush to the cars, do not want to give up their children, cry, scream, one begs the guard to allow him to go with her son, the other falls to the ground and grabs the soldier by the leg so that he
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could not take her child away. but the soldier... kicks her in the face and leaves with the child in his arms, tearing up from screaming, dad, everything will be fine with us, right? - i asked him on our last sunday. before the roll call and selection, dad, - i shouted, because he answered me: dad, i began to cut him off with all my might, but dad ’s eyes looked into emptiness, veterans of the siege were honored in st. petersburg today, a festive concert for the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the fascist siege russian guard soldiers prepared for them.
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the banner of one of the units that participated in breaking the blockade. well, at these moments, veterans of the siege gathered in the cinema hall, and a special screening of the film air was organized for them, a grandiose , highly emotional war drama about female pilots who defended the skies of leningrad. the brilliant acting, poignant storylines, and the utmost authenticity of the film are added by unique filming, for which models of combat aircraft of those years were specially recreated; a speaker was present at the session along with the veterans federation council valentina matvienko. this is completely honest.
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for the first time, the russian ballet in aman is hosting a tour of the bolshoi theater on the stage of the royal opera, the legendary russian classic raymond, staged by yuri grigorovich. the public interest is, without exaggeration, enormous. how is our culture received in the middle east? report by kristina levieva. the royal amana opera house has never seen anything on this scale. an orchestra and ballet dancers arrived in the capital of the sultanate. costumers, make-up artists and teachers are large, 250 people in total. it's almost +30 outside the window, but instead beach ballet class , kind theater employees help with the carriages, by the way, some of the costumes were specially modified, for example , the girls now have flesh-colored bodysuits out of respect for local traditions, and we have this additional accessory for a tutu,
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it feels very unusual when the lighting is thought out when you think about how the materials behave in certain conditions, then it all works just magically, carefully during rehearsals with the stage. the head of the ballet troupe, mahar vaziev, is observing. all three lineups must be flawless. valery gergiev is watching the preparations from the audience. he knows this theater well. i've been here five or even six times already with different groups. and finally the first tour of this year. here , opera culture and ballet art are just beginning to make their way to the hearts of residents after becoming acquainted with the state. repertoire of the bolshoi theater, we are now focusing on the return of the greatest opera and ballet works, life for the tsar and ruslan and lyudmila, prince igor, and the queen of spades opera.
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to the capital of oman, the bolshoi brought raymond's ballet classic to the music of glazunov , revised by grigorovich, a medieval legend and unbridled passion. prime minister mikhail labukhin awaited the reaction of the arab public with particular trepidation. after all, he plays sheikh abdurrahman, who dreams of stealing the heart of a knight’s bride. i love all the character parts, especially the negative ones, because they are a little easier to make than the positive characters, though. there is a very big question here, is it positive or negative, while we see it on stage, for backstage during the performance is a completely different picture, grigorovich’s choreography is complex, filigree, requires maximum dedication, for a ballerina it is a kind of exam, so many variations of different ballets, it seems to me not. in no other classic performance, the theater is fantastic, it’s very
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cool that the theater was built in the national color, the rose of the desert is so often called the royal opera house of muscat, after the name of the mineral that decorates the facade of this building, built by order of the sultan, and he is a big fan of classical music and ballet. this is where the main cultural events of the omani capital take place. the theater, more like a luxurious palace, amazes with its arabic-style interiors. for the first time, russian ballet is present on stage here; of course, there is enormous interest in russian ballet, in the bolshoi theater. this is probably a reflection of the growing interaction between the friendly arab world in the field of politics, economics, culture, so i am sure that there will be others.
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it's my first time at the ballet, i'm happy that i'm there i watched it, i enjoyed every detail, from the costumes to the story and music, it's fantastic, it's a big event for muscat, incredible. excellent sports news came from melbourne today, our daniil medvedev, in a difficult match, managed to beat one of the strongest tennis players on the planet, alexander zverev, representing germany, reached the final of the prestigious australian open, one of the four grand slam tournaments, a strong-willed victory. lasted 4:18 minutes
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, at first the russian conceded, the first set was 5:7, the second was completely lost 3:6, but in the third he he managed to turn everything around, he changed tactics and it brought results. medvedev gained the advantage, but took the next two sets only in a tiebreak; in the decisive fifth he was already unstoppable, 6:3 and the overall score was 3:2 in favor of the russian tennis player. on sunday , medvedev will compete for the title with the italian janik sinner, who knocked out the first racket of the world, but
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... mines, where drones fly like mice, where the cold is dangerous, this is a completely different story, this cannot but affect a person, his worldview in general, this is generally in character of our people at a difficult moment for the homeland, do not feel sorry for yourself, lend your shoulder to the country, this once again shows that in our country this is passed on from generation to generation , no matter who... different
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people in different periods of time talk about what kind of the youth.


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