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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  January 31, 2024 10:50pm-12:01am MSK

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and you have changed since our last meeting, for the better, thank you, the map is with you, let me take a look, then, when the fourth part comes, well, you know that ralph muller had a girlfriend during the war here, russian, her name. .. ekaterina zaitseva, so what of it, well, i wanted to meet him, you know, talk, but the old lady put her foot down, just recently, unfortunately, you don’t want to say that she took her secret to the grave? oh, no, no, no, no, she has a great-granddaughter, that is, a granddaughter, kinder, kinde, young. she knows something, but
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to be honest with me, she refused. i'm sure the map is here. why? why are you sure? he could only trust her with her. so, by the way, your young friends. here too, maybe they ’ll have better luck, they’re here, well done, that means your trail is correct, in any case, it turned out to be lucky, well, follow them, maybe i’ll try, what? but no, no,
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no, nothing, that's it, goodbye, rad, can you imagine, during the war in 1941, during the bombing, one bomb pierced the vault and fell between the altar and the icon of st. nicholas, and not exploded, listen, guide, you better think about how we can quietly look behind the crucifix, in fact, there is always someone in the church. let me just go in and take a look, well, they’ll kick us out right away, ralph, stand here and pretend that you’re not with us, here she always prayed in front of the crucifix.
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father, father, father, look, yes, aha, entschuldigung, ich suche die.
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you better leave the temple, sorry, we're leaving, i understand that everyone is eager to find out what's inside. come on, come on, now, now, now, what?
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here. igor, there is vodka,
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what kind of habit do you have that makes you come to russia and immediately drink? no, this is the custom of my yaman ancestors. there’s no need to pretend, mr. german. booze is our national idea, the process itself unites, and the morning consequences unite. there's a big game on the air. today, russian president vladimir putin made an important statement about what happened with...
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for an international investigation to be carried out, there are no volunteers from international organizations, so i officially take advantage of the opportunity, officially say, we ask you to send international experts and conduct this analysis, evaluate the available material evidence that the plane was shot down by the patriot system from a specific place, at a specific time, as i already said, at 11:10 two launches were made.
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let’s say, under the auspices of brix or something that the collective west still won’t recognize. this, this naturally raises a question. senator chizhov, you are the first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on defense and security. besides the investigation, is there anything else that needs to be done? well, obviously, some time will be given... for international structures or foreign states to finally formulate their position, because no one has even responded yet, and then decisions will be made , well, firstly, a national investigation will be carried out, and all the facts will be presented, it’s no longer so important
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, whether they admit it or not, the situation is so obvious that it’s no longer necessary to use the favorite western terminology of highly likely... and so, obviously, in those broad investigations that are being conducted investigative committee of russia about the crimes of the kiev regime, this chapter will be added there, well, highly likely, that is, highly likely, this means, most likely, this is a favorite phrase, very likely, very likely.
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ski base, president biden said that iran should be punished altogether, because it was an iranian weapon, it doesn’t matter if it was there. whether iran was involved or not, the drone itself was allegedly made in iran. based on this , as far as i understand, the petrio rocket is american-made. if it’s so obvious in america, they don’t want to be accused of that they use double standards, then we have the right to strike, strike, or at least cause damage to the americans who supply these patriot missiles.
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ukraine has no chance of attacking , the counter-offensive has failed, when
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everyone admits, including abroad, that and at the moment when it failed, this moment zelensky’s entourage becomes the most dangerous, because they resort to as many different kinds of actions, such as the downing of a plane, attacks on oil terminals in russia, some other acts of sabotage, they...
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i would like to add this unorthodox thought to the incident with the osbit il-76, maybe i, of course, overestimate the intellectual abilities of the leaders of the kiev regime, but the fact that the plane was shot down was precisely an american patriots, after all, to shoot down a military transport plane that was flying without protection, without escort of fighters, without these without firing thermal ...
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funding for the following supplies: now, if things go like this, we will be left without any protection at all, we will even be deprived of american missiles . since the answer will of course be from our side, so here the question of the relationship, which is now not so clear, between kiev and washington can play a role, maybe i want to ask you, dmitry drazdenko, a prominent military expert, what do you think should know
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kiev regarding this plane, i remember that when there was a tragedy with... i know who and what was thinking in kiev, well , clarify the situation for us, here’s how, what the process should have been to give instructions to shoot down this plane ? well, when was the story in the soviet union with the korean airliner, then our country was dubbed the axis of evil, it’s time for our marketers to somehow get involved in politics, if let’s say they call us an axis of evil, then
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let’s promote the narrative that they are an axis of lies, let them at least get used to it, and they think accordingly. as for the patriot complex, well, as you understand, a modern officer is a rather responsible, complex profession that takes 5 years to study. an air defense officer is one of the most difficult professions, because modern technology is not a gun, even guns are difficult now, they they require not just knowledge of higher mathematics and probability theory; they require much more. it takes a long time to prepare an officer for such a complex as patriot, to simply put it into operation. that is, we remember how much turkey retrained for our s400, in terms of preparation time, our complex is more loyal than, say, the same american patrion, then its export value is about 7 billion, that is, they were given three complexes, plus additional batteries, here we multiply 7.321 and about another one and a half, this is without missiles, who is all this manages, that is, to train dozens
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of ukrainian people during such a period, even gunners? it’s impossible, then hali liked who is sitting at the controls of these machines, do they obey commands from kiev, or are they carrying out some of their own tasks, especially since petriot has now been practicing ambush tactics for quite a long time, when he is moved quite effectively , this is a large complex, this is a whole convoy of cars, but transporting it on railways is quite interesting, i would say know-how, that is, they manage to do it.
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that this is a large transport and reconnaissance plane or something else that targets it could be a passenger plane - the airports are closed, which means nothing should fly here , in any case, they will blame ukraine, you see , there was a question even then when this happened , is this a french complex, that’s because they are similar in characteristics , well, in that case , the french would be sitting there at the controls, the story is the same , so that’s why...
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operators were given the right to shoot down all objects that are in the air on russian territory using
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american missiles. if so, then in fact , in my opinion, this is even worse. well, then , then, then, after all, there was a warning that a plane with prisoners would be sent, which means that at that moment, knowing where this complex is located and that it has such a right, it should have followed from the ukrainian side warning, this case should be excluded. don’t knock anyone down, it didn’t follow, this is also an invective, this means that it wasn’t done on purpose, this is a warning, at a minimum, of course to assume the most absurd thing is that there was no communication between the ukrainian military command, at any level, operators, americans, and there should not have been, and there should not have been, and the linguistic barrier also played a role, just a second, excuse me, please, because the previous time there was also an exchange and they also brought prisoners by plane, this is the only crossing point, i know this, i was there, the village of kolotilovka in the belgorod region,
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the only one along the entire length of this front, they know where the prisoners are being taken, where they exchange the bodies of the dead and so on, specifically in kolotilovka, i don’t know what happened there, which means they must have known that the american operators could do this. i fully admit that it was a mistake, putin said that it could have been a mistake, but if it was a mistake, it was because they had procedures that made it a priority to strike on russian territory or in russian skies, this at least i can’t find a good explanation, but now let’s listen when we think about the possibility of some investigations, some...
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goods, i believe that having such a rich potential, we cannot afford to simply be an outside observer, following in the wake of historical processes, especially taking into account the hopes that the countries of the global south and east have for brix. brix is ​​fully capable of shaping the global agenda by consistently defending its interests.
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but the fact that brix is ​​already a significant factor on the international agenda deals
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not only with global problems, of which there are many facing our planet, but also with specific situations, including potential conflicts, so i cannot guarantee that brix is ​​ready today. take on this investigative function, but i think this is where things will go. thank you, well, i agree that brix is ​​gaining momentum among those countries that are already members of brix, we must add the prospect of the entry of 27 countries that have already declared such an intention, today during our meeting with the minister of foreign affairs in the morning in the state duma
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are declining, is there any indication that these supplies, what is germany doing, what is france doing, and except on the part of the united states, is it possible to say? that, in general, the defeat on the battlefield of ukraine, that they have not yet led to a reduction in assistance, on the contrary, to the desire to do even more and support even more strongly. well, for now we can say that the military-industrial complexes of the nato countries, this is the usa, this is germany, this is france, they are only increasing their production, they are seriously lagging behind even the pace of
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development they themselves set. industrial complex plans to deploy production lines, then this is a long game, this is a game of a decade, that is, they will continue to supply ukraine as long as they succeed, or until there is no threat to them, this continuation will not be peaceful agreement , which has not yet emerged, in general , yes, as for the investigation, i wanted to say, well, yes, i probably also agree with the respected...
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it’s quite normal for them, well, just remembering the investigation of flight mh-17, i was quite interested in him, was involved, but when the criminal police is involved in this kind of event, when evidence is replaced, when it is simply sucked out of thin air, but this is all called an international investigation, the west, moreover, on the basis of this makes some other court decision, this says that there is no right left, they only have their own
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rules. as for russian rules, president putin spoke about this not so long ago, and sergei lavrov spoke about this, that the west believes in its rules as if they have universal significance, including for russia, and that russia has its own ideas about what is happening, its own interests and its own rules, and i want to ask them a simple question, we naturally will not discuss it on this program, so that...
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on the american diplomacy, into russian, and it seems to me that these two diplomatic schools have different traditions and that very often in the united states they do not understand what russia is saying. for example, on the eve
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of a special operation, and not even very much on the eve, for a certain period of time, it seems to me, in moscow was very clearly told that an intolerable situation was emerging. and that russia could not accept this, but it was not said that if you do not meet us halfway, then we will build such a tartraram for you that, as they say, they don’t show up much, so russian diplomacy doesn’t talk, and they in washington decided that since they they don’t directly say that there will be consequences, which means most likely there will be no consequences. i wouldn’t blame our diplomacy, because i don’t blame, i compare, we are intelligent people.
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today kyiv is doing everything that washington and other western countries will impose on him, but as soon as ukraine becomes a member of nato, article five applies to it, and accordingly, the responsibility
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of the united states and other nato member countries for ukraine increases immeasurably, they do not need this at all in the current situation, this as if it were a restraining sign, but i wanted to be, but this is not very reassuring. the program to live well is with you again. asparagus, why did the ancient egyptians paint it on their walls? we read the analyzes correctly. uric acid.
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let's take care of the breasts, what you need to know about milk gland? tomorrow on the first. gene sheaf. product of stetel group. what else am i doing? or a brotherhood of stern men revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom mine could finally rest.
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in the arctic circle, as the locals joke , it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10, well , very cold, we are in norilsk, friends, we see such a beautiful, beautiful chamois sword, what is the temperature of this whole mass, 1,200°, how do the guys withstand such a temperature, the fortitude of a real metalg, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let's iron we’ll make a man, if this iron man is tired after his shift and hasn’t washed yet, then he should smell like this, come on...
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that he can crush ukraine and wear down its western supporters. ukraine's task is to hurt putin's pride and show that it will cost russia dearly to continue the conflict. it is necessary not only to achieve success on the front lines, but to strike deep in the russian rear, as well as achieve lasting successes in the black sea. in such a situation, putin could start rattling nuclear weapons again, and it would be it is foolish to completely ignore the risks of escalation, but it is equally foolish to be unnecessarily afraid of unjustified intimidation. this is the understanding.
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i believe that he is looking for a way out of the situation and is trying, as a representative of the current administration, of course, to say that not everything is lost with the ukrainian scenario, there is still an opportunity to win back, despite the fact that in the twenty-third year they would tear russia apart...
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they underestimate the nervous system of our population, the degree of their patience and faith in their leadership, which obviously exists understanding the justice of the cause that we are carrying out is important for russia. for the russian people in general, the most important thing is whether this case is fair or not; if it is unfair, then no matter what you do, everything will fall out of your hands; if it is fair, we make sure that it is fair, in this case you are guaranteed from the fact that you will have support. you know, i agree that for the russian people justice, a sense
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of justice, is more important than for the vast majority of americans, but still, i would like -
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and i read his telegrams, his leadership in washington, these are telegrams that he himself declassified, which he quotes in his memoirs, how desperately he warned them in the bush administration not to go for a unilateral escalation in 2008 with conflict in georgia,
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he took a very constructive position, he took a very constructive position on nato expansion, now suddenly. yes, i would suggest looking at this situation from a european angle; in europe there is growing, i would say, not just concern, but fear before what could happen in november of this year, it is the return of trump that is the main topic of discussion. in the leadership of western european countries, this is what to do with ukraine if the americans, as they say, take a step aside, and the voice of this point of view is, as one might expect,
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the president of france, macron, who says: we need to prepare for that the united states will step aside, and we... just a second, let's listen, since you mentioned macron, let's listen to what he said, and you will continue further, this is a decisive moment and test for europe, we must be ready to act to protect and support ukraine, no matter what it costs us, and no matter what america decides. europe is lucky to have america as a partner, but we must be prudent. ukraine is part of the european continent, and regardless of washington's decisions, we must make the right , bold choice to support ukraine and the ukrainian people. a russian victory in the short and long term could be too costly for all of us, this requires our reaction, perhaps even an overreaction, to support the ukrainians. look, both burns and macron, they say that there is no need to be afraid of an excessive reaction, it is better to redo it than not to finish it. yes, a bold reaction, this
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presupposes appropriate preparatory measures, that is, it is necessary, of course. to increase the production of weapons at the maximum pace, because today, even about this promised million artillery shells for ukraine, people are already talking about it, it’s even becoming funny, because it doesn’t exist, in it will not happen at any designated time frame, that is, the military-industrial complex of europe is unable to ensure the pace of military operations that it was. conditionally last year, so europe, as they say, is at a dissolution, it turns out that the americans, well, by and large, dragged them into this, because... the nato summit, france and germany were precisely europe that was against those decisions, now the americans they were pulled in, if
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trump comes, the americans will take a leap to the side, and europe will be left alone with russia, here, these are the most of them, worries and frightens. dmitry, i heard an opinion in moscow that, in general, they are in...
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we don’t need ukraine and are moving aside, to be honest, it seems to me that trump will come to power, or the democrats will remain in power, in any case, america will transfer this suitcase without a handle to the european union, they will happily take it, again. russia, the whole point is that america does not supply long-range weapons to ukraine, that is, the weapons that they supply have a range of 100 with a small kilometer, they supply long-range weapons france and britain, they are trying with all their might to drag germany there so that it will also supply its long-range missiles, these are weapons with a range of 500. plus a kilometer, so the americans are playing a tricky game: europeans , you supply weapons, you actually hit through zelensky deep into russia, and we
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’ll stand and see how you’re having fun here, and then we’ll reinstate you all , that is, it looks something like this, we go out to advertise, she calls herself a dissident and a humanist, but in fact she’s ready to deport the residents of crimea if kiev asks for it. my the royalties go to ukraine, what do you think, people, how do they feel about this? i live in a social circle, you can’t call them ordinary people, i give all the money to ukraine, but where are you selling yourself? and why are her books still available in our country, zakhar prilepin, there was an attempt to kill him, i can’t say that i really like it, but you have the right to it, there’s already some kind of disgust towards them, i don’t i know if i will now advise that...
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modern man, also absolutely proven by genetics, was born in africa, and then from there began his journey around the world. language originated in africa, the first tool, our thinking originated there. ethiopia and eritrea are fighting over pushkin. pushkin is a cultural bridge between russia and africa. in russia, africans have never been considered second-class citizens. the same ibrahim hannibal reached the rank of general. he joined the russian elite, in 1960, under direct pressure from the soviet state, 17 african countries gained
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independence, i purified the ideal of a free society in which all citizens live in harmony and have equal opportunities. a lot of people think that in africa we don’t walk, go naked, eat bananas, when they come to africa, they see that there is electricity, we are the same people, we don’t differ. all major countries understand perfectly well that it is almost impossible for them to move forward without africa. civilization premiere, film two, africa, tomorrow on the first. i want to do the pose for probably a week, but by car you can do it for two weeks. vladivostok, the city of bridges, water, lighthouses, delicious seafood, it won’t catch fire, no, it won’t catch fire, don’t be afraid, but only if it’s due to taste. the welders also asked for help below, this is the amur tiger, the biggest kitty in the world, and
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even kozlov loves it, we can let you go there. what are you up to singing? yes, you're bored, the house has been repaired, you'll find students , the headlines are that you're a loser athlete, you've found a champion in the taiga , you'll go to a sports school, then, if you're lucky, you'll go to the olympics, everything will be fine, what?
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he’s being broken by these fishermen, i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya, you have little pity, you still won’t bring your father back, game, let's do this, training four times a week , three running, one rotting, then i'm in , i mean, well, let's kill him together, fakes, a thriller built on the collision of two realities, two people, there are crimes, and love, and most importantly ethnography, which one is the hero?
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it’s too late, why did you drag us into this, we are your own citizens, we will present it early or we suffer from it, we get problems from this, but there is no result, this must be explained somehow, hence all these speeches, primarily from those , who should with their loud speeches to compensate for their dissidence yesterday, first of all they are given correctional work, burns, macron and everyone else, demonstrate
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toughness, we used to reproach you for being soft, for some... i don’t think that this is a blind, extremely dangerous dynamic, but i don’t think that we should treat them absolutely in this case, ignore these words; on the contrary, i note that this is a very dangerous moment, because attempts are being made convulsive, feverish and criminal, sabotage, as in the case of by plane, somehow turn your side of the events that are going in the other direction , that’s what’s important, i don’t think you should not pay attention to this, but of course you need
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to understand, you need to understand what’s behind it, what’s it for? may lead, thank you, well , let’s go back a little again, i’ll allow you to fantasize a little, that is , once upon a time the world was quite calm, but the concentration of chaos... the united states has had a problem for a long time, this is the economy, and this problem growing, growing, growing.
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and in a united formation, go where, go towards conflict with russia. now let's look at the material side of the issue, yes, now they are increasing production there, they say
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, production there is six times higher, the fifth and tenth of artillery shells they produce there, albeit not at the pace that zelensky is counting on, but they are still increasing production, but let's say. when the special military operation ends, they will not, will not curtail this production, and these reserves that they will accumulate by that time will require objectively some kind of application, well, of course, it will be possible to get involved once again in the middle east, but the whole history shows the pointlessness of this without solving the key aspects that we know, but let’s not talk about the middle east, in short,
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but nevertheless, the restoration of some kind of strategic partnership advanced there this and that that we talked about, including i talked about in past years, is no longer and will not be discussed. several years ago i witnessed a very interesting conversation in moscow, between a delegation from the center of national interests and the minister.
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he said, mr. minister , i'm sorry, i'd like to respond to this, and he said , “look, you have to understand that of course, the united states is a big elephant in a china shop, sleeping next to an elephant is not the most comfortable thing, even if the elephant behaves relatively well, and if the elephant behaves the way the united states often behaves, then for those who deal with it , they are generally not very good.” and so it seems to me
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very important that in washington they understand that current american behavior, the behavior of the biden administration, more specifically, may lead to such a russian reaction that the united states, that the united states will not like it very much. i want to say that the conflict... which the respected senator spoke about with the west, began with the polish intervention in the 16th century and has not stopped, with rare exceptions, since that time, so this is a given that we must represent, but what about the dogs of the knights? well, this is an episode of the very distant past, because for some time we were excluded from the european, big european games, and then, in connection with these events , they were turned on again, especially in the 17th century, and so on. therefore, this reality is the conditions of our
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life, this is a circumstance that russia must always take into account, and of course, we should not rely on any miracle. we have people who believe, including in politics, they believe that something like this, trump will come, everything will change. poland and hungary will divide western ukraine, and thus all claims against russia will also disappear. in fact, we must understand that the matter rescuing drowning people is the work of one's own hands. the drowning people themselves, and we are obliged, simply obliged, not to drown, but to achieve victory, the most important way to make sure that our planes are not shot down is to push back the possibility of delivering these attacks, that is, to go on the offensive, that’s all. thank you, it was a great game, we'll see you on the air tomorrow.
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on the air of the show vavan eleksa. our first hero, winner of the russian booker prize, a big book. she calls herself a dissident and a humanist, but in fact she is ready to give crimea to ukraine with a light hand if asked. talented person and relaxant, lyudmila ulitskaya. we talked to her to figure out how she lives in a foreign land and what she thinks about the situation in ukraine. i will introduce our guests today; today with us is people's artist of the russian federation tatyana vasilyeva, journalist ilya gogua, writer alexander pelevin and journalist alexander chilenko. our first hero, winner of the russian booker prize and candidate for the nobel prize. she calls herself a dissident and
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a humanist, but in fact she is ready to deport the residents of crimea if kiev asks for it. a talented person and relakant, this is lyudmila ulitskaya, with whom we spoke on behalf of the head of zelensky’s office, andrey ermak. let's get a look. unfortunately, now it seems to me that russian writers will not receive any awards for a long time, until they officially repent. and probably something. so i have these thoughts, this is what you think, that in general i don’t know, i just received a notification that i was given a remark award here in germany, in general, what is your attitude towards the war, what do you think at the moment, i think this war will help ukraine, as a state, must decide , get on its feet, find its place in the european community and become
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much more independent from russia, independent than all previous history assumed, most of the history of ukraine is still connected with the fact that it was under the power of either the poles, or the lithuanians, or some other states, and today ukraine can become a full-fledged, independent national state, and i think that the time has come for this, it’s time, how do you like our president, what do you think in general , what? how are you you know, i personally really like him, well, i only read his speech, well, firstly, i like that he is not a politician, that he is a person from a different profession. i personally like him, let’s see how he will cope, his situation is very difficult, i know that ukraine has serious problems with corruption, i don’t know how he will cope with this, but i am watching this very carefully, i am constantly i read all the news, i read
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ukrainian news, this is the first news that i open in the morning, in general, in any case, i hope that ukraine will succeed to defend will finally be a historical fact. the creation of a national ukrainian state on ukrainian soil, with the ukrainian people, with the ukrainian language with ukrainian culture, i sincerely wish you this, this - today's situation will lead to the fact that ukraine, as a national state , will finally end, and the borders between russia and ukraine will pave the way not only geographically, but culturally, which i sincerely wish for you.
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i’ve re-read it more than once as a writer, and for me it feels like she’s saying, someone else's text, this is what she said initially, that when the svo began, her son came to her, took her and took her to berlin,
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so from that moment she has been living in berlin for almost 2 years, well, that is, he used her force took her away from here, well, she didn’t resist much, she probably didn’t resist much. he’s 77 years old and he couldn’t just suddenly change his mind, but the person has been processed since 2001, now she’s recognized as a foreign agent, that is, there are probably certain reasons for this, unlike many other writers, here again there really isn’t you need to treat someone specially for
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a person to talk such nonsense.


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