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tv   Vremya  1TV  February 1, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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africa is becoming a dynamically growing region, on which the nature and pace of development of the planet, its provision of raw materials, energy, and human resources largely depend. what do africans themselves see as their mission? most likely, it is to revive the unity of man and nature, the brotherhood of people with each other. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. the battle of avdeevka, our film crew was one of the first to enter the city along with the soldiers of the veteran brigade. it will harden. battle with the eyes
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our colleagues. irrefutable evidence of the kiev regime’s guilt in the death of our il-76 with ukrainian prisoners of war was shot down from the american patriot complex, the russian investigative committee published. the power of dreams and achieving goals, the president's parting words to the participants of the congress of the pioneer movement at vdnk and a tour for the head of state of the pavilions of the grandiose exhibition. russia. reliable home front, the popular front forum “everything for victory” has started in tula, a large meeting of caring people from all over the country who are helping participants in the special operation. conditions for growth. vladimir putin opened new buildings in four regions at once and held a meeting on the development of a network of student campuses. together, the visit of prime minister mikhail mishustin to elmaty is more profitable. tomorrow is a meeting in the eac format, and today. with
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colleagues from kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. democracy deficit, an emergency eu summit in brussels allocated another 50 billion euros to kiev amid a farmers' revolt. how european bureaucrats defeated the prime minister of hungary, who was initially against it. new churches, monasteries and a lot of work with young people. russian orthodox church under patriarch kirill. today is 15 years since his internment. at the beginning of the situation at the front. our military broke into the enemy's defenses in avdeevka. the fighting is already inside the city, which was considered the main bridgehead of ukrainian formations in the donetsk direction. over the years, the kiev regime has turned this small settlement into a fortress, and all this time it has been shelling donetsk from there, taking advantage of the fact that the capital of the dpr is only a kilometer away. putin at a meeting with trusted officials in moscow. he noted that veteran brigade fighters broke into ovdeevka volunteer corps. the same ones who
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last december spoke on a direct line with the president about the patriotic education of youth and expressed their readiness to get involved. our film crew was one of the first to visit the veterans on the outskirts of avdeevka. immediately after the industrial zone, which was once a powerful fortified district in su, was liberated. exclusive report by amir yusupov. listen, take care. brother, work. go. soldiers of the assault brigade. veterans of the volunteer corps of the russian armed forces work in the fortified areas of the armed forces of ukraine, surrounding the avdeevskaya industrial zone, they knocked out the enemies from the industrial area itself, as it is usually called here, and they occupied the nearest forest belts. don’t turn on the light, don’t turn on the light, that’s how you have to work in the dark , you work out and leave, because an enemy will most likely come after you, a sniper can work on you, we’re already used to it, we’re not afraid, we ’re just charging, we always work while the guys are attracted enemy attention. we are preparing
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to go into the heart of the industrial zone, we are tying our legs, there are jokes that the man who invented the adhesive ribbon, you need to present the nobel prize retroactively, here it’s knee-deep, knee-deep, i understand, before leaving, it was not for nothing that they wrapped their legs with tape, bags, water was really knee-deep and the guys, every night, every day they move like this. this is not only a waste listen now the dirt you look at endures this pit of character shooting is not as difficult as this everything that is not so difficult to shoot is not so difficult to endure this is all cold dirt so we walk almost a kilometer of course on top of the icy ground it is easier to move but then they will immediately see us with a thermal imager and point them artillery or drones or everything at once in some places guys.
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they try to cover the trenches with bars like this in order to at least somehow protect themselves from air dumps, because the copters are constantly cruising and picking up something. send it to your head from above, those conversations along the way are a series of instructions, just like that, jump, here is the sharon forest, this is the only place from where you can see us with a thermal imager, so in principle there is comparative safety, so, as it were, that is, we are again on the line we’re running from you, yes, well, now we’ll get to the dash, they ran towards me, to avoid all sorts of things, unforeseen situations, we will do it very quickly, turn off the camera, of course, of course, the turned on camera, especially in night mode, leaves behind a huge thermal trace, literally a beacon for the enemy with a thermal imager, but it is still possible to film part of the path and get to the point, here here, we
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got there, yes we got to the industrial area, yeah, veteran stormtroopers are holding the industrial zone together with soldiers from the ministry of defense, a number of other volunteers who recently signed a contract with... there are bags of earth everywhere, that is, it breaks through the bags, breaks through the rubber, only then here it flies in, a box, there are stones in the box, i understand, the logs are this thick, everything, that is, lies there , that’s how it turns out, everything was torn out , it pierced the armor, that is, it went through it, well, if
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this had not happened, it would have flown in, but that’s it, most likely it’s 200, the hulk, the commander of the machine gun crew, means that he could have died, the two hundredth are killed, until recently he himself...
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trying not to stop, hoping that the enemy is still sleeping off after a hard night, which our fighters arranged for him, from the prozone, of course, there was little... as veterans say, on our side on the day of the decisive attack, not much was flying, thousands of shells falling from the sky would have been a clear sign of an imminent assault, and the commanders wanted to bring the troops quietly, they succeeded, covering our soldiers. in the thick fog we came close to the buildings, due to the fog in the fog, the thermal imagers don’t work, that is , the birds don’t see us, that is , they can’t correct the artery, it’s good that the command sort of selects such moments, these are the weather forecasts, what when better come in they destroyed the susushniks
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almost point-blank, they could no longer direct their artillery, it would hit them, they tried to compensate with copters, the guys took cover behind the ruins, grenades were dropped on me, for example, these birds, that is, me... i turned the corner, in short , it explodes and doesn’t affect me, that is, there are a lot of places where you can hide, if you heard that he was flying, you can boil somewhere, the attack aircraft, together with the tankers, methodically cleared all the fortified areas, in the end the enemy, who defended the industrial zone with an entire company, lost about seventy militants, a little more than thirty more, left their positions, retreated into the forest belts of the nearest houses, and they are knocked out from there, now the front is leveling out, the boys are moving forward little by little, now it’s gradually leveling out. everything , one might say, begins, that is, you continue to press, of course, constantly 24x7 we press, press, press, win, our guys are constantly annoyed by enemy aggression, this is a small easel grenade, now the positions will be
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practiced from a tour, that is, an anti-tank guided missile, ags in one of the buildings located. that's it, let's get started, let's work , faster, let's go, go, little one, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, down, down
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, well done, paul's plan was leaflets calling on us to surrender, there is something to answer them, but the russians didn't surrender, amirpov, alexey belov, dmitry zelvyansky, channel one, now there are new details of breaking through the enemy’s defense in avdeevka, in kiev they called it an impregnable fortress, but for our veterans the impossible is not enough, a first-hand story: the main task was to break through the defense line. enemy and open roads for advance of the main forces of troops. the difficulty
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is that the enemy uses a lot of drones, so it’s very difficult for infantry to advance towards buildings, even when we enter a building and defend it, their beer flies into the windows, this is the biggest problem now. in general, everything went as quickly and efficiently as possible, the enemy was not ready for this, that’s for sure, all the art positions were there before. and also about the combat work of our defenders in the northern military district zone. russian military assaults took
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militant strongholds near the village of priyutnoye. an example of the coordinated work of all departments. the task was carried out by soldiers in infantry fighting vehicles, reinforced by a tank platoon. they were covered from the air by drones. the enemy's positions were previously cleared with artillery. and the daily report from the ministry of defense. the russian army has improved the situation in the red-yuman direction. almost two dozen attacks were repelled along the entire front line. the total loss of the enemy was more than 700 militants. ukrainian. lost a significant amount of equipment, including american m-777 howitzers and polish self-propelled guns krap. incapacitated radar station of the norwegian anti-aircraft missile system. the investigative committee today reported important details of the case of the ukrainian terrorist attack against our il-76 transport aircraft, which was carrying ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange and was shot down over the belgorod region. as vladimir putin said the day before, the plane was hit by two american missiles. his patriot, a famous point from which the village of leptsy in the kharkov region was attacked. in addition, the
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investigative committee reported that all the dead had been identified. let me remind you that on board in addition to 65 the ukrainians included six crew members and three russian military police officers. our foreign ministry and state duma have already responded to this news. anton vernitsky will tell you more. this is one of 116 fragments of american -made missiles discovered by specialists from the investigative committee at the crash site. transport il-76, transporting ukrainian prisoners of war for subsequent exchange. the fire on the plane, as the president had said the day before, came from an american patriot anti-aircraft missile system. according to the conclusions made during the investigation examinations, the fragments recovered from the scene of the incident, according to their design features, geometric characteristics and available markings, are structural elements of an anti-aircraft guided missile (miim). 104a of the us complex, developed by reithion and
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hughes corporations and manufactured at reithion. on its official website, the investigative committee published data on well-preserved markings applied to the rocket parts. there are even dates: eighty-third and eighty- four. here, of course, you can argue that by transferring old missiles to ukraine, the americans are thus disposing of them, allowing their military industry to earn money by producing new ones. after all, a heavy transport ship with a previously known route task - transporting prisoners - is not such a difficult goal, even for old ammunition. the point is different: it turns out that the us authorities are hiding behind words about protection.
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the investigative committee once again recalled this in its official statement. when working with detained ukrainian military personnel the investigation necessarily takes biological material to establish a genetic profile. thus, the investigation had at its disposal the genetic profiles of all ukrainian military personnel who were on board the said aircraft. in addition, the fact that there were ukrainian prisoners of war on the plane, even without genetic examination. they also show fragments of bodies found at the crash site; for ethical reasons we cannot show everything, but this can be seen from the characteristic tattoos, the same as those that the nationalists had from banned in russia, the azov battle during his captivity in mariupol in may 2022, while in ukraine they continue to claim that russia is in every possible way obstructing the international investigation of the tragedy. well, you know
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, there is already such a paradoxical situation here, the president openly, publicly stated yesterday that... that we are ready for an international investigation of this horrific act and we are interested in it, now we are hearing voices from europeans saying that let’s paper, we won’t consider anything without paper, that is, well it is clear that none of them will be interested in conducting an investigation and in this investigation they will stumble upon themselves; what kind of paper the collective west is demanding is not entirely clear, but once again, it indirectly stated that russia insists on conducting an international investigation. anton vernitsky, khristina ivanova, alexey simonov, channel one. today, vladimir putin again came to the exhibition of the russian national economy, where the achievements of our great country are presented. and just about how to go towards the goal, achieve results, the head of state spoke with participants in the congress of the first movement in the seventy-fifth
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pavilion. thousands of children and teenagers from all regions gathered there. report by anastasia kobazeva.
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to the addressee, this is an unusual format of communication in our time, but it really is every word, it resonates in the heart, it has a very good effect on the internal state. the president today thanked activists for their support of the special operation participants and residents of new regions. 3 million letters were sent to our soldiers on the front line, people who do not they regret and do not spare themselves, defending the interests of their homeland within the framework of a special military operation. about 400 thousand books were collected for their peers in donbass and sent to donbass and novorossiya. russia, the president emphasizes.
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each region here, as you know, presented its achievements. we wanted to show here what our country has done over the past few years, over the past 10-15-20 years. and we have something to be proud of. but what's interesting is what's presented here. was once someone's dream, and you know i i remember postcards from the beginning of the last century in the far east, in vladivostok, they depict a bridge that people dreamed about, they dreamed that it would one day exist, and this was at the very beginning of the last century, today there is this bridge, we have it built, and another, another...
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yunates, that is, young naturalists. the movement unites 120 thousand schoolchildren across the country, from 6 to 17 years old. camilla held a school cleanliness cup at home in kazania with like-minded people. now she wants to launch the eco-project in other regions of the country, she has there is every chance: the movement of the first supports the guys with grants. we live in this country, it is important to take care of it, this shows love for our homeland. by the way, the initiators of the creation of the movement were the children themselves in 2022 with a proposal to the president.
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i really want to say thanks to them, but it will be better, i just thought, it will be better if you and i do it right here, now together, do it on the count of three, inhale, thank you, one, two, three, thank you, i wish good luck to them, this is how the second congress of the movement of the former ended.
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putin had a big day at vdnkh today; at the russian exhibition there, the head of state took a tour of the pavilions and inspected the stand of the russian company vk, where the president was waiting for children creating various projects on vkontakte sites. and today the russian leader’s focus was on the sberbank exposition. vladimir putin visited several halls and assessed the development of technology and the bank itself, which was changing along with our huge country. all the details are in the report by konstantin banyushkin. rounding the fountain of friendship peoples presidential cortege. arrives at pavilion number two, during its seventy-year history it has never been called, the last name before the opening of the exhibition russia was public education, but now for several months it is the sberbank pavilion. hello, we
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have been waiting for you, welcome, here vladimir putin joins the excursion for young people. the sberbank exhibition occupies over 2.0 m in ten halls, the first of which is a historical biography of the bank written in 1841, as evidenced by the projection on the ceiling. i i want to tell the guys that ... sber believes that its history began when nicholas i ordered the opening of savings banks; a monument to nikolai cristofara, the owner of the first savings book in the history of the country, was even temporarily brought to the pavilion from st. petersburg, with three coins in his hands and your wish will come true. here, some of our visitors put forward the theory that the polished shoes are those for whom everything above has come true.
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created, i see, at his command , graphic images flash on the walls, the platform under my feet begins to move, half it’s impossible to tell a story about the history of sberbank. well, this room is furnished like the most modern sber offices; the space does not look like a regular bank. vladimir putin himself drew attention to something that he had never seen in ordinary client offices. here the president was shown one of the smart devices.
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everything that is possible is under the control of a virtual assistant, and by the way , many people use this, fireworks, close the curtains, it’s a kind of attraction, there are many of them in this pavilion, you are photographed, a couple of flashes, then the robot takes over hand, if he sketches me with curls, then it’s fake, another popular hall here is sber teaches children how to mine gold, an attraction called gold miners, here are the guys in the sand, yes. take it, well done, that's it, take it, leningrad, the schoolchildren want all this great for them, but at the next stop the guys shared their real dream with vladimir putin, the other day the head of state launched the construction of a nuclear icebreaker , they invited the ship to be launched on the water, and also get acquainted with crew, if such an idea is feasible, it would be very cool, agreed, thank you very much, the journey through the sber universe is completed, the aura is moving off , the next stop is vk, this has long been not
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only a social network, more... first of all, vkontakte is known as the most popular social network in russia, this is one of the the most popular bloggers on the vk platform. the young man makes videos for his peers in which he talks about the pros and cons of different professions. and the last one was a car mechanic. now he told me interestingly about him, so probably many wanted to become a car mechanic. yeah, the most views are for the lesson books, so probably the lesson books? there are many future teachers in our country. okay, thank you
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very much. compared to sberbank, the vk pavilion is very small, vladimir putin leaves an autograph, everything is very interesting, beautiful, and of course, a general photo for memory, konstantin panyushkin, ulga merkulova, sofia yatsko, dmitry skvartsov, alexander kovalev, channel one. tula welcomes hundreds of guests from all over russia, a forum has opened there, everything for victory, organized by the popular front, gathered unites a great common cause, helping our soldiers who are fighting on the front line, among the participants are employees of the defense industry enterprise and the state corporation, builders, doctors and volunteers, summing up the results. what has already been done, they are discussing how to do even more, even better, evgeniy lyamin reports from tula. works of turkish gunsmiths, pistols, shotguns, rifles. there is this example, popularly known as a photographic gun, but in reality it is a photographic reconnaissance device, 1945. it is in the tula museum of weapons that the everything for victory forum takes place. inventors, industrialists, doctors, volunteers came here from all over the country. more than 500 people, two doctors, one from ufa, the other
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from volgograd. we met a year ago in donetsk. alexander speredonov went to donbass to volunteer to help his colleagues. alexander vorobyov is a professor who studies exoskeletons. we have already talked about his developments and how they help the wounded return to normal life. exoskeletons are necessary during rehabilitation; they help train weakened muscles, and a person recovers faster. last year, from volgograd to donetsk, the professor brought one of developments. then they talked to the doctors about how surgeons need similar ones so that their hands get less tired during long hours.
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they also told about her earlier, how at 72 years old she could not stay at home, she went from her native khabarovsk to lugansk, there in the hospital she helped nurse the wounded and in deed, in a kind word, she came here to the forum. already from the donetsk people's republic, now she is helping doctors there in the hospital, i live the ordinary life of a normal russian person, i need help, i’m going to help, i need to rejoice, we rejoice together, so what? my job is to help the guys communicate, relieve stress, sometimes just in a conversation you tell some story, some anecdote, they come to life, on the forum they share their experiences, best practices, exchange contacts,
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but they just literally took it, so to speak and all the same, there were arrivals, everything else was very scary, of course, these bulletproof vests , the helmet was completely impossible, it seemed impossible to walk , we brought products, the first quadcopter , this was the first purchase of a quadcopter, it was just happiness for us, for everyone and for including the guys. now that quadcopters are at the front, consider them consumables, they are sent in whole batches, assembled , purchased thanks to the caring residents of russia, and here the people's front is...
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the president held gorodkov immediately after the meeting with participants in the first movement, with all still young people who just and they will soon have to cross the threshold of higher and specialized educational institutions, and the future of the country, without any exaggeration, depends on what kind of scientific environment they find themselves there. and of course we must already now, today, to work to provide them with broad, qualitatively new conditions for self-realization, for successful career and life growth, so that... they become real professionals in their field and receive reliable, value-based, moral guidelines, this without any involvement, the task is of a strategic national level, therefore, together with the regions and business, we are implementing a number of
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large projects for the development of educational infrastructure. opening of new complexes, part of a large project, right during four meetings opened their doors, and the capital’s famous baumanka is just... an example of how a university with a long scientific history can transform. for several years, with the active participation of the moscow authorities, the construction of new buildings was underway, including a research center, and a palace of technology and an engineering complex, but they also did not forget about the student dormitory. the hostel we are in sounds like a very utilitarian hostel, but look, it is truly a unique architectural structure that will be decorated not only baumanku, but also... the city as a whole, 60,000 km, and by the end of the year it will also go into operation. we continue to build buildings; they will be commissioned this year and will all accept students by september 1st. i wanted to
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, together with the students, does not support my request with the rector to invite you to baumanka on september 1, so that together we can open these wonderful buildings that will be an adornment for baumanka, and for moscow, and for the country. thank you very much, we just talked with marazyanovich, of course, it’s very important to do this in moscow, but nevertheless it works out for you too, don’t be greedy there, i mean. the surrounding area is very important, because development is necessary for such large educational institutions. with deputy prime minister morat khusnulin, the president inspected the model of the future campus of the moscow state university of civil engineering. new buildings, sports facilities and a dormitory will also appear here. and if you look at what has already been built within the project, it is obvious that no one was greedy here. this is what is called in stone, more precisely in glass and concrete. educational center in kogalym is branch of the perm polytechnic. or the higher school of oil, yes, now there is one at
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the almetyevsk petroleum institute, the school is also open today. we are solving the task that you have set to ensure the technological sovereignty of our country together with the ministry of science and higher education of russia and our industrial partners. in particular, over the past 2 years , six advanced engineering schools have been successfully established in the republic, in addition to this one. five of our universities, having passed the tough federal competition, entered the elite of russian education by participating in the 20:30 program. finally, ufa university, where they are clearly not being modest in their plans. dear vladimir vladimirovich, we wanted to create a reference space for the student environment, for the scientific educational environment, within the framework of this campus. there are eight universities in the first stage of the project, nine more in the second, and in general there are plans for...
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they propose to take it as a model, they very quickly
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designed it in essence, despite the fact that they are in the second stage and we laid stone, in my opinion, in july or august last year, in july there in 2023 , everyone else, starting from the end of this year, will leave the head office with an examination, starting next year, construction will already begin, everyone will leave the examination in this year, well, a significant part will be this year, there are some of the campuses there... everything is developing very much with finances , there are active incomes, but not in all regions and in sakhalin in general, in principle , now it would be a good idea to really help so that they even have projects done on time. as for help, then this is not only the task of the state; business takes an active part. simply because it is profitable, because
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the success of the company in which graduates come to work depends on the quality of education. and what we see, it’s very interesting, is that off-budget funding has increased, but business simply, as we understand, will not invest money; if in the first wave of selection it was 90 billion, business is investing 90 billion, but now it’s already 115 billion for projects in the second selection, together this entire project mobilized investments totaling more than half a trillion, there is almost 510 billion
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. when planning relevant projects in advance, keep in mind that this would be very useful for the development of a higher educational institution, and... everything related to a higher educational institution and the functioning of a city settlement in a given case , you just need to think about it in advance so that next to such a modern and promising space something does not arise that will interfere with development; on the contrary, it is necessary to create conditions there for the development of both the city and
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the higher educational institution, while the president urged not to forget about such a phenomenon as student families, just during the students’ recent trip to kaliningrad. scheduled for march, they will last 3 days from the 15th to the 17th. in accordance with federal legislation, the public chamber of the russian federation organizes public observation during all electoral procedures; we carry out this work together with
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the public chambers of the constituent entities of the russian federation and in addition always. we actively cooperate with everyone who is interested in ensuring compliance with the law, transparency of all these procedures. the co-chair of vladimir putin's election headquarters, the chief physician of one of the capital's clinics, maryana lysenko, visited today the rehabilitation center in kazan, where they not only treat, but also develop medical science and technology, there is also a so-called center...
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and more news from the presidential campaign communist party candidate nikolai kharitonov and party leader gennady zyuganov today spoke with svo participants and their loved ones. the meeting took place at the lenin state farm in the moscow region. informal conversation over a cup tea. the ministers are doing a lot of work to deliver everything they need to our soldiers and civilians in donbass. we greet everyone, the entire contingent of our troops, our defenders. victory on all fronts is inevitable, so today we are here, holding a meeting with participants in a special military operation with their parents and wives. the support for our
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defenders was discussed today in united russia; the party summed up the implementation of the people's program over the past year. helping svo participants and their relatives is an important area work. from the very first days of the special military operation, united russia provides assistance to its participants, family members, and participants of the northern military district. last year, we also took part in the supply of special equipment and drones , equipment, thermal imagers, and equipment for fighters for very significant amounts. much has been done in terms of legislative support measures that we took on the basis of the adjusted people's program. such work must be continued, thanks to party decisions, federal laws have been adopted to regulate credit holidays, ensuring financial protection for the families of sso participants, providing free legal assistance, simplifying procedures related to the preparation of various documents, and building a full-fledged system of benefits in
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the field of education. assess the development of cooperation, select the main vectors for the most important projects. russian prime minister mikhail mishustin today. to meet with you again with the opportunity to separately discuss current issues of gyrdyz-russian interaction, i am confident
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that our meeting today will provide an additional opportunity to compare notes on the prospects for bilateral cooperation. over the 11 months of last year, mutual trade turnover reached a level of 285 billion rubles, and this is a historical maximum of 88% of payments in national currencies. this is of particular importance for protection. russia, kyrgyzstan from illegal sanctions of the collective west. meetings one after another, just ended with the kyrgyz colleague, in the next room everything was already ready for negotiations with the prime minister of kazakhstan. see what these very bilateral meetings look like behind the scenes, only at the delegation table there are six people on each side. but there are also bullets of journalists, assistants in the hall, as they say , there is nowhere for an apple to fall, all with cameras, notepads, pens, the minister of economic development reshetnikov also has a blue folder. you had an impressive daddy today. you were always marking something there, well, there are a lot of issues there, bilateral, you identified what is relevant now, there is a set of, let’s say,
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closed issues that we are discussing, they relate primarily to issues of customs administration, we see , what russian production of similar goods is becoming uncompetitive, because there are different approaches to customs administration among countries, and this issue will be hotly discussed tomorrow, such serious issues as logistics, transport corridors, and the regulation of e-commerce. at the meeting of the prime ministers of russia and kazakhstan, the conversation, of course, was also about the economy; after all, our country is one of the main trade and economic partners of the republic, but not only about it. russia has been and remains key for kazakhstan a strategic partner, a reliable friend, bilateral relations are developing progressively on the principles of good neighborliness and mutual respect. for us, strengthening relations with fraternal kazakhstan is of priority importance. the legal basis has been created for the successful operation of branches of higher educational institutions. russia in kazakhstan, i want to thank you, alekhan askanovich, naturally, the leadership of kazakhstan colleagues for their attentive attitude to the russian language, it
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is such an instrument of interethnic communication, it helps strengthen contacts between our peoples. in almaat, the attitude towards russia and the russian language is visible to the naked eye, the names of streets, institutes, signs of shops, pharmacies, one of the metro stations is called moscow. kazakhstan is the leader in central asia in the number of russian schools, there are more than 3,500 of them. russia, belarus, armenia, kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan. anna kurbatova, alexey labushkin, guram razilov, vitaly blagov, olga gerosimenko, alexander gornostaev, channel one. you look at the time, now there is an advertisement, right after.
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we must surrender ourselves into the hands of god, we must work so that you have the feeling that you need to do a lot quickly , everyone is equal before god, the lord will not ask me who you were, he will ask: you visited a sick person, you came to prison to see someone who is suffering there, you are a piece shared bread, that’s what he will ask, thanks for your feat, as a result of which you received a wound, i... god’s help, strength, strength, mental, physical, but also a speedy recovery. i see a lot, i feel a lot, a lot, this signal
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that i receive from the outside helps me a lot in life. on the fifteenth anniversary of the patriarchal service, premiere of a documentary film. today, on the first one. what else?
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with everyone together, a little bit of lemons, boy , on the contrary, matodor, eduard savenko, looking for love, tomorrow on the first, come , please listen, vadim, fell from the roof, or you'll get it. this end will be very bad for you, you are in his apartment, where he did not transport you, with his child, whom he did not give to you, you were in conflict with vadi mirovich, we would like to somehow agree with you, they operate according to a special protocol, afraid the hype, given the level of the victim, does not want to attract attention, we have a warrant for your arrest, open up, or we will be forced
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to break open the door, container, imprison. until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks; the persian shah trusted only the russians with the most precious thing he had, that is, himself. i have met a lot of people who think that a woman should always wear black and cover her face, but this is not so, they asked, do you want to add a clause that he has no right marry a second wife, i say, yes,
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focus on the future and adaptability to historical eras, that's it... this is the real face of islam. civilization premier. film three. islamic world. next thursday, on the first. this is the program time and we continue. they twisted arms, hit weak points, made threats, and as a result forced hungarian prime minister viktor orban to retreat from his position and vote for more money to be allocated to ukraine. it turns out that european officials don’t give a damn about the situation of the peoples of the eu countries, which is why fires burned in brussels, farmers went on strike and demanded an improvement in their situation, at which time the printing press was already working in full swing to send huge amounts of money to ukraine, which could be useful to its farmers. ivan blagoy saw fires flaring up around the european parliament building, where european bureaucrats showed their attitude towards their own citizens, burn it
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with fire. this is definitely brussels, belgium, not ukraine, no. black smoke is spreading through the center of brussels, president of the european parliament roberta mitsola, today at the eu summit she addressed angry farmers, farmers who are outside, we see you and we hear you, are they really hearing you, because as soon as they approached the journalists, mitsola immediately blurted out. ukraine is our priority. meanwhile, eggs flew into the european parliament building. just the other day, a belgian tv channel showed the contents of a truck stopped on the highway. in it, protesting farmers found chicken eggs marked ua. ukraine, which clearly do not comply with european standards and were also clearly purchased at a dumping price. and this is a threat to local farmers. enraged today farmers tried to break into the euroquarter,
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where the buildings of the eu institutions are located. but at the next summit. tusk avoids these words. we are not tired of ukraine, we are tired of viktor orban. no one can blackmail the 26 eu countries. in order to force hungary to lift its veto on the allocation of 50 billion euros. in ukraine , everything was discussed, including the thermonuclear option, the application of article 7 of the treaty on the european union, deprivation of the right to vote, why wasn’t it used? you see, if we begin this procedure, we must be sure that it will have the result that 26 will oppose one, and this is not obvious. what if someone supports hungary, orban eventually received a black mark through the media, internal documents
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of the european commission were leaked to the financial times. in a document drawn up by eu officials. seen by the financial times, brussels laid out a strategy clearly targeting hungary's economic weaknesses. its goal is to jeopardize the country's currency and cause investor confidence to collapse in an attempt. harm jobs and economic growth, if budapest refuses to lift its veto on aid to kiev. orban said he has no doubt about the reality of the plan; he believes that then armageddon would come to his country. according to information from the german smito of hungary, it was filmed today during breakfast on the eleventh floor of the european council building. the meeting, which was attended by the german chancellor and the french president, lasted only 15 minutes. even before noon, the head of the european council, charles michel , notified the world through social networks we have a deal - unity, standing for. such unity , president of lithuania russophobe nausėda, is unexpected spoke in russian: this is our last and decisive battle. a line from the international, but what about the old school, the current president of lithuania, a former member of the cpsu.
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however, he bashfully kept silent about this fact when he submitted documents to participate in the elections, and then they surfaced. in the morning, the usually talkative viktor orban walked past the television cameras with a stony face. he decided not to communicate with journalists, but earlier he spoke with the protesting farmers and posted a video with these words. talk about migration, war, ukraine, or anything else, but at the same time, no one hears the voices of ordinary people on the streets; this is a real deficit in democracy. there are european elections in june, we need a new european parliament, we need to find new leaders. the same financial times, analyzing orban’s actions, writes that he is betting on trump’s victory in the us presidential elections this year, strengthening the position of right-wing parties in the european parliament, elections to which will take place in the summer. surprisingly, the 50 billion euros unlocked with such difficulty are still not enough for ukraine, because they are designed for 4 years and will be allocated gradually, and according to the lithuanian president, ukraine needs 34 billion euros of macroeconomic assistance this year alone. the kiev regime is unable
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to exist without money from western sponsors. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, evgenia stefanchuk, artyom pekhterev, sergey vaskoboynikov, channel one. today it is exactly 15 years since patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia became the primate of the russian orthodox church. state relations, thanks to which it was possible to achieve what in the past was even impossible to imagine, this is a discovery new dioceses, churches, monasteries, but
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the most important thing is a very broad work with youth, with children, i sincerely thank you for the support that you provide to all citizens of russia, but i would especially like to mention those who belong to our church. and those who are now on the front line and who especially need spiritual support? on behalf of the union combat unit, cordially.


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