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tv   Vremya  1TV  January 26, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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god bless you, for me this is a great start to the new year 2024, i am very glad that i got here, thank you very much to everyone who supported me, who worried about me, mommy, daddy, grandma, i love everyone, my favorite school, hello, and no be afraid, come, win, good luck to everyone! hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. russia is doing everything right, vladimir putin with students, participants in a military special operation. talk about the future of fighters, business. at the front and
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the criminal kiev regime. comprehensive elimination of air defense. two american petriot french and german radar systems. ministry of defense on enemy losses for the week. tanks and helicopters were ordered and manufactured, modernized taking into account front-line experience. what else did our army receive on a single day of military acceptance? memory embodied leningrad. a new nuclear icebreaker was laid down in the northern capital, the president speaks about the resilience of the blockade survivors and the exploits of the people. having lied more than once. the west is shielding ukraine, which shot down our plane with its prisoners. flight recorders from experts, how is it going? investigation. gender of america vs. biden. 25 states consider him unable to protect the country's borders. what is the essence of the white house's response ultimatum? the first tour,
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the bolshoi theater in oman, what’s on the playbills, how the middle eastern public received the ballet, and what productions valery gergiev will return to the stage. we remember and are proud, the film is air, a special screening in st. petersburg, in the hall are those who experienced the siege of the city, with them the head of the federation council. the russian il-76 plane was shot down from under control. to ukraine by the territory of a foreign air defense system, in kiev they knew that there were prisoners on board, this was a crime, and the conclusions of the investigation would be published so that the ukrainian people would also know. here is vladimir putin’s statement in st. petersburg, we will return in detail to the trip to the investigation in the issue, but for now about the conversation during which these words of the head of state were heard. its participants are young people who saw the front, the events there, the support of the fighters and the rightness of our common cause. the topic will develop. at a meeting
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with vladimir putin at the st. petersburg state maritime technical university, volunteers participated in a special military operation, both mobilized and volunteers, some just recently returned from the northern military district zone, others have just recovered from injury, among them are students who suspended their studies at the university to go to the front. i think that all of you, having returned from the combat zone, you probably already realized all this yourself, and will be back completely. by other people, because it’s one thing to look on the internet, watch someone’s performances, and another thing to find yourself in okupahs, where shells are falling, where the fire is whistling, where there are mines, where drones fly like mice, where the cold is dangerous, this is a completely different story, this cannot but influence a person, his worldview.
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forms in the territory that is called ukraine today, they just started creating such an enclave, they deceived us, they deceived us 10 times in a row about the non-expansion of nato. all this together simply left us no chance other than to start trying, so we started a special military operation, but this is not the beginning of the war, they themselves started the war in donbass in 1914. crimes the kiev regime, starting in 2014, is recorded and investigated by the investigative committee of russia, one of the last of ours was the downing of a military transport plane in the belgorod region, which was transporting prisoners of the ukrainian armed forces. exchange, there is the current kiev regime, it is one way or another, one way or another based on the crimes that it commits daily, including against its own citizens, but these are historical assessments,
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political, look, they shot down our il-76 plane from with our military personnel, 65 people, we... by mistake, by thoughtlessness, but it is obvious that they did this, firstly, because the launches of two missiles from the territory controlled by the kiev regime were recorded at 11:10 minutes, the defeat of the
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aircraft occurred 2-3 minutes later, react it was practically impossible, secondly... it could not under any circumstances have been friendly fire, as they say in such cases, because the plane was hit by air defense systems, not by some kind of army manpads and so on, by missile systems air defense, this can be seen from element of destruction, our air defense system against our aircraft. by definition , they cannot strike, there are foreign systems there, no matter how much the operator presses the button , our air defense system would not work, the equipment and weapons were seized on the spot, they
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say that this is an air defense missile, therefore this means that either they were poorly taught, or... they study poorly on their own, or are not able to manage such systems, most likely, these are patriot, american, or european air defense systems, most likely french, but in a couple of days the exact answer will be given, which means, but in any case, what happened is a crime, or due to negligence, i am forced to use this legal formulation. here it is, or on purpose, but in any case, this is a crime , i don’t commit such crimes every day, it would seem that they were transporting their citizens, their military personnel, no, they fucked up there, well, we only regret about our
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pilots, i bring sincere condolences to their family members, yes they are at the last second reported this, there are black boxes there, everything will now be collected and shown. investigative committee, so that all the circumstances of this crime are made public, to the maximum extent possible, so that people in ukraine know what really happened. vladimir putin noted that he specifically asked to organize this meeting in order, as they say, to find out first-hand what kind of help is needed by svo participants and families, what problems need to be solved. the mechanism for providing medical care and rehabilitation is working great now, that is, this is from the stage of rehabilitation to prosthetics. everything is just fine , there is still a lot to be done here, yes, yes , yes, well, here you are, you personally are fine, with this - god forbid that it is so, but - there must be means, modern means of rehabilitation and, uh, here we need to work on this, here it is impossible
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for there to be some kind of monopoly, no matter who has it, so that not only one department provides one company, which, uh, that means, uh, works in this direction and that’s it, there is work here what to work with, modern means of rehabilitation, that means, moreover, that means, i was surprised to learn this when a person. they provide modern means of rehabilitation, there are some kind of mechanical prostheses, this actually, in fact, replaces , well, a real arm or a leg, and in this regard they reduce the level of payments there, this is some kind of nonsense, but this is spelled out in documents that have not yet appeared , they arose somewhere a certain number of years ago, this is of course unacceptable, i have already pointed out to the government... i hope that everything there will be brought into line with real and with common sense. one of
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the world of social support, credit holidays, but as it turned out, a surprise awaited the soldiers returning from the front; the amount of payment increased. it turns out that payments are frozen, but interest continues to accumulate. i encountered such a situation when i was injured, already in the hospital, i looked, the mortgage increased from 1,700 to 1,900 during this time, and consumer bills from 620 to 850. i contacted the bank, wrote the situation. they said yes, like the interest continues to accumulate, and in the future the amount grows payment, on the one hand you are protecting your homeland, on the other hand you get such an unpleasant situation, of course, i also agree with you, alexander vladimirovich, i completely agree, but it turns out that a person pays this interest twice, however, from the point of view of a financial organization, they have their own logic, they say: we gave out money, money is worth something, we do not have the opportunity to use it in the turnover of a financial organization. you gave it away and we have the right to count on payment for this money
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that we gave and which we did not we use it, but nevertheless, here i cannot but agree, you didn’t go on vacation, you went to war, so of course this must be kept in mind, and this issue must be resolved, we will solve it within 2-3 weeks, an almost detailed analysis of problems just like that in the form of dialogue. there are very subtle things, the president noted, sensitive, for example, psychological assistance, on this issue the participants in the special military operation at the table had divided opinions. soldiers face conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder disorder, as a result of which they cannot return to normal life, be useful to society and their country, many do not know about this illness, they do not know that there is quality help from specialists, some due to their own beliefs.
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these are just features of the central nervous system of each person, how can we do it? so i am now addressing everyone present, such a subtle thing, you know, you can make this mandatory, what do you think, or is it redundant, it seems to me that this is a very good right decision, it will suit everyone for the benefit, what do you think, ivan nikolaevich, well, i don’t know, as long as it doesn’t affect the future? that they will write it down somewhere, yes, but you never know what a person has every desire, someone may not need it,
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but the idea is not bad, already existing social support measures often need to be improved from the series it was smooth on paper, that’s why such communication is necessary. i, as a father of three children, would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for helping large families; perhaps it would be possible to raise such an issue as exemption from property tax. not only one of the family members, but also their minor children, and now, yes, we have a rule according to which participants in a special military operation are exempt from this tax, but family members are not, this is true, and yes, you are right, then it turns out, what if, if, say, minor children.
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vladimir putin regularly meets with the participants of the svo, the families of the victims, learns how to help, the heroes of the svo talk about themselves, some of us know by sight, their exploits are already included in the latest. i was just telling you when he was not yet a tanker, but simply served in, so to speak, the infantry, in motorized rifles, here he is at the mercy of his forces and arrives
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, a comrade was sitting next to him, he covered him with himself, i say who he is, this is your friend, that’s it , no
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, try to support you zakhar kornev from donetsk, he used to live there near the airport, he has been fighting since he was 18 years old, he liberated mariupol, was wounded, then returned to duty in solidar, i know the history of our fatherland and the history of my family, i was obliged to take pull yourself together, get into line and repay your debt, when did you find yourself in war zone, how old were you ? 18, 18, yeah. how many years did you fight? 9 months, 9 months? haven’t you been to this very place, in mariupol, then? of course, no, then no, in the first moments it was, yes, well, of course, in the first moments the situation there was very complex and difficult, yes, very, of course, but the city is recovering gradually , coming to its senses, getting younger, acquiring new
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quality, your second place of service is a solidar, and the situation there was very difficult, it is still difficult, of course, yes, the enemy is trying there from all sides counterattack, but nothing works; on the contrary, our units move forward in different directions and gradually reach the canal. before asking a question, many soldiers talked about themselves with pride about their units, those who, after being wounded, thanked the doctors, named specific names, repeating, we are doing one common thing, each in his place, bringing us closer. “we are fighting for a just cause, this is an absolutely obvious thing, zakhar said that he said the following words: “i’m proud of my father,” great, the whole country is proud of you, i say this without any unnecessary pathos, it is so, we all wish each other victory, good luck,
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i want to wish you, you are all still young people. in civilian life, they will do this purposefully with the full awareness that people like you, who have passed the crucible of combat trials, are needed by the fatherland at all times and in the future, because you must form the basis of the russian state. before taking a joint photo, vladimir putin
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congratulated the birthday boy, who was among the participants in the meeting on his birthday, from his hands supreme commander-in-chief. military-industrial complex, arsenals, airfields of the enemy. here are some more details. operational tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery, groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation have been hit over the past week.
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vampire, as well as 361 unmanned aerial vehicles. let’s take a closer look at how sensitive the loss of even a fragment of a western anti-aircraft missile system is, using the example of an american patriot worth a billion dollars. in its composition, as usually four launchers, radar, command. communication complex point, only the destruction of all missile containers will reset the complex, the same effect for a long time if it is left without a radar. that is why
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the ministry of defense’s clarifications on the destroyed air defense systems are so important. russia has significantly increased the production of weapons and ammunition, said defense minister sergei shaigu. today is the single day of military acceptance. this year the army will receive thousands of units of military equipment. among the particularly popular ones are the k-52 attack helicopters. and t-90 breakthrough tanks andrey golderev learn more about the defense order using the example of the ural carriage plant. at a special training ground in nizhny tagil, work is in full swing, tanks are passing one after another, while the t90m's chassis is being tested for a breakthrough. at the shooting range, the t-72's sights are already being checked. still right. there is a lot of work in the workshops of the ural carriage plant, which is part of rostec. last year, production volumes
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here more than doubled. at the same time, designers continue to improve tanks. among the latest improvements that the designers introduced based on the results of the svo are protective-distance machine gun installations. the special operation showed that security needs to be increased. all last year, new elements were added to the tank... and the hull, as for protection, then , for example, a dynamic protection system is installed along the entire perimeter of the t-90m breakthrough tank, here it is, these plates, inside of which there are explosives, that is how it works : when a projectile hits, an explosion occurs, which either repels or destroys the projectile completely and thereby protects the crew, but that’s not all, soon there will be combat vehicles equipped with additional protection against drones, the most suitable complexes for the specific conditions have been identified, they have been tested, and in the near future, literally the next few days, they will be introduced on an industrial scale. what will it be?
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a special complex will be installed on each tank, this is an electronic warfare system that will create an invisible dome that will protect the tank from fpv drones; they simply will not be able to fly up and break through this dome. new and modernized tanks are supplied to the troops under state defense orders. today single day of acceptance. it was possible to significantly increase the production of basic in-demand weapons and ammunition. in particular, this was facilitated by the expansion and modernization of production facilities, as well as increased labor productivity. many enterprises have put into operation new workshops, lines, and sections. now they have become even more convenient and longer-range thanks to the ability to install new missiles. it is possible to maintain
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a greater distance so that the crew spends less time on the ground after the launch. combat course, hit the target and immediately retreated. in my opinion. and - in my opinion, the best helicopter, the military recruited the heavyweights of the modernized version of the il-76 md to join the ranks of air transport workers; the new aircraft has more powerful engines, which means it can transport more and further. now we can operate the aircraft in different conditions, from high, low temperatures, also to positive temperatures, and we can safely launch in the conditions of the far north. today we talked not only about weapons, but also about... development infrastructure, residential buildings for the military and their families have been commissioned, new berths have appeared in several port cities, and the construction of the main base of the caspian flotel is ongoing; they plan
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to complete it this year. the basing of the navy, the development of new subjects of the country, a total of 2,772 buildings and structures were built, for example, in mariupol, a new microdistrict with comfortable sports and playgrounds, a kindergarten and a school was built by the military. according to the head of the city, people are already studying there five thousand schoolchildren, and this is not the limit, the school for 1100 students includes 68 classes, laboratories for physics and chemistry, classrooms for
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aviation. modeling, performance engineering and e-sports. in order to fulfill the entire state defense order, many enterprises of the military-industrial complex continue to work around the clock. it is necessary to continue work to ensure russia's technological independence. in the current situation, it is unacceptable to reduce the current pace of military production. and in terms of those that are especially in demand samples, it is important to increase their production. here. i emphasize that we have a serious, big task to continue building up especially needed funds, but defeat. the goal is for the armed forces to receive many times more equipment and ammunition this year than in 2023. andrey goldrev, viktor averin, ilena shtoklova, dmitry olin, alexey ivanov and kirill danilov, channel one. now about the investigation into the il-76 crash, which was shot down by ukraine, as
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i said today. american or french missile, according to the head of state in kiev could not help but know that there were ukrainian prisoners on board who were about to be exchanged. experts already have recordings of conversations in the flight parameters cockpit. the investigative committee today confirmed the information of our military about the location of the missile launch from the kharkov region, and provided data that does not leave room for the statements of ukrainian western officials that the question is whose citizens were flying on the russian plane. discussion.
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were recorded on the bodies of many representatives of ukrainian armed forces, previously interrogated by investigators in within criminal cases. among the material evidence that has already been added to the materials of the criminal case, there are documents of ukrainian servicemen who died in the disaster, confirming their identities. to identify the majority of the dead , genetic testing will be required, but we can already talk about preliminary data obtained during the investigation. information that was voiced by a representative of our country at a meeting of the un council... we are dealing with a deliberate, well-thought-out crime. the leadership of ukraine is wonderful knew about the route and method of transporting soldiers to the place of the pre-agreed exchange. as the preliminary investigation shows, this terrorist act of the ukrainian armed forces was carried out using an anti-aircraft missile system. the missiles were launched from the village of libtsy, kharkov region. according to one version, the shot was fired from a nato-
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made anti-aircraft missile system, that is, from the same weapon. which western countries have been pumping up the regime that seized power in kiev for several years now, all assurances that these weapons would be used exclusively for self-defense once again turned out to be lies. perhaps you could explain today what the shooting down of an airplane carrying its own prisoners of war has to do with self-defense, within the framework of a pre-agreed procedure stipulated by ihl. we also deeply regret that representatives of international organizations, in the spirit of the most extreme double standards, bashfully refuse.
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that it is urgent to establish the facts, while it is too early to draw conclusions, did not lag behind their western curators and a representative of the kiev regime invited to the meeting, who agreed to the point that they allegedly knew nothing in ukraine. that the prisoners would be taken to the exchange site by plane, and in general there were not passengers on board, but cargo with missiles, and that means the l-76 was a legitimate military target, it turns out that indirectly the ukrainian side still recognizes the fact of a missile strike. according to our military intelligence, only five bodies were brought to mork belgrade and no human remains cannot be seen in the footage from the crash site. for the blind representatives of the kiev regime and their western leadership, we repeat. footage of body remains. on this hand of the deceased, for example, you can see a tattoo with the outlines of symbols popular in the ukrainian national battalions, here are the documents collected there, these are the same people, citizens of ukraine, who hoped to return home, but who were killed by their
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own government. these are very primitive and cowardly attempts by representatives of the kiev authorities, despite obvious facts, disclaim responsibility for this crime. by acting in this way, they have already openly lied, become confused, and are burying themselves in this lie. more and more. the representative of our country recalled that this is not the first time for the kiev regime to kill its prisoners. in july 2022 , the ukrainian army attacked the colony in yelenovka, which resulted in the death of more than fifty prisoners. this is not the first time that planes with passengers on board have been shot down, as happened in july 2014, when a ukrainian missile destroyed a malaysian boeing. and everyone since western sponsors not only turned a blind eye to these crimes, but also announced additional support for the ukrainian authorities. the russian foreign ministry does not rule out that the attack on the plane with prisoners pursued the same goals. by committing such atrocities, the kiev regime hopes to fuel the fading interest of the world community in the ukrainian crisis, to encourage its sponsors not only to maintain,
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but to increase the volume of financial assistance for arms supplies. among the few participants in the un council meeting, the representative of china recalled the existence concepts such as humanity and humanitarian law. china expresses. this is not the first time that this call has been heard at meetings of the un security council, but recently in the west it seems that it has never been heard. mikhail akinchenko, andrey mikhailov, alina abdyukhanova, sergey deev, channel one usa. and here is a new video proof that the il-76 was brought by the ukrainian one. the investigative committee has just released footage of the delivery to the plane. 65 people, three of our military as accompanying persons and six crew members. the flight was interrupted over belgorodskaya nato missile area. let's return to
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vladimir putin's trip to st. petersburg. at the baltic plant, the president took part in the laying ceremony of a new nuclear icebreaker, named in honor of the hero city. tomorrow marks the 80th anniversary of the complete lifting of its blockade. this is the first section of the future aircraft, construction will begin from here, towards the stern and bow, the vessel will be assembled like a designer, the newcomer to the icebreaker fleet will be given the proud name leningrad, the president was asked about this by the siege survivors themselves. tomorrow we celebrate a special one, a sacred date in the history of the northern capital, and the entire country, the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the enemy nazi blockade. and the new mighty icebreaker will become another tribute to the memory of the immortal feat of leningrad, the courage and unbending will of the defenders, the inhabitants of the city, who did not
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submit, overcame everything, withstood everything and crushed the nazis. the life, unity, cohesion of the generation of winners will always be a great moral for us.
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tiysky plant is well aware of the high responsibility that rests on us fulfillment of this most important government order. construction will be completed exactly on time with high quality. and now i ask you to give permission to install a foundation board on the first compartment of the future nuclear icebreaker leningrad. i ask you to. thank you. the foundation board of the future icebreaker is screwed on by federation council speaker valentina matvienko, chairman of the board of directors of the united shipbuilding corporation andrey kostin, rosatom general director alexey likhachev and st. petersburg governor alexander beglov. u everyone has their own personalized screwdriver in memory. the icebreakers of project 22-220 have already
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been nicknamed abroad the arctic fist of russia, the largest and most powerful in the world, with a mass of 33 m, they break through ice 3 m thick, and this is a meter more than the icebreakers of the previous project, and the power of two the reactors of the nuclear-powered ship will be enough to provide energy to a city of one hundred thousand. russia today has a unique, i want to emphasize this, unique, the largest icebreaker fleet in the world, and this is our huge competition. before descent. there are seven icebreakers in total under the project.
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the first three arctic, siberia and ural have been in service for a long time. soon yakutia will also join the nuclear icebreaker fleet. now the ship is being completed on the water. the height is more than 50 m, it’s like a sixteen-story building, the length is like one and a half football fields, the dimensions are impressive, but such a lithokol can easily turn around on the spot, and also go into the mouths of large rivers. each side has special ballast tanks; when filled, they change the vessel’s draft from 9 to 10.5 m. in all arctic regions , such new powerful icebreakers and other vessels of high ice class, and we will definitely consistently solve these problems, expand our arctic fleet, set new, ambitious goals, of course... the northern sea
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route is the shortest route from europe to asia, 7300 nautical miles, about 1400 km , the journey is shorter and faster than sailing through the suede canal. today it is appropriate to recall your decision, in the seventeenth year, to reboot the northern sea route, life shows its relevance for connecting our country, supporting exports, unhindered access to big water, this is of vital importance for our country. in the world, at the same time, the demand for sustainable, reliable logistics routes is growing, and it is precisely this fast, safe, and competitive route that we offer to our partners. the total volume of transportation along the northern sea route last year reached a record 36 million tons. the volume of international transit traffic, mainly oil, has increased 10-fold. along the routes of the northern sea route, icebreakers not only provide delivery of goods, construction materials, fuel. since the sixties they have been participating in... scientific expeditions to explore and develop the arctic. i believe that our workers,
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engineers who are represented here, nuclear scientists, specialists of various professions, our shipyard related enterprises, will solve all the tasks assigned to them on time. this means that in the near future the icebreaker leningrad will go on watch in the arctic. and i'm sure he will wear it proudly. your glorious name, for many years to work for the benefit of all of russia. during soviet times, the intensity of use of the northern sea route increased 5 times. according to the plan, by 2030 the total volume of transportation will be 150 million tons of cargo per year, and the world’s only nuclear-powered icebreaker fleet will pave the way in a caravan. alena germanova, andrey vetrov, ksenia ugarova, vladimir smirnov, irina chyuchu and sergey romanov, channel one, st. petersburg. four russians returned to moscow today .
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we had to burn, warm ourselves, we held out the night, then, of course, the afghan brothers came for us, they took us out from a height of 400 m, deep snow, just like that, we all fell through, walked and walked, and while we were walking for about 5 hours to the village, we asked the crew about the million dollars that allegedly disappeared from the crashed plane, local authorities had already
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begun an investigation, but according to the pilots, they didn’t see any money on board; as for the causes of the disaster, it was most likely a technical malfunction, let me remind you. the plane was carrying out a medical flight from thailand to moscow; they were transporting a russian woman who, while on vacation, became seriously ill; the woman and her husband died. there is discord in america that attracted worldwide attention, especially since it ’s an election year in the country, the governor of texas, who was joined by the heads of 25 other states, spoke out against joe biden. in total, let me remind you, there are 50 of them, half of the local executive power against the supreme leader. and what happened? georgiy alisashvili went for answers to where it all began. the main impression from texas is that now it is a complete discrepancy between the external, completely everyday life of large cities, and we are working in dallas with a real, though still only information war around this state. the texas national guard
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has taken full control of the mexican border and is keeping the u.s. department of homeland security special forces unit away, that is. the regional government not only opposed the federal government, it also involved the security forces. the crux of the controversy with biden in the white house, the us-mexico border is similar to rishito. federal authorities turn a blind eye to crowds of illegal immigrants; their numbers on the southern borders of the country are breaking historical records. only according to official information for the past a month , 300,000 people illegally entered the united states from mexico; in texas itself there are illegal immigrants, according to various sources, from 2 to 3 million, that is, in the worst case scenario, every tenth resident of the state... is outside the american law. desperate to get help from washington, governor ebat activated the first article of the constitution in texas, which gives the state the exclusive right of self-defense in the event that the federal authorities cannot guarantee security. i have already declared an invasion to invoke texas' constitutional powers to
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ensuring security. the texas national guard, texas department of public safety and other texas authorities are providing border security. state, acting under these powers, as well as state law. texas authorities have declared a zero- tolerance regime for illegal immigrants along the entire bank of the rio grande river, which divides the united states and mexico, a barbed wire fence. washington demands that it be dismantled. the us supreme court has moved towards the white house. however, texas does not comply with this decision either. the conflict is growing. ultraconservatives started talking about secession, that is, secession from the united states. it should be noted here that texas is the richest and... completely self-sufficient region in america. 25 republican states, that is, literally half the country on the issue of fighting illegal immigrants at any cost, openly supported texas. at the moment, official washington does not control the southern borders of the country. the texas national guard is recruiting volunteers with military experience to protect the border, which illegal immigrants are storming on one side and
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federal forces are trying to occupy on the other. joe biden gave the regional the authorities have 24 hours to retreat. what will happen after the expiration of the ultimatum is unclear, they add up. potential of the creative industries service sector, expansion of foreign trade infrastructure, including through the development of sea ports and terminals. all this is the key to creating modern, well-paid jobs, in order to increase the production of high-tech products and services .


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