tv PODKAST 1TV January 30, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK
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that's how it is, or the story is actually this, by the way, you know against the background of what is not in the background of the rostov house the rostov house is beautiful this is yulesha now you know that the taevs are in the rostovir house and the association of the union of writers publishers of russia which i head is truly the legendary house of rostov you know when this photo was taken this is a farewell to vladimir mayakovsky, what are you saying, this is a funeral and mayakovsky, yes, this is mikhail bulgakov in the middle, and here is valentin.
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most interesting person, tell me how it happened, why, why olesha somehow went down sharply after roman envy, and the kataevs, that was the difference between them, that is, that this is some kind of long will? or what? well, first of all, it was a rivalry. oh, that's cool. so. this, this was a very strange relationship, and you can remember how kotaev turns 60, and olesha sits in front of bottles of cognac and says: i’ll get up now, i’ll go to his anniversary, i’ll go, and makes long speeches, long speeches, this is about this strange kinship and at the same time mutual struggle. and he’s already getting up. jumps up, thrusts
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a bottle somewhere in his jacket pocket, then it still doesn’t go, these stories, for example, kotaev and olesha collide on the street, the puppy screams, i’ll measure you now, they grab both of them , they try, they break free, disperse in different directions, for why am i telling this , in order to say that these were very close people, they started together, out of love and one step at a time, as they say, yes, in general, odessa united them, for the first time while riding... i learned about yuri kavelovich olesha, when he studied at the gymnasium, he was also just a boy, walked the first world war and the first newspaper notes and poems signed by olesha , kataev saw, and then he saw him on the football field, but this is described in a diamond crown, and they have a certain kinship in style, aesthetics, in fact, by the way, kataev introduced alyosha with ivan bunin, with his teacher, a special style, it’s...
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a wonderful film adaptation, by the way, and bunin from emigration admires how wonderful it is, only valya could do that, and there’s a kind of orthodox scheme in terms of the plot, there’s ideology, but at the same time it amazing lyrical prose. alezh was probably more difficult, but there are other reasons. vanya, you are well versed in history, please tell us about this time when we... that is, a lot is determined by the context, after all, our heroes of today’s program and olesha and kataev, they went through, so to speak, different stages of the formation of the country, that is, at first they were engaged in revolutionary propaganda, but then somehow maybe their views changed, tell us about this time, the twenties, the thirties, of course, the context of the time is always very important, and the twenties were of course the heyday of olesha, because then he... died down, all his great works
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were written precisely at this time, these are three fat men, a novel, a fairy tale, as he called it, the twenty-fourth , and the twenty-seventh year is... envy, published in the krasnaya nov magazine. the twenties are a difficult time, a time that is naturally heterogeneous. it is clear that a red thread running through this time is nep’s time, the time of creative dawn, so fascinating, interesting, and largely depicted in his novel. well, it's difficult it’s envy to call it a novel, yes, he himself called it a story, it’s quite a short work, but this spirit, of course. it’s very good there, the spirit of the twenties, the spirit of struggle , first of all, you need to understand that the year twenty-seven was a time of internal political struggle, that is, nep, it demarcated the twenties, the beginning of the twenties, this is the end of the civil war, it is very difficult, hungry time, everyone
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experienced very hard these war years, this discord, then the twenty-eighth year - this is already collectivization, this is already gradual transition. countries to a new stage, to a new development, and the twenties, they strengthened the new power, the new power, the arrival of the new economic policy, the curtailment of the new economic policy began to go away in the twenty-eighth, but after after the hungry years, of course the np allowed to feed many, and the nep really was important in the history of russia, but here the question is not even economic, but of course rather... cultural, because the marxist theory of the basis of the superstructure, where at the basis there are socio-economic relations, as it were the superstructure presupposes compliance with the basis, since there was such a fairly free situation within the economy, obviously creativity and many other important things
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were also there, rather they became more liberal for everyone, so alyosha could write... anything, and before that, generally anti-soviet books were published with lenin’s saying, remember arkady overchenko, dozens of knives in the back of the revolution, and until some point people generally had the feeling that after the civil war there would be some relief, many began to return, there was
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a soviet-berlin newspaper was created the day before and so on, well, yes, well, what is envy in general about, it tells us about this cognitive dissonance of people who... were the same age as the century, in fact, let's talk a little about the plot of envy, yes , there is - babichev, yes, two babichevs, kavalerov, there are , as it were, kavalerov, what kind of heroes are they, what kind of relationship do they have, tell me, well, the point is that we have babichev, andrei babichev, who is a sausage maker, who is a hero who has very great power, and who is such an absolute ideal of that time, so much so... that kavalerov, who is a declassed person, an alcoholic, abandoned, he sheltered him, he saved him from death, from the cold, from hunger, found him drunk on the street, took him home, yes, here gradually begins to hate him, because he, as a revolutionary man,
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revolutionary transformations, as he calls himself, a new man, he does not understand why this revolution, which was supposed to destroy that old world, we will build our new world. why did it lead to also onro, because babichev also seems to us to be bourgeois, he has servants, he lives like a gentleman, here kavalerov is trying to build some intrigues, that in fact he is a hereditary nobleman because of some kind of mole, this is very interesting, then he learns about a certain volodya makarov, who is an adopted son, yes, let’s say, well, some kind of half-adopted son, yes, he misses this so much. adopted son, therefore volodya makarov, the football player, and perhaps accepts this kavalerov as some kind of substitution, yes, a replacement for this volodya makarmennaya, yes, because volodya makarov will return, when he returns, kavalerov will have to go out, he will be thrown out into the street, yes, then he writes him a large letter, very
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colorful, bright, where he calls him the last words, gets him in the face, confesses in hatred, it is very logical, because it seems to me that it is purely from a psychological point of view. usually people who are given a generous hand, they just hate those who are their benefactors, but there is such a phenomenon, yes, that more than anyone else. those who see you see you did good, didn't he? yes , but at the same time in the letter he writes at the beginning, what a great guy you are, you saved me, you are great, and i have to tell you, what lets us down is that he is now confessing all his warm feelings to him, and he writes: you are a complete scoundrel , and he also suspects this babichev that he is making plans for his niece, and there is a woman, after all, in this plot, a young girl of ivan babichev, his older brother, and here... a lucky man as well as also declassed also a loser, who is such a half-crazy character, a pseudoscientist,
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yes, who in childhood built some incredible inventions tried to prove this, then they try to unite together, cooperate, in order to take revenge on this andrei babich, but it ends with the fact that they didn’t succeed, they completely lost, their leisure time is now - is to be indifferent and live with... such an old woman , anya, drink, yes, you see, at the same age a forty-five-year-old lady is an old woman, but she is depicted there, she is depicted like that, that is, even if she is not an old woman in age, she namely, some very tired woman is depicted, so to speak, on a slope, and maryana bezuglaya, deputy chairman of the national security committee, initiator of the campaign “send women to certain death.” women are registered with the military and are exempt from undergoing training for pregnancy or child care; with this
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law they are digging their own grave and it’s not for nothing that no one wants to sign up for it. why does she declare this? because the americans said: there will be no mobilization, there will be no money, advocates that as many people as possible be killed at the front, while her family makes money from granite monuments. regarding dad’s business in kiev and the kiev region, only they have a monopoly. what is the role of this? mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. i
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the works of valentin kotaev and yuri alyosha, the novels diamond is my crown of envy with the writer sergei shargunov and ivan shargunov, a student at the faculty of history of moscow state university, father and son. let's talk about the sook sisters, this is a fatal, fatal trinity, and a fatal family of literature of that time, these are three sisters named suok, they also lived in odessa.
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stories about how they all lived and how they survived and how adventurously they didn’t they gave up, in fact, from all these plots, then the romance of twelve chairs arose, well, by the way, yes, 12 chairs, this was written by one of the co-authors, actually petrov , this is the brother of valentin kotaev, he took the pseudonym petrov, yes, so as not to confuse him, because he is petrovich, but the plot of the twelve chairs was invented by kataev, one might say.
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the fact remains that they came to visit him with her. olesha pretended that he was not a lover, but that they were all just friends, they came to this accountant, ate at his expense, then there was there was even a wedding, but seraphima said that she had a high temperature, lay down separately, and then began sending ghanaians demanding to save her. the arrival of alyosha was inconceivable; then the arrogant and brave kataev, kotaev, killed him for his friend.
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to survive and not give up, but if some moral reproaches begin, then it must be said that these were people who experienced a lot, because the same kataev is a miracle. escaped execution in the basement of the odessa cheka, because kotaev was originally a white officer, that’s why you are, too, but he was also a tsarist officer, he volunteered to go to the front of the first world war, was wounded, in fact he was white, red and white, because the situation in odessa was changing constantly, and much did not depend on you, and in
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the end he fell ill with typhus, so he didn’t was able to sail to constantinople. together with his teacher bunin, here the reds were already breaking out into odessa and you came in handy, in my opinion yuri’s sister alyosha, with whom valentin katai was in love, died from quiet, and even in the heat of the moment she whispered his name, dying romantic history in general you see a narrow circle of these writers, because then there was the sister of mikhail bulgakov, who had an affair with valentin, it seems even his greatest love, judging by the memoirs. story , she lived in moscow, he showed her a doll from the window, and so tritelstek’s novel appeared, actually dedicated to her, notice how everything merges there, because the doll, she has
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a twin, a name that is juice, juice, but.. .. everything, everything is connected, while this fairy tale is for valya, and then valya becomes the wife of someone, brother kotaev, evgeny petrov and olesha and this love, unhappy love is experienced throughout life. vanya, how do you assess this relationship in general, imagine two friends , there is a girl, this seraphim, who attracts a lot of male attention, yes, some whirlwinds of various relationships swirl around her, kotaev helps her out of different situations, like do you think it’s generally okay to write to a friend?
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you can find some analogies and kavalerov is a complex character, because of course, on the one hand, we should not like him, he should cause us discomfort, because he is a marginal person, a person thrown into the seed, an envious person. andrei babichev, who, it seems, should be a standard for us in general, is a man who, a canteen builder, invented a new sausage, came up with a lunch, and for 25 kopecks. some kind of red, accessible to everyone, he comes to women, to mothers, says: you can move away from the stove. we will take ourselves as this , so to speak, kitchen slavery, we can forget, that is, in general, a person with bright ideas, but it evokes rather negative emotions in us,
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and for some reason we sympathize with kavalerovo, and in this envy is, of course, a unique work, very important for the twenties, well, it’s precisely from this paradox, but i must say that alyosha himself called the prototype babichev, this sausage maker, and vladimir narbut, narbut yes. but seriously? yes, and here after all, with your permission, i’m a little i'll tell you about vladimir. vladimir narbut is such a bright poet, the author of the collection, hallelujah , which was banned in tsarist russia, as it was considered blasphemy, he also found himself caught up in this tornado of the civil war, because on the one hand he was engaged in what is called red agedprop, on the other hand he ended up
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to simplify, i’m not judging either, i just have her fourth husband, viktor shklovsky, on sunday, he would have given a powerful dressing down here, because he was going to hit kotaev in the face when the diamond crown came out, because seraphima cried after reading it. these memoirs said that i was not like that, i was different, so let’s not now sharpen the different possible views, different optics, there is a different inner truth, she believed that everything was somewhat different, with narbut and the seraphim, the point is that then seraphim, how i understand, not without the participation, again , of the active valentin petrovich kataev, she returned for some time, and what narbut did then, he came and said that he would shoot himself, he took out his leg. wait, he came into the courtyard of the house, again kataev, again kotaev, it wasn’t alyosha who came out to talk to him, again kataev went to negotiate with narbut with this pistol.
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chronicle, and people who are interested in how the literary life of the twenties went in general , they can read my diamond crown , they will see all the celebrities of that time, they they’ll find out who stole yesenin’s wife and how it happened, it means some ups and downs happened there, who got into a fight, and something like that, that is, we read it like a gossip column, and it’s still there runs
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after them, i also want la coute and so on , and it was all real, or how they come with mandelstam and ride krupskaya, she ordered a poem, a lot of stories, i don’t think it’s boring, it’s a complex work, the people who are depicted described in this work, these are people with almost all of them a very difficult fate, someone died, someone committed suicide, someone was shot, this is a very difficult work, of course, to look at... at people to understand what will happen to them, it is always difficult from a moral psychological point of view, can i elaborate i will say this thought, because this is a tragic thing, this is an existential drama, and kotaev does not boast and does not make jokes, he simply feels his tragedy and he quotes mandelstam, and time has skewed me, as your heel has skewed, this is the work of a man who says goodbye to life, no wonder
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kataev believed... that olesha’s last posthumous book, not a day without a line, should have been titled differently, titled differently, forgiveness with life, in fact, my diamond crown is this farewell to friends - to youth, and forgiveness with myself, who also has little left, and who also goes into history into eternity, premiere, i love my country. on saturday at the first, you are the empress, katya, that’s it, and i want to be her, it seems to me that 50 guardsmen will not be able to hold the throne for long with the empress, next to the empress now has practically no friends,
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but there are no enemies... anyway, i need proof that in the event of a coup , it will be me who will become the new empress, god help me, god, who, wait, you can’t do this, gentlemen, i’m your emperor, i woman, you don’t have to love, this... or do you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council? russia has no friends in europe, and never will. where such confidence? do you forget where i was born? you and i still have so much to do, life is not
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enough. k. golden age. big premiere. from february 5th. on the first. this podcast is a must read. and we are discussing valentin kotaev and yuri alyosha with sergei shargunov, writer, editor-in-chief of the magazine youth and a specialist on valentin kotaev and ivan shrugunov, sergei’s son, a student at the faculty of history of moscow state university. seryozha , please tell me, and kataev, he won this rivalry with olesha, that is, olesha, despite the fact that he was already with, let’s say, a good woman, that is, look, kotaev was. you see, the passions around him were boiling until the end of his life, and the oleshak seemed to decline after envy, and, it turns out, he didn’t write anything, despite the fact that olga sook was next to him, he should have been,
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a brilliant book, not a day without a line, and the stories are magnificent, i must say, well, you ’re quoting olesha himself here, he said, his devil turned out to be stronger than mine, he said that about kataevo, he says: this is fantastic, it’s just that his devil turned out to be stronger than mine, he said that maybe i surpass him in talent, but he’s a devil turned out to be stronger than mine, well , here’s the answer to our question, are the rivals friends, this is the opinion of oglaya nabatnikova and yuri karlovich olesha, and my opinion is different, so what is it, but it comes down to the words of osip madelstam, don’t compare, living is incomparable, in general a good writer only needs to write one good book, he is already immortal, olesh. took place as a magnificent writer, well, in a diamond crown , kataev tells the prolesh that he seemed to mean all the time that kotaev was less talented, that is, it was all the time in silence, but it was implied, that is, he i felt some kind of this reproach, as
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you say, that my talent is stronger, but the devil, it seems to me that this was at the beginning of the relationship, you know, olesha’s reputation, and reputation is very important in literature in fact, she certainly looks more beautiful. than kotaev ’s, because kotaev’s reputation is that of a cynic, in many ways a conformist, he wrote too much, lived too comfortably with too many women, yes, this is a reproach, kotaev just drove down gorky street, in a luxurious black car that looked like a bathroom, that something like this this is from alyosha’s diaries, of course, you understand, and i’m going to the pub or i’m going to the national, with empty bottles, i’ll drink for...
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he has to survive in the most difficult circumstances, well, for example, late stalinism is demolished by fodeeva and kotaeva at the same time, they say that in the young guard and in the novel for the power of the soviets, the role of the party is not reflected and in general a struggle with everyone begins and an urgent need to rewrite, fodeev’s situation , drinking bouts, melancholy, many years of torment, how to rewrite, why, and kataev... tanned, pink, happy, speaks through the fence to his neighbor chukovsky in the rework, great, i know, now there are new metaphors, i’m leading new heroes, still everyone didn’t like him because he was too optimistic, i realized he’s not enterprising,
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seryozha, please tell me, here you are the editor-in-chief of the magazine youth, that is, you took in fact, kotaev’s place, kotaev was the editor-in-chief of his youth and actually created this magazine, and you wrote a book about kotaev? the very heroine of the wonderful fairy tale tsvetik semitsvetik. by the way, it seems to me that most people know kotaya from the fairy tale, the seven-flowered flower, the jug and the pipe, this my personal, of course, at least my
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in suffering and refusal of social success, when kataev decided to leave the magazine youth, i am not hinting at anything, when kotaev, when kotaev lost the fight to head the leading newspaper, when he felt like a pariah, when he had to fight with terrible efforts to break through their free mavis things, as he put it, that’s when he signed his name, these are his last things, my diamond crown, the grass of oblivion.
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but a loser is always more interesting, of course, when he has manuscripts, manuscripts fall out of his pockets, and he stands drunk in the garden, kotaev is in trouble, doesn’t say: i’ll write more, i ’ll write a novel, in the end he doesn’t write anything, that’s why it’s also great poetry , thank you guys for the interesting conversation, i was very interested to know what ivan thinks, ivan, it was wonderful, thank you, sergey, too thank you for your sincerity, your openness, thank you, this was a podcast. a must read, i'm glaina abatnikova, my
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guest was the sharagunov family, father and son, sergei sharagunov, writer, editor-in-chief of the magazine youth and ivan shargunov, student of the history department of moscow state university. we discussed valentin kotaev and yuri alyosha, friends, and possibly rivals. mercy is a priest’s word, as vysotsky’s hero said in the film, the meeting place cannot be changed, and he was absolutely right. hello, today we gathered with thoughts about business mercy. bishop of vereya pantiliman, head of the synodal department for church charity and social service, a very long title, lord, bless, hello. here is talarsan, tv and radio presenter, i’m vladimir ligoida, and i really think that
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gleb zhiglov was right, although - even though he speaks negatively about mercy, but really, in the history of european culture there is mercy, the mercy that we know, which we try to live, it appears along with christianity, so the word is certainly priestly, i would like to as such the first, as i call it, such a warm-up starting question, to ask you, dear friends, how did works of mercy appear in your life? vladyka, can we start with you? i've lost the meaning of life, right? i was a little over 20 years old, i was disappointed in everything, in art, in family life, in everything. and i didn't know what to do. committing suicide is somehow scary. i didn’t want to, yes, like hamlet, suddenly there ’s something there, i don’t know, in general, well, in general, i’m very afraid of pain. so... to do something, so i thought, there are children who are sick, they,
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probably bad, i was sick myself, i remember as a child, it was very bad, very scary, maybe one day the orderlies would go to work in the hospital, i went to the hospital, now it ’s called vladimirskaya, then rusakovskaya, at first it was, then rusakov, now vladimirskaya again , they didn’t take me there, i went, well , because they don’t need orderlies there, the children there are small, i went nearby to a tuberculosis hospital, they took me there, and that’s how mercy entered my life, and then god entered. this is my story with mercy. it’s not like you practically forced me there dragged. well, i somehow lived for myself, lived, worked, i probably had some kind of quest, but somehow it was not connected with helping people who were suffering and in need, and one day a woman called me, named lena lyubovina, she then worked as either
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a pr director or a crowdfunder, that is , a person who accumulates funds in the downside up fund, now it’s called love syndrome, it was a fund to support children, families who... with down syndrome, she was very persistent, i drained it, drained it and refused, tried, but why? well that's what i i didn’t understand who children with down syndrome were, why i needed this, it’s clear, well, that is, i didn’t have time, i was tired, i had some small children of my own, well, that is, it was all somehow completely outside of my life agenda, absolutely, but lena turned out to be a very persistent and convincing person, she pulled me out, they needed to carry out some kind of charity.
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with some kind of huge heart, with great gratitude that i came there for an hour, spent an hour there, buzzed about something, collected some money for them, and somehow i thawed out a little, i became interested, elena began to invite me to these events more often, and then, i don’t know anymore, it somehow happened by itself , it went, yes, here is one background, another background.
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and there i don’t know, but to run the state , maybe a cook or something there, no, it’s better to have trained people, everything is professional, she’s needed, and it seems to me that now she’s especially professional, because before people were kinder, they sacrificed more easily , they were brought up in this, can i tell you a story, yes, of course, i read in the smolensk region, i served there one thing time, and there was a time of famine, sometimes in the spring, when supplies ran out and people kept going to pieces, what did this mean? i didn’t go piece by piece, no, i read about it, they went piece by piece, and almost the entire village
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went to other villages and asked for a piece of bread, yeah, and it was so accepted that you can’t refuse it, even if you yourself. .. you walk in pieces, but they came to you, such was the custom, such were the people, look, after all, here we are talking about faith without delta, this is from the new testament, from the epistle of the apostle james, this is about works of mercy, after all, first of all, probably, probably, about love, of course, about love, i think that yes, of course, although maybe it’s about fidelity to christ too, maybe about martyrdom, maybe about confession too, well yes, of course, of course, in the very place it says that if... what is your faith, yes, you know, it seems to me that i don’t know whether you agree with me or not - that they are somehow acts of mercy well, if i may say so, they have a special status
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