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tv   Vremya  1TV  January 28, 2024 9:00pm-11:00pm MSK

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i’m still impressed by him, i’m sure that this dramatic picture will not leave anyone indifferent, see you next sunday! hello, the sunday time program is about the events of this day of the outgoing week. fire contact. active defense at the front, attacks on the enemy’s military rear, life after the front line. it’s one thing to look on the internet and watch speeches.
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or by mistake, by thoughtlessness, but in any case, what happened is a crime, a blockade diary, on the street, sitting, they are sitting, and these are already old people, without a statute of limitations, and our memory and the atrocities of the fascists, whose plans they want to repeat, the followers of the nazi executioners, no matter what they call themselves today, are doomed. dreams are not up to the furor.
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today i signed a decree on the territories of the russian federation historically inhabited by ukrainians. and whose texas: election year talk about secession of the richest state in america. i'll tell president biden, just don't bother us, you're not needed here. folk wisdom. character, all the best personal for example, the future of all of russia is created in every home of the country. we are a multinational, large family, we have four children, i am the father of three children, the grandfather of five grandchildren. well, let's start with our northern capital from the southern edge of the world, which was connected today by a video bridge. in antarctica, at our vostok station , trial operation of a new wintering unit began. vladimir putin gave it, and
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alexander lukashenko joined him. russian and belarusian polar explorers received resources that no one else has for research and life in extreme conditions. almost -90 overboard. it’s as difficult to breathe as on the top of elbrus; the night lasts for almost half a year. anton vernitsky will continue. it turns out that alexander lukashenko flies to st. petersburg once a month. before the new year, on december 26, he was here for the traditional informal meeting of leaders. commonwealth of independent states, here are negotiations with vladimir putin in the konstantinovsky palace before tomorrow's meeting of the supreme state council of the union state of russia and belarus. the temperature here today is -2, i’m only talking about this because vladimir putin invited alexander lukashenko will also take part in the commissioning ceremony of the new vostok station complex in antarctica, where the lowest temperature on the planet was recorded -89, although now the summer there is only -31. vostok station is the southernmost, although -
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in this case, the word southern here has a completely different meaning than in our northern latitudes, the south in antarctica means harsh, extreme conditions in the full sense of the word, real highlands almost 3,500 meters above sea level, low content oxygen, maximum dry air, hard ultraviolet radiation. this is what the new three-story station building with a height of 17 m looks like, which is clearly visible from a height and is tempting to say a bird’s eye view, but there are few birds here, to put it mildly, precisely because of the lack of oxygen, so in one breath there is nothing here due to the rarefied air it just won't work. on two, because here you need to take two breaths to make the movement. our polar explorers settled at vostok station back in 1955, and the station has been stationed ever since. these are shots of old buildings littered
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four meters of snow, so you can’t even see them from the outside, but these are new modules made in gatchina near st. petersburg. i ask for yours. permission to transfer control to a new wintering complex. please, i beg you. the new wintering complex vostok has been put into commercial operation. inside the new complex is a fully autonomous life support system with modern laboratories, offices and living rooms for thirty-five polar explorers. the history of the creation of the complex is unique in its own way. from start to finish, construction financed by leonid mikhelson, head of novatek, already known for his polar projects.
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covered with snow, it stands on huge jacks, all the modules were completely assembled at the factory and individual cases were tested at a temperature of -100° celsius, after which they were disassembled like a construction kit and transported to antarctica. i would like to express my sincere gratitude and admiration to the builder of the station, of course, a participant in the most complex operation of transporting modules, the crew of sea vessels and the teams of tracked trains. usually the hike from bays... became a coastal station; progress to the dome of the continent, where the vostok station is located, took a month; you, along with a colossal load, were able to overcome the icy desert of antarctica in just 11 days, working
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in fifty-degree frosts. today is also a significant day: on january 28, 1820 , russian navigators berenzhausen and lazarev first reached the continent, calling it the ice continent. bread and salt, the victory banner and the russian anthem in antarctica, this is how they usually greet a new shift of polar explorers working on shifts. they are the ones who spend here unique experiments, from monitoring solar activity, as the altitude above sea level allows, to studying lake vostok, which is located under the antarctic ice. the drilling rig has already passed more than one kilometer deep into the eternal ice. this is the deepest ice on our planet. this piece of core was obtained immediately before. opening of the lake, but the depth is 3.769 m, there is no deeper ice on the ground, that there is a lake in the water under the ice at a depth of almost 4 km , no one knows to the end, a favorite plot horror films, however, scientists are more concerned about how not to introduce modern
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microorganisms into the lake, which could upset the balance that has developed here over almost 2 million years. colleagues said that when the cores were studied, they discovered... there were dna molecules, thermophile bacteria that live in waters, the temperature is over 60°, that’s what, how to understand this, yes vladimir vladimirovich, parts of bacteria were found, but not whole bacteria, this is one, second, why we want a new project for studying the lake, because the main life, understanding how...
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at what point we are, when this cooling or warming will come to us, so that not during our children’s lives, because we really want not only us, but the planet to exist. i will say, we are in an interglacial period, it guarantees 20,000 years of heat, we have already lived for 10,000 years, we are still guaranteed 10,000 years of heat, it’s normal, we’ll eat some more, that is. i report, this is based on data studied by core samples from the vostok station. alexander lukashenko admitted that he does not follow antarctic research as much as vladimir putin, but belarusian polar explorers work here together with the russians. russia is a leader in antarctic exploration. to
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date, no one can compare with this. we had a great country, the soviet union, we worked together. well, if anyone hoped that it would all perish, it turns out. died, reached a higher level. and here i would also like to thank our russian friends, who have been and are helping the belarusians all this time. scientists with accommodation at their stations, support research, share scientific data, provide equipment, in antarctica, 29 countries have their own polar stations, while russia has five year-round and five more seasonal ones, and the vostok station, with its new module opened today, is one of the most modern in the world, as is the new ska arena in st. petersburg, at the end of last year , the channel one cup was held here, during which the russian and...
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channel one teams met, and in the late afternoon the presidents returned to the konstantinovsky palace, where their official negotiations took place. today we seem to be so uh so unusual the issue was also considered as cooperation in antarctica, it would seem, where are we, where is antarctica, no, it turns out that there are common interests there, there is something to work on together, and we will certainly do this. i'm very pleased to have the opportunity to speak with you today. in the evening, slowly, about our bilateral relations, about our interaction within the cis, the csto, the european union,
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we also have a very large range of joint work here, in general the situation is developing very energetically, in the first 10 months of last year we had a trade turnover of our data is 42.5 billion dollars, if in dollars. equivalently speaking , it is growing constantly, i thought about what kind of country could provide such opportunities to a country like belarus, please come, work, let's work together, take, earn, act, no country would be able to treat this way , how do you feel about belarus, what prevented ukraine and the baltic countries from working with us like that, this is our world. we built it for several decades, we won this terrible war together, come on
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move in this direction, no, i don’t want to, they are looking for a better life beyond the seas , in general, thank you very much for everything that has been done, but polishing the agenda is our sacred task, thank you, and of course, today i am in the course of our conversations, i will inform you in detail about what is happening in the special military operation zone tomorrow... the conversation will continue at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state of russia and belarus, although, judging by the fact that the presidents communicated after the official part of the negotiations, they did not were interrupted. anton vernitsky, dmitry vishneva, valery sevastyanov, anna zayakin, alexander kovalev, channel one st. petersburg. vladimir putin has been in st. petersburg since friday, where he arrived from the kaliningrad region. we will return to the stages of his great journey more than once. and now about the conversation, to organize, which the president himself asked with the students.
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irina kuksenkova has all the details. at a meeting with the president at the st. petersburg state maritime technical university, although the people were young, they already had a mature outlook on life. they all visited at the front, some volunteers help the fighters, others a few more. you probably already realized all this yourself, you will return as completely different people, because it’s one thing to look on the internet, watch someone’s speeches, and another thing to find yourself in the trenches, where shells are falling, where gunfire is whistling, where there are mines, where drones are like mice flying where it's cold
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is dangerous, that's a completely different story, it can't. not to influence a person, his worldview as a whole, it is generally in the character of our people at a difficult moment for the homeland not to feel sorry for themselves, to lend a shoulder country, this once again shows that in our country this is passed on from generation to generation , no matter who says anything in different periods of time about what kind of youth we have, life always puts everything in its place. noted that russia has always had a warm and good-neighborly attitude towards the people of ukraine, but the western curators, fueled by the nationalists, only took advantage of this, pushing the country towards conflict. everything that happened there, of course, especially in the territories occupied by opponents, is genocide, it cannot be called otherwise, but the extermination of people, just russians, was declared
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there by non-titular nations, a law was adopted in our historical territories, and they announced that... that they would not implement any minsk agreements, at the same time they actively continued to work on creating an anti-russian platform in the territory called today ukraine, they just started creating such an enclave, they deceived us 10 times in a row about the non-expansion of nato, but all this together simply did not leave us any chance except to uh start uh... to try, so we started a special military operation, but this is not the beginning of the war, they themselves started the war in donbass in 1914. at the meeting, the soldiers who recovered from injuries, according to the main military medical directorate, most of the injuries at the front were caused by mine explosions. today, domestic enterprises producing prosthetics, there are hundreds of them in the country, have almost completely replaced
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foreign manufacturers, and the rehabilitation of the wounded is carried out in several stages, including: people with amputations no longer need to confirm your disability, but it turned out that one gap still remained, i was surprised to learn that when a person is given modern means of rehabilitation, there are some kind of mechanical prostheses, this actually, in fact, replaces a real arm or leg, and is reduced in this connection there is a level of payments.
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assistance to large families, you always pay special attention to this category of citizens; perhaps it would be possible to raise such an issue
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as exempting from property tax not only one of the family members, but also their minor children, we now have a rule according to which this tax is waived. participants in a special military operation are released, but family members are not , this is true, and yes, you are right, then it turns out that if, for example, minor children or wives, spouses, they are the owners of residential premises, then they must pay, well, in fact, you have to pay for them, uh, this is a property tax. this is a local tax, not a federal one, but if the state is already doing something, then should be done thoroughly, i sergei vitrovich
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agree with you, this issue will be resolved. another important question: psychological assistance to soldiers returning from the north military district zone is no secret; our men regard a trip to a psychologist’s office as a kind of manifestation of weakness, but it is obvious that after everyday life at the front , they should switch. many people don’t know about this problem, they don’t know that there is quality help from specialists, some, due to their own beliefs, don’t want to seek help. according to international practice, approximately 50%, 50% of people who take part in combat actions, they need such psychological rehabilitation, well, this is average. guise, in our country approximately 20% only apply from military personnel or former military personnel, many do not apply because they believe
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that this is a manifestation of some kind of weakness, character and something else, these are simply the characteristics of the central nervous system of each person, you can do how? so i’m now addressing everyone present, such a subtle thing, you know, can this be made mandatory, what do you think? when he was not yet a tanker, but simply
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i served in the infantry, so to speak, in the motorized rifles, so he sat in the detachment and arrived, a comrade was sitting next to him, he covered him with himself, i say who he is, this is your friend, that’s it, no, he was just nearby and i say i lost him in the hospital , help me find him, i don’t know, i asked him to be found, special attention to volunteers, the people’s front project , everything for victory, to help fighters on the front line and civilians in new regions, collected more than 10 billion rubles, the whole country united in a common desire to help, the people’s front purchased and donated all the essentials, thousands lives saved, of course, the popular front kind of ignites, as they say, organizes this work, systematizes, but , by the way, i think that to a large extent due to the fact that it was the popular front
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that pushed this work forward, and it stimulated the whole country, in fact, to this joint noble activity, we will try in every possible way to support you, thank you very much to all those who work - thank you very much donetsk resident zakhar korniev went to the front for 18 years, he lived near the airport from childhood remembers the ukrainian shelling of civilians neighborhoods, then, when i participated in the battles for the liberation of mariupol, i saw how the ukrainian armed forces destroyed the city, which russia is now restoring, i know the history of our fatherland and the history of my family, i was obliged to pull myself together, get into formation and give. duty. how old were you when you entered the combat zone? 18, 18? your second place of service is solidar, and
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that’s where the situation is. zakhar said that he said the following words: “i’m proud of my father,” that’s great, the whole country is proud of you, i say this without any unnecessary stuff pathos, it is true, we all wish each other victory, you will certainly find your place in civil life, 100%, i have no doubts, and moreover, i will
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set up the entire state mechanism. so that people like you get a chance to prove themselves in civilian life, they will do this purposefully with the full awareness that people like you, who have passed the crucible of combat trials, are needed by the fatherland at all times and in the future, because that you should form the basis of the russian state. about the meeting at the marine technical university, vladimir putin once again recalled the very next meeting on the development of the agglomeration of st. petersburg and the region and once again noted who should be the moral authority in our country. today i met with students who interrupted their studies, many of them went to the combat zone, it is from these people that we must form the country’s elite in the future, not from
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those, sorry. who are there - that means they expose their genitals or show their buttocks, well, such weirdos are also needed, albeit, but the real elite of the country is in the hands, which can be transfer to russia, now we need to form these people, which means they need to be supported , they need to be helped, this communication with the defenders was not protocol, warm, almost family-like, one of the participants... and here’s another interesting moment that happened after this meeting , one of its participants approached our film crew, as it turned out , in order to simply say thank you for our work and share impressions of the film doctor preobrazhensky on our channel, he was almost exact with the name of the film story, but the main thing is that its essence is captured correctly.
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the institute of beauty, honestly, the whole dugout watched, not at first, it’s true, they caught a piece of the last episode of the first season and, by inertia, began to watch the second, very interesting filmed , well done, high quality, the most beautiful woman on television ekaterina berezovskaya, i always watch the news with joy, i’m always on the go, it is incredibly important and pleasant for us that our work receives recognition from such viewers. on air tomorrow. in the meantime, from today's chronicle of the special operation, a powerful blow by our military against rear supply facilities ukrainian formations. an oil refinery was hit in kremenchug, poltava region. footage is being published online showing him completely engulfed in flames. explosions also occurred in poltava itself and kharkov, one of the largest centers of the military industry working for the kiev regime. as for the front line, in the kupinsky direction the crew of the k-52 helicopter
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destroyed a militant stronghold. the ministry of defense published footage in which an alligator flies up to a target at an extremely low altitude, strikes, and then shoots off thermal anti-missile trap. on the ground, meanwhile, five enemy attacks were repelled in the kharkov region in the donetsk people's republic. our correspondent amir yasupov works on the front line in the north of artyomovsk. we run away, we run away. solidarskaya direction - advanced positions of the volk brigade of the volunteer corps. what are the resets? yes, she left! here it is foggy weather, yes, yes, usually quadcopters don’t fly with such poor visibility, but today the enemy periodically reaches us and drops grenades, it’s surprising, i threw them, no, here it is flew in from the right, the enemy attacks with drops when we are walking when we are driving a car, we didn’t understand the first gap at all, we didn’t understand the first one, but somewhere nearby it was as if there was something in my hand, in short, not mine either something just cut a little on my face.
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i just looked at my leg, my leg is intact, although it’s also a lake shuttlecock, it’s like it’s flowing, it’s flowing, i look, there’s no blood , there’s nothing, well, there were sparks, i saw it straight away, i say, i had the feeling that it was on the tape ran over. yes, yes, it’s just like there’s such a gap below right under the wheel, the driver , after waiting, drives the car away, a little later we meet again, it was intact when i had time, intact, i dropped you off, drove back , a bird caught up with me in the field, once reset, i continued on the gas, here is the second one the dump was left without glass, it was alive, intact , everything was fine, adrenaline grabbed me like a bottle of wine, of course, inside the car there was broken glass mixed with fragments, we’ll get there normally , i hope, yes, everything will be fine, but that’s not the main thing to believe, let’s all be with god, there are through holes in the back near the places where we sat,
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there are no windows, now we are driving with the wind, but in general there is not much fun in this, if a grenade had exploded so close in the car, there were fragments , as if someone had been caught in the morning to catch it. now everyone is on guard and even the fog is not calming. titz flies. i thought it was my imagination. and the drone beeps, well, it’s a detector. of course it’s better not to stand here. in dashes and dashes one at a time. and our operators lift drones into the sky. well, now visibility is bad, but in principle you can fly. the haze gradually dissipates, after a while time. the soldiers notice: two ukrainian armed forces militants are fiddling around in a trench, ours are working on them with komikaze drones. they watch the position for a few more minutes, make sure there is no movement, and fly around other enemy fortifications. the field on
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the right side is a small piece of paper on it. they have a fortified area there, plus their birds have been seen taking off numerous times, there they are, flying in, yes, you can see the smoke, dissipating, grafting. three militants of the ukrainian armed forces were discovered during rotation, they were hit by fire, two were killed, one escaped, after that four more came, remained there, and two hours later two more came, the same thing, the enemy
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is snarling, conducting a counter-battery fight , that is, in response, he is trying to cover the positions of our artillerymen, yes, wow, that was a response, it flew a little far, but it could have left shrapnel. everything turned out better, we went together as a friend, it flies normally, it flies less , it shines here better than the crowd, because they treat us well, well, but not like before, they often hit us in response, but that year they flew more often before the new year , there were sleepless nights, as they say, they’re fading now, it’s fading well, the enemy is turning out it’s giving in, it’s giving in little by little, the guys are relatively calmly expanding the dugouts, placing firing points, and in general, setting up defenses. our fighters are strengthening their positions with whatever logs they can get their hands on, such as tubes from nato 155-caliber shells, apparently enemy
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artillery once operated from here, and after these positions were abandoned in the ssu, all this went to the benefit of ours they say to the guys, when the enemy was knocked out of here, they found hundreds of these tubes, of course everyone here was stunned, at the end of the forest clearing there was a whole mountain, and we covered it all they dismantled all the forest regiments, took them away , started making fortifications, started making dugouts out of them. they shoot at su less often, our guys more often, the simplest pattern is when one loosens his grip, the other acts more freely, just a couple of months ago ours didn’t work like this in open areas, the soldiers are now aiming an anti-tank missile system, in general these are guided missiles, pleasure, of course not cheap, the guys there with the ammunition are doing well. can afford to work with a group of infantry in dugouts, like now, it’s going well, yes, moreover, they shoot several , they don’t regret it, but these are modified laser -guided missiles with a flight range of up to 10 km,
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it gives 152 splashes, it dismantles it at once, if it hits the tank, the turret flies off at once, the tank doesn’t have a turret right away, but what about dugouts, and of course dugouts. there a crater just immediately appears as a normal crater, nothing can save you from this, with an old spg9 or a military boot they hit mainly machine gun points. they get it, it goes silent for a day, within a day there’s a new one there man, a new calculation, it all starts all over again from the enemy’s side, well, it’s all very sad, they waste human resources senselessly, it’s not clear at all why human resources tend to run out, and if you look at how mobilization is going on in ukraine, you get the impression that there aren’t that many people left willing to fight there, but we have volunteers. are constantly joining the ranks of the armed forces, a fighter with
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the call sign bear has already risen to the rank of deputy battalion commander, although in civilian life i worked as a technologist in the production of shampoos, when the sfo is over or you go back to the shampoos, where without them, many volunteers are waiting for them to join the wolf brigade, they bring their relatives and friends, and so the staff is growing, my father is still here, i am with my father, with my family, my dad is now commander, my father followed me, first i... went, but i didn’t go alone either, we all gathered in the yard and came here, so we are still sticking together, and god grant that it stays that way. deputy commander of the brigade with the call sign fillin, a veteran of several armed conflicts, a man for a long time who repaid his debt to his homeland, came to the northern military district zone because of his son, he has been on the front line since february 24, 2022, serving in another brigade, suffered several injuries, received many awards, he, of course, dissuaded his father from returning to service. how about my son?
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in the meantime, he controls the combat operations from the command post, speaks from his extensive military experience, and will try to save as many lives of our guys as possible. amir yasupov, alexey belov, dmitry zelvyansky, pavel evdokimenko, channel one. this year the army will receive 1.0 units of modern military equipment - said defense minister sergei shaigu on the single day of military acceptance. among the particularly popular models are the k-52 alligator attack helicopters. the latest t-90 breakthrough tanks have already seen them in action today. only in 2022 their production at ural-vagonzad doubled, while their design was being improved taking into account the experience of special operations. more and more ammunition is being sent to the front. artillery pieces, everything that our troops require, we have managed to significantly increase
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the production of the main in-demand weapons and ammunition, in many enterprises commissioned new workshops, lines, areas equipped with high-tech equipment; in 2023 , facilities for needs,
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as well as a gym, were commissioned in a short time frame while maintaining the high quality of the work performed. four residential buildings have been completed in the city. baltic sailors will also celebrate vasili. kaliningrad region - 265 apartments, landscaped courtyards and playgrounds . now about the barbaric ukrainian attack on their own prisoners. transport il-76. was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile from territory controlled by militants of the kiev regime, there is no doubt about it. the first results of the work carried out by the russian investigative committee, the launch site has been precisely determined. the settlement of liptsy, north of kharkov, from there to the village of yablonova in the belgorod region, where our humanitarian aircraft was hit, is about 100 km. for a propeller rocket, this is less than two minutes of flight. it is possible to react to such a strike only from a counter course, and the fighter escort...
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seemed to know about this flight, knew about the impending exchange, this follows from the comments of their intelligence, knew that the prisoners will be transported by air, in the same way, the seventy-sixth were also delivered to the previous group. during the exchange on january 3, they knew everything, but they struck with a nato weapon, the first clap was such a stupid clap, and then this explosion and this, well, a big flame and that’s it, here is the trace of the first explosion, such a cloud is left in the sky by the triggered anti-aircraft missile, a fallen il-76 is burning behind the village, the second explosion is from
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hitting the ground, there were six crew members on board the plane, 65 ukrainian military personnel, for exchange and three russian military personnel accompanying them. the aircraft was destroyed by the ukrainian armed forces from the area of ​​the village of leptsy, kharkov region, using an anti-aircraft missile system. the radar equipment of the russian aerospace forces observed the launch of two ukrainian missiles. a little later, this was confirmed by the investigative committee: an anti-aircraft missile from the ukrainian territory of liptsy is 100 km from the place where the plane crashed. in principle, all existing nato systems delivered to... ukraine could have hit our side, because let me remind you, it was not protected by any air defense system, since we were talking about an exchange, in this case corridors open, they are not controlled, because ukrainian military personnel were flying and were not accompanied by fighters, which in this case could somehow prevent the tragedy that happened. the damaging elements turned the lining of the il into
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a sieve. hundreds of holes were found, and these destructive elements themselves were found, stuck in the metal; based on them, the type of missile can be determined. about everything .
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flew away forever, i was the best father, i i was always connected with him, very close, he always helped me with advice, in our family it was such that when taking off they always informed me that i was taking off, and when, well, when he landed on the ground, even before taxiing , he always wrote messages to me that we had arrived, understanding that, in principle... they had to land, as it were, and there had to be some information from him, he started calling him, naturally, well, the call did not go through, messages from he wasn’t there, well, my head didn’t want to accept it, i was behind him like a stone wall, we have been married for 18 years, we have two children, they still don’t believe that
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dad is gone, to the airplane monument in the air town microdistrict in orenburg. the unit where the pilots served is based there, they have been carrying flowers for several days now, the dead are remembered by city residents, acquaintances, colleagues, this is a very big loss for the regiment, for our families, because everyone knows each other, everyone is family friends, so this personal loss, the main feature, probably, that distinguishes precisely... a military pilot, commander crew, for any specialist in this field, is a readiness for self-sacrifice. for the sake of saving the lives of other people, people realizing that, risking their lives,
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they purposefully diverted the plane from a populated area, thereby saving the lives of civilians, so to say that this is somehow trained is inappropriate here, with mother’s milk, everyone passes through themselves there was such a thing as humanity, humanity, that was it. found in ukrainian public pages at noon on january 24. the ukrainian segment of the internet is literally exploded with delight and gloating, the ukrainian armed forces immediately joyfully reported on the downed plane, notified the media, and then, when it turned out that together with our ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners killed 65 of their own people, the victorious reports were hastily corrected. like this headline: an il-76 plane crashed in the belgorod region in the ukrainian armed forces, they said it was their work, which very quickly changed.
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they made public all the circumstances of this crime so that people in ukraine knew what really happened. and the very next day
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sletkom published a detailed video from the scene. of course, we blur the picture for our viewers, and the ukrainian side, if it still doesn’t see something, can turn to our investigators for clear footage. on many of the remains, characteristic tattoos are visible, similar to those applied by soldiers of the ukrainian national battalion. cherev, man's face, trident. so there is no load of missiles. among the items discovered by investigators were documents of the victims. they also showed footage of prisoners being put on a plane at the airfield, also published by the investigative committee. a list ukrainians appeared on board on the same day. its authenticity was recognized in kyiv. the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners confirmed that it was these people who were planned to be returned. here is a video where they, still alive, turn to the person they consider their boss. i appeal to the president of ukraine, our commander-in-chief, asking
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for a speedy exchange of our prisoners of war, ours and russians. i would like to take this opportunity to say hello to my family and friends, i love you very much. these people were killed by their own government. this is not the first time for the zelensky regime to destroy its own soldiers who were captured. this kind of action has already taken place. in 2022, when we liberated mariupol and took out representatives of this national battalion of azov, these terrorists, the place of deployment was known, where the red cross came, where , as they say, they made sure that everything was fine with them, that is, based on this data , a highly accurate highmarс system, that is, to destroy ukraine’s own military prisoners of war, as they say, it’s like it would be common practice, everything is so obvious that even to
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urgently establish the facts, while it is too early to draw conclusions, in any case, it is strange to hear that russia is complaining about the fate of ukrainian prisoners of war. france has a special role here. taking advantage of the status of chairman of the un security council in violation of regulations, france refused to allow our country to hold an urgent meeting. a blatant abuse of power, our diplomats say. clearly aimed at gaining time, to come up with at least some more or less plausible explanation. in in the end. the security council met only on the second day. perhaps you could explain today what the shooting down of an airplane carrying its own prisoners of war has to do with self-defense,
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within the framework of a procedure agreed upon in advance under ihl. we also deeply regret that representatives of international organizations, in the spirit of the most blatant double standards , bashfully refuse to comment on what happened. we cannot predict how western sponsors of kiev will behave, whether they will strive to fabricate another a fake, like what happened in the riot, or they will try to hush up the matter, in lavrov’s words, sweep it under the rug. we, as always in such cases, will methodically lay out the facts: they already exist and soon there will be even more. the flight recorders from il have been sent for decryption. there is something to add about the sponsor regime: ukraine would be happy to accept two ships that britain is going to send to scrap ahead of schedule due to a lack of crews. this was stated by the commander of the ukrainian naval forces. there are such,
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although in the absence of a combat fleet their operations mixed with direct british participation. kiev, although the west has already tainted itself with supplies, this is what russian foreign minister sergei lavrov said on monday at the un security council, created after the death of 27 people as a result of the ukrainian strike on the market in donetsk. the merchants of death are somewhat unfazed by the fact that their weapons, including cluster munitions and shells, are combined. as was the case during the attacks on residential areas of belgorod on december 30 yesterday on the market and shops of donetsk. the blood of dozens of dead civilians is on the hands and consciences of those who
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arms the zelensky regime and at the same time officially declares. that the kiev authorities themselves have the right to choose targets for strikes. in st. petersburg this week , daria trepova was sentenced. on instructions from the ukrainian special services, she staged an explosion in a cafe, which ended the life of military correspondent ladlen tatarsky. several dozen people were seriously injured. the terrorist will have to spend 27 years in prison, a year more than she lived in the world before the trial. the lawyers' version that the trepovs used.
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are not going to refuse, and if they don’t come from the rear they send new candidates for slaughter; they include military experts of various categories in the assault groups, on whose training significant money was spent. they have problems with personnel, especially with infantry units, so the commanders of ukrainian units, in order to carry out combat missions, have to remove
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highly qualified specialists, these are artillerymen, mortarmen, and signalmen. russian forces are exerting pressure along the entire front, forcing the enemy to withdraw reserves. the biggest problems for the ukrainian armed forces in the region kupyansk, artyomovsk and avdeevka, where our troops took a key position of the ukrainian defense. recreation center - royal hunting. in the kherson direction, the ukrainian marines are suffering huge losses, unsuccessfully, trying to expand the narrow one.
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it’s growing, some people meet military commissars with grenades, i don’t understand that people are afraid to go out, they say, the military registration and enlistment office, they drive around, catch them with beads. i don’t know, no one comes to me, by the way, he left, he left. ukrainian women are increasingly entering into battle with military commanders, trying to protect their men, no one is going anywhere won’t go, those who were at the front don’t do that, unscrupulous doons, and ukrainians hang portraits of military commissars in style, the police are looking for them. oh, slackers, hello, cool, bro, go fight! a clear example of zelensky’s total mobilization in the village of nadlak, golovanovsky district of the kirovograd region, there is not a single man left here, who was taken away, who escaped, i walk in the center
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, i walk in the center, there are no people at all, can you imagine what’s going on, they tell us that everything is fine , in the lviv region to deputies of the chervonograd state council they handed over agendas in the middle of the meeting; there were 10 agendas, but only seven were handed over; three deputies were foresighted. along with the intensification of the mobilization process in the armed forces of ukraine, the rules for booking those liable for military service may also change in ukraine. the criterion for this may be the payment of taxes on official salary or income. this idea
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was proposed by the president's office, forbes interlocutors say. according to forbes, for 20 thousand hryvnia, which is about 49 rubles, a ukrainian employer can buy a reservation for its employee every month. it's already working, it's the system of paying off conscription, but only they... in parliament, in the rada, want to put it on an official basis, so that the money does not go into the pockets of military commissars or anyone else, but so that the money goes into the pocket of the state. against the backdrop of the catastrophic losses of the ukrainian armed forces and the obvious reluctance of ukrainians to go to the slaughter, the topic of foreign mercenaries in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces has become very relevant. in addition to ukrainian military personnel, there are foreign mercenaries there; they are mainly exploiters of machinery and equipment.
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this is a lie, we know that at least died at least 400 americans, regardless of whether they are contractors or whether they are in uniform, our administration will not say this and it will not be published in the media. according to our ministry of defense, at first approximately 12 thousand foreign mercenaries arrived on the territory of ukraine, 500 were destroyed. approximately the same number escaped, but a certain number of these soldiers of fortune remain in the combat zone, new ones arrive, and these are not just soldiers of fortune. as a result of our precision strike on january 17 in kharkov
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more than 60 french legionnaires were killed, among them former alpine shooter and foreign legion soldier ernesto barbieri. he was considered the best sniper in france. frank mlandin served in the thirteenth demi-brigade of the french foreign legion. alexis drion, son of brigadier general. franzi, a former general of the french army, domenic delavarde, essentially confirms that these people fought on the side of the ukrainian armed forces on orders. the french generally do not support ukraine's actions. i am sure that if they were asked to choose one side or the other, they would probably most of them would serve on the side of russia, not ukraine. but the american, benjamin reed, served in the roti of the armed forces of ukraine, the chosen ones, famous for their atrocities. speaking of the war crimes of this company, the chosen ones are my favorite. the order about lear is that when we went into a trench and couldn’t figure out who was in front of us, russian or ukrainian, we could just shoot him, it didn’t matter whether he was wounded or not, just shooting people regardless of their side, these people they live
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for the sake of killing, they don’t care about the reason. for for many mercenaries, the bestial nature of the ukrainian armed forces militants and their foreign killing partners became the reason for their quick return home. british wild goose raymond simons, after returning from ukraine on the pages of... let's return to the president's trip to st. petersburg, where he took part in commemorative events for the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad. january 27, 1944, the day of salvation and mourning for those who did not wait for this day, more than a million victims. road of life, shastakovich's seventh symphony, sound metronome, inscriptions this country, the street is the most dangerous during shelling, symbols of each of 8007.
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somehow they survived, the germans destroyed the badai warehouses, and there was flour, and pasta, sand, well, in general, all the food, and so it all burned down , and my mother sometimes went there and dug up this sweet earth, or something, well, it seemed like the sugar sand was lumpy, well, mixed with the earth, well , they were cleaning it out, it was the earth that was besieging it... that they drank the muddy water like - well, sweet, or something ? alexandra petrovna was barely 15 when she had a happy childhood crossed out by the war. her younger brother died during a bombing in the fall of '41; a year later, the large family recently lost contact with the eldest, the defender of the besieged city. a standard line in a response to a request, gone missing. grief cannot be divided into your own and someone else’s; you just had to look out the window, where there was a funeral home across the street. and so.
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every time five cars, five-ton trucks, we called them, filled with corpses, covered with gifts, drove up to this funeral home and left, i think this is in order to record, perhaps , the number of corpses, and there were three such flights , three times they arrived, so count, 15 cars every day... this is how the losses of leningrad multiplied before our eyes, more than a million and the majority died of hunger . peskarevskoe cemetery, where the inhabitants of the unbroken city rest, is like a wound in the heart of the country. for the president, this is also a personal story; his older brother, victor, died during the blockade and is buried in grave number 27. the father of the head of state
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, vladimir speredonovich, fought and was wounded in in that very neva patch, a very small but incredibly important bridgehead for the defense of the city on the banks of the niva, thousands of soldiers remained where the boundary stone now stands. and the day before , a new monument was opened near st. petersburg in memory of all the civilians of the ussr who died from... russia and belarus are nearby, terrible war years not yet separated by borders, but sharing the pain of loss and the joy of one victory for all. january 27 is one of the most important.
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leningrad, and a year later in 1945 auschwitz was liberated. these two events are united not only one historical era, tragedy, martyrdom of leningraders. like the prisoners of death camps, will forever remain evidence of the monstrous essence of nazism, the unimaginable suffering of millions of innocents. peaceful citizens, for eight decades now our pain has not subsided for these terrible victims, for the crippled destinies, for everyone who went through incredible trials. our compassion
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is passed on from generation to generation, and has no statute of limitations, just as the crimes of hitler’s fanatics and their accomplices, those who... in cold blood planned and brutally committed the genocide of the soviet people. these crimes were not committed on the battlefields, the massacres of unarmed, defenseless old people, women, children, and the disabled were thoughtful , systemic punitive actions, from the total number of losses that the soviet union suffered during the great patriotic war...
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once again experience the bitterness of loss and joy liberation and the incredible intensity of the struggle for life for our victory. the price of the great victory is our common pain, common to all peoples
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sentenced to of death. belarusians feel it like no one else. this pain is cast in bronze. and carved into stones on thousands of mass graves of unknown soldiers, in places of mass executions, civilians and selfless exploits of red army soldiers, partisans, underground fighters, from moscow to bresse and berlin. each such monument is a witness, an accuser and a judge. every monument, irrefutable proof of the genocide of the soviet people, is a sentence forever, no matter how much someone might want it. we see how these days the results of the nuremberg are actually being revised a process during which nazism was given
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an unambiguous legal assessment. in some countries, they not only rewrite history and justify the executioners. revanchists and neo-nazis took it into account. ideology and methods of the nazis. in the baltic states , tens of thousands of people are declared subhuman , deprived of the most basic rights, and subjected to persecution. the regime in kiev exalts hitler's accomplices, the ss men use terror against all undesirables, barbaric shelling of peaceful cities and towns continues, murders of old people, women, and children. in a number countries
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to all those who died, glory to the soviet soldier who crushed nazism, the war lasted for 1418 days, more than half of the 872 days of the siege of leningrad, sometimes they round up to 900, without thinking about what each cost. leningrad, in january, as soon as the ice hardened, the trail of life opened up
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to nina vasilyevna sokolova, she was not even thirty at that time. what’s surprising is that it was generally led by a woman, a fragile woman. and if you look at a diving suit of that time, you will see on...
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the city lived, factories worked, sending out shells and equipment to the front, libraries and theaters were opened, in august 1942 shastakovich’s leningrad symphony was performed in the philharmonic hall; the composer began writing it even before the evacuation from besieged leningrad. a quarter of a century later, on the same stage, the surviving musicians again performed the symphony for the same spectators who were there during the war years ...
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come down the stairs and suddenly a man sits like this, you think that he is just resting, but this is already frozen, dead, along the street, sitting, sitting, and these are already frozen people, hardly now we are able to imagine what the anticipation of breaking the blockade was like, topographic maps of the leningrad-novgorod operation have now been declassified, forty of which we look at archival documents as part of. after 80 years, a festive concert in
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st. petersburg is another reason to think about how important the memory of the feat of the defenders of the heroic city is. we will never betray the memory and feat of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. let us never forget their sacrificial path to the great victory. each of us has relatives who fought at the front or worked in the rear. their dedication, unity, and sincere love for their homeland gave them a reserve of spiritual and moral strength for many generations to come. and they all live in our hearts. heroes of the brez fortress, defense of moscow. defenders of the volga borders of the kursk fields, generals and privates, soldiers'
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mothers, home front workers, and of course, courageous, unbending residents of the besieged city on the neva. all of russia is honoring your feat today, happy holiday to you, the day of the complete liberation of leningrad from the nazi blockade. january 27, 1944, everyone in the city of nanev, of course, remembered in their own way, if there is a secret of courage and perseverance, then perhaps it is that alexandra petrovna remembers this day, as if she added.
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cried, then restored the city, learned to live under a forgotten peaceful life, not for a minute, leaving no memories of the days of the siege, now the most expensive award brings others closer to their hearts - a medal for the defense of leningrad, the city that survived and won. kiril branin, ekaterina koryaka, olga knyazeva and alexander gusev, channel one. in anticipation
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on this date, which is so important for all of us, the military drama “air” was released in wide release. a film by alexei german the younger about female pilots. protecting the sky over besieged leningrad and the road to life from an air raid. a poignant, in many ways tough, very true story. the picture that viewers are talking about is something you can’t just watch, you can only experience it. the film was seen by the siege survivors and veterans themselves, those who defended the city; the screening took place in an artistic cinema. the film shocked me, because i was on these trucks through ratorskoe the lake also evacuated us. this is very familiar to me.
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together with those who went through the war , the chairman of the federation council , valentina matvienko, watched the air; for almost 8 years she was the governor of st. petersburg, this is an absolutely honest film about the war, it is not easy, it is emotionally difficult, i caught myself sometimes closing my eyes, but very necessary, the film is made. it is very symbolic of time that it was released during the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, in this i see a sign of such deep respect for the defenders of our city, to the siege survivors, for their feat, for everything they did, and it seems to me that it is important that
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this film was shot by alexey german, jr., leningrader, who, in my opinion, in a special way... for those people who now they have begun to forget what a terrible thing war really is, because recently they have begun to treat war as something that can be looked at from the outside, it is important that this is not forgotten, so that it does not happen again, this is sunday time , see below,
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independence from reason, what kind of muddy holiday zelensky celebrated with a decree on land claims against russia? in the rhythm of the country, the kaliningrad region, new development projects, despite the unfriendly environment, all relatives, all our own, the year of the family has started in russia, how will we preserve ourselves as a single multinational people? we will continue after the commercial, don't switch. what worries you, your majesty? why is all of europe up in arms against me? your majesty, the fact is that the fact is that my orders are not being carried out, replacing barge labor with the achievement of science is a great idea. it is not enough to take the throne, you still need to hold it.
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similar i don’t have any personal hobbies, i don’t have time for them, and don’t torment me with your stupid jealousy, great, golden one. century: big premiere, soon on the first. cognac monte shocka, a product of stellor group, you can understand that i didn’t take the child because of the money. still, they somehow forgot that you are a murderer. will your daughter visit you? well, i just heard that she had a young man there, it seems to me that she has no time for you at all. she’s not an adult, bro, you want to live a good life, chicks, clothes. cars, well, if you want, i'll give you money, so that you get away from her, which is serious, name the amount, don’t yell, i say, where the grandmothers pulled off the scheme together, it turns out that there’s a common debt,
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a container, new episodes, watch the time after the program, here’s everything you need to sign, and we’ll go our separate ways. you wanted, or i can destroy you, return you to where i picked you up. rum castra productlar group. why did zelensky call the original russian regions ukrainian? zelensky understands that, like magicians, you are doing one thing, but you need to distract the attention of the audience. who is behind one of the most insidious hoaxes in ukraine? very the very tired owners, zelensky’s curators, are beginning to throw out theses that it will not be possible to save ukraine. and also why did tsypsoa decide to steal the great russian engineer who created the tram? is it not a russian two-headed eagle, and also how a large-scale
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action by western intelligence services was foiled by russian journalists. antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, vodka veda, product of stellar group. polish minister of foreign affairs radoslaw sekorski simply has laziness in his blood. russian is inherently vicious, ill-mannered and pose a threat to civilization. russophobia is a product of the work of, including sikorsky. it all started with the fact that he received political asylum sometime in the uk. and in this case, is it a deep-lying agent? bilingdon club, he finds himself in close acquaintance with cameron, but not only that. the kind of person who... will put the right money in the right direction. he wants to take josep barol's place as the supreme representative of the ip. there is a certain global plan. it lies in the opposition of the collective
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west and russia, which never stopped. sekorsky unexpectedly says that it is necessary to transfer the economy to a war footing. this is a corrupt skin that is ready to surrender its sovereignty. radoslaw sekorski, not a helicopter, but also american. heir dolls. tomorrow after the program time. pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team. what
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are you up to singing? yes, i missed you. the house is fixed. you will find students, the title is a loser athlete who finds a champion in the taiga. you'll get in. sports school, then, if you're lucky, to you’ll go to the olympics, well, everything’s better than him , these fishermen crowbar, i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya, you have little pity, you won’t bring your father back anyway, game, let’s do it, training four times a week, three running, one firing, then i'm in, what do you mean? well, let's kill him together. accomplices. a thriller built on the collision of two realities, two people. there are crimes, and love, and most importantly, ethnography. which of
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them is still a hero, a boy or an adult? also a big question. and the initiation rites that is happening there. this story could happen to anyone. on saturday, on the first. it's sunday time, we continue. on monday, zelensky signed a decree on russian territories historically inhabited by ukrainians, probably after listening to his national anthem and being inspired by... poland from sea to sea, from the baltic to the black sea, but now kiev phantoms are still on the agenda. yuri lepatov studied the phenomenon. a holiday that never existed, which arose in a country that also never
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existed. kyiv by the red army, after which the ukrainian the lands in the west were divided by the poles, czechs and hungarians, most of the lands of historical little russia became part of the soviet union. also indicative is the artifact of the anti-conciliarity day, parotjag with dender, that is, a steam locomotive with a carriage museum, installed at the station of the city of fastov
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in the late nineties. in it, as they proclaim.
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this is a broad initiative, not only a way to legally organize an escape from ukraine as a result of the success of the svo or to disguise the presence of foreign mercenaries in the armed forces of ukraine with passports. zelensky refuses russian citizens, where there are tens of millions of ethnic ukrainians and their descendants in ukraine. prior to this , the post-maidan government denied russians the right to be russian, prohibiting education from using their language in public life in the media. those who did not agree were expelled. killed or burned alive. it was no longer possible to turn a blind eye to this in the hope that things would come to their senses or to stop the western curators. ukrainian society was faced with the growth of extreme nationalism, which quickly took the form of aggressive russophobia and neo-nazism. hence the participation of ukrainian nationalists and neo-nazis in terrorist gangs in the north caucasus.
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sounding ever louder.
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this is the return of the truth about the historical past for the sake of the ukrainian future. methods of such specialists to return the truth to donbass. i decide to develop for consideration the council
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of national security and defense of ukraine an action plan to preserve the national identity of ukrainians in the russian federation, including on the lands historically inhabited by them, in the kuban, in starodubin, northern and eastern slobozhanshchina within... immigrants from the lands of today's ukraine, they actually live all over russia, regardless of the column in their passport, they are an indigenous people, at least since the time of resettlement to the lands of north-east russia and beyond. when people moved, they often gave cities the name of the cities they came from. vladimir is in russia and ukraine, like voronezh, like galich.
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perhaps western handlers dropped heavy presidential regalia and a mace on his foot many times, or added a mind-altering poison to one of his medicinal powders. but, having become president, he suddenly i suddenly changed my mind and stopped saying that russian-ukrainians are one people. let's finally dot the i's. we are definitely not one people, so we have a lot in common, but we will repeat once again, not one people. nikolai gogol, an ethnic ukrainian, or little russian. that is, he called himself that, he wouldn’t have given the zelensky independent passport because he belonged to russia, but he would probably have handed it to the ss man gunki, who fled to canada after the defeat of nazi germany, solemnly , and it was not for nothing that his grandfather applauded him in the canadian parliament
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zelensky, a veteran of the great patriotic war or his great-grandfather, killed during the holocaust, for this could have done with his offspring something similar to what taras bulba did with his son, a traitor, what son, did yours help you? so sell, sell faith , sell your own, stop, get off your horse, stand and don’t move, i gave birth to you, i will kill you, yuri lepatov, natalya litovka, arseniy baibulov, channel one. a reputable american journalist analyzed a different kind of historical continuity this week. siimar horsh, known for his investigations, including the role of america in undermining the northern streams. a unified theory of presidential stupidity, writes hirsch. in '45, harry truman had no
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military need to bomb keroshima and nagasaki, but at least 150,000 japanese died. the current administration has its own miscalculations, for which other countries are paying, but also with staff. you can't just get away with it. biden's support for ukraine and israel in their military, as well as the recent decision to attack the houthis in yemen, they placed him in the same club with benjamin netanyahu and vladimir zelensky, who are increasingly condemned in many countries around the world. the irony is that during biden's presidency , respect for putin and siidzempin is growing outside the west. there is already less than a year left in biden's term. who will be inaugurated on january 20, 25? will show the november elections, which will definitely go down in history as a battle between the oldest competitors for the white house. if, of course, biden, 81, and trump, 70, are nominated.
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there is already talk about texit, a divorce between texas
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and the rest of the country, like britain and the european union. is direct tax appropriate, washington bureaucrats seem to be stronger than those in brussels or not, giorgi alisashvili works in texas. a simple illustration of how conservative texas is today. cattle drive in dallas, something in between.
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when you start breeding deer, everyone is surprised. oh my goodness, anyone willing to pay $10,000 to shoot a deer actually pays even more. the point is that our ranchas are worth millions, tens of millions. dollars. millionaires here are accustomed to getting up at 5 in the morning to drive the herd to a new pasture; they brand young bulls with their own hands. women in this world still eat at a separate table, this reserve is... we must get rid of this fence, we must be given a chance to fulfill our dream. endless caravans of emigrants walk through the whole of mexico, cross the ford of the rio grande, and there on the american shore, resting against a fence, they somehow seep through it, not everyone can be caught, some crawl through holes in wall with the best intentions.
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it turned out that this man was supposedly from azerbaijan, where he had been in prison for terrorism for the last 12 years; texas governor gregbut sent eight letters to the white house regarding the situation. help, i didn’t receive an answer and decided to act on my own. the us constitution, after all, gives states the exclusive right to self-defense if federal authorities cannot guarantee security. the framers of the constitution knew that a time would come when the federal government would not live up to its responsibilities. texas has a complete the right to keep criminals out of the state. by order of the governor, the national guard took control of the entire border between texas and mexico. unrolled the barbed wire fence. the white house immediately ordered
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the fence to be removed and the national guard to retreat so that the migrants could be dealt with by agents of the us department of homeland security. local authorities refused to carry out washington's order, and even when the supreme court supported the president, they did not retreat a single step. biden has given texas an ultimatum to come to its senses within 24 hours, state authorities said. that they are ready for escalation and will not accept any ultimatums. at a press conference at the white house, liberal journalists called on biden, since things didn’t work out well, to start talking to the people in a bad way. when the american president comes out and says enough is enough, these are american soldiers, i am introducing federal control of the national guard. the supreme commander-in-chief himself did not appear in public for 2 days after that. strange episode in wisconsin, where, while performing
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at a brewery, for some reason he first ear to barrel, and then made a cryptic statement that looked more like a code , beer was brewed here on... the biden administration obviously doesn’t quite understand how to respond to the crisis. on friday, the president issued a statement in which the head of the united states blamed the problems with migrants on the republicans blocking the vote in congress, without mentioning that the democrats included funding for ukraine in the package of border laws, which the trumpists oppose. and on the same day , the white house press secretary spoke out.
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this statement from president biden is outrageous and damaging. shutting down lng export terminals not only hinders america's economic growth, it empowers our adversaries like vladimir putin. as if in response, governor ebat went on a tour of india to establish economic contacts, bypassing washington from overseas. he announced a recruitment of volunteers with the military. various state services: these are people from the texas department of public safety, officers from various law enforcement agencies, as well as national guardsmen from other states, and rest assured, there will be more
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national guardsmen from other states and security forces from other states. i signed a new law in the state of texas that will go into effect on march 5 and... after trump's call to support texas , 25 republican governors, representing virtually half the country, volunteered. news about the american outback is like military reports about major maneuvers. florida's governor is working to send his state's guard to texas. the governor of south dakota is sending not only the guard to texas, but also barbed wire.
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the invasion of the southern cities of texas into the united states . this is actually why the governor is talking about something completely different. all price tags at the local market are in spanish, because this is the main language of communication here for a native of latin america to get lost and then get comfortable in elbas, and in all the surrounding cities, as easy as shelling pears. and of course he takes advantage of it. cartels that have established uninterrupted supply of drugs to american cities. according to statistics, there are 120 firearms per 100 americans, and there are even more gunshots in texas. do people buy guns like this for their home? yes, to protect your own or some shooting competition. how much does this cost? specifically
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, this is $949, ​​and sales dynamics can be judged by the empty stand in the assault rifles department. in small texas towns, if anything happens, people will get together and solve a problem, you don't need the police here to solve problems, because the locals will sort it out, for example, if someone wants to rob a store in our area, i... i think several thousand people will come out to explain, uh, no, here this won't happen. what if serious people on the other side also join in? a film on this very topic is coming out in march. in the story , a madman with authoritarian habits became president. the hint is clear about who started the civil war. there is some kind of misunderstanding here, what? we're americans, you know? i understand what kind of americans they are. biden wrote that he calls conservatives extremists, and it has come to the point that the cowboys - those tough walkers with texas justice - cannot say an unnecessary word,
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no matter what happens. what does it mean to be conservative today, what values ​​do you defend? i can’t talk, i already have to go, but maybe we can go with you? no, true friends, a strong family, nothing special. what do you think about the situation in the country? have a nice day, so you don't want to answer? no. texas authorities, on the contrary, seem to have caught the courage. the richest, completely self-sufficient state is showing such independence that in america there is talk of texit, the secession of texas from the country. the most harmless consequence of this - constitutional crisis. in a world where states can interpret the constitution to justify interfering with the federal government, there is nothing stopping california or vermont from doing the same to a republican president. we are talking about the system.
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french farmers are ready for unprecedented measures. tonight they intend to completely blockade paris and neighboring departments, cutting off the supply of food to the capital. farmers have been rioting for a week now, burning tires and filling city streets with waste. agricultural production. the reason is the fuel tax, restrictions on poly in the field and a surge in imports at dumping prices. no longer heard, against the backdrop of protests, the european commission is discussing the possibility of extending the unauthorized import of goods from ukraine for another year. and again
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in st. petersburg at the baltic shipyard, vladimir putin took part in the laying ceremony of a new nuclear icebreaker. the siege survivors asked the president to name it leningrad in memory of the immortal feat of the defenders and residents of the city. during the years of the blockade, the same baltic plant produced three submarines and several minesweepers. fifth in a series of the most powerful icebreakers in the world. the arctic, siberia and the urals are already working on the northern sea route. over the past year, the volume of traffic on this route exceeded 36 million tons; from this year , navigation along this sea route will not stop. soon yakutia will join the nuclear fleet, the ship is being completed on the water. russia today has a unique, i want to emphasize this, unique, the largest icebreaker fleet in the world. and this is our huge competitive advantage, enormous opportunities for the development of logistics, industry, creating new
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jobs, for the comprehensive development of arctic towns and villages, implementing projects of a truly global level, for cooperation, international cooperation with our partners, with friends, with everyone who wants and is ready to work with russia, our westernmost region,
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i am engaged constantly, this couple interested the head of state, you don’t have children, you ’re some kind of bureaucrats. in fact, nowadays it’s common practice to study first, then career. and this is called a delayed first child. in as a result, the young parents are now about thirty. there is no energy or time for the second one. vladimir putin explained to the students that because of demography, if two produce one, the population decreases, but the state needs it to grow. this is the minimum required for a family to have three children. and for this to happen,
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the family must be born early. on a new campus under construction. today it’s extremely high, but now you can earn good money without a university diploma, let’s say, as a truck driver, or somewhere in some kind of job like that, where such large equipment is used, but the salary starts from 200-300,000, which is significantly more than the salaries of many certified specialists. the average engineer receives a salary from 60 to 100,000 rubles. at the same time, a taxi driver in moscow earns from 100 and
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above, why does this happen? is it regulated by the market? it is unlikely that a good engineer, even if he earns a little less than a taxi driver, will want to work as a taxi driver, but of course it is necessary to support people who work in social spheres, i would like even more, and first of all, believe me, and we will do this, but for now there is a specific request to adjust the conditions of state subsidies for air travel to kaliningrad, otherwise tickets at affordable prices are not available at the box office for most of the year, after 4 months, yes, after 4 months, literally in april, starting in january, they unfortunately, the annual subsidization of the market price of tickets to kaliningrad at the so-called flat fare is already ending; the state allocates 450 million rubles. to ensure funding is sufficient for the entire year, it is proposed to extend the subsidy only for citizens permanently residing or studying in kaliningrad, then of course the number of people who will be able
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to take advantage of this will increase multiple times, that is , all travelers will begin to pay... it’s also worth visiting here, there is a very interesting place, the resort zelenogradsk, which is considered the city of kotikov, fur seals, no, ordinary cats, ordinary cats , there cats are full-fledged residents, if not to say that they are the owners of this city, there are even traffic lights for cats built for them, they are everywhere, children can cuddle them all, in in kaliningrad they are creating a new cultural
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cluster, a branch of the tretyakov gallery, apparently already completed, and a branch of the bolshoi theater is being built nearby. a branch of the bolshoi theater will work here, you will want to go to the bolshoi theater, a tretyakov branch will work , you will want to go and see what we have in the russian museum of st. petersburg or in the hermitage, this is a completely different quality of life, this spherical kaliningrad unfinished construction project called scientifically will soon be commissioned -educational center planet ocean, we would really like to its construction was completed as quickly as possible, i know about this museum, i also know. here all the money is allocated for this , why, where, where the museum is, it is not clear, the building of the planet ocean should have opened in the last decade, but the rest of the sites of the world ocean museum are working, in my opinion , mir-1 is located there, where i once - then i sank to the bottom of baikal, the depths of the sea, we carry with us our dear home, the warm walls
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, its dear ones, giving peace to the heart... vladimir putin plunged into baikal in august 2009 , which is moving to the deepest point unique footage of tea drinking in bathyscaphe, the southern part of the lake 1395 m. how is the dive going? the dive goes well, there is a wonderful view out the window, we can see the bottom of baikal very much. clean, beautiful, all this is already history, the same one that was created in world one back in 2015 became an exhibition item and is located in the museum of the world ocean in kaliningrad, so god himself commanded. put everything in order already at a meeting on the development of the region, the president asked the relevant deputy prime minister: when will this ocean museum be completed? vladimirevich, the museum will be completed by the end of the year, this is a well-known long-term construction of what
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year, this year, vladimirevich, let me clarify, the highlight of the spherical body of the ocean planet will be 29 huge aquariums. in monaco , in my opinion, there is something similar, there is a museum of the sea, so it is small, in comparison, there are almost 10,000 indoor spaces, theirs is small. their country is just as small as ours. this is the truth and the problem of kaliningrad. the westernmost region of the country is divided with the greater russia by unfriendly states. illegal actions in some countries, disruption of supply chains, attempts at transport blockades, of course, made it difficult for enterprises to operate. from 2022, lithuania has blocked the transit of all cargo essential to the economy of the kaliningrad region. now estonia is preparing to introduce a so-called contiguous zone with a depth of 12 nautical miles.


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