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tv   Blokada  1TV  January 27, 2024 4:45pm-6:01pm MSK

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and so that there are no surprises during the assault , it is necessary to work out everything down to the smallest detail with the soldiers during the exercises, every maneuver, every detail, clearly, comrade commander, one thing i don’t understand is why we are preparing so many stairs, they say they will send them to leningrad to the remontevsky cathedral, you say, what? iski is like climbing to the sky. svegenza, alexey, ivan maksimovich, hello, dear! how did you end up here? and i, friend, you are my golden one, always end up where i need to be. ya
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works in a field tank repair brigade from the plant, here, you know, i see your name hanging from the trees, and that’s exactly what i need, what are you, you son of a bitch, you don’t let your son know about you, which means you’re alive, alive, alive, where is she, where, there somewhere in a hospital , on the mainland, i was lying, but after treatment , they were sent to the volkhov front, well, and they transferred me here, the man, as he says, believes that the war has its way, and you are also good, you couldn’t but yourself a knitted stone send it to the factory, this is a letter from her, it ’s written about you, read, i know it by heart, alyosha zvyagentseva wrote:
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headquarters also sent your old friend, army general zhukov. everyone present knows that headquarters approved operation iskra. the commander of the leningrad front, lieutenant general govarov, gives the floor. please, lionit alexandrovich. comrades, insertion of the supreme.
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ordered the leningrad and volkhov fronts to go on the offensive and break the blockade of leningrad. here, between the eighth hs and shliselburg. further development of the offensive, workers' village number 5. with a subsequent attack to the south, that is, to sinyavino. in the area of ​​the workers' village we must meet with the troops of the second shock army of the volkhov front. the throw across the neva will be preceded for 2:20 minutes by artillery preparation by the forces of two fronts, the baltic fleet and the neva.
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lennogo region, the offensive will begin tomorrow , january 12 at 9:30, the first to attack are the divisions of colonel turbachev, general simonyak, colonel barshchev and general krasny, questions. i’m helping, comrade marshal, everything is clear, the division commanders have already received specific tasks. andrey alexandrovich has the floor zhdanov. i am addressing you on behalf of our bolshevik party, on behalf of its leningrad organization, as communists. in the life of every
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communist, and we are all communists here, both party and non-party, there are special moments when the power of his soul, his will, now comes exactly such a moment in the life of each of us, breaking the blockade is not just a military operation, no, this is our duty to leningrad, to the memory of the great leader, the name which... the city bears before all our soviet people.
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comrade general, regimental commanders are on the line, says simonyak, attack.
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retreat, we are bringing up tanks and artillery , allow me to move my op there, i will support communications by radio, i authorize, we must try to stop the russians with a flank attack, hence the offensive from the volkovo front is also increasing, it is possible that the russians are going to put an end to our bottle throat, will they connect somewhere here?
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in the morning, report on the execution of the order or lose your lieutenant colonel's shoulder straps.
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you can understand that i didn’t take the child
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because of the money, how brazen i have become, look at me i’ll give you as much trouble as possible, container, new series, tomorrow after the program, time, monte chocca cognac, product of the lar group, i’m listening, georgy konstantinovich, what’s your situation like? i was fine until this morning, how are you, georgy konstantinovich? the offensive is broken up successfully; unfortunately, it is difficult to use tanks around peat. and it’s difficult for us with tanks. the lungs have passed, but the heavy ice cannot stand it, we are preparing for steves. keep in mind, lindeman is pulling in reserves from wherever he can. i interrogated the prisoners myself. you owe lieutenant colonel urgently form two combined battalions of the original composition of ukrebran. take a line in the liza of the second town, here,
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the enemy has pushed back parts of borschov’s division, if he manages to reach the neva, our entire right flank will be under threat, you will personally diagnose the units on the ground, that is, carry out the diagnosis yourself. where the tanks could have come from, according to intelligence they were not there, the devil knows, colonel, you first, let's go first, the enemy is attacking at the junction between, i know, borshchev just called, your battalion is not with places, i ordered the artillerymen to set up barrage fire, allow me to personally leave for the battalion location in the sharpest place. commander sokolov will remain at the command post in my place, i authorize, remember, to stand to the death,
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several vehicles were knocked out, the rest can break through, roll out the guns directly , hello, combo! roll out the gun for direct fire.
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hello, hello, barshchev, hello, can you hear me, tanks and infantry have broken through to our positions, i ask for support, urgently, you are not the only one being attacked, tanks and infantry are also pressing me. well done, artemists, get ready to reflect new attack, fire, fire, fire!
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here look! what's going on, lieutenant colonel? your tankers are fleeing like rats from a sinking ship. they don’t run, mister general, they are shot at point-blank range and burned. there is no point
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in counting on success if the commander is in a panicky mood. i have never been a coward, mr. general, but you see for yourself, the russians are surrounding us, i don’t know how to save the remnants of the regiment, you don’t know, then i’ll tell you what to do, this will be your last chance, lieutenant colonel, what is it ? "old people and children are being driven ahead, come on, come on, what are they they are doing, bastards, what are we going to do
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, comrade commanders, i will stop the tanks with targeted fire, but how to save people, i will put people down, let yours cut off the machine gunner from the flanks, okay, for you my raised hand is a fire signal, clearly, i know why yourself, comrade lieutenant colonel, let me do it. shoot let us know what the russians intend to offer us, i will raise my hand , you all must throw yourself on the ground, what is
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this russian saying?
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there were also those who agreed to cooperate with us, especially in the first months of our offensive, where are you, there is guilt. the blows are delivered from inside the blockade ring, through it and from the side of the volkhov. i will bark you.
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we've united, comrade commander. congratulations. well done, kamdiev. i pass the phone to andrei alexandrovich. comrade simonyak, please accept my congratulations. tomorrow all of leningrad. will know about your remarkable victory, after seven days of fighting, the troops of the volkhov and leningrad fronts united on january 18,
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and thereby broke the blockade of leningrad. oh, dear, distant, do you hear, the damned ring is torn, you pressed your hands, you deeply you breathe, your face is in shining tears, we cry too, we cry too, mother, and we are not ashamed of our tears, it is warmer in our hearts without...
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from the mainland, i have never wanted to live as much as i want to live now, after the union the front turns to the south, the offensive begins on the sinyavinsky heights, your battalions find themselves on the right flank, the task of equipping them at the expense of the remaining units of the grebrine to gain a foothold is not excluded. that the german will try to counterattack, is that clear? clear, comrade commander, question: about the future the use of you personally will be decided later. as
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a result of breaking the blockade, the southern coast of lake ladazh was liberated. on the morning of february 7, 1943, leningraders met the first train from the mainland at the finland station. the breaking of the blockade coincided with the great victory on the banks of the volga. the defeat of the nazis at stalingrad strengthened the confidence of the leningraders in the final victory over the enemy. but leningrad was under siege for another whole year. and finally the retribution came. january 14. 1944 were the first to strike to enemy troops, soldiers of the second shock army of the saraneenbaum bridgehead.
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troops of the 42nd army rushed towards them from the pulkovo heights. on january 19, the troops of the two armies united, destroyed the enemy’s pyatergovsko-strelny group and rushed to the west. simultaneously with the troops of leningrad. as a result of twelve days of intense fighting, leningrad was completely liberated from the enemy blockade. on january 27, 1944, over the squares and... streets of the fortress city , rockets of a festive fireworks shot into the sky in honor of those who liberated unbending leningrad from the enemy blockade.
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the struggle of the soviet people against fascism was difficult and cruel. the war claimed the lives of 20 million soviet people, of which about a million were leningraders. with their short lives and their deaths, they brought closer the great immortal cause, our victory, it came to the streets of leningrad.
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i miss my comrades, but they are no longer there. at the age of 97, ivan nikifarovich shulgay from the village of grivenskaya, krasnodar territory, decided to take a big trip. the apples are washed, grated, well, very good, thank you. it is possible to feed, but we struggled. for 100 g of bread. during the great patriotic war, ivan nikiforovich served as a driver in leningrad. during the blockade, he took women and children from the besieged city. i remember how
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the reception went. the siege of leningrad, the most brutal page in the history of the great patriotic war. it was hell, blood, screams, it was something terrible. 872 days. surrounded by 2 million people.
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among them were 5,000 children, people were dying, just scary, completely, without food, starvation is the easiest death, without warmth. it was there all the time i was cold all the time , i wanted to eat under constant bombardment, leningrad was not protected at all, it was worse and more terrible here than in the okupas, during the siege of leningrad , 800 thousand people died from hunger, the corpses were carried out, piled right here on...
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we endured everything, counted that the war will end soon. that terrible feeling of hunger is when
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you want to eat all the time, but there is nothing to eat. the siege of leningrad began on september 8, 1941. that day, the germans surrounded the city, cutting off all roads. communication with the outside world. one of the first goals of the nazis were to destroy food supplies. reserves of sugar, cereals and flour were stored in wooden barns of the badayevsky warehouses. on the seventh , the bombing of the badayevsky warehouses began, a huge fire began, and we only had enough bread in leningrad for 14-15 days. very soon bread becomes the only value. exhausted people are ready to exchange the most expensive things for it. the end of september and november, the second
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half of the beginning, the bread quota was reduced five times. children 125 g, a.k.a. have reached the point of being molested. the military received 300 g. due to constant the city's electricity is cut off due to bombing. trams stop right on the streets. children's sleds become a universal means of transportation, transport of the dead and the living. yes, here is a children's sled and two two men came for dad, i went out to see him off. in this yard , eleven-year-old zoya vinogradova saw her dad for the last time. he worked at a factory and gave all his rations to zoya and her two brothers. he didn’t eat anything himself, and from exhaustion
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he couldn’t even go to kindergartens, so he had nothing else to do. in hospital there to the factory to get a little treatment. soon zoya left. to visit my dad, hungry, chilled, walking through a half-dead city, only on the bridge i remember myself like this, that i felt cold , the local committee told me that dad died at 5:00 in the morning, so i went home, like me, like me i got there, i don’t remember, but i came home , i came... i told my mother that dad had died, they cried, whined, then they didn’t have the strength to cry, they thought that we too would soon, hunger
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comes to every leningradskaya street , in every house, i survived because of care my mother, yuri belov , was 12 in forty-one. his mother worked as a doctor in a clinic, she went around leningrad residents’ apartments and recorded cases of starvation, she only told me that... she says this is the easiest thing, like this, a person without suffering, you see, this is how it moves away from megda, in the most terrible winter months of 1942, up to 7,000 people a day die from exhaustion, they don’t have time to bury the dead, in leningrad a terrible siege term appears - diapers, just when a person.
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they eat everything that is at least somehow edible, they cook leather belts and boots , hunt pigeons, rats, here i remember, here we had a table in front of the windows, here we ate cat, i also remember this moment, i once went out into the kitchen, this jelly made of glue. like an animal, i grabbed this plate, ate it and didn’t think about anything else, my legs are paralyzed from hunger, my head is spinning, people don’t get out of bed, the streets are empty , only the radio reminds me of life, there was a time when the radio was the interlocutor of leningraders, when i don’t have a phone anymore, i don’t have the strength to go out, but the radio... whispers. in those difficult days, the most recognizable and
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dear to leningraders will be the voice of the poet olga bergolts. i will talk to you today, comrades and fellow leningraders, about the light that is above us, about our last consolation. ninety-seven-year-old ivan shulga is back in the city he saw besieged. hungry, destroyed, in the city from which he saved thousands of people, a traffic jam meets him at the station, i remember how i traveled here, all this, i remember all this, how i transported people. in the summer of '41, ivan
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nikiforich served as a driver in one of the military units of leningrad. on sunday june 22, he, like all the townspeople, was resting. that day , graduates of leningrad schools were walking on the spit of vasilyevsky island; the children had already gone to pioneer camps. we just settled down in the morning. we were going to breakfast , the head of the camp announced to us that we were leaving for the city of leningrad right away, schoolchildren were hastily returning from children's camps, at the same time trains with mobilized soldiers began to leave leningrad. in the first days of the war, 430 thousand young combat-ready men left the city for the front, leaving behind women, old people. the germans are rapidly
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advancing towards leningrad from the northwest. the rapid capture of the city is part of barbarossa's plan, the goal of which is to disperse the forces of the soviet army and capture the largest cities of the country with lightning speed. the capture of leningrad is one of hitler's priorities. hitler actually said that the city must be taken first of all. with the consideration that its capture would have a demoralizing effect on the soviet regime. on july 31 , the finnish army joined the german offensive. the finns attack from the north the ring around the city begins shrink. stalin insists that leningrad must be defended at any cost.
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an independent life began with this, because we studied at school, at our parents’ house, that’s how we left on july 18, that’s all for me personally. already at the end of august, just 2 months after the start of the war, the first german tanks appeared on the horizon, schoolchildren took the fight,
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yurapeev was in this dungeon, so he came out with an anti-tank grenade and rushed. he himself died and several machine gunners died. having met desperate resistance, the fascists stopped the offensive. fearing more heavy losses in street battles.
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they came down here, this is the main entrance to the basement, everyone came here, of course, they heard that there were explosions, there were many cases where houses fell and people were buried,
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and some people died a long death there, so some did not leave , some remained at the top. the approach of german planes was monitored from the rooftops of leningrad residents, members of civilian air defense units. there are photographs of women, just on one of these turrets there are women with binoculars. valentine gavrilov was 5 years old during the blockade; his mother was part of one of these detachments and took her son with her to the roof. there were already respectable people, the sky was black from planes, like there were bombings, they were shooting and bombing, so to speak, this isaiah cathedral that you see, it was a landmark for them. on september 19, 1941, the most terrible bombing of leningrad,
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more than 3.00 bombs were dropped on the city; in the hospital where rosa dikterenko worked, this air raid coincided with a long-awaited lunch. we were given peas in a bowl everyone, and there was meat, and we were so tired and wanted to eat so much, at that moment there was a blow, the frame flew, all the glass fell into our bowls, i still wanted to eat with my shaking hands, and i saw the meat, i put my hand in there in the bowl. and now all the bomb shelters are shouting urgently, we never had lunch then, modern man, also absolutely proven by genetics, was born in africa, and then from there he began his journey around the world, language originated in africa, the first
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tool of labor, our thinking originated there, ethiopia and eritrea, pushkin is such a cultural bridge between russia and africa, in russia. civilizations premiere, the second film africa on thursday on the first. rum. castro, a product
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of stellor group. in those days, radio wasn't afraid to talk to the city very frankly. after the bombings, mothers of lost children spoke about their grief live on air. comrade, i’ll tell you myself, my children, genno and tolechka were sitting at the table, drawing pictures , there was a terrible blow, glass fell , fragments flew into the room, the little girl was gone, my dear, tolechka was wounded in the ear, hand and neck, covered in blood, he came running to my post and said: “mommy, the girl was killed.” my friends, do you understand my maternal grief? when an air raid alert was announced
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, a siren signal was given, and this is the siren that sounded on the air. attention, the area is under artillery fire. stop, the population should take cover. the spare studio was in the basement; during the run, we did not interrupt the broadcast; our announcers went downstairs to this studio and worked. comrade, we have had bitter days and are facing unprecedented troubles.
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one editor came, the program took place, he came out and immediately fell down, pale, they thought it was a heart attack, but it was an attack from hunger. during the blockade, out of 300 radio workers, 115 people died of hunger. how to evacuate people? supply of products to the city. the leadership of leningrad was looking for a solution to these problems from the first days of the siege. all roads are blocked. air
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travel is not possible. the only way out is to transport provisions across lake ladoga. the journey took 17 hours, and the ibazhi arrived at our place at the same time, but unfortunately, there were very few cargo-carrying vessels, the cargo transportation plan was not was carried out. there are not enough berths on the lake; piers are being hastily built on the shore for barsh. here you can see the remains of the piles in the water, they have already rotted, everything has collapsed, these are the remains of those mooring devices that ships approached here for unloading to the shore, but there are not enough hastily built berths, often bags of food have to be unloaded directly in the water, under constant shelling. it was hell, we need to load, and we loaded, and they fly lower, they fire at us, and we hide
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our heads in flour, to fix things up, regular supplies of food to the city are not possible, people are falling dead from exhaustion right on the streets of leningrad, autumn of '41, cold, no electricity. despite this, classes begin in schools, hungry children sit at their desks, lessons last 25 minutes, neither children nor teachers can stand it any longer, homework is not assigned, many children do not even have the strength to walk home, cars were driving around the city, they collected dead people from... driver ivan shulga worked on such a machine in the first weeks of the blockade. dead people
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he brought it here, to the beskarevskoye cemetery. there are no names on these tombstones, the water supply is turned off, drinking water is becoming a luxury, somewhere around there there were people like a ditch all frozen, and they scooped up water and poured it with something,
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these buckets standing on children’s postures there... like someone’s pan with a sled with these half-dead, as they say , a ten-year-old child, this was dragging everything , as it is now, i just even you know, it’s hard for me to even talk, because i don’t know how it could be, the soldiers of leningrad the front continues to try to break the blockade, and civilians do not stop working.
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sometimes they began to give out cereals and even butter, here’s butter, please, the sixth, the ninth, the eleventh butter they gave out, there was such a small piece of butter, and my mother she divided this piece into small squares and so into each of our mouths like this i hit it like that, these are these trucks. those who came to the eastern shore of ladoga with food returned with people, and thus began the evacuation of peaceful population from besieged leningrad. the path to the mainland began at this station. ten-year-old vladislav grigoriev came here with his mother, grandmother and little sister. and we
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were brought here to the square from a truck, we loaded up. we went to the platform, it was possible , in my opinion, to take 25 kg of everything per person, from here the trains left for lake ladash, before loading into the cars everyone was given a generous ration, the pot was uh millet porridge, bread, sugar, that is, it was a lot, everything was hot and delicious, and here we are after this hunger, when they saw it, it meant that they really wanted to eat it, but grandmother knew that after hunger it was impossible. she gave us a lot to eat, little by little, she saved our lives, and many who had eaten too much right in the carriage died, they were carried out near the railway track , they dug a hole there, they put all the corpses there, there were stops only in an open
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field, they knock on railway carriage. they are screaming, there are pipes , i think what they are, they ask me , it turns out they are knocking up the pipes and saying, there are corpses, you need to take them out, throw them away, that’s it. very scary, very scary. trains arrived at borisova griva station. here people got into semi-trucks, open-topped trucks and hit the road through the icy latoga. ivan nikiferych shulga worked on one of these machines. from this place his dangerous journey began. they took it away. they took it out, just like that, it cruised, 36 km across the ice, in the dark, under shelling, it was a black cloud, you know, you couldn’t even
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see the sky, just like that i was lying in flight, they started bombing, a car with ours went under the ice nearby, too with the leningraders, and... there were headlights, you can see how he goes, goes, goes, on there was nowhere to hide on the open ice, well, it was scary when the germans attacked, in the garage of the museum of the road of life there was a semi-truck that walked along ladoga during the days of the blockade, just like this ivan shulga was bringing food back to the hungry city.
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preserved, in the first months of operation of the ice route , several tens of thousands of people were able to be brought out of the city, my mother , as she was holding the vadinka like this, became completely numb, and me , too, as i sat crouched, they took me off the truck and carried me when... this is kind of big room, there were a lot of leningraders , who also all came through vladerskoye, and there i say, don’t bring it, don’t bring it near the heat, the vessels will burst, because we were
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completely numb, they were all so exhausted, in general they were very exhausted people, we just realized that we had finally arrived on the mainland, which was all terrible. all this blockade, it all remained there, delivering people to the southern coast to the village of kabona, the cars were sent back, the drivers worked around the clock, but sometimes due to due to strong snowstorms, flights were canceled, on one of these days a song was born in ladag that every leningrader would soon know. bogdanov comes, bogdanov the signalman , he came and said, so i composed a song, well, they immediately performed it right there, the song went into life,
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we needed a song that helped the past overcome difficulties, the songs were sung by car drivers, traffic controllers, native ladoga, blizzards, storms, thanks to this song, soon the whole country will call for the icy path along ladoga, dear life, some kind of pain is felt. veda productlar group,
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due to air raids, there are constantly interruptions in the supply of provisions to the besieged city, in january forty-two days there was no bread... in general, thousands of children remain in the city, many of them are already orphans, release them to...
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soon victor himself will lose his mother, it’s hard if he gets sick , he will end up in an orphanage, and as a keepsake from his family, he will only have a few old photographs left, here is my mother, these are all mine, of all those who are here in the photograph, those who are not, i am the only one left alive. the blockade made more than 30,000 children orphans; 85 are urgently opened in the city orphanages, the command of the leningrad front helps them with food and medicine. of course, they knew about thousands of children who lost their parents on the radio. employees of the children's
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editorial office read fairy tales for them on air; maria petrova's voice lulled the little prisoners of the besieged city. “i’m coming with a whole retinue,” said the darning needle, pulling a long thread behind it, only without a knot. and when she told these amazing tales, we all sat. listened, at that moment people were buried. after the war, evacuees children from orphanages will be looking for each other throughout the union. in january 1942, the soviet command decided to launch the first large-scale operation to break the blockade of leningrad. units of the second shock army managed to penetrate into the depths of the defense. wehrmacht at
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a distance of up to 70 km. formations of the leningrad front made their way towards them from the north from the northeast; at some point, the troops of the two fronts were separated by only 40 km. but already in february, soviet troops were bogged down in battles. the germans are desperately defending themselves. and at the beginning in march, as the weather warms, the fastas go on a counter-offensive. take the second shock army surrounded. leningrad was never liberated, but people did not give up. with the arrival of spring, all free plots of land in the city are sown with vegetable seeds. where there was empty space, at least somewhere a piece of lawn. everywhere
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there were continuous vegetable gardens, this garden, along the admiralty, there were continuous vegetable gardens, but mostly they planted cabbage. having learned that life is getting better in the besieged city, the fastas again begin large-scale shelling and bombing. for august forty-two the german command planned a new assault on leningrad. meanwhile , preparations are underway for a unique event in leningrad. for the first time in world history , the premiere of a symphony concert is planned in a besieged city. rare footage of the siege chronicle. september '41. the famous composer dmitry shostakovich, while in a besieged city, writes the seventh symphony, which will later be called the leningrad symphony. seventh symphony, he once
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predicted war for her and predicted victory. shastakovich is soon evacuated to kuibyshov. there he will finish his symphony. the leadership of leningrad decides not only to perform it at the philharmonic, but to broadcast the concert on the radio to the whole world. we are alive, we can, we will protect, we will win, you know, something is needed. the only conductor of the kalyasberg symphony orchestra remaining in leningrad told how...
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on august 9, 1942, probably for the first time during the entire blockade, not a single nazi shell fell on leningrad. when you sit and know that there was shelling, there was some kind of tension, it was
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cold in the hall, and the colonel was sitting next to me, he i cried, and i cried, and although the blockade was still far from being lifted, everyone sitting in the hall that evening... was developing a new plan for the liberation of leningrad. the offensive is planned in the shliselburg area. the operation will be called "iskra". it is prepared for a long time and carefully.
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during all the days of the blockade, ivan nikifor made several hundred flights and saved thousands of lives. on
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the eve of the celebration of the lifting of the blockade on the shores of lake ladazh, he met with those whom he saved from starvation. can the girls take a photo with you? in the summer of forty-three after the victory in kursk in the battle, soviet troops will finally seize the initiative and drive the nazis to the west. leningrad will listen to the victories of the soviet troops on the radio and patiently wait for the day
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of its final liberation. on january 27 , 1944, after 872 days of siege, the soviet army completely liberated leningrad. speak leningrad, speak leningrad, 19:59 , january 27, 1944, we stood there, hugging each other, we could have easily died, and knowing that this shell would not arrive, you know, the bomb would not fall, here it is, the solemn a moment that leningrad will never forget. people who overcame all the horrors and hardships
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of the blockade live in this city today, walk along its streets, rejoice, smile, but the pain they experienced will forever remain in their hearts. even among my employees i couldn’t tell how it was, because it was all so difficult, it was all difficult to remember. well, it’s simply impossible, tears immediately begin, you know, no one can fully understand what these people went through during the 872 days of the siege of their hometown, city, who remained unconquered, the one who remained alive, this is such happiness, this is so lucky.
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hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. unconquered city, 80 years since the complete lifting of the fascist blockade of leningrad. at the peskarevskoe cemetery, an endless stream of people, laid flowers and... the president. enemy complex.


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