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tv   Novosti  1TV  January 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:21pm MSK

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natasha, well, should i look for my husband on the street, or what? yes, what difference does it make, i guess, natasha, don’t be angry, i’ll think of something, well, i need it, me, not you, bye. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio of maxim shrafuddinov, and briefly about the main thing. the first modern buildings built at the earth's cold pole in antarctica, a new wintering complex was put into operation. the presidents of russia and belarus took part in the ceremony.
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mass evacuation of spectators due to a fire in moscow, a satire theater caught fire, they are holding repairs and this could just be the cause of the emergency. no license, summer tires and more. investigators are finding out all the circumstances of a fatal accident in the krasnodar territory, a bus drove into the opposite direction and crashed into a truck. dangerous finds. the work of our sappers. in artyomovsk, militants left mines that explode even without being touched. made in russia, eaten in china. lebyoshka, honey, chocolate, in the prc there is a stir around the fair of our products, what besides pancakes and ice cream attracts the inhabitants of the middle kingdom? the chinese love to chew chicken paws. an important event for world science. at
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the legendary vostok station in antarctica. russia has opened a new wintering complex. this is the first modern building built at the pole of cold. vladimir putin and president of belarus alexander lukashenko, who arrived in st. petersburg the day before, took part in the ceremony via video link in the northern capital. polar film stations conduct important research, monitor solar activity, study space phenomena that affect people and technology, and monitor climate change. russian leader. noted that it was extremely important to create all the conditions for the effective work of scientists in antarctica. the new wintering complex is, perhaps, the best, main gift for the seventieth anniversary russian antarctic expedition, which starts this fall . i am convinced that the new station will strengthen cooperation between scientists from different countries and will become an open platform for solving pressing problems in the field of studying nature, the environment, and of course. to promote
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joint scientific and innovative programs in within the framework of the union state of russia and belarus. the task facing our polar explorers is very important and interesting. it is enough to mention just the continuation of research into subglacial lake vostok. the existing results have already brought unique data and i am confident that with the advent of a new wintering complex, with the assistance of belarusian colleagues, the work will go even more intensively. which means.
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in the neighborhood, only about 20 km, but the weather now is such that these 20 km cannot be overcome, but i think that the time will come when communication will improve and the russian guys will inform belarusian scientists about the situation that is developing in antarctica, which to this day is the most poorly studied continent on the planet, but... the pace
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shown by russia, russia is the leader in the study of antarctica, today no one can compare with this, we had great country. before our broadcast, the news came that a fire in the satire theater was extinguished in moscow, the building, despite the enormous risk due to the wooden ceilings, was saved, no one was hurt, however, the performances were cancelled, dozens of spectators had to be evacuated. there is
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a huge traffic jam at the garden ring in the mayakovka area, and the smell of gare can still be felt in the surrounding area. everything that is known up to this moment about the fire, as well as its causes , will be told by evgeniy lyamin. a fire in the dome part of the satire theater occurred at about 11 o'clock. people who were in the building, about 50 people immediately evacuated them and began to extinguish the fire. the next performance was scheduled for 12 noon, but it was naturally cancelled, as was later reported in the press service, all upcoming performances have also been cancelled. spectators who arrived early say that at the very beginning only a small stream of smoke was coming from under the dome; everyone hoped to the last that the performance would still take place. we probably arrived about 15-12 minutes later, there were already a few standing. there was nothing at all, and in general it almost seemed to me that it was the other way around, everything had already been localized, we were about to be launched, but then a young man came out and so we realized that it was a theater employee who said that the entire auditorium was in smoke, that
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there will definitely not be a morning performance and that most likely we will have to leave; we will be contacted, the fire was spreading quickly, at first the area was reported to be 180 km, while it was being extinguished it increased. up to 350. the situation was complicated by the fact that the ceiling of the dome part was wooden, and the fire spread along them. fire crews worked both inside the building and on the dome itself. access to the ceiling was also problematic; in order for rescuers to reach it, they sawed metal structures and removed cladding sheets. after about 3 hours the fire was localized, the building was built in 1911; at first it housed a circus. during the soviet years , reconstruction was carried out in the building located in 1965. and the satire theater, what caused the fire remains to be determined. according to some reports , repair work was taking place in the dome part. evgeny lyamin, yuriy sholmov, andrey morozov, andrey mikhailov, sergey nashchekin, channel one. the bus driver who was involved in an accident in kuban did not have a license to transport passengers. the tas agency was informed about this by the prosecutor's office
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of the krasnodar region. another violation - summer tires. the accident occurred on the caucasus highway. a truck and a bus collided. flight from moscow to nalchik. five people died. both drivers were passengers, one was traveling in a truck, two were in a bus, and nine more received ramps. the preliminary cause of the accident is that the bus driver fell asleep at the wheel and drove into the oncoming lane. we have just received a report from the ministry of defense; the military department reported that our army has improved the situation along the front line in the kupinsky direction. aviation, artillery and infantry are working, repelling attacks in several areas, the enemy suffers significant losses in personnel, a large number are destroyed. struggle in the donetsk direction, three howitzers were shot down, an american-made hai multiple launch rocket system radio-electronic missile station was attacked. the western coalition also supplies ukraine with cluster
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munitions, modern mines that explode even without being touched, but our sappers know what to do in such cases. report from artyomovsk by sergei panomariov. our work is so difficult, it’s okay, we... came here for this, to defend our homeland, ready, beauty, these are explosions of overhead charges, a group of sappers was confused by the garbage near a burnt tank, disappeared, incinerated, erupted to atoms. a routine part of the work of our engineers in artyomovsk, over and over again we have to clear the same roads and paths, the enemy continues to shell the depopulated city with artillery, there is an unexploded shell lying around. the engine is intact, the initial part simply broke when it hit the ground, but did not detonate. you can also run into cluster munitions, which the west is actively supplying ukrainian militants with. they are invisible under the snow and can detonate from the slightest vibration. now they have begun
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to shoot, either with a slowdown, because before they exploded, that is, above your head, now they simply fall to the ground, hit something soft, and that is, either it is the ground. soft, now it’s snow, in the snow in general they just fall there, out of 50 or 20 pieces 20 will burst, that’s why the snowdrifts are carefully raked by hand, a probe is here... no use, the main thing is skills, and of course , invaluable experience. we have studied very well terrain, for a long period of time we have been here, so we already know in what exact place mines can be installed, so we come and simply remove them there. god protects, we work. for protection, a bulletproof vest and a helmet, no bulky anti-fragmentation suits, not far from the front line, you need to be ready at any moment, run quickly. frosty sun, a terrible day for...
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in the most difficult situations, always keep a clear head and never neglect
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the advice of your comrades, the price of a sapper’s mistake is too high. you're afraid to make a mistake, even here it’s no longer just that you worry about yourself, about your comrades, about your soldiers. the most important thing is that when you report on the completion of a task, it was truly completed 100%. in engineering units, unfortunately, losses do occur, but even after being seriously wounded, many return back to the northern military district zone, just like the commander. platoon with the call sign beaver, spent almost a year in the hospital and came back here, explained his decision to his wife like this: i said, i chose this profession, this job, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, that’s it, i cried, yes, the bag i gathered, kissed, hugged the children, and left. sergey podomaryov, roman serebrennikov, natalya sidorova, channel one. kiev’s european allies, meanwhile, are not trying to divide ukrainian territories for the first time.
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government post, the washington post writes about this. journalists, citing their sources, told what plans the ex-president is now discussing with his advisers. removing china's most- favored-nation trade status, which is granted to almost all countries with which the united states trades, could cause federal tariffs on chinese imports to exceed 40%. trump has proposed a 10 percent tariff on nearly all $3 trillion in annual imports from all countries, including china. the source reports this on condition of anonymity. trump privately discussed with advisers the possibility of imposing
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a flat 60 percent tariff on all chinese imports. in general, here trump is faithful to his previous course, which he pursued during his presidency in the eighteenth and nineteenth years. raised import duties on goods from china several times, tried to return american production from china back to the usa, a blow to the mobile communications market. the chinese it giant huai was then blacklisted by the states, allegedly due to a threat to national security. in the people's republic of china , in shenyang, a festival was opened for the first time, a fair made in russia, the interest in it is enormous, the goods are selling like crazy, some are even trying to counterfeit, which already speaks about the popularity of our products, about the gastronomic preferences of the people of the people's republic of china natalya lyublinskaya knows. many people remember the famous made in china from the nineties - a synonym for inexpensive and accessible goods. today, under the maidden rasha brand, russian manufacturers have united to enter the chinese consumer market.
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there are a large number of crafts for russia. the first hour of the fair, the first record, sold 500 cups of ice cream, that is, an average of eight servings per minute. i like mango and chocolate flavors, the taste is moderately sweet. so many checks? yes, it's going well. fair in chinese shenyang, ancient
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capital of the province of leonin is the first of its kind. residents also plan to introduce russian products. just the other day, china opened its borders to russian pork; the general customs administration of the people's republic of china allowed imports to begin. the competent authorities on the chinese side are certifying russian enterprises; as soon as the process is completed, we will be able to begin shipments. meat trade is very profitable for the two countries, because in china , soup products are also in demand, which are eaten much less frequently in russia. these are pork hooves in sauce, and next to pork ears cured in chinese spices. so, poultry beef has been purchased in russia for several years now, and the most popular import item is chicken feet. the chinese love to chew on chicken feet, such a crunchy snack. but
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the chinese know a lot about russian delicacies: sausage, flatbread, honey. olympic champion anna shcherbakova flew to the opening of the fair. the figure skater is idolized here. the onslaught of thousands of fans, the local security barely managed to hold back the athlete, who periodically comes to china to perform, so she managed to appreciate and love local cuisine. i tried an incredible amount of new dishes, it seems to me that i have never tried them in my entire life, but i liked them the most, to put it roughly. dumplings with shrimp, very tasty, i think it ’s my favorite so far. not only food products are presented at the fair, but also household chemicals, cosmetics, also many made from natural raw materials, the finest painted porcelain, kzhel; skillful handicraft is especially valued in china. the shape of this cup is very different from an ordinary coffee cup, the design on it is also rare, such
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russian, this is a traditional pattern, for russian history, these are russian fairy tales, yes, i don’t know them, but... i really like it, which is noticeable by the large bags at the exit from the fair, buyers vote in yuan for russian goods. natalya lyublinskaya, sergey aksenov and anastasia slobodenyuk, channel one, china. there is a lot of excitement at the russian exhibition, and a unique opportunity to meet the superstars of synchronized swimming at vdnkh from kriley wall, dedicated to the achievements of our champions. tatyana pokrovskaya herself, the head coach of the national team, came to the ceremony, they talk about her tatiana. nikolaevna made it so that in synchronized swimming there is a russian team and everyone else. competitors copy her programs and spy on her training, but the level that tatyana nikolaevna set is unattainable: she won six olympics with the team, and today three-time champion of the summer games olga brusnikina and tatyana pokrovskaya said that even under sanctions, everyone knows who is number one in the world one.
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we will have international competitions for you brics countries. and large sports forum complexes, which includes a synchronized swimming program, these are games of friendship, that is, we have not been closed , we continue to work , we continue to compete, we continue to raise the level and the people who dream of killing us will never wait, they will not wait, we have always been the first and we will strive for this, we... we are always proud of our outstanding coaches, our outstanding athletes, who for many years have not known defeat on the international stage and have certainly made a huge contribution to the authority of our country, so we can all undoubtedly
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be proud of our russian synchronized swimming and achievements. our athletes. how to draw attention to climate issues? of course, pour soup over leonardo davinci's giaconda. the logic is incomprehensible, but this is exactly what the next eco-vandals did: the louvre, two girls, a can of soup. this is what the picture looked like today. of course, it is protected by impenetrable glass, but it is still a smeared masterpiece. after this, environmentalists evoke less and less sympathy in society. this shows from interviews with the girls that the police took them away, but practice shows. will soon be released on this that's all for now, we are following the developments, now on channel one the continuation of the comedy is looking for a woman, enjoy watching.


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